Bank PO English RC Chapterwise

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READING Why it is so?

Lack of motivation – poor reading skills – Lack of

COMPREHENSION understanding of language


A student is supposed to answer the questions in light of Motivate yourself! Reward Yourself!
the information given in the passage within the Lawyers who need to read hundreds of pages of case
stipulated time. The ability of the student to make sense files, for example, use career improvement and monetary
of the information and ideas presented in the passage is gain as their motivation. Students who need to pass an
put to test through questions with multiple choice exam may not be interested in the subject, but try to
answers. More specifically, a person’s ability to motivate themselves to read to get high grades. When a
understand standard written English, analyses reader does this, she is using the reward system as a
complex ideas, and ability to draw inferences from motivation for reading.
the written material is put to test. The significance of
Reading Comprehension, commonly known as RC can be Problem3
gauged from the fact that almost half the questions in the Finding the reading material to be too tough & Meeting
Verbal Section are based on Reading Comprehension. unfamiliar words
Many students find RC to be tough and challenging, but
with consistent practice, and patience, the art of Reading Why it is so?
Comprehension can be mastered. While reading a piece of text, we have tendency to move
back, cross check and re-read the things which we have
WHY IS READING COMPREHENSION already read. Generally, this happens because of lack of
IMPORTANT? interest, complex vocabulary, or poor retention of the
reader. This is known as regression or skips back. The
RC is the most important and wide question type of the
habit of regression has to be minimized if not
English section of all major competitive exams. RC
eliminated. Regression is a big time killer. It breaks
section helps examiners in assessing the expertise of one
the flow of thought, and leads to poor concentration,
in understanding the language.
which leads to more regressions, which further lowers
Reading Comprehension is integral to success in any
down the reading speed.
major competitive exam like Banking, SSC, CAT, UPSC
etc. Reading is important not only for RC, but also for
Solution: Try this!
English usage area (especially in the Critical Reasoning
Try to connect the difficult word with overall idea of
or Sentence arrangement questions), and other sections.
passage (context). Context clues are words or phrases
Having a good reading habit will make more time
found near the unfamiliar word that will help you
available for solving the problem. Hence good reading
understand it. These clues could be located in the same
speed can also enhance your score in other sections
sentence or in a sentence from the same paragraph. Over
like reasoning or QUANT or general awareness.
a period of time (3-4 months) your understanding of
vocabulary will enhance even without using of
Having a short attention span – Lack of focus and mind Problem4
wavering Lacking understanding overall structure and
organization of passage
Why it is so?
Today’s generation is notorious for having a very short Why it is so?
attention span. Members of the digital generation are Lack of mental organizational skills
very impatient. They want everything fast.
Solution: Try this!
Solution: Try this! Passage structure = General words → to specific words
For a person to improve on this aspect, he should first → to more depth. Try to tabulate or organize or quick
identify how long his current average attention span is. imagination (create rough image) of keywords of the
When a baseline time is recorded, conscious effort passage. Capture general idea of the passage rather
should then be applied to improve it. Keep watch over specific depths
your thought as your thought divert from reading keep it
back again and again for reading (forcefully initially). Problem5
After a period of time it will become a habit.
Lacking linkage between lines & difficulty to recall
Being uninterested in the content of the reading Why it is so?
material Lack of curiosity to understand the passage. Lack of
motivation. Weak organizational skills
5. Do critical reading of the passage. Keep questioning
Solution: Try this! attitude in back of your mind. Do reason with each
Try to analyse only keywords in direct relationship sentence! Keep WHAT-WHY-HOW-WHERE always
with the main idea of passage. Discard the junk in back up of your mind. Try to predict next
information like examples, illustrations etc to sentence. Try to bring conclusions/inferences from
summarize the passage in your mind. As you read a what you have read.
main keyword in a sentence then try to predict next
sentence with the help of this keyword. Your prediction HOW TO INCREASE YOUR READING
power can immensely help you to remember, recall and SPEED?
understand the passage. Generally, we read slowly because we believe that if we
Sentence structure : read slowly we will understand the things better. On
>>Subject-verb-object of the verb. the other hand, reading slowly leads to loss of
Try to remember only few keywords like verb or concentration as our mind gets easily distracted,
adjective in your mind rather full sentence. which leads to loss of interest, which further lowers
down the reading speed. It is important to understand
It’s more about comprehension than how we read.
There are two types of reading—reading with the eyes Generally we read one to two words at a glance, pause
and reading with the brain. Reading for RC is different for a fraction of a second and move to the other chunk of
from general reading where we read either to get some words. If we can train our eyes to read more number of
specific piece of information or we read at ease to relax words in a glance, our reading speed can increase
or unwind ourselves after a long tiring day, and it may manifold. With consistent practice, it may be possible to
just be reading with the eyes …… But for the competitive read the lines of a newspaper column in a single glance.
examinations we need to read with our brain because While reading a piece of text, we have tendency to move
the purpose is different. And there comes the back, cross check and re-read the things which we have
comprehension part. We read to find out the main idea already read. This is known as regression or skips back.
of the passage and be accurate in answering the The habit of regression has to be minimized if not
question, which even drains the physical energy. We eliminated. Pausing once in a while to figure out the
read with sole objective to maximize our score, within a contextual meaning of words, however, is not regression.
limited framework of time. A practical suggestion can Regression is a big time killer. It breaks the flow of
be given as to develop the habit of reading books of thought, and leads to poor concentration, which leads
different genre, and developing a taste for intellectual to more regressions, which further lowers down the
debate and exploration. So, now what we focus upon is reading speed. Thus regression makes reading a slow
not reading speed but Comprehension speed. and tiresome process. The best way to eliminate
regression is to move a pen or pencil smoothly under the
Practice is the key! text and make your eyes follow the text. This is a great
way to train oneself to read faster.
Solving RC practice exercises regularly helps to
develops confidence and gives an exposure to the Note:
nuances of RC. An aspirant is suggested to find out the Please note that as you experiment with these speed
main idea of the articles in the editorial section of the enhancement techniques, your comprehension will dip
newspapers, so that identifying the main idea comes initially. Your mind may revolt, as many of us have
naturally to a student as it is integral to answering been regressing and vocalizing throughout our school
questions in Different completive exams especially and college life. With a firm faith to improve reading
inferential ones. effectiveness, coupled with consistent practice you can
increase your reading speed manifold.


1. Increasing your motivation while again and again 1. Focus on only keywords - chosen keywords must
asking to yourself what is your goal, why are you be such that it reflects the massage of full sentence.
reading what are its benefits in long term. (practice it)
2. Decrease distractions when reading – Avoid 2. Make logical linkages between keywords as you
external thoughts – keep away mobiles, TV, friends read on the passage.
etc – Choose peaceful and lonely space to read. 3. Do reason with these keywords in backup of your
3. Create notes of keywords into your mind by mind as you read on. (It will help you retain
reading loud (only the keywords)Don’t jump to keywords in your memory)
dictionary. 4. Finally you get a mental map of full passage
4. Avoid regression as discussed above rather try to containing keywords only.
understand the contextual meaning of difficult
words. Example
Let us take a small passage.


Keywords are underlined Practice - Previous Year Questions
As financial markets worldwide tumbled over concerns
that Greece would default on its debt to the troika
comprising the European Commission, the European Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the answer the questions given below it. Certain words
people of Greece were being presented with a Hobson’s in the passage are printed in bold to help you to
choice by its government led by the leftist party , Syriza. locate them easily while answering some of the
In the midst of intense negotiations with representatives questions.
of the troika over rolling over debt payments, the Syriza
The University Grants Commissions directive to college
government sought to extend the deadline for
payments and university lecturers to spend a minimum of 22 hours
a week in direct teaching is the product Of budgetary
Keywords from the passage. cutbacks rather than pedagogic wisdom. It may seem
Tumbled?  Greece default  leftist party  extend the odd, at first blush, that teachers should protest about
deadline. teaching a mere 22 hours. However, If one considers the
amount of time academics require to prepare lectures of
Advantages of above approach good qualify as well as the time they need to spend doing
As you have mental map (rough idea) of a passage you
research, It is clear that most conscientious teacher’s
can easily give answers for following type of questions
 Give a Suitable title of passage. work more than 40 hours a week. In university systems
 Main idea discussed by author in the passage around the world, lecturers rarely spend more than 12
 Tone/sense of passage to 15 hours In direct teaching activities a week. The
 Further key words also help you locate the part average college lecturer in India does not have any office
of passage, in which you will find answers for space. If computers are available, internet connectivity is
specific questions. unlikely. Libraries are poorly stocked. Now the UGC says
universities must implement a complete freeze on all
Strategy while attempting questions permanent recruitment, abolish all posts which have
1. Read passage with above approach (get a complete
been vacant for more than a year, and cut staff strength
summary of passage in your mind)
by 10 percent. And it is in order to ensure that these
2. Apart from passage reading also focus on keywords
while reading a question statement or answer cutbacks do not affect the quantum of teaching that
options. It keep your focus intact. existing lecturers are being asked to work longer.
3. Try to eliminate the least possible answers. (as Obviously, the quality of teaching and academic work in
you have a complete sense of passage) . general will decline. While it is true that some college
4. Next if you are not able to answer the question teachers do not take their classes regularly, the UGC and
directly refer back to passagetry to locate
the Institutions concerned must find a proper way to
answers in the passage
5. If you find answer tick it hold them accountable. An absentee teacher will
6. If you not findguess the answer only if you continue to play truant even if the number of hours he is
already eliminated at least 2 answer options. required to teach goes up. All of us are well aware of the
Otherwise don’t make a blind guess unsound state that the Indian higher education system is
in today. Thanks to years of sustained financial neglect
Question specific and other minor most Indian universities and colleges do no research
strategies worth the name. Even as the number of students
Title of passage? - read quickly opening & ending entering colleges has increased dramatically, public
sentences of all paragraphs. investment in higher education has actually declined in
relative terms. Between 1985 and 1997, when public
Antonyms & synonyms type questions expenditure on higher education as a percentage of
For answering vocabulary questions of RC, just read
outlays on all levels of education grew by more than 60
at least 2 sentences before and after the word and
percent in Malaysia and 20 percent in Thailand, India
without looking over at the options, think about the
context that word is used in. Then check the options showed a decline of more than 10 percent. Throughout
the world, the number of teachers in higher education
If a question asks about a particular line then read at per million population grew by more than 10 percent In
least 2 sentences before and after the line in question. the same period in India it fell by one percent. Instead of
This will help you understand the idea of where the transferring the burden of government apathy on to the
point started and where the author is going with it.
backs of the teachers, the UGC should insist that the


needs of the country’s university system are adequately (c)The average college teacher in India does not have
catered for. any office space
Q1. (d)UGC wants universities to abolish all posts which
Why does the UGC want to increase the direct teaching have been vacant for more than a year
hours of university teachers ? (e)All are true
(a)UGC feels that the duration of contact between Q6.
teacher and the taught should be more. Between 1385-1997, the number of teachers in higher
(b)UGC wants teachers to spend more time in their education per million population, in India.
depart merits. (a)Increased by 60%
(c)UGC wants teachers to devote some time to improve (b)Increased by 20%
university administration. (c)decreased by 22%
(d)UGC does not have money to appoint additional (d)decreased by 10%
teachers. (e)decreased by 1%
(e)None of these Q7.
Q2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the
Which of the following is the reason for the sorry state of context of the passage ?
affairs of the Indian Universities as mentioned in the (a)Indian universities are financially neglected.
passage ? (b)All over the world, the university lecturers hardly
(a)The poor quality of teachers spend more than 12 to 15 hours a week in direct
(b)Involvement of teachers in extracurricular activities teaching.
(c)Politics within and outside the departments (c)Indian Universities are asked to reduce staff strength
(d)Heavy burden of teaching hours on the teachers by 10%.
(e)Not getting enough financial assistance (d)Public investment in higher education has increased
Q3. in India.
Which of the following statements/s/are TRUE in the (e)Malaysia spends more money on education than
context of the passage ? Thailand.
(A)Most colleges do not carry out research worth the Q8.
name. What is the UGC directive to the universities?
(B)UGC wants lecturers to spend minimum 22 hours a (a)Improve the quality of teaching.
week in direct teaching. (b)Spend time on research activities.
(C)Indian higher education system is in unsound state. (c)Do not appoint any permanent teacher.
(a) Only (A) and (C) (d)Provide computer and internet facilities.
(b)All (A), (B) and (C) (e)Do not spend money on counselling services to the
(c)Only (A) students.
(d) Only (B)
(e) Only (B) and (C) Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
Q4. answer the questions given below it. Certain words
Besides direct teaching University teachers spend phrases are printed in bold to help you locate them
considerable time in/on ……….. while answering those questions.
(a)administrative activities such as admissions At one time it would have been impossible to imagine
(b)supervising examinations and correction of answer the integration of different religious thoughts, ideas and
papers ideals. That is because of the closed society, the lack of
(c)carrying out research in the area of their interest any communication or interdependence on other
(d)maintaining research equipment and libraries nations. People were happy and content amongst
(e)developing liaison with the user organizations B. themselves; they did not need any more. The physical
Q5. distance and cultural barriers prevented any exchange of
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE In the thought and beliefs. But such is not the case today.
context of the passage? Today, the world has become a much smaller place,
(a)UGC wants teachers to spend minimum 40 hours in a thanks to the adventures and miracles of science.
week in teaching Foreign nations have become our next-door neighbors.
(b)Some college teachers do not engage their classes Mingling of population is bringing about an interchange
regularly of thought. We are slowly realizing that the world is a
single cooperative group1. Other religions have become


forces with which we have to reckon and we are seeking (c)We believe in a unity of spirit and not of organization.
for ways and means by which we can live together in (d) We believe that truth does matter and will prevail
peace and harmony. We cannot have religious unity and (e) None of these
peace so long as we assert that we are in possession of Q10.
the light and all others are grouping in the darkness That Which of the following, according to the passage, is the
very assertion is a challenge to a fight. The political ideal Indian solution ? Unity of religions in a common
of the world is not so much a single empire with a (a) Belief
homogeneous, Civilization and single communal will a (b) Organization
brotherhood of free nations differing profoundly in life (c) Creed
and mind, habits and institutions, existing side by side in (d) Search
peace and order, harmony and cooperation and each (e) None of these
contributing to the world its own unique and specific Q11.
best, which is irreducible to , the terms of the others. The According to the author, which of the following is NOT
cosmopolitanism of the eighteenth century, and the TRUE ?
nationalism of , the nineteenth are combined in our ideal (a) Acceptance of Indianism is the exclusive pathway to
of a world commonwealth, which allows every branch of heaven
the human family to find freedom, security and self- (b)We should not assert that other religions have no
realization in the larger life of man , kind. I see no hope definite pathway or goal
for the religious future of the world, if this ideal is not (c) God wants a genuine similarity in thoughts, ideals
extended to the religious, sphere also?, When two or and values rather than an artificial appearance
three different systems claim that they contain the (d)People interacting with each other is bringing about a
revelation of the very core and center of truth and the change in their attitude.
acceptance of it is the exclusive pathway to heaven, (e)None of these
conflicts are inevitable. In such conflicts one religion will Q12.
not, allow others to steal a march over it and no one can According to the passage, the political ideal of the
gain ascendancy until the world is reduced to dust and contemporary world is toll create a single empire with a
ashes. To obliterate every other religion than, ones is a homogeneous civilization
sort of Bolshevism in religion which we must try to (a) foster the unity of all the religions of the world
prevent. We can do so only if we accept something like (b)create a world common wealth preserving religious
the Indian solution, which seeks the unity of religion not diversity of all the nations
in a common creed but in a common quest. Let us believe (c)create brotherhood of free nations who believe in one
in a unity of spirit and not of organization, a unity which religion
secures ample liberty not only for every individual but (d)None of these.
for every type of organized life which has proved itself (e)All of these
effective. For almost all historical forms of life and Q13.
thought can claim the sanction of experience and so the According to the passage, the world would be a much
authority of God. The world would be a much poorer poorer thing if
thing if one creed absorbed the rest. God wills a rich (a)one religion swallows all other religions
harmony and not a colorless uniformity. The (b)one religion accepts the supremacy of other religions
comprehensive and synthetic spirit of Indianism had (c)religions adopt toleration as a principle of spiritual
made it a mighty forest with a thousand waving aims life
each fulfilling its function and all directed by the spirit of (d)we do not achieve the ideal of brotherhood of free
God. Each thing in its place and all associated in the nations
divine concert making with their various voices and even (e)None of these
dissonance, as Heraclitus would say, the most exquisite Q14.
harmony should be our ideal. Which of the following statements is/are stated or
Q9. implied in the above passage ?
According to the passage, religious unity and peace can (A)People today are happy and content amongst
be obtained if themselves.
(a)We believe that the world is a single cooperative (B)There is no freedom and security in the religious
group sphere in the world today.
(b)We do not assert that we alone are in possession of (C)Indianism is directed by the spirit of God.
the real knowledge (a)Only (A) & (C)


(b)Only (B) bonds, in a balanced budget there are no real effects
(c)Only (C) beyond those created by the initial wealth effect 1 the
(d)Only (A) economy will display a current account surplus,
(e)None of these accompanied by an initial appreciation of parallel
Q15. exchange rate and a high real interest rate. These effects
According to the passage, what is Bolshevism in the are independent of the discounts received by the
religion ? government. The practice of debt equity swap or debt to
(a)To ridicule the views sincerely held by others debt swap particularly in the context of external debt has
(b)To accept others religious beliefs and doctrines as given rise to active controversy. The debate covers wide
authentic as ours ranging issues such as welfare characteristics of such
(c)To adhere to rigid dogmatism in religion swaps, their potential for reducing net capital flows, and
(d)To make change in a religion so that it becomes more the degree to which swap can reduce the negative
acceptable incentive effects of debt overhang. Attention has also
(e)None of these been paid on the effect of debt swap on the secondary
Q16. market prices of debt. In the case of external debt,
According to the passage, the conflict of religions is Mexico and Brazil suspended the debt conversion
inevitable mainly because each religion programme, because they can be inflationary as they put
(a)believes that anyone who disagrees with it ought to excessive pressure on the free market for foreign
be silenced exchange or because swapping No foreign debt with
(b)wants to steal a march over others domestic debt can be expensive. If the debt is swapped
(c)claims to possess a complete and exclusive through money financing, it leads to an expansion of
understanding of truth money supply. If the government can run sustained
(d)believes that the view held Strongly by many need deficits, the fiscal side provides a key link through which
not be a correct view swaps can create macroeconomic disequilibrium. In a
(e)None of these deficit situation, if the supply of bond is increased to
swap the debt, and if the discounts obtained by the
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and government due to interest rate differential are not large
answer the questions given below ft. Certain words enough to cover the deficit, government will have to
phrases are printed in bold to help you to locate issue fresh bonds, which in turn may push up the
them while answering some of the questions. interest rate. Finally, if the government continues to run
a fiscal deficit and to avoid inflationary effects if it relies
The debt swap scheme is one among the various market mostly on debt for bonds swapped and if this in turn
based debt restructuring measures available to provide leads to an accumulation of domestic debt, which the
debt relief without hampering the Interest of the public expects will eventually be monetized, the
creditor. The basic notion of debt swap/conversion is domestic rate of inflation will immediately begin to rise.
relatively simple. The principle is that instead of In the case of the debt swap scheme between central and
continuing to make interest 1 payments on outstanding state governments in India, states can restructure their
loans contracted in past at a very high rate, the debtor is debt by prepayment of high cost central debt with
able to find some other means of settling the debt which additional market borrowing at a lower rate of interest.
is satisfactory to both the debtor and creditor. The debt Essentially, this should result in the reduction in the
swap can be of various types, the most prominent being average cost of debt of the state government, However,
the debt equity swaps, or debt-to-debt swaps. Debt that would largely depend on the volume of savings in
equity swaps are exchange of bonds or bank loans for the Interest cost in relation to the outstanding debt stock
ownership rights to equity. Such debt equity swaps have available for swapping. Despite the savings in interest
formed part of private corporations restructuring cost due to debt swap, if a large gap is to be filled by
process for some time. The debt swap whether internal additional borrowing, there is a possibility that swap
or external has an array of macroeconomic effects. It is induced additional market borrowing may put pressure
to be noted that in any debt swap scheme, the debtor on the interest rate. Also, in an extreme case, continuous
must surrender an asset in return for having a liability financing of swappable debt through bond financing may
extinguished. For example, in case of debt equity swap, fuel inflation if the holder of the bond expects that debt
debt is exchanged by a claim on capital stock owned by will eventually be monetized. It is evident from this
the debtor. In the case of external debt, if the discussion that aggressive debt restructuring proposed
government retires external debt by issuing domestic to reap the benefit of low interest rate regime a times


may itself become the cause of hardening of future what is the suggestion me author to the State
interest rates. Governments?
Q17. (a)Borrow from the market and pay Central Government
Which of the following measures had been adopted by immediately.
private Corporations in restrictions in restructuring (b)Pay market debts first, thereafter think for Central
process ? Government.
(a) Exchange of bonds for ownership rights with (c)Swap the domestic debt with foreign debt.
shareholders. (d)Present a balanced budget.
(b)Providing debt relief to bond holders without raising (e)None of these
the interest rate. Q23.
(c)Settling the debt in exchange of reserves. What will happen if government , decides to issue fresh
(d)Borrowing from banks by mortgaging equity shares. bonds in deficit situation ?
(e)None of these (a)The microeconomic equilibrium will shift to negative
Q18. side.
Which of the following is the recommendation of the (b)The price of initial bonds will decrease.
author to stabilize the interest rates ? (c)This step will mess up the economy completely.
(a)State Government should stop borrowing from (d)The interest rates will start increasing.
Central Government. (e)None of these
(b)The debt restructuring should be done at bare Q24.
minimum level. Which factors may raise the inflation rate on domestic
(c)The foreign debts should be swapped immediately. side ?
(d)The debt equity swap should be banned. (A)If accumulated internal debts start getting monetized.
(e)None of these (B)If interest rates start reducing for public borrowings.
Q19. (C)If debt swap is done through issue of bonds in a
Which of the following best describes the notion of debt deficit situation.
conversion ? (a)Only (A)
(a)It is a relatively simple theory. (b) Only(B)
(b)To substitute high interest debts with lour interest (c) Only (A) and (B)
debts. (d) Either (A) or (C)
(c)The awarding of Ownership right to mortgaged assets (e)Both (A) and (C)
to the debtor. Q25.
(d)Reduction of liabilities of the creditor In order to achieve expansion of money supply the
(e)None of these Central Government should—
Q20. (a)exchange public debts with foreign debts.
What affect will be visible on the economy if Government (b)swap foreign debts with issue of bonds.
decides to issue domestic bonds ? (c)convert debts through money financing.
(a)The government will get discount on the public debt. (d)insist on State government for prepayment of debts.
(b)The currency exchange rate will increase. (e)Not clearly mentioned in the passage.
(c)A current account surplus will be more prominent. Q26.
(d)The interest on real estate advances will be high Which of the following will be the consequences if
(e)None of these domestic bonds are issued in a balanced budget ?
Q21. (A)A current account surplus will be displayed.
Which factors compelled Latin American countries to (B)Real interest rate will get appreciation.
keep in abeyance the debt swap program ? (C) emment will become Independent.
(a)The welfare characteristics of the programme were (a) All (A). (B) and (C)
unfavorable. (b)Only (A) and (BJ
(b)The conversion with foreign debts was perceived to (c)Only (A) and (C)
be expensive. (d)Neither (A) nor (B) nor (C)
(c)Net capital flow started increasing. (e)Only (B) and (C)
(d)Positive incentive effects of debt started decreasing.
(e)None of these. Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
Q22. answer the questions given below it. Certain words
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate


them while answering some of the questions. particular the rate sensitive housing market—and kept
For more than three, years, Anna Feng didn’t tell her the global economy humming. But long-term rates are
husband that she had sunk nearly half of their savings now beginning to tick upward last week the U.S. 30year
into the Shanghai stock market. While he thought all treasury bond reached 5.04% its highest level since late
their money was safely sitting In a bank, the value of the 2004i and the housing market is cooling off—potentially
stocks plunged by almost 75%. But over the past couple triggering an economic slowdown as homeowners cut
of months, the Shanghai market has shown signs of life, their spending.
and Feng, a 56yearold retiree, has recouped half her Q27.
losses. Shes, quietly hopeful that may be shell make it all According to the passage, what makes people hopeful
back. Everyone seems to be so optimistic about the about the markets ?
markets now, she says. ,Around the world, stocks have (a)The descent in the value of stocks
been on a tear. In Asia, for example, the Tokyo TOPIX (b)The trend of substantial increase in value of stocks
stock index hit a 14 year high last week as a bull run in (c)Safety provided by banks to their deposits
once dormant Japan gathered momentum Mumbai’s (d)Optimism of the stock market players
main equity index hit f an all-time high in trading early (e)The interest rates are going up
Friday amid Indians continuing economic boom and Q28.
Hong Kong shares reached a five-year high while indices Which of the following is TRUE about the comparison
in . Singapore, Jakarta and Sydney set new records. And between market indices of Mumbai and Hong Kong on
though stock in Asia, in particular, are on fire, they are the one hand and Singapore, Jakarta and Sydney on the
not alone. From Germany to Venezuela to South Africa, other ?
equity markets in both mature and emerging markets , (a)The indices in the former case are Increasing while
have moved up sharply this year—and show little sign of those in the latter are decreasing,
slowing. The underpinning for stocks strong (b)There is no remarkable trend visible between the two
performance, global bulls say, is straightforward. sets of Indices
Economic growth continues to be strong in places where (c)Indices in both the groups of exercises are stab leaver
it has been buoyant for several years (the U.S., China and a period of last five years
India) and is finally picking up in places where it had (d)The markets in both the ground of countries have
been notably absent—Japan and parts of old Europe. shown upward trend
Moreover, earning and corporate balance sheets around (e)None of these
the world are as healthy, as they have been in years. In Q29.
Japan, corporate profits have climbed for four straight What is the Impact of increasing long term interest rates
years and consumer spending is rising briskly on the ?
back of declining unemployment. Economists say that (A)Demand in housing market is gradually diminishing,
Japan is now in a golden cycle. for now, is much of the (B)Retardation in economic growth.
world. It comes down to very simple macroeconomics. (C)Restrictions imposed by central bank.
says Subir Gokam. an economist at CRISIL, India’s largest (a)(A) only
credit rating firm. The global economy is growing (b) (B) only
without much inflationary pressure is anything wrong (c)(C) only
with this picture ? One very big thing, warn the skeptics. (d) (A) & (C) only
Interest rates are rising nearly everywhere, and if there (e) None of these
is one simple adage that many Investment advisers live Q30.
by, Its this When rates are high, stocks will die. Indeed, In what way did the terrorist attack in the US influence,
one of the most impressive—or scariest— aspects of the the markets?
current global bull run is that it has come in the teeth of (a)It led to a brief recession
central bank tightening, most importantly by the U.S. (b)It increased long term need for housing
Federal Reserve, which could slow growth in the world’s (c)It helped Increase the Interest rates on housing
key economic locomotive. The Fed has increased key (d)It prolonged the low interest rate regime
short-term interest rate— the so-called Fed funds rate— (e)None of these
15 times dating back to June 2004, and is widely Q31.
expected to raise it one or twice more over the next few How are the interest rates associated with the stocks ?
months. A brief recession and the Sept. 11 terrorist (a)In direct proportion
attacks In 2001 spurred a prolonged period of very low (b)In Inverse proportion
interest rates. That boosted U.S. consumption—In (c)No relation


(d)Dependent upon the Investors (a)It will improve the standard of living of those farmers
(e)None of these who can afford to repay their loans but are exempted.
Q32. (b)Other government relief measures have proved
Which of the following statements is are FALSE in the ineffective.
context of the passage ? (c)Suicide rates of farmers have declined after the
(A)Economic growth in US, China, India, Japan and old announcement of the waiver.
European countries started to show a downward trend. (d)Farmers will be motivated to increase the size of their
(B)Higher interest rates help boost stock value family holdings not individual holdings.
(C)Sceptics firmly believe that, economic growth is a (e)The government will be forced to re-examine and
boon from all the angles. improve the public distribution system.
(a)All the three
(b)(A) and (B) only Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
(c)(B) and (C) only answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(d)(A) and (C) only have been printed in bold to help you locate them
(e)None of these while answering some of the question.
Q33. Political ploys Initially hailed as masterstrokes often end
How do the stock values in Asian countries compare up as flops. The Rs. 60,000 crore farm loan waiver
with that in the other countries of the global? announced In the budget writes off 100% of overdoes of
(a)It cannot be inferred on the basic of the context of the small and marginal farmers holding up to two hectares,
passage and 25% of overdoes of larger farmers. While India has
(b)There is general decline in the market indices all over enjoyed 8%9% GDP growth for the past few years, the
the globe boom has bypassed many rural areas and farmer
(c)Markets show a general rise ill the indices fill over the distress and suicides have made newspaper headlines.
globe Various attempts to provide relief (employment
(d)Markets only in Asian countries have shown upward guarantee scheme, public distribution system) have
trend made little impact, thanks to huge leakages from the
(e) None of these governments lousy delivery systems. So, many
Q34. economists think the loan waiver is a worthwhile
Which of the following is are the reasons for the alternative to provide relief. However the poorest rural
statement that Japan is now in golden cycle ? folk are landless laborers, who get neither farm loans
(A)It is an economic growth n without much inflationary nor waivers. Half of the small and marginal farmers get
pressure. no loans from banks and depend entirely on
(B)Japan witnessed a substantial increase in corporate moneylenders, and will not benefit. Besides, rural India
profits for the last four years. is full of the family holdings rather than Individual
(C)There are more employment avenues open and holdings and family holdings will typically be much
consumers spending has increased significantly. larger than two hectares even for dirt poor farmers, why
(a)All the three (A), (B) and (C) will, therefore, be denied the 100% waiver. It will thus
(b)(A) and (B) only fall In both economic and political objectives. IRDP loans
(c)Either (B) and (C) only to .the rural poor In the 1980s demonstrated that
(d)(A) and (C) only crooked bank officials demand bribes amounting to one
(e)Either (A) or (C) only third the Intended benefits. Very few of the intended
Q35. beneficiaries who merited relief received it, After the last
According to the content of the passage, the spurt in farm loan waiver will similarly slow down fresh loans to
stock markets appears to be— deserving farmers. While over dues to cooperatives may
(a)a healthy sign of growing world peace be higher, economist Surjit Bhalla says less than 1 5% of
(b)an indication of eradication of global poverty farmer loans to banks are overdue l.e. over dues exist for
(c)a proof of a negligible number of people below only 2.25 million out of 90 million farmers. If so, then the
poverty line 95% who have repaid loans will not benefit. They will be
(d)a transition from under development to enrichment . angry at being penalised for honesty. The budget thus
(e)None of these grossly overestimates the number of beneficiaries , It
Q36. also underestimates the negative effects of the waiver
Why do economists feel that loan waivers will benefit encouraging willful , default in the future and
farmers in distress? discouraging fresh bank lending for some years. Instead


of trying to reach the needy, through a plethora of leaky (c)Corrupt bank officials were the unintended
schemes we should transfer cash directly to the needy beneficiaries of the loans.
using new technology like biometric smart cards, which (d)It resulted In the Government sanctioning thrice the
are now being used in many countries, and mobile amount for the current loan waiver.
phones bank accounts. Then benefits can go directly to (e)None of these.
phone accounts operable only by those with biometric Q40.
cards, ending the massive leakages of current schemes. What are the terms of the loan waiver ?
The political benefits of the loan waiver have also been (A)One fourth of the overdue loans of landless laborers
exaggerated since if only a small fraction of farm families will be writ ten off.
benefit , and many of these have to pay bribes to get the (B)The Rs. 60,000 crore loan waiver has been sanctioned
actual benefit, will the waiver really be a massive vote for 25 million marginal farmers.
winner ? Members of Joint families will feel aggrieved (C)Any farmer with between 26 percent to 100 percent
that, despite having less than one hectare per head , their of their loan repayments overdue will be penalised.
family holding is too large ,to qualify for the 100% (a)Only (A)
waiver All finance ministers, of central or state (b)Only (B)
governments, give away freebies in their last budgets, (c)Both (B) and (C)
hoping to win electoral regards . Yet, four fifth of all (d)All IA), (B)and (C)
incumbent governments are voted out. This shows that (e)None of these
beneficiaries of favors are not notably grateful , while Q41.
those not so favored may feel aggrieved, and vote for the What is the authors view of the loan waiver?
opposition. That seems to be Why election budgets (a)It will have an adverse psychological impact on those
constantly fall to win elections in India and the loan who cannot avail of the waiver.
waiver will not change that pattern. (b) It is a Justified measure in view of the high suicide
Q37. rate among landless laborers
What message will the loan waiver send to farmers who (c)It makes sound economic and political sense in the
have repaid loans? existing scenario.
(a)The Government will readily provide them with loans (d)It will ensure that the benefits of India’s high GDP are
in the future. felt by the rural poor.
(b)As opposed to money lenders banks are a safer and (e)None of these
more reliable source of credit. Q42.
(c)Honesty is the best policy. Which of the following cannot be said about loan waiver?
(d)It is beneficial to take loans from cooperatives since (A)Small and marginal farmers will benefit the most.
their rates of interest are lower. (B)The loan waiver penalises deserving farmers.
(e)They will be angry at being penalised for honesty (C)A large percentage i.e. ninety five percent of
Q38. distressed farmers , wifi benefit.
What is the authors suggestion to provide aid to (a)Only (C)
farmers? (b)Both (A) and (C)
(a)Families should split their joint holding to take (c) Only (A)
advantage of the loan waiver. (d)Both (B) and (C)
(b)The government should increase the reach of the (e)None of these
employment guarantee scheme. Q43.
(c)Loans should be disbursed directly into bank account Which of the following will definitely be an impact of
of the farmers using the latest technology. loan waivers ?
(d)Government should ensure that loans waivers can be (A)Family holdings will be split into individual holdings
implemented over the number of years. not exceeding one hectare.
(e)Rural infrastructure can be improved using schemes (B)The public distribution system will be revamped.
which were successful abroad. (C)Opposition will definitely win the election.
Q39. (a)None
What was the outcome of IRDP loans to the rural poor? (b)Only (A)
(a)The percentage of bank loan sanctioned to family (c)Both (A) and (B)
owned farms increased. (d)Only (C)
(b)The loans benefited dishonest moneylenders not (e)All (A), (B) and ( C)
landless laborers. Q44.


