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= Contents

I My schooL bag 6
2 Fun in the park! . 10
Review 1—2 14

3 It’smybirthday! . 16
4 My favourite things . 20
Review3—4 , . 24

5 Let’s go shopping! . . 26
6 Coot homes . .. 30
Review5—6 . 34

7 Whatwoutdyoutike? 36
8 Let’s have fun! 40
Review7—8 44

9 Let’s go to the zoo! . . 46

10 Funonthebeach 50
Review9—10 54

11 Our things 56
12 What’s your favourite game? 60
Reviewll—12 64

Pairwork 66
Grammarfun! 70
Grammar fun pairwork! .. 76
Skitts checktists 78

List 82
Meetthecharacters 86

AcknowLedgements 88

— ‘-.,

e /

. 0
Map of the book
Unit Topic Skitts focus Can do
Reading and Writing
School Read short sentences and Read and understand Chant
bags and recognise key words short, simple words and the Think
contents Tick or cross to show if a names of familiar objects Big
sentence is true or fatse

;;;ling and Writing


Read short sentences Understand basic

about a picture and say descriptions of everyday
whether they are true or activities

Review Units 1—2 page 14

Identify key words in
descriptions of people
Understand simple spoken
and select the correct
: Birthday descriptions
name for each person by
activities Understand and follow
drawing a line to connect Chant
Prepositions them spoken instructions to point
of place at and place. objects in a
Give and respond to
simple instructions using
prepositions of place
Reading and Writing Unjumble words to match a
Spelt simple words picture
Favou rite correctly Answer questions with
INI y favourite things Chant
Speaking simple answers and
things respond to Tell me about
Respond to simple ...

;pge20 questions questions

Review Units 3—4 page 24

Listening Understand and write

letters of the atphabet Song
Things you Listen for and write
can buy
. numbers (1—20)
Spell names
when heard
Understand and write
numbers 1—20 when heard

. Reading and Writing
Read a text, then choose
rooms and and copy
furniture and copy words to Big
simple words
comptete sentences /
Review Units 5—6 page 34
Unit Topic J SkiLls focus I


I, Speaking Understand simpte

questions Chant
What Food Understand and respond
wouLd you to personal questions Give simpte answers
page 36
Pastimes Listen for specific Understand simple spoken Think
and information descriptions of people and Big
hobbies Tick the correct box everyday objects
under a picture
Review Units 7—8 page 44

Reading and Writing

Read questions about a Answer simple questions
picture story about a picture
Write one-word answers

Understand and foltow
Listen to words, co’ours simple basic instructions
and prepositions
Follow a short story in
Locate objects and cotour simple English
them correctty

Review Units 9—10 page 54


Speaking Understand simple

Personal Understand and answer questions Song
- questions about pictures Give simple answers
lof objects

Reading and Writing

Read short sentences Can understand basic
What’s your Games about a picture and say Chant
favourite whether they are true or
game? not.
Review Units 11—12 page 64
Pairwork pages 66-69 Skitts checkLists pages 78—81
Grammar fun! pages 70-75 Word List pages 82—85
Grammar fun pairwork! pages 76—77 Meet the characters pages 86—87


Look at the photos. Talk with a

I How many school bags can you see? 3 What colour is
2 What colours are they? your school bag?

e€ Listen and match the bags to the chiLdren.

Which bags

I w

€ Look at Max’s schooL bag. How many things can you name?

liax’s bag “y ba

0 Draw three objects in your bag and write.

I’ve got ,

in my school bag.

0 Find out about your friend’s bag.

tWhat’s in your bag? Me too!

‘I’ve got a ruter.


Read, think and write. Fotebook!

It’s a
I I It’s in Max’s bag. X It’s not in my bag.
2 1 It’s in my bag. X It’s not in Max’s bag.

3 x It’s not in my bag. x It’s not in Max’s bag.


-oC 0
0 C
: 0
I 0
; 4-’ 0
0 C II-
4-’ 0 0
..C V
Q_ U
:j I.
‘2 C
4-’ Ewill
: .
‘J C
h Q
I ‘ L,tb1m%t
0 Work with a friend.
Give instructions and tidy
your classroom.

Don’t forget to say
/ please and thank you!
I 0 ‘-e’ Look and read. Put a tick (I) or a cross (X) in the box.
There are two examples.


This is a pen 0 These are rulers. 0

I These are desks. Q

2\2’ This is a cupboard. Q

:::- This is a bookcase. Q

4 These are crayons. D


This is a poster. D

Look at the park for 30 seconds. What can you see?
0 ‘- Cover the picture and work with a friend.
How many questions can you answer?
I What co[our are the bikes? 5 What sports can you see?
2 What animals are there? 6 What’s in the water?
3 How many children are there? 7 What has the monkey got?
4 Where is the kite? 8 What is Frankie eating?

€: Listen and circLe the word you hear.

I see 3 bike kite 5 dogs ducks
2 sun fun 4 boat boots 6 bat bag
‘ .


0 ‘‘ Match the chiLdren to the verbs.

0 0 §

) ,

Grace Connor

throw ride kickD

0 Look at the pictures in task 4.

Listen and answer.

0 ,# Write correct sentences.

ExampLe Grace is holding her skateboard.
No, she isn’t. She’s L!fW ““ $hYt6OLUd

I Matt is walking with his dog.

No, he isn’t. He’s
2 Ruby is hitting a bait.

3 Connor is catching a football.


0 Imagine you are at the park.

Do a mime. Can your friends guess?

I u;
0 Look at the park. TaLk with a friend.
J’ *.
I How many animals can you see?

2 What are the animals doing?

0 Look and read. Write yes or no.
ExampLe A girt is walking with her dog.

I The snake is hotding an ice cream.

2 The crocodite is riding a bike.

The fish are steeping in the water.

4 Grandpa has got a camera.

I 5 The monkey is flying a kite.

I ±___ 2 3

0 Read and choose the correct words.

Enjoy a dirty I clean park.

Throw I Don’t throw
your rubbish in the bin!

*_ F%4

0 What is good? Choose the correct picture.

0 ‘ Read the signs and match to the chiLdren in task 5.

Write A, B or C.

Don’t walk
on the flowers.

0 Makeawordtree!
Look at page 66.

Review Uniti
Skills: Speaking, Writing and Reading
0 TaLk with a friend. Look at the photo and
answer the questions.
I Where are the children?
2 Name four things you see in this classroom.
3 Name four things you don’t see.

