Ways To Increase Self

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Ways to Increase Self-Confident in Social Life

By yiskathreeziroww

What do you think or feel when you hear the phrase of social life? Are you thinking
about meeting the crowd? or become a famous person on social media? think how can they
be social or maybe you feel nervous or not confident when you are in a social environment?
Yes, what was just said was all included in the process of social life. But what is social life ?
is a life in which there are social elements / society. A life is referred to as a social life if there
is interaction between individuals with each other, and with it there is communication that
then develops into mutual need to each other.
In interacting with each other there are many people who are not confident to interact
or meet others, this becomes an obstacle for someone to socialize, what is self-confidence?
self-confidence means confidence or attitude that believes in one's own abilities so as not to
worry or feel comfortable and free when doing something on your own. So why we must
have a self-confident? that is so that we are easy and do not hesitate in socializing, can build
relationships with others, can control ourselves, and have the ability to lead the crowd. But
there are still many people do not know how to increase their confidence in social life so that
as a human being can interact with others with confidence because many people still do not
know how to increase confidence here are some steps or ways to increase confidence in
social life
First start from getting to know yourself and thinking positively, why it is important to
recognize yourself and think positively, the key to success is to know yourself by knowing
yourself, you can know what your potential is and what your limitations are, this will make
you think positively about yourself, when you know your potential then you will develop that
potential and know the limitations that exist in you can be a boost for you to continue to
increase your potential so that you can make your limitations or disabilities become a
motivation for yourself and others. positive thinking is also important because it will help you
in exploring your potential and recognizing yourself.
The second, Train yourself and mentally from small things. like an athlete who does
exercises in order to get good results, confidence also needs to be trained including mental
because if not trained then there is no progress in you, start small things like smiles and try to
be friendly with others. It looks simple but it is very good to start building confidence and
building relationships with others. furthermore get used to forgiving others as well as
yourself, every human being must make mistakes including yourself, by forgiving mentally
you will be trained to mature in acting, maturity in acting will make you become confident in
making a decision both for yourself and others
The third way, Stop comparing yourself to others! comparing ourselves to others will
never be endless and will leave us increasingly lacking courage or confidence. Be yourself
without comparing yourself to others focus on improving your quality. Believe me you are
special, you were born with a great purpose in this world, all the potentials and disadvantages
that you have all have a function and purpose why you experience and get it. So stop
comparing yourself. There are several ways to stop comparing yourself, such as using
gratitude, Don't compare your life to other people's highlight reels, Focus on your strengths
and potential, appreciate others,Learn to compete with yourself instead of others, Have limits
on how much time you spend on social media or time spent looking at other people's lives.
Fourth or last, make it a new habit, why? yes by making these things as a habit then
by itself confidence will appear and increase, just like learning when learning is only made an
obligation then it will only be stuck there without any progress but if it is made a habit then
learning will be very enjoyable and that way we will continue to improve our learning ability
in terms of increasing confidence. So confidence must be made a habit so that we can be
people who continue to think positively and confidently.
So let's see, it's easy to boost confidence. Having confidence is important and it is an
expensive asset that must be present in a person and must be improved, by having confidence
will make everything that is done feel more comfortable and not be a burden of the mind, you
will not be afraid when jugde by people or compared because you have a mentally trained
and have potential that can be developed . Therefore it is your time to increase your
confidence in order to live a social life well and be useful to yourself and the people. So, love
and enjoy with your self and increase your confident.

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