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Southern Luzon State University

College of Teacher Education

Lucban, Quezon

RESOURCE Management


At the end of this topic, students should be able to:

 To educate student about management in the family as well as in other sphere of life.

 Understand that family resource management is a process that requires decision-making

and evaluation

 skills.

 Become familiar with the factors that impact the development, maintenance, and changing of
personal and

 family value sets over time.

 Understand the connections between management and family choices.

 To make student aware about maximum utilization of their resources to meet their goals
Module One: Definition of Terms and concepts
related to HRM

What is a household?

- A group of people, each with different abilities and needs, who live together
most of the time and contribute to a common economy, and share the food and
other income derived from the common economic activities.

- Household is a basic unit for socio-cultural and economic analysis

Note: There is difference between a family and a household!!

What is Household Economy?

Household Economy is the sum of ways in which a household acquires its

income, its savings and asset holdings, and by which it meets its food and non-
food needs. Note: Try to list different types of economic activities which a typical
household in your community undertake

What is a Resource

- An economic or productive factor required to accomplish an activity or as

means to undertake an enterprise and achieve desired outcome.

- Three most basic resources are land, labour and capital; other resources
include energy, entrepreneurship, information, expertise ,management and time.

What are the Basic Household resources?

- human (physical labour, skills, knowledge, educational attainment)

- material (land, capital, technology, money), and

- time


1. Information and Time are important resources but most people are not
very conscious of this.

2. Capital include; Economic/Finacial, human and social capital

Access, control and ownership (of resources)?

Access to something means having the possibility to use it, e.g. a resource
such as land or production equipment. It does not necessarily imply control or
ownership of this resource.

Control. When someone has control of something it means that he/she

decides how it can be used and by whom it does not necessarily imply

Ownership can be joint (e.g. by more than one household or community member)
or it can be individual (e.g. by one person). Ownership will determine control and
access to a large degree.

Household resource management uses the household as an entry-point to

understand and address rural development challenges. It focuses on
management systems within households, and include analysis of decision-
making, resource allocation, household consumption and time management in
the context of food security and economic development.

Household resource management was also describe as “the process of making

decisions about how to maximize the use of resources, such as land, water,
labour, capital, purchased inputs, inputs produced on-farm, cash, agricultural
credit and agricultural extension”.

Management of Resources
Characteristics of Resources

 Resources are useful

 Resources are limited in supply

 Resources are inter-related

 Resources have alternate uses

 Resources can be substituted

Therefore, all resources ( both human and non-human, tangible or intangible )

have these characteristics in similar. Thus we should; 1. Create and cultivate
them to enhance their availability and 2. Conserve them as they are limited in

Ways of maximizing benefits from the use of resources

 Identify all the available resources.

 Make use of only the right amount of resources.

 Substitute the less expensive resources for the more expensive ones.

 Develop the habits that can enhance the use of resources.

 Cultivate practices to increase the availability of resources.

 Learn to share resources so that you do not deprive others of their use.

 Do not waste resources.

 Reduce, Re-use, and Re-cycle the resources to maximize utility from their
use (the 3-R’s).

What is Management?

Management is simply defined as the process of using what you have ( in the
best way) to achieve what you want.

Management helps you to:

 reach your goals,

 achieve what you want,

 utilize your resources properly,

 make your life more systematic,

 avoid wastage of resources,

 increase efficiency in work situations,

 achieve a better standard of life.

Steps in the Management Process





In working towards your goal;

- First you have to think about what to do and how it is to be done, that is,
you do the planning.

-Then you assemble the resources and assign the responsibilities. In

other words, you are organizing.

- After that you perform the actual task ( i.e. putting your plans to action)

controlling your activities so that it is according to your plans.

- Once the task is over, you check to see whether everything went
according to

your plan or not. In other words, you are evaluating.

Planning involves;

 Listing activities

 Sequencing activities, and

 Providing flexibility for any adjustments

During planning think about the following;

 What is to be done?

 Who will do the work?

 How will it be done?

 When will it be done?

 What resources will be used?

Organizing means assembling resources and fixing responsibilities to carry out

a plan.

But, while assigning tasks to other people, we must make sure that they have
the time and ability to do that work and are willing to do the same.

Organizing ensures that:

all the planned work gets done,

there is proper distribution of work,

work gets finished on time,

time, energy, and other important resources are saved, and

your planning is successful.

Note: What will happen if you refuse to organize your work? Can you

think of what would happen if you assigned tasks to people who are not
willing or able to do them?

Controlling is also known as putting a plan into action. Controlling means

carrying out the activities as planned and organized earlier.

As the plan is being carried out, you also have to check the progress of your plan.
When you do this, you may sometimes find a changed situation which calls for a
fresh decision.

You make adjustments as the plan is being carried out or implemented. You
change or control your activities so that your plan is not a failure. This is also
called flexibility.

Evaluating. Evaluating means checking the progress of your plan and taking
corrective measures if needed.
Thus evaluation helps you to understand your weaknesses and mistakes so that
it is checked and will not be repeated in future. This is also called looking back or

Evaluation is done at each stage of management i.e. planning, organizing, and

controlling. You have to evaluate at every stage so that you do not regret in the

Evaluation at each stage help you to bring a change in your planning and/or
organizing and controlling so as to improve end results and complete the
process smoothly and successfully or learn to do a better job in future.

Motivating Factors in Management

There are three motivating factors;

1.Goals. Goals are the aims or objectives that we want to achieve and work for.
Goals grows out of our values, desires and needs

2. Values. A value is a moral principle and/or belief that a person holds about
some aspect of life. E.g. honesty, punctuality, kindness, sincerity, health, good
habits, happiness, etc. all these may be valued.

3. Standards. Standard is an accepted level of quality. Hence it is a measure

of values that compel individuals to perform actions that will give the desired

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