What impact will the loan waiver have on banks? products particularly, fruits and vegetables but are
(a)Banks have to bear the entire brunt of the write off. nonexistent. These are clearly technologies with an
(b)Loss of trust in banks by big farmers. immediate return on investment, and benefits for all the
(c)Corruption among bank staff will increase. farmer, the end consumer, the technology provider.
(d)Farmers will make it a habit to default on loans However, regulatory and structural barriers are holding
(e)None of these back investments. Power is a key requirement in rural
Q45. areas, for agricultural as well as domestic uses.
According to the author what is the governments motive Technology can provide reliable power at comparatively
in sanctioning the loan waiver? low cost . ln a decentralized manner. However this needs
(a)To encourage farmers to opt for bank loans from to be upgraded and scaled in a big way, with emphasis
moneylenders. on renewable and nonpolluting technologies. Reliable
(b)To raise 90 million farmers out of Indebtedness. and low cost means of transporting goods and people is
(c)To provide relief to those marginal farmers who have an essential need for rural areas. The bullock cart and
the means to but have not repaid their loans the tractor-trailer are present vehicles of choice. Surely,
(d)To ensure they will be re-elected technology can provide a better, cheaper and more
(e) None of these efficient solution? Information related to commodity
prices, agricultural practices, weather etc. are crucial for
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and the farmer. Technology can provide these through
answer the questions given below it. Certain words mobile phones, which is a proven technology however
phrases are given in bold to help you locate them the challenge to ensure connectivity remains. Thus there
while answering some of the questions. is a pressing need for technology as currently economic
Rural India faces serious shortages power, water, health growth though skewed and iniquitous has created an
facilities, roads, etc. these are known and recognised. economically attractive market in rural India.
However, the role of technology in solving these and Q46.
other problems is barely acknowledged and the actual According to the author, which of the following is are the
availability of technology in rural areas is marginal. The problem(s) facing India’s rural population?
backbone of the rural economy is agriculture which also (A)Unavailability of healthcare facilities.
provides sustenance to over half the country’s (B)The technological advancements which have been
population. The green revolution of the 1970s was, in borrowed from abroad have not been suitably adapted
fact, powered by the scientific work in various to the Indian scenario.
agricultural research Institutions. While some fault the (C)Lack of awareness about the importance of utilising
green revolution for excessive exploitation of water and technology in the agricultural sector.
land resources through overuse of fertilizers, it did bring (a) Only (A),
about a wheat surplus and prosperity in certain pockets (b) Only (C)
of the country. In rural India today, there is a dire (c)Both (A)and (B)
inadequacy of both science (i.e. knowledge) and (d)Both (A) and (C)
technology (which derives from science and manifests (e)Nope of these
itself In physical form). The scope to apply technology to Q47.
both farm and nonfarm activities in rural areas is huge, Which of the following is NOT an impact of the green
as are the potential benefits. In fact, crop yields are far revolution ?
lower than what they are In demonstration farms, where (a)Over utilization of water resources
science and technology are more fully applied. (b)Application of scientific research only in
Technologies that reduce power consumption of pumps demonstration farms
are vital unfortunately, their use is minimal, since (c)Wealth creation restricted to certain areas
agricultural power is free or largely subsidized. (d)Damage caused to land by inordinate use of fertilizers
Similarly, there is little incentive to optimize through (e)Supply of wheat surpassed demand
technology or otherwise water use, especially in Q48.
irrigated areas (a third of total arable land), given the Why is there no motivation to reduce power
water rates. Postharvest technologies for processing and consumption ?
adding value could greatly enhance rural employment (a) Freely available renewable sources of energy
and incomes, but at present deployment of technology is (b)Government will have to subsidies the cost of
marginal. Cold storage and cold chains for transportation technology required to reduce power consumption
to market is of great importance for many agricultural (c)Power distribution has been decentralised


(d)The cost of implementing power saving technology is (C)It will largely be beneficial since such technology is
exorbitant for the customer. cheap.
(e)None of these (a)Both (A) and (C)
Q49. (b)Only (A)
What effect will the implementation of post-harvest (c)Both (B) and (C)
technologies such as cold storages have? (d)Only (B),
(a)Regulatory procedures will have to be more stringent (e)None of these
(b)Prices of commodities like fruits and vegetables will Q54.
fall since there is no wastage from spoilage Which of the following is currently NOT a threat to the
(c)Incomes of rural population will fall rural economy?
(d)Pollution of the environment (A)Inadequate rural infrastructure , such as roads.
(e)None of these (B)Excessive utilization of technology.
Q50. (C)Fluctuating power supply.
The authors main objective in writing the passage is to (a)Only (C)
(a)Censure scientists for not undertaking research (b)Only (A)
(b)Criticize farmers for not utilising experimental, low (c)Both (B) and (C)
cost post harvesting technology (d)Only (B)
(c)Exhort the government to subsidies the cost of (e)None of these
utilising, technology Q55.
(d)Promote a second green revolution Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the
(e)Advocate broadening the scope of research and use of passage?
technology in agriculture (A)About 33 percent of arable land in India is irrigated.
Q51. (B)There is hardly any motivation to utilize technology
Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the context of the to optimize water usage among farmers.
passage? (C)Climatic Information can easily be made available to
(1)In recent times the benefits of science and technology farmers.
have not been felt in agriculture (a)All (A) (B) and (C)
(2)The current means of rural transportation are ideal (b)Both (A) and (B)
i.e. low cost and non-polluting (c)Only (A)
(3)Agriculture provides livelihood to over 50 percent of (d)Both (B) and (C)
the Indian population. (e)None of these
(a)Both (A) and (B)
(b)Only (B) Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
(c) Only (C) answer ±he questions given below it. Certain words
(d)Both (A) and (C) have been printed in bold to help you Ideate them
(e)None of these while answering some of the questions.
Q52. Giving loans to Impoverished women to make ceramics
What has hampered investment in post-harvest or to farmers to buy milk cows were not seen as great
technologies ? business. Microfinance was an industry championed by
(a)Cost of implementing such technology is higher than antipoverty activists. Today it is on the Verge of a
the returns revolution, with billions of dollars from big banks,
(b)No tangible benefits to technology suppliers private equity shops and pension funds pouring In,
(c)Obstacles from statutory authorities driving growth of 30% to 40% this year alone. In 1998, a
(d)Rapid economic growth has drawn investors away nonprofit microfinance organisation in Peru, converted
from agriculture to more commercially viable sectors into bank (called Mibanco). This demonstrated that the
(e)None of these poor Eire good risks who repay lotions on time and
Q53. getting them together, not only chips away at poverty
What is the role of mobile technology In the rural but also turns a profit. The success of Mibanco has
economy ? piqued the interest of commercial banks, which had
(A)It will not play a large role since the technology is previously shunned the countries poor. Now big banks
largely untested. are going after Milbank’s clients with low rate loans and
(B)It provides opportunities for farmers to manipulate realising it likes special know how to work with the
com modity prices. unbanked Eire hiring away Milbank’s staff. But with the


emergence of players who are only out for profit, (c)All (A), (B) and (C)
microfinance schemes could end up milking the poor. (d)Only A
This could happen in countries where lenders don’t have (e) None of these
to disclose interest rates. When a Mexican micro financer Q57.
went public, revealing its loans had rates of about 86% Why did most microfinance institutions initially provide
annually, the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor only credit services?
(CGAP) criticised it for putting shareholders ahead of (a)They were unable to compete with the interest rates
clients. The pressure of turn a profit also forces micro offered on deposits by commercial banks.
financiers to change their business models In ways that (b)They have to operate purely on a non-profit basis.
depart from the industries core mission to help poor (c)Government restrictions prevented them from
people lead better lives. Such shifts have caused the offering additional services.
average loan size to triple. Moreover smaller loans being (d)To ensure the poor have access to modern necessities
costlier to service, a lower percentage of loans go to like microwaves.
women because they tend to take out similar sums. (e)None of these
According to CGAP, with the flood of new large entities Q58.
there is the risk that a large percentage of cross border What was the impact of the non-disclosure of their
funds go to Latin America and eastern Europe, the interest rates by lending institutions ?
world’s most developed microfinance markets. The (a) The government issued sanctions against such firms.
poorest of the world’s poor, who are predominantly in (b)Shareholders’ interests were not protected
Asia and Africa get left out, says the CEO of the nonprofit (c)More microfinance institutions were motivated to go
Grameen Foundation, which helps develop microfinance public.
Institutions. Segmenting the Industry, might be (d)The poor were exploited
worthwhile if It allows more of the poor to get access to (e)None of these
credit. Multinational corporations could take the top Q59.
microfinance institutions to the next level, and the What is CGAPs fear with respect to new entities
remainder could be the responsibility of development providing microfinance?
groups and regional banks. Yet making loans to poor (a)NGO will be unable to survive in an environment of
people is hardly a poverty cure. Property rights and the cut throat competition
rule flaw matter too, One cannot over idealize what (b)The poor will hesitate to take advantage of credit
microfinance alone can do. Most nonprofits started with facilities because of the formalities involved.
lending simply because local laws prohibited nonbanks (c)The poor in the developed world will be overlooked
from offering deposit accounts. With an increase in (d)The interests of the most deserving among the poor
competition and marketing efforts, poverty alleviation will be neglected.
experts are concerned that people will be talked into (e)Shareholders interest will be ignored
loans they would not otherwise want, For example, Q60.
organizations like Mibanco are providing consumer What is the authors opinion about the competition for
loans. There is nothing wrong with buying TVs and customers among microfinance’s ?
micro waves on credit, but certain markets, like Mexico, (a)It benefits the poor by providing them with loans
have been flooded with loans that have nothing to do would have otherwise riot had access to.
with providing capital to aspiring entrepreneurs —just (b)It is futile since the poor have to pay high rates of
increasing household debt. interest on property loans,
Q56. (c)It is not beneficial since firms waste their profits on
What does the transformation of Perus non-profit marketing rather than helping the poor.
organisation into bank illustrate? (d)It is a disadvantage since microfinance’s use any
(1)To compete with commercial banks, microfinance means possible to recover loans.
Institutions should convert into banks and offer a wide (e)None of these
variety of services. Q61.
(2)Microfinance institutions turn higher profits as banks Which of the following is are challenges faced by
since interest rates on loans are at their discretion. Mibanco at, present from big banks?
(3)The poor prefer to go to large banks rather than NGOs (1)Ensuring loyalty of their customers.
to obtain loans. (2)Retention of employees
(a)None (3) Maintaining low interest rates.
(b)Both (A) and (B) (a)Only (C)


(b)Both (A) and (B) answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(c)Both (B) and (C) are given in bold in the passage to help you locate
(d)Only B them while answering some o£ the questions.
(e)None of these It is difficult to compare countries because various
Q62. factors such as size, culture, history geography, natural
Which of the following is are con sequences of micro endowment geopolitics and internal polity comes into
financiers altering their business models ? play. There are some goals which can be achieved by
(A) Larger loan amounts get sanctioned. smaller countries but sometimes smaller countries find
(B)Debt among the poor has fallen in some countries. it difficult to embark upon certain big technological
(C)Drop in the loans awarded to women. plans even if they have the funds, because the size of the
(a)Both (A) and (B) domestic market is too small. If we consider the bigger
(b)Both (A) and (C) countries, the closest comparison to India is China,
(c)Only (C) though there are many crucial differences. The Chinese
(d)All (A) (B) and (C) vision is to prepare the county for entry into the ranks of
(e)None of these midlevel developed nations by the middle of the twenty-
Q63. first century. Acceleration of the nation’s economic
Which of the following cannot be said about the Grameen growth and social development by relying on advances
Foundation? in science and technology is pivotal in this Documents
(A)It regulates the activities of microfinance firms in describing the Chinese vision state that science and
developing countries. technology constitute premier productive forces and
(B)It functions primarily in Asia and Latin America represent, a great revolutionary power that cm propel
(C)It approves of privatizing microfinance institutions. economic and social development. It is interesting to
(a)Both (A) and (B) note that the main lessons the Chinese have drawn from
(b)Only B their past performance is their failure to promote
(c)Both (A) and (C) science and technology as strategic tools for
(d)All (A), (B) and (C) empowerment. They also point to the absence of
(e)None of these mechanisms and motivations in theft economic activity
Q64. to promote dependence on science and technology.
What is the benefit of allowing multinational Similarly, they hold that their scientific and technological
corporations to participate in the microfinance sector? efforts were not oriented towards economic growth. As a
(a)It will ensure professional management of these consequence, they conclude a large number of scientific
institutions, and technological achievements, were not converted into
(b)Development banks will no longer have to be productive forces as they were too far removed from
involved. Chinas immediate economic and social needs. The
(c)The number of the poor who benefit from access to Chinese vision is therefore aimed at exploiting state fart
credit increases. science and technology to enhance the nation’s overall
(d)Profitability of microfinance institutions will increase power and strength, to improve the peoples living
drastically. standards, to focus on resolving problems encountered
(e)None of these in large-scale Industrial and agricultural production and
Q65. to effectively control and alleviate pressures brought on
Which of the following can be said about microfinance ? by population, resources and the environment. By the
(a)The majority of microfinance around the world is year 2000, China had aimed at bringing the main
provided by NGOs. industrial sectors up to the technological levels achieved
(b)Microfinance was riot profitable till commercial bank by the developed countries in the 1970s or 80s and by,
endured the sector. 2020 to the level they would have attained by the early
(c)Microfinance is experiencing a high growth rate at twenty-first century. The aim is to bridge the overall gap
present. with the advanced world. There is a special emphasis on
(d)Microfinance institutions are governed by guidelines research and development of high technologies that
setup by GGAP. would find defense applications. Some of these
(e)Microfinance is the optimal solution to alleviate technologies are critical for Improving the features of
poetry. key conventional weapons. Some technologies are meant
for enhancing future military capabilities. Other efforts
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and are aimed at maintaining , the momentum to develop


capabilities for cutting edge defence technologies. They (d) All the three (A), (B) and (C)
call for unremitting efforts in this regard with the aim of (e) None of these
maintaining of festive self-defense and nuclear deterrent Q71.
capabilities and to enable parity in defence, science and The scientific and technological accomplishments of
technology with the advanced world. China could
Q66. (a)remain dysfunctional
Comparison between two countries becomes difficult (b)be transformed into productive forces
because (c)be utilized for motivating economic activities
(A)the countries differ in their initial political systems. (d)be promoted through political will
(B)each country has Its own culture and natural (e)None of these
resources which differ from those of others. Q72.
(C)the countries with homogeneous backgrounds are Which of belong is are the expected re suits of Chinas
many in number. new visions?
(a)Only (A) (a)To augment peoples standard of living.
(b) only (B) (b)To tackle pressure effectively brought on by the
(c)only (A) and (B) population.
(d)All the three (A), (B) and (C) (c) To utilize modem technology for bringing the latent
(e)None of these power under control.
Q67. (a)only (A) and (B)
Why can’t smaller countries take up big technological (b)only (B) and (G)
planning ? (c) only (A) and (C)
(a)They have other goals to achieve (d)All the three (A), (B) and (C)
(b)They have smaller domestic market size (e)None of these
(c)Smaller countries lack technological knowhow Q73.
(d)Bigger countries do not permit them to do so What according to the passage is the gap in terms of
(e) None of these number of years between the targeted developments in
Q68. China and in other developed countries ?
What is the goal of China to be accomplished by the (a)510 years
middle of 21st century? (b) 2030 years
(a)To become one of the most developed nations (c)4050 years
(b)To surpass, the level of all middle level developed (d)More than 50 years
nations by a good margin (e)Less than 5 years
(c)To be the most Influential super power Q74.
(d)To be the most developed nation Which of the following is the essence of the contents of
(e)None of these the passage ?
Q69. (a)Enormous population of the country can be positively
What according to the Chinese vision can boost utilized for developments
socioeconomic development? (b)Scientific and Technological principles may not
(a)Science, and Technology necessarily be instrumental in economic growth
(b)Minds united with revolutionary powers (c)Harmonious development of a country can take place
(c)Premier productive forces even in the absence of technology up gradation
(d)A vision which propels development (d)Economic growth needs to be driven by science and
(e)None of these technology
Q70. (e)Countries should not be compared with each other
Which of the following have the Chinese identified as
their pitfall(s) from their past? Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
(A) tack of orientation of Science and Technology answer the questions given below it. Certain words
towards economic growth. are printed in bold to help you locate them while
(B) Lack of mechanisms in their economic activities to answering some of the questions.
promote use of Science and Technology. We have witnessed several disasters in recent times,
(a)Only (A) and (B) some natural others man made. The frequency of such
(b)Only (B) and (C) calamities has Injured us and deadened our collective
(c)Only (A) and (C) sensitivity, but that does not reduce the enormity of the


personal tragedy of each victims family and community. Q75.
The economic loss is only secondary to the human Why do bystanders not help accident victims ?
suffering, but is also substantial. The Government (a)They lack the necessary medical knowledge
whether State or Central has standardized its response. (b)It is the responsibility of the driver of the vehicle.
This consists of reacting late, blaming others, visits by (c)They are wary of cumbersome police formalities and
VIPs announcing a relief package including legal systems
compensation for those affected and then forgetting all (d)Medical attention via satellite phones can be
about it. There seems to be little attempt at drawing provided promptly
lessons from each disaster, storing the knowledge for (e)None of these
future use, long term planning for possible preemptive Q76.
action. Preparedness for disasters thus falls short of Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the context of
what is possible using today’s technologies. Floods in the passage ?
many parts of India like the states of Bihar and Assam (a)Man-made disasters occur more frequently than
are a yearly phenomenon. Yet the government, seems to natural disasters.
be caught, by surprise year after year. It is obvious that (b)The Public Private Participation model has been
tarpaulins, vaccines, medicines, clothes, satellite phones, successful in handling emergencies
large numbers Of doctors and paramedical staff etc. will (c)Floods occur every year in some Indian states.
be needed as will boats and buses for evacuation. This is (d)Analysis of previous disasters will help us cope with
known to all those who have combated emergencies yet future ones
the no availability of these essential services and (e)People have become indifferent to disasters
commodities occurs. Worse the organizational structure Q77.
and mechanisms for dealing with disasters are lethargic Which of the following has been the customary
and ill defined. The National Disaster Management government reaction to disasters ?
Agency, set up a short time ago being a central (A)It has handled disasters with utmost sensitivity.
government agency has limitations relating to the (B)It responds in a professional efficient manner which
jurisdiction of states. It could have aggregated and has been standardized over time.
disseminated experiences and knowledge, stocked many (C)It ensures monetary aid reaches those afflicted by
of the essential items required in an emergency or disasters.
worked with agencies to ensure sufficient stocks, but (a) Only (A)
hasn’t. While the reaction to major disasters is dismal, (b) Only (B)
the response to emergencies like accident is equally sad. (c)Both (A) and (B)
Victim lie unattended since passersby are way of getting (d)Only (C)
caught in a labyrinthine of police and legal systems. The (e) None of these
resulting delay in treatment converts injuries into Q78.
deaths. Of late, unique and free service to provide What is the authors view on the government’s current
assistance in emergency cases is operational. Emergency reaction to natural disasters ?
Management and Research Institute (EMRI) is a (a)The government has not been able to handle disasters
professionally managed operation initiated by the vision and should seek foreign aid.
and grant from Ramalinga Raju. The service, which is a (b)A Central Government agency should be set to
successful example of public private partnership likely to speedup coordination in rescue efforts effectively to
become operational in a few states in the near future. provide relief.
Given the sad failure of conventional government (c)The government is apathetic and has not managed to
organizations in handling disasters, it is time we looked handle disasters effectively
at the PPP model as an alternative without the (d)None of these
government seeking In any way to abdicate its (e)All of these
responsibility. While the state provides the funding, Q79.
private organizations will provide the drive, Which of the following is TRUE about EMRI ?
professionalism, competent management and output (a) It is run by a philanthropist.
linked efficiency of a good corporate organisation. (b)It has widespread operations all over India.
Combining the sensitivity and purpose of an NGO with (c)The government has no say in its functioning.
private entrepreneurial drive to handle disasters (d)EMRI is a non government organisation.
together is thus a worthwhile challenge for both (e)It is an emergency management service.
corporate and the government. Q80.


Why is there a lack of medical care at disaster sites ? (C) The Government is not caught unawares when such ,
(a)Inadequate transportation facilities disasters occur.
(b)Lack of disaster management training for medical (a)None
staff (b) Only (B)
(c)Loss of medical supplies due to dangerous conditions (c)Both (A) and (C)
(d)Safety of medical staff due to dangerous conditions (d)Both (A) and (B)
(e)None of these (e)All (A),(B) and (C)
What does the author consider a worthwhile challenge Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
for both corporate and the government ? answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(a)Governments should gradually transfer disaster have been printed in bold to help you to locate them
management to corporate, while answering some of the questions.
(b)Their working together to manage disasters We should recognize the indebtedness of the country to
completely keeping public interests in mind its farm families who toil to safeguard national food
(c)Reducing the, incidence of man made disasters security. Loan waiver is the price we have to, pay for the
(d)Mitigating the financial losses sustained during neglect of rural India over the past several decades.
natural disasters There has been a gradual decline in investment in key
(e) None of these sectors related to agriculture such as infrastructure,
Q82. marketing, post-harvest technology etc. The four crore
Which of the following can be inferred about the farmers whose debt is to be relieved will be eligible for
National Disaster Management Agency ? institutional credit for their cultivation expenses during
(A)It has substantial experience in dealing with Kharif 2008. The into the debt trap again. For this
disasters. purpose the Central and various State governments,
(B)It has been successful in sharing information with should set up an Indebted Farmers Support Consortium,
other disaster management agencies. comprising scientists, panchayat raj officials and others
(C)It disburses funds to disaster management relevant to assisting farmers to improve the profitability
organizations to procure emergency stocks. and productivity of their, farms in an environmentally
(a)All (A), (B) and (C) sustainable manner. The smaller the farm the greater is
(b)Only (A) the need for marketable surplus to reduce indebtedness.
(c)Both (A) and (B) The Indebted Farmers Support Consortium should aim
(d)None of these to get all the four crore farmers all the benefits of the
(e)All of these government schemes such as the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas
Q83. Yojana, Irrigation Benefit Programme and others. If this
According to the passage, which of the following will be is done every farm family released from the debt trap
the likely impacts of the public private participation should be able to produce at least , an additional half
model of disaster management ? tonne per hectare of food grains. This should help
(A)Politicians will not be able to interfere with relief increase food production by about 20 million tonnes by
efforts 2008 10. At a time when global and national food Stocks
(B)Aid will be effectively deployed are dwindling and prices are rising, this will be a timely
(C)Professional approach to disaster management gain for our national food security. We need to ensure
efforts. that the outcome of the debt waiver is enhanced farmers
(a)Only (A) income and production. The prevailing gap between
(b)Both (B) and (C) potential and actual yields In the crops of rain fed areas
(c)All (A), B) and (C) such as pulses and oilseeds is over 200 percent even
(d)Only (C), with the necessary technologies on the shelf. We are now
(e) None of these importing without duty large quantities of pulses and
Q84. oilseeds. If helped, farmers can produce these at a lower
Which of the following has have, been the impacts of cost. Opportunities for assured and remunerative
consistently occurring natural disasters ? marketing are essential if loan waiver is not to become a
(A)The Government has initiated a long term planning recurring event leading to the destruction of the credit
process to handle them system. This is why the Minimum Support Price is
(B)Use of technology in combating disasters has necessary for all not just for a few crops which is the
increased in India, case at present. This is the single most effective step to


make loan waivers history. There is another urgent step (a)It is a support group for the families of indebted
which needs to be taken. The loan wave does not cover farmers.
those who borrow from moneylenders. It will not be (b)It has to devise new government schemes for
possible for the government to scrutinise the veracity of farmers.
such private deals but steps can be taken such as giving (c)It has to track farmers eligible for government
them Srhart Cards which will entitle them to essential schemes.
inputs like seeds and fertilizers. The gram sabha can be (d)It has to evaluate government schemes and weed out
entrusted with the task of identifying these farmers so the inefficient ones.
that there is transparency in the process and elimination (e)None of these
of the chances for falsification and corruption. Fear of Q89.
occasional misuse should not come in the way of What does the author mean by the phrase indebtedness
enabling millions of poor farmers who have borrowed of the country to its farm families?
from informal sources if we are to achieve the goal of (a)If farmers are in debt it impacts the entire country
four percent growth in agriculture. (b)Citizens should be grateful to farmers and their
Q85. families for the hardships borne by them to cultivate
What is the likely impact of ensuring farmers benefit crops and safeguard national food security
from government schemes ? (c)India’s food production has fallen causing it to be in
(A)They can use the credit from these schemes to repay debt since it has to import food.
moneylenders. (d)The number of farmers descendants taking up
(B)The government can control the price rise. agriculture has fallen.
(C)Increased agricultural production. (e)None of these
(a)Both (A) & (B) Q90.
(b)All (A), (B) & (C) What is the authors opinion of recurring loan waivers ?
(c)Only (C) (a)They are beneficial to farmers.
(d)Both (B) & (C) (b)They are detriment to the system of lending.
(e)None of these (c)They will reduce the need for a Minimum Support
Q86. Price for agricultural products.
Writer does the author fact that rural in overlooked in (d)Farmers will no longer be in debt to moneylenders.
the past ? (e)None of these
(A)Institutional credit was only made available for Q91.
Kharif crops. Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the
(B)crops in investment In central areas related to passage ?
agriculture (a)The Minimum Support Price for agricultural products
(c) Records of those eligible for loan waivers have not is yet to be implemented.
been maintained over time. (b)Loan waiver is a permanent solution to Indebtedness
(a)Only (B) of farmers.
(b)Both (A) & (B) (c)Current agricultural growth is below four percent.
(c)Only (C) (d)India’s food production has increased in 2008.
(d)All (A), (B) & (C) (e)Moneylenders benefit from loan waivers.
(e)None of these Q92.
Q87. Why does the loan waiver not cover credit taken from
How can small farmers avoid debt? money lenders?
(a)They need to acquire additional land holdings. (A)It is difficult to verify these contracts between
(b)They need to take advantage of both government farmers and moneylenders.
schemes as well credit from moneylenders. (B)It will increase the deficit in the budget.
(c)They have to ensure a sufficient amount of their farm (C)There is a risk that the funds may be
produce is sold. misappropriated.
(d)The Government should provide periodic loan (a)Both (A) & (C)
waivers. (b)All (A), (B) & (C)
(e)None of these (c)Only (B)
Q88. (d)Both (A) & (B)
What is the objective of the Indebted Farmers Support (e)None of these
Consortium? Q93.


Why is there a vast gap in actual and potential yields of Plan. It will include a mix cuts, pid to beleaguered state a
crops in rain fed areas ? governments, and spending rests needs ranging from
(a)The government prefers to import these crops at a food to computerized health records repairs to
lower rate. broadband net D energy efficiency retrofits, all d to save
(b)No technological advances have been made to or create 3 million to in jobs by the end of 2010. has said
improve the growth of crops in these areas. speed is his top cause the faster Washington ash into the
(c)There is no Minimum Support Price available for financial blood the better it stands to help multiyear
these crops. slump with double employment and deflation. But v ants
(d)Farmers are forced to sell these crops at a low rate. to use the stimulus to his long-term priorities reduce use
(e)None of these and carbon emissions, middleclass taxes, upgrading
Q94. infrastructure, reining in e costs and eventually reduced
How does the government intend to ensure get deficits that exploded irge W. Bush. Obamas goal this
transparency in the Smart card issuance process? crisis in the best sense d, to start pursuing his veneer,
(a)Screening private players involved in the scheme. fairer, more compete sustainable economy was megaton
(b)Granting access to those farmers who register with has demonstrated an impressive ability to spend money
their local moneylenders. quickly, it has yet to prove that it can spend money
(c)Providing cards which cannot be forged. wisely. And the chum of a 1 with 12 zeros is already
(d)Regularly rotating members of the gram sabha so creating a feeding frenzy, for the ages. Lobbyists for shoe
there is no corruption. companies, zoos, catfish fanners, mall owners, airlines,
(e)The gram sabha can be entrusted with the task of public broadcasters, car dealers and everyone else who
identifying farmers. can afford their retainers are lining up for a piece of the
stimulus. States that embarked on raucous spending and
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and tax cutting sprees when they were flush are begging for
answer the questions given below it. Certain words bailouts now that they’re broke. And politicians are
are printed in bold to help you locate them while dusting off their unfunded mobster museums,
answering some of the questions. watersides and other pet projects for rebranding as
John Maynard Keynes, the trendiest dead economist of shovel ready infrastructure investments. As Obamas
this apocalyptic moment, was the godfather of aides scramble to assemble something effective and
government stimulus. Keynes had the radical idea that transformative as well as politically achievable, they
throwing money at recessions through aggressive deficit acknowledge the ten between his desires for speed and
spending would resuscitate flat lined economies and he reform.
wasn’t too particular about where the money was Q95.
thrown. In the depths of the Depression, he suggested John M. Keynes was advocate of which of the following
that the Treasury could fill old bottles with banknotes, suggestions ?
bury them at suitable depths in disused coal mines then (a) Spending money recklessly during recessions is
sit back and watch a money mining boom create jobs and suicidal ,
it above would be better Barrack Obama throw money at (b) Exorbitant spending during recessions is likely to
the cur item a stimulus package it about $800 billion, boost Economy
plus the 350 billion chunk of the bailout we all really do (c) Aggressive deficit spending is likely to be fatal for
see may Nissans now. Just about expert agrees that economic meltdown.
pumping $ 1 into a moribund economy will p the (d) Government stimulus to economy may not help be
ethereal goods and services re that Keynes called cause of red tapism.
aggregate and stimulate at least some rattan activity, (e) None of these
even if it is all tendon money pits. But Keynes was right Q96.
that there would be more able ways to spend it. A trillion Which of the following is TRUE about Keynes
its worth of bad ideas sprawl rig highways and bridges philosophy ?
to no e, ethanol plants and pipelines accelerate global (a) Actual spending money during meltdown is more
warming, tax for overleveraged McMahsidrters and important than where and on what it is spent
burdensome new long federal entitlements would be (b)Government should be selective in approach for
than mere waste. It would beer to buy every American spending money during recession
an iPod,) Ginsu knives and 600 Subv$yngs would be (c)Filling old bottles with banknotes and burying the
smarter still to the money at things we need to which .is misanatrocious proposal
the goal of Obartias sing Arnericah Recovery and Renent


(d)Creating jobs and prosperity during recessions is (d)have lower value in terms of returns but require
almost an impracticable proposal major investments
(e)None of these (e)None of these
Q97. Q102.
The author of the passage calls Barrack Obama and his Obama desires to accelerate the process of pumping
team . Keynesians because BARACK OBAMA has been money with utmost rapidity as the believes that it would
reluctant to follow Keynes philosophy (A)help create reasonably high employment
(a)His team is advising Barack to refrain from Keynes opportunities.
philosophy (B)avoid deflation.
(b)Barack Obama and his team have decided to fill old (C)inject cash into the already troubled economy
bottles with banknotes (a)(A) and (B) only
(c)Building houses has been under the active (b)(B) and (C) only
consideration of Barack Obama and his team (c)(A) and (C) only
(d)None of these (d)All (A) (B) and (C)
(e)All a,b,c (e)None of these
Q98. Q103.
What, according to Keynes, is the aggregate demand ? Which of the following is are corrective measure(s) as
(a)Goods and Services Sector part of the long term priorities of Obama that was an
(b)Stimulation of a short-term activity outcome of his predecessors regime?
(c)Attempting to rev up the sluggish economy (A)Countering recession through immediate rescue
(d)Pumping one trillion dollars into economy operations.
(e)None of these (B)Reducing the budget deficit.
Q99. (C)Creating a more sustainable economy.
Highways, bridges, ethanol plants, etc. are considered by (a)(A) and (B) only
the author as (b)(B) and (C) only
(a)reasonably appropriate propositions to spend money (c)(A) and (C) only
(b)measures that affect the environment adversely (d)(B) only
(c)imprudent proposals to waste money on (e)None of these
(d)tax saving schemes bestowed on builders Q104.
(e) None of these What does the author mean by the Right Step in the
Q100. passage ?
Obamas upcoming American Recovery and (a) Giving loans to creditworthy people only
Reinvestment Plan focuses on which of the following? (b)Considering market growth along with environment
(A)Recovery of all debts from the debtors in a phased protection.
manner. (c)Restricting people to buy only such products which
(B) Pumping money very liberally in projects that are are. needed by them.
mandatory. (d) To start looking at newer avenues and markets
(C) Investing money recklessly in any project regardless (e)None of these
of its utility. Q105.
(a)(A)only Although admired since years, why did the scepticism
(b) (B) only over the Japanese management style start,. since the last
(c)(C) only decade?
(d)(B) and (C) only (a)Japanese companies have i been moving out of their
(e) All (A), (B) and (C) home markets since the last decade
Q101. (b)Japanese banks have provided loans indiscriminately
According to the author of the passage, food stamps, to the creditworthy as well as non creditworthy people.
bridge repairs, etc. are the projects that (c)Because Japanese markets have been going through a
(a)do not warrant urgent spending as they have a lower period Of continuous recession since the last decade.
utility value (d)The unlimited growth of the Japanese markets has
(b)need the least investment and priority as compared come at the cost of the western market.
to building houses for the needy (e)None of these
(c)may not have any favorable impact on attempts to Q106.
counter recession


Why does the author foresee the markets being created Why is recession the beginning of good news for India in
in the developing countries instead of America and the authors view ?
Europe ? (A)India can provide an attractive market to the western
(a)All developing countries have materialistic culture. companies.
(b)Developed countries are willing to make an effort to (B) India has remained largely unaffected by recession
achieve globalization. owing to its huge population.
(c)American and European markets have had a large (C)Indians keep purchasing products despite owning
number of credit defaulters. equally good products.
(d)Recession has not hit the markets of developing (a)Only C
countries yet. (b) OnlyB
(e)None of these (c)OnlyA
Q107. (d) OnlyB andC
According to the author, what is the main cause of (e)None of these
Japanese recession ? Q111.
(a)Only a handful of corporations earned profits and not What does the author mean by Dustbinisation of the
the people in general customer?
(b)Non creditworthy people defaulted which led to a (a)Convincing the customer to buy products he does not
collapse of the entire system. need.
(c) Consumers were sold newer products which were (b)Denying the non creditworthy people of any loans.
similar in quality to the existing ones. (c)Denying more loans to people who have already
(d)Japanese do not purchase endlessly and thus when taken loans to a logical limit.
products had been sold to every custorner, the markets (d)Moving from old customers at the home market to
slowed down. foreign markets.
(e)None of these (e)None of these
Q108. Q112.
How does the author foresee the future globalization as Why according to the author is the current recession
an arialogy to Henry Fords example ? great for Planet Earth ?
(A)Car companies would start selling cars in developing (A)It will make people no materialistic like the Japanese.
countries as well. (B)The unlimited market growth which caused hazards
(B)By paying the developing world the developed world to the environment would be checked to a certain extent.
would increase its own profit, in turn bringing affluence (C)Banks will now provide loans only to the
to developing world as well. creditworthy people.
(C) To earn profit, the companies in developing countries (D)Developing countries will also be benefited by shifted
would move to foreign land. markets.
(a)OnlyA (a)Only A
(b) Only B (b) Only B and D
(c)Only C (c)Only A and B
(d) Only A and C (d) Only B
(e)None of these (e) None of these
According to the passage, which of the following was Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
NOT an effect of providing loans and credits to the answer the questions given below it. Certain words
customers ? are printed in bold to help you locate them while
(A)The non-credit worthy people defaulted. answering some of the questions.
(B)People bought new products which were not needed, Capitalism is a great slave, but a pathetic master. This
(C)Poverty became non-existent. truth unfortunately gets lost in our chase for the elusive
(a)OnlyA dream especially in the West, the land that has been
(b)Only B marketed as the land of dreams the great Western
(c)Only A and B dream. Its the dream of being independent masters of
(d)Only B and C our lives, of making big bucks and of being happy even if
(e)Only C that happiness is being bought by money which all of
Q110. them chase out there. No doubt, the West, on its part, has
been fairly successful in creating material comforts a


plenty. It has improved the living standard of its average counters at supermarkets and made more profits. You’ve
citizen. However it has been achieved as a result of more lobbied that guns should be made accessible to the
than 200 years of unbridled growth and exploitation. common man, and all for the sake of profits. This makes
And that is what has made the rest of the world you realize one day that they are your own children who
mindlessly chase Westernism, not necessarily happiness are in the line of fire against the school goes who opens
or an ideal form of society. All because the shop window fire at his schoolmates. This is the society that finally
looks very impressive and it has been marketed very creates an emotionless monster, who gets satisfaction in
well. But a deep look inside the shop tells a different tale. killing innocent adults and children alike for no cause, no
A different world lies behind, a world that is not quite reason and for none, for himself It is the utter
visible to the starry eyed millions for whom the Western destruction of spiritualism and the total focus on endless
way of life seems to be the ultimate dream. Thus, we self-gratification. Where so many single parent families
have Indians dreaming to become or to get married to an and divorces exist, it is impossible to bring up children
NRI and Indian middle class fathers dreaming of their or influence die killers, any better.
sons reaching the Bay area and landing tech jobs, Q113.
unmindful of the second class life they end up leading in Who does the author hold responsible for the shooting
the West. What goes unseen and almost unheard is that spree in schools and colleges ?
the West also happens to be the land that is rich amongst (A)Lack of love and emotion in the society in general.
the top in terms of the number of divorces per thousand, (B)Increased focus on self-gratification even when it
the number of single parent families per thousand, the comes at the cost of innocent lives.
number of old people in old age homes, the number of (C)Deteriorating social structure leading to break up of
suicides, homicides, and of course, the number of college families resulting in lack of moral development in
school shortcuts. And why not After all, such societies children.
are constantly driven towards higher profits and (a)Only A
materialism. Expectedly, this materialism comes at a cost (b)Only C
that the world is paying today. This is the reason why we (c)Only B and C
have Milionis dying of curable diseases in Africa and (d)All of these
other underdeveloped countries, while the rich grow (e)None of these
richer. Their growth will be reduced, if they were to start Q114.
thinking of the poor. So what do they do to justify their Why does the author refer to the law of survival of the
greed for more ? They most shrewdly propagate and fittest as ridiculous ?
market a ridiculously primitive law of the jungle for our (a)This law is primitive mid holds good for developed
21st century civilian, the Law of Survival of the Fittest illations
The interesting thing about material things is that they (b)This primitive yards often l used to justify the
only give an illusion of happiness however such Cumulating of wealth by a selected few
happiness is always momentary in nature. Ergo, at this (c) People from developing countries use it to rationalize
juncture, you feel you are the happiest person in the their immigration to the Western , countries
world, after buying your new car or flat screen TV, and (d) It does not lead to any material profits and material
just a few days later, these are the very possessions that wealth
cease to make you happy. While you chase the bigger car (e)None of these
and spend that extra bit of the wealth, you intercept Q115.
some ones share of the daily bread and also sacrifice According to the passage, which of the following is a
those who have the maximum power to make you happy reason for poverty and hunger in underdeveloped
family, emotions and love. Prolonged abstinence in countries ?
feeling emotions finally destroys bliss and you don’t (A)Mindlessly chasing the West way of living.
even realize when you have become a dry-eyed cripple.., (B)They have fallen prey to the j idea of happiness
and then you land up in a sermon workshop to find out through material comforts rather than love and
the real meaning of life or whatever these workshops are emotional bond.
capable of explaining. The truth is that such workshops (C)They do not have marketing techniques as good as
are also driven by merchants who cash in on the the western countries.
dejected state of the people, a state created by their own (a)Only (B)
fictional dreams. But by then its really too late. By then, (b)Only (C)
you have made profits out of arms, and engineered wars (c)Only (A)
to keep that industry alive. You’ve sold guns across (d)Only (B) and (C)


