The Star Hunters (PDFDrive) - 2-1

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Star Hunters
© 1st Edition - March, 2002
Dr. D. K. Olukoya

eISBN: 978-9-78802-108-7

A Publication of
13, Olasimbo Street, off Olumo Road,
(By Unilag Second Gate), Onike, Iwaya
P.O. Box 2990, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria.
: 01-867439, 4704267, 4704367.

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Cover illustration: Sister Shade Olukoya

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13, Olasimbo Street, Off Olumo Road,
by Unilag 2nd Gate, Onike,
Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria.
Chapter One

Chapter Two
Chapter Three



In this book, we are looking at the demonic powers which hunt the stars of the
children of God. These powers are called 'star hunters.' They will stop at
nothing to hunt people's stars with the aim to steal, to kill and to destroy them.
In order to have a good understanding of who these demonic powers are, we
shall make an in-depth study of the word of God. We shall first look at Obadiah
verses 3-4: "The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in
the cleft of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who
shall bring me down to the ground?[4]Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle,
and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down,
saith the Lord."
There are some enemies that feel secured because they hide themselves in the
clefts of the rock. There are also enemies living in very high places who have
vowed to continually torment people. But verse 4 says, "Though thou exalt
thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I
bring thee down, saith the Lord." All faithful Christians are sure of this. As far
as God is concerned, nobody oppressing His own children will go unpunished.
This message is therefore designed to make you spiritually aggressive so that
you will fight seriously and defeat these powers with your violent prayers. To be
quite honest with you, prayers against star hunters are not gentle ones. The devil
promotes agents when they are able to misdirect, darken, pull down or cage a
person's star. To this end, you are going to take your first prayer point, and if you
are unable to pray, it is probably because you have been caged. Pray the
following prayer point at the top of voice: "No evil power shall use my life to
obtain promotion, in the name of Jesus."
Prayer against star hunters must be well targeted and done in continuous
bombardment. It is only this, that can guarantee anyone a good result.
Many years ago, a certain lady used to come to me for counselling. One day,
she came and sat down as usual and the Lord said to me, "Don't you know the
person you are talking to? Look at her very well, she is a principality." As soon
as I heard this, I told her who she was. She responded boldly by saying, "That is
very interesting, now that you know me so well, help me to get out of the evil
group." It was from this lady that I heard some of the most horrible confessions I
have ever heard from demonic people. Apart from answering verbally, she also
demonstrated those things to me. At a particular point, I asked her how demonic
people know what a person would become right from the womb, or immediately
he or she is born. She answered by saying that they use a traditional lamp, the
kind of lamp used in the olden days to discover that. She said they would speak
to the lamp, and within the tongue of the flames they would see clearly what the
child would become in future. It was within that same tongue of flames, that the
child would be manipulated right from the womb or the day of birth. This is one
of the most terrible mistakes made by many parents who go to demonic places to
inquire about their children's future. This is common in virtually all African
countries. They go to the herbalists to inquire after the future of their children. It
is at that point that evil powers gain an insight into a child's life and
manipulation starts thereafter. Star hunters capitalise on these things to perfect
their destructive business. This is the origin of most stubborn problems.
Let me give you four examples derived from my counselling experience.
The parents of a brother who went to find out what he would become in future
discovered that he would prosper in a foreign land. They were reliably informed
that their son would be so brilliant that he would be controlling white people.
The idol that was contacted also told them that, once he travelled out of the
country, he would never come back home because the white people would find
him so useful that they would not like to release him. With this information, the
thoroughly bewildered parents of the brother decided to make it impossible for
him to travel overseas all his life. The witchdoctor engaged to carry out the evil
assignment, told the parents of the brother to produce his placenta, which they
did. He burnt it and mixed it with alcohol. The parents of the brother and the
witchdoctor drank out of the evil mixture, and threw the remaining part into the
deepest part of the sea. Although the brother grew up to become a very brilliant
person in his academics, he could not travel out of the country. The foreign
scholarships he got were of no value after all. He could not forge ahead in life
because his star had been destroyed at a tender age by star hunters. This is why
you have to be serious in your prayer against the star hunters.
In another case, the parents of a lady went to a diviner to find out what the
future of the lady would be. The diviner told them that she would become an
important person in the society and own fleet of elegant cars. However, he added
that one of the cars would be the source of her death. The parents, who were not
happy about the news of the fate that would befall their daughter in future, asked
the diviner to find a solution to the problem. He told them that he would delegate
the demon of poverty against her so that she would be so poor that she would not
be able to buy a single car. At least, that way she would stay alive. He carried
out the demonic ritual, and from that time, the spirit of poverty got into the lady.
The lady grew up to become a terribly poor and poverty-stricken person. She
grew up to become a palm oil seller. She had twelve children and a jobless
In another case, a diviner told the parents of a certain brother that he would
prosper in life, but would not listen to them, and would not agree with them on
any issue in future. The parents of the brother were then told to bring his
placenta for sacrifice. The placenta was cooked in okro soup and was eaten by
the parents of the brother. The brother grew up to become a complete imbecile
who could not do anything on his own. He could not take a simple decision
without travelling home to consult with his parents. His wife ran from pillar to
post complaining all over the place to whoever cared to listen to her. It was so
bad that the man wrote a will and exempted his wife and children. The ignorant
wife wasted year fighting the man instead of dealing with star hunters.
Please consider yet another example. There was a man who wanted money at
all cost. So, he started going from one herbalist to another. They all prescribed
many terrible rituals that he would have to carry out before he could come into
money. He was given some terrible options to choose from. The one he accepted
to do was to locate three unwary women who were still virgins, commit