Mark: _/9

0 Look at the photos and write the words.

I Eva’sbagis
2 Ben’s bag is . It’s on the
3 Sue’s bag is . It’s next to the ..

Mark: _ I5

0 Read and draw the things.

a football in the bookcase
I a computer on the desk
2 a mouse next to the computer
3 a ruler in the school bag
4 a clock on the bookcase
5 three crayons on the chair

Mark: _15
Total: __/ 19
I __p-
_11JE* *Ø%*r
Review Unit 2
Skills: Reading and Writing
0 Look at the photos. Write these words on the tines.

C,hi( kick ride run


Mark: _/3

0 Look at the pictures and read the sentences. Write A or B.


i I

I Agirl.isridingabike. 5 Adogisjumping.
2 A boy is catching a basketball. 6 A girt is throwing a toy.
3 A teacher is running. 7 A boy is flying a kite.
4 Two ducks are swimming. 8 A girt is kicking a football.
Mark: _/7

0 Look at the cotours and write Frankie’s sentences.

I batt window. Don’t the next to the kick

öon’t .

2 your on Don’t bikel grass. ride the

Total: 16

Who is not sharing?


- -

0 ‘4 Readandpoint to the photos.

Ageta special card D wear new clothes
B open presents E sing a song
C play party games F eat special food

0 Talk with two friends. What do you do on your birthday?

I wear new clothes d (do

§ 1_
Can you guess what the presents are? Write the words.


0 Where are the presents? Listen and draw tines.

I 0 Draw a toy on a smatt sticky note. Look at the picture

in task 3. Give instructions to your friend.

: C between under
C nextto

I s%
c__behind infrontofD

0 Listen tothe chant and draw tines.


s;;;I Lucy

e Listen and circle the correct words.

I She’s I Her name’s Sara. She’s I Her nine years o[d.
2 He’s I His name’s Dan. He’s I His seven years o[d.

0 Ask and answer with a friend.

Howoldare What’s her How oI.d is

% name? he?

0 i# Draw and write about you and your friend.

, -

This is ME! t
\ This is my friend.
My name’s
\ ‘

7> (\ >
I \ I’m I
5 ‘ years old. years old.
0 Look at the picture of a birthday party. What can you see?

0 Listen and draw tines There is one exampte°

-% .


. _d_i


There is one extra name. Whot is it?

O*Makea pop-up
birthday card! Look
at page 67.

i JL.
If’ ——
My favourite ...

cotour rhymes with new. 6fu

toy rhymes with white.
food rhymes with snake.
place rhymes with tree.

0 ‘13’ Read the groups of words. CircLe the word that is not correct.

toy food
animat place
brown bread pea

giraffe pink
board game pear

goat park
btack ball paper
4.IL playground

§ Aska friend What’
about their your
favourite things. favou rite I I
‘ J It’s

r F
I Use only the letters
0 Look at the pictures. in the hearts.
Look at the tetters. Write the words.
man g

.. I

4 5


0 ‘-i> Read and draw.


I sweets on the cake 3 lemon in the lemonade

2 five peas on the ice cream 4 a monster in the story book

0 Listen to the chant. Draw the faces in task 5.

. . —
like •: = don’t like
0 A Look and write the words.
Write one more question. My friend

I Doyoutikep onyourpizza?

2 Do you [Ike big s at the zoo?

3 Do you [Ike s under your feet?

4 Doyou[ikef onTV?

5 ?

Yes, I do! = .: No, I don’t! = •:

0 Ask and answer with a friend. Draw the faces in task 1.

0 Talk about the picture with a friend. Take turns to ask.


I What’s this? 4 How many birds are there?

2 Where is the a[ien? 5 What is the alien doing?
3 What co[our are the a[ien’s eyes? 6 Te[[ me about the [izard.

It’s OK to say: Sorry, I don’t

understand. Can you say that
f: again, please?

Listen to the interview and circLe the correct information.

I The atien Likes/doesn’t Like monsters.

2 The alien Likes I doesn’t Like the sun.
3 Its favourite food is peas on
pizza I ice cream.
4 The alien’s favourite hobby is fLying I painting.
5 It Likes I doesn’t Like pink.

# Draw and write about an alien.
My alien’s name is
My alien has got

My alien lives

My alien tikes

My alien doesn’t like

0 Show your atien to your friends.

What a coot

What beautiful
Review Unit 3 t:
Skills: Speaking, Writing and Reading
0 Look at the photos and talk with a friend. What can you see? What are the chiLdren doing?


I. 4- •1

Mark: _14
0 Read the text. Write these words on the tines.

C games He Her jf eight toJ

t Hi, I’m Sam! This is Jfriend, Biti.

Bitt is six years old. I has got
a sister. 2 name is Suzi. She’s
3 years old. On Bill’s birthday, we
play 4 _ and eat cake. We sing Happy
Birthday! Bill likes birthdays. Me 5
Mark: _ I5

0 Look at the picture. Choose the correct word.

Exampte The car is in front of /the robot.

I The teddy bear is next to I on the table.
2 The cakes are next to I in front of the teddy bear.
3 The boy is between I behind the girls.
4 The toys are under/on the table. Mark: _/5
5 The cat is between / behind the guitar. Total: __/ 14

Review Unit 4
Skills: Listening, Writing and Reading

0 What are Lucy’s favourite things? Listen and circle.


Mark: _/4
0 . Now write about Nick.

I N ick’s favou rite a nimals a re IL L . L. ,1

and _

2 Nick doesn’t like pizza. His favourite food is a

3 His favourite place is the

4 Nick has a red $D . He plays with it in the park.

5 What is Nick’s favourite colour? Yes, that’s right, it’s *ç

Mark: _ I5

0 Look at the picture and read the questions. Circle the correct answer.

Example What animal is in the sea? a lizard

I What colour is the bird in the tree? green I purple
2 How many children are there? two I three
3 What is the boy wearing? boots I a hat
4 What is he holding? a boat/a fish Mark: _/5
5 What is the girl doing? jumping / swimming Total: __/ 14


66 6
0 Talk with a friend. Name the Some crayon
things in the trolleys. Ask and answer. ‘ frot[ey A!

0 # Look at the trolLey on page 68 for 30 seconds.

