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Medium Questions:

Question No# 1
What do I really want to achieve (the goal)?
Ans: In flyaway hub achieving of goal involves setting, understanding, meeting, and exceeding
your goals on a long-term basis. Our goal is to constantly increase the level of customer
satisfaction in the products and services we provide. Our commitment to quality begins and ends
with the customer.
So we are committed to the following key elements:

 Be people-oriented
 Be dedicated to excellence
 Strive for continuous improvement
 Achieve total customer satisfaction
 Be personally involved

Question No# 2
Why do I want it?
Ans: Flyaway Hub is the management information system used by flight schools across the
globe and provides digital solutions for Book A Flight through computer-based systems for
managing flying clubs and flying schools in Canadian market. We provide end-to-end solutions
covering. airplane scheduling, student training records, instructors, students/members, facilities,
equipment, regulatory requirements, accounts integration, and much more.

What started as a basic online airplane scheduling program has evolved into a full-service
software solution that eliminates the need for paper records to be kept in flight schools. Easy and
automated, CFI and flight school management

Question No# 3
How does the moment look like if I don’t achieve it?
Ans: If you fail to achieve your goal. You must need to understand that success and failure are part of
life and if you fail to reach your goals, it is very normal. You just need to find out what went wrong. It
doesn’t mean that you have failed. It simply means that you have made progress, but not getting the
result you want. Do a post-mortem and implement a new strategy to reach your goals again.
Question No# 4
How does the moment look like if I achieve it?
Ans: Sometimes reaching a long-term goal is a joy. You celebrate, and you feel happy. If this is
the case, take it and bathe in the feeling of success. Those moments in life are not every day, and
you should not ignore them. Enjoy happy moments as they arrive
At other times, however, it may seem as if the achievement of what you have worked so hard for
is not as great as you thought. It may even sound anti-climatic. After all the hard work and
struggle, you may end up feeling empty, and you may miss out on that effort. These feelings are
also true and do not change your success.

Question No# 5
What’s the medium for success?
Ans: When I first began at the end of April, I wasn’t sure what success on Medium would look
like for me. All in all, I feel that my journey so far has been a successful one. But that’s my
personal feeling. More successful than I hoped, though I’m still not exactly where I hope to be.
Still, the small wins help me stick around and believe in the big ones. But hopefully, you’ve
noticed that my goals and my idea of success are centered around my growth. I want too
consistently do better. Over time, my goals and definition of my success will continue to grow
and change and that's perfectly fine by me.

Question No# 6
Do you think any emotion is good?
Ans: Positive emotions are worth cultivating, but being constantly upbeat carries its own risks.
We must embrace all our emotions, not just the good ones. Research shows that experiencing
and accepting anger and sadness are vital to our mental health.

Question No# 7
Is there a relation between thoughts and reality? Are thoughts reality? Can
they become reality?
Ans: Your mind is very powerful. Yet, if you're like most people, you probably spend very little
time reflecting on the way you think. But the way you think about yourself turns into your
reality. If you draw inaccurate conclusions about who you are and what you’re capable of doing,
you’ll limit your potential
Your thoughts are a catalyst for self-perpetuating cycles. What you think directly influences how
you feel and how you behave. So, if you think you’re a failure, you’ll feel like a failure. Then,
you’ll act like a failure, which reinforces your belief that you must be a failure.
Question No# 8
If thoughts are water vapors and reality is the rain, whose responsibility is it
to condense the water vapors to bring the rain?
Ans: The air is full of water, as water vapor, even if you can't see it. Condensation is the process
of water vapor turning back into liquid water, with the best example being those big, fluffy
clouds floating over your head. And when the water droplets in clouds combine, they become
heavy enough to form raindrops to rain down onto your head. This section of the Water Science
School discusses the Earth's "natural" water cycle without human interference.

Question No# 9
One liner goal?
Ans: We provide paperless environment for the flying clubs, partnership, flying schools, and
aviation universities in cost effective way. Each and every record is crucial in aviation industry
and on paper records get misplaced Flying clubs wants to have maximum number of Resource

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