immorality with them and bring materials from their bodies for ritual.
Thereafter, the divine prosperity in their lives would be transferred to him. The
women would become poor while he became rich, star hunters at work.
I used to have a friend who struggled very hard before he could get a good
job. When he eventually got it, he was given a big and comfortable office chair
that could accommodate three people without stress. However, he noticed that
right from the first day he resumed, he used to feel sleepy and drowsy each time
he sat down to work and he would not be able to concentrate. But immediately
he left the office after working hours, he would become his normal self. One
day, he attended one of our meetings where he learnt how to deal with such a
situation. As soon as he got to his office the following day, he held his chair
tightly and prayed with holy madness on it and something drop from it. When he
looked closely at the object, he discovered that it was a charm. A local object of
wickedness made with threads.
Star hunters use this a lot. It is prepared with a lot of incantations. When
somebody is issuing incantations, he is doing three things. He is either issuing
curses or giving satanic instructions or summoning demons to come into their
covenant material. So, charms are not the kind of things a serious believer
should be afraid of. Any serious Christian can cause trouble for any herbalist or
anybody that chants incantations against people. For example, if somebody sees
a charm and says, "I command the demon attached to you to turn hungrily
against its owners, in the name of Jesus." Or "Let the angel of God begin to read
scriptures to the demon attached to you until it turns mad against its owner, in
the name of Jesus" or "Let all the incantations attached to this charm be folded
up and be thrown back at the person who chanted them, in the name of Jesus,"
there will be pandemonium in their camp. People in the kingdom of darkness
know the kind of power that believers have. Therefore, if a believer wants to be
terribly dangerous and wants to destroy evil powers, he can send evil
incantations back to the sender sevenfold using the word of God. I plead with
you therefore to pray this prayer point: "I paralyse every incantation rendered
against me, in Jesus' name."
When the Bible says, "there is no divination or enchantment against Jacob," it
means that somebody is divining against Jacob and making enchantment against
him. Pray again like this: "I paralyse every satanic manipulator, in the name
of Jesus."
This next story will interest you. Somebody was rendered impotent in England
and a girl here in Nigeria claimed responsibility for it. She confessed that she
carried out the evil spiritual assignment. But when some people pleaded with
her, she agreed to reverse it. She then led them into a bush and asked them to dig
up a certain place. When they started digging the place in a careless manner, she
cautioned them to dig rather carefully to avoid doing any damage to what she
had buried. Within a short time of digging, they reached a black folded bag.
When it was opened, a fresh male sex organ dripping with blood was found
inside. As soon as the male organ was given to her, she confirmed that the
potency of the man in England had been restored. The affected man phoned
shortly afterwards to say that he had regained his potency. The question is, how
did that happen? How was it possible for a girl in Nigeria to bewitch someone in
England and to reverse the bewitchment? The answer is very simple. It was the
handiwork of star hunters and their demons.
Let us do a little bit of Bible study to establish what the Bible says about stars.
Psalm 19: 1 says: "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament
sheweth his handiwork" This verse confirms that even the things in heaven are
continually declaring the glory of God. But what they are declaring or the
particular thing they are saying may not be clear to man, but are clear to God the
creator. Genesis 1: 14-16 says: "And God said, Let there be lights in the
firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for
signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in
the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And
God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light
to rule the night: he made the stars also." God made the stars and put them
there to declare His glory. A good Bible reader knows that one of the dreams of
Joseph that annoyed his people was the one in which he said he found the sun,
moon and eleven stars bowing down for him. His father, who could interpret it
straightaway, therefore asked him if he thought his father, mother and brothers
would be bowing down to him. Sometimes, stars can represent all that we stand
Psalm 8: 3 says, "When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the
moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained." Psalm 147: 4 also has this to
say: "He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names."
God called the stars and heavenly bodies by names:
Job 38: 31-33 gives an insight into some of the names of stars. It says: "Canst
thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst
thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus with
his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the
dominion thereof in the earth?"
The question is, why did God place stars in heaven? The Bible tells us the
reason for this in the book of Genesis 1: 14: "And God said, Let there be lights
in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them
be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years."
A sign is a signal of things to come. It is intended to convey a message about a
forthcoming event. A sign is normally provided in advance by somebody to
direct, warn or give guidance concerning certain things. It therefore helps one to
follow the right pathway without getting lost or getting into danger. It is like a
road sign, which indicates that there is a narrow road or bridge ahead. A careful
driver will therefore be prepared for what to do.
God is against astrology in any form. He also forbids men from worshipping
the stars and one of the cleverest methods of the star hunters is to make people to
believe in astrology. There was one powerful man who used to believe in
astrology. The day he changed his mind was the day he found out that a rich man
living in a mansion had the same star as a cleaner. There is every possibility that
whosoever might have been reading what his star says would have given the
control of his life to the stars. Deuteronomy 18: 10-11 clearly explains this:
"There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his
daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of
times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar
spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer." God does not want us to get involved in
all these evil things. Verse 14 says: "For these nations, which thou shalt
possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee,
the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do." Isaiah 47: 12-13 read thus:
"Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries,
wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to
profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy
counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators,
stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee" God is
against astrology, and every of His creation should take the same stand against