Then write the words.
I 3 5
2 __ 4

0 Listen and tick (/) the Letter you hear.

0 Write the first Letters. Are the Letters the same as in task 3?

e creaJ

Lean sJ eatbaJ ‘

0 Student A: Look at task 4. Ask three questions.

Student B: CLose your book and write.

c Can you speti . . .? &you spelt .‘p.

0 Listen and write the surnames.

i? eggs
— mangoes
— kiWis
— eggs

0 €: Listen again. Match the people to the shopping Lists.

Write the numbers in the shopping Lists. 0
0 ‘.P Listen to the song and do the
maths. How many sunflowers are
in the fLower shop? ‘4Ib

0 # Complete your shopping List. Draw and write.


0 Play with a friend. Who can buy the things first?

I’d tike a
watermelon, ptease
Here you are.

Ca nJ’ hove three

tomatoes,. ptease?
0 Read and point. Write the words. -

We see numbers:
I on a in ourc[assroom. (ko c ci)

2inaciothes____.(hosp) see numbers? .

3 on a _ _ in the street. (s u b)

4 on a birthday (c e a k)

5 on the _ _ _of a house. (o U o r)



0 -‘ Read the questions in task 6.

Say name or number.

0 — Read the question Listen and write

a name or a number. There are two examples.
What is the boy’s name?
Howoidishe? 9
I Whatisthenameofthestreet? — Street
2 What number is the shop?

: Who is in the shop?

4 How many flowers does the girl want?

5 Who are the flowers for?


Att the answers ore names or numbers.

0 Imagine you Live in this tree house.
I What’s good about your tree house?
2 What’s bad about your tree house?
3 What anima[s live
in the tree with you?
4 What furniture is in
your tree house?

0 Draw some
furniture in
your tree house.
Talk about it
with d friend.
, There is a —

big armchair.
0 A Can you compLete the sentences? Read and write your ideas.
J ‘p

My ideas:
;r i live in a I near my school.
There is a big kitchen, a dining room, a bathroom

! In my bedroom, there is a white cupboard with my
3 —
I’ve got a brown box with lots of
4 On the wall, there’s a mirror and a
— .
: poster of my favourite animal. It’s an 5 5

0 Are your ideas correct? Listen and write the words in task 4.
0 Listen and point. TeLL a friend what jobs you can see.


0 Listen and match. Who’s speaking? THINK

I Almakemybed. Whatjobs
: doyoudo
2 B I put my toys in the toy box. t at home? 1
3 C I put things on the table for dinner.

4 D I clean the kitchen floor.

0 TaLk with a friend.
What can you see?

0 #
Read about MoLLy. Look and write about Finn and Cara.

Mot[y’s favourite animal. is the polar bear. She likes animals.

She loves reading.

I Finn plays the

and the . He loves playing with
2 Cara’s favourite colours are and
She plays . She likes

0 Look at page 68. Draw three things in your bedroom.

What do we Learn about you?
Myfavourite is


0 ‘‘ Read this. Choose a word from Cover the pictures. Can yoN
the box. Write the correct word next Lguess
the missing words?
to numbers 1—5. There is one example.


Do you tike frogs? They are fantastic and cool.! Frogs have four Itg -

two are tong and two are short. Many frogs are green but some are grey
or yettow. I tike to steep at I but they tike to steep in the morning.
Some peopte have a 2 for a pet, but I have a frog! My frog
doesn’t tive in my bathroom or under my 3 It tives in water in my

4 . And my frog does not ctose its 5 even when it steeps!



tegs night garden eyes

H%% appte kite

0 Choose words to describe these houses. Which house do I

don’t you Like?

J beautifut and scary funny and sitty fantastic and coot

0 Draw a house. Show your house to your cLass and taLk about it.

This is my house!
It’s fantastic
and cool!
P a

Review Unit 5

Ski[[s: Reading, Listening and Writing

0 Look at the peopLe in the shops. Read and write the word.

I would tike some

f(o(oet ,

Can I have that red

i_ ,ptease?

Here you are. A bag of


: have sornen
C Would you like a


Mark: _/4

0 Listen and write the number.

?“ ‘


Mark: _/5

0 Read the questions. Choose and write the answers.

I How otd is Pat?
2 Who is your teacher? Seven, please.
3 How many kiwis would you like? Mr Brown.
4 How do you spell your name? 8 years old.
It’s 15.
5 What number is your house?
Mark: _/5
Total:__/ 14
Unit 6
SkiDs: Reading, Writing and Speaking

0 Look at the house and number the rooms 1—5.

ExampLe tiving room
I kitchen 3 dining room
2 bedroom 4 bathroom
Mark: _/4

0 Look at the house. Where are the people? Read the sentences and write the room.
Example Tom is sitting on the sofa. He’s in the i!2If?t!!2m
I Grace is cleaning the cupboards. She’s in the
2 Alex is putting things on the table for dinner. He’s in the
3 Lucy is making the bed. She’s in the
4 Mark is in the bath. He’s in the

Mark: _/4

0 Look at the photo. Imagine this is your bedroom.

Write the words on the Lines.

My bedroom has got a big w L i !f My


I d _ _ is in front of the window. I haven’t got a

computer. There is a big 2 b with lots
of books. It’s next to my 3 b . My bedroom is very
clean. All my 4 t are in boxes.

Mark: _/4

0 What’s in your bedroom? Say two sentences to a friend.

Mark: _14
Total: __I 16
What can you see? TeLL a friend.
0 Circle the food you can see in task 1.
tomatoes gtapes an orange
a pineapple a peat a mango an onion
a banana a potato carrots peas

0 Draw a person with some of the food from task 2.

Show your picture to a friend.
Look at my picture. I can see grapes.

0 € Listen to the chant and say the Letters. Then Listen and write.

2 o

3 c I 4t
0 • Making a cake! Listen and put
a tick (/) or cross (X). Write the number.
‘Ix Number
bana;ta I ‘1

0 ‘ê’ Read and ask a friend.

This is my favourite fruit. Do you know its

name? Can you see a star? It’s a star fruit!


This is my favourite fruit. It’s a very big fruit.

It’s a jackfruit. I like eating it with rice and coconut.

I Do you want to eat a starfruit?