(e)Non mentioned in the passage Q120.
Q116. The authors main objective in writing the passage is
Why do the starry eyed millions harbour a wish to (a)to explain that consumerist societies have their own
become an NRI ? drawbacks which are overlooked by those who are
(A)They are driven towards higher profits and blinded by its material glare
materialism. (b)to explain how too many material Comforts have
(B)They appreciate the western way of life as it appears improved the living standard of common man in the
to them. west
(C)They have become emotionless and have lost any (c)that young children should not be given access to
attachment to the motherland. guns and other ammunitions
(a) Only (A), (d)All NRI is are leading unmindful, second class lives
(b) Only (B) abroad
(c)Only (A) and (B) (e)None of these
(d)Only (C) Q121.
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) Which of the following is hot TRUE according to the
Q117. passage ?
Why does the author disregard the Western way of living (a) Over indulgence in accumulating material wealth has
even though an average citizen in the West enjoys better led to many problems on the social and emotional fronts
living standards ? (b) People should visit the sermons more often since this
(a)Many Indians want to ape their lifestyle leading to a is the only way to achieve peace and happiness
cultural dilution of their own traditions (c) For the sake of making profits people have taken
(b)The West hands failed to market, their lifestyle in an decisions which have proved to be harmful to the
appropriate way society.
(c)According to him the law of survival of the fittest is (d) There are plenty of material comforts in the Western
now obsolete countries.
(d)It only looks forward to material comfort rather than (e) None of these
happiness within
(e)None of these Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
Q118. answer the questions given below it. Certain words
What does the author mean by intercepting some ones phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
share of daily bread ? them while answering some of the questions.
(a)Hindering the process of marketing in Despite the global slowdown, the online shopping In
underdeveloped countries by the developed countries India has increased. The growing pace of online buying is
(b)Denying material comfort to the Western world t because of the attractive discounted prices offered and
(c) Affecting the social life of those working towards the ability of the customers to research and compare the
material comforts only prices across several outlets. The average frequency of
(d)Excess of wealth in western world while people in online purchases in India grew up to 2.9 in the fourth
poorer nations struggle for survival quarter of 2008 from 2.6 during the same quarter in
(e)None of these 2007, as reported by the survey of Master Card
Q119. Worldwide The economic meltdown has not affected our
What does the author mean by shop window of the West business, Said the CEO of an ecommerce portal which
when he suggests to look Inside the shop ? specializes in personalized gifting and merchandise
(A)The sprawling super markets have been making space in India. He said Our business has increased up to
profits out of inhuman activities. five times this year despite the economic recession.
(B)To look closely at the existing societal structure Currently, we possess a database of 25,000 designs
rather than superficially appreciating the delusive posted by a thousand designers so that the users can
dazzle. create their own merchandise by selecting the designs
(C) To study their marketing techniques closely. sitting at home. The CEO also said that with the rise in
(a)Only A bandwidth penetration in India and the Increasing
(b)Only B awareness of internet among people, the online
(c) Only A and B shoppers sense the convenience to click on the products
(d)Only B and C they want to purchase. Holding onto a similar conviction,
(e)Only C the CEO of another Company said, With the convenience


of online buying, customers can save their time and (e)Only (A) and (C)
money to move across multiple outlets for a product. The Q125.
online shoppers also plan their shopping in advance and Which of the following statements is TRUE in the context
conduct research on their planned purchases. It becomes of the passage ?
easier for the customers to decide the price at which (a)Cameras, laptops and mobile phones are popular
they want the products. Sharing views on this point, the online shopping products
Manager of the ecommerce portal says, Through the (b)Customers find online shopping more convenient
online shopping, customers can attain the objective of (c)More people in the age group of 18 to 29 spend on
value for money during these tough times. Today, India online shopping
is the only country where the 18 to 29 years age group (d)Home appliances are a popular online product
has the highest average spend on online shopping. In (e)All the above are true
India, the popular online purchases include the home Q126.
appliances and the electronic gadgets like cell phones, How can customers plan their purchases online in
camera, laptops and so on. According to the survey, the advance ?
repurchasing of electronic products has gone up by 51 (a)By looking at the product in a store and then
percent. So to drive these online shoppers, ecommerce searching for it online
portals are adopting a networking culture by (b)By waiting for discounts being offered by companies
Incorporating social networking feature in their (c)By creating their own websites and socially
websites, so that people can discuss with their friends interacting
and relatives before buying the particular product. There (d)By conducting research and then deciding the price at
are more startups, who are Innovating their products to which they want to buy
combat slowdown, (e)None of these
Q122. Q127.
What does the phrase Value for money as used in the What can possibly be the most appropriate title to the
passage mean ? passage ?
(l) Get the best at optimum price (a)Innovation the art of survival
(a)Buy the cheapest possible product (b)Online shopping unaffected by recession
(b)Pay a lot for the best product (c)Recession and its impact
(c)Get a lot of money In return for the purchase (d)Customer is king
(d)None of these (e)Sale of Electronic Goods
(e)All a,b,c Q128.
Q123. Which of the following statements is TRUE in the context
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE In the of the passage ?
context of the passage ? (A)People make purchases only through ecommerce
(a)Purchases online have increased as the people buying portals.
these products are rich (B)Online buying of electronic gadgets has increased by
(b)Online buying has Increased because customers are 51 percent .
getting a lot of discounts (C)Ecommerce portals are finding it difficult to sell their
(c)Customers have access to a number of outlets online products.
thus online buying is more popular (a)Only (A)
(d)Online purchases have increased because the (b) Only (B)
customers are able to compare prices easily (c)Only (A) and (C)
(e)All of the above are not true (d)Only (B) and (C)
Q124. (e)All the three (A), (B) and (C)
What according to the CEO of ecommerce portal is the Q129.
reason for increase in the number of online shoppers ?, How are ecommerce portals luring customers ?
(A)Greater bandwidth is now available in India. (a)By innovating their products
(B)Internet is available at a cheap cost. (b)By offering free products with other products bought
(C)More people are aware of the internet. (c)By creating an awareness about social networking
(a)Only (A) and (B) (d)By enabling customers through their website to
(b)Only (B) interact with friends and relatives before, buying a
(c) Only (C) product.
(d)Only (B) and (C) (e)None of these


goods, organizations will quickly expand into the
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and hinterland to tap the large unmet demand. Easy Loan
answer the question given below it. Certain words scholarship arrangements would ensure affordability
have been printed in bold to help you locate them and access. The only real structural reform in higher
while answering some of the questions. education was the creation of the institutes for
The education sector in India is in ferment, hit by a technology and management. They were also given
storm long waiting to happen. The butterfly that flapped autonomy and freedom beyond that of the universities
its wings was the much reiterated statement in a much However, in the last few years, determined efforts have
publicized report that hardly a fourth of graduating been underway to curb their autonomy. These institutes,
engineers, and an even smaller percentage of other however, need freedom to decide) on recruitment,
graduates, was of employable quality for ITBPO jobs. salaries and admissions, so as to compete globally.
This triggered a cyclone when similar views were echoed However, such institutes will be few. Therefore, we need
by other sectors which led to widespread debate. a regulatory framework that will enable and encourage
Increased industry academia interaction, finishing States and the Centre, genuine philanthropists and also
schools, and other efforts were initiated as immediate corporate to set up quality educational institutions. The
measures to bridge skill deficits. These, however, did not regulatory system needs only to ensure transparency,
work as some felt , that these are but band aid solutions accountability, competition and widely available
ins Lead, radical systemic Reform is necessary Yet, there independent assessments or ratings. It is time for radical
will be serious challenges to overdue reforms in the thinking, bold experimentation and new structures it is
education system. In India as in many countries time for the government to bite the bullet.
education is treated as a holy cow sadly, the Q130.
administrative system that oversees it has also been Why according to the author, did the initiatives such as
deceived. Today, unfortunately, there is no protest increased industry academia and finishing schools did
against selling drinking, water or paying to be cured of not help to bridge the skill deficit ?
illness, or for having to buy food when one is poor and (A)These steps were only superficial remedies and the
starving nor is there an outcry that in all these cases problem could be answered only by reforming the entire
there are commercial companies operating on a profit education system.
making basis. Why then, is there an instinctively adverse (B)These initiatives operated on a profit making basis
reaction to the formal entry of for-profit institutes in the rather than aiming at any serious systemic reforms
real of education ? is potable water, health or food, less (C) The allocation of funds of such initiatives was only
basic a need, less important a right, than higher one fourth of the need.
education ?While there are strong arguments for free or (a) Only A
subsidized higher education, we are not writing on a (b) Only B
blank page. Some individuals and businessmen had (c)Only B and C
entered this sector long back and found devious ways of (d)Only A and B
making money, though the law stipulates that (e)None of these
educational institutes must be not for profit trusts or Q131.
societies. Yet, there is opposition to the entry of for profit Which of the following suggestions have been made by
corporate, which would be more transparent and the author to improve the state of education in India ?
accountable. As a result, desperately needed investment (A)Allowing the corporate organizations to enter the
in promoting, the wider reach of quality education has education sector.
been stagnated at a time when financial figures indicate (B)Easy availability of loans and scholarships for making
that the allocation of1 funds for the purpose is but a education more affordable.
fourth of the need. Well run corporate organizations, (C)A rating system for all the organizations to ensure
within an appropriate regulatory framework, would be query
far better than the so-called trusts which barring some (a)Only A
noteworthy exceptions are a blot on education. However, (b) Only A and B
it is not necessarily a question of choosing one over the (c)Only A and C
other different organizational forms can coexist, as they (d)All A, B and C
do in the health sector. A regulatory framework which (e)None of these
creates competition, in tandem with a rating system, Q132.
would automatically ensure the quality and relevance of
education. As , in sectors like telecom, and packaged


According to the author, what triggered a cyclone which (a)Allowing organizations to enter the education sector
saw similar views on the state of education being echoed on a for-profit basis
across other sectors as well ? (b)Creation of autonomous institutes for management
(a)The campaign for allowing corporate in the education and technology which were not under university control
sector on a for-profit basis (c)Setting up the regulatory framework for all the
(b)The support for the industry academia interaction existing universities
(c)The report mentioning that only a small percentage of (d) Making the availability of educational loans and
graduates were employable in software industry scholarships easier
(d)The report supporting the idea of making the (e)None of these
education completely for-profit in order to improve Q137.
upon the standards Which suggestion does the author rake in order to make
(e)None of these the institutes of higher learning for technology and
Q133. management capable of competing globally ?
Which argument does the author put forward when he (a)To limit their autonomy to acceptable limit and give
compares the education sector with sectors catering to partial controls to the government
health and potable water etc. ? (b)To allow corporate organisation is to take them over
(a)Education should also be provided free of cost to all in order to provide more funds
as health services and water (c)To increase the allocation of funds to such institutes
(b)Taking an example front these sectors, there should (d)To provide freedom to decide on recruitment,
be a protest against the commercialization of education salaries and admissions
as well (e)None of these
(c)Allowing corporate entry in education would result in Q138.
rampant corruption as in the sectors of health and Which of the following is NOT TRUE in context of the
potable water etc. given passage ?
(d)As in these sectors, commercial organizations should (a)According to the law, education institutes should not
also be allowed to enter the education sector be run for profit
(e)None of these (b)There has been no protest against the selling of
Q134. drinking water and paying for the health services
What does the author mean by the phrase we are not (c)Only either corporate organizations or government
wilting on a blank page in context of the passage ? controlled organizations can exist in the education
(a)Corporate would never enter education if they are sector
forced to function on a nonprofit making basis (d)The introduction off or profit corporate in the
(b)The commercialization of education has already education sector has been facing a lot of criticism
started in India (e)All are true
(c)Education has been reduced to a profit making sector
by some corporate organizations Direction: Read following passage carefully and
(d)Government will not allow corporate to enter answer the questions given below it. Certain words
education as India cant afford to have costly education have been printed in bold to help you locate them
(e)None of these while answering some of the questions.
Q135. We have always known that heedless self-interest was
What is the authors main objective in writing the bad morals. We now know that it is bad economics, said
passage ? American President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937 in the
(a)To suggest the ways to improve quality of education midst of the Great Depression. And the world has learnt
in India that enlightened self-interest is good economics all over
(b)To highlight the corruption present in the education again after the Great Recession of 2009. Americans are
sector entering a period of social change as they are
(c)To compare the education sector with other sectors recalibrating their sense of what it means to be a citizen,
(d)To suggest some temporary solutions to the not just through voting or volunteering but also through
problems in education commerce. There is a new dimension to civic duty that is
(e)None of these growing among Americans the idea that they can serve
Q136. not only by spending time in communities and
According to the author, which of the following was the classrooms but by spending more responsibly. In short,
only step taken in order to reform the higher education ? Americans are beginning to put their money where their


Ideals are. In a recent poll most said they had Which of the following represents the changes that has
consciously supported local or small neighborhood have occurred in the American outlook?
businesses and 40 percent said that they had purchased (A)The perception that the government needs to invest
a product because they liked the social or political values resources in business rather than in education.
of the company that produced it. People were alarmed (B)Loss of faith in American corporations as they do not
about blood diamonds mined in war zones and used to dis1 burse their profits equitably among shareholders.
finance conflict in Africa. They were also willing to pay (C) Americans have cut down on their expenditure
$2O0O more for a car that gets 35 miles per gallon than drastically to, invest only in socially responsible mutual
for one that gives less, though the former is more funds.
expensive but environment friendly. Of course (a)None
consumers have done their own doing well by doing (b) Only (C)
good calculation a more expensive car that gives better (c)Only (A) and (B)
mileage will save them money in the long run and makes (d)Only (A) and (C)
them feel good about protecting the environment. (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
Moreover since 1995, the number of socially responsible Q140.
investment (SRI) mutual funds, which generally avoid Which of the following is are TRUE in the context of the
buying shares of companies that profit from tobacco, oil passage ?
or child labor has grown from 55 to 260. SRI funds now (C)The voter turnout during the 2009 American
manage approximately 11 percent of all the money elections was high.
invested in the US financial markets an estimated $ 2.7 (B)African diamonds are highly valued by the American
trillion. This is evidence of a changing mindset in a public.
nation whose most iconic economist Million Friedman (C) American firms have to spend vast amounts on
wrote in 1970 that a corporation’s only moral advertising because activists cast aspersions on their
responsibility was to increase shareholder profits. At images.
first the corporate stance was defensive companies were (a)None
punished by consumers for unethical behavior such as (b) Only (A)
discriminatory labor practices. The nexus of activist (c)Only (B) and (C)
groups, consumers and government regulation could not (d) Only (C)
merely tarnish a company but put it out of business. But (e)Only (A) and (C)
corporate America quickly discerned that social Q141.
responsibility attracts investment capital as well as To what does the author attribute the consumers
customer loyalty, creating a virtuous circle. Some willingness to purchase environment friendly vehicles ?
companies quickly embraced the new ethos that (a)Auto companies sell these types of vehicles at lower
consumers boycotted products they considered rates in order to boost sales in times of recession.
unethical and others purchase products in part because (b)The realization that consumers greed caused the
their manufacturers were responsible. With global economic recession of 2009.
warming on the minds of many consumers lots of (c)To show their support for small entrepreneurs who
companies are racing to out green each other. The most are the in manufacturers of such vehicles.
progressive companies are talking about a triple bottom (d)They have to comply with government guidelines
line profit, planet and people that focuses on how to run regarding reduction of carbon emissions.
a business while trying to improve environmental and (e)None of these
worker conditions. This is a time when the only thing Q142.
that has sunk lower than the American public’s opinion Which of the following is the central idea of the passage ?
of Congress is its opinion of business. One burning (a)It is beneficial to Invest in American companies as
question is how many of these Corporate Social they are socially responsible and profitable
Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are just shrewd (b) Large corporations should be penalised by the
marketing to give companies a halo effect? After all only American government for their greed
8 percent of the large American corporations go through (c)Ethical consumerism is profitable for organisations as
the trouble of verifying their CSR reports, which many well as society as a whole
const. users don’t bother to read. And while social (d)Companies should be required by law to account for
responsibility is one way for companies to get back their their impact on the environment in their balance sheet
reputations consumers too need to make ethical choices. (e)Developing countries should , l how to combat child
Q139. labour from America


Q143. (a)Since it is not certified by the government it cannot be
Which of the following best describes the widespread considered authentic
view among Americans about big Corporations ? (b)It is the ideal way to earn customer loyalty and set a
(a)They have been lax In fulfilling their moral good example for small business’s
responsibility of increasing profits and benefitting (c)It is a waste of time as neither consumers nor
shareholders companies bother to determine their validity
(b)They are being too severely penalised by activists and (d)It should be mandatorily incorporated in the
the. government for their role in the economic crisis statement of accounts of any firm
(c)Their innovations have brought commercial success (e)None of these
and benefited America tremendously Q148.
(d)They need to be held accountable for their ruthless Which of the following cannot be said about small
business practices businesses ?
(e)Their balance sheets are often fraudulent and deceive (A)During the recession their profits have been higher
shareholders than those made by big corporate.
Q144. (B)They adopt fair labour practices and environment
What is the author trying to convey through the phrase friendly methods of production .
companies are racing to out green each other? (C)They have managed to acquire an investment of over
(a)The competition among companies to boost their 11 percent of American capital.
bottom line profit, planet and people is very stiff (a)Only (A) and (C)
(b)The conflict facing businesses of whether to benefit (b)Only (C)
their shareholders or the environment (c)All (A), (B)and(C)
(c)Corporations are vying with each other to solicit (d)Only (B)
investment, (e) None of these
(d) Companies are striving to find the necessary funds to
finance their environment friendly initiatives Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
(e) None of these answer the questions given below it. Certain words
Q145. have been printed in bold to help you locate them
Which of the following factors has led to corporations while answering some of the questions.
adopting more socially responsible practices ? The great fear in Asia a short while ago was that the
(a)The desire to be labelled as progressive by the region would suffer through the wealth destruction
government already taking place in the U.S. as a result of the financial
(b)Guilt over causing the economic downturn crisis. Stock markets tumbled as exports plunged and
(c)High attrition rates as employees do not support the economic growth deteriorated. Lofty property prices in
companies practices China and elsewhere looked set to bust as credit
(d)Recognition of the changing demands of customers tightened and buyers evaporated. But with surprising
(e)Strict penalties imposed by governments against speed, fear in Asia swung back to greed as the region
companies with unfair practices shows signs of recovery and property and stock prices
Q146. are soaring in many parts of Asia. Why should this sharp
What can be inferred from the statistics mentioned Asian turnaround be greeted with skepticism ? Higher
about SRI mutual funds in the passage ? asset prices mean households feel wealthier and better
(A)The percentage of child labourers has fallen since able to spend, which could further fuel the regions
(B)At present tobacco companies are making huge nascent rebound. But just as easily, Asia could soon find
losses. itself saddled with overheated markets similar to the U.S.
(C)The government needs to regulate SRI mutual funds housing market. In short the world has not changed. It
as they handle vast amounts of funds. has just moved places. The incipient bubble is being
(a)None created by government policy. In response to the global
(b)Only (A) credit crunch of 2008, policy makers in Asia slashed
(c)Only (A) and (B) interest rates and flooded financial sectors with cash in
(d)Only (C) frantic attempts to keep loans flowing and economies
(e)Only (B) and (C) growing. These steps were logical for central bankers ,
Q147. striving to reverse a deepening economic crisis. But
What is the authors view about companies, there’s evidence that there is too much easy money
documentation of CSR initiatives ? around. o Its winding up in stocks and real estate,


pushing prices up too far and too fast for the underlying (e)None of these
economic fundamentals. Much of the concern is focused Q151.
on China, where government stimulus efforts have been What is the authors main objective in writing the
large and effective. Money in China has been especially passage ?
easy to find. Aggregate new bank lending surged 201% (a)Illustrating that Asian economies are financially more
in the first half of 2009 from the same period a year sound than those of developed countries
earlier, to nearly $1.1 trillion. Exuberance over a quick (b)Disputing financial theories about how recessions can
recovery which was given a boost by Chinas surprisingly be predicted and avoided
strong 7.9% G DP growth in the second quarter has (c)Warning Asian countries about the dangers of
buoyed investor sentiment not just for stocks but also favoring fast growth and profits over sound economic
for real estate. Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman principles
Alan Greenspan argued that bubbles could only be (d)Extolling Chinas incredible growth and urging other
recognized in hindsight. But investors who have, been countries to emulate it
well schooled in the dangers of bubbles over the past (e)Advising governments about the changes in policy to
decade are increasingly wary that prices have risen too strengthen economic fundamentals
far, mid that the slightest bit of negative economic news Q152.
could knock markets for a loop. These fears are What does the author want to convey through the phrase
compounded by the possibility that Asians central The world has not changed it has just moved places ?
bankers will begin taking steps to shut off the money. (a)At present countries are more dependent on Asian
Rumors’ that Beijing was on the verge of tightening economies than on the US economy.
credit led to Shanghai stocks plunging 5%. Yet many (b)Economies have become interlinked on account of
economists believe that, there is close to a zero globalization.
possibility that the Chinese government will do anything (c)Asian governments are implementing the same
this year that constitutes tightening. And without a economic reforms as developed countries
major shift in thinking, the easy money conditions will (d)All economies are susceptible to recession because of
stay in place. In a global economy that has produced the state of the US economy.
more dramatic ups and downs than anyone thought (e)None of these
possible over the past two years, Asia may be heading Q153.
for another disheartening plunge. Which of the following can be said about the Chinese
Q149. government’s efforts to revive the economy?
To which of the following has the author attributed the (a)These were largely unsuccessful as only the housing
2008 Asian financial crisis ? market improved
(A)Reluctance of Asian governments to taper off the (b)The governments only concern was to boost investor
economic stimulus confidence in stocks.
(B)Greed of Asian investors causing them to trade stocks (c)These efforts were ineffectual as the economy
of American companies at high prices recovered owing to the US market stabilizing.
(C)Inflated real estate prices in Asian countries (d)These were appropriate and accomplished the goal
(a)None of economic revival.
(b)Only (A) (e)They blindly imitated the economic reforms adopted
(c)Only (C) by the us.
(d)Only (A) and (B) Q154.
(e)Only (B) According to the passage, which of the following
Q150. factor(s) has have had a negative impact on the Asian
Why does the author doubt the current resurgence of stock markets ?
Asian economics ? (A)Abrupt drop in exports by Asian countries
(a) Their economies are too heavily reliant on the (B)Extravagant disbursement of housing loans in 2009
American economy which is yet to recover (C)Raising of interest rates by the Central Bank
(b)Central banks have slashed Interest rates too (a)None
abruptly which is likely to cause stock markets to crash (b)Only (A) and (B)
(c)With their prevailing economic conditions they are at (c)Only (A)
risk for a financial crisis (d)Only (A) and (C)
(d)Their GDP has not grown significantly during the last (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
financial year. Q155.


Why has investor confidence in the Chinese stock market the largest microfinance organisations in the world. It
been restored ? started out lending small sums to poor entrepreneurs in
(A)Existing property prices which are stable and Bangladesh to help them grow from a subsistence living
affordable . to a livelihood. The great discovery its founders made,
(B)The government has decided to tighten credit. was that even with few assets, these entrepreneurs
(C)Healthy growth of the economy indicated by GDP repaid on time. Grameen, and microfinance have since
figures. become financial staples of the developing world.
(a)Only (C) Grameens approach, unlike other microfinance’s uses
(b)Only (A) and (B) the group lending model. Costs are kept down by having
(c)All (A), (B) and (C) borrowers vet one another, tying together their financial
(d)Only (B) fates and eliminating expensive loan officers entirely.
(e)None of these The ultimate promise of Grameen is to use business
Q156. lending as a way for people to lift themselves out of
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage poverty. Recently Grameen has taken on a different
? challenge — by setting up operations in the United
(A)All Asian economies are recovering at the same pace. States Money may be tight in the waning recession, but it
(B)Experts are apprehensive about the state of Asian is still a nation of 100,000 bank branches. Globally, the
economies despite their recovery. working microfinance equation consists of borrowing
(C)Developed countries should implement the same funds cheaply and keeping loan defaults and overhead
economic reforms as Asian ones. expenses sufficiently low. Micro lenders, including
(a)Only (A) Grameen, do this by charging colossal interest fates — as
(b)Only (B) and (C) high as 60% or 70% — which is necessary to
(c)Only (A) and (B) compensate for the risk and attract bank funding. But
(d)Only (B) loans at rates much above the standard 15% would most
(e)None of these likely be attacked as usurious in America. So ,the
Q157. question is whether there is a role for a Third, World
Why do, experts predict that Asian policymakers will lender in the world’s largest economy ? Grameen
not withdraw fiscal stimulus ? America believes that in a few years it will be successful
(A)The US economy is not likely to recover for a long and turn a profit, thanks to 9 million United States
time. households untouched by mainstream banks and 21
(B)Stock markets are yet to regain their former levels. million using the likes of payday loans and pawn shops
(C)Fear of revolt by greedy citizens. for financing. But enticing the unbanked won’t be easy.
(a)None After all, profit has long eluded United States micro
(b) Only (C) financiers and if it is not lucrative, it is not micro
(c)Only (A) and (C) lending—but charity. When Grameen first went to the
(d)Only (B) United States, in the late 1980s, it tripped up. Under
(e)Only (B) and (C) Grameens tutelage, Banks started micro loans to
Q158. entrepreneurs with a shocking 30% loss. But America
What do the statistics about loans given by Chinese says that this time results will be different because
banks hi 2009indicate ? Grameen employees themselves will be making the
(a)There was hardly any demand for loans in 2008 loans, not training an American bank to do it. More often
(b)The Chinese government has borrowed funds from than not, the borrowers, Grameen finds in the United
the U.S. States already have jobs (as factory workers for
(c)China will take longer than the US to recover from the example) or side businesses — selling toys, cleaning
economic crisis houses etc. The loans from Grameen, by and large,
(d)The GDP of China was below expectations provide a 1 steadier source of funding, but they don’t
(e)None of these Create businesses out of nothing. But money isn’t
everything. More importantly for many entrepreneurs,
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and group members arc tremendous sources of support to
answer the questions given below it. Certain words one another. So even if studies are yet to determine if
have been printed in bold to help you locate them Grameen is a clear-cut pathway out of poverty, it still
while answering some of the questions. achieves something useful.
Today, with a Nobel Prize to its credit, Grameen is one of Q159.


What has adversely affected the success of microfinance (A)Its success in developing countries will ensure its
institutions in the United States ? success in developed countries
(a) The focus of these institutions is on making a profit (B)It ensures that the poor in developing countries enjoy
at any cost instead of being charitable to the needy. a subsistence standard of living
(b)American banks engaged , micro lending were the (C)It has demonstrated that the poor are far more likely
most severely hit during the recession to repay loans than the affluent.
(c)Widespread perception among bankers that these (a)None
Institutions are better suited to developing countries (b) Only (A)
(d)Their failure to attract those outside the formal (c)Only (A) and (C)
banking system as customers (d)Only (B)
(e)Americans are too proud to accept aid from third (e) Only (C)
world countries. Q164.
Q160. What is the central theme of the passage ?
Why has Grameen made a second attempt to launch (a)The contention that Grameen is doomed to fail in
itself in the United States ? developed countries
(a)The willingness of U. S. banks to provide the (b)A comprehensive evaluation of the current status of
necessary staff and funds to facilitate the spread of the American economy
microfinance (c)A discussion about the prospects of Grameen and
(b)The rates of interest on loans in the U. S. are microfinance in the U. S.
exorbitant making it easier to recover capital (d)The role of banks in facilitating micro lending efforts
(c)The realisation that a large percentage of the in developed nations
American population not reached by mainstream banks (e)Microfinance efforts are useful in developing
can be tapped. countries but are futile in developed ones.
(d)Recognition of the fact that disbursing credit in Q165.
developing countries during the recession is too risky Why was Grameen Americas initial U. S. initiative a flop ?
(e)None of these (A)Lack of proper training to Grameen America
Q161. personnel.
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage (B)Grameens refusal to adapt their system to meet the
? needs of the American poor.
(a)Microfinance has been successful only in Asian (C)It ended up giving loans at half their customary rates
countries of interest.
(b)Microfinance makes individual borrowers dependent (a) None
rather than independent (b) Only (A)
(c)America has the largest number of banks in the world (c)Only (A) and (C)
(d)There is scope for microfinance institutions to be (d)Only (B)
profitable in developed countries (e)Only (C)
(e)There are no informal sources of credit in developed Q166.
countries Which of the following is a benefit of the Grameen
Q162. system of microfinance ?
According to the author, what has enhanced the (a)If a single member is unable to repay a. loan other
likelihood of success for Grameen America at present ? group members will repay It
(a)Its success in Bangladesh and other developing (b)Dispensing with the expense of technology networks
countries to monitor advances
(b)Absence of other microfinance institutions for (c)It utilizes the vast bank network already existing in a
competition country
(c)The fact that America is currently in the midst of (d)Group members can sanction loans and verify if
recession borrowers have sufficient collateral.
(d)It provides loans at nominal rates of interest i.e. (e)Backing that borrowers receive from other group
below 15 percent members
(e)None of these
Q163. Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
Which of the following can be said about Grameen ? answer the questions given below it. Certain words
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate


them while answering some of the questions. (e)Asian countries have been actively opening their
The great recession hasn’t been great for free trade. As markets to one another
unemployment has risen throughout the world, Q168.
governments have become more focused on protecting What has given rise to the large number of trade
their own industries than on promoting international agreements between Asian countries ?
commerce. The U. S., though typically an enthusiastic (a) The need to insulate Asian economies from
supporter of open markets, in duded buy American overexposure to the American , , economy,
clauses in its stimulus package and propped up its failing (b) Angry reaction among Asian countries owing to
auto industry with handouts. But according to the Asian Americas protectionist policy
Development Bank (ADB), in die part of the world that (c)The aim of empowering the poorer Asian economies
was hit hardest by the trade crash Asia, the number of and bring them on par with Western economies
Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) signed by Asian countries (d)The desire to achieve conditions conducive to global
has grown from Just three in 2000 to 56 by the end of consensus on trade regulations and tariffs
August 2009. Nineteen of those FTAs are among 16 (e)Widespread panic in Europe and Asia as Asian
Asian economies, a trend that could help the region economies are yet to recover from the recession
become a powerful trading bloc. The drive to lower trade Q169.
barriers has taken on fresh urgency amid the recession. Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the context of the
As Asian manufacturing networks become more passage ?
intertwined—and as Asian consumers become wealthier (A)Political and economic rivalries between Asian
— regional commerce is becoming critical to future countries are non-existent today
economic expansion. Intraregional trade last year made (B)Asian countries hold America responsible for the
up 57% of total Asian trade, up from 37% in 1980. In the recession and have imposed economic sanctions against
past Asia produced for America and Europe, now Asia is the. U. S.
producing for Asia. Of course, Asia is still dependent on (C)America has adopted a protectionist strategy after the
sales to the West. But FTAs could reduce the regions recession.
exposure to the United States by giving Asian companies (a) Only (A)
preferential treatment in selling to Asian companies and (b)Only (B) and (C)
consumers. These benefits could come with down sides, (c)Only (A) and (B)
however. According to experts, FTAs create a no level (d) Only (C)
playing field with advantages for Asian countries. If the (e)None of these
most dynamically growing part of the global economy Q170.
gives the U. S. restricted access it will impact global Which of the following describes expert predictions
balance. Companies in countries like the United States about trade pacts between Asian countries ?
left out of the trade pacts could face disadvantages when (a)These will be beneficial and are likely to give rise to a
trying to tap fast growing Asian markets. This, in turn, common Asian currency
could have a negative impact on efforts to rebalance (b)Tariffs will be lowered and bureaucratic regulations
excessive debt in the U. S. and excessive savings in Asia. will become transparent
Still, the benefits of greater regional integration could (c)Widening of differenced between participant and
prove powerful enough to overcome the roadblocks, hi non-participant countries will hamper global stability
Asia, the only thing everyone agrees upon is business. If (d)Regional conflicts will increase as competition and
it does, the world economy may never be the same. inequities between Asian nations will intensify.
Q167. (e)They are likely to be short-lived as it will be difficult
What do the Asian Development Bank statistics indicate to get participating nations to arrive at a consensus
? Q171.
(a)Asian economies are financially more sound than What is the author trying to convey through the phrase
those of the developed world In the past Asia produced for America and Europe, now
(b)The financial crisis impacted the West far more, than Asia is producing for Asia ?
it did Asia (a)The number of wealthy consumers in Asia outnumber
(c)Asian countries have aligned themselves on lines those in America and Europe together
similar to the European Union (b)Asian countries do not support free trade and
(d)Western countries are skeptical, about trading with continue to trade among themselves despite the
developing countries recession


