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Learning Area: ARTS Quarter: Duration:

DLP No.: 2 Grade Level: 10
Fourth 1 hour
Analyzes examples of plays based on theatrical forms, and elements of
art is applied to performance.
Learning Competency/ies: A10EL-Iva-2
Illustrate how the different elements are used to communicate the
Key Concepts /
Theatrical elements like sound, music, gesture, movement and costume affect the creation and
Understandings to be
communication of meaning in a theater play/performance.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify theatrical elements applied to a performance.
Skills Illustrate how elements are used to communicate the meaning of a theater performance.
Attitudes Display active participation in cooperative learning.
Values Demonstrate oneness in accomplishing tasks.
2. Content/Topic Original Performance With the Use of Media
Curriculum Guide p. 88
3. Learning Resources/ Arts 10 Learner’s Material pages 300 and 315
Materials / Equipment Teachers’ Guide p. 163-164
Video of a theater play,Laptop,speaker
4. Procedures
A. Review of the Past Lesson
B. Checking of Assignment
(The students were asked to watch other examples of theater performance and they will list
4.1 Introductory
down the theatrical elements applied to a performance )
( 5 minutes)
The teacher will then explain that this particular session focuses on the theatrical elements
applied to a theater performance and how these elements are used to communicate its
A. The teacher will show a video of a theater play. (It could be the video used in the previous
session or another one.) This time the teacher will turn off the volume or mute the speaker.
The teacher will then ask:
1. How do you find the video presented? Is the communication of the idea or theme effective?
2. What theatrical element is missing?
*Answer: Music and Sound
4.2 Opening
Activity B. This time the teacher will let the students close their eyes. Turn on the volume so they can
(10 minutes) hear the sound or music of the theater play. Tell them NOT TO OPEN THEIR EYES while
listening to the sound/music. The teacher will then ask:
1. How do you feel while listening to the sound? Do you like it?
2. Is it easy for you to understand the performance by just simply listening to the sound? Why?
3. Did you enjoy the performance?
4. Is the communication of the idea or theme effective even without seeing the movements,
gestures and costumes?

The students will analyze theatrical elements present in the video of the play shown earlier.
The teacher will ask:
1. What are the different theatrical elements applied to the theater play/performance?
2. How do these elements help in the communication of the meaning or idea of the theater
4.3 play?
Developmental The teacher will give a short discussion about the Elements of Art as Applied to an Original
Activity Performance
(5 minutes) a. Sound and Music
b. Gesture, Movement and Dance
c. Costume, Mask, Makeup and Accessories
d. Spectacle

1. The class will be grouped into teams with 5 members.

2. Based on the video of a theater performance, illustrate how the theatrical elements are used
to communicate the meaning with the use of a diagram.
3. Do this in a long bondpaper or manila paper.
4.4 Concluding 4. Prepare for submission after 5 minutes.
Activity Sample:
(10 minutes) Title of the Theater Play

Sound/Music Movement/Gesture Costume/Props Spectacle

Answer Answer Answer Answer

5. Assessment
Direction: Answer the following questions.
Test 1. Name five theatrical elements applied to a performance.
2. Briefly describe each element.
6. Assignment
Preparation for a
Search for the different theater groups in the Philippines.
new lesson
The teacher will end the lesson with a quote.
7. Wrap-Up/ Concluding
“Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good.” 
Activity 2 Minutes ― Terrence Mann

Prepared by:
Position/Designation: TEACHER I Division: DANAO CITY
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09322603894

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