2 Would you like to eat a jackfruit?

Yes ! N M aybe. P.—

Draw a picture and write about
your favourite fruit.
This is my favourite fruit.
I like eating it with
I ;
1TII ,0
>1 0
0 Write a menu.
. J ci,%



I •
I •
, •
I %

0 Work in groups of three. Imagine you are in a café. Act out.

I’d [ike an ice cream,


‘ Here ç0

0 Askandanswerwithafriend.

What’s your favourite fruit I ‘rDO

you like .
drink I lunch?


TaLk with a friend. What’s missing in each picture?

0 What are the children doing? Choose and write

the words in task 1.

t yiig
dancing drawing a picture f[ying a plane painting a picture
L badminton playing the drums playing the guitar singing

0 Listen to Tom and circLe the correct answers.

His favourite ctass at school is doing sport /ting.
I His teacher is Mrs Green I Mrs White. She’s really cool!
2 He likes painting peopLe I animaLs.
3 Today, he’s drawing I painting a cat in class.
4 His picture is not good I fantastic!
0 Write a question. Interview two friends.

What’s your
favourite sport? .

What do you
tike painting? :

Do you Like singing?

Do you tike
0 TaLk to your cLass about your friends. i:Ben likes ptayingtenn
0 TaLk with a friend. What can you see in the pictures in task 7?

0 € Listen and tick (I) the box. There is one example.

What is Sam painting? 3 What is Matt taking a photo of?
I What is Anna taking to school? 4 What does Grace play?

2 What sport is Alice playing? 5 Which painting is Mark looking at?

j 1%

[% % AQ EQ cQ AQ BQ cQ

0 Look at the painting for one
minute. Close your book. How
many things can you remember?
There’s a bed, a chair

0 # Write these words on the tines.

E behind between nextto oir under

Example There are five pictures -

the watt.
I There’s a chair the tabte and
Three of
; these paintings
the bed. a re by a ye ry fa mo u s -tEL
2 There’s a table the mirror. artist. Can you find out
3 There’s a picture the window. ! his name?
4 There are clothes the bed.

0 Which paintings do you Like? Choose words and write.

[iry funny sitty beautifu[ coot fantastic]



0 Talk to your friends about the paintings in task 3.

, e too! It’s beautif

C i don’t! I like painting i.)IIP

0 # Look at painting I again. Read and write yes or no.

ExampLe The man is playing a guitar.
I There are a lot of people behind the man.
2 The women have got fruit in their hair.
3 The man is wearing a baseball cap.
4 The man is singing.

0 Choose and write words about painting 3.

C beautiful boats çLord3i green painting sanJJ

It’s a day. There are four I boats on the

2 . There is a red one, a 3 one and two blue ones.

Some more 4 are sailing on the sea. I like this 5

0 Ptay a game with a friend.

the cool cat’
• Colour the cat’s heed

You need a dice.

• Colour the
cat’s body

2 RoIl the dice.
. Colour the
foot red.
cat’s big

1 3 Look at the 4
1 Colourblë.
the cat’s small
4. 9JP .t. ihc
. Colour
the cat’g fail

...c!!P&Y 6
• Colour the cat’s back
Review Unit 7
Skills: Listening, Writing and Speaking
0 Whose Lunch is it? Listen and match. Write A, B or C.
Mark: _/3

I \4 5_____

0 What food can you see? Write on the tines in task 1.

Mark: _ I5

0 Which food do you tike? Ask your partner two questions.

Do you ti ke ...?) M a rk I4

0 Read the questions. Number the answers.

“4Doyou1ikebanonas? 0

C Woutdyoutikeadrink?


\ / Here you are!

[nm ... thank you! ] Q [Yes, please. I’d like lemonade.]

Q Mark: _13
C I’d like a burger, please. 3 Q [‘‘es,i do. They’re my favourite fruit.
]0 Total: __I 15
t ‘% .


n) Review Unit 8

Skiffs: Writing and Reading

0 What does Lucy Like doing at schooL? Write these words.

c__ doing sport taking photos jin.ti-r pkiying the piano singing

— . .
‘ .. .‘ —E
S•—:’1 — —S

2 3 4
Mark: _/4

0 Look at Lucy’s painting. Write yes or no.

ExampLe There’s a bed under the window. 3 There’s a cat on the bed.
I There are some pictures on the wall. 4 There’s a door next to the desk.
2 There’s a bookcase next to the bed. 5 There’saruginfrontofthebed.

Mark: _ I5

0 Answer the questions about Lucy’s painting.

I How many pictures are there? There are
2 Do you like the painting? Yes,I. . I No, I

Mark:_/3 It’s

0 # Read and coLour.
I red
2 yett.ow
3 bt.ack
4 white

/j\ Look at the photos and
choose the correct words.
I I’m a poLar bear I hippo.
2 I’m white I grey.
3 I’ve got big I smaLL teeth.
4 I eat birds I fish.
5 I live in a coLd I hot place.
6 I can fLy I swim.

0 1_ Look at the photos and write.

I I’ma
2 I’m
3 I’ve got
4 I eat
5 I live
6 I can

i %%%)

L Some crocodiles are 5 metres long!
0 Student A: Think of an
animaL. Student B: Ask
three yes/no questions.

Does it live in...?

Does it eat ... ?
1asitgot.. ?

Can it . . .?) UI

flsit... ?
Is Ito... ?
0 Listen to the song and
number the pictures.


0 ‘ Answer the questions. Draw Lines.

I Which animal is climbing a tree? A It’s eating leaves.
2 What is the giraffe doing? B It’s under the tree.
3 Where is the tiger? C the monkey
4 What is the tiger doing? D the elephant
5 Which animal is throwing water? E It’s sleeping.

0 Which of these words are in the song? Tick (/) the words.



•1 1
L four
] C bee

C blue
C too
0 € How do the eight words sound? Put the words in groups
1—3. Then Listen and check.
0 Look at the pictures in task 6. What can you see?


0 Read the questions. Write one-word answers.

Where are the animals? in the
How many animals are there? ________

I What is the boy looking at?

2 Where is the balloon?

in the
3 What is the monkey standing on?

4 Who has got the battoon now?

5 Is the boy sad?

no, he’s

i i ‘


yvrite only one word

the boy? Who can you heLp?

