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Name:Farhan Tanvir



Weekly Worksheet #2
Fall 2020
A. Multiple Choice:

1. Which of the following was a way in which the Zhou asserted political power?
(a) The Zhou ruler’s power was transmitted through clan networks;
(b) The Zhou copied the Shang patrimonial state, centered on ancestor veneration;
(c) The Zhou paid tribute to the nomadic tribes to keep them from invading;
(d) The Zhou ruler was selected by the most powerful regional lords;
(e) They claimed descent from Yu the Great.

Answer: (b) The Zhou copied the Shang patrimonial state, centered on ancestor

2. Which of the following statements about philosophy in the Greek city-states is correct?
(a) It focused on humans and their place in society;
(b) It was always viewed as divine message from the gods;
(c) It created systems of thought in which the identity of the thinker was not relevant;
(d) It was practiced freely by society, including women and slaves who participated in
public debates;
(e) None of the above.

Answer: (c) It created systems of thought in which the identity of the thinker was
not relevant;

3. Which of the following about most city-states in the Mediterranean basin is correct?
(a) Women were allowed to hold property;
(b) The family was the most important social unit;
(c) The social equality was the family was the model for social equality in public life;
(d) Adult women were recognized as important citizens of the city;
(e) Slavery was banned in all the Greek city-states.

Answer: (b) The family was the most important social unit;
4. What happened during the Warring States period of the Eastern Zhou dynasty?
(a) The territorial states sought to maintain a balance of power and would form new
alliances if one of the states became too powerful;
(b) The Zhou king maintained centralized and unified control over the territorial states;
(c) The Zhou king relied on the philosophers to control the regional lords;
(d) The philosophers successfully ended the warfare between the large states;
(e) All of the above.

Answer: (a) The territorial states sought to maintain a balance of power and would
form new alliances if one of the states became too powerful;

5. The notion that people are primarily evil and require moral education and authoritarian
control is characteristic of which branch of Chinese thought?
(a) Confucianism;
(b) Daoism;
(c) Mohism;
(d) Legalism;
(e) None of the above.

Answer: (d) Legalism;

B. True/False:

1. During the Spring and Autumn Period of the Eastern Zhou dynasty, China experienced levels
of anarchic violence unseen for generations. TRUE
2. Socrates was the student of Plato, who was the student of Aristotle. FALSE
3. Alexander the Great was the founder of the Seleucid Dynasty. FALSE
4. In Zhou China, a tradition developed of scholar-officials participating in debate over how to
create a stable government. TRUE


D. Definitions/Identifications (1 or 2 sentences):

1. Daoism: Daoism is a way of thought, a philosophy, and a way of life that originated in
what is now the Chinese province of Henan in the sixth century BCE. From that point
forward, it has had a profound effect on the way of life and strict nature of China and
other East Asian nations.

2. Hellenism: Hellenism applies commitment to or impersonation of antiquated Greek idea,

practices or styles.

3. Legalism: When people want to ensure that their nature is admirable in God's eyes by
good deeds, they are referred to as legalism. Legalists believe that by enacting the
requirements of the law, they can obtain or explain God's approval.
4. Olympia: Olympia reflects a plain in Greece in the northwestern Peloponnese; the main
haven of Zeus and the site of the first Olympian Games.

E. Please answer ONE (1) of the following questions in your own words. (100-150 words)

1. Compare the Zhou state to the Neo-Assyrian state and Persian Empire. How did each try to
integrate its realm?

2. Why was the period from 800 to 200 BCE in Afro-Eurasia known as the “Axial Age”?
3. Why does different forms of self-government emerge in the Mediterranean world?

4. Is it possible to use the concept of “Mandate of Heaven” to justify political power in the 21 st
century? Critically explain why or why not.

5. Would you want to be a citizen of the Athenian city-state in 400 BCE? Critically explain why
or why not.

6. How does philosophy encourage public thinking in Greece? Mention some famous Greek

7. What makes the Zhou dynasty the golden age of China?

Answer:The Zhou dynasty lasted for a very long time, making it the Chinese history's
longest-running dynasty. During the Zhou period, a large number of incomparable Chinese
scholars, including Confucius, were active. Exceptional progress was also made in a variety
of areas. During the Zhou dynasty, China orchestrated unprecedented water system and
water-control projects.
8. In what ways did Alexander's conquests contribute to the growing interconnections in the
Afro-Eurasian world?

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