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Kaleshia George

2nd period
Project Lead The Way Notebook.
next Steps. Brainstorm a list of things you need to know so that you and your
team can solve the mystery of Anna Garcia’s death. What does your team need to
do to answer these questions?
Reflection Question. Which search method do you think is most appropriate for
the Anna Garcia scene? Explain your reasoning. Zone method because you
are in a building and it would be easier to search.
4. Create a basic sketch of the scene. Use the sample scene sketch (Figure 3) as
an example.

5. Complete an Evidence Log that lists all of the evidence the team found at the
scene. This list will help direct your investigation. Create a table with the
following headers:

Evidence Log

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Evidence Questions Hypothesis Tests

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What happened
She was
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Blood Who blood is this? She suffered from
health issues

Fingerprints What time was it Could someone

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when this planned to kill her

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Shattered glass How did the blood She may have

get here ? been poisoned
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Career Connections. Which traits of a biomedical scientist do you feel are

personal strengths you possess? Which traits of biomedical scientists do you feel
you need more opportunities to develop? Choose three traits that you think would
be most helpful in solving the mystery of Anna Garcia’s death. Explain your

choices. Critical thinker, Collaborative and Persistent. Critical thinker

because you have to think wisely about how she died. Collaborative
because you have to be collaborative with others. Persistent
because its good to stay persistent or determined in any situation

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Reflection Question. What are some actions or activities that can affect your heart
rate and respiratory rate and cause either or both of them to increase or
decrease? Running, swimming, and exercising.

2. Make a prediction about the physiological response to lying. Are you sure
this happened?
The person's heart rate will start to
4. Record your observations.
increase or maybe they will look scared.
Reflection Question. How might you feel being interviewed while wearing the
sensors and having your heart and respiratory rate data collected? How might
this affect the data being collected? You may start panicking or your heart
rate may skyrocket due to nervousness.
They may start to get nervous because they
6. Record your observations.

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most likely have never done that before or they are scared that

you're going to find something.

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8. After analyzing the data, the interviewer determines which statement they

think is the lie.

9. Check your analysis. rs e

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10. Revisit the prediction you made in your laboratory notebook about how heart
and respiratory rates might respond to lying. The respiratory rate increases

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Reflection Question. Could you have analyzed the experimental data to determine
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the lie without the baseline data? Explain your reasoning. No, Because then it
would take much longer
Ethical Scenario. If polygraph data is not admissible in court, do you think it
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should be allowed to be used as an interrogation method or employment

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screening? Why or why not? Employment screening because

interrogation is just questioning.
What was the question being

1. Identifying Experimental Design.

tested? Did you kill Anna Garcia

2. How would you summarize the design of the experiment? A picture of

Anna Garcia’s body

3. What was the independent variable(s)? Time and age

4. What was the dependent variable(s)? The results of the experiment.

5. How did you analyze the data collected? Clues that I read

6. How might you communicate the findings? Could this have been a suicide

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7. What could be some possible sources of error in your experiment? It could
say she’s older than she is or the wrong time.

12. Determine whether there are any changes in the physiological measurements
that would indicate signs of deception. Hair loss, skin looks different.


Locard’s Exchange Principle. Do you think that Locard’s hypothesis is generally

accurate? What types of evidence and technologies are available to investigators
today that were not available during Locard’s time?

Career Connections. What are some ways in which a forensic technician working
in a lab might analyze evidence left at the scene of a mysterious death?

Evidence Training Debrief. How did you use the different characteristics to
establish identity? Tested all the DNA or evidence that was found.

Evidence Training Debrief. Given your experience with dusting and lifting prints,

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what steps can investigators take to limit contamination?

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Evidence Training Debrief. What could someone find out about you online? Your
Name age social security number etc.

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PLTW laboratory notebook. Write your revised hypothesis in your laboratory
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notebook. Include any updated explanations or information.

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Blood Brainstorm. What makes up our blood? Why is blood of such vital
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importance to life? Do all living organisms have blood? Yes they have
and they need blood to live. Red blood cells, White blood cells and
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1. Copy the table below into your notebook. Fill in the function column for each
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component with a one- or two-sentence description.

Plasma Takes Nutrients, Hormones and


Red Blood cells Carries oxygen from our lungs


to the rest of our body.

White Blood To fight infection


Platelets Prevent bleeding

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Reflection Question: If, during an experiment, both the positive and negative
controls produce the same results, what should be done and why? Another test
because you could have made a mistake.
3. Copy the presumptive test data table shown below.