0 Close your eyes and Listen to
four sounds. Then open your eyes and tick (/).

0 AL# Look at the photos in task I and write the words.


I 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
Look at the photos in task 1. Answer with a friend.
I Which things do you play with on the beach?
2 Which things can you see on the beach?
3 Which things do you find in the sea?
TaLk with a friend. What do you Like doing at the beach?

jIlike running on the beach (So do ii\, ,•


‘likeplaying tennis I don’t!

, ‘
I 0 € Listen and coLour. There is one exampLe.
0 --I> Look at the pictures and
tick (I) the things on each List.

0 Dan’s towel 0 Eva’s towel

—ii z::z:.. z z. . - -

Ubecchbcll kite
bcsebcll ccp Camëta
ccmeta bucket
ppIe Spade

e Write sentences about Dan and Eva.

ExampLe Dan’s got a 66ad half
I Dan’sgottwo
2 Dan hasn’t got a
3 Eva’s got

0 What do you take to the beach? Draw and show a friend.

F —

0 . .—1 -
0 What does Dan Like doing? Listen and tick (/).


i—aD Q
0 0

0 Listen again. CircLe yes or no.

Exampte Dan likes flying a kite. yes
I He plays tennis with his sister. yes/no
2 He’s got a camera. yes/no
3 He doesn’t like making sandcastles. yes/no

0 Make a sandcastte with Sam! Choose and write the words.

C put dLG•w- make find take

— -c-
s4 - I
C J’.
__a acircle in the sand. 3 shells on the beach.

) -

‘ .

. .1!

I _— sand in the bucket

with a spade.
4 aphotoof your
fantastic sandcastle!

A Ar

Sam sees s
2 a big sandcastle! on the sanci

0 What does Piper say? Listen and repeat.

Review Unit 9 :-
Skills: Reading, Listening and Writing
0 Look at the picture. Read and write yes or no.

ExampLe A monkey is eating a banana in the tree.

I Iwo hippos are swimming in the water.
2 A zebra is running behind the tiger.
3 An elephant is standing in the water.
4 A giraffe is sitting next to the etephant.
5 A bear is catching a fish from the water.

0 Which animaL is it? Listen and number the animaLs in the picture.

0 What are the animaLs doing in the picture? Write five sentences in your notebook.
ExampLe The elephant is throwing water.

The elephant
eating the tree.
The monkeys
swimming in the wctet.
The giraffe playing in the tree.
throwing water.
r r
f are
sleeping under the tree.

Review Unit 10
Skills: Speaking, Writing and Reading
0 Look at the beach and taLk with a friend. ook! A girl is swimming.
What are the children doing?


0 Write the names of the things in the picture.

I b..LJL± 4 s
2 j 5 S

3 f___ 6 c Mark:_/5

0 Read and draw the missing things in the picture.

I A boy is flying a kite. 4 Two children are playing with a ball.
2 A girt is taking a photo of a bird. 5 There are two shells on the sand.
3 A woman is eating an ice cream. 6 There is a ship on the sea.
Total:__/ 17


1 —i

. .
3j 3

Look at the picture. Answer the questions.

I How many chil.dren can you see? 2 What are the children doing?
0 Listen to the song. Is the picture in task I correct?

0 Whose are the things? Look, read and choose.

Examples i I 2 It’s a bag. It’s hers I his.

It’s a phone. It’sI his. 3 It’s Sara’s I Jade’s

baseball cap.
I .Q. They’re Tom’s/
Jade’s glasses. 4 It’s a jacket. It’s hers I his.

0 Listen and circle the words with the lizi sound.

C cameras sunglasses horses baseball caps sandwichesD


What can you see in the photos?

Listen and number. I

What a coot
schoot trip!

0 :> Match the sentences to the photos. Write A—F.

I We’re watking in the forest.
2 We’re [istening to our teacher.
3 She’s eating her tunch.
4 We’re giving food to the goats.
5 We’re standing next to the schoot bus.
6 He’s tooking at the ftowers.

0 TaLk with a friend. Where do you Like going on schooL trips?

( like thi
i (o doY It’s (i don’t’ ft’s scary..

I .:

0 4% What’s missing? Read and draw in the desks.

Hi I’m Diego! This Hello everyone! Hello, I’m Hana. This

is my desk. There I’m Joel. There are is my desk. It’s my
are two ruLers, lots ofthings in my favourite colour —

some pencils and desk. I have three red. I have a book

my favourite blue books, a red basebaLL to read, a yellow
basebalL cap. I’ve cap, a tabLet and basebaLL cap, my
got a painting of a baLL. gLasses and this
this lovely butterfly! beautiful paper baLL!

e Point to the things in the desks. Ask and answer.

Whose is this?3 It’s Diego’s.


0 Whose is this? Write mine or yours.

0 It’s
j ‘;

0 Draw four of your things. Ask
and answer with a friend. Y7

What’s this?

- -

What colour is it?

0 Work in groups. Read the instructions and play a game!

I Sit in a circle. Put your

pictures on the floor.

2 Choose a picture.

3 Askandanswer.
C ‘%

, Is this yours?

2 Look and write the words.

k d
m L


0 Look and taLk with a friend. What are

the chiLdren doing? Do you Like these games?

( e’ssi
H ng I n is my favourite!)

Listen and number the pictures in task 2.

cid’%’ i:c;ic

;ii;ii: W rite yesorno .


The girl. is holding her flU

There are four people in the room.

I There is an armchair next to the door.
2 The man has got the mouse in his hand.
3 The boyis singing.
4 The woman is I.ooking at her tab[et.
5 The dog is behind the sofa.

0 Listen and cLap. Then say the chant.

Websftes are run! ==ZD :E::—A
Tablets are cool!
Computers ate fantaStiC,

Rut playing tennis rules! ,‘,

0 # Write your own chant. \


0 Look at the photos and taLk with a friend.
What are the children doing?

Which pictures —

;i ideas? 4:

e € Listen and check your ideas. Which of these things do you do?

0 # Choose words and write.

[ choose .operr play

read write
__J&Q_ the app. your name.

about the game. a character. the game!
Look at the picture and answer the questions.

ExampLe What’s the character’s name?

I What colour are his clothes? 3 Where does he live?
2 What can he do? 4 Where is he going?

His name is . His clothes are green and

I .Hecan2 .Helivesinabig
3— . He’s going to the 4 in the sea.

Do you want to
play my game!
It’s fun!

