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•produces enzymes
that break down all
categories of
digestible foods
(exocrine pancreas)
•secretes hormones
that affect
Antidiabetic Agents •The Endocrine pancreas
produces hormones such as pancreas).
insulin, glucagon and

Pancreas Role of Insulin

Hormones produced in the Islets of Langerhans The actions of insulin on cells include:
are secreted directly into the blood flow by (at
• Increased glycogen synthesis – insulin
least) four different types of cells:
forces storage of glucose in liver (and
• Insulin-producing Beta cells (65-80% of the
islet cells)
muscle) cells in the form of glycogen;
lowered levels of insulin cause liver cells
• Glucagon-releasing alpha cells (15-20%)
to convert glycogen to glucose and
• Somatostatin-producing delta cells (3-10%)
excrete it into the blood.
• Pancreatic polypeptide-containing PP cells

Role of Insulin Role of Insulin

• Increased fatty acid synthesis – insulin • Decreased lipolysis – forces reduction in

forces fat cells to take in glucose which conversion of fat cell lipid stores into blood
is converted to triglycerides; lack of
insulin causes the reverse.
fatty acids; lack of insulin causes the
• Increased esterification of fatty acids –
forces adipose tissue to make fats (ie, • Decreased gluconeogenesis – decreases
triglycerides) from fatty acid esters; lack production of glucose from various
of insulin causes the reverse. substrates in liver; lack of insulin causes
• Decreased proteinolysis – forces glucose production from assorted
reduction of protein degradation; lack of substrates in the liver and elsewhere.
insulin increases protein degradation.

Role of Insulin Role of Insulin
• Increased amino acid uptake – forces cells Glycogen ) glucose
Draws more
to absorb circulating amino acids; lack of water in urine
insulin inhibits absorption glucose in kidney
• Increased potassium uptake – forces cells Polyuria, dehydration,
to absorb serum potassium; lack of insulin Glucose, ketones, polydipsia
inhibits absorption = hyperkalemia solutes in renal tubules
• Arterial muscle tone – forces arterial wall
muscle to relax, increasing blood flow, Loss of
nutrient energy
especially in micro arteries; lack of insulin s/s of Diabetes
reduces flow by allowing these muscles to Polyphagia,
contract = hypertension weight loss,

Diabetes Mellitus

• Two types
– Type 1
– Type 2
• Hyperglycemia
– Fasting plasma glucose >126 mg/dL
• Hypoglycemia
– Blood glucose level <50 mg/dL
• Gestational diabetes

Table 31-1 Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Characteristics

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

• Lack of insulin production or • Most common type

• Production of defective insulin • Caused by insulin deficiency and
• Affected patients need exogenous insulin resistance
insulin • Many tissues are resistant to insulin
• Complications – Reduced number insulin receptors
– Retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy
– Insulin receptors less responsive
• Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
• Oral antidiabetic agents not effective

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (cont'd) Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (cont'd)

• Several comorbid conditions • Several comorbid conditions

– Glucose intolerance – Hyperinsulinemia
– Obesity – Microalbuminuria (protein in the urine)
– Dyslipidemia – Enhanced conditions for embolic events
– Hypertension (blood clots)
– Insulin resistance – Heart disease

Types of Antidiabetic Agents Insulins

• Insulins • Function as a substitute for the endogenous

• Oral hypoglycemic agents
• Effects are the same as normal endogenous
Both aim to produce normal blood glucose • Restores the diabetic patient’s ability to:
states – Metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
– Store glucose in the liver
– Convert glycogen to fat stores

Human-Based Insulins Human-Based Insulins (cont'd)

• Rapid acting • Short acting

• Most rapid onset of action (15 minutes) – Regular insulin (Humulin R, Novolin R)
• Shorter duration
• The only insulin product that can be given by IV bolus, IV
– Insulin aspart (NovoLog) infusion, or even IM

– Insulin lispro (Humalog)

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Human-Based Insulins (cont'd) Human-Based Insulins (cont'd)

• Intermediate acting • Long acting

– Isophane insulin suspension (also called – Glargine (Lantus)
NPH) (Humulin N, Novolin N) • Clear, colorless solution

– Insulin zinc suspension (also called Lente) – Extended insulin zinc suspension
(Humulin L, Novolin L) (Ultralente, Humulin U)
• Both have a cloudy appearance • White, opaque solution
• Slower in onset and more prolonged duration than
endogenous insulin

Human-Based Insulins (cont'd) Sliding-Scale Insulin Dosing

• Combination Insulin products • SC regular insulin doses adjusted

– NPH 70% and regular insulin 30% according to blood glucose test results
(Humulin 70/30, Novolin 70/30) • Typically used in hospitalized diabetic
– NPH 50% and regular insulin 50% patients
(Humulin 50/50)
• Subcutaneous regular insulin is ordered
– Insulin lispro protamine suspension 75%
and insulin lispro 25% (Humalog Mix
in an amount that increases as the blood
75/25) glucose increases
• See example on p 522

Table 31-3 Insulin Mixing

p. 519

Table 31-2 Comparison Actions of Human Insulins and Analogs

Oral Antidiabetic Agents Oral Antidiabetic Agents (cont'd)

