RIOT Research Paper Writing Practice

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Black box testing, because we don’t have any information about how the system is implemented.

Q.NO.1. A
A Scrum Project Manager holds a position that’s relatively narrow in scope, yet extremely broad in
influence throughout any organization. In practice, however, a Scrum Project Manager is working behind
the scenes and is not involved in product ideation or strategy. They work more as a conduit between
product/line-of-business owners and development teams as a project manager. Because agile processes
are entirely dependent on people and collaboration, Scrum Project Managers must also marry soft skills
with the latest tools and methods. After all, software projects have many moving parts, and individual
programmers can quickly lose sight of the broader scope when heads-down in code. A Scrum Project
Manager, on the other hand, maintains a high-level view, helping teams to understand both organizational
and technical dependencies while avoiding chokepoints. This creates a culture of accountability and
enables teams to meet critical deadlines. So now, as you are well aware of what a Scrum Project
Manager is, it's time for you to understand the roles and responsibilities of a Scrum Project Manager.

Scrum Project Manager Responsibilities

 Implement Project Management/Best Practices

The Scrum Project Manager is responsible for creating and onboarding project teams, integrating them
into the organization and providing a clear vision of the product. The Scrum Project Manager also
facilitates communication and information exchange between external groups and the project team. They
also monitor project progress, provide timely feedback, and drive a culture of agility and learning.

 Keep all Parties on Track and Informed

The Scrum Project Manager hosts daily team meetings to get updates on the progress of the project,
address potential roadblocks, and ensure that the project is on track. They also host regular sessions to
share updates with product stakeholders about how the project is progressing (or not). Ultimately, it’s a
Scrum Project Manager’s job to ensure that the team is meeting deadlines with the desired outcome.

 Introduce Agile Engineering Practices

To improve efficiency, Scrum Project Managers encourage the use of continuous integration (CI) and
automation. With CI tools, developers integrate chunks of code into a central repository frequently, from
which automated builds and tests run in successive iterations. This repeatable approach reduces the risk,
time, and effort associated with traditional development methods. For instance, if a bug appears in one
build, it can quickly be fixed in the next. Another agile technique Scrum Project Managers advocate is
“pair programming”, where two developers collaborate in real-time and at the same workstation.
Altogether, these practices reduce development time and improve the architecture and quality of the

Q.NO.1. B
Glass box testing requires knowledge of software design and coding practices, an understanding of user’s
mindset, knowledge of known design patterns, and the use of different testing tools and techniques. Glass
box testing brings together the skills of a developer and a tester.

Q.NO.1. C
According to the 1994 Standish group survey study, only 16.4% projects were completed on-
time, on budget and with complete scope. 52.7% projects were failed to meet their scope or were
exceeded their time or budget. 31.1% projects were cancelled due to several reasons during
development phase.

Q.NO.2. A
Functional Requirements
 System should be connected to internet
 System should be able to reserve rooms for customers
 System should be able to allocates rooms for customers
 System should be able to perform final settlement of bills
 System should be able to ask user start and end date of their stay
 System should be able to ask about quantity of rooms to be reserved
 System should be able to cancel reservation
 System should be able to modify start date, end date and number of rooms in a
 System should send customer acknowledgement

Non-Functional Requirements
 System must be developed as a desktop application.
 System must be able to handle more than 100 requests at a time.
 System must not reserve and allocate same room to more than one customer
 System calculated bill must be in appropriate size for printing
 System must possess all professional attributes.

Q.NO.2. B
Student Placement representative
-studentID -ID
-studentName Consults -Name
+recieveNotification +carreerGuidance
-Collects information

Placement Officer

Q.NO.3. A
3. Analyze 6. Design
data Screens

1. Collect 2. Analyze
requirements processes

4. Design
5. Design Data 8. Program

10. Install

7. Design 9. Test and

reports document
Q.NO.3. B,C,D
5 3. Analyze data 7 7 6. Design screens 9

12 2 14 14 2 16

9 8. Program 14

16 5 21

0 1. collecting requirements 3 3 2. Analyze processes 5 7 5. Design data 10 14 10. install 23

7 3 10 10 2 12 9 3 12 21 2 23

14 9. Test and document 21

14 7 21

5 4. Design processes 11 10 7. Design reports 14

8 6 14 12 4 16

Critical Path

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