0 ,#
Make a computer game character! Think about the
questions and make notes. Then took at page 69.
I What is your character’s name? .________________________________

2 What does it wear?

3 What can it do?
4 Where does it live?

0 Show your game to a friend and tatk about it.

This is my character!

Review Unit 11

Skills: Listening, Writing and Reading

0 .
What do Ann and Matt Like doing? Listen and tick (I) the photos.


0 Listen again and circLe Ann’s things in red and Matt’s things in green.


Answer the question.

Whose is the btue basebatt cap? Whose is the red baseball cap?
It’s i)latt:s /It’s hti: It’s


0 Match the questions and answers.

I Do you like my photos?’ A In the country.

2 Is this your camero? B Yes, they’re cool!

3 Where do the children C Ssshh! I’m listening to the teacher!

4 How many children are there? D No. They’re Tom’s.

5 Are these your books? E Yes, it is. It’s mine.

6 What are you doing? F There aretwo.

Mark: _
Total:__I 16
eview Unit 12

Skills: Reading and Writing

0 Choose the words and write.

C tablet keyboard mouse webft phone J

0 - 0

I took at the I read on my . I write on the

i-_i -\

I choose with the I Listen to music on my


0 Look at the game and choose the answers.

ExampLe What’s the character’s name?
It’s Captain Zoom
I What cotour are her clothes?
They’re beautifuL I bLue and pink.
2 Where is she?
She’s under the sea I on the beach.
3 What can she do?
She can run I swim.
4 Where is she going?
She’s going to the sheLL I boat.


0 Answer the questions.

I What’s your name?
2 What are you wearing?
3 Where do you live?
4 What’s your favourite game?
Mark: _/8
Unit 2 page 13

0 Makeawordtree!

2 Put the leaves under paper

and rub with a crayon.

4 Write your favourite park

words on your leaves.

r\_ \1-4’
N .

% ,

- -

5 Make a class word tree.

Unit 3 page 19

0 Make a pop-up birthday card!

I Fold and cut your card. 2 Open the card to make the box.



3 Draw your birthday picture. 4 Stick your picture on the box.

: DAN(

I Give your card to a friend.

5 Write your card. 6

Unit 5 page 26

0 Look at the troLley. How many things can you remember in

30 seconds?

Unit 6 page 32

0 Draw three things in your bedroom.

r What can you see
in my bedroom?
Unit 12 page 63

0 Make a computer game character! Draw and write.

0 What’s your character’s


Who is your
Draw a picture.


does it tive?
Draw your
What does
: home.
it wear? Write.

What can your character do?

Grammar fun!

Unit I Unit 2

...o Question words what, how, who, L.0 Imperatives

how many
WaLk on the
Don’t waLk on the
What colour is your bag? grass. grass.
What’s in your bag? Eat your lunch. Don’t eat your lunch.
What do you do at school?
How do you go to school? I Match the sentences to the pictures.
How many students are in your class?
I Enjoyyourfood!
Who’s your best friend?
2 Bequiet!
what’s = what is 3 Sleep well.
Lwho’s = who is 4 Close the window.

I Write the question words.

I A:haveyougoton
your desk?
B: A book, a pencil and a ruler.
2 A: isthatboy?
B: It’s Hugo.
3 A: chocolates arethere?
B: Ten!
4 A: do you learn English?
B: I go to classes and read books.
2 CompLete the sentences with a verb
...o Have got for possession from the box.

What have you got in your bag? jk smile go show draw.etii’rce I

Haveyou got a pen? Yes, I have. I ExampLe 1ont 6ouni the baIt. tX)
No, I haven’t.
She has got I She’s got a cat. I I’mtired. tosleep! (I)
She hasn’t got a dpg.
2 in my book. (X)
2 CompLete the sentences. Use have got. 3 Let’s take a photo. ! (/)
I What you in your 4 thatjuice. It’s mine. (.X)
5 me your drawing. (I)
2 Ben ateddybearcalled
3 Q: you a
A: Yes,I
4 Q: she a pet?
A: No, she

rammar fun!
Unit 3 Unit 4
L.0 Question word where L.0 What (a/an!—) + adjective + noun

Where are the presents? What a cool alien!

Where do you meet your friends? What an angry robot!
What fantastic shoes!
I Match the questions to the answers.
I CompLete the sentences with
I Where does Tom sit? What a/an!- and the adjective.
2 Where do they live?
I pineapple! (nice)
3 Where does Mark sleep?
4 Where is Sue? 2 hats! (beautiful)
A In a big bed. 3 hippo! (old)
B In the playground. 4 room! (ctean)
C In an apartment.
D At the front of the classroom. 5 feet! (big)
6 monster! (ugly)
..,o Prepositions of place (on, under, 7 film! (scary)
next to, in front of, behind, between)
8 clothes! (cool)
There’s a teddy bear on the chair.
The mouse is under the sofa.
The sweets are next to the chocolates.
The bike is in front of the house.
The ball is behind the dog.
The monster is between the table and
the balloons.

2 Write the prepositions.

Exa mpte4_


I 4

Grammar fun!

Unit 5 Unit 6
L.0 Determiners a, the, some ..o Present simple questions with do
and short answers (Yes, I do I No,
I’ve got a book. I don’t)
I’ve got an apple.
I’ve got some books and some apples. Do you tike frogs? Yes, I do. I
What’s the name of the street? No, I don’t.
Does she/helthe j Yes, she/helit does. I
I Choose the correct answers. monster make herl No, shelhelit
I I’vegota/an pet. hislits bed? doesn’t.
Do they clean the Yes, they do. I
2 She’s got a I an e[ephant.
floor? No, they don’t.
3 They’ve got a I an question.
4 We’ve got a I an motorbike. I Put the questions in the correct order.
5 He’s got a I an orange. I you I do I badminton? I play
6 You’ve got a I an computer.
2 like I she I music? I does
2 CompLete the sentences with a, an, the
or some.
3 clean I does I he I bedroom? I his
I Have you got pen?
2 baIt under the chair is red.
4 photos?/doltakelyou
3 There are monkeys in the
4 Iwant apple. 2 Write questions.
5 Iwant grapes. Example (the robot I sing songs)
6 bus at school is green. lioe.s t/ rü6ot nq
I (Abdullah I like pizza)

2 (Lucy and Kim I read many books)

3 (you I know the answer)

3 Answer the questions.

I Do you walk to school?

