TikTok Script With Rica

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Video Script

1. Other Ways of Looking in English – Cara2 menengok dalam bahasa Inggris

Situation “Ngedate” part 1

Glare – menengok dengan marah

Guy: Sorry dek, telat abg

Girl : Glaring saying “hmmmm”

Gaze – Menengok dengan terpesona

Guy : Gazing at the girl....

Girl: kok gt abg nengok2 adek?

Guy: acting akwardly

Frown – menengok tidak suka/setuju

Guy: cmana dek? Enak ko rasa makanan/minumannya ?

Girl: Showing frowning expression

Funny part

Peep – Mengintip

Girl – Balek yok, bosan adek bg.

Boy – yok, ntarluu dek ya as I peep to my wallet but finding out i got no cash left 

The End

2. Ways of Speaking

Situation “Ngedate” part 2

Mutter - komplain bisik2

Boy: Tengoklaa mau apa dek?

Girl: Muttering saying “Mahal2 kali la disini kopinya bg.”

Boy: Selow kau dek, aman itu.

Whisper – berbisik
Girl/boy: Getting ready to leave and pay

Boy: peeping at his wallet but no money there and whispering to the girl

“Dek, abes uang abg smlm yg cepek lempol rupanya. Ada uang mu kan?”

Whine – marah dengan nada tinggi

Girl: ahhh gamauu... gasukaaa banyak2 cakap......

The end

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