(c)Goods manufactured in Asian countries often fail to funds is a prerequisite. In developed countries like. U.S.
meet the standards set by developed countries Japan precautionary methods are adopted to overcome
(d)Asian countries no longer export to Western markets this, but it has to be improved a lot in our systems.
alone and now cater to Asian markets as well Increased population is one of the major reasons for
(e)Interregional trade barriers between Europe and Asia poverty and the Government is unable to allocate funds
have weakened considerably. for basic needs to the society, India has nearly 400
Q172. million people living below the poverty line and 90% of
Which of the following can be said about the American active population is in informal economy. The children
economy in the context of the passage ? are forced to work due to their poverty and differential
(A)Most American companies have opted to withdraw caste system. They work in match industry for daily
from Asia. wages, as servants, mechanics, stone breakers,
(B)Americas stand on free trade has altered because of agricultural workers, etc. To prevent child labour,
the recession. existing laws which favor the Anti-Child Labour Act
(C)The American economy is far too dependent on Asia should be implemented by the Government vigorously
for trade. .More population results in cheap cost by virtue of the
(a) Only (A) demand supply concept. Most of the foreign countries try
(b) Only (B) to utilize this factor by outsourcing their business in
(c)Only (C) India with a very low capital. According to U.S., India is a
(d)All (A), (B) and (C) Knowledge pool with cheap labour. The major advantage
(e)None of these is our communication and technical skill which is
adaptable to any environment. The cutting edge skill in
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and IT of our professionals helps the outsourcing companies
answer the questions given below it. Certain words to commensurate with the needs of the consumers In a
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate short span. The major competitors for India are China
them while answering some of the questions. and Philippines and by the way of an effective
There are various sectors in India that are to be assessed communication and expert technical ability, Indians are
for their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and ahead of the race. The major Metropolitan states are
threats. The total population is over 1 billion which will targeting the outsourcing field vigorously by giving
increase to 1.46 billion by 2035 to cross China. The huge various amenities to the outsourcing Companies like tax
population will result in higher unemployment and concession, allotting land etc., to start their businesses in
deterioration of quality. Literacy, in India is yet another its cities without any hurdles. Thereby most of the MNCs
factor to be discussed. According to 1991 census, 64.8% prefer India as their destinations and capitalize the
of the population was illiterate. The major downtrend of resources to maximize their assets. Infrastructure is
education is due to child labour which has spread all another key factor for an outsourcing company to start a
over India and this should be totally eradicated by way business in a particular city. It includes road, rail, ports,
of surveillance and a good educational system power and water. The increased input in infrastructure
implemented properly by the Government. Pollution is in India is very limited where Chinas record is excellent.
one more threat to the environment and for the India in earlier days gave more importance to the
countries prospects. This has been experienced more in development of industry and less importance to other
urban areas mainly in metropolitan cities. The water departments. But the scenario has quite changed
pollution by the sewage seepage into the ground water nowadays by allocating a special budget of funds for
and improper maintenance will lead to various diseases security. This is because of the frightening increase in
which in turn will affect the next generation. In most of terrorism all around the world especially emerging after
the cities there is no proper sewage disposal. The the 911 terror attack in U S. In the last ten years, budget
Government has to take effective steps to control towards the development of military forces is higher
population which, in turn, will minimize the pollution. when compared to others. It shows that the threat from
Poverty questions the entire strength of India’s political our neighboring countries is escalating. India has to
view and minimizes the energetic way of approach. The concentrate more on this security factor to wipe out the
shortfall bf rains, enormous floods, unexpected famine, problem In the way of cross border terrorism. Making
drought, earthquake and the recent tsunami hit the India, a developed country in 2020 is not an easy task.
country in a negative way. The proactive approach India has to keep in check a variety of factors in order to
through effective research and analytical study helps us progress rapidly. To quote China as an example is that
to determine the effects in advance . Proper allocation of they demolished an old building to construct a very big


port to meet future demands, but India is still waiting for (c)Only (B) and (C)
things to happen. The profits gained by India through (d)Only (A) and (B)
various sectors are to be spent for the development and (e) Only (A)
welfare of the country . India’s vision for a brighter path Q177.
will come true not only by mere words or speech, but Which of the following is are TRUE in the context of, the
extra effort needed at all levels to overcome the pitfalls. passage?
Q173. (A)India leads the way in the amount invested in the
Which of the following, according to the author is are a development of infrastructure.
result(s) of increased population in India ? (B)Political system in India is not influenced by poverty
(A)Pollution (C)Indian population would increase by approximately
(B)Poverty 50 percent in the next twenty five years.
(C)Unemployment (a)Only (A) and (B)
(a)Only (A) (b)Only (B)
(b)Only (A) and (B) (c)Only (C)
(c)Only (B) (d)Only (B) and (C)
(d)Only (A) and (C) (e)All (A). (B) and (C)
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) Q178.
Q174. Which of the following is are the facility(les) available to
Why, according to the author, has the Indian MNCs investing in India ?
Government allotted more funds to strengthen the (A)Easy availability of land
military forces ? (B)Better infrastructure than China.
(a)To improve security in order to counter increasing (C)Tax Concessions
terrorism (a)Only (C)
(b)As the security in India over the past ten years was (b)All (A). (B) and (C)
grossly Inadequate (c)Only (A) and (B)
(c)As the U.S. too has strengthened its military forces (d)Only (A) and (C)
after the 911 attack (e)None of these
(d)As the industry is developed enough and is not in Q179.
need of anymore funds Which of the following, according to the author, is a
(e)None of these result of , poverty in India ?
Q175. (a) Lack of a robust security system
What is the authors main objective in writing this (b)Child labour and the resulting dearth of educated
passage ? youth
(a)To exhort the Government to garner support from its (c)Floods, famines and other calamities
neighbouring countries (d)Rapid increase in population
(b)To suggest to the Government to follow Chinas (e)None of these
example blindly thereby bringing about rapid Q180.
development How, according to the author, can the effects of floods,
(c)To highlight the plight of the poor famines, drought, etc. be minimized ?
(d)To discuss the problems of child labour and suggest (a)By limiting pollution thereby reducing the chances of
suitable remedies such events taking place
(e)To bring forth the problems associated with the (b)By educating the children about the ill effects of such
India’s development and to suggest measures to counter calamities who in turn will help during the time of need
them (c)By following the U .S. system of providing relief to its
Q176. citizens
Why, according to the author, is India one of the (d)By allotting proper funds for research which can
favourite destinations for investment by outsourcing predict the outcome of such calamities and thus design
companies ? relief measures
(A)Shorter response time for clients (e)None of these
(B)Better technical skills
(C)Availability of cheap labour Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
(a)Only(C) answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(b)All (A), (B) and (C) have been printed in bold to help you locate them


while answering some of the questions. has Only now become respectable to do so. The market
When wealth came into existence, a moral structure was itself has played a role. Software stalwarts built socially
made around money. The Puritan legacy inhibited luxury useful products to make their fortune. But what message
and self-indulgence. Thoughtful people spread a do the salary packages that their top, managers get send
practical gospel that emphasized hard work, temperance across the country when they ignore millions of fellow
and frugality and the result was quite remarkable., The countrymen who suffer from poverty, malnutrition or
world has been affluent since its founding. But it was, by hunger ? Austerity has become a thing of the past. The
and large, not corrupted by wealth. For centuries, it list could go on. But there could be some,
remained industrious, ambitious and frugal. Over the recommendations. First, raise public consciousness
past 30 years, much of that has been shredded . The about debt the way the antismoking activists did with
social norms and institutions that encouraged frugality their campaign. Second, create institutions that
and spending what you earn have been undermined. The encourage thrift. Foundations and religious Institutions
institutions that encourage debt and living for the could issue short-term loans to cut into the payday
moment have been strengthened. The moral guardians lenders business. Colleges could reduce credit card
are forever looking for decadence put of movies and advertising on campus. The tax code should tax
reality shows. But the most rampant decadence today is consumption not Income. But the most important thing
financial decadence, the trampling of decent norms is to shift values. The wise made it prestigious to
about how to use and harness money. The deterioration embrace certain middle class virtues. Now its socially
of financial traditions has meant two things. First, it has acceptable to undermine those virtues. It is considered
meant an explosion of debt that inhibits social mobility normal to play the debt game and imagine that decisions
and ruins lives. Second, the transformation has led a made today will have no consequences in the future.
stark financial polarization. On one hand, there is what is Q181.
called an investor class. It has tax deferred savings plans, What does the author mean by the phrase the
as well as an army of financial advisers. On the other transformation has led to a stark financial polarization
hand, there is the lottery class, people with little access as used In the passage ?
to financial planning but plenty of access to payday (a)The deterioration of social norms has benefited only
lenders, credit cards and lottery agents. The loosening of the wealthy and the knowledgeable while the vulnerable
financial inhibition has meant more options for the well- class of people has fallen into a debt trap
educated but more temptation and chaos for the most (b)Since moral inhibitions no longer exist, the debt
vulnerable. Social norms, the invisible threads that guide agents provide loans only to the affluent class thus
behavior, have deteriorated. Over the past years, people, widening the gap between the rich and the poor
have been more socially conscious about protecting the (c)The debt culture is being utilized as a measure to
environment and inhaling tobacco. They have become draw money from the wealthy class by credit card
less socially conscious about money and debt. The agents companies
of destruction are many and State governments have (d)Both a and c
also played a role. They hawk their lottery products with (e)None of these
aggression, which some people call a tax on stupidity. Q182.
Twenty percent of the world’s population consists of Which of the following is TRUE in context of the passage
frequent players spending about $60 billion a year. Aside ?
from the financial toll, the moral toll is comprehensive. (a)Ever since its existence, money has ruined lives owing
Here is the government, the guardian of order, telling to lack of awareness among people regarding its
people that they don’t have to work to build for the unrestricted usage
future. They can strike it rich for nothing. Payday lenders (b)Government has taken many initiatives to control the
have also played a role. They seductively offer fast cash rampant money lending business to protect vulnerable
at absurd interest rates to 15 million people every sections of the society.
month. Credit card companies have played a role. (c)Governments throughout the world have been putting
Instead of targeting the financially astute, who pay off tax on amount of consumption of an individual rather
their debts, they have found that they can make money than his her income
off the young and vulnerable. Fifty-six percent of (d)Credit card companies are discreet enough to provide
students in their final year of college carry four or more credit cards to only those people who guarantee
credit cards. The nation’s leaders have played a role as repaying money in the future
they have always had an incentive to shove costs for (e)None is true
current promises onto the backs of future generations. It Q183.


Which of the following can be the most appropriate title Which of the following suggestions have been made by
for the given passage ? the author in order to check the culture promoting debts
(a)The debt culture and government initiatives to curtail ?
it (1)Putting a ban on the companies providing credit cards
(b)Breaking social barriers taking the route of financial indiscriminately.
indulgence (2)Taking the help of informal institutions to limit the
(c)Accumulation of debt a lesson for the future business of money lending by payday lenders.
generations (3)Raising public awareness about negative effects of
(d)Effect of consumerism on the world market injudicious borrowing of money.
(e)Lack of perseverance for saving money in India (4)Taking action against governments which have been
Q184. allowing lottery in their States.
Which of the following, according to the author, has have (a)Only A and C
been responsible for the encouragement of culture of (b)Only D
debt in the society lately ? (c)Only C and D
(A)The changing lifestyle which makes It impossible for, (d)Only B and C
a common man to sustain himself without debts and (e)None of these
loans. Q188.
(B)Breaking down of moral institutions which supported Which of the following statements would weaken the
economic prudence. argument made by the author in the given paragraph ?
(C)Provision for easy availability of loans to every (a)A newspaper article reported an improvement in the
section of the society regardless of their ability to repay lifestyle of millions of people after loans were made easy
these. to avail to not only the wealthy but to all sections of
(a)Only A society
(b)Only B (b)A man along with his family was forced to live on
(c)Both A and C streets after he lost all of his life’s earning to buy lottery
(d)Both B and C tickets
(e)None of these (c)Profit earned from credit card companies has become
Q185. an essential component in the economy of a growing
The author of the given passage seems to be definitely nation
(a)suggesting that the agents of debts be banned from (d)Last years recession was mainly due to losses
the society. incurred1 by companies offering loans as a large number
(b)unaware of the benefits associated with the easy of their clients turned out to be defaulters,
availability of loans these days (e) None of these
(c)in favour of bringing back the financial restrictions Q189.
once imposed by the society Which one of the phrases given below the following
(d)not supportive of campaigns related to ant tobacco statement should be placed in the blank space provided
and saving the environment. so as to make a meaningfully correct sentence in the
(e)None of these context of the passage ,many State governments have
Q186. been encouraging people to invest their money in
Why does the author of the given passage seem to be lottery.
displeased with the software stalwarts ? (a)Despite the fact that lottery generates substantial
(a)They make fortune out of the products which are revenue
barely socially useful (b)Since it has the potential to ruin lives of millions of
(b)They have been drawing colossal salaries and turn a people
blind eye towards the needs of fellow countrymen (c)Instead of educating people against risky financial
(c)They are directly responsible for the hunger, indulgence
malnutrition and poverty among their fellow (d)Since only one fifth of the total worlds population
countrymen invests frequently in lottery
(d)They have promoted the culture of debt among (e)None of these
various sections of society
(e)None of these Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
Q187. answer the questions given below it. Certain words
have been printed in bold to, help you locate them


while answering some of the questions. question we might ask in ten years, How did you develop
Thinking of what education might look like in the next your education? The question of where will still be
decade, one quickly realizes that the trends in important, but the how of the matter Will be the focus
technology are leaving a large number of our students that defines the individual To make this a reality we will
behind. Today is an age of exponential change. New and need a standardized platform from which to develop a
ever improving technologies are popping up every day student’s unique education. This standardized platform
and in every corner of society. Educating the best and will allow us to tailor a custom curriculum that will be
the brightest in this brave new world will take a new and matched to talents, interests and life goals. For the
improved educational paradigm. Allowing our educator, a standardized platform will create a way to
educational tools to age in the corner of the classroom assist the student in discovering a true purpose in life
will be the mistake that may cost us our future. through a unique educational experience. The basics of
Throwing away masses of children to inequitable access reading, Writing and arithmetic will not be taught as
will ensure that we languish at the bottom of the global much as they will be discovered and used. Learning will
pool of employable workers for decades to come. become a reciprocal experience between the teacher, the
Technology will shape the way we educate students in student and the machine. Under a, standardized
the next decade. A user is not simply a person who uses. platform, each of these three participants will have a role
For the student, being a user should involve using the to play. The teacher will be the facilitator, assisting the
latest technology in a free and autonomous manner, This development of the curriculum and inspiring the
newfound freedom will allow the student to become an direction the student takes, The student will be the user,
active participant in higher education instead of a gathering resources, skills and knowledge in an efficient
passive passenger. In our current technological society, and measured sequence. The machine will do the work
being a user also means being tracked Tracking a of data gathering and analysis, which will assist the
student means having the ability to target education teacher and. student in refining the curriculum. This data
towards weaknesses and strengths. The ability to gathering work of the machine will also free the teacher
accurately customize curricula to the individual has been from the burden of recordkeeping and tedious tasks that
the holy grail of educational philosophy for many years. currently distract from the real job of teaching and
This golden age of technological development may soon learning. I .Under a standardized system, grade level will
enable this dream to become a reality, Co-educational be far less important. Achievement and progression will
curricula and Individual assessment is arbitrary at best. be measured by accomplishment and intelligence as a
Accurately assessing a student can only be achieved by benchmark for success. The question of failure or
using modem tracking and database technologies. success will be irrelevant and replaced with a standard
Imagine a world where every child has a tablet computer and consistent measurement of potential and overall
with ready access to the internet. Further, imagine that intelligence. Information will no longer be missed but
every student can access all the knowledge of continually rehearsed and monitored for retention by
humankind freely at any moment in time. Continue to the machine. Tasks such as data tracking, reporting and
imagine a world where a misspelled word brings up a record keeping are currently accomplished manually.
spelling challenge application instead of an auto These tasks could easily be delegated to an intuitive
correction. Try to Contemplate what it would mean for database. Developing a standard to follow would
air teacher to have a database of every misspelled word, eliminate these tasks and free the teacher to do their
every misunderstood concept or every missed, equation main job of teaching students. The next decade may
for each of their students. Try to envision a teacher with mark the moment in history when all are granted equal
the ability to customize the experience of the individual access to technology. Access to quality education will
user with minimal effort. Imagine the curriculum being only be gained through investment and universal
automatically targeted to the user through an intuitive standardization of this technology. If we continue to
educational platform that knows all strengths and each divert wealth towards fruitless goals and corporate
unique weakness. In the last few hundred years, most greed, this opportunity will be lost or hopelessly
individuals would consider an education as something delayed.
you receive. You often hear the question asked, Where Q190.
did you receive your education? As we proceed through According to the author, which of the following will be
the next decade, education will slowly move away from the benefit(s) of introducing a standardized
reception and toward being custom designed for the technological platform?
individual user. New technology will not only allow us to (A)Potential of a child Will take precedence over the,
receive an education, but also develop an education. The grades he she scores.


(B)Improving the educational syllabus would become (c)Analyzing the positives and negatives of an
easier. educational institute and modifying it suitably to cater to
(C) Teachers would be able to devote more time to industrial requirements
teaching. (d)Following a student to the educational institute that
(a)Only (C) he visits frequently in order to estimate the time he
(b)All (A), (B) and (C) spends there
(c)Only (B) and (C) (e)None of these
(d)Only (A) and (B) Q195.
(e)Only (A) According to the author, why is the current education
Q191. provided not satisfactory ?
Which of the following is are TRUE in the context of the (a)The teachers providing education are not qualified
passage ? enough to emphasize on quality
(C) In the presence of technology each student would (b)Quality of education provided is not uniform across
require constant monitoring by other individuals to the globe and individual assessments subjective
maximize learning. (c)The educational sector is fraught with corrupt
(B) Educational philosophy is based on the belief of practices and thus does not produce the desired result
tailoring educational syllabus to individual student (d)The education system is not guided by technology
capability. and hence the pace of learning is slow
(C) The author visualizes that each student will have (e)There are too many schools in the country which
access to technology in the future. cannot be monitored effectively
(a)Only (A) and (B) Q196.
(b)Only (B) What is the authors vision regarding the integration of
(c)Only (C) technology with education ?
(d)Only (B) and (C) (A)A substantial database consisting of each students
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) learning curve would be readily available.
Q192. (B)An error would activate a software which would
Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate encourage learning rather than autocorrecting.
title for the passage ? (C)Experimentation in academics would be encouraged.
(a)Technology A Welcome Relief to Teachers (a)Only (C)
(b)Revamping the Educational Sector An Impossible (b)Only (A) and (B)
Future (c)All (A), (B) and (C)
(c)Education Arbitrary But a Reality (d)Only (A) and (C)
(d)Technology and the Economy (e)None of these
(e)Technology Reshaping the Future of Education Q197.
Q193. How has the author defined the term user ?
How, according to the author, will the perception (a)One who invests in the latest technology even when it
towards education change over the next decade ? is beyond higher means
(a)Where an individual gets his education will gain (b)One who uses available technology to the maximum
increasing importance and for the longest period
(b)Education will be viewed as a prerogative of the elite (c)One who freely and actively participates In acquiring
only skills and knowledge in a systematic manner
(c)Creativity in an individual will be regarded as (d)Anyone who invests in technology as per higher
needless requirement and wherewithal
(d)The importance of education will decline (e)None of these
(e)None of these
Q194. Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
What does the author mean by the term tracking a answer the questions given below it. Certain words
student ? phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
(a)Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of a student them while answering some of the questions
and designing an educational syllabus accordingly A few weeks ago, a newspaper article quoted a well-
(b)Assessing whether a student is paying due attention known scientist saying, IT has destroyed Indian science.
to the existing curriculum offered by an institute of One can speculate about the various ways in which the
learning growth of the IT sector and other similar knowledge


industries such as biotechnology has led to a decline in any other laborers, who will sell their wares to the
basic scientific research in India, The most obvious highest bidder. One solution is to accept and even
reason is money pay scales In IT and BT are much higher encourage the commoditization of knowledge if so,
than one can aspire to in academia. The argument goes Indian universities and research centers should copy
why should a bright B. Tech, or M.Sc. student enroll in a their western counterparts by becoming more and more
PhD. programme when she can make a lot more money like corporations. These centers of learning should
writing code? Not only does afresh IT employee make a convert themselves into engines of growth. In this logic,
lot more than a fresh M.Tech. student, higher pay will if we increase academic salaries and research grants to
rise much faster in IT than in academia. A professors pay match IT pay cheque we will attract good people into
at a government run university, even after the Sixth Pay academia, where, in any case, It is rumored that a certain
Commission, tops out at far less than a senior executives elusive feeling called the quality of life is better.
salary in a major industry. Second, the social status of IT Q198.
and BT jobs equal or even exceed the social status of According to the passage what did the scientist actually
corresponding academic positions, since they are seen as mean when he said, IT has destroyed Indian Science ?
knowledge industries, which plays to the best and worst (a)The centre meant for Scientific research are being
Instincts of the societal order. As quintessential white utilized by IT industries
collar professions, neither do they compel a successful (b)The IT industry does not employ people pursuing
entrepreneur to resort to violence and corruption, nor higher studies
do they demand any physical labour. Unlike real estate (c)As information is readily available on the internet
or road construction, it is felt that IT workers can because of IT, there is no need to seek further
become rich while staying honest and sweat free. information
Assuming that the labour pool for academia and IT is (d)IT has distorted the truth as stated by Indian science
roughly the same, the difference in our collective (e)The desire for money has overshadowed the search
preferences biases the labour market towards IT and for knowledge
away from academia. Further, when the imbalance Q199.
between, IT and academia continues for years and even Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate
decades, a destructive loop, from academies point of title for the passage ?
view, is created. When our best and brightest take IT (a)is the Future of IT Bright ?
jobs over academic ones for a decade or more, faculty (b)The IT Industry and the World Economy
positions in our universities and research centers are no (c)Research and Academics — Losing the Battle Against
longer filled by the best candidates. As faculty quality IT
goes down, so does the capacity to train top class (d)Scientific Research and the Need for Well—Trained
graduate students who, after all, are teachers in training. Faculty
In response to decreasing faculty quality, even those (e)Information Technology and its Advantages
students who otherwise choose an academic profession, Q200.
decide to join industry or go abroad for their studies. Why does the author say that knowledge has become a
These foreign trained graduates prefer to come back to commodity?
corporate India — if at all they do come back — and the (a)As it is no longer, desirable in any professional field
downward cycle replicates itself in each generation. In (b)As there are too many educational institutes in the
other words, academia is trapped within a perfect storm country which do not provide quality education
created by a combination of social and economic factors. (c) As knowledge is now available easily as compared to
In this socioeconomic calculus, the members of our the past
societal classes should prefer an IT job to an academic (d) As knowledgeable people sell their services for the
one. Or, to put it another way, the knowledge economy, highest price possible
i.e., the creation of knowledge for profit, trumps the (e)Like commodities knowledge too becomes stale after
knowledge society, i.e., the creation of knowledge for its a certain period
own sake or the sake of the greater good. As is said, Q201.
knowledge is power, but money is even more power. What, according to the author, is a destructive loop ?
Perhaps the scientist was alluding to this victory of (a)Many people quit their existing jobs to work in the IT
capitalism over the pursuit of pure knowledge when he Industry which in turn leads to the downfall of the other
accused IT of having a negative influence on Indian industries .
science. Surely, knowledge has become a commodity like
any other and as a result, knowledge workers are like


(b)The fact that the best minds do not want to become Which of the following is TRUE about the perception
teachers and this in turn leads to good students seeking towards IT Jobs as given in the passage ?
knowledge elsewhere (A)They are physically tiring.
(c)The fact that people working in the IT industry do not (B)They are considered to be managerial level jobs.
pursue higher studies which in turn leads to the (C)They require usage of dishonest means.
deterioration in quality of employees (a)Only (B)
(d)The unending use of resources by the IT industry (b)Only (A) and (B)
leading to a dearth of resources in the country (c)Only (C)
(e)Less grants are being provided by the Government to (d)Only (B) and (C)
academic institutes which in turn leads to poor quality (e)All (A), (B) and (C) are true
students joining the same
Q202. Direction: In the following two passages, View and
Which of the following mentioned below is are tire Counterview on a topic are presented. Read the
authors suggestion to promote interest in Indian passages and answer the questions given below
academia ? them. Some words in the passages are printed in
(A)Research centers should adopt the corporate culture bold to help you locate them while answering some
as is done in the West. of the questions.
(B)Lessening the number of research grants given. VIEW Montek Singh Ahluwalia is right. Lets Junk the
(C)Making academic salaries equivalent to those paid in acronym BIMARU, short for Bihar, MP, Rajasthan and UP.
IT industries. The term was coined In the 1980s to denote the four
(a)Only (C) states backwardness. Much has changed since. In post
(b)Only (A) reforms India, many poor states markedly improved
(c)Only (B) and (C) their showing, in fact, better-off states like Punjab have
(d)Only (A) and (C) seen decelerated growth In recent times. But five of
(e)None of these India’s eight laggard states, including Bihar and Orissa,
Q203. have grown faster than the global 7 percent benchmark
Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the context of the for miracle growth. Once the worst performing, Bihar
passage ? expanded at an annual average of 11 percent between
(A)It is believed that the quality of life is better when 200405 and 200809. UP too didn’t do too badly at 6.29
pursuing scientific research, percent. Further proof of Bhiars inspiring turnaround is
(B)People currently seek knowledge only for the greater that, in 200809, it grew at a high 16.59 percent at
good of the society constant prices. Rajasthan’s performance has been
(C)Money is not perceived to be as powerful as impressive over the years as well. A study reveals per
knowledge. capita income in the so-called Brimful states has begun
(a)Only (A) and (C) to grow at a healthy 13 percent. Unsurprisingly, the last
(b)Only (B) moving consumer goods sector is eyeing them as
(c)Only (A) and (B) markets providing avenues for expansion. Even more
(d)Only (B) and (C) remarkably, all four have climbed the ranks as investors
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) preferable destinations. And the chasm between rich and
Q204. poor states has narrowed on many socioeconomic
Which of the following according to the author, are markers like education. True, poverty and
factors responsible for the declining Interest in scientific underdevelopment haven’t vanished. But the problem is
research? that BIMARU is no longer used as just a handy term to
(A)Slower progress of work in research reflect that. Suggesting irredeemable hopelessness, its
(B)Lesser monetary compensation In research related come to mean chronic backwardness and sickness. Such
activities derogatory Connotations can only demoralise people in
(C) Societal perception , towards research the places it refers to. States desperately trying to better
(a) Only (A) their socioeconomic report cards don’t need that kind of
(b) Only(C) psychological dampener. Besides, even in real terms,
(c)Only (B) and (C) BIMARU is increasingly being challenged. Why not give
(d)Only (A) and (B) the nametag a timely burial ? COUNTERVIEW When
(e)All (A)(B) and (C) demographer Ashish Bose coined the BIMARU acronym,
Q205. his purpose was clearly to categorise and segregate the


states retarding India’s overall development process. Which of the following can be the best summary tag for
Rather than trying to be politically correct, Boses the points expressed in the passage ?
objective was to identify grey states in India’s map and (a)New markets providing avenues for expansion
spur action on the part of the government. There has to (b)Only if you call them good, will they be better
be an honest yardstick to distinguish between high (c)It is no longer relevant
performing and poorly performing states. These states (d)HDI is as important as growth rates
may have registered higher growth rates than before, (e)What is there in a name or an acronym ?
but their performance remains dismal in terms of human Q210.
development indicators (HDr). Factor in per capita What was the purpose of coining the acronym ?
incomes, literacy rates, poverty, health and nutrition (a)To be politically correct
levels, and these states still have a lot of catching up to (b)To indicate per capita Income
do. High growth rates in some states don’t necessarily (c)To highlight the states showing better growth
mean inclusive growth for all regions and segments of (d)To denote the states which , need governments more
population. Bihars Impressive 11.03 percent annual focused attention
growth, on par with Gujarat’s 11.05 percent, is presented (e)To come up with a term which is acronym with
as a massive turnaround. However, Bihar still ranks English alphabets but has a meaning in Hindi to stand for
lowest among Indian states in HDI, according to the a symbol of improvement
Handbook on Social Welfare Statistics2007.Further, Q211.
literacy in India’s two most populous states, Bihar and According to the information provided, besides the five
UP, amounts to just 47.53 percent and 57.36 percent out of the eight States, which of the following is one of
respectively. UP has also registered the highest maternal the other laggard States?
mortality rates per 1,00,000 births at 539, followed by (a)MP
Rajasthan at 501, Orissa at 424, Madhya Pradesh at 407 (b)Rajasthan
and Bihar at 400. These states lag behind in (c)Haryana
infrastructure development, access to public amenities (d)Not mentioned
and corruption free governance. To top it all, they are (e)None of these
among the worst Naxal affected states. The arc of Q212.
deprivation described by the BIMARU acronym still Which of the following points highlighted in the View is
remains relevant. also acknowledged as a List in the Counterview ?
Q206. (a)The growth rate of these states can be considered as a
As per the view, the acronym indicates denotes major turn around
(a)Hopelessness (b)These states have registered higher growth rates
(b)Development compared to that of earlier years
(c)Focus States (c)The acronym still mains relevant
(d)Correct picture (d)The connotation can demoralize people In displaces it
(e)Inclusive growth refers to
Q207. (e)It is high time the we gave the nametag a burial
Which of the following is considered a global benchmark Q213.
of good average growth rate ? Which of the following points highlighted in the
(a)3 Counterview is also acknowledged as a fact in the view?
(b)4 (a)Much has changed since the acronym was coined
(c)7 hence it has lost its relevance
(d)11 (b)Poverty and under development in these states are
(e)5 still prevalent
Q208. (c)Bihar still ranks lowest among Indian States in HDI
In the view, which States extraordinary growth has been (d)The yardstick to distinguish between high
highlighted? performing and poorly performing states is honest and
(a) HP valid
(b) Bihar (e)In spite of the deprivation, these states are investors
(c)Rajasthan preferable destinations
(d) Orissa Q214.
(e)UP Bihar, in terms of positive outlook has been compared
Q209. with which of the following states ?


(a)Orissa for senior citizens banks charge normal interest rate.
(b) MP Then, the market is limited. Earlier, the problem was that
(c)UP the maximum terror available was 20 years, under the
(d) Punjab new annuity scheme, the term can be up to a persons
(e)Gujarat lifetime. How is the new reverse mortgage product going
Q215. to shape up after annuity has been integrated with it ?
Which of the following is not included as One of the How has the response been so far ?People are still trying
counterview points? to understand the annuity schemes are a little
(a)These states have not shown improvement in the complicated. We are getting a lot of enquiries and
growth rate sanctions have also taken place but not much. There is
(b)These states performance is poor on HDI some confusion about how Income from the new reverse
(c)The growth in these states in not inclusive mortgage product will be taxed. So, will other banks
(d)Considering the prevailing facts, the acronym is still launch the product ?There is no confusion. About 23 25
relevant banks were already offering the old product. Today, both
(e)The literacy rate in these states is still low schemes are available. It is the choice of the customer. In
Q216. the old product, income is exempt in the hands of senior
Which period is being referred to as having brought citizens. In the annuity product, it, is not exempt since
about the change and improvement in performance? the amount is higher and for lifetime. But under the
(a)Post independence Income tax Act, any annuity is taxed. What we plan to do
(b)1980s is to approach the government before next years budget
(c)Last 5 years to make annuity under this new reverse mortgage
(d) Reorganisation of states scheme tax-free since the old product is also tax-free.
(e) None of these There is no difference between the two products, except
that we have structured it as annuity to take care of the
Direction: Below is given excerpts from an interview longevity risk which the insurance company can take.
with the Chief of an organization. Answer the But the fundamental nature of the loan is the same as
questions based on the interview. loan against property. It is getting taxed because of the
National Housing Bank (NHB) came out with a reverse word annuity.
mortgage product four years back. The idea was to give Q217.
periodic income to senior citizens. Why did that scheme Which of the following is essential for availing the
never take off? I wont say the scheme never took off. scheme ?
Probably, it did not meet expectations, which were too (a)Owning a house
high. It was essentially for liquefying the existing debt (b)Being a senior citizen
asset for the senior citizen. All over the world, it is a (c)Owning a house in particular states
niche programme and not a mass programme, where (d) Being a Senior citizen and owning a house
everybody , can get into it. In India, there are cultural (e) Senior citizens not having regular income
issues. There are senior citizens who have told me that Q218.
their children treat them badly, but still want their house The product being discussed is
to go to them. Therefore, the reverse mortgage product (a) Loan for buying a house
appeals only to some people. Those who don’t have , (b)Loan for buying an old house by senior citizens
children or who are single, or whose children have (c)Loan for buying a house in the name of senior citizens
totally dissociated from them and settled abroad, or who (d)Loan against a house to the children of senior citizens
need it for a short period. Yes, it (performance old (e) None of these
product) is a bit disappointing, but overall it is not too Q219.
bad. In our old product, we gave loans worth about Rs. Which of the following can be inferred ?
1,800 crore. There are many people who don’t have a (a)According to the Chief, the scheme never took off
house, we cant cater to them. So the market itself is (b)The product has not been launched by many
somewhat restricted is awareness also a problem ?Yes, countries
to some extent but awareness among senior citizens has (c)The product has been revised
improved significantly. So there could be some issues of (d)The product has the potential to have a mass appeal
delivery banks may not be very aggressively delivering (e)The product has not succeeded in any of the countries
this. So they (senior citizens) may not be aware 1 of the where it was launched
nuances of the product. Also, there is no special incentive Q220.