2 Does the monster eat bananas?
3 Do Sofia and Matt like cheese?


Unit7 Unit 8
•0 Wouldtike+nounorverb ..
‘O Adverbs: realty, very

I’d Like a drink. This paintingvery famous.

She’d Like to eat a starfruit. She’s reaLty coot!
WouLd you Like to Yes, I wouLd. I
eat a jackfruit? , No, I wouLdn’t. I Put the sentences in the correct order.
I doll I beautiful. I is I really I that
jhe’d= She wouldj
2 dirty./is/bike/my/very
I CompLete the sentences with would
like and the noun or verb. 3 realty I this I burger I good. I is
I Anna -__ . (an apple)
2 Nick . (eat chil[i) 4 hair I long. I is I very I my
3 Matteo —

(some new trousers)

5 spiders I cool. I really I are
4 Eva and Sam . (swim in the
5 you ? (come to 2 Add very or reattyto the sentences.
my house)
I This watermelon is nice.
6 Ben ?
(a sandwich)
2 My skateboard is old.
2 Answer the questions.
I Would you like a drink? 3 That monkey is silty.
2 Would you like to take a picture? 4 The jellyfish is scary.
3 Would Lucy like to play? 5 My bedroom is clean.


Grammar fun!
Unit 9 Unit 10
L..0 Can for ability L.0 Nouns: countable and
1En see?
I can understand English. Countable
I can’t see without my glasses. Dan’s got a beach ball.
Eva’s got two spades.
I Match the sentences to the pictures. Uncountable
Would you like some water / rice 1 mitk?
I Thebabycanwave. Q Would youtike to listen to some music?
2 Shecan’tsing. Q Irregular
3 Hecanplaytheguitar. Q There are three fish in the sea!
There are two people I men I women I
4 He can’t carry the suitcase. Q mice I chitdren.
5 They can read Chinese. Q Cats have four feet.

I Look and write. Use a number for

countabLe nouns and some for
A uncountabLe nouns.

I om ric

2 to Uflfl(8S

B 3

4 ) _())

Can for requests/permission

[Can I coLour the jellyfish?

[c9!’ I have some birthday cake?
E 2 Put the sentences in the correct order.
I throw/ball?/the/I/can

2 some I have I water? I can I I

3 question?/ask/I/can/a

ik1mmar fun! 1

Unit 11 Unit 12
L0 Possessive pronouns mine, yours, L.0 Conjunctions and, but, or
his, hers, ours, theirs

His clothes dri green and yellow.
It’s my watch. = It’s mine. I’m big but I’m not strong.
It’s your watch. = It’s yours. Are you tall or short?
It’s his watch. = It’s his.
It’s her watch. = It’s hers. I Make sentences.
is it?
It’s our watch. = It’s ours. I A zebra is a fast runner
I It’s their watch.=It’s theirs.
2 A horse doesn’t eat meat
I CompLete the sentences with the 3 A frog can be green, yellow, blue
correct possessive pronoun.
A but it eats grass.
I Is that robot ? (you)
B or orange.
2 Thisis !(me)
C and it’s black and white.
3 That’s not my classroom, it’s
2 Write and, butor or.
4 I like my hat but I love I The lizard is small —
2 Tigers are scary I like them.
5 Thispuppyis .(we)
3 It’s a smalt butterfly it’s
6 Thosecatsare . (he) beautiful.
4 My cat is black white.
2 Choose the correct answers.
5 Eva likes football tennis.
I I love your drawing. Do you like my I
mine? 6 Monsters can be happy
2 Is this jacket your I yours?
7 I’m not thirsty I’m hungry.
3 Do you like our I ours house?
8 Would you like an orange juice
4 Her I Hers bike is better than his. anapplejuice?

5 Their I theirs dog is very small.

6 My I Mine favourite hobby is playing
the guitar.

immar fun pairworkr
Unit7 Unit 3
L.0 Woutdtike+nounorverb L.0 Question word where &
prepositions of place
I What wouLd you Like? Ask and answer
with a friend. Student A
a drink talk to a robot 3 Where are they? Ask a friend
a crocodile have a pet questions. Draw.
a duck sing a song Listen to your friend and answer.
a motorbike go to a zoo Ask about:
a kite ride a horse
ExampLes —
Woutd you like a

Yes, I would.

Would you like to talk ExampLes B: Where is Piper?
to a robot? A: He’s in the garden.

No, I wouldn’t. He’s under the tree.
Unit I
Question words what, how, who,
how many

Student A
2 Ask a friend questions about Eva. Use
whatcotour, how, howmanyand
who. Write the answers.
ExampLe A: What’s her name?
B: Her name’s Eva. Units 5 and 10
N Suni
6tue Determiners: a, the, some
Eye colour:
2 Nouns: countable and uncountable
Brothers: tG

Sisters: I Student A
Best friend: 5 TeLL a friend about the food.
Goestoschoot: Ø-’
Listen to your friend and draw.
ExampLes A: There’s some orange
Name: Eva
Eye colour:
Best friend:
Goes to school:
‘Grammar fun pairwork!
Unit 12 Unit 3
...o Conjunctions and, but, or L.0 Question word where &
prepositions of place
2 Add the conjunctions with a friend.
I She’s a good runner she can’t swim. Student B

4 Where are they? Ask a friend

2 He drinks orange juice apple juice for questions. Draw.
breakfast. Listen to your friend and answer.
Ask about:
3 They like bears hippos.
Unit I
ExampLes A: Where is Max?
Question words what, how, who, B: He’s in the bedroom.
how many He’s on the bed.

Student B
3 Ask a friend questions about Sam. Use
what colour, how, how many
and who. Write the answers.
ExampLes B: What’s his name?
A: His name’s Sam.

Name: &Ym
Eye cotou r: Units 5 and 10
Determiners: a, the, some
Sisters: Nouns: countable and uncountable
Best friend:
Goes to schoot: Student B
5 TeLL a friend about the food.
Name: Listen to a friend and draw.
Eye cotour: ExampLes B: There’s some lemonade.
Sisters: F
Goestoschoot: LP”

Reading & Writing Checklist

Circte “if your answer is Yes!

My Sc ;
I don’t have probtems spetting EngLish words.

- -—-—-— ---“-— --------

I can show if a word matches a picture by drawing

atick or a cross.

