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FINAL EXAM July 2016

Subject: Pedagogical Grammar

Tutor: María Noel Taranto
Litti 1

Please answer all the questions briefly and to the point.

Part I

1) State a definition of Grammar in simple terms.

2) What is a Pedagogical Approach to Grammar and what are

its advantages over other approaches?

3) Briefly explain how a language Teacher can use

Learners’errors for their own benefit and progress.

4) Explain the concept of “Time Reference” with regard to the

English Verb Tenses. Give 2 clear examples to illustrate
your point.

5) Given the two structures Modal Auxiliary verbs can take,

state one example of any modal use with present/future
time reference, and one example with past time reference.


Part II

1) Describe one use of the following Verb Tenses:

a) Present Continuous/Progressive
b) Past Perfect Simple
c) Future Perfect
d) Present perfect
e) Simple Past

2) Describe one use of each of the modals below:

c) WON’T
d) CAN’T
e) MAY


3) Error correction/analysis:
i) correct each error.
NB: There may be more than one error per sentence.
ii) explain the grammar involved in the errors.
iii) State the likely origin of /classify the errors below.

a) Will you have agreed if you have knowed?

b) He had never being there before.

c) If they have the key, we would enter the house.

d) He should have not given them the money.

e) They have live there for a month ago.

f) I don’t see him since last year.

4) Parts of Speech: label each word in the following sentence
according to its grammatical role (only one label per word):

A wolf was walking in the countryside one day.

He found a sheep-skin spread on the ground, and

thought, "If I wear this skin and get mixed up in the

flock, the shepherd will not suspect me. At night, I

will kill a stout sheep and then take it away with



5)Label the following words:

 Mine
 Your
 Themselves
 Us
 He


Total 90 marks. This is the end of the test


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