Which of the following is a major action point ? called them are not such a high priority any more. One
(a)Trying to get tax exemption for the product reason is that the people affected are virtually invisible.
(b)propping the word mortgage from the scheme Waste collectors around India work silently, often late
(c)Increasing the tenure of the loan into the night, sorting out mountains of waste, foraging
(d)Merging two existing schemes for anything that can be sold. If you walk down some
(e)Dropping the word reverse from the scheme streets of central Mumbai after 11 at night, you will see
Q221. an army of waste collectors. Men, women, children are
Which of the following may not have any role in all hard at work. They work through the night and finally
proposing revising launching delivering or being a manage to get some sleep on the doorsteps of the shops
stakeholder role in the scheme? on those streets. By daylight they become invisible,
(a)Banks having stowed their belongings in boxes behind the signs
(b)Income Tax Department of the shops on whose doorsteps they sleep. These are
(c)Stock Exchanges the people of the night, not noticed by those who inhabit
(d)Insurance Companies the areas in the day. What is often not entirely
(e) Government appreciated is that a substantial percentage of waste
Q222. collectors is women. According to a study, 85 percent of
To which of the following would this scheme appeal the waste collectors in the city are women, five percentage
least ? children and 10 percentage men. The majority of them
(a)Those who don’t have children are poor and landless people who came to the city
(b)Those who don’t want to give their property to their because of drought in their villages. The age group
children ranges from 7 to 70 years and 98 percent of them are
(c)Those who are treated badly by their children illiterate. A survey of 60,000 waste collectors found a
(d)Those who are staying with their children similar proportion 60 percent women, 20 percent men
(e)Those whose children have dissociated from them and 20 percent children. Studies have revealed that 90
Q223. percent of the women waste pickers are primary
The fundamental nature of loan is, loan against breadwinners, often widowed or deserted. It is
(a)Gold interesting how the gender division of labour plays out
(b) Property even in the business of waste. While women, and
(c)Annuity children, do the more hazardous job of sorting and
(d) Pension separating the waste, the men deal with the dry garbage,
(e)Guarantee which they transport to wholesalers and factories. As a
Q224. result, it is the women who are exposed to hazardous
When was the annuity linked such product launched ? waste none of them wear any kind of protective gear and
(a)Four years back also face the physical problems of constantly bending
(b)Three years back and carrying head loads of the waste. Look at any group
(c)20 years back of waste collectors and you will spot the bent old women
(d)Just on the day this interview is recorded who have been performing this function for decades. In
(e) None of these the slum city of Mumbai, waste collectors experience the
most acute degree of homelessness. While poor people
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and In other kinds of jobs somehow manage to find some
answer the questions given below it. Certain words shelter in a slum, irrespective of whether it is legal or
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate illegal, waste collectors sleep next to the garbage they
them while answering some of the questions. have sorted. This is their wealth, something they have to
At the time when the unfortunate incident of the protect after they have collected and sorted it until they
accidental exposure to radiation that affected workers can monetize it. Hence, hear many garbage dumps, even
and waste collectors in Delhi as they handled radioactive in the better off localities of cities like Mumbai, you see
material, took place, the issue of waste disposal, families of waste pickers asleep in the morning. And
particularly hazardous waste, made the headlines. The most often you see only women and children. Why bring
lives of those who live off collecting and sorting waste up waste collectors at a time when the main
came into our line of vision. But then the issue environmental issues being debated are the larger issues
disappeared. Long term policies that ensure that the of global warming, or environmental disasters such as
safety and health of those who do such an essential job the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? This is because one
— a community of silent environmentalists someone cannot speak Of the environment without considering its


impact on the lives of people, We have hundreds of (d)The men force their wives and children to work for
small-scale and continuing environmental disasters them whereas the women do not have this luxury.
taking place all around us. But we overlook them so long (e)The men are not as affected by the waste as the
as they do not Impact our lives or our lifestyles. Millions women waste collectors because of the difference in
of waste pickers in India, who play a crucial role in their physical constitution.
dealing With the perennial environmental crisis of Q228.
waste, risk their lives and their health every single day. Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate
This is an ongoing environmental issue that requires as title for the passage ?
much attention from ordinary people, the media and (a)The General Publics Apathetic Ways
policy makers as the larger macro issues. (b)The Unorganized Sector
Q225. (c)The Invisible Waste
Why are long term policies favoring waste collectors not (d)Waste Collectors The World Over
high priority ? (e)Recognizing the Work in Dirty Work
(a)The Government is currently contemplating over the Q229.
effects of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and does not Why, according to the author, is the issue of waste
have time for other issues. collectors as important as the issue of global warming?
(b)The plight of these people is not evident as they work (A)As most waste collectors in big cities are children
late into the night and are not seen much during the day. who are ultimately the future of our nation.
(c)The Government is unable to see these people at all (B)As without the waste collectors sorting waste the
and thus is not aware of their existence. phenomenon of global warming would increase
(d)These waste collectors themselves are not in favor of exponentially.
being brought into the organised sector because of the (C)As waste collectors deal with wastage which impacts
numerous complication involved. the peoples everyday lives and is also environmentally
(e)As previous such favorable policies failed to improve significant.
the conditions of these waste collectors as they were not (a)Only (B) and (C)
implemented effectively. (b)Only (A)
Q226. (c)Only (A) and (B)
Which of the following is TRUE about waste collectors as (d)Only (C)
given in the passage ? (e)All (A), (B) and (C) ,
(A)Majority of waste collectors are people who have
migrated from their village because of some natural Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
calamity. answer the questions given below It Certain words
(B)Waste collectors prefer to sleep next to the garbage phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
they have sorted. them while answering some of the questions.
(C)Most waste collectors are not literate. Indians are known for their obsessive and compulsive
(a)Only (B) fascination for gold. India is the largest importer and
(b)Only (A) and (B) largest consumer of the yellow metal as Indians buy
(c)Only (C) about 25 percent of the world’s gold. In 2008, India
(d)Only (B) and (C) imported around 400 tons of it About 80 percent of the
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) are true world’s extracted gold is fashioned as jewellery.
Q227. However, most of know (the environmental cost of the
Why are women waste collectors at a disadvantage as metal. Ror instance, extracting enough gold to forge a
compared to the men waste collectors as mentioned in solitary, no-frills wedding band ultimately translates into
the passage ? roughly 2030 tons of waste. At some mines in Nevada
(a)The men sell the waste collected by the, women to (USA), 100 tons or more of earth have been excavated
wholesalers and keep all the money to themselves for a single ounce of gold. The waste is of two forms
without sharing it with the women. redundant rock, which is typically piled as flat heaps in
(b) The women do the more dangerous and physical locations near the mining site and the effluent or tailings
work of sorting through the garbage whereas men which are a result of chemical processing of the mined
mostly transport dry garbage ore. Sulphides in the redundant rock react with oxygen,
(c) Men wear protective gear while sorting through the making sulphuric acid which frees heavy metals like
garbage thereby shielding themselves from the ill effects cyanide, cadmium, lead and mercury harmful to people
of being exposed to the waste. even at miniscule concentrations. The tailings


component is typically a thick slurry laced with cyanide, themselves a daily wage have resulted in huge habitat
aluminum, copper, lead, and mercury enough to loss and destruction. For example, huge patches of land,
decimate fish populations of water environments it is once home to lush trees in the island of Borneo in
disposed of into. Disposal of wet tailings into water Indonesia, are being swiftly rendered treeless and
bodies has been effectively banned in developed lifeless pits of waste. Incidentally, the island is highly
countries but it continues to be practiced In most famed for its rich biodiversity. Combined with heavy
developing nations. There is also a very real danger of pressures from the logging lobby and need for cheap
surface water and groundwater table contamination on power through hydroelectricity and relentless mining
account of these heavy metals. In fact, gold mining activity, it is hard to imagine if Borneo will manage to
generates more waste per ounce than any other metal retain its crown. Why should these facts about gold
and the effects are startling. Mining for gold has left huge mining bother us? After all, we just import the metal we
gouges on the face of the earth, sq massive that they can do not mine it here to the extent other countries do.
be seen from space . According to a stride, respiratory That’s about to change though. New Delhi has big plans
ailments, soil and water contamination, thick blankets of to fuel growth in the mining sector and is looking to open
dust, withering of coconut trees, and changes in land investment in gold mining in the country and in a big
pattern use are some of the common features of the way. However, India’s environmental track record in
urban area around a particular gold mine in Karnataka. mining has been anything but stellar. And this is
Many areas are reported to have become infertile something that requires close attention in light of the
because of soil contamination. They contain a percentage planned increased forays into gold mining. Even with the
of heavy metals enough to retard growth. Similarly, comparatively minuscule amounts of gold mining done
according to another report in 2008, nearly seven years so far, we have tripped up on environmental
after the closure of these mines, the people of this region considerations. Geologically, India’s terrain is very
continue to face serious environment and health similar to those in other parts of the world where there
problems, particularly in July and August, due to winds have been huge gold finds. What we need to do i learn
in these months that carry with them cyanide particles from the mistakes commuted by Certain developed
from the dust piles in the abandoned mines. When the countries in their own backyard. We have a whole series
mines were operational, a layer of red soil used to be put of examples of where things have gone wrong from other
over these dust piles before these crucial months to developing countries. We need to use these insights to
prevent the cyanide particles from being carried away by our advantage, and quickly.
the heavy winds. Now that the mines have been closed, Q230.
the mitigate measures have ceased as well. People from According to the author, how are gold mines detrimental
socially and economically marginalized communities to the environment as well as public health even after
turn to mining to escape acute poverty, unemployment, their closure ?
and landlessness. In some cases, their homes and farms (a)The layer of red soil used to cover dust piles in these
may be acquired for large-scale gold mining. While mines seeps into the ground water, thereby making it
compensation is promised to them, it may take a year or unfit for consumption
two to kick in. Till then, forced to eke out a bare (b)The mines weaken land mass and Increase the
livelihood mostly in a kind of lottery system, they resort chances of occurrence of earthquakes, especially after
to crude methods to separate any flecks of gold that may there is no one looking after them
be there in the discarded waste rock using mercury. In (c)The mitigate measures adopted after the closure of
the process, destroy themselves slowly as well as their these mines are not supervised adequately hence are
environment. The shanty towns which inevitably come highly damaging
up around the large-scale mining sites only serve to add (d)The unsupervised mines now become a threat to the
to the problem. Given their illegal and therefore environment as inexperienced people carry out
unrecognized nature, they lack basic amenities like unchecked mining activities
garbage disposal and water supply and sanitation, (e)Winds in specific months carry harmful heavy metal
becoming another unsightly blot on the landscape. particles from the dust heaps accumulated in these
According to the World Gold Council, while estimates of mines
numbers engaged in artisanal mining vary widely, they Q231.
range between 13 and 20 million men, women and Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate
children from over 50 developing countries. Indeed, it is title for the passage ?
believed that as much as a quarter of the world’s gold is (a)Gold Mining and In did The Inseparable Duo
supplied by artisanal miners. Their efforts to earn (b)Artisanal Mining and its Effects .


(c)C old Mining Activities in Asia (c)Only (C)
(d)Gold The Most Expensive Metal in the World (d)Only (B) and (C)
(e)Lure for Gold The Stark Reality (e)All (A), (B) and (C) are true
Q232. Q236.
Which of the following is are ill effects of gold mining as Why, according to the author, should India worry about
mentioned in the passage ? gold mining and its effects ?
(A)Waste generated while mining for gold is harmful (a)As India is planning to increase its investment in gold
even in small quantities. mining and is looking to increase activities in this sector
(B)Groundwater gets polluted due to the release of in the near future
heavy metals generated from the mining of gold. (b)As India, has been extensively carrying out gold
(C)Gold mining activities cause respiratory illnesses in mining in1 the past and its environmental record is not
people. encouraging
(a)Only (A ) (c)As a large number of people in India are employed in
(b)All (A), (Bland (C) this unorganized sector Which is detrimental to the
(c)Only (B) and (CJ country’s economy
(d)Only (B) (d)As India’s terrain is geologically unstable and is
(e)Only (A) and (BJ similar to other lands in the world where gold mining is
Q233. carried out
What is the authors intention behind writing this (e)As India is committing the same mistakes committed
passage ? by other developed nations when it comes to gold
(a)To discourage the Indian government from investing mining
in gold mining Q237.
(b)To bring forward the problems associated with gold Why, according to the author, is the environmental cost
mining for Indias benefit of gold very high ?
(c)To discourage Indians from buying gold based on its (a) As gold is the only metal which generates harmful
repercussions waste on its excavation
(d)To advocate the import of gold instead of mining for (b)As excavation of gold releases the highest amount of
it pollutants into the air as compared to any other metal
(e)To goad the Indian government into bringing the (c)As gold excavation is a very tedious process and
artisanal workers under the purview of the organized requires usage of a number of environmentally
sector destructive resources
Q234. (d)As the amount of gold recovered in proportion to the
Which of the following is TRUE about the people who land excavated is negligible
can out gold mining activities ? (e)As the transformation of raw gold into a piece of
(A)Their employment is purely legal in nature. jewellery is very expensive and is environmentally
(B)They employ unsophisticated methods of mining. harmful
(C)They do not have essential amenities.
(a)Only (B) Direction : Read the following passage to answer the
(b)Only (A) and (B) given questions.
(c)Only (C) In a welcome development, small cities and towns
(d)Only (B) and (C) appear to be doing more to power India’s growth story
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) are true than big metros. Confirming this arc the latest income
Q235. tax statistics, which indicate that Tier II and Tier III cities
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the island of like Patna, Luck now, Meerut and Kanpur have far
Borneo in Indonesia, as given in the passage? outstripped Delhi, Mumbai Chennai and Kolkata in terms
(A)Large pieces of land are being destroyed because of of growth in personal and corporate tax collections. In
mining. fact, Patna has seen as much as 95 percent growth in
(B)There is a large amount of mining activity being personal Income tax figures over the 200910 period
carried out on this island. compared to a measly 4 percent for Delhi and 6 percent
(C)It would be known for its rich biodiversity in the for Mumbai. Such a shift towards growth driven by
future. regional centers can help mitigate the problems ensuing
(a)Only (A) and (B) from unequal development and, therefore, needs to be
(b) Only (B) encouraged. The current growth and development model


centered on big metros is unsustainable. Having (e)Rate of migration
experienced years of economic migration, these large Q240.
cities are literally bunting at the seams. They are left Which of the following would be one of the major
with creaking infrastructure compounded by shoddy impacts of development of many regional cities and
urban planning and poor civic amenities, all of which is centres?
reflected in the fast depreciating quality of life. Vet (a)The income level of people will increase
people continue to be drawn to metros due to the allure (b)The living conditions in existing metros will become
of better career prospects. The only way to reverse this worse
trend is to have multiple growth poles spread across the (c)The migration to far off bigger cities across different
length and breadth of the country. It is encouraging that states will be reduced
many of the small cities showing robust economic (d)Tax collections will increase
growth are located in the backward regions. They could (e)None of these
serve as magnets for intrastate migration and take the Q241.
burden off traditional metro polite hubs. As emerging Which of the following cities has been classified as Tier
markets within the Indian economy these Small urban III City as per the passage?
centres can become hotspots for new investment (a)Lucknow
opportunities. Many outsourcing companies are already (b)Patna
setting up operations In Tier II and Tier III cities to (c)Chennai
minimize their running costs. Conducive conditions need (d)Cannot be determined
to be created to encourage India Inc as well as foreign (e)None of these
investors to increasingly Invest in small cities and Q242.
townships. Crucial to this is creating Sound Which of the following would be the most appropriate
infrastructure. There needs to be a significant number of meaning of the phrase bursting at the seams as used in
quality schools and colleges to churn out skilled the second paragraph of the passage?
professionals to cater to the needs of emerging (a)Filled beyond normal capacity
businesses. This in turn will have a positive trickle down (b)Have become fast faced centres
effect and galvanize the rural economy of the respective (c)Facing exodus from these cities
states. In planning these new urban hubs, errors of the (d)Bubbling with energy
past that have given rise to chaotic and dysfunctional (e)None of these
cities must not be repeated. Our metros may have Q243.
reached a point of saturation. While they should by no Which of the following may not be an objective of
means be ignored, pay attention to Tier II and III cities as developing Tier II-III cities?
well to continue India’s growth story and make it more (a)To have more inclusive growth
inclusive. (b)To have growth across the length and breadth of the
Q238. country
Which of the following is definitely TRUE as per the (c)To Improve the quality of schools and colleges to
passage? produce skilled professionals
(a) The tax collections from Patna are the highest for (d)To take off pressure from the over burdened,
2009-10 infrastructure of metros
(b)The growth in corporate tax collections is always (e)To check interstate migration
followed by the growth in personal tax collections Q244.
(c)The growth in personal tax figures for Chennai and Which of the following would be the advantage of setting
Kolkata was not more than 4% for 2009-10 up operations in Tier II and Tier III cities?
(d)Patna had seen 95% growth in corporate tax (a)The operating costs would be lower
collections in 2009-10 (b)It will attract better investment
(e)None is true (c)It will attract tax exemptions from the government
Q239. (d)The manpower available for employment would be
Which of the following indicators has been used to better
highlight growth? (e)The Metros will face healthy competition for
(a)Per capita growth improving their infrastructure
(b)Mortality rate Q245.
(c) Density of population What attracts people to the metros?
(d)Tax collections (a)Better living conditions


(b)Improved source of income colleges failing to satisfy the MCI norms. The crisis
(c)Better educational facilities building up on the faculty front has been flagged various
(d)Seamless economic and social activities commissions looking Into problems of medical education
(e)Enhanced social security over the years. .An Indicator of the crisis is the attempt
to conjure up faculty when MCI carries out inspections of
Direction : Read the following, passage carefully and new colleges, of its regulatory functions. Judging by news
answer the questions given below it. Certain words reports, the practice of presenting fake faculty students
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate or private medical practitioners hired for the day during
them while answering some of the questions. MCI inspections In private, colleges is common. What is
the Medical Council of India announced a major change interesting is that even government colleges are
in the regulation governing the establishment of medical adopting unscrupulous methods. Another indicator is the
colleges. With this change, corporate entities were extraordinary scheme, verging on the ridiculous that is
permitted to open medical colleges. The new regulation being put in place by the MCI to make Inspections
also carried the following warning permission shall be foolproof. Faculty In all medical colleges are to be issued
withdrawn if the colleges resort to commercialization. an RFID based smart card by the MCI with a unique
Since the regulation does not elaborate on what Faculty Number. The card, it is argued, will eliminate the
constitutes Resorting to commercialisation, this will possibility of a teacher being shown on the faculty of
presumably be a matter left to discretion of the more than one college and establish if the qualifications
Government., A basic requirement for a new medical of a teacher are genuine. In the future it is projected that
college is a preexisting hospital that will serve as a biometric RFID readers will be installed In the colleges
teaching hospital. Corporate entities have hospitals in that will enable a Faculty Identification, Tracking and
the major metros and that is where they will have to Monitoring System to monitor faculty from within the
locate medical colleges. The earlier mandated land College and even remotely from MCI headquarters. The
requirement for a medical college campus, minimum of picture above does not even start to reveal the true and
25 acres of Contiguous land, cannot be fulfilled in the pathetic situation of medical care especially in rural
metros. Not surprisingly, yet another tweak has been India. Only a fraction of the doctors and nursing
made in the regulation, prescribing 10 acres as the new professionals serve rural areas where 70 percent of our
minimum campus size for 9 cities including the main population lives. The Health Ministry, with u help of the
metros With this, the stage is set for corporate entities to MCI, has been active in proposing yet another innovative
enter the medical education market. Until now, medical solution to the problem of lack of doctors in the rural
education in India has been projected as a not for profit areas. The proposal is for a three and a half year course
activity to be organized for the public good. While to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Rural Medicine and
private bodies can run medical colleges, these can only Surgery (BRMS). Only rural candidates would be able to
be societies or trusts, legally nonprofit organizations. In join this course. The study and training would happen at
opening the door to corporate colleges, thus, a major two different levels Community Health Centers for 18
policy change has been effected without changing the months, and sub divisional hospitals for a further period
law or even a discussion in Parliament, but by simply of 2 years and be conducted by retired professors. After
getting a compliant MCI to change the regulation on completion of training, they would only be able to serve
establishment of medical , colleges. This and other in their own state in district hospitals, community health
changes have been Justified in the name of addressing, centres, and primary health centres. The BRMS proposal
the shortage of doctors. At the same time, over 50, has invited sharp criticism from some doctors
existing medical colleges, including 15 run by the organisations on the grounds that it is discriminatory to
government, have been prohibited from admitting have two different standards of health care one for
students in 2010 for having failed to meet the basic urban and the other for rural areas, and that the health
standards prescribed. Ninety percent of these colleges care provided by such graduates will be compromised.
have come up in the last 5 years. Particularly shocking is At the other end is the opinion expressed by some that
the phenomenon of government colleges falling, abort of something is better than nothing, that since doctors do
standards approved by the Government. Why are state riot want to serve in rural areas, the government may as
government institutions not able to meet the well create a new cadre of medics who will be obliged to
requirements that have been approved by the central serve there. The debate will surely pick up after the
government? A sever problem faced by government run government formally lays out its plans. What is apparent
institutions is attracting mid retaining teaching faculty, is that neither this proposal nor the various stopgap
and this is likely to be among the major reasons for these measures adopted so far address the root of the problem


of health care. The far larger issue is government policy, (1)At least a small step has been taken to improve the
the low priority attached by the government to the social healthcare facilities in the rural areas through this
sector as a whole and the health sector in particular, proposal.
evidenced in the paltry allocations for maintaining and (2)There should be uniform healthcare facilities
upgrading medical infrastructure and medical education available for people living in both rural and urban areas .
and for looking after precious human resources (3)The healthcare providers through this proposal
Q246. would not be up to the mark.
What solution is being offered by the Health Ministry for (a)Only (A)
the shortage of doctors in rural areas ? (b)Only (A) and (B)
(a) Increase the number of government run hospitals in (c)Only (B) and (C)
the rural areas thereby increasing the number of doctors (d)Only (B)
catering to the people in these regions. (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
(b)Make it mandatory for doctors serving in the urban Q250.
areas to serve in the rural areas for a specific number of Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate
years. title for the passage ?
(c)Set up increasing number of community health (a)Healthcare in India The Questionable Changes
centres in rural areas. (b)Medical Centres in Rural India
(d)Hire retired professors of medicine to offer medical (c)Commercialization of Medical Education in India
help to people living in the rural areas till the time more (d)The Medical Council of India
doctors are appointed. (e) The BRMS Proposal The Way Out for Rural India
(e)Run a separate medical course for three and a half Q251.
years which can be taken up only by rural candidates What is one of the major problems faced by the
who would ultimately serve in the rural areas. government run medical institutions ?
Q247. (a)Dearth of land required for the setting up of medical
Why have some existing medical colleges been institutions.
prohibited from admitting students ? (b)Lack of funds for running the colleges.
(a)As these have adopted corrupt practices and have (c)Dearth of teaching faculty.
been taking huge donations from their students (d)Excessive competition from colleges run by corporate
(b)As all these colleges were illegally set up and were bodies.
not, approved by the government in the first place (e)Dearth of students opting for these colleges.
(c)As the course offered by these colleges is not in line Q252.
with the course offered by the government run colleges What is the idea behind the MCI putting in place the
(d)As these have failed to meet the norms set by the RFID based smart card ?
central government for running the college. (A)To monitor and track faculty from MCI headquarters
(e)As there are absolutely no faculty members left, in in the future.
these colleges to teach students. (B)To put a stop to the practice of colleges of presenting
Q248. fake faculty members.
Which of the following is are the changes announced by (C)To verify the authenticity of faculty member
the MCI in the regulation governing the establishment of qualifications.
medical colleges? (a)Only (A) and (B)
(A)Allowing the commercialization of medical colleges. (b)All (A), (B) and (C)
(B)Reducing the earlier mandated land requirement for (c)Only (C)
a medical college campus for metros. (d)Only (B) and (C)
(C)Allowing corporate bodies to open medical colleges. (e)Only (B)
(a)Only (B) Q253.
(b)Only (A) and (B) What is the authors main intention behind writing this
(c)Only (C) passage?
(d)Only (B) and (C) (a) To make the general public aware of the healthcare
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) are true facilities available
Q249. (b)To bring to light the problems faced by the health
Which of the following are the different opinions care sector in India despite changes suggested and goad
regarding the BRMS proposal ? the government into attaching priority to the sector,


(c)To bring to light the problems faced by rural people in in 2008. In Just 2009, industrialized countries provided a
terms of healthcare facilities and thus exhort urban subsidy of Rs 1, 260 billion. And it is primarily for this
doctors to serve in the rural areas reason that farm incomes are lucrative. Take the
(d)To make the general public aware of the benefits Netherlands the average farm family income is 275
arising from the changes brought about by the MCI in the percent of the average household income. This is
healthcare sector. because of farm subsidies, not supermarkets. India is
(e)To urge the corporate bodies to look into the matter therefore importing a failed model from the west
of healthcare facilities in the rural areas. especially when India is incapable of providing such
heavy subsidies to its farmers. Regarding employment,
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and big retail does not squeeze out middlemen from the food
answer the questions given below it. Certain words chain. Supermarkets claim that they remove middlemen
have been printed in bold to help you locate them and therefore are able to provide a higher price to
while answering some of the questions. farmers. In reality, what happens is the opposite.
It is being projected as a boon for the agricultural sector. Supermarkets are themselves the big middlemen. They
In reality, it will be the beginning of the end for Indian replace the small fish. Supermarkets replace the plethora
farmers. It has happened in the west. Ever since big of small middlemen. The museum clad in a dhoti kurta is
retail — dominated by multiband retailers has entered replaced by a smartly dressed up middleman. So while
the market, fanners have disappeared and poverty has the farmer pauperizes, the profit of supermarkets
increased. Today, not more than seven lakh farmers multiply. Based on biased studies by consultancy firms
remain on the farms in the west. According, to a report, and some institutes, it is believed that supermarkets will
every minute one farmer quits agriculture. Fanners create employment, and therefore help in ameliorating
incomes have come down by more than forty percent. poverty. This is a flawed assumption. Lessons need to be
These days low supermarket prices are being cited as drawn from a 2004 study done at Pennsylvania State
the reason for the exodus of dairy farmers too. it is University. The authors measured the impact of a retail
therefore futile to expect the supermarkets rescuing boom oh poverty in various adjoining states. The
farmers in India. Despite the destruction of farming comprehensive study clearly brings out that those
globally, administrators in India are gung-ho about American states that had more retail stores in 1987, had
allowing foreign direct investment In multi brand higher poverty rates by 1999 than the states where
retailing. The agriculture sector needs well functioning fewer stores were set up. At stake is the livelihood
markets to drive growth, employment and economic security of 120 lakh small shopkeepers, 4 crore hawkers
prosperity in rural areas, says a discussion paper. Since and at least 20 crore (of the 60 crore) small farmers.
2006, India has allowed a partial opening up of the retail What is needed is more public sector investment in
sector. Have these retail units benefited Indian farmers setting up a chain of man disacross the country.
and the consumers ? The Tv for set4 (ting up of big retail Providing an assured market and reasonable
chains is that the supermarket chains will squeeze out procurement price is what Indian farmers need. This has
the middlemen thereby providing higher prices to to be supplemented by a network of food grain banks at
farmers and at the same time provide large investments panchayat level that assure local production and
for the development of postharvest infrastructure. All distribution.
these claims are untrue, and big retail has not helped Q254.
farmers anywhere in the world. If the supermarkets Why does the author disagree with the Idea that big
were so efficient, why is the west providing a massive retail stores can salvage farmers condition in India ?
subsidy for agriculture. After all, the world’s biggest (a)The farmers in India still prefer to sell their produce
retail giants are based In the west and it should have to local middlemen and man than to the big retail stores.
helped their fanners become economically viable. But it (b)There have been examples throughout the world that
did not happen. Till 1950, a fanner who would receive the big retail chains further deteriorate the condition of
about seventy percent of what was spent on food the farmers.
receives no more than, 3 to 4 percent today. And that is (c)Big retail chains buy the farmers produce at a much
why the fanners there are being supported in the form of lower cost as compared to the present middlemen.
direct income support by the government. A report by (d)The government subsidies to the farmers selling their
the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and produce directly to big retail stores is far lesser than the
Development (OECD), a group comprising the richest 30 ones who sell their produce to the government itself.
countries in the world, states explicitly that farm (e)Selling the produce to small shopkeepers and
subsidies rose by 22 percent in 2009, up from 21 percent hawkers saves the farmers of the expenses involved in


selling it to big retail stores which are mostly based in (B)The retail chains would drive the middlemen out of
big cities. the system thus profit margin.
Q255. (C) Big retail chains in the west have been taking strides
Complete the following sentence by selecting the of growth and have been benefiting the farmers.
alternative which is most appropriate in the context of (D)The big retail chains would provide an organized
the passage. Although it was assumed that retail chain market which would bring about growth in the rural
giants would squeeze out middlemen from the farming areas
sector (a)Only (A) and (C)
(a) the retail chain giants helped the farmers get (b) Only (C) and (D)
subsidies from the government. (c)Only (A), (C) and (D)
(b) India is still contemplating allowing foreign direct (d)Only (B) and (D)
investment in multiband retailing. (e)All (A), (B), (C) and (D)
(c) the retail chain giants themselves proved to be a rare Q259.
billing version of the smaller middlemen. The author of the given passage definitely
(d)the government was more concerned about the (a)is indicating that the west has completely failed to
welfare of the farmers. make agriculture a lucrative sector.
(e)None of these (b)is against the argument that retail chain giants can
Q256. help come to the rescue of farmers in India.
Which of the following is TRUE in context of the passage (c)is not In favor of removing the local middlemen as
? they provide a higher price to the farmers.
(a)Noticing the state of farmers in the west owing to the (d)is suggesting that the Indian government must
advent of retail giants, Indian administrators are not too increase farm subsidies emulating some of the western
keen to allow multi brand retailing in India. countries. ,
(b) Supermarket chains have provided large (e)is comparing the successful performance of retail
investments for the development of postharvest chains in India as opposed to those in the west.
infrastructure, Q260.
(c)These days, farmers in the west earn several times Which of the following would be the most appropriate
more , than their earnings half a century ago. title for the given passage ?
(d)India is providing heavy subsidies to cover up the (a)Multi brand retailing making farming more lucrative
losses made by the farmers because of retail chain (b)Supermarkets towards employment and growth in
giants. rural areas
(e) None is true (c)Supermarket A super risk for farmers
Q257. (d)Allowing Supermarkets in India why are
The fact that the west provides enormous subsidies to its administrators unwilling ?
farmers proves that (e)Supermarkets making the farmers rich via subsidies
(a)the government in the west lures the farmers into Q261.
selling their produce to retail chain giants in return of What, according to the author, are the reasons behind
such subsidies the fact that farmers income in some countries in the
(b)many farmers who had given up farming as a west is several times an average household ?
profession are now returning to it. (a)Farming in these countries is lucrative as fanners are
(c)supermarkets have indeed helped in making farming a good reel in their produce.
a lucrative business (b)Big retail chains have benefited the farmers
(d)the retail chains are arm twisting the government to enormously.
provide subsidies to the farmers who sell their produce (c)Retail chains have completely wiped out the
to them. middlemen in these countries and have thus, Increased
(e) the retail chains have failed to benefit the farmers the farmers profit.
thus forcing the government to come to their rescue. (d)Huge subsidies are being provided by the
Q258. government to these farmers.
Which of the following have been i the arguments for (e)None of these
setting up big retail stores in India ? Q262.
(A)The retail chains would sell the farmers produce at a Which of the following suggestions has/have been made
comparatively higher price than the smaller shops so as by the author to address the present problems of Indian
to improve the farmers profit. farmers ?


(A)Increasing the procurement price of their crops to a textbooks answer was wrong. The student was in a
certain rational limit. dilemma should he write the (wrong) answer as given in
(B)Opening more retail chains so as to provide them an the textbook or should he write the right answer using
assured market for their yield. his own analytical skills. He decided to do the latter and
(C)Assuring the production and distribution of food received a zero on that question. Clearly, as the student
grains at local level as well. had suspected, the examiners were looking at the
(a)Only (A) and (C) textbook answer while correcting the examination
(b)Only (B) and (C) papers instead of verifying its correctness. The
(c)Only (A) and (B) behaviour of these examiners is a breakdown of
(d)Only (C) institutional morals, with consequences for the skills
(e) Only (B) acquired by students. I say institutional morals, for the
failure of these examiners is not a personal failure. At the
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and same conference I met a whole range of college teachers,
answer the questions given below it. Certain words all of whom were drafted as examiners at some time or
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate the other. Without exception, they were dedicated
them while answering some of the questions. individuals who cared about the education and welfare
The modem world requires us to repose trust in many of their students. However, when put in the institutional
anonymous institutions We strap ourselves in a flying tin role of evaluating an anonymous individual, they fail in
can with two hundred other people not because we fulfilling responsibilities. When some of our best colleges
know the pilot but because we believe that airline travel are run in this fashion, is it any wonder that we turn out
is safe. Our trust in these institutions depends on two unskilled engineers and scientists ? If, as we are led to
factors skills and ethics. We expect that the people who expect, there is a vast increase in education at all levels
run these institutions know what they are doing, that and the regulatory regime is as weak as it is currently,
they build and operate machines that work as they are isn’t it likely that the trust deficit is only going to
supposed to and that they are looking out for our welfare increase? We are all aware of the consequences of
even though we are strangers. When one of these factors ignoring corruption at all levels of society. While
is weak or absent, trust breaks down and we either pay a institutional failures in governance are obvious, I think
high price in safety as in the Bhopal tragedy or a large the real problem Dies deeper, in the failure of every day
welfare premium such as the elaborate security Institutions that are quite apart from institutions that
measures at airports. Trust deficient environments work impinge of our lives only on rare occasions. It is true that
in the favour of the rich and powerful, who can our lives are made more miserable by government
command premium treatment, and welfare premiums. officials demanding bribes for all sorts of things, but
Poor people can command neither which is why air what about the everyday lying and cheating and
travel is safer than train travel, which in turn is safer breaking of rules with people who are strangers ?Let me
than walking by the road side. Every modem society give you an example that many of us have experienced. I
depends on the trust in the skills and ethics of a variety prefer buying my fruits and vegetables from roadside
of institutions such as schools and colleges, hospital and vendors rather than chain stores. To the vendor, I am
markets. If we stopped believing in the expertise of our probably an ideal customer, since I do not bargain and I
teachers, doctors and engineers, we will stop being a do not take hours choosing the best pieces, instead,
modem society. As the Institution among institutions, it letting the vendor do the selecting. The market near my
is the duty of the state to ensure that all other house is quite busy as a result, most vendors are selling
institutions meet their ethical obligations. The Indian their wares to strangers. It takes a while before a
state has failed in its regulatory role. Consequently, we particular vendor realises that I am a repeat customer. In
cannot trust our schools to turn out good graduates, we such a situation trust is crucial. T have a simple rule if a
cannot ensure that our colleges turn out well trained vendor palms off a bad piece whose defects are obvious.,
engineers and we cannot guarantee that our engineers I never go back to that person again. It is amazing how
will turn out to be good products. Last year, I was invited often that happens. In my opinion, the failure of
to speak at an undergraduate research conference. Most institutional ethics is as much about these little abuses of
of the participants in this conference were students at trust as anything else. Everyday thievery is like roadside
the best engineering colleges in the State. One student trash if you let It accumulate the whole neighborhood
who was chivying me back and forth recounted a story stinks.
about the previous years final exam. One of his papers Q263.
had a question from a leading textbook to which the


What is the meaning of the phrase palms off as used in (b)Only (B)
the passage ? (c)Only (A)
(a)steals from (d)Only (B) and (C)
(b)hides away from (e)Only (C)
(c)buys quickly Q268.
(d)acquires a good price for What, according to the author, happens when there is a
(e)passes on by deception breakdown of trust ?
Q264. (A)Less affluent people have to compromise on quality.
Why, according to the author, do people repose trust in (B)Our wellbeing is compromised.
Institutions they do not know ? (C)We pay a higher price for services.
(a)The marketing strategies adopted by these (a)Only (A)
institutions make them trustworthy in the eyes of the (b)Only (A)and(C)
public. (c)Only (B)and(C)
(b)Many other people before them have done the same (d)Only (B)
thing thus they feel safe. (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
(c)People learn from the experiences of their richer Q269.
counterparts who have availed of the services of these Which of the following reasons, makes the author an
institutions. ideal customer to a fruit and vegetable vendor ?
(d)They believe that these institutions have the requisite (A)He she remains a regular customer of the same
knowledge and will act only in favour of the general vendor.
public. (B)He she does not haggle for prices.
(e)These institutions charge a very high price for the (C)He she finishes the selection of goods in a short time.
services they provide which leads people to trust them. (a) Only (B)
Q265. (b)Only (B) and (C)
Why, according to the author, is the behaviour of (c)Only (C)
examiners a breakdown of institutional morals ? (d)Only (A) and (B)
(a)As the institution encourages examiners to give as (e)All (A), (B) and (C) are true
little marks to students as possible. Q270.
(b)As the institution is responsible for not encouraging Why according to the author, do Institutional failures in
examiners to venture outside the rote process. governance not matter on a larger scale ?
(c)As the examiners are told to discourage students from (a)The general public does not care about the failures, of
being creative by the institution. these institutions as they do not feature in their lives at
(d)As the institution fails to provide adequate all.
compensation to these hardworking examiners. (b)Such institutional failures are , almost non-existent
(e)As the institution does not have information and do not occur often to matter to the public.
regarding right answers with it. (c)These Intrude in our lives only under exceptional
Q266. circumstances whereas the everyday lies contribute to
Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate much more.
title for the passage ? (d)These are a part of every countrys problems and are
(a)Modifications in Institutional Ethics taken with a pinch of salt by the public.
(b)Little Deceptions Add to Larger Trust Deficit (e)These institutional failures do not hamper the
(c)India A Country Without Ethics, functioning of the country in any manner and are hence
(d) Failure of the Government less important.
(e) College As an Institution
Q267. Direction : Read the following interview and answer
Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the context of the the given questions based on that some words have
passage ? been printed in bold to help you locate them while
(A)Despite being aware of the fact that clients will not answering some of the questions.
fruit and vegetable vendors sell bad goods. A pioneering new book, Gender and Green Governance,
(B)Examiners are devoted to their jobs. explores a central question if women had adequate
(C)Examiners deliberately mark , correct answers as representation in forestry institutions, would it make a
incorrect ones. difference to the, their communities, and forests as a
(a)Only (A) and (C) national resource? interview with the author, Why has


access to forests been such a conflict ridden issue ?This more poor women. Second, and unexpectedly, groups
is not surprising. Forests constitute not just community with more women typically make stricter forest use
and national wealth, but global wealth. But for millions, rules. Why is this the case ? Mainly because they receive
forests are also critical for livelihoods and their daily poorer forests from the forest department. To
lives. Your first book, Cold Hearths and Barren Slopes , regenerate these they have to sacrifice their immediate
was about forests. is there an evolution of argument needs. Women from households with some land have
here? Yes indeed in Cold Hearts and Barren Slopes, i had some fallback. But remark ably even in groups with more
argued that social forestry, with its top down landless women, although extraction is higher, they still
implementation and focus on commercial species, was balance self-interest with conservation goals, when
neither social nor forestry, and would protect neither placed in decision-making positions. Third, groups with
forests nor village livelihoods. The answer, i argued, lay more women outperform other groups in improving
in allowing forests communities to manage local forests. forest conditions, despite getting poorer forests.
Finally, in 1990, india launched the joint forest involving women substantially improves protection and
management programme and Nepal also Started conflict resolution, helps the use of their knowledge of
community forestry. So i decided to see for myself how local biodiversity, and raises children’s awareness about
community forestry was actually doing. Between 1995 conservation.
and 1999, travelled extensively across india and Nepal Q271.
and found paradox Forests were indeed becoming What was authors view on Social Forestry Scheme ?
greener but women’s problem of firewood shortages (a)A great success
persisted and in many cases had become more acute. (b) Beneficial for villagers
Also, despite their high stakes in forests, women (c)Neither good nor bad
continued to be largely excluded from forest agreement. (d)Should have been implemented as top down
i coined the term participatory exclusions to describe (e)None of these
this. However, the current book is less about women’s Q272.
exclusion. i ask What if women were present in forest Which of the following is one of the reasons of forests
governance ? What difference would that make? But has being a conflict ridden issue ?
this question not been reused before ? ) (Economists (a)Some countries have larger forest cover
researching environmental collective action have paid (b)There is less awareness about global warming
little attention to gender. Scholars from other disciplines (c)High dependence of many on forests
focusing on gender and governance have been concerned (d)Less representation of women
mainly with women’s near absence from governance (e)Less representation of local women
institutions. The presumption is that once women are Q273.
present all good things will follow. But can we assume The author is advocating inclusion of
this ? No. Rural women’s relationship with forests is (a)More landless women
complex. On the one hand, their everyday dependence (b)More landed women
on forests for firewood, fodder, etc, creates a strong (c)More women irrespective of their financial status
stake in conservation. On the other, the same (d)Local people
dependence can compel them to extract heavily from (e)Younger women in the age group of 2533 years
forests. As one landless woman, told me Of course, it Q274.
hurts me to cut a green branch but what do do if my Which of the following best describes participatory
children are hungry? Taking an agnostic position, i exclusion, as used in the interview ?
decided to test varied propositions, controlling for other (a)Outside support
factors. What did you find ?First, women’s greater (b)Overdependence
presence enhances their effective voice in decision- (c)Benefiting without self interest
making. And there is a critical mass effect if forests (d)Contributing with profits
management groups have 2533 percent female members (e)None of these
in their executive committees it significantly increases Q275.
the likelihood of women attending meetings, speaking up in the second question, the interviewer asked is there an
and holding office. However, the inclusion of landless evolution of argument here . Which of the following best
women makes a particular difference. When present in describes that?
sufficient numbers they are more likely to attend (a)From Barren to Greener slopes
meetings and voice their concerns than landed women. (b)From local groups to local groups with more women
So what matters is not just including more women, but


