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September 30th 2020

Mr Rudebusch
310 E. Harry St.
Castlewood, SD 57223

Dear Mr. Rudebusch:

I’m writing to you in regards to the senior project that I have begun. I have decided to
shadow Midwest Medical and I have decided to go into the business field. I am hoping to
complete my shadowing at Midwest Medical in Watertown, South Dakota.

I have chosen this field because I’d really like to know how the ordering part of business
works. I enjoy helping those in need through the business setting ever since I was
introduced to Paul Johnson by Izaac. I have enjoyed watching how Paul helps those in
need through his own business. My concern about the shadowing experience is how we’ll
have to miss school and having to make-up late work.

So far, I have spoken to Paul in person about shadowing. Paul has agreed to let me
shadow and we’ll set up a time to formally meet and discuss shadowing hours. We’ll also
find a time that works best for both of our schedules.

During my shadowing experience I’m hoping to better understand the field of business and
hopefully I can educate myself on it. I hope to learn that this area is a good fit for me.


Darren Greene
206 E. Harry Street
Castlewood, SD 57223

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