When a person believes that his life has been programmed from birth by stars,
he would find a very little merit in prayer. He would find it difficult to believe
that things could change for the better for him. They say, "nothing can be done
about it, what would be, would be, for what goes up must come down."
Christianity is indeed something to cherish throughout one's life time because
it offers you a living relationship with somebody who can change your destiny
for the better. My prayer is that those who have been caged by astrology shall be
delivered, in Jesus' name. If you have books on horoscope, do away with them
immediately. Stop your children from reading them either so as to prevent them
from being manipulated.
Let us go to another aspect of our study. Matthew 2: 1-2 says: "Now when
Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold,
there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem. Saying Where is he that is
born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to
worship him." They were able to locate the star of Jesus. God opened their eyes
to see the star and they began to follow it. Matthew 2: 9-10 says: "When they
had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east,
went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. When
they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy." No wonder some
people have fallen in love with the parlance which says, ''Wise men still follow
him today." Your spiritual eyes may not be open like those of the wise men, but
you can do something about evil eyes observing your star. To this end, I
encourage you to fire three bullets of prayers thus:
1. Every evil follower of my star, receive the thunder fire of God, in Jesus' name.
2. Every prison warder of my star, release it, in the name of Jesus.
3. The star of my life will not be wandering around, in the name of Jesus.


Their purpose is to capture a person's star, and have it destroyed. The
grandmother of a particular family was a star hunter. All her grand-daughters
except one, had broken homes. However, the youngest of them who was
spiritually stubborn, decided that she was not going to have a broken home and
determined to go to any length to achieve that. She met with a man of God who
counselled her to embark on 21 days night vigil. She started, and by the second
day of the prayer, she greeted her grandmother, but she refused to answer her.
After the third day, the grandmother warned her not to kill her. The old woman
did all she could to stop her from praying aggressively, but she refused to be
discouraged. Rather than stop her prayer or pray in a gentle way, she intensified
it. By the fourth day, the old woman could not come out of her room. It was then
that it dawned on the lady that her grandmother was the one behind her
problems. She became more violent and by the seventh day, the granny was
dead. In the things she left behind, were strands of hair which the lady suspected
to be hers. She prayed and set them on fire and within four days, her husband
came to her begging her to come back to him. It was only the sister with violent
faith that got out.
Star hunters can have their agents deeply rooted or planted in a family. We
need to expose and disgrace them with the power of God.


1.Counterfeit body: A man is a spirit living in a body and having a soul. The
body is like a container housing the spirit and the soul. The real man is the spirit
inside him. The container or body can be completely altered and the person
would be going around with a fake one. This is why some people look older than
their age. It is equally the reason some people do aggressive prayer and lose
weight or their skin peels off like the skin of snakes.
Those going about with counterfeit bodies would always have bad luck.
Unexplainable hatred and uncomfortable heaviness would always be their lot. It
would appear as if they want to go to one direction, while the body wants to go
to another. Serious ugliness, sluggishness and premature ageing is written all
over them. Such people also experience marital failure. They know that their
bodies are not working as they should. The star hunters know that if they are
able to change a person's body, the wrong body would not get the right blessings
for the person.
2. Name manipulation: God takes the issue of names seriously, that is why in
the Bible, we find God changing people's names. For example, Sarai was
changed to Sarah, Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel, etc. If names were not
important at all, God would not take those name-changing steps.
Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, was a demonic man who understood the
principle of name manipulation. He knew the power in names so when he got the
four Hebrew children, the first thing he did was to change their names. For
example, Daniel which means 'God is judge' was changed to Belteshazzar which
means the presence of Baal, an idol. Hananiah which means 'the gift of God' was
changed to Shadrach, which means "the commander of a demon." Mishael,
which means, "Who is like unto God' was changed to Meshach, meaning
'semblance of a demon.' So Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abdnego, are
all demonic names that the king gave to them. But thank God that those boys did
not forget the sons of whom they were.
You must have discovered from your Bible that whenever God wanted to send
His servant into the world, He gave them a name. For example, the angel said to
Mary, "Thou shalt deliver a son and thou shall call his name Jesus, for he shall
deliver his people from their sins." When john the Baptist was coming, his name
was also dispatched early enough. It was the same with Isaac. There was a king
in Israel called Josiah who did a lot of havoc to the worshippers of baal. The
name Josiah means 'roaster of evil'.
In the same vein, God has an original name for you from heaven. Are you
bearing names given to you by your enemies? Or are you carrying about names
recorded in the demonic world for manipulation? Then you must change the
names both spiritually and physically. Every demonic family name which
originates from an idol would be used to manipulate a person's star. This is why
the evil spirit behind names that so many people bear are working against their
3.Manipulation of placenta: When a person's placenta is cooked and eaten,
such a person's life will be controlled by evil powers.
4. Polluted food: This can happen through eating in the dream, demonic parties,
food sacrificed to idols, etc. All these can be used to cage a person's star.
The purpose of these strategies is to capture the star of a person, and have it
destroyed. All the programmed incisions are sometimes designed to manipulate
Therefore, if you know that you are being hunted by star hunters, the way out
is by praying well-targeted aggressive prayers for your star to be released. But
then if you are not born again, there is no way you can uncage your star. You
must first of all get born-again. If as you are reading this book, you have not
surrendered your life to Christ, you will not be able to paralyse the star hunters
assigned against you. If you are ready to give your life to Christ, say this prayer
before going into the prayer points against the star hunters: "Father, in the name
of Jesus, I come unto you. I am a sinner, I confess all my sins and I repent of
them. I know that you are my Saviour, and that I cannot save myself, Lord Jesus,
come into my life now and take control. I give my life unto you. Thank you

1. I withdraw my star from every evil cage, in the name of Jesus.
2. I release my star from the grip of household wickedness, in the name of Jesus.
3. Let every evil eye monitoring my star receive blindness, in the name of Jesus.
4. I command every amputator working against my life to be paralysed, in the
name of Jesus.
5. Let all my oppressors be frustrated, in Jesus' name.
6. Father Lord, put all my miracle delayers to shame, in the name of Jesus.
7. I recover all my goodness stolen by star hunters, in the name of Jesus.