(c)A fine balance between conservation and commercial National Center for Atmospheric Research (N CAR).
forestry While global temperatures would rise, the most
(d)Top down approach to Community forestry dangerous potential aspects of climate change, including
(e)Participatory exclusion to Greener slopes massive losses, of Arctic sea ice and permafrost and
Q276. significant sea level rise, could be partially avoided. This
What percent of female members in the Executive research indicates that we no longer avoid significant
Committee for Forest Management is being warning during this century, .said NCAR scientist Warren
recommended by the author ? Washington, the study papers lead author. But, if the
(a)Less than 25% world were to implement this level of emission cuts, we
(b)More than 50% could stabilize the threat of climate change, he added.
(c)100% Average global temperatures have warmed by close to 1
(d)About 75% degree Celsius since the preindustrial era. Much of the
(e)None of these warming is due to human produced emissions of
Q277. greenhouse gases, predominantly carbon dioxide. This
Why does author say, Rural women’s relationship with heat trapping gas has increased from a preindustrial
forests is complex ? level of about 284 parts per million (ppm) in the
(a)Dependence forces them to extract and also have atmosphere to more than 380 ppm today. With research
concert for conservation showing that additional warming of about 1 degree C
(b)if they protect forests, their livelihood is severely may be the threshold for dangerous climate change, the
affected European Union has called for dramatic cuts in
(c)Poor women have been excluded from forest emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
management To examine the impact of such cuts on the world’s
(d)They cannot be asked to restore forests which are climate, Washington and his colleagues ran a series of
critical for them global studies with the NCAR based Community Climate
(e)Greener forests do not meet the requirement of System Model (CCSM), They assumed that carbon
firewood dioxide levels could be held to 450 ppm at the end of this
Q278. century. in contrast, . e missions are now on track to
Landless women, when in decision making role reach abort 750 ppm by 2100 if unchecked. T e teams
(a)extract much more from forest results showed that if carbon oxide were held to 450
(b)improve their own financial status ppm, global temperatures would increase by 0.6 degrees
(c)do not care for forest Celsius above current readings by the end of the century.
(d)are able to meet conservation objectives as well as in contrast, the study showed that temperatures would
their own interest rise by almost four times that amount to 2.2 degrees
(e)fulfill their own interest at the cost of conservation Celsius above current readings, if emissions were
goals allowed to comic on their present course. Holding car
Q279. bon dioxide levels 1 to 450 ppm would have other
When more women are involved, which of the following impacts, according to the climate modeling study. Sea
also hap pens ? level rise due to thermal expansion as water
(a)They get poorer forests temperatures warmed would be 14 centimeters (about
(b)They come to know about conservation needs 5.5 inches) instead of 22 centimeters (8.7 inches). Also,
(c)Children become more aware about conservation Arctic ice in the summertime would by about a quarter
(d)They are able to devote more time to conservation in volume and Stabilize by 2100, as opposed to shrinking
(e)They get a more comprehensive understanding of at least three quarters and continuing to melt, and Arctic
local biodiversity warming would be reduced by almost half.
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and Why has the European Union called for dramatic cuts in
answer the questions given below it, Certain words carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions?
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate (a)As global warming is not an issue of concern
them while answering some of the questions. (b)As the temperatures may rise almost by an additional
A new analysis has determined that the threat of global one degree and this may lead to severe climate change.
warming can still be greatly diminished if nations cut (c)As the NCAR has forced the European Union to
emissions of heat trapping greenhouse gases by 70% announce the cuts.
this century. The analysis was done by scientists at the


(d)As all the nations have decided to cut emissions of (a)Because they realized that the temperature increase
carbon , dioxide. was almost about degree
(e)None of these (b)So that they could stabilize the climate change
Q281. (c)So that they could help the European Union in cutting
What would NOT be one of the impacts of cutting the Carbon dioxide emissions
greenhouse gas emissions ? (d)Because they found out that the greenhouse gas
(a)Temperatures will stop emissions , could be cut by 70%
(b)ice in the Arctic sea would melt at a slower pace, (e)To examine the impacts of emission cuts on climate
(c) The rise in sea level would be lesser Q287.
(d)All of die above would be the impact What would be the impact of holding the carbon dioxide
(e)None of these level at 450 ppm at the end of this century ?
Q282. (A) Global temperatures would increase by 6 degrees
What would be the impact of unchecked greenhouse gas Celsius.
and carbon dioxide emissions ? (B) Arctic warming would be reduced by half
(a) The temperature would rise from the current (C) Thermal expansion will stop completely.
temperature by 2.2 degrees Celsius (a)Only (A)
(b)The sea level would rise by about 5.5 inches (b)Only (A) and (B)
(c)The arctic ice would stabilize by 2100 (c)Only (B) and (C)
(d)The arctic ice would reduce by one fourth (d)All the three (A), (B) and (C)
(e)None of these (e)None of these
What can be the most appropriate title of the above Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
passage ? answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(a)A study of the rise in water level phrases are printed in bold to help you to locate
(b)A study of rise in temperatures them while answering some of the questions.
(c) A study of the effects of greenhouse gas emissions The outside world has pat answers concerning
(d) A study of the Arctic region extremely impoverished countries, especially those in
(e) A study of change in seasons Africa. Everything comes back, again and again, to
Q284. corruption and misrule. Western officials argue that
Which of the following statements is TRUE in context of Africa simply needs to behave itself better, to allow
the passage? market forces to operate without interference by corrupt
(a)At present the carbon dioxide emission is about 284 rulers. Yet the critics of African governance have it
ppm. wrong. Politics simply cant explain Africans prolonged
(b)The carbon dioxide emissions will be about 450 ppm economic crisis. The claim that Africans corruption is the
at the end of this century if unchecked. basic source of the problem does not withstand serious
(c)The carbon dioxide emission was about 380 ppm scrutiny. During the past decade i witnessed how
during the preindustrial era. relatively well governed countries in Africa, such as
(d)The carbon dioxide emissions will be about 750 ppm Ghana, Malawi, Mali and Senegal, failed to prosper,
at the end of this century if unchecked. whereas societies in Asia perceived to have extensive
(e) None of these corruption, such as Bangladesh, indonesia and Pakistan,
Q285. enjoyed rapid economic growth. What is the
What does the scientists Varrer Washington mean when explanation? Every situation of extreme poverty around
he says we could stabilize the threat of climate change ? the world contains some of its own unique causes, which
(a) Climate change can be stopped completely. need to be diagnosed as a doctor would a patient. For
(b) Climate change can be regularized. example, Africa is burdened with malaria like no other
(c)Climate change and its effects can be studied part of the world, simply because it is unlucky in
extensively . providing the perfect conditions for that disease high
(d)The ill effects of the change in climate can be temperatures, plenty of breeding sites and particular
minimized. species of malaria transmitting mosquitoes that prefer to
(e)None of these bite humans rather than cattle. Another myth is that the
Q286. developed world already gives plenty of aid to the
Why did Washington and his colleagues conduct a series world’s poor. Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Paul
of studies? O Neil expressed a common frustration when he


remarked about aid for Africa Wave spent trillions of According to the Westerners the solution to eradicate
dollars on these problems and we have damn near poverty of African nations lies in
nothing to show for it. O Neil was no of foreign aid. (a)corruption
indeed, he wanted to fix the system so that more U.S. aid (b)improving their own national behaviour
could be Justified. But he was wrong to believe that vast (c)misrule
flows of aid to Africa had been squandered. President (d)prolonged economic Crisis
Bush said in a press conference in April 2004 that as the (e)None of these
greatest power on the face of the earth, we have an Q290.
obligation to help the spread of freedom. We have an The author has given the example of Bangladesh,
obligation to feed the hungry. Yet how does the U.S. fulfill Indonesia and Pakistan in support of his argument that
its obligation? U.S. aid to farmers in poor countries to (a)corruption is the major culprit in the way of
help them grow more food runs at around $200 million prosperity
per year, far less than $1 per person per year for the (b) misgovernance hampers the prosperity of nations
hundreds of millions of people living in subsistence farm (c) despite rampant corruption, nations may prosper
households. From the world as a whole, the amount of (d)developed nations arrogantly neglect
aid per African per year is really very small, just $30 per underdeveloped countries
sub-Saharan African in 2002. Of that modest amount, (e)None of these
almost $5 was actually for consultants from the donor Q291.
countries, more than $3 was for emergency aid, about $4 The author has mentioned Ghana as a country with
went for servicing Africans debts and $ 5 was for debt (a)reasonably good governance
relief operations. The rest, about $12, went to Africa. (b)corrupt leadership
Since the money down the drain argument is heard most (c)plenty of natural resources
frequently in the U.S., its worth looking at the same (d)rapid economic growth
calculations for U.S. aid alone. in 2002, the U.S. gave $3 (e)None of these
per sub Saharan African. Taking out the parts for U.S. Q292.
consultants and technical cooperation, food and other The cases of malaria in Africa are mainly due to
emergency aid, administrative costs and debt relief, the (A)high temperature
aid per African carried to grand total of 6 cents. The U.S. (B)climatic conditions conducive for breeding.
has promised repeatedly over the decades, as a signatory (C)malaria carriers liking for human blood in preference
to global agreements like the Monterrey Consensus to that of cattle.
of2002, to give a much larger proportion of its annual (a)None of these
output, specifically up to 0.7% of GNP, to official (b)Only B and C
development assistance. The U.S. failure to follow (c)Only A and C
through has no political fallout domestically, of course, (d)Only A and B
because not one in a million U.S. citizens even knows of (e)All the three
statements like the Monterrey Consensus. But no one Q293.
should underestimate the salience that it has around the The remark of former U.S. Sec retry of the treasury, Paul
world. Spin as American might about their nations O Neil is according to the author
generosity, the poor countries are fully aware of what (a)a statement of fact
the U.S. is not doing. (b)not factually correct
Q288. (c)ail underestimation of U.S. aid
The passage Seems to emphasize that the outside world (d)a ruthless remark by an arrogant bureaucrat
has (e)None of these
(a)correct understanding about the reasonable aid Q294.
provided by the USA to the poor countries President Bush’s statement in a Press Conference in
(b)definite information about what is happening in April 2004 indicates that
under developed countries (a)the aid given by the U.S. to the poor countries is
(c)stopped extending any financial aid to substantial and sufficient
underdeveloped countries (b)the spread of freedom cannot be achieved through
(d)misconceptions about the aid given to the poor financial aid
nations by developed countries (c)feeding the hungry millions outside the U.S. is not
(e)None of these possible


(d)the U.S., on its own, assumes the obligation of helping be parachute dropped by politicians or law courts.
the poor countries Companies themselves know that CSR makes good sense,
(e)U.S. has spent trillions of dollars on aid winning hearts and building brands. But for CSR to not
Q295. be merely decorative or purely manipulative in the sense
Which of the following statements is TRUE about U.S. aid of deflecting attention from bad practices, companies
to the sub-Saharan African countries? main focus must be on core operations. What counts first
(a)The U.S. aid meant for per capita African does not is corporate performance driven by efficiency, ethics and
reach the incumbent good governance. That’s how business keeps faith with
(b)The U.S. aid to African countries is more than that for shareholders, delivers quality products and services to
any other developing or underdeveloped nation consumers, creates jobs and spurs economic growth.
(c)The U.S. aid for farmers in , African countries is $ 200 And that’s also how it best benefits society.
m. per year Q297.
(d)The donor country charges $ 5 per individual as the Business can keep helping the society by
consultancy charges (a)winning hearts by investing more in social activities
(e)U.S. has been contributing Y more than 0.7% of its (b)improving their performance, efficiency which results
GNP for development assistance in economic growth
Q296. (c)building brands and competing images
The purpose of the author in writing this passage seems (d)spending larger share of their profit on GSR
to. (e) None of these
(a)criticize USA for riot providing adequate financial Q298.
help Which of the following best explains the meaning of the
(b) make Africans realize their own problems phrase mandating without mandating ?
(c)analyze the actual quantum of aid against the (a)motivating without faking it compulsory
perceived one (b)mandating and then taking a U turn
(d) highlight how American leaders are power-hungry (c)a complete self-willed exercise
(e)None of these (d)mandating by incentivizing
(e)None of these
Direction : Read the following passage to answer the Q299.
given questions. Which of the social causes, for which expenditure under
At first glance, the government seems to have done a CSR may be made, are indicated in the passage?
Upturn on imposing a mandatory 2 percent expenditure (a)Providing legal service to those who cannot afford it
from company , profits on corporate social (b)Expenditure on building image of new products
responsibility. The Companies Bill reportedly wont have (c)Educating the masses in areas where literacy rate is
this provision. Look closer, and its a case of mandating low
without mandating as an industry voice describes it The (d)Not indicated in the passage
reworked proposal, its said, asks firms to have a formal (e)None of these
CSR policy targeting a 2 percent spend, and to furnish Q300.
details of funds going to social causes in annual reports. According to the author, CSR spend should be
in other words, while keeping up a technical pretence of (a)two percent of Companies profits
not legally arm-twisting india inc, the Centre seeks to (b)targeted up to two percent of Companies profit ,
exert heavy moral pressure by stipulating disclosures if (c)two percent of Companies turnover
not actual expenditure. To quote the corporate affairs (d) somewhere in between one to two percent of
minister, CSR spending wont be voluntary or mandatory Companies , profits
but somewhere in between i Why this grey area, unless (e) completely voluntary
the government wants leeway to play guilt inducing big Q301.
brother ?Social spending should be self willed, not least Which of the following best explains the meaning of the
because indian firms have a good record already. To phrase parachute dropped?
boost private participation in social service further, the (a)land safely
government should offer incentives such as CSR credits (b)take under, ones fold
or tax benefits. At the same time, the legal system can (c)to bringing from outside
rap firms that violate, say, green norms or cause other (d)fed on continuous Basis
forms of public damage. As the finance minister (e)protected without commitment
conceded only recently, corporate social conscience cant Q302.


Which of the following best explains the meaning of the like the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) that was
phrase keeps faith with ? launched some years ago. Early reports suggest that the
(a)remains committed draft norms for various sectors consuming water will be
(b)follows up created by the BWE soon. The alarm bells have been
(c)treats as God ringing for some years now. Water availability per capita
(d)seeks allegiance from government in india has fallen from about 5 million liters in the
(e)has strategic alliance 1050s to 1.3 million liters in 2010 that’s a staggering 75
Q303. percent drop in 50 years. Nearly 60 percent of indians
CSR spending won’t be voluntary or mandatory but aquifers have slumped to critical levels in just the last 15
somewhere in between i Why this grey area, unless the years. The rate at which bore wells are being plunged in
government wants leeway to play guilt inducing big every city with no law to ban such extraction,
brother? Which of the following best explains the above? groundwater tables have depleted alarmingly. The BEEs
(a)To make them feel bad efforts in the last seven years have only been cosmetic.
(b)To ensure that they do what is stipulated The bureau has looked at efficiency rating systems for
(c)To harass them by highhandedness white goods in the domestic sector, and has not paid
(d)Providing support like a big brother to those who attention to the massive consumption of energy in
together line metals manufacture, paper, and textiles. These sectors
(e)Exploiting grey area to ones own advantage by are very intense in both energy and water consumption.
companies But very little attention has been paid to the water and
Q304. energy used per tone of steel or cement or aluminum
Which of the following would increase private that we buy, and without significant changes in these
participation in social service? areas, the overall situation is unlikely to change. Use of
(a)imposing a mandatory expenditure on such activities water is inextricably interlinked with energy. One does
(b)Not imposing a mandatory expenditure on such not exist without the other. The BWE should steer clear
activities of the early mistakes of BEE of focusing on the softer
(c)Offering tax concessions on expenditure on such targets in the domestic sector. Nearly SO percent of fresh
activities water is used by agriculture, with industry coming a
(d)Advising them not to bother about CSR close second. The domestic sectors consumption of fresh
(e)Trying to artificially build corporate social conscience water is in single digit. So the BWEs priority should be to
Q305. look at measures that will get farmers and industrialists
Which of the following is being referred to as grey area ? to follow good practices in water use. Water resources
(a)Earning profit and doing social work have to be made, by law, an indivisible national asset.
(b)Either CSR Credits or tax benefits The protection and withdrawal of this resource, as well
(c)Neither mandatory nor voluntary as its sustainable development are of general importance
(d)Financially supporting as well as arm-twisting india and therefore in the public interest. This will mean that
(e)Role of State Central Government individuals and organisations may own land but not
Q306. water or the other resources that lie below the first 20
As far as social work service contribution is concerned, metres of the surface of those lands. Drilling of bore
Indian Companies have wells into such national assets will have to be banned, or
(a)dismal record at the very least they must be regulated. What would be
(b)good record more sensible for the new water bureau to do would be
(c) lackadaisical approach to look at some of the low hanging fruits that can be
(d)always abided by the minimum spending stipulation plucked, and pretty quickly, with laws that cam emanate
(e)resisted for any mandatory imposition from the Centre, without the risk of either dilution or
inaction from state administrations. The other tactical
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and approach that the BWE can adopt is to devise a policy
answer the questions given below it. Certain words that addresses the serious water challenge in industry
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate segments across a swathe of companies this will be
them while answering some of the questions. easier than taking on the more disparate domestic sector
It was in the offing. With shortages mounting across the which hurts the water crisis less than industry.
board for water as they are for energy, it was only implementing a law is more feasible when the
inevitable that the Central government would be stirred concentration is dense and identifiable. industry offers
into starting a Bureau of Water Efficiency (BWE), much this advantage more than the domestic or the


commercial sector of hotels and offices. As for (a)By encouraging them to consume more rice instead of
agriculture, though the countries water requirement is daily and thereby reduce the amount of water
as high as 80 percent, the growing of water within the consumption.
loop in agriculture de risks the challenge of any (b)By providing them more insight into the water
perceived deficit. Rice, wheat, sugarcane are crops that consumption cycle of the textile, aluminium and steel
need water logging, which ensures groundwater industries.
restoration. Surface water evaporation doesn’t amount (c)By making them aware of the linkages between water
to any more than 78 percent and only strengthens consumption for daily activities and the resource
precipitation and rainfall. Agriculture and water need is utilization and subsequent ecological destruction
not quite as much a threat as industry and domestic associated with it. ,
sectors that account for the rest of the 20 percent. The (d)By publishing research findings of experts in popular
primary challenge in industry and the building sector is media whereby people gain awareness on the impact of
that no conscious legal measures have been enacted that water misuse.
stipulate growing your own water with measures that (e)By conducting elaborate drives which notify the ban
will put all water in a loop in any residential or population about the penalties levied on misuse of water
commercial building. This involves treating all used resources.
water to a grade that it can be upcyled for use in flush Q308.
tanks and for gardens across all our cities with the Why according to the author, is the Water consumption
polluter owning the responsibility for treating and for for agricultural activities the least risky?
reuse. The drop in fresh water demand can be dramatic (a)Proportion of water consumed for agricultural
with such upeyde, reuse, and recycle of treated water. activities is much less as compared to that consumed for
Water by itself in industry and the domestic sector, is not domestic told industrial purposes.
as much a challenge as pollution of water. Not enough (b)Most farmers are aware of the popular methods of
measures exist yet to ensure that such polluters shift the water conservation and hence do not allow wastage of
water back for reuse. if legislation can ensure that water water.
is treated and reused for specific purposes within (c)Water is fairly recycled through groundwater
industry as well as in the domestic sector, this will make restoration due to water logging and surface water
all the difference to the crisis on fresh water. So is the evaporation.
case in industry, especially in sectors like textiles, (d)Farmers in india mostly cultivate crops that require
aluminum and steel. Agriculture offers us the amusing less amount of water.
irony of the educated urbanites dependent on cereals (e)None of these
like rice and wheat that consume 4006 liters of water for Q309.
every Kilogram, while the farmer lives on the more Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate
nutritious millets that consume less than half the title for the passage?
quantity. Sugarcane consumes as much as 12,000 litre is (a)Water Challenges in the New Millennium
of water for a kilo of cane that you buy 1A listing of such (b)The Bureau of Water Efficiency Vs the Bureau of
correlations of water used by every product that we use Energy Efficiency
n our daily lives will make much better sense than any (c)Unchecked Urban Consumption of Water
elaborate rating system from the newly formed BWE. (d)Challenges of the Agricultural Sector and Water
Such sensitizing with concerted awareness campaigns Resources
that the new Bureau drives will impact the urban (e)The Route to Conservation of Water Resources
consumer more than all the research findings that Q310.
experts can present. What is important for us is to What does low hanging fruits that can be plucked, and
understand the life cycle impact in a way that we seethe pretty quickly mean in the context of the passage?
connect between a product that we use and the (a)The bureau should employ the cheapest methods
resources it utilizes up to the point where we bring the possible to effectively control the current situation of
visible connect to destruction of natural resources of our improper usage of water resources.
ecosystems. (b)The bureau should target the industrial sector as well
Q307. as the domestic sector to reduce water wastage.
How, according to the author, can the bureau Sensitize (c)The bureau should target the agricultural sector only
the urban consumer about careful utilization of water ? for producing quick results in reducing wastage of water,
(d)The bureau should ensure that all the state officials
concerned with the measures are actively involved.


(e)The bureau should start with adopting measures Which of the following is TRUE about the Bureau of
which are simple to execute and produce immediate Energy Efficiency, in the context of the passage?
results in reducing water wastage. (A)it failed to pay adequate attention to industries like
Q311. metal, textiles, etc in terms of energy consumption.
Which of the following, according to the author, is the (B)it focused on rating systems for efficient use of goods
indications of a water crisis? in the domestic sector.
(A)Many agrarian areas in the country are facing a (C)it mostly focused on the energy consumption in the
drought like situation. domestic sector.
(B)Almost three fifth of the naturally available water has (a)Only (A) and (C)
been reduced to a very critical level in a relatively short (b)Only (A) and (B)
span of time. (c)Only (A)
(C)There has been a significant drop in the availability of (d)Only (B) and (C)
water over the past fifty years (e)All (A). (B) and (C)
(a)Only (B)
(b)Only (A) and (C) Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(c)Only (C) answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(d)Only (B) and (C) phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) them while answering some of the questions.
Q312. The price of gold has gone up from $ 256 an ounce in
The author suggests that the Bureau of Water Efficiency 2001 to $ 1,424. Meanwhile, price levels have struggled
devises a strategy or makes laws to meet water or crashed with respect to almost all other asset classes.
challenges in the industrial segments rather than the Central banks have slashed interest rates. Yet gold
domestic segments because prices, it has been predicted, may go up and up. The
(a)The industrial sector is the only one that is in a many reasons for this renewed love are convincing.
position to reduce its water consumption by a significant interestingly, not long ago pundits had predicted the end
margin. of gold as the world’s default asset class and were
(b)There is comparatively less serious water misuse in clubbing it with commodities. it appears that the yellow
the domestic sector metal is making a comeback to reassert the preeminence
(c)it would be easy to identify the consumption patterns it has enjoyed for 5,000 years of history. its supply is
in the industrial sector because of its density and falling. No new mines have been discovered. The existing
visibility ones are getting exhausted, and miners are digging as
(d)The industrial sector would be capable of paying the deep as 5 km. Gold content in ore has come down from
fines levied by the Bureau for water misuse whereas the almost 12 gm. a tonne to 2 gm. And it costs more and
domestic sector would be in no such position. more to take that out. Environmental concerns have also
(e)The industrial sector would-be easier to manage in contributed to mine owners problems. The wages of
terms of making them understand the importance of miners are going up so is the cost of providing them
water conservation. safety and security. Emerging economies such as China
Q313. and india are accumulating gold in order to reduce their
Which of the following, according to the author, is are dependence on the dollar. While the U. S. has a reserve of
the step s that the Bureau of Water Efficiency can take to 9,200 tonnes of gold, China has 1,054 tonnes and india
ensure proper utilization of water resources? 565 tonnes. No wonder, as emerging economic
(A)Put in place measures that ensure proper water superpowers China and india want to add to the
usage. reserves. industrial use of gold is on the rise the world
(B)Concentrate on the water consumption patterns of over. With the U. S. economy still drifting with the threat
the domestic sector alone. of the dollar losing its undisputed position of reserve
(C)Monitor carefully the activity of digging bore wells. currency the rush to gold is increasing. Added to all this
(a)Only (A) and (C). is the rekindled investor preference for gold. Money is
(b)Only (A) and (B) moving away from mutual funds and equities and the
(c)Only (A) once fashionable and often discredited hedge funds are
(d)Only (B) and (C) also getting into gold, Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) channeling ever more funds to gold. Some pension funds
Q314. are increasing the proportion of gold in their basket of
assets. Given all this, gold can go nowhere but up. That is


the consensus. Everyone seems to be joining the new practical use by itself, will negate the there is none
gold rush. But is everything well with gold ? Or is it a supply theory. Someone somewhere is watching for the
bubble building up? Consider the conventional wisdom. perfect moment to disgorge the hoard, to create sudden
Money generally gets distributed, though not in any fixed panic and buy up following a crash. There is ho sign that,
proportion, among assets such as real estate, stocks, a crash is going to come tomorrow, or for that matter
cash, government securities, gold, commodities, and in next year or the year, after, it may still go up for two or
new investments in factories and machinery. There is no five 6r even 10 years. But crash it will, if we are (go by
State of equilibrium in a global economy. Money gets the economic history of boom and bust. Also, the higher
transferred across geographical boundaries and asset it goes and the longer it stays there, the more painful the
classes based on anticipated gains. As long as the flow is crash is going to be, especially for india, indians sit on an
reasonable and is generally in line with the increase in estimated 18,000 bonnes. india has always had the
returns, this works well. But when everyone rushes to largest gold reserve with individuals. imagine what will
the same destination, we are looking for trouble. Excess happen to millions of indians if gold were to crash. A
demand, though often artificial, creates excess supply, as crash of gold will be the crash of the indian economy.
in the case of real estate. Excess supply leads to price That should make us more responsible. That makes it
crashes is something similar happening in gold ? The imperative for our economists to track gold movement.
general consensus is no. Gold is different. it has never let That makes it important for our financial wizards to
anyone down in 5,000 years. it is indestructible. its prevent a bubble in gold, That should force us to act
supply is limited. The argument in the case of gold is that before it happens. Never in history have we had so much
excess demand cannot create excess supply as the total idle money chasing so little gold. Gold is losing its
world supply is limited. But this time it is different. is it respect as the default and failsafe asset class and
really so ? Gold has also gone up and down in the past. it becoming a speculative instrument. This shift of gold
was $ 424 an ounce in 1990 before crashing to $ 255 in from being an item of passive wealth to an instrument of
2001. Still, it moves only within a range and huge speculation is dangerous. Gold is being talked up by
fluctuations are not possible in gold, argue some people, crafty, speculators and unsuspecting governments. And
Actually, gold gave much better returns in the 1980s, these predictions are being made by those sitting On
only to stagnate and lose those gains in the 1990s.A gold worth billions of dollars bought at yesterdays
crash of gold prices could be the ultimate crash, nothing prices.
like we have seen. No one has managed to discredit the Q315.
yellow metal in 5,000 years. But it appears that for the Which of the following best explains when everyone
first time in history the ETFs, the hedge funds and the rushes to the same destination in the context of the
governments are about to do the undoable. The fact that passage ?
it has not already happened is no guarantee that it will (a)Only real estate is invested in by a majority.
not happen. Look at all the easy money coining into gold. (b)A majority invests in everything else except for gold.
All those who have shifted money from1 real estate, (c)Everyone wants to become rich at the same time
mutual funds, pension funds, hedge funds and stocks are (d) Everyone rushes to the same place in order to buy
pouring it into gold. Gold ETFs are the fastest growing gold.
investment vehicles today. This is all real quick money, (e)Nothing else but gold is invested in by a majority.
but can evaporate at the click of a key. Of course, Q316.
governments such as China and india are also betting on Which of the following is are the general opinions about
gold and increasing their reserves. But then, whoever gold ?
said governments can make no mistakes? The intrinsic (A)its supply, although limited, will be able to meet its
value of gold has not gone up from $ 255 to $ 1,424 in 10 demand.
years, Gold is not consumed heavily like oil or grain. (B)The price of gold will keep on increasing.
industrial use of gold is limited. Gold is the most recycled (C)it is the best investment at present.
commodity. Of the annual production of 2,500 tonnes, (a)Only (A) and (C)
about 50 percent goes to make jewellery and it is almost (b)Only (A) and (B)
entirely recycled, The rest goes to industrial and other (c)Only (A)
uses, and even here the recycling rate is high. in other (d)Only (B) and (C)
words, all that demand is artificial and can be deflated in (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
no time. There is no need to have excess supply to lead to Q317.
a price crash, unlike other products. The sheer fact that What is the authors opinion about investment in gold?
gold is only a hedge instrument and does not serve any (a)it should not be invested in at all.


(b)China should invest more in gold in order to reduce (d)The amount of gold actually needed by industries and
its de pendency on the dollar. oth1ers is much lower and the amount quoted has been
(c)it should be invested in sparingly. hyped by the government.
(d) it is the only lucrative investment of the future (e)None of these
(e) The government should invest more in gold instead Q322.
of other assets, Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate
Q318. title for the passage?
Which of the following is TRUE, in the context of the (a)Gold and its Uses
passage?. (b)Governments investment in the Yellow Metal
(A) Gold is being increasingly used for industrial (c)Gold Consumption Worldwide
purposes the world over. (d)The Bubble Around the Yellow Metal
(B)India has lesser gold reserve as compared to US and (e)investment in Gold Alone The Way Ahead
(C)Countries like US and China have now stopped Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
investing in gold for fear of its prices crashing. answer the questions given below it, Certain words
(a)Only (A) and (C) phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
(b)Only (A) and (B) them while answering some of the questions.
(c)Only (A) India’s colleges and universities, with just a few
(d)Only (B) and (C) exceptions, have become large, underfunded,
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) ungovernable institutions. At many of them, politics has
Q319. intruded into campus life, influencing academic
What is the authors fear with regard to gold ? appointments and decisions across levels. Under
(a)its limited supply will affect the operations of most investment in libraries, information technology,
industries in india. laboratories, and classrooms makes it very difficult to
(b)its surging demand will not be met with an adequate provide top-quality instruction or engage in cutting edge
supply and will bring about a downturn in the indian research. The rise in the number of part-time teachers
economy. and the freeze on new fulltime appointments in many
(c)its prices will suddenly dip which in turn will places have affected morale in the academic profession.
adversely affect many people in india. The lack of accountability means that teaching and
(d)it will become a commodity so highly priced that no research performance is seldom measured. The system
indian, will be able to buy it. provides few incentives to perform. Bureaucratic inertia
(e)None of these hampers change. Student unrest and occasional faculty
Q320. agitation disrupt operations.(4)Only (B) and (C)(4)All
Which of the following, according to the passage, is are (A), (B) and (C)i Nevertheless, with a semblance of
the reasons for the increase in gold prices? normality, faculty administrators are able to provide
(A)Failure in discovering new mines. teaching, coordinate examinations, and award degrees,
(B)Depleting content of gold in ores. Even the small top tier of higher education faces serious
(C)increase in the remuneration of miners. problems. Many iiT graduates, well trained in
(a)Only (B) technology, have chosen not to contribute their skills to
(b)Only (A) and (C) the burgeoning technology sector in india. Half leave the
(c) Only (C) country immediately upon graduation to pursue
(d)all advanced study abroad and most do not return. A
(e)None of these stunning 86 percent of students in science and
Q321. technology fields from india who obtain degrees in the
Why, according to the author, is the demand for gold United States do not return home immediately following
artificial ? their study. Another significant group, of about 30
(a)Most gold that is used is also recycled and there is no percent, decides to earn MBAs in india because local
need for fresh supply. salaries are higher — and are lost to science and
(b)industries demand gold for the purpose of stocking technology. A corps of dedicated and able teachers work
and do not actually use it for any process. at the iits and iiMs, but the lure of jobs abroad and in the
(c)The supply of gold is too little as compared to its private sector makes it increasingly difficult to retain the
demand thereby making it artificial. best and brightest to the academic profession. Few in
india are thinking creatively about higher education.


