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Shadowing day: 1
First day shadowing went very well. Right as we got here we started to learn and
navigate around the back part of the business for the first I’d say 30 minutes or so. Doing so, we
went over a bit of inventory, how things should be sanitized and cleaned, how mobile scooters
are fixed and prepared to be sold to the next client along with a lot more. We went over things
such as how the business rents out equipment, sell it and how they can also charge insurance or
how people can pay cash and so forth. The rest of the day we did routes for their delivery
service for people who have home health problems or with people who do hospis. We were told
we couldn’t go into very much detail as it’s for privacy reasonings. Such as were we headed to
pick up the equipment or the delivery of equipment to those doing hospice or have home
health issues.
Shadowing day: 2
The second day shadowing was splendid. We throughout the day worked on taking
apart oxygen generators such as the Invacare Platinum 10 as they were to be salvaged as they no
longer worked. Doing so we went over the parts in the machine such as the following, tubing,
battery receptors, oxygen cylinders, the fan, generators and much more little parts that were less
important but still usable. Doing so just about the rest of the day, we took a trip to menards
and talked about how on certain days throughout the week everyone usually has different tasks
or things to be doing. Our way into menards we were shown equipment and certain things
such as screws and other equipment needed.
Shadowing day: 3
The third day was indeed precise. We went over some of the stuff we talked about from
the week before to jumpstart our brains. Then later talking of routes and actually ended up
taking and doing a route to brookings for a delivery of oxygen tanks and a bed. When we got
back we took apart a few more scooters and salvaged the parts as they were going to be used for
another project. Then went over how to medically clean equipment and how important it is
for germs, cobwebs, and dirt to be cleaned off before going to the next client.
Shadowing day: 4
On our last day of shadowing we went to KXLG radio in Watertown and basically said
what we've been doing such as shadowing and what we wanna do after highschool. Not only
that, we got a look on how Midwest Medical Services get their own company more known to
people and letting them know that they're able to do things such as let you shadow their
business, sponsors and help those in need of medical equipment, such as oxygen beds and such.
The rest of the day we did a couple of more routes, cleaned equipment and went on the radio.

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