This chapter is intended to teach us how to protect ourselves from those who
pollute, trap and destroy people's destinies.
We shall first of all consider why they succeed? The words of Paul the apostle
give an insight into this. 1 Corinthians 9: 26-27 says: "I therefore so run, not as
uncertainty; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air. But I keep under my
body, and bring it unto subjection: lest that by any means, when I have
preached to others, I myself should be a castaway." Furthermore, 1 Corinthians
15: 56 says: "The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law." That
is to say that, sin has strength, which is the law. At the same time, star hunters
have their own strength.
Apostle Paul said he fought but not like someone who beats the air and that
his running too, was not with uncertainty. It is possible for a person to fight a
foolish battle. That is why the Bible says, "Fight the good fight of faith." It is
equally possible for a person to fight as one beating the air, while the enemy is
busy laughing at the person. An individual may decide to run a race that nobody
asked him to run. By implication, such a person is busy fighting against himself.
It is a fact however, that people actually sit down to manufacture weapons and
train up soldiers to fight themselves. The important truth I want you to know is
that failure in anybody's life is not God's fault or that of His word, but the
person's own fault. I have come to realise that many people do not like to face
the truth about themselves. A lot of people have turned themselves to
masquerades, and are busy pursuing themselves about. How long will you
runaway from yourself? The first step in the school of spiritual maturity is to
acknowledge the truth about yourself. Whoever wants to be free from any attack,
and wants the promise of God which says, "Touch not my anointed and do my
prophets no harm," to come to pass in his life, should take this first step and
acknowledge the truth about himself. Failure to do this will mean repeating the
same blunder Adam committed. Verses 9-11 of Genesis chapter 3 say: "And he
said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked;
and I hid myself. And He said, who told thee that thou was naked? Hast thou
eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?" It
was not that God did not know where Adam was, but the problem was that
Adam was no longer where God wanted him to be. The enemy had seen the
glory which God was packaging for him hence, he set a trap for him and he was
caught. What eventually happened? Genesis 3: 12 says, "And the man said, The
woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did
eat." Adam's response, by all indications, shows that he blamed God and his
wife for his woes, instead of blaming himself. A lot of people are still blaming
God like that today. They say, "God, are you sleeping? What is wrong with you?
Are you not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Why are you sleeping now?
Are you really there? Well, I give you one more chance to answer my prayer and
if you do not answer this one you will never see me in your tabernacle again."
They blame God when it is not His fault. As far as you do not want to face the
truth about yourself, you are giving star hunters a foothold in your life. As a
result of this, you will become a student in a dangerous school called "the school
of self-deception." You will then be fighting a foolish battle. If there is any
failure or defeat in your life, the blame is on you because God's word cannot fail.
The Bible is full of the promises of God for our life if only we have faith in
God and hearken to His commandment. The Bible also enjoins us to be diligent.
Diligence is the opposite of laziness or slothfulness. You cannot succeed in the
life of faith when you are spiritually lazy. It is very sad to see ladies below the
age of 25 who cannot stand up to pray for thirty minutes. Whereas we have some
sisters who are over 60 years old who are just warming up by the time they have
prayed for two hours. A lazy Christian would abandon spiritual responsibilities
at the slightest excuse, and would rather listen to music for three hours, watch
television for four hours and pray for fifteen minutes. Many people come to
Gods house not because they really love God with all their hearts or love to do
His work, but they come to try God. A lot of people are battling against
themselves thinking their battles are directed against their enemies.


Human beings can be divided into two categories: goats and sheep. People
who fall into the goat category are those who are lost and people in the sheep
category are those who are saved. There are three levels of Christians among
those who are saved which Paul identified in 1 Corinthians 3: 1-8: "And I
brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even
as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat for
hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. For ye are yet
carnal; for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are
ye not carnal, and walk as men? For while one saith, I am of Paul; and
another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? Who then is Paul, and who is
Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every
man? I have planted, Apollos watered but God gave the increase. So then
neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that
giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and
every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour." In this
passage, three kinds of Christians are identified namely: baby Christians, carnal
Christians and spiritual Christians. Your level will determine to what extent the
star hunters would succeed in your life.
We have many Christians who behave like babies. Instead of addressing
issues, they resort to blaming God, enemies and household wickedness. They
forget the commandment of God which says, "touch not." When God says,
"don't touch," and somebody goes to touch, there would definitely be trouble.
Serious problems happened to disobedient people in the Bible. They got into
trouble because they touched what God told them not to touch. Consider what
happened to Pharaoh, Herod and Haman to mention a few. They probably
thought God was joking. In the same vein, a lot of church goers are babies, they
do not take God's words seriously. Of course, there are certain things that God
can overlook at the early stage of your conversion. If you however remain
stagnant and refuse to grow above the level of a baby according to God's wish
and expectation, there would be problems. The enemy will seriously attack you
because you are not found where you are supposed to be. You have become like
Adam who left his rightful place and became vulnerable to the enemies.
A lot of contemporary Christians are spiritually shallow and are therefore not
rooted in the things of Gods which they should know. This includes pastors,
choristers, church workers, etc. Those in this kind of position would discover
that demonic spirits like spirit husbands/spirit wives, spirit of anger, etc, are in
control of their lives. Serpents and scorpions would pursue such people because
they know they are babies, and there is nothing they can do. Imagine a baby on a
bed who sees a python coming towards him. There is nothing the baby can do
unless the parents or other people come to his rescue. This is the crux of the
matter. One of the desires of a baby is that everybody should satisfy him. So,
Paul said they should be given milk. The problem with milk, is that it is
processed food. Baby Christians cannot sit down on their own to study the word
of God, gain something from it and begin to move with it. Many so called
pastors and apostles are babies.
A carnal Christian is someone who has been saved but is still being ruled and
motivated by the old nature. The devil is doing so much havoc in the lives of
such people. When you compare yourself with others, then you are carnal. It is a
mark of carnality when you are always concerned about what others think abut
you. You are carnal if you want recognition anywhere you go. The desire for
posts and elevation without merit is also a mark of carnality. Carnal people
cannot claim to be the sons and daughters of God The issue of carnality explains
why we find some Christians who are in darkness because they are
compromising their Christian faith. A carnal person would live like a servant,
while star hunters are making progress in his life.