There is no field of higher education research. Those in class professors and students and a culture to sustain
government as well as academic leaders seem content to and stimulate them.
do the same old thing. Academic institutions and systems Q323.
have become large and complex. They need good data, What, according to the author, is the shortfall of our
careful analysis, and creative ideas. in China, more than government officials as well as academicians when it
two dozen higher education research centers, and comes to higher education?
several government agencies are involved in higher (a)They are of the opinion that india has the best system
education policy for optimum planning. india has of higher education in the world.
survived with an increasingly mediocre higher education (b)They believe that it is the responsibility of private
system for decades. Now as india strives to compete in a institutions to bring about a change in higher education.
globalised economy in areas that require highly trained (c)They are unaware of the new developments in the
professionals, the quality of higher education becomes field of higher education
increasingly important. So far, India’s large educated (d)They are unwilling to invest money in higher
population base and its reservoir of at least moderately education despite getting sufficient grants for the
well trained university graduates have permitted the purpose.
country to move ahead. But the competition is fierce. (e)They do not think innovatively in the
China in particular is heavily investing in improving its direction of bringing about a change in higher education
best universities with the aim of making a small group of and are stuck in a rut.
them world class in the coming decade, and making a Q324.
larger number internationally competitive research Which of the following is are the problems faced by
universities. To compete successfully in the Indian colleges and universities?
knowledgebase economy of the 21st century. india needs (A)Political interference in decision-making
enough universities that not only produce bright (B)Lack of funding necessary for improvement in
graduates for export but can also support sophisticated classrooms, libraries, etc.
research in a number of scientific and scholarly fields (C)Hiring of teachers on a part time basis only.
and produce at least some of the knowledge and (a)Only (A)
technology needed for an expanding economy. How can (b)Only (B) and (C)
india build a higher education system that will permit it (c)Only (C)
to join developed economies? The newly emerging (d)Only (A) and (B),
private sector in higher education cannot spearhead (e) All (A), (B)and(C)
academic growth. Several of the well endowed and Q325.
effectively managed private institutions maintain Which of the following steps has China taken to improve
reasonably high standards, although it is not clear higher education?
whether these institutions will be able to sustain (A)Their education policy formation involves many
themselves in the long run. They can help produce well governmental bodies for thoughtful planning.
qualified graduates in such fields as management, but (B)They are sanctioning grants to their teachers to
they cannot form the basis for comprehensive research facilitate the improvement process.
universities. This sector lacks the resources to build the (C)They are investing in universities to make them
facilities required for quality instruction and research in internationally competitive.
the sciences. Most of the private institutions do not focus (a)Only (B)
on advanced training in the sciences.Only public (b)Only (A) and (C).
universities have the potential to be truly world class (c) Only (C)
institutions But these institutions have not been (d)Only (B) and (C)
adequately or consistently supported. The top (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
institutions require sustained funding from public Q326.
sources. Academic salaries must be high enough to How, according to the author, has India progressed
attract excellent scientists and scholars. Fellowships and despite a mediocre higher education system?
other grants should be available for bright students. An (a)By borrowing ideas as well as technology from the
academic culture that is based on meritbased norms and west.
competition for advancement, and research funds is a (b)By convincing the world that it is more
necessary component, as is a judicious mix of autonomy knowledgeable than it actually is.
to do creative research and accountability to ensure (c)On the basis of its fairly competent graduates and a
productivity. World class universities require world large number of educated population


(d)Because of its sound and progressive economic (d)Only (Bland (C)
policies. (e)Only (A)
(e)On the basis of the goodwill accumulated by it over
the years, Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
Q327. answer the questions given below it. Certain words
Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate arc printed in bold to help you to locate them while
title for the passage? answering some of the questions
(a)Literacy in india In a reversal of the norm elsewhere, in india
(b)State of Higher Education in india policymakers and economists have become optimists
(c)Top Universities of india while bosses do the wonting. The countries Central Bank
(d)Educational institutes in india has predicted that the countries economy is likely to
(e)Comparative Study of Higher Education in india and grow at a double digit rate during the next 20 - 30 years.
China india has the capability with its vast labour and lauded
Q328. entrepreneurial spirit. But the private sector which is
Which of the following problems do top institutes in supposed to do the heavy lifting that turns india from the
India face in terms of contribution to academics? world’s tenth largest economy to its third largest by
(A)The teachers of these institutes get enticed by the 2030 has become fed up. Business people of the carp
openings in foreign countries. about India’s problems but their irritation this time has
(B)Many graduates from these institutes find a nervous edge. in the first quarter of 2011, GDP grew at
opportunities abroad and never return, an annual rate of 7.8 percent in 2005-07 it managed 910
(C)Graduates from these institutes who do not migrate percent. The economy may be slowing naturally as the
to foreign countries are unfit for teaching in these low interest rates and public spending that got india
institutes. through the global crisis are belatedly withdrawn. At the
(a)Only (A) same time the surge in inflation caused by exorbitant
(b)Only (C) food prices has spread more widely, casting doubt over
(c)Only (B) and (C) whether india can grow at 810 percent in the medium
(d)Only (A) and (B) term without overheating in india, as in many fast
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) growing nations, the confidence to invest depends on the
Q329. conviction that the long term trajectory is intact and it is
Which of the following is TRUE, in the context of the that which is in doubt. Big indian firms too sometimes
passage? seem happier to invest abroad than at home, in deals
(A)Private universities, are well equipped to produce that are often hailed as symbols of the countries growing
graduates who can conduct research. clout but sometimes speak to its weaknesses purchases
(B)India needs more universities that can cater to of natural resources that india has in abundance but
research studies in different scientific fields. struggles to get out of the ground. in fact a further dip in
(C)India should completely stop graduates from leaving investment could be self-fulfilling if fewer roads, ports
the country to pursue a career, and factories are built, this will hurt both short term
(a)Only (B) growth figures and reduce the economies long term
(b)Only (A) and (B) capacity .There is a view that because a fair amount of
(c)Only (A) growth is assured the government need not very hard.
(d)Only (B) and (C) The liberalisation reforms that began in 1991 freed
(e) All (A), (B) and (C) markets for products and gave rise to vibrant
Q330. competition, at the same time what economists call
What, according to the author, is are the steps that can factor markets, those for basic inputs like land, power,
make Indian universities world class ? labour etc remain formed and largely under state
(A)Students need to be given independence to conduct control, which creates difficulties. Clearances today can
research take three to four years and many employers are keen to
(B)Remuneration of teachers should be increased replace workers with machines despite an abundance of
(C)Proper support in the form of funds should be labour force. This can be attributed to labour laws which
provided to universities are inimical to employee creation and art education
(a)Only (A) and (B) system that means finding quality manpower a major
(b)Only (C) problem. in fact the Planning Commission, concluded
(c)All (A), (B) and (C) that even achieving 9 percent growth will need marked


policy action in unreformed sectors. Twenty years ago it What is the authors main objective in writing the
was said that the yardstick against which india should be passage ?
measured was its potential and it is clear that there (a)Showcasing the potential of indias growth potential
remains much to do. to entice foreign investors
Q331. (b)Exhorting india to implement measures to live up to
Why are employers reluctant to hire Indian labour force? its potential
(A)Indias labour force is over qualified for the (c)Recommending indias model of development to other
employment opportunities available developing countries
(B)High attrition rate among employees stemming from (d)Berating the private sector for not bidding for
their preneurial spirit. infrastructure development projects
(C)Labour laws are not conducive to generating (e)Criticising the measures taken by india during the
employment. global economic crisis
(a)Only (C) Q336.
(b)All (A), (B) and (C) What measures do experts suggest be taken to ensure
(c)Only (A) and (C) targeted economic growth?
(d)Only (A) and (B) (a)Lowering of interest rates to help industries hit by
(e)None of these recession
Q332. (b)Prolonged financial support for basic input industries
What is the state of lndias basic input sectors at present? (c)incentives to indian companies to invest in
(a)These sectors attract Foreign Direct investment infrastructure
because of their vast potential. (d)Formulation of policies and their implementation in
(b)These sectors are lagging as projects are usually factor markets
awarded to foreign companies. (e)Stringent implementation of licensing system
(c)These sectors are stagnating and badly in need of
reforms. Direction : Read the following, passage carefully and
(d)These sectors are well regulated as these are answer the questions given below it. Certain words
governed by the State phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
(e)None of these them while answering some of the questions.
Q333. In February 2010 the Medical Council of india
Which of the following can be said about the Indian announced a major change in the regulation governing
economy at present? the establishment of medical colleges. With this change,
(a)it can comfortably achieve double digit growth rate at corporate entities were permitted to open medical
present. colleges. The new regulation also carried the following
(b)High food prices have led to overheating of the warning permission shall be withdrawn if the colleges
economy. resort to commercialization. Since the regulation does
(c)Citizens are affluent owing to laxity in regulation. not elaborate on what constitutes resorting to
(d)Private sector confidence in indias growth potential commercialization, this will presumably be a matter left
is high to the discretion of the Government. A basic requirement
(e)Unreformed sectors are a drag on economic growth. for a new medical college is a preexisting hospital that
Q334. will serve as a teaching hospital. Corporate entities have
What impact has the GDP growth of 8 percent had? hospitals in the major metros and that is where they will
(A)Indian industry is anxious about Indias economic have to locate medical colleges, The earlier mandated
growth. land requirement for a medical college campus,
(B)India has achieved status as the world’s third largest minimum of 25 acres of contiguous land, cannot be
economy at present. fulfilled in the metros. Not surprisingly, yet another
(C)Foreign investment in India has drastically increased. tweak has been made in the regulation, prescribing 10
(a)Only (A) acres as the new minimum campus size for 9 cities
(b)All (A), (B) & (C) including the main metros. With this, the stage is set for
(c)Only (A) & (C) corporate entities to enter the medical education market.
(d)Only (A) & (B) Until now, medical education in india has been projected
(e)None of these as a not for profit activity to be organised for the public
Q335. good. While private bodies can run medical colleges,
these can only be societies or trusts, legally nonprofit


organizations. in opening the door to corporate colleges, course. The study and training would happen at two
thus, a major polity change has been effected without different levels Community Health Centers for 18
changing the law or even a discussion in Parliament, but months, and sub divisional hospitals for a further period
by simply getting a compliant MCI to change the of 2 years and be conducted by retired professors. After
regulation on establishment of medical colleges. This and completion of training, they would only be able to serve
other changes have been justified in the name of in their own state in district hospitals, community health
addressing the shortage of doctors At the same time, centres, and primary health centres. The BRMS proposal
over 50, existing medical colleges, including 15 run by has invited sharp criticism from some doctors
the government, have been prohibited from admitting organisations on the grounds that it is discriminatory to
students in 2010 for having failed to meet the basic have two different standards of health care one for
standards prescribed. Ninety percent of these colleges urban and the other for rural areas, mid that the health
have come up in the last 5 years. Particularly shocking is care provided by such graduates will be compromised.
the phenomenon of government colleges falling short of At the other end is the opinion expressed by some that
standards approved by the Government. Why are state something is better than nothing, that since doctors do
government institutions not able to meet the not want to serve in rural areas, the government may as
requirements that have been approved by the central well create a new cadre of medics who will be obliged to
government? A severe problem faced by government run serve there. The debate will surely pick up after the
institutions is attracting and retaining teaching faculty, government formally lays out its plans. What is apparent
and this is likely to be among the major reasons for these is that neither this proposal nor the various stopgap
colleges failing to satisfy the MCI norms. The crisis measures adopted so far address the root of the problem
building up on the faculty front has been flagged by of health care. The far larger issue is government policy,
various commissions looking into problems of medical the low priority attached by the government to the social
education over the years. An indicator of the crisis is the sector as a whole and the health sector in particular,
attempt to conjure up faculty when MCI carries out evidenced in the paltry allocations for maintaining and
inspections of new colleges, one of its regulatory upgrading medical infrastructure and medical education
functions. Judging by news reports, the practice of and for looking after precious human resources.
presenting fake faculty students or private medical Q337.
practitioners hired for the day during MCI inspections in What solution is being offered by the Health Ministry for
private colleges is common. What is interesting is that the shortage of doctors in rural areas ?
even government colleges are adopting unscrupulous (a) increase the number of government run hospitals in
methods. Another indicator is the extraordinary scheme, the rural areas thereby increasing the number of doctors
verging on the ridiculous that is being put in place by the catering to the people in these regions.
MCi to make inspections foolproof. Faculty in all medical (b) Make it mandatory for doctors serving in the urban
colleges are to be issued an RFiD based smart card by the areas to serve in the rural areas for a specific number of
MCi with a unique Faculty Number. The card, it is years.
argued, will eliminate the possibility of a teacher being (c) Set up increasing number of community health
shown on the faculty of more than one college and centres in rural areas.
establish if the qualifications of a teacher are genuine. in (d) Hire retired professors of medicine to offer medical
the future it is projected that biometric RFiD readers will help to people living in the rural areas till the time more
be installed in the colleges that will enable a Faculty doctors are appointed.
identification, Tracking and Monitoring System to (e)Run a separate medical course for three and a half
monitor faculty from within the college and even years which can be taken up only by rural candidates
remotely from MCi headquarters. The picture above does who would ultimately serve in the rural areas.
not even start to reveal the true and pathetic situation of Q338.
medical care especially in rural india. Only a fraction of Why have some existing medical colleges been
the doctors and nursing professionals serve rural areas prohibited from admitting students ?
where 70 percent of our population lives. The Health (a)As these have adopted corrupt practices and have
Ministry, with the help of the MCi, has been active in been taking huge donations from their students
proposing yet another innovative solution to the (b)As all these colleges were illegally set up and were
problem of lack of doctors in the rural areas . The not approved by the government in the first place
proposal is for a three and a half year course to obtain (c)As the course offered by these colleges is not in line
the degree of Bachelor of Rural Medicine and Surgery with the course offered by the government run colleges
(BRMS). Only rural candidates would be able to join this


(d)As these have failed to meet the norms set by the (c)Only (C)
central government for running the college. (d)Only (B) and (C)
(e)As there are absolutely no faculty members left in (e)Only (B)
these colleges to teach students. Q343.
Q339. What is the authors main intention behind writing this
Which of the following is are the changes announced by passage?
the MCI in the regulation governing the establishment of (I) To make the general public aware of the healthcare
medical colleges? . facilities available in India.
(A)Allowing the commercialisation of medical colleges. (a)To bring to light the problems faced by the health
(B)Reducing the earlier mandated land requirement for care sector in india despite changes suggested and goad
a medical college campus for metros. the government into attaching priority to the sector.
(C)Allowing corporate bodies to open medical colleges. (b)To bring to light the problems faced by rural people
(a) Only (B) in terms of healthcare facilities and thus exhort urban
(b)Only (A) and (B) doctors to serve in the rural areas
(c)Only (C) (c)To make the general public aware of the benefits
(d)Only (B) and (C) arising from the changes brought about by the MCI in the
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) are true healthcare sector.
Q340. (d)To urge the corporate bodies to look into the matter
Which of the following are the different opinions of healthcare facilities in the rural areas.
regarding the BRMS proposal ? (e)None of these
(1)At least a small step has been taken to improve the
healthcare facilities in the rural areas through this Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
proposal. answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(2)There should be uniform healthcare facilities phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
available for people living in both rural and urban areas, them while answering some of the questions.
(3)The healthcare providers through this proposal In india, innovation is emerging as one of the most
would not be up to the mark. important rubrics in the discourse on how to bring about
(a) Only (A) greater and more consistent economic and social
(b)Only (A) and (B) development. One observes steadily growing
(c)Only (B) and (C) investments in R & D across the country, the setting up
(d)Only (B) of national and state innovation bodies, as well as the
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) introduction of government sponsored innovation funds.
Q341. There have also been several conferences and debates
What is one of the major problems faced by the on innovation and how to best promote and accomplish
government run medical institutions ? it in india, and a number of articles on the subject,
(a)Dearth of land required for the setting up of medical written for newspapers and magazines, as well as more
institutions. informal platforms like online forums and blogs.
(b)Lack of funds for running the colleges. Academic engagement and indian authorship on the
(c)Dearth of teaching faculty. subject have also exploded in the last five years, Despite
(d)Excessive competition from colleges run by corporate widespread agreement on the importance of innovation
bodies. in india, there are wide gulfs between different
(e)Dearth of students opting for these colleges. conceptions of innovation and the path india should take
Q342. towards securing benefits through investments in
What is the idea behind the MCI putting in place the innovation. Many indian conversations around
RFID based smart card ? innovation begin by talking about jugged, that uniquely
(A)To monitor and track faculty from MCI headquarters indian approach to a temporary fix when something
in the future. complex, like an automobile or a steam engine stops
(B)To put a stop to the practice of colleges of presenting working. However, many observers have pointed out
fake faculty members. that while jugaad is certainly innovative, it is a response
(C)To verify the authenticity of faculty member to the lack of an innovation culture more a survival or
qualifications. coping mechanism at a time of need than a systematic
(a)Only (A) and (B) methodology to effectively address a wide-ranging,
(b)All (A), (B) and (C) complex set of problems. Another specifically indian


approach to innovation that has entered into wide rural poor, health and sanitation failures. This list can go
currency of late is so called frugal innovation, deemed by on. Cumulatively, the inability of india as a nation,
many to be the most appropriate for the indian context. society and economy to adequately provide for its own
in its midterm assessment of the 11th five year plan, the population no longer reflects a failure of
Planning Commission stressed the need for innovation in implementation, but rather of a failure of innovation, for
india in order to accelerate its growth and to make there are not immediately available off the shelf
growth more inclusive as well as environmentally solutions that would make it possible for these grand
sustainable. The document went on to say that india challenges facing india to be redressed. Rather, we need
needs more frugal innovation that produces more frugal to look at these intractable problems from the more
cost products and services that are affordable by people sophisticated and empowering lens of innovation, for
at low levels of incomes without compromising the them to begin to be solved.
safety, efficiency, and utility of the products. The country Q344.
also needs processes of innovation that are frugal in the Which of the following depicts the growing importance
resources required to produce the innovations. The of innovation in India?
products and processes must also have frugal impact on (A)increased investment in research.
the earths resources. Two people formulated a similar (B)initiation of Government backed funds for innovation
the called the More fromLess for More (MLM theory of (C)increase in number of conferences arranged and
innovation) theory of innovation, which advocates a articles written on innovation.
focus on innovations that allow for more production (a)Only (B)
using fewer resources but benefit more people. Under (b)Only (A) and (B)
this rubric come products that are more affordable (c)Only (C)
versions of existing technologies. While both frugal (d)Only (B) and (C)
innovation and the MLM the are certainly valuable in (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
terms of bringing affordable products and services to a Q345.
greater number of people, and may even be considered a Which of the following best describes the MLM theory of
necessary first step on India’s innovation path, they innovation?
barely graze the surface of what innovation can (a)Maximise output by using least number of resources
accomplish. That is, innovation is capable of bringing and benefiting a small number of people.
about complete paradigm shifts and redefining the way (b)Maximise resource utilisation and cost thereby
we perceive and interact with the world. Take the cell benefit maximum number of people.
phone, for example it revolutionized communication in a (c)Minimise output and resource utilisation, yet benefit
previously inconceivable way, provided consumers with the maximum number of people.
a product of unprecedented value and created an (d)Benefit most number of people through least usage of
entirely new market. The cell phone was a result of years resources and maximum output.
of directed, intentional innovation efforts and large (e)Benefit most number of people through maximum
investments, and would not have ever been created if the usage of resources and minimising cost.
people responsible simply set out to make the existing Q346.
telephone cheaper and more accessible to all. While Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate
jugaad and frugal innovation may be indicative of the title for the passage?
indian potential for innovativeness, this potential is not (a)innovation At its Best
utilised or given opportunity to flourish due to the lack (b)india And The Elixir Called innovation
of an enabling culture. Indians many diverse and (c)innovation Around The World vis-à-vis india And
complex needs can be met only through systematic Other Neighboring Countries
innovation, and major shifts have to first take place in (d)Worldwide Developments in innovation
our educational institutions, government policies and (e)innovation The history
commercial firms in order for such an innovation Q347.
enabling culture to come about. The one thing that What tone is the author employing in the entire passage
India’s innovation theorists have not said is that the to get his message across?
absence of a culture of innovation is intrinsically linked (a) Pessimistic
to many of the most intractable problems facing india as (b) Sarcastic
a nation. These include poor delivery of government (c) Urgent
services, inadequate systems of personal identification (d) informative
and the absence of widely available financial services for (e) Dubious


Q348. important rubrics in the discourse on how to bring about
Why, according to the author, is India unable to greater and more consistent economic and social
adequately provide for its people? development. One observes steadily growing
(a)Failure to implement schemes and initiatives meant investments in R & D across the country, the setting Up
for the indian populace. of national and state innovation bodies, as well as the
(b)Absence of regulatory authorities to oversee the introduction of government sponsored innovation funds.
implementation process. There have also been several conferences and debates
(c)Failure to innovate in order to find solutions. on innovation and how to best promote and accomplish
(d)Lack of governmental schemes and initiatives to it in india, and a number of articles on the subject,
redress the challenges faced by india. written for newspapers and magazines, as well as more
(e)Hesitance of the indian people in trying out different informal platforms like online forums and blogs.
schemes provided by the Government for uplifted Academic engagement and indian authorship on the
Q349. subject have also exploded in the last live years. Despite
Why, according to some people, is Jugaad not the answer widespread agreement on the importance of innovation
to India’s problems? in india, there are wide gulfs between different
(a)Many a times this methodology backfires leading to conceptions of innovation and the path india should take
further complications. towards securing benefits through investments in
(b)Jugaad provides only cheap solutions to all problems. innovation. Many indian conversations around
(c)it is reactive and not a proactive and organised innovation begin by talking about Jugaad, that uniquely
method of finding solutions to problems. indian approach to a temporary fix when something
(d)it can provide solutions to only simple problems and complex, like an automobile or a steam engine stops
not complex ones. working. However, many observers have pointed out
(e)None of these that while jugaad is certainly innovative, it is a response
Q350. to the lack of an innovation culture more a survival Or
Which of the following is are TRUE about the cell phone? coping mechanism at a time of need than g systematic
(A) The innovation of the cell phone required investment methodology to effectively address a wide-ranging, un
of huge capital. plex set of problems. Another specifically indian
(B)The cell phone, when invented was meant to be approach to innovation that has entered into wide
affordable to all. currency of late is so-called frugal innovation, deemed by
(C)The cell phone was made available to the public in a many to be the most appropriate for the indian context.
very Short time from its ideation. in its midterm assessment of the 11th five-year plan, the
(a)Only (A) Planning , Commission stressed the need for innovation
(b)Only (A) and (B) in india in order to accelerate its growth and to make
(c)Only (Bland (C) growth more inclusive as well as environmentally
(d)Only (B) sustainable. The document went on to say that india
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) needs more frugal innovation that produces more frugal
Q351. cost products and services that are affordable by people
What does the author mean by frugal impact on the at low levels of incomes without compromising the
earth’s resources as given in the passage? safety, efficiency, and utility of the products. The country
(a)The damage to the environment should be assessable. also needs processes of innovation that are frugal in the
(b)More consumption of natural resources as compared resources required to produce the innovations. The
to manmade ones. products and processes must also have frugal impact on
(c)Minimum impact on the environment in terms of the, earths resources. Two people formulated a similar
pollution. (theory called the More from Lessons of More (MLM
(d)The impact on the environment should be such that it theory of innovation) theory of innovation, which
is reversible. advocates a focus on innovations that allow for more
(e)Minimum usage of earths natural resources. production using fewer resources but benefit more
people. Untie this rubric come products that are more
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and affordable versions of existing technologies While both
answer the questions given below it. Certain words frugal innovation and the MLM theory are certainly
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate valuable in terms of bringing affordable products grid
them while answering some of the questions. services to a greater number of people, and may even be
India, innovation is emerging as one of the most considered a necessary first step on India’s innovation


path, they barely graze the surface of what innovation (a)Maximise output by using least number of resources
can accomplish. That is, innovation is capable of bringing and benefiting a small number of people.
about complete paradigm shifts and redefining the way (b)Maximise resource utilisation and cost thereby
we perceive and interact with the world. hi Take the cell benefit maximum number of people.
phone, for example it revolutionized communication in a (c)Minimise output and resource utilisation, yet benefit
previously inconceivable way, provided consumers with the maximum number of people.
a product of unprecedented value and created an (d)Benefit most number of people through least usage of
entirely new market. The cell phone was a result of years resources and maximum output.
of directed, intentional innovation efforts and large (e)Benefit most number of people through maximum
investments, and would not have ever been created if the usage of resources and minimising cost.
people responsible simply set out to make the existing Q354.
telephone cheaper and more accessible to all While Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate
Jugaad and frugal innovation may be indicative of the title for the passage?
indian potential for innovativeness, this potential is not (a)innovation At its Best
utilised or given opportunity to flourish due to the lack (b)india And The Elixir Called innovation
of an enabling culture. India’s many diverse and (c)innovation Around The World visa india And Other
complex needs can be met only through systematic Neighbouring Countries
innovation, and major shifts have to first take place in (d)Worldwide Developments in innovation
our educational institutions, government policies and (e)innovation The History
commercial firms in order for such an innovation Q355.
enabling culture to come about. The one thing that What tone is the author employing in the entire passage
India’s innovation theorists have not said is that the to get his message across?
absence of a culture of innovation is intrinsically linked (a)Pessimistic
to many of the most intractable problems facing india as (b)Sarcastic
a nation. These include poor delivery of government (c)Urgent
services, inadequate systems of personal identification (d)informative
and the absence of widely available financial services for (e)Dubious
rural poor, health and sanitation failures. This list can go Q356.
on. Cumulatively, the inability of india as a nation, Why, according to the author, is India unable to
society and economy to adequately provide for its own adequately provide for its people?
population no longer reflects a failure of (a)Failure to implement schemes and initiatives meant
implementation, but rather of a failure of innovation, for for the indian populace.
there are not immediately available off the shelf (b)Absence of regulatory authorities to oversee the
solutions that would make it possible for these grand implementation process.
challenges facing india to be redressed. Rather, we need (c)Failure to innovate in order to find solutions.
to look at these intractable problems from the more (d)Lack of governmental schemes and initiatives to
sophisticated and empowering lens of innovation, for redress the challenges faced by india.
them to begin to be solved. (e)Hesitance of the indian people in trying out different
Q352. schemes provided by the Government for upliftment.
Which of the following depicts the growing importance Q357.
of innovation in India? Why, according to some people, is Jugaad not the answer
(A)increased investment in research. to Indias problems?
(B)initiation of Government backed funds for innovation (a)Many a times this methodology backfires leading to
(C)increase in number of conferences arranged and further complications.
articles written on innovation. (b)Jugaad provides only cheap solutions to all problems.
(a)Only (B) (c)it is reactive and not a proactive and organised
(b)Only (A) and (B) method of finding solutions to problems,
(c)Only (C) (d)it can provide solutions to only simple problems and
(d)Only (B) and (C) not complex ones.
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) (e)None of these
Q353. Q358.
Which of the following best describes the MLM the of Which of the following is are TRUE about the cell phone?


(A)The innovation of the cell phone required investment The stone cutter felt sorry for him and let the procession
of huge capital. go on its way again I am powerful, it is true, but how
(B)The cell phone, when invented was meant to be more powerful the sun is would rather be the sun than a
affordable to all. king, he thought. At once, he became the sun, shining
(C)The cell phone was made available to the public in a down on the earth its new power was hard to control. it
very short time from its ideation. shone too brilliantly and burned up the fields with its
(a)Only (A) rays. But no matter how hard it shone, it could not see
(b)Only (A) and (B) through the clouds. it was evident that the clouds were
(c)Only (B) and (C) even stronger and more powerful than the sun. The sun
(d)Only(B) wished that it would rather be a cloud. Suddenly it found
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) itself turned into a huge dark cloud. it started using its
Q359. new power. it poured rain down on the fields and caused
What does the author mean by frugal impact on the floods. All the trees and houses were swept away but the,
earth’s resources as given in the passage? boulder, which once it had been cutting when it was a
(a)The damage to the environment should be assessable. stone cutter was unmoved and unchanged. No matter
(b)More consumption of natural resources as compared how hard it poured down on the stone, the stone did not
to manmade ones. move. The cloud wondered, That rock is more powerful
(c)Minimum impact on the environment in terms of than am. Only a stone cutter could change the rock by his
pollution. skill. No sooner had it said these words, he found himself
(d)The impact on the environment should be such that it sitting on a stone. He picked up his tools and began
is reversible. working.
(e)Minimum usage of earth’s natural resources. Q360.
Which of the following is the most appropriate title for
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and the story ?
answer the questions given below it. Certain words (a) The Stone cutter
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate (b)The Kings Procession
them while answering some of the questions. (c)The power of nature
Once upon a time there lived a stone cutter in a small (d)Experiments of a king
village. He worked hard throughout the day, preparing (e)A dream of a king
the shapes that were ordered by his customers. His Q361.
hands were rough and his clothes were dirty. One day he Why could the kings procession not be stopped ?
went to the mountain to cut a big stone. it was difficult to (a)The king had promised the queen that he would reach
work as the weather was extremely hot. After working the palace in time.
for several hours, he sat down in the shade of a nearby (b)it was getting dark and it was unsafe to halt.
tree and soon fell asleep. After sometime, he heard the (c)it was about to rain and the palace was close by.
sound Of a procession. He woke up and saw many (d)The soldiers were in a hurry to reach the palace as
soldiers and attendants walking in the street, alongside they were very hungry.
the king who not only rode an elephant but also had an (e)None of these
umbrella to keep the sun away. How wonderful it must Q362.
be to be a king, thought the stone cutter. He wondered Why did the sun wish to become a cloud ?
how happy would he be if he were the king instead of a (a)it wanted to cool down the earth by raining.
poor stone cutter. As he thought so, a strange thing (b)it did not want to set in the evening and be visible
happened. The stone cutter found himself dressed in silk even in the night.
clothes and shining jewels. His hands were soft and he (c)it assumed that the clouds were stronger than the
was sitting on the elephant. He looked around at the sun.
attendants and thought, how easy it is to be a king, these (d)it wanted to wander in the sky like the clouds did
people are here to serve me. The procession moved on (e)None of these
and the sun grew hotter. The stone cutter, now the king, Q363.
became too warm for comfort. He asked the procession What problem did the cloud face ?
to stop so that he could rest for some time. At once the (a)The cloud could not affect the boulder.
chief of the soldiers bent before the king and said, Your (b)The cloud had to rain all the time.
Majesty, this morning you swore to have me hanged to (c)The cloud brought about a huge flood for which it was
death if we did not reach the palace before the sun set. punished by the king.


(d)The cloud needed the sun for its formation. in a rigid hierarchy to run their own show. Financing the
(e)None of these poor to start their own little ventures elevates their
Q364. sense of pride and self-respect. it offers a way out of
Why did the king desire to become the sun ? welfare dependency, not just to become wage slaves,
(a)The sun was troubling the king and the king desired fruit to open a store of start a manufacturing business. it
to take revenge. can help those who have found a Job and are still
(b)The king desired to be more powerful than he already nonetheless poor. it gives the victims of prejudice who
was. would not be hired because of their colour or national
(c)The chief of the soldiers suggested the king to be the origin a chance to earn a living. The average cost of
sun. creating self-employment is ten, twenty or hundred
(d)The king would be able to live in the sky, once he times lesser than creating industry based employment. it
were the sun. helps isolated poor people gain self-confidence, step by
(e)None of these step. Obviously self-employment has limits, but in many
cases it is the only solution to help those whom
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and economies refuse to hire and taxpayers do not want to
answer the questions given below it. Certain words can on their shoulders. The policy needed for the
group of words have been printed in bold to help you eradication of poverty must be much wider and deeper
locate them while answering some of the questions. than the policy for the provision of mere employment.
Unemployment is the problem of every modern nation. The real eradication of poverty begins when people are
Even industrialized nations are not able to ensure a Job able to control their own fate. Poor people are like
for everyone. Following the conventional strategy of bonsai trees. When you plant the best seed of the tallest
creating employment, governments of many developing tree in a flowerpot, you get a replica of the tallest tree,
countries try to attract employers (business houses only inches tall. There is nothing wrong with the seed
industrialists) by offering tax rebates and many other you planted only the soil base that is too inadequate.
facilities so that they locate their upcoming plants on Poor people are bonsai people. There is nothing wrong
their soil, and thereby create industrial employment. But in their seeds. Simply, society never gave them the base
there is a limit to what industry can bring. Also, to grow on. All it takes to get the poor people out of
industrial plants often create toxic waste which results poverty is for us to create an enabling environment of
in air and water pollution and environmental problems them. Once the poor can unleash their energy and
which can outweigh whatever employment benefit creativity, poverty will disappear very quickly.
industrial employment brings, in addition, they don’t Q365.
bring as substantial relief to the dwindling economy of Which of the following is a reason foreign investments
the host country as they seem to promise, as the profits do not strengthen the economies of host nations?
of such foreign investments are carried back to the (a)The parent company pays all the profit as tax to its
parent company and foreign shareholders abroad. .Self- nation.
employment has none of these drawbacks. The problem (b)The profit of such enterprises does not remain in the
is that self-employment is not as obviously glamorous as host nation rather it goes back to the share holders and
a shiny new factory. But profits from self-employment owners of the parent company.
remain in the country where they are produced. it is too (c)The employees of the parent company demand extra
small to create environmental hazards. it also puts the pay from profits that the companies earn from factories
poor person in charge of his or her own working hours in another nation.
and conditions. The hours are flexible and can adapt to (d)The profit earned by such enterprises is too less to
fit any family situation. it allows people to choose provide for anything beyond the salaries of employees.
between running a business fulltime, or part-time when (e)None of these
they face a crisis, or to put their business on hold and Q366.
work fulltime for a salary. Self-employment is tailor- What is the tone of the passage?
made for anyone who is street-smart and has many (a)Offensive
acquired and inherited traditional skills, rather than (b) Satirical
learning acquired from books and technical schools. This (c)Analytical
means the illiterate and the poor can exploit their (d) Humorous
strengths . rather than be held back by their weaknesses. (e) Speculative
it allows a person to turn their hobbies into gainful Q367.
employment. it allow? individuals Who Cannot work well


Which of the following is an advantage that self- Q371.
employment has over industry based employment ? Which of the following outweighs the employment
(A)The work timings are highly flexible. benefits that foreign industrialists bring ?
(B)Starting ones own venture is an easy task and needs (a)Huge industries set up by them cause environmental
no investment as financers are readily available. pollution.
(C)Self-employment makes one a master of other people (b)They employ more number of people belonging to
and thus satisfies their need to control others. their native nations, than the host nations unemployed.
(a)Only (C) (c)They evade many taxes that could be a source of
(b)Only (A) revenue for the host nation.
(c)Only (B) (d)They manufacture products that have no market in
(d)Only (A) and (B) the host nation.
(e)Only (A), (B) and (C) (e)They practise discrimination on grounds of gender
Q368. when providing employment to host nations residents.
Which of the following may be inferred about self- Q372.
employment ? Which of the following may be an appropriate title for
(A)Self-employment slowly but steadily strengthens the the passage?
economy of the country. (a)Addressing conventional employment in developed
(B)Self-employment checks unemployment. nations
(C)As a strategy of providing employment, self- (b)Varied strategies and approaches to eradicating
employment is still unexplored. poverty
(a)Only (B) (c)Limitations of industrial employment
(b)Only (B) and (C) (d)How is poverty linked to conventional (industrial)
(c)Only (A) employment?
(d)Only (A) and (B) (e)Role of self employment in battling unemployment
(e)Only (A) and (C) . and eradication of poverty
Q369. Q373.
What does the author indicate by the example of a Which of the following is TRUE as per the passage ?
bonsai tree? (a)Self employment is beneficial only for developing
(A)When provided the right kind of financial help, poor economies.
people can flourish. (b)Self-employment is not as glamorous as conventional
(B)The poor people are as capable as the well-to-do (industrial) employment.
class. (c)Finance for poor is readily available in the developed
(C)Conventional nations of the world.
(industrial) employment can help the poor people (d)Small-scale industries produce as much toxic waste
create, their own base. as big industries.
(a)Only (A) (e)None is true.
(b)Only (B)
(c) Only (A) and (B) Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(d)Only (A) and (C) answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(e)Only (B) and (C) phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
Q370. them while answering some of the questions.
The author claims that self-employment is tailor-made When times are hard, doomsday are aplenty. The
for people with certain qualities Which of the following problem is that if you listen to them too carefully, you
are the qualities of such people ? tend to overlook the most obvious signs of change. 2011
(A)They have an unconventional al approach to all was a bad year. Can 2012 be any worse ? Doomsday
things. forecasts are the easiest to make these days. So lets try a
(B)They are street-smart. contrarians forecast instead. Lets start with the global
(C)They possess many acquired and traditional skills. economy. We have seen a steady flow of good news from
(a)Only (A) the US. The employment situation seems to be improving
(b)Only (C) rapidly and consumer sentiment, reflected in retail
(c)Only (B) and (C) expenditures on discretionary items like electronics and
(d)Only (A) and (C) clothes, has picked up, if these trends sustain, the US
(e)Only (B) might post better growth numbers for 2012 than the 1.5


