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Assignment/Activity Title — C-Span

Year — Sophomore

Portfolio Competency — Media and Communications

Skill(s) — Research, Script Writing, Group Dynamics, Editing

For this assignment, we were asked to put together a documentary that showed the consistent racism in sports that
could be fixed by Congress. By the end we hoped to submit into C-Span to be put into consideration for a monetary prize.
We wanted to show people our issue at hand and explain how we can fix it. There were multiple components to the
project, starting with a lot of research into the topic. We then went into drafting our script, and then filming. All of that
took several weeks, and we still had to edit. Finally after several months of hard work, we finished our project and
submitted it.
During the C-Span project, multiple factors were key to completing the work and doing a good job. One of the
biggest aspects of the project was research, in which my partner John and I put hours into finding articles talking about
racism in sports, and also finding people who would be able to provide a unique perspective. This is where the
communication comes in. We were required to reach out effectively to get interviews to complete our work. We spent
time drafting emails to more than a dozen professionals to ask for an interview. After several weeks, only two got back
saying they would do one. We took our time to create good questions and quick follow-ups to conduct effective
interviews and get the best information we possibly could. By the end, we had plenty of information to start editing and
finishing up our project. The editing took hours of work, with John finding many sequences of B-Roll from outside media
that reflected well upon our project. When we finished, we knew we had put tons of time completing the best project we
could with strategies that helped us along the way.
Before completing this project, I had already done many hours of research into how racism persists in sports and
how athletes are working to fight against it. I looked on sports websites, viewed interviews with popular athletes and
listened to podcasts discussing the very issues we created our documentary about. However, I knew that my opinion was
only one of many. I had found my information off of mostly unbiased shows and articles, but there was some information
that I accessed through left-leaning sites. Because of this, I had to filter through the articles I did read and figure out what
was truthful information, especially when sourcing it in my documentary. It was very important to both my partner and I
to create the best and most unbiased documentary possible. We believe that we achieved this through honest researching
and editing, and understanding that our personal biases had to be set aside to make the best possible documentary.
Student Signature (Print here: Sam Worley ) Date:

Mr. Mayo 3/22/21

Teacher Signature Date

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