Many people are quick to forget that the flesh does not give in easily. The
flesh is determined at all times to defeat you. It does not easily give up the
throne it is occupying in people's lives. Unless you are determined to take away
the throne from it, it will not allow you to maintain total control over your life.
As a matter of fact, God issued a decree upon the flesh: "Dust thou art and unto
dust shalt thou return." From that time, the flesh knew where it would end up.
Many people pay a lot of attention to their flesh, while their inner man which is
eternal is left to suffer.
Before a person receives Christ, the flesh is the king, the soul is the servant
while the spirit is the slave. The flesh is the one in charge, taking control; the
soul is the servant running errands, carrying messages, while the spirit is the
slave doing all the dirty things and suffering all the punishments. Conversely,
when you become a spiritual man (the third and highest class of Christians), the
order changes. The spirit becomes the king, the soul still remains the servant
(because the soul is a kind of robot which does what you tell it to do), and the
flesh becomes the slave.


When you become a spiritual Christian that God wants you to be, you will
lose you desire for worldly amusement and pleasures. I was told the story of a
man who died and believers gathered around his corpse to pray for him to come
back to life. As God would have it, after six hours of intensive prayers, the man
came back to life. But then, he began to blame the people for praying him back
to life. In fact, he said they were very wicked to have brought him back to earth
because he was already in heaven, which he undoubtedly called a better place.
When they served him food on the first day, he looked at it and said, "But this is
sand, I cannot eat sand." He kept on making that complaint for days As if that
was not enough, whenever everybody had gone to bed, he would start to pray to
die again.
When God shows you the picture of heaven like that, you will lose your desire
for those things that people of the world are running after. These are the things
making Christians to forget God. People who run after earthly things cannot
withstand star hunters or catch up with household wickedness.
When you become a spiritual man, you will lose the desire to satisfy the flesh:
Your desire will be after heavenly things. You will lose interest in the things you
once loved. When Christ becomes the centre of your life, you will emerge
victorious and remain undefeated in life.
Do you want to paralyze star hunters? Then, move away from the baby class
i.e carnality, to the spiritual. This is because as long as you remain a baby, i.e. a
carnal Christian, the enemy would always have room to deal with you. This is
one secret star hunters know very well. God has called each and everyone of us
for a particular purpose, and if that purpose is not being fulfilled, He will be
unhappy with us. God is teaching some people lessons which He wants them to
learn and He will not promote them until they pass.
Therefore, you must depart from the school of babies and carnality and go to
the spiritual school. When you refuse to carry out a self-examination, you are not
fighting against God, but yourself. The Bible says that if we judge ourselves, we
would not be judged. It also says that we should examine ourselves. You need to
turn the searchlight of the Holy Spirit upon your life by asking yourself
questions like: Am I not proud? Do I not exaggerate? Do I not tell lies? Am I not
impatient? Do I really fast and pray? Do I not like Jesus because of bread and
butter alone? Am I serious with God when I have money? Am I not lazy in
prayers? Do I not keep malice? Do I have Christian love? Do I like being told
the truth about myself? Do I enjoy being criticized? Do I have faith? Am I fully
obedient to God in every department of my life? Do I love to be noticed? Do I
have the genuine baptism of the Holy Spirit? Do I tell lies against God? Am I the
kind of person who will not mind telling lies in order to get money? Do I say the
Lord has spoken to me when He said nothing? Do I think or meditate on
immorality? Do I commit secret sin? Face the truth about yourself, or you will
be fighting against yourself. If you allow the enemy to use your weaknesses to
strengthen your bondage, and you continue to bind them in that situation, you
would only be binding yourself. It is like opening the window of your room at
night and binding the air from coming in, that is not possible.
Apart from the devil, another powerful enemy waging war against man is
'self.' When self is at work, God's work ceases, and man's work begins and
progresses. There are many lives in which God's work has ceased and man's
work has taken full control. A selfish life renders valueless all the good things
that one does for God. Are you a pastor or a church worker? If everything you
have been doing in that capacity is from the flesh, they have no value before
God. If your praise worship is done in the flesh, it is of no value. Until you are
free from the bondage of self, demons will continue to operate and feed on you.
It is self that breeds pride. Every postponement of repentance is pride. It
amounts to wrestling against the kingdom of God. A senior prefect in the school
of self-exaltation would rather die than ask for forgiveness. If the Bible says,
"Touch not my anointed," and the anointed is being touched, then the anointed
should carry out a self-examination. The enemy will use all your unconfessed
sins and weak points against you.
As Christians, we are supposed to be indestructible and unchangeable. Those
who challenge us should regret it, like the apostles made demons to regret. The
problem of Paul the apostle was not that demons were not being cast out,
because even before he got there they had disappeared.
To paralyze these powers, we must get to a level where we are able to astound
them. Remember what Jesus said to those people, "Have you not read in your
law that ye are gods?" That is to say, that they were little gods walking on the
surface of the earth. The apostles actualized and practicalised it.
When Paul was preaching to somebody and another person was disturbing
him, he pointed at him and said, "You child of the devil, enemy of righteousness,
would you not stop perverting the right ways of the Lord? Behold the hands of
the Lord is upon you and ye shall be blind..." And the man became blind
immediately. (Acts. 13: 8-12) Because of the incident, Paul did not need too
much preaching to convert the astonished man.
We need to graduate from the school of self-defense to the school of the
offensive, where we look for the enemies' hideouts to fight or to fire our next
arrow. We are not supposed to sit down, and be nursing the fear of when next the
devil would attack us. No, it is the devil who should be wondering where we are
going to launch our next attack now. Majority of believers cannot do this
because they are in the school of babies and carnality.
Only a few Christians are spiritual and it is only those few that are going to
heaven. Therefore, what is the seat of the enemy in your life? What is it that is
glueing the enemy to a particular position in your life? You must pray to expose
the enemy and remove his seat from your life. When his seat is exposed and
removed, then his habitation will become desolate and he will no longer be able
to torment you. The ball is now in your court.