1.8 percent being forecast currently. Japan is likely to The arithmetic is simple. Our growth rate can be in the
pull out of a recession in 2012 as post earthquake i range of 710 percent depending on policy action. Ten
reconstruction efforts gather momentum and the fiscal percent if we get everything right, 7 percent if we get it
stimulus announced in 2011 begins to pay off. The all wrong. Which policies and reforms are critical to
consensus estimate for growth in Japan is a respectable 2 taking us to our 10 percent potential ? in judging this,
percent for 2012.The hard landing scenario for China lets again be careful. Lets not go by the laundry list of
remains and will remain a myth. Growth might reforms that Fills like to wave increase in foreign equity
decelerate further from the 9 percent that it expected to limits in foreign shareholding, greater voting rights for
clock in 2011 but is unlikely to drop below 88.5 percent institutional shareholders in banks, FDi in retail, etc.
in 2012.Europe is certainly in a spot of trouble. it is These can have an impact only at the margin. We need
perhaps already in recession and for 2012 it is likely to not bend over backwards to appease the Fiis through
post mildly negative growth. The risk of implosion has these reforms they will invest in our markets when
dwindled over the last few months peripheral economies momentum picks up and will be the first to exit when the
like Greece, Italy and Spain have new governments in momentum flags, reforms or not. The reforms that we
place and have made progress towards genuine need are the ones that can actually raise our sustainable
economic reform. Even with some of these positive long-term growth rate. These have to come in areas like
factors in place, we have to accept the fact that global better targeting of subsidies, making projects in
growth in 2012 will be tepid. But there is a flipside to infrastructure viable so that they draw capital, raising
this. Softer growth means lower demand for the productivity of agriculture, improving healthcare and
commodities and this is likely to drive a correction in education, bringing the parallel economy under the tax
commodity prices. Lower Commodity inflation will net, implementing fundamental reforms in taxation like
enable emerging market central banks to reverse their GST and the direct tax code and finally easing the myriad
monetary stance. China, for instance, has already rules and regulations that make doing business in india
reversed its stance and has pared its reserve ratio twice. such a nightmare. A number of these things do not
The RBi also seems poised for a reversal in its rate cycle require new legislation and can be done through
as headline inflation seems well on its way to its target of executive order.
7 percent for March 2012.That said, oil might be an Q374.
exception to the general trend in commodities. Rising Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the
geopolitical tensions, particularly the continuing face off passage ?
between Iran and the US, might lead to a spurt in prices. (a)Chinas economic growth may decline in the year
it might make sense for our oil companies to hedge this 2012 as compared to the year 2011
risk instead of buying oil in the spot market. As inflation (b)The European economy is not doing very well
fears abate and emerging market central banks begin to (c)Greece is on the verge of bringing about economic
cut rates, two things could happen. Lower commodity reforms
inflation would mean lower interest rates and better (d)in the year 2012, Japan may post a positive growth
credit availability. This could set a floor to growth and and thus pull out of recession
slowly reverse the business cycle within these (e)All are true
economies. Second, a4s the fear of untamed, runaway Q375.
inflation in these economies abates, the global investors Which of the following will possibly be a result of softer
comfort levels with their markets will increase. Which of growth estimated for the year 2012 ?
the emerging markets will outperform and who will get (A)Prices of oil will not increase.
left behind ? in an environment in which global growth is (B)Credit availability would be lesser.
likely to be weak, economies like india that have a (C)Commodity inflation would be lesser.
powerful domestic consumption dynamic should lead (a)Only (B)
those dependent on exports should, prima facie, fall (b)Only (A) and (B)
behind. Specifically for india, a fall in the exchange rate (c)Only (A) and (C)
could not have come at a better time. it will help indian (d)Only (C)
exporters gain market share even if global trade remains (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
depressed. More importantly, it could lead to massive Q376.
import substitution that favours domestic producers. Which of the following can be said about the present
Lets now focus on india and start with a caveat. it is status of the US economy ?
important not to confuse a short run cyclical dip with a (a)There is not much improvement in the economic
permanent dating of its long-term structural potential. scenario of the country from the year 2011


(b)The growth in the economy of the country, in the year (d)The reforms suggested by the author require new
2012, would definitely be lesser than 1.8 percent legislation in india,
(c)The expenditure on clothes and electronic (e) None is true
commodities, by consumers, is lesser than that in the Q381.
year 2011 According to the author, which of the following reforms
(d)There is a chance that in 2012 the economy would do is are needed to ensure long term growth in India?
better than what has been forecast (A)improving healthcare and educational facilities.
(e)The pace of change in the employment scenario of the (B)Bringing about reforms in taxation.
country is very slow. (C)improving agricultural productivity.
Q377. (a)Only (B)
Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate (b)Only (A) and (B)
title for the passage ? (c)Only (B) and (C)
(a)The Economic Disorder (d)Only (A)
(b)indian Economy Versus The European Economy (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
(c)Global Trade
(d)The Current Economic Scenario Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(e)Characteristics Of The indian Economy answer the questions given below it. Certain words
Q378. have been printed in bold to help you locate them
According to the author, which of the following would while answering some of the questions.
characterize Indian growth scenario in 2012 ? Indeed the western recession is realty the beginning of
(A)Domestic producers will take a hit because of good news for india But to understand that we will have
depressed global trade scenario, to move away for a while from the topic of western
(B)On account of its high domestic consumption, India recession to the Japanese recession For years the
will lead. Japanese style of management has been admired.
(C)Indian exporters will have a hard time in gaining However, over the last decade or so, one key question
market share. has sprung up if Japanese management style is as
(a)Only (B) wonderful as described then why has Japan been in a
(b)Only (A) and (B) recession for more than a decade ?The answer to this
(c)Only (B) and (C) question is very simple. Culture plays a very important
(d)Only (A) part in shaping up economies. What succeeds in one
(e)All (A), (B)and(C) culture fails in another. Japanese are basically non
Q379. materialistic. And however rich they become, unlike
Why does the author riot recommend taking up the others, they cannot just keep throwing and buying
reforms suggested by Fii’s ? endlessly. And once they have everything they need
(a)These will bring about only minor growth there is a saturation point. it was only when companies
(b)The reforms suggested will have no effect on the like Toyota realized that they cannot keep selling cars
economy of our country, whereas will benefit the Fiis endlessly to their home market that they went really
significantly aggressive in the western , markets and the rest is
(c)The previous such recommendations had backfired history. Japanese companies grew bigger by catering to
(d)These reforms will be the sole , reason for our the world markets when their home markets shrunk.
countries economic downfall And the markets have to shrink finally after attaining a
(e)The reforms suggested by them are not to be trusted level of affluence And that’s great for the world because
as they will not bring about any positive growth in India earth needs sustainable development. it does not need
Q380. monstrous consumers who keep consuming at the cost
Which of the following is TRUE as per the scenario of the environment and the earth. There should be limits
presented in j the passage ? to growth so that consumers are not converted into
(a)The highest growth rate that india can expect is 7 material dustbins for the profit of a handful of
percent, corporations. Owing to the materialistic culture
(b)The, fall in the exchange rate will prove beneficial to elsewhere, it was possible to keep selling newer
india products to the consumers despite having existing ones
(c)increased FDI in retail as suggested by FIls would which served equally well. They were lured through
benefit india tremendously advertising and marketing techniques of dustbinisation
of the customer and then finally, once they became ready


customers, they were given loans and credits to help (a)Japanese companies have been moving out of their
them buy more and more. When all the creditworthy home markets since the last decade.
people were given loans to a logical limit, they ceased to (b)Japanese banks have provided loans indiscriminately
be a part of the market. Even this would have been to the creditworthy as well as non creditworthy people.
understandable if it could work as an eye opener. instead (c)Because Japanese markets have been going through a
of taking the Right Step as Toyota did, they preferred to period of continuous recession since the last decade.
take a shortcut. Now banks went to the non creditworthy (d)The unlimited growth of the Japanese markets has
people and gave them loans. The people expectedly come at the cost of the western market.
defaulted and the entire system collapsed Now like (e)None of these
Toyota western companies will learn to find new Q384.
markets. They will now lean towards india because of its Why does the author foresee the markets being created
common man The billion plus, population in the next 25 in the developing countries instead of America and
years will become, a consuming middle class. Finally, the Europe ?
world’s attention will shift to the developing world. (a)All developing countries have materialistic culture.
Finally, there will be a real surge in income of these (b)Developed countries are willing to make an effort to
people and in the next fifty odd years, can really hope to achieve globalization.
see an equal world in terms of material plenty, with (c)American and European markets have had a large
poverty being almost nonexistent And this will happen number of credit defaulters.
not by selling more cars to Americans and Europeans. it (d)Recession has not hit the markets of developing
will happen by creating markets in india, China, Latin countries yet.
America and Africa, by giving their people purchasing (e)None of these
power and by making products for them. The recession Q385.
has made us realize that it is not because of worse According to the author, what is the main cause of
management techniques, but because of limits to growth. Japanese recession ?
And they will realize that it is great for planet earth. (a)Only a handful of corporations earned profits and not
After all, how many cars and houses must the rich own the people in general.
before calling it enough ? its time for them to look at (b)Non creditworthy people defaulted which led to a
others as well. Many years back, to increase his own collapse of the entire system.
profits, Henry Ford had started paying his workers more, (c)Consumers were sold newer products which were
so that they could buy his ears. in similar fashion, now similar in quality to the existing ones.
the developed world will pay the developing world (d)Japanese do not purchase endlessly and thus when
people so that they can buy their cars and washing products had been sold to every customer, the markets
machines. The recession will kick start the process of slowed down.
making the entire world more prosperous, and lay the (e) None of these
foundation of limits to growth in the west and the Q386.
foundation of real globalization in the world of the How does the author foresee the future globalization as
globalization of prosperity. And one of its first an analogy to Henry Fords example ?
beneficiaries will be india. (A)Car companies would start selling cars in developing
Q382. countries as well.
What does the author mean by the Right Step in the (B)By paying the developing world the developed world
passage ? would increase its own profit, in turn bringing affluence
(a)Giving loans to creditworthy people only to developing world as well.
(b)Considering market growth along with environment (C)To earn profit, the companies in developing countries
protection. would move to foreign land.
(c)Restricting people to buy only such products which (a)Only A
are needed by them. (b) Only B
(d)To start looking at newer avenues and markets., (c)Only C
(e) None of these (d)Only A and C
Q383. (e)None of these
Although admired since years, why did the skepticism Q387.
over the Japanese management style start since the last According to the passage, which of the following was
decade? NOT an effect of providing loans and credits to the
customers ?


(A)The non-creditworthy people defaulted. while answering some of the questions.
(B)People bought new products which were not needed. Following the end of the Second World War, the United
(C)Poverty became non-existent. Kingdom enjoyed a long period without a major
(a)Only A recession (from 1945 to 1973) and a rapid growth in
(b)Only B prosperity in the 1950s and 1960s. According to the
(c)Only A and B OECD, the annual rate of growth (percentage change)
(d)Only B and C between 1960 and 1973 averaged 2.9%, although this
(e)Only C figure was far behind the rates of other European
Q388. countries such as France, West Germany and italy.
Why is recession the beginning of good news for India in However, following the 1973 oil crisis and the 19731974
the authors view? stock market crash, the British economy fell into
(A) India can provide an attractive market to the recession and the government of Edward Heath was
western companies. ousted by the Labour Party under Harold Wilson. Wilson
(B)India has remained largely unaffected by recession formed a minority government on 4 March 1974 after
owing to its huge population. the general election on 28 February ended in a hung
(C)Indians keep purchasing products despite owning parliament. Wilson subsequently secured a three seat
equally good products. majority in a second election in October that year. The
(a)Only C UK recorded weaker her European nations in the 1970s
(b) Only B even alter the early 1970s recession ended, the economy
(c)Only A was still blighted by rising unemployment and double-
(d)Only B and C digit inflation in 1976, the UK was forced to request a
(e)None of these loan of £2.3 billion from the international Monetary
Q389. Fund. The then Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis
What does the author mean by Dustbinisation of the Healey was required to implement public spending cuts
customer ? and other economic reforms in order to secure the loan.
(a)Convincing the customer to buy products he does not Following the Winter of Discontent, the government of
need. James Callaghan lost a vote of no confidence. This
(b)Denying the non creditworthy people of any loans. triggered the May 1979 general election which resulted
(c)Denying more loans to people who have already in Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Party forming a
taken loans to a logical limit. new government. A new period of neoliberal economics
(d) Moving from old customers at the home market to began in 1979 with the election of Margaret Thatcher
foreign markets. who won the general election on 3 May that year to
(e)None of these return the Conservative Party to government after five
Q390. years of Labour government. During the 1980s most
Why according to the author is the current recession slate owned enterprises were privatised, taxes cut and
great for Planet Earth ? markets deregulated.GDP fell 5.9% initially but growth
(A)it will make people nonmeat realistic like the subsequently returned and rose to 5% at its peak in
Japanese. 1988, one of the highest rates of any European nation.
(B)The Unlimited market growth which caused hazards The UK economy had been one of the strongest
to the environment would be checked to a certain extent. economies in terms of inflation, interest rates and
(C)Banks will now provide loans only to the unemployment, all of which remained relatively low
creditworthy people. until the 200809 recession. Unemployment has since
(D)Developing countries will also be benefited by shifted reached a peak of just under 2.5 million (7.8%), the
markets. highest level since the early 1990s,although still far
(a)Only A lower than some other European nations. However,
(b)Only B and D interest rates have reduced to 0.5% pandering August
(c)Only A and B 2008 the iMF warned that the UK economic outlook had
(d)Only B worsened due to a twin shock financial turmoil and
(e)None of these rising commodity prices. Both developments harm the
UK more than most developed countries, as the UK
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and obtains revenue from exporting financial services while
answer the questions given below it. Certain words recording deficits in finished goods and commodities,
have been printed in bold to help you locate them including food. in 2007, the UK had the world’s third


largest current account deficit, due mainly to a large (b)1976
deficit in manufactured goods. During May ,2008, the (c) 1979
advised the UK government to broaden the scope of (d)1982
Mscai policy to promote external balance. Although the (e) None of these
UKs labour productivity per person employed has been Q392.
progressing well over the last two decades and has According to the OECD, the annual rate of growth of
overtaken productivity in Germany, it still lags around United Kingdoms economy between 1960 and 1973
20%behind France, where workers have a35hour averaged
working week. The UKs labour productivity per hour (a) 2.9%
worked is currently on a par with the average for the old (b)2.34%
EU (15 countries). in 2010,the United Kingdom ranked (c) 2.87%
26th on the Human Development index. The UK entered (d)5.9%
a recession in Q2of 2008, according to the Office for (e) None of these
National Statistics and exited it in Q4of 2009. The Q393.
subsequently revise dons figures short that the UK During August 2008, international Monetary Fund
suffered six consecutive quarters of negative growth, warned that the United Kingdom economic outlook had
making it the longest recession since records began. As worsened due to a twin shock. What were the twin
of the end of Q4 2009, revised statistics from the Office shocks?
for National Statistics demonstrate that the UK economy (a)Financial turmoil and decreasing commodity prices
shrank by 7.2% from peak to trough. The Bluebook 2013 (b)Financial turmoil and rising commodity prices
confirms that UK growth in Q2 of 2013 was 0.7%, and (c)increasing exports and decreasing imports
that the volume of output of GDP remains 3.2%below its (d)Low industrial growth and increasing imports
prerecession peak The Uneconomic recovery has thus (e)None of these
been more lackluster than previously thought. Q394.
Furthermore, The Blue Book2013 demonstrates that the Airport of Office of National Statistics revealed that
UK experienced a deeper initial downturn than all of the between and 2011 the UK dropped On 5th place to 12th
G7 economies save for Japan, and has experienced a place
slower recovery than all but Italy. A report released by (a)exports on an international scale
the Office of National Statistics on 14 May 2013revealed (b)imports on an international. scale.
that over the six year period between 2005 and 2011, (c)household income on an international scale
the UK dropped from 5th place to 12th place in terms of (d)agricultural product
household income on an international scale—the drop (e)None of these
was partially attributed to the devaluation of sterling Q395.
over this time frame. However, the report also concluded According to a report by Moody’s, Britain’s debt to GDP
that during this period, inflation was volatile, the UK ratio is expected to reach at the end of 2
labor markdowns more resilient in comparison together (a)90 percent
recessions, and i use hold spending and wealth in Die UK (b)80 percent
remained relatively strong in comparison with other (c)87.3 percent
OECD countries. According to a report by Moody’s (d)93 percent
Corporation, Britain’s debtto GDP ratio continues to (e)None of these
increase in 2013 and is expected to reach 93% at the end Q396.
of the year. The UK has lost its tripie A credit rating on in 2007, the United Kingdom had the worlds third largest
the basis bf poor economic outlook. 2013 Economic cut rent account deficit due mainly to large deficit in
Growth has surprised many Economists, Ministers and (a) manufactured goods
the OBR in the 2013 budget projected annual growth of (b)high inflation
just 0.6%, in2013 01 the economy grew by 0.4%,Q2 the (c)agricultural produces
economy grew by 0.7% and Q3the economy is predicted (d)exports
to have grown at 0.8%. (e)imports
A new period of neoliberal economics began in United
Kingdom with the election of Margaret Q391. Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
Thatcher after five years of Labour government. answer the questions given below it. Certain words
Margaret Thatcher carne in power in phrases have been printed in hold to help you locate
(a)1980 them while answering some of the questions.


The great recession hasn’t been great for free trade. As Q398.
unemployment has risen throughout the world, What has given rise to the large number of trade
governments have become more focused on protecting agreements between Asian countries ?
their own industries than on promoting international (a)The need to insulate Asian economies from
commerce. The U. S., though typically an enthusiastic overexposure to the American economy
supporter of open markets, in duded buy American (b)Angry reaction among Asian countries owing to
clauses in its stimulus package and propped up its failing Americas protectionist policy
auto industry with handouts. But according to the Asian (c)The aim of empowering the poorer Asian economies
Development Bank (ADB), in the part of the world that and bring them on par with Western economies
was hit hardest by the trade crash Asia, the number of (d)The desire to achieve conditions conducive to global
Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) signed by Asian countries consensus on trade regulations and tariffs
has grown from just three in 2000 to 56 by the end of (e)Widespread panic in Europe and Asia as Asian
August 2009. Nineteen of those FTAs are among 16 economies are yet to recover from the recession
Asian economies, a trend that could help the region Q399.
become a powerful trading bloc. The drive to lower trade Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the context of the
barriers has taken on fresh urgency amid the recession. passage ?
As Asian manufacturing networks become more (A)Political and economic rivalries between Asian
intertwined—and as Asian consumers become wealthier countries are non-existent today.
— regional commerce is be( coming critical to future (B)Asian countries hold America responsible for the
economic expansion. intraregional trade last year made recession and have imposed economic sanctions against
up 57% of total Asian trade, up from 37% in 1980. in the the U.S.
past Asia produced for America and Europe, now Asia is (C)America has adopted a protectionist strategy after the
producing for Asia Of course, Asia is still dependent on recession.
sales to the West. But FTAs could reduce the regions (a)Only (A)
exposure to the United States by giving Asian companies (b)Only (B) and (C)
preferential treatment in selling to Asian companies and (c)Only (A) and (B)
consumers. These benefits could come with downsides, (d)Only (C)
however. According to experts, FTAs create a no level (e) None of these
playing field with advantages for Asian countries. if the Q400.
most dynamically growing part of the global economy Which of the following describes expert predictions
gives the U. S. restricted access it will impact global about trade pacts between Asian countries?
balance. Companies in countries like the United States (a)These will be beneficial and are likely to give rise to a
left out of the trade pacts could face disadvantages when common Asian currency
trying to tap fast growing Asian markets. This, in turn, (b)Tariffs will be lowered and bureaucratic regulations
could have a negative impact on efforts to rebalance will become transparent
excessive debt in the U. S. and excessive savings in Asia. (c)Widening of differences between participant and non
Still, the benefits of greater regional integration could participant countries will hamper global stability
prove powerful enough to overcome the roadblocks. in (d)Regional conflicts will increase as competition and
Asia, the only thing everyone agrees upon is business. if inequities between Asian nations will intensify.
it does, the world economy may never be the same. (e)They are likely to be short-lived as it will be difficult
Q397. to get participating nations to arrive at a consensus
What do the Asian Development Bank statistics indicate Q401.
? Which of the following has have not been(an) impact(s)
(a)Asian economies are financially more sound than of the recession ?
those of the developed world (A)Various trade agreements signed between developed
(b)The financial crisis impacted the West far more than and Asian countries have not been honored.
it did Asia (B)The U. S. government has restructured the
(c)Asian countries have aligned themselves on lines automobile industry.
similar to the European Union (C)Regional conflicts in Asia have substantially reduced.
(d)Western countries are skeptical about trading with (a)Only (C)
developing countries (b) Only (A)
(e)Asian countries have been actively opening their (c)Only (A) and (B)
markets to one another (d)All (A). (B) and (C)


(e)None of these is not surprising. Forests constitute not just community
Q402. and national wealth, but global wealth. But for millions,
According to the author what danger does creating an forests are also critical for livelihoods and their daily
Asian trading bloc pose ? lives. Your first book, Cold Hearths and Barren Slopes ,
(a)Political instability in Asia will rise as some countries was about forests. is there an evolution of argument here
are wealthier than others ?Yes indeed in Cold Hearts and Barren Slopes, had
(b)American consumers have ceased their demand for argued that social forestry, with its top down
Asian goods implementation and focus on commercial species, was
(c)Unemployment in Asian countries will rise as many neither social nor forestry, and would protect neither
plants will be forced to close down forests nor village livelihoods. The answer argued, lay in
(d)it will alter the balance of power in the World with allowing forests communities to manage local forests.
small Asian countries becoming most dominant Finally, in 1990, India launched the Joint forest
(e)None of these management programme and Nepal also started
Q403. community forestry. So decided to see for myself how
What is the author trying to convey through the phrase Community forestry was actually doing. Between 1995
in the past Asia produced for America and Europe, now and 1999, travelled extensively across India and Nepal
Asia is producing for Asia ? and found paradox Forests were indeed becoming
(a)The number of wealthy consumers in Asia outnumber greener but women’s problem of firewood shortages
those in America and Europe together persisted and in many cases had become more acute.
(b) Asian countries do not support free trade and Also, despite their high stakes in forests, women
continue to trade among themselves despite the continued to be largely excluded from forest
recession management. coined the term participatory exclusions to
(c)Goods manufactured in Asian countries often fail to describe this. However, the current book is less about
meet the standards set by developed countries women’s exclusion. i ask What if worrier were present in
(d)Asian countries no longer export to Western markets forest governance ? What difference would that make
alone and now cater to Asian markets as well ?But has this question pot been raised before
(e)interregional trade barriers between Europe and Asia ?Economists researching environmental collective action
have weakened considerably. have paid little attention to gender. Scholars from other
Q404. disciplines focusing on gender and governance have
Which of the following can be said about the American been concernedly mainly with women’s hear absence
economy in the context of the passage? from governance institutions. The presumption is that
(A)Most American companies have opted to withdraw once women are present ail good things will follow. But
from Asia. can we assume this ? No. Rural women’s relationship
(B)Americas stand on free trade has altered because of with forests is complex., On the one hand, their everyday
the recession. dependence on forests for firewood, fodder, etc, creates
(C)The American economy is far too dependent on Asia a, strong stake in conservation. On the other, the same
for trade. dependence can compel them to extract heavily from
(a)Only (A) forests. As one landless woman told me Of course, it
(b) Only (B) hurts me to cut a green branch but what do if my
(c)Only (C) children are hungry? Taking an agnostic pos Jon, decided
(d)Ail (A), (B) and (C) to test varied propositions, controlling for other factors.
(e)None of these What did you find ?First, women’s greater presence
enhances their effective voice in decision makings And
Direction : Read the following interview and answer there is a critical mass effect if forests management
the given questions based on. Some words have been groups have 2533 percent female members in their
printed in bold to help you locate them while executive committees it significant increases the
answering some of the questions. likelihood of women attending meetings, speaking up
A pioneering new book, Gender and Green Governance, and holding office. However, the inclusion of landless
explores a central question if women had adequate women makes a particular difference. When present in
representation in forestry institutions, would it make a sufficient numbers they are more likely to attend
difference to them, their communities, and forests as a meetings and voice their concerns than landed women.
national resource? interview with the author. Why has So what matters is not Just including more women, but
access to forests been such a conflict ridden issue ?This more poor women. Second, and unexpectedly, groups


with more women typically make stricter forest use (d)Top down approach to Community forestry
rules Why is this the case ? Mainly because they receive (e)Participatory exclusion to Greener slopes
poorer forests from the forest department. To Q410.
regenerate these they have to sacrifice their immediate Why does author say, Rural women’s relationship with
needs. Women from households with some land have forests is complex ?
some fallback. But remarkably even in groups with more (a)Dependence forces them to extract and also have
landless women, although extraction is higher, they still concern for conservation
balance self-interest with conservation goals, when (b)if they protect forests, their livelihood is severely
placed in decision-making positions. Third, groups with affected
more women outperform other groups in improving (c)Poor women have been excluded from forest
forest conditions, despite getting poorer forests. management
involving women substantially improves protection and (d)They cannot be asked to restore forests which are
conflict resolution, helps the use of their knowledge of critical for them
local biodiversity, and raises children’s awareness about (e)Greener forests do not meet the requirement of
conservation. firewood
Q405. Q411.
What was authors view on Social Forestry Scheme ? Landless women, when in decision making role
(a)A great success (a)extract much more from forest
(b)Beneficial for villagers (b)improve their own financial status
(c)Neither good nor bad (c)do not care for forest
(d)Should have been implemented as top down (d)are able to meet conservation objectives as well as
(e)None of these their own interest
Q406. (e)fulfill their own interest at the . cost of conservation
Which of the following is one of the reasons of forests goals
being a conflict ridden issue ?
(a) Some countries have larger forest cover Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(b)There is less awareness about global warming answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(c)High dependence of many on forests phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
(d)Less representation of women them while answering some of the questions.
(e)Less representation of local women A couple of weeks ago i was asked what thought the
Q407. future of technology in education was. it is a really
The author is advocating inclusion of interesting question and one that i am required to think
(a)More landless women about all the time. By its very nature, technology changes
(b)More landed women at a fast pace and making it accessible to pupils, teachers
(c)More women irrespective of their financial status and other stakeholders is an ongoing challenge. So what
(d)Local people is the future ? is it the iPod ?No, I don’t think it is. For me,
(e)Younger women in the age group of 2533 years the future is not about one specific device. Don’t get me
Q408. wrong, love the iPod in fact, I have just finished a trial to
Which of the following best describes participatory see if using them really does support teaching and
exclusion, as used in the interview ? learning — and they have proved effective. live written
(a)Outside support about the trial in more detail on my blog. ipads and other
(b)Overdependence mobile technology are the now. Although, they will play
(c)Benefitting without self interest a part in the future, some years ago the iPad didn’t even
(d)Contributing with profits exist. We don’t know what will be the current technology
(e)None of these in other four years. Perhaps it will be wearable devices
Q409. such as Google Glass, although suspect that tablets will
in the second question, the interviewer asked is there an still be used in education. The future is about access,
evolution of argument here ? Which of the following best anywhere learning and collaboration, both locally and
describes that? globally. Teaching and learning is going to be social.
(a)From Barren to Greener slopes Schools of the future could have a traditional cohort of
(b)From local groups to local groups with more women students, as well as online only students who live across
(c)A fine balance between conservation and commercial the country or even the world. Things are already
forestry starting to move this way with the emergence of massive


open on line courses (MOOCs). For me, the future of students can find and use themselves, without the help
technology in education is the cloud. Technology can of the teacher. This of course means the role of the
often be a barrier to teaching and learning. think the teacher will change. Shared applications and documents
cloud will go a long way to removing this barrier. Why ? on the cloud, such as Google Apps will allow for more
By removing the number of things that can go wrong. social lessons. How often do students get an opportunity
Schools, will only need one major thing to be prepared to collaborate productively using technology in the
for the future. They will not need software installed, classroom ?it isn’t always easy. However, students
servers or local file storage. Schools will need a fact working on documents together using Google Apps are
robust internet connection. infrastructure is paramount easy. They could be in the same room or in different
to the future of technology in education. We don’t know countries. These are all good skills for students to have.
what the new in device will be in the future. What we do Of course, these collaborative tools are also very useful
know, is that it will need the cloud. Schools and other for teachers for one have worked on several projects
educational institutions will need to future proof their where these tools have let me work with people across
infrastructure the best they can. This should be the country. Some of which i have never met. What we
happening now. if you want to start to use mobile must remember is that when schools adopt new
technology in your school, whether it is an iPad program technology and services they must be evaluated. This
or a bring your own device (BYOD) program your way, as a school, you know if they are successful and
connectivity must be fast and reliable. Student and what improvements are needed. Staff will also need
teacher buy in, is so important. if the network is slow training, you cant expect staff to use new technology if
and things are not Working properly students and they are not users or creators. Any initiative is doomed
teachers will not want to use the devices. Make sure the to failure without well trained, confident staff who can
infrastructure is there before the devices. Teachers can see how technology can support and benefit teaching
use the cloud to set, collect and grade work online. and learning. Plenty of schools have already embraced
Students will have instant access to grades, comments this, but there’s still a way to go to ensure all schools are
and work via a computer, Smartphone or tablet. Many ready for the future of technology. it is time for all
schools are already doing this. Plus, services such as the schools to embrace the cloud.
educational social network Edmodo offer this for free. Q412.
This is where devices come in. All devices not matter What do you think should be the most appropriate title
which ones we will use in the future will need to access of the given passage ?
the cloud. Each student will have their own. Either a (a)Future of Technology in Education
device specified by the school or one they have chosen to (b)Technology Barrier to Education
bring in themselves. School classrooms are going to (c)Massive Open Online Courses
change. Thanks to the cloud and mobile devices, (d)Hypothetical Approach to Education
technology will be integrated into every part of school. in (e)None of these
fact, it wont just be the classrooms, that will change. Q413.
Games fields, gyms and school trips will all change. Which of the following statements is not correct as per
Whether offsite or on site the school, teachers, students the context of the given article ?
and support staff will all be connected. in my ideal world, (a)According to the writer of this article, future of
all classrooms will be paperless. With the cloud, the technology in education is cloud.
world will be our classroom. Gleaming will change (b)The writer sees ipad as the only future in education.
teaching and learning. Students can learn from anywhere (c)Schools will need a fast robust internet connection for
and teachers can teach from anywhere. The cloud can getting advantage of technology.
also encourage independent learning. Teachers could (d)The writer opines that ipads and other mobile
adopt a flipped classroom approach more often. Students technology are the now and play a part in the future.
will take ownership of their own learning, Teachers can (e)None of these
put resources for students online for students to use. Q414.
These could be videos, documents, audio podcasts or The writer advocates about the use of cloud. Which of
interactive images. All of these resources can be accessed the following statement(s) is are TRUE in this regard ?
via a students, computer, Smartphone or tablet. As long Teachers can use the cloud to set, collect and grade work
as they have an internet connection either via Wifi, 3G or online.
4G they are good to go. Rather than being taught ii. Students will have instant access to grades, comments
students can learn independently and in their own way. and work via computer etc.
There is also a massive amount of resources online that


iii. Services such as the educational social network they did wrong and exhort them to avoid similar
Edmodo offer facilities to students for free. mistakes in the future—or, better yet, assign a team to
(a)Only i review and write a report on what happened and then
(b)Only ii distribute it throughout the organisation. These widely
(c)Both ii and iii held beliefs are misguided. First, failure is not always
(d)All three i, ii and iii bad. in organizational life it is sometimes bad, sometimes
(e)Both i and ii inevitable, and sometimes even good. Second, learning
Q415. from organisational failures is anything but
The writer opines that with the use of cloud, straightforward. The attitudes and activities required to
schoolrooms will change and many facilities will be effectively detect and analyze failures are in short supply
available, Which of the following changes will be in most companies, and the need for context specific
perceived in education ? learning strategies is underappreciated., Organisations
(a) With the cloud, the world will be our classroom. need new and better ways to go beyond lessons that are
(b)Students can learn from anywhere and teachers can superficial (Procedures weren’t followed) or self-serving
teach from anywhere. (The market just wasn’t ready for our great
(c)Students will take ownership of their own learning. new(PEE310)1product). That means jettisoning old
(d)Teachers can put resources for students online to use cultural beliefs and stereotypical notions of success and
(e)All the above embracing failures lessons. Leaders can begin by
Q416. understanding how the blame game gets in the Way. The
Which of the following statement(s) is are NOT TRUE in Blame Game Failure and fault are virtually inseparable in
the context of the given passage ? i. Shared applications most households, organisations, and cultures. Every
and documents on the cloud, such as Google Apps will child learns at some point that admitting failure means
allow for more social lessons. ii. Teachers could adopt a taking the blare. That is why so few organisations have
flipped classroom approach more often after cloud. iii. A shifted to a culture of psychological safety in which the
few schools have already embraced new cloud rewards of learning from failure can be fully realised.
technology. Executivesive interviewed in organisations as different
(a)Only i as hospitals and investment banks admit to being tom
(b) Only ii How can they respond constructively to failures without
(c)Only iii giving rise to an anything goes attitude? if people aren’t
(d)Both i and iii blamed for failures, what will ensure that they as hard as
(e)None possible to do their best work? This concern is based on
a false dichotomy. in actuality, a culture that makes it
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and safe to admit and report on failure can—and in some
answer the questions given below it. Certain words organisational contexts must—coexist with high
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate standards for performance. To understand why, look at
them while answering some of the questions. the exhibit A Spectrum of Reasons for Failure, which lists
The wisdom of learning from failure is incontrovertible. causes ranging from deliberate deviation to thoughtful
Yet organisations that do it well are extraordinarily rare. experimentation. Which of these causes involve
This gap is not due to a lack of commitment to learning. blameworthy actions? Deliberate deviance, first on the
Managers in the vast majority of enterprises that have list, obviously warrants blame. But inattention might not.
studied over the past 20 years—pharmaceutical, if it results from a lack of effort, perhaps its
financial services, product design, telecommunications, blameworthy. But if it results from fatigue near the end
and construction companies hospitals and NASAs space of an overly long shift, the manager who assigned the
shuttle program, among others—genuinely wanted to shift is more at fault than the employee. As we go down
help their organisations learn from failures to improve the list, it gets more and more difficult to find
future performance. in some cases they and their teams blameworthy acts. in fact, a failure resulting from
had devoted many hours to after action reviews, thoughtful experimentation that generates valuable
postmortems, and the like. But time after time 1 saw that information may actually be praiseworthy. When i ask
these painstaking efforts led to no real change. The executives to consider this spectrum and then to
reason Those managers were thinking about failure the estimate how many of the failures in their organisations
wrong way. Most executives talked to believe that failure are truly blameworthy, their answers are usually in
is bad (of course). They also believe that learning from it single digits—perhaps 2% to 5%. But when i ask how
is pretty straightforward Ask people to reflect on what many are treated as blameworthy, they say (after a


pause or a laugh) 70% to 90% The unfortunate (b)Because failure and fault are virtually inseparable in
commence is that many failures go undraped and their most cultures and every child learns at some point that
lessons are lost A sophisticated understanding of failures admitting failure means taking the blame.
causes and contexts will help to avoid the blame game (c)Because culture is an important aspect of our life.
and institute an effective strategy for learning from (d)it is easy for executives to blame others and save
failure. Although an infinite number of things can go their heads.
wrong in organisations, mistakes fall into three broad (e)None of these
categories preventable, complexity related, and Q421.
intelligent What in your opinion should be the most appropriate
Q417. title of this passage ?