5. Describe what presumptive and confirmatory tests indicate about possible

blood samples, and explain why you will perform both tests on the samples from
the scene. If the blood belongs to someone else

Did the samples from the scene test positive for blood? If so, can you be certain
from this test that the samples are in fact blood? Yes if the color is pink it
indicates that it was blood.
Based on the results, record any new hypotheses you have about what may have
happened to Anna prior to her death. Anne could have coughed up blood
or she could have been stabbed.

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10. Review the results for the two samples from the scene and for samples taken
from Anna and each person of interest. Answer PLTW lab. Notebook questions.

eH w
11. Using information from the lab, determine your conclusions. Answer pltw lab.
Notebook questions.

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Blood splatter analysis. How do you think this blood spatter pattern was
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produced? It had to hit the floor really hard or softly.

Design a Blood Splatter Experiment. Document all key information about your
experiment in your laboratory notebook.
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Connect to the case. How might DNA evidence be useful in solving the mystery of
Anna's death? It could help identify what happened.
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Finding DNA inside cells. What is one example of a cell? What are two examples of
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organelles? How many chromosomes are in a healthy human cell? Red blood cell.
Mitochondria and Chloroplast

2. PLTW Laboratory notebook. Write a paragraph that describes where DNA is


found inside cells and how it is packaged. If desired, add a drawing to support
your paragraph. Underline each of the following terms at least once as you use it:

In Eukaryotic cell’s DNA is found in the Nucleus. A Chromosome is a DNA molecule

with part or all of the genetic material of an organism. Prokaryotic cells do not
have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. Histones are high protein found
in the eukaryotic cell. Nucleotides are organic molecules that are building blocks

in DNA and RNA.

● eukaryotic cells

● prokaryotic cells

● organelles

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● nucleus

● nucleotides


● histones

● chromosomes

Reflection Question. What are some possible sources of DNA from the scene
where Anna Garcia’s body was found? Explain.

Fingerprints., Hair, Skin

4. Practice a sample DNA digestion using Haelll. Answer pltw lab. Notebook
questions as well.


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Connect to the case. Brainstorm why you think you are creating DNA profiles for

Anna, Eric, and Dominique only in addition to the blood found at the scene. Why

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are you not creating DNA profiles for all persons of interest? These are the
people who aren't getting along with anna.

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8. Draw a diagram of the gel. Decide which DNA sample will be loaded into each
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11. Using reliable sources, conduct research and cite one case in which DNA
evidence helped to convict a criminal and one case in which a convicted individual

was exonerated. Properly cite your sources.

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14. Sketch a finished gel with the stained DNA fragments. Clearly label each lane.

15. Examine the DNA fragments. Answer pltw lab. Notebook questions as well.

Career Connections. Which of the forensic career areas you’ve experienced so far
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is most interesting to you? Why? What qualities do you have that would make you
an excellent forensic scientist? What attributes do you need to work toward
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mastering? Identifying DNA at a crime scene.

Ethical Scenario. Provide one reason to support the creation of a national DNA
database and one reason to refute its creation.


Communicating with others. Would your method of sharing the news (examples:

text, email, face-to-face, phone call) vary for each audience? Why or why not?
How does your word choice and tone differ between the different audiences?
How might nonverbal communication play a role in the way you deliver your
news? How would your communication differ if you’re sharing good news versus
bad news?

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Different face expression can cause different reactions from whoever your giving
the news to. If its sad news it will not be good to laugh or make it seem like a
joke, this may cause someone to get angry. If its good new you can smile or make
a face expression that show that your happy that they are ok.

Attach video assignment.

Next Steps. Brainstorm a list of things you need to know so that you and your
team can solve the mystery of Anna Garcia’s death. What does your team need to
do to answer these questions? Look over the crime scene again to make sure we
got all of the evidence.

Reflection Question. Which search method do you think is most appropriate for
the Anna Garcia scene? Explain your reasoning. Zone method because you can
divide the room into smaller spaces to locate the evidence.

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4. Create a basic sketch of the scene. Use the sample scene sketch (Figure 3) as
an example.

eH w
5. Complete an Evidence Log that lists all of the evidence the team found at the

scene. This list will help direct your investigation.

rs e
Career Connections. Which traits of a biomedical scientist do you feel are
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personal strengths you possess? Which traits of a biomedical scientists do you
feel you need more opportunities to develop? Choose three traits that you think
would be most helpful in solving the mystery of Anna Garcia’s death. Explain your

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