1. Let every seat of the enemy in my life be exposed and removed, in the name of
2. I refuse to fight against myself, in the name of Jesus.
3. Lord, remove me from the valley and place me on your mountain, in the name
of Jesus.
4. Let all evil names affecting me negatively be changed by the Holy Spirit, in
the name of Jesus.
5. All curses, evil covenants and evil decisions holding down my miracle should
be revoked, in Jesus' name.
6. I dissociate myself from any unconscious evil vow, oath, agreement and
covenants, in the name of Jesus.

2 Kings 6: 8-20 says, "Then the King of Syria warred against Israel and
took counsel with his servant saying, in such and such a place shall be my
camp. And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel saying, Beware that
thou pass not such a place. For thither the Syrians are come down. And the
king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him
of and saved himself there, not once nor twice. Therefore the heart of the king
of Syria was sore troubled for this thing. And he called his servants, and said
unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel? And one
of his servants said, None my lord O king; but Elisha, the prophet that is in
Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speaketh in thy bed
chamber, and he said, Go and spy where he is, that I may send and fetch him.
And it was told him saying, Behold he is in Dothan. Therefore sent he thither
horses, and chariots, and a great host and they came by night, and compassed
the city about And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and
gone forth, behold an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots.
And his servant said unto him Alas, my master! How shall we do? And he
answered, fear not; for they that be with us are more than they that be with
them And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he
may see, and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and
behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about
Elisha. And when they came down to him, Elisha prayed unto the Lord, and
said, smite this people, I pray thee with blindness. And he smote them with
blindness according to the word of Elisha. And Elisha said unto them, This is
not the way, neither is this the city. Follow me, and I will bring you to the man
whom ye seek. But he led them to Samaria. And it came to pass, when they
were come into Samaria, that Elisha said, Lord, open the eyes of these men
that they may see, and the Lord opened their eyes and they saw, and behold
they were in the midst of Samaria"
Pray like this: "Let all evil arresters receive blindness, in the name of Jesus."
In the above passage, the king of Syria had been waging war against Israel,
but anytime he laid his ambush, Elisha would reveal the secret to the king of
Israel thereby frustrating the efforts of the king of Syria. The king of Syria was
greatly worried as regards who revealed these secrets but one of his servants told
him that it was the handiwork of Elisha.


1. The revelation of the secrets of the enemy. We need to pray that every plan
and activity of our enemies should be exposed. Several years ago, a sister prayed
this prayer point: "I arrest and detain every evil arrester and I command them to
reveal their secrets, in Jesus' name." She did this for seven nights. On the seventh
night, somebody came in her dream, heavily bandaged all round his body with a
human intestine which he gave to the sister and said, "Since you have been
praying to arrest the arrester, take back your intestine," and the sister collected it.
As he was going away, the sister said, "Who are you? Reveal your identity, in
Jesus' name." The bandage on him loosened completely and a short man known
to her appeared. She shouted "Baba beji!" It was her uncle. By 6.00 am the
following morning, the man was at her door prostrating for her and asking for
2. Satanic efforts were rendered fruitless: We need to pray that all the enemies
delegated or assigned against us should be kept busy with useless activities. We
should decree that their satanic efforts against us be wasted.
3. How satanic efforts were frustrated: We need to speak frustration into
every satanic activity and agent targeted against us. This was also done by
Elisha. He spoke blindness upon the Syrian armies. A certain friend of mine was
preaching in a place one day, and there was a man who was moving up and
down. All of a sudden, he came to this my friend and shouted, "You this man,
which power are you using? I have tried to seize your voice thirteen times but
instead, you kept screaming on top of your voice." Then the man of God laughed
and told him that he never knew that he had been trying to seize his voice. The
effort of the satanic agent in the above story was frustrated.
4. The detective activity of the Holy Spirit: This can break the backbone of the
evil spiritual soldiers surrounding us. We also notice the confidence with which
Elisha spoke and prayed. The king called Benhadad was a serious idol
worshipper. He worshipped Rimon (the Syrian god of war). With the
supernatural intelligence of the Holy Spirit, the position of God's enemy was
revealed. Elisha knew what was happening in the king's bedroom. You can tell
the calibre of a person by the kind of enemies he has. Elisha was bombarded on
all sides. If the devil hates you and his men are speaking very terrible things
about you, rejoice for you are in the same camp with Elisha. All you need to do
is to smite them with blindness.
Unfortunately, most of us are in the school of fear like the servant of Elisha
who was busy meditating on the lies of the devil not knowing that those who
were with them were more than those with their enemies. Their enemies got so
confused that they could not recognise Elisha. They could not see the danger
ahead of them as they were being led into the camp of their enemy. Elisha was
one man that dealt with evil arresters.
Acts 13: 6-12 says, "And when they had gone through the isle unto Paphos,
they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar-
Jesus. Which was with the deputy of the country, Sergius Paulus. A prudent
man; who called for Barnabas and Saul, and desired to hear the word of God
But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them,
seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith. Then Saul, (who also is called
Paul) filled with the Holy Ghost set his yes on him, and said, O full of all
subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all
righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right way of the Lord? And
now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not
seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a
darkness. And he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand. Then the
deputy, when he saw what was done, believed, being astonished at the doctrine
of the Lord."
Paul did not tap the man at the back neither did he sing praise-worship or turn
the other cheek, but he quickly located and identified the enemy. We need to do
this to our enemies too to astonish them. Paul's prayer point was, "Thou shall be
blind." If you make your enemies blind, you can lead them to wherever you
It is quite clear that we are at war but you need to understand the spirit behind
it to know what to face. There are many local arresters in our environment.
Already many have been arrested while many are still moving about


