Advanced English in Use 3 Extra Practice

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Vocabulary Where can you find these people? Look atthe picturos and complsta the words. 2 cumplote the sentences with the words batons market + office block + railway station + theatre car park « university « playground «airport newsagent 1. John is studying art at em 2. Lbuy all my vegetables at the 3. Many people work in that big. 4, Do you buy your magazines atthe = Tear YoUE house? 5. About 20 aeroplanes arrive #t this = —. every hour, 6, Theres a huge —for children in the park. 7. Let’s park our car in the esr the cinema. 8, The train is azziving at the central a at7.30 am. 9. The play starts at 9.00, so let's meet at the caf near the at 830. Grammar 'B Complote the sentences wits the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional. 1 iit (be) cold this weekend, we ae (aot drive) to the lake 2, He (climb) up the Eiffel Tower ithe. (sisit) Paris, 2 you z (take)a tax ifthe bus (not come)? 4. Unless we (leave) now, we at (not reach) the airport on time, 5. The bus __(arrive) soon unless there — (be) 2 lot of trafic. & (Match Ato B. Then complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Zero Conditional. A rae - your teacher rae (get) impatient _—— (tain) a lot in Apsil, ~ (not know) a word, - (leave) ice in the sun, _~ ook) it up in the dictionary. (melt). students questions? =. there Aowers in May - (ask) a lot of —— (be) usually lots of 5 Complete the e-mail with te eorrect form of the verbs in brackets, Use the Zero or First Coitional. Hi Judy, Hove great that you're going to London! When I have a holiday I always + (try) to 40 there because there’ just so much to do. If you and Jim like animals, you *— ~ (enjoy) the Nanoral History Museum, Ifyou like history, the Churchill War Museum * (interest) you. You'll learn exactly what happened in London during World War Il And of course, if yout “(decide fo go tothe theatee there = = (be) always something good to see. If you * __ (book) tickets’ Saline before you leave, you ® Get ‘good seats for the best shows. Have a wonderful time! Amy (13 ermal, Wocabulary Complete the area to the pictures. '3 complete the second sentence so that & means the ‘ame asthe first. Use the Second Conditional. 1. Lwant to visit Australia, bt I haven't got esough money. Twould ———____. 2. [think you should take a tour. rt 3. Ieant take my tent because the luggage allowance is only 20 kaos. Ifthe luggage allowance — 4. Tho guide speaks ro fly hat we cant bear him, we - 5. Dy yuu think Danlel is wo shy to ask me out? ‘Would Daniel 2 4 Conpiete the sentences with the correct form ofthe ‘erie in brackets, Use the Third Conditional. 1 Jock (G0) to the nightclub ifit —- (not cost) so much. (leave) the hotel cartier, ee) more -— (not stay) at home if the 5 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the eto First, Second or Third Conditional, Last year, we went on a guided tour of Europe. We had never been to Europe before. We were sure we 4 (see) more if we took a guided group tour. In addition, ifthe tour company (plan) our itinerary, there would be less work for us! Unfortunately, the trip was a disester and all because of one family. If this family (cead) the itinerary, we (ave) a youd time. However, -wewasted a lot of time waiting for them every day. ‘Today, [know that when you =_____ (travel) with a group, i is important to act responsibly. Ifthe people® (not be) considerate, you” {not enjoy) the tip Ifwe plana trip again, we ear (go) sightseeing on our own! (Aivascd Rapin Use 3 Phowenpianie OO. Fes] 179

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