IB (Singapore) Assignment LV

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ADIL AWAN - S2018005023

(a) As we know that Turkey is a secular state in which they follow secularism as of
there is no specify religion is officially announced so they can do any kind of business
keeping the religions separately either it can be Islam or Hinduism or Jewism. They do
not make it hard to dd business e.g. you can sale wine or any other drug easily without
any kind of limitations or hesitations just because of secularism. On the same hand there
is no such kind of limitations and liabilities to do any other work.
(a) As Singapore is also a secularism state as Turkey they do not officially recognize any
kind of religion so you can do any kind of business there any kind of work there, so
there will be no issue if you do any kind of business that is forbidden in Islam.

(b) The experience of the region near Kayseri teaches the following about the relationship
between Muslims and business. Historically the numbers of Muslims who were
completely against to certain aspects of business were able to avoid compromising on
globalization efforts but with good business results. What might seem to be the best
values could be just prices damaged the earth around them. Here the case refers to this as
a kind of Islamic Calvinism. On the other hand there are some community that thinks
that who believe that Kayseri's success is not due to Islam but to the Western world.
They see the Western world and Western capitalism, for example, non Islam, and
because of globalization and the opportunities that go with it they want to succeed.

(b)Over the centuries the relationship between science and religion has shifted from
conflict and hatred to harmony and cooperation. To understand how science relates to
religion around the world the Research Center discusses their ideas with a small group
of Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. This one-on-one dialogue is taking place in
Malaysia and Singapore - two Southeast Asian countries that have invested heavily in
scientific research and development in recent years and are home to a diverse religious

(c) Turkey's membership in the European Union depends on economic political and cultural
factors. Rather than being a geographical region with a specific cultural and religious
history the European Union has defined as a political project that values a liberal
economy such as human rights, plural democracy. However, Turkey's entry process on
cultural and religious aspects through which Islam and Europe are redefined. Turkey's
opposition to EU membership is misleading and revengeful based on the need to make
cultural and religious claims mandatory.
(d) As Singapore is a secular state and do not enforce the Islamic laws in the businesses so
there is no such role of Singapore is included in the European union. Singapore supports
liberalism so there is no such kind of religion followed there. Singapore do not follow
the role of Islamic business laws. There role is different and as per the secularism in the
world economic forum.

(a) Guanxi means relations, which in the commercial context can be understood as
"connection". "The Guanxi concept is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and
Confucianism. The Chinese often cultivate the Guanxiwang or" Relationship
Network "for help. In addition to these individuals, Mintz was generally able to gain
access to film advertising in outsider locations. Closed. Guanxi and Guanxiwang
needed to do business in China. There are laws and a business can make a deal or
break the connection that an entrepreneur makes when he leaves the business. A well-
done deal will give the entrepreneur a reputation and allow him to easily access other
resources in the future.

(b) Personal authority and relationships rather than the rule of law are always crucial to
working in China. China is a country full of people who do nothing for free that is the
main reason that there labor cost is low. A business that tries to follow all the rules
will never get business. While examining the DMG case in Shanghai we clearly
identified the Guanji effect. DMG founder Dan Mintz has no stronge experience in
advertising. They have no contact in China not even Mandarin. However he had
Gwangji with two young Chinese who had relationships with people of different
levels. By making their connections as the company’s Gwansiwang base they were
able to become one of China’s fastest growing advertising agencies. DMG shows us
that culture is an important issue in China. Guanxi represents the most important
business connections for companies doing business in China Guanxiwan refers to the
relationship network that companies cultivate. Both are important to Confucian ethics
- loyalty, mutual responsibility and honesty in dealing with others - which govern
business in China. Dan Mintz believes that Guangxi and Guanxiwang are important
in helping companies overcome the limitations that limit their performance.
(c) Gwansiwang belongs to a relationship network that many Chinese companies rely on.
Since mutual responsibilities are important to this process, it may indicate that
companies may be in trouble if some students ask for a return in favor of a network
partner who has committed unethical acts. Other students in China, it’s not what you
know, it’s what you know.

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