1. Drinkers of blood and eaters of flesh: They drink blood and eat flesh. They
donate flesh and blood to the demonic world. Many satanic people use human
blood to cook food to sell. Many of the problems of some people can be traced
to this source. But the Bible says, "All those who want to drink your blood shall
drink their own blood."
2. Ancestral strongmen: I know a family of about nine children and the most
educated was a primary six certificate holder. Later, one of them got born-again
and was able to enter secondary school. When he wanted to enter the university,
his name and result could not be traced at all at the JAMB office. He prayed with
anger and God revealed something to him. He saw himself and all his brothers
on a queue with the axe man shaking their hands one by one. The axe man was
someone from his family. They were not prospering because of the evil
handshake. God told him to reverse the handshake, which he did and got his,
breakthrough. I then told him to pray for the rest of his brothers that the evil
handshake of the strongman should be shaken off their lives.
3. Dream manipulators: They make you to see your enemies as your friends
and your friends as enemies.
4. Spiritual wives and spiritual husbands: Many men have spirit wives while
many women have spirit husbands. A man with a spirit wife will not be able to
have a settled home and a woman with a spirit husband will engage in
counterfeit spiritual marriages which will destroy her physical marriage.
5. Strange children: These are planted in many families for the destruction of
such families. The psalmist prayed that the Lord should deliver him from the
hands of strange children. A man woke up at 4.00 am and sat on his bed.
Suddenly, he saw his four year old daughter transforming into a big girl; well
dressed and about to go out through the window. The man was greatly amazed.
He made an attempt to stop her by kicking her legs. But he hit his legs against
the bed and wounded himself. That was a strange child. Some of these children
are older than their parents.
6. Satanic spies: They pass information about people to their enemies. Some
people went to spy on Elisha but they were disgraced. One day as I was praying
with some people, I saw in front of a sister who was a spinster, an old woman
sitting on a wedding gown and laughing at her. I told the others that we must
unseat her. As the fire of God fell on the woman, she got up and wanted to run
away with the gown, but she could not. That was how the sister got her
7. Satanic gadgets and equipment: A small boy of 14 who confessed to being a
witch told us that his department the demonic kingdom is called the "Affairs of
men." His parents were Christians. The day they started to pray fire prayers,
problem started for the boy.
8. Counterfeit angels: They pretend to be angels but they are not.
9. Evil diviners: They circulate people's names for evil.
10. Fake physical and spiritual ministers.
11. Evil advisers and counsellors.
12. Distributors of infirmities.
13. Distributors of poverty.
14. Problem expanders.
15. Occult enemies.
16. Evil broadcasters.
17. Satanic caterers: They feed people in the dream.
18. Destiny manipulators: They change people's destiny. For example, when a
child is born to be great, they introduce meaningless things into his life like
Indian Hemp, hard drugs, womanising, prostitution, etc. When I was invited to a
psychiatric hospital to pray for somebody, it was then I Knew that the rich also
cry. There was a lady there who was brought from England. She had a doctorate
degree but had been utterly destroyed. How would a person destined to be a pilot
now made blind, fulfil his destiny?
19. Powers that hunt for male seeds: They destroy men through their sperms.
20. Satanic sexual partners.
21. Demon - idols: Wicked people send them to harm their enemies.
22. Spirits impersonating the dead: There was a certain man somewhere who
used a walking stick to move about. When he died at 94, there was always a
sound of the walking stick every night in the house. But when some people
prayed and anointed the place, the sound stopped.
23. Stubborn pursuers.
24. Promotion swallowers.
25. Desert spirits
26. Fragmentators: They fragment people's lives