I know and can speLt more than five food words

ii 1I1i- i1W nsçt With : ‘

I can understand a short story with pictures.

I know and can speLt more than five words

for things at the beach. .

I can write sentences about what peopLe are doing. :

I know and can speLt mote than five words for
things in the house.

I can answer questions about a story by fitting Lgas. ,

I knew the words for aLt the things in Max’s schoot

bag intask3on page7.

I knew aLt the words in task 5 on page 9 and ticked
and crossed the boxes correctLy. .

I wrote the sentences about the chiLdren in the park

correctLy in task 6 on page 11. S;

I wrote about me and my friend in task 4 on page 18.

I read the instructions and made a pop-up card

in task7on page 19. $4
- -

-_- - -

I unjumbted the words for pLaces you see

‘numbers n task 4 on page 29.

I wrote the correct words in the gaps in the text

about frogs in task 4 on page 33.

I remember the six adjectives in task 3 on

page 42 and I canspett them.

I wrote six sentences about the crocodiLe in task 4

on page 47. 1’
I matched the sentences about the chiLdren on a schooL
trip to the correct pictures in task 6 on page 57.

How many magic squirrels did you get?

- : 0
listening CheckList

CircLe1’if your answer is Yes!

I can recognise tots of words I know when they are


I matched the names to the correct schoot bags in


I Like matching names to a pictureof people

bydrawingatine. ,.


I circted the correct answers about the alien

in task 4 on page 23. 4’

I can understand and write the numbers 1—20


I pointed to the correct pictures of chiLdren in the

house in task 6 on page 31.

I can choose the correct picture whenlhear it described.

I put the pictures of the chiLdren in a café in

the correct order in task 2 on page 38.

I can cotour a picture whenllisten to a description.

I circled the pictures with the correct colour in

task2 on page 64. ‘4,
How many magic squirrels did you get?

Speaking Checklist

Check your progress, colour the stars! OK Great

I can understand questions my teacher asks

in EngLish.
— ‘ :—‘——---r -rr._ -_

I asked and answered questions about what is

in a schooL bag in task 5 on page 7.

p Ican talk about a picture using sentences, not

just one word.


I taLked with my friend about what we do on

our birthdays in task 2 on page 16.

I can answer questions about pictures

with short answers.

I described my tree housein task 3 on page 30.


enjoyed acting out ordering a meat

n a café in task 5 on page 39

I can speakabout myself andwhat I like doing. z?

I talked about the things I take to the beach

in task 3 on page 52.

It’s fun to speak English in class.

Word List boatn

Uniti bootsn —
bag n _ _-_------
brown ad]
camera n
Jjj/ catchv
cotourn _— clean ad] _—

crayon n __-_-_- crocodite n _—

cupboardn dirtyadj
deskn dogn_—
drawv du ck n __ — :
green ad] —__- eatv
penn fishn —

photon flower n ___-

pinkadj__ footbatln
postern — handbag n _-

purpteadJ hitv
readv — hoLdv__
rutern _-

schooln __ — kickv — — _‘ C
tatkv kite n —-- — ‘Ib

writev monkeyn -_

yellow ad] papern _—--

Unit2 parkn _-

battn - pickupv —

batn — picturen
biken ridev
birdn runv —

skateboardfl bread n
sleepy— burgern

ea r n
face n
throw V -_-- - —
foot/feet n
walkv__- — frogn

waterfl—--—- giraffe n
goat n
n n _-_-_

grape n
bi rthday n -_ — ‘‘ happyadj —


ca ke n ___—
horse n
chairn lemon n
clothes n temonade n
open V tizordn

robotn_— —

sin V monster n
songn_— onionn—

toy n ora n g e ad]

paintn ___—
alienn_-_- —
pea n

t:j_J1 Al

pineapple n
bedn_ — plane n
bedroom n playgroundn

blackadj_— sad ad]

board game n sandn

bookn — sean—
shop fl ocketfl
skoteb00t n eOflS fl
9 _

smiie fl kiwi n

spidett jme fl

sweet(s) n —
meotb0 n _

toa n —
444 nose n —

ttoifl fl —
pie fl —

TV n —
pototO fl

wotetm0r n _
n —

white adj _

street n
ZOO fl teocher

UIt5 teddy (bear) n _

bon 0 fl tomato fl

bookShOP n _

Tshirtfl _

bus fl —
chicken n —
ormch0i’t _

hOC00te n _
bothrO0m —A

dock n —
dinner fl
dose v _


computerfl eliyfish n —
_ —
— -

do fl kitchen n —

door n —
e9 9 fl pianO fl

giosses fl o1.orbeo
tfl —

9rondmo n —

hot fl tree fl

house fl n —
_____ __

Unit 7 Unit 10
breakfast n applen

carrot n baseball cap n

coconut n shettn
juice n shipn
lunch n Unit 11
orangen cam

rice n cown

pencil n
Unit 8

basebal[n phonen -_--

basketball n 5itV

catn tablet n
dap V watch n
sheep n Unit 12
shorts n handn

tennis n keyboard (computer) n

windown mouse (computer) n

sofa n
Unit 9
jump V

shoe n
swim v

zebra n

Likes: sports, snow, Likes carrot, music,
Likes: puppeS videos, eg95 appte5 running,
skating, caves
dtowifl9’ spoghetti dancing, peOt5 grapes
the mOOfl, uniCorns
Distikes: water, dancing,
V Diskes: candy, riding
DisUkes: sharks, tionS, bikes, tettuce, oranges
otienS, brocCoti

Likes: flying,
reading stories
likes: friends, gum
Likes: fashion,
Distikes watking,
Distikes: blood, pink bed, hugs
hats, boots
scary things
DisUktS soup

: .; ;;
f/[\ En / I
;J L


J ————I
\‘.. )
t I


Hugo, 8



Likes: flying, burritos,

spiders, dancing, red, Likes: science, music,
eating Likes: pizza, apple interesting animats,
I juice, playing ball playing basketbatt
Dislikes; mushrooms,
yettow, cats, btack DisLikes: ice cream, i Dislikes: disorder, meat,
burgers mice, cats ,) 1cestruction, btack


Likes: balloons, bananas,


ikes: cleaning my room

Edith, ii

[: :

120-139 6 A2 Flyers
100-119 4 Al Movers
80-99f 2 Starters

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