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An effective way to teach listening for compherension.

Listening skills are vital for learners. We have to master 'four skills,' in english, and of them
is listening.. listening is by far the most frequently used. Listening and speaking are often
taught together, but beginners, especially non-literate ones, should be given more listening
practice. The Effective, modern methods of teaching listening skills encompass everything
from interactive exercises to multimedia resources. Listening skills are best learned through
simple, engaging activities that focus more on the learning process than on the final product. 

In my opinion, an effective way to teach English listening lessons for compherension is in the
following ways and maybe if in the future I will become a teacher, I will use this way.

1. Audio segment
We can teach listening skills through audio segments of radio programs, online
podcasts, instructional lectures and other audio messages. We should model this
interactive listening process in class with the students, and then instruct them to repeat
the exercise on their own. If I have an opportunity to teach a teenager, I let them to
listen to their favorite music in English and to test their compherension in English ,
we can give them an assignment to find the meaning of the lyrics and they will
identify it. It is more like playing and learning. I’m sure by doing this they will be
2. Watching videos
Another helpful resource for teaching listening skills are video segments, including
short sketches, news programs, documentary films, interview segments, and dramatic
and comedic material. We have to admit that Students is having more interest in
visual learning , so to teach listening skills we can use by watching video without
subtitle and let them listen and identify the conversation/dialogue in the video. This
will make them more pay attention to the words and trying to understand what the
speakers said in the video. But still we have to select the portion and length of the
video segment based on the skill level of the students.
3. Interpersonal Activities
One effective way for students to develop stronger listening skills is through
interpersonal activities, such as mock interviews and storytelling. We can Assign the
students to small groups of two or three, and then give them a particular listening
activity to accomplish. For example, we may have one student interview another for a
job with a company or for an article in a newspaper. Even a storytelling activity, such
as one that answers the question “What was your favorite movie from last year?” can
give students the opportunity to ask one another questions and then to practice active
listening skills.
And the basic structure to teach listening skill are:

 Before Listening
Prepare to introducing the topic and finding out what they already know about it. A good
way to do this is to have a brainstorming session and some discussion questions related to
the topic. Then provide any necessary background information and new vocabulary that will
needed for the listening activity.

 During Listening
Be specific about what students need to listen for. They can listen for selective details or
general content, or for an emotional tone such as happy, surprised, or angry. If they are not
marking answers or otherwise responding while listening, tell them ahead of time what will
be required afterward.

 After Listening
Finish with an activity to extend the topic and help students remember new vocabulary. This
could be a discussion group, craft project, writing task, game, etc.

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