There are everywhere; in the human and animal world, vegetable world,
minerals, water, wind, storm and in the heavenlies. They surround us as they
surrounded Elisha. When you render evil arresters blind then you can do with
them what you want. There are so many ways of dealing with them but we will
look at some prayer points of some people in the Bible who refused to be
The first man that made a holy cry in the Bible and got result was Jacob in
Genesis 32. His prayer point was, "I will not let thee go except you bless me."
David in Psalm 56: 9 said, "When I cry unto thee then shall mine enemies turn
back, this I know for God is for me."
Another person that uttered a holy cry in the Bible was Moses in Exodus 17: 4
"And Moses cried unto the Lord, saying, what shall I do unto this people?
They be almost ready to stone me."
Jabez also uttered a holy cry in I Chronicles 4: 10. He uttered four prayer
points: "And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, (i) Oh that thou
wouldest bless me indeed (ii) that thou enlarge my coast (iii) that thine hand
might be with me and (iv) that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not
grieve me," and the Lord changed his name from a man of sorrow to a man of
A man also uttered a holy cry in 2 Chronicles 14:11: "And Asa cried unto the
Lord his God, and said, Lord, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with
many, or with them that have no power help us, O Lord our God, for we rest
on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude. O Lord, thou art our
God, let not man prevail against three." And God answered.
Peter uttered a holy cry in the New Testament saying, "Lord, save me," and
the Lord answered.
The Syrophonecian woman cried out loud to Jesus to have mercy on her that
her daughter had been attacked by the devil, and her daughter was delivered.
Another man said that Jesus should help his unbelief.
Blind Bartimaeus cried out: "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me."
These were short prayers that brought results. These people cried out to the
Lord out of their desperation. We also need to pray that our angels of blessings
should locate us as they located Jacob; the prayer that will provoke angelic
assistance. We need to pray that the fountain of infirmities should dry up, that
every satanic hindrance targeted against our angels of blessings be dissolved,
that the Lord should bless us to a dumbfounding degree, anchor His mercy to our
heads and keep us from sinking in the sea of this world.

1. Every evil arrester, receive blindness, in Jesus' name.
2. Every power arresting my progress, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
3. I reject every demonic alteration of my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
4. Every power contributing stubbornness to my problem, fall down and die, in
Jesus' name.
5. Every power rearranging my problem, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
6. My angels of blessings must locate me, in Jesus' name.
7. Oh Lord, deliver me from evil stones thrown at me by unfriendly friends, in
Jesus' name
8. Every fountain of infirmity, dry up, in Jesus' name.
9. Every stubborn pursuer of my health, fall down and die, bin the name of
10. (Lay your right hand on your head and pray like this): My head will not
anchor to any evil thing, in the name of Jesus.
11. Let God be God against my oppressors, in Jesus' name.
12. Every satanic padlock fashioned against me, be roasted by fire, in Jesus'


1. "Adura Agbayori" (Yoruba Version of the Second Edition of Pray Your

Way to Breakthroughs).
2. "Awon Adura Ti nsi Oke Nidi" (Yoruba Prayer Book)
3. Be Prepared
4. Breakthrough Prayers For Business Professionals.
5. Brokenness
6. Comment Se Delivrer Soi-meme (French Edition of How To Receive
Personal Deliverance).
7. Criminals in the House of God. (First & Second Edition)
8. Dealing with Hidden Curses
9. Dealing With Unprofitable Roots
10. Dealing with Witchcraft Barbers
11. Dealing with Local Satanic Technology
12. Deliverance by Fire
13. Deliverance of the Head
14. Deliverance of the Tongue
15. Deliverance from Spirit Husband and Spirit Wife
16. Drawers of Powers from the Heavenlies
17. Evil Appetite
18. For We Wrestle
19. Failure In the School of Prayer
20. Holy Cry
21. Holy Fever
22. How to Obtain Personal Deliverance (Second Edition)
23. Let God Answer by Fire (Annual 70 Days Prayer and Fasting)
24. Limiting God
25. Meat for Champions
26. Overpowering Witchcraft
27. Personal Spiritual Check-Up
Edition of Power Against Spiritual Terrorists)
29. Power Against Destiny Quenchers
30. Power Against Dream Criminals
31. Power Against Local Wickedness
32. Power Must Change Hands
33. Power Against Spiritual Terrorists
34. Power Against Marine Spirits
35. Power Against Coffin Spirits
36. Pray Your Way to Breakthroughs (Second Edition)
37. Prayer Rain
38. Prayer Strategy for Spinsters and Bachelors
39. Prayers to Destroy Diseases and Infirmities
40. Prayers that Bring Explosive Increase (Annual 70-days Prayer and Fasting)
41. Prayers to Mount Up With Wings as Eagles (Annual 70-days Prayer and
42. Prayers that Bring Miracles (Annual 70-days Prayer and Fasting)
43. Prayers for Open Heaven, New Beginning and Fresh Fire (Annual 70-days
Prayer and Fasting)
Your Way to Breakthrough)
Edition of Breakthrough Prayers for Business Professionals)
46. Release From Destructive Covenants
47. Revoking Evil Decrees
48. Satanic Diversion of the Black Race
49. Smite the Enemy and he will Flee
50. Spiritual Warfare and the Home
51. Students in the School of Fear
52. The Fire of Revival
53. The Great Deliverance
54. The Internal Stumbling Block
55. The Lord is a Man of War
56. The Prayer Eagle
57. The Slow Learners
58. The Serpentine Enemy
59. The Spirit of the Crab
60. The Star Hunters
61. The Tongue Trap
62. The Vagabond Spirit
63. Too Hot to Handle
64. Unprofitable Foundations
65. Victory Over Satanic Dreams (Second Edition)
66. Violent Prayers Against Stubborn Problems
67. Wealth Must Change Hands
68. When you are Knocked Down
69. When God is Silent
70. Your Foundation and Your Destiny

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