• Used for type 2 diabetes • Sulfonylureas

• Treatment for type 2 diabetes includes – Chlorpropamide (Diabinese), tolazamide
lifestyle modifications (Tolinase), tolbutamide (Orinase)
– Diet, exercise, smoking cessation, weight – Glimepiride (Amaryl), glipizide (Glucotrol),
loss glyburide (DiaBeta)
• Oral antidiabetic agents may not be • Biguanides
effective unless the patient also makes
– Metformin (Glucophage)
behavioral or lifestyle changes

Oral Antidiabetic Agents (cont'd) Oral Antidiabetic Agents:

Mechanism of Action
• Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors • Sulfonylureas
– Acarbose (Precose), miglitol (Glyset) – Stimulate insulin secretion from the beta
• Thiazolidinediones cells of the pancreas, thus increasing insulin
– Pioglitazone (Actos), rosiglitazone
(Avandia) – Beta cell function must be present
– Also known as “glitazones” – Improve sensitivity to insulin in tissues
– Result: lower blood glucose levels

Oral Antidiabetic Agents: Oral Antidiabetic Agents:

Mechanism of Action (cont'd) Mechanism of Action (cont'd)
• Biguanides • Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
– Decrease production of glucose – Reversibly inhibit the enzyme alpha-
– Increase uptake of glucose by tissues glucosidase in the small intestine
– Do not increase insulin secretion from the – Result: delayed absorption of glucose
pancreas = does not cause hypoglycemia – Must be taken with meals to prevent
excessive postprandial blood glucose

Oral Antidiabetic Agents: Oral Antidiabetic Agents:
Mechanism of Action (cont'd) Indications
• Thiazolidinediones
– Decrease insulin resistance Used alone or in combination with other
– “Insulin sensitizing agents” agents and/or diet and lifestyle changes
– Increase glucose uptake and use in skeletal to lower the blood glucose levels in
muscle patients with type 2 diabetes
– Inhibit glucose and triglyceride production
in the liver

Oral Antidiabetic Agents: Oral Antidiabetic Agents:

Side Effects Side Effects (cont'd)
• Sulfonylureas • Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (Precose,
– Hypoglycemia, hematologic effects, nausea, Glyset)
epigastric fullness, heartburn, many others – Flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain
• Metformin (biguanide) • Thiazolidinediones (Actos, Avandia)
– Abdominal bloating, nausea, cramping, – Moderate weight gain, edema, mild anemia,
diarrhea, metallic taste, reduced vitamin hepatic toxicity
B12 levels

Antidiabetic Agents: Nursing Implications Nursing Implications

• Before giving any drugs that alter • Before giving any drugs that alter glucose
glucose levels, obtain and document: levels:
– Assess the patient’s ability to consume food
– A thorough history
– Assess for nausea or vomiting
– Vital signs – Hypoglycemia may be a problem if antidiabetic
– Blood glucose level agents are given and the patient does not eat
– Potential complications and drug – If a patient is NPO for a test or procedure, consult
interactions physician to clarify orders for antidiabetic drug

Nursing Implications Nursing Implications

• Keep in mind that overall concerns for • Thorough patient education is essential
any diabetic patient increase when the regarding:
patient: – Disease process
– Is under stress – Diet and exercise recommendations
– Has an infection – Self-administration of insulin or oral agents
– Has an illness or trauma – Potential complications
– Is pregnant

Nursing Implications Nursing Implications

• When insulin is ordered, ensure: • Insulin

– Correct route – Check blood glucose level before giving insulin
– Roll vials between hands instead of shaking them
– Correct type of insulin to mix suspensions
– Timing of the dose – Ensure correct storage of insulin vials
– Correct dosage – ONLY insulin syringes, calibrated in units, are to be
used to measure and give insulin
• Insulin order and prepared dosages are
– Ensure correct timing of insulin dose with meals
second-checked with another nurse

Nursing Implications Nursing Implications

• Insulin (cont'd) • Oral antidiabetic agents

– When drawing up two types of insulin in one – Always check blood glucose levels before
syringe, always withdraw the regular insulin giving
– Usually given 30 minutes before meals
– Provide thorough patient education
regarding self-administration of insulin – Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are given with
injections, including timing of doses, the first bite of each main meal
monitoring blood glucoses, and injection – metformin is taken with meals to reduce GI
site rotations effects

Nursing Implications Nursing Implications
• Monitor for therapeutic response
• Assess for signs of hypoglycemia – Decrease in blood glucose levels to the level
prescribed by physician
• If hypoglycemia occurs: – Watch for hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
– Give glucagon – Measure hemoglobin A1c to monitor long-term
compliance to diet and drug therapy
– Have the patient eat glucose tablets or gel, – The A1C value is an index of mean blood glucose over
corn syrup, honey, fruit juice or nondiet soft the past 2-3 months but is weighted to the most
drink recent glucose values.
– Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends A1C as the
– Or have the patient eat a small snack such best test to find out if a patient's blood sugar is
as crackers or half a sandwich under control over time. The test should be
performed every 3 months for insulin-treated
– Monitor blood glucose levels patients, during treatment changes, or when blood
glucose is elevated. For stable patients on oral
agents the recommended frequency is at least twice
per year.

Hemoglobin A1C
Mean Blood Average Interpretation
HbA Glucose Plasma
1c (mg/dL) Glucose
Relationship of A1C to Average Whole Blood and Plasma Glucose Levels (2)

% (mg/dL)
4 61 65 Non-Diabetic
5 92 100 Range
6 124 135
7 156 170 Target for Diabetes
in Control
8 188 205 Action Suggested
9 219 240 according ADA
10 251 275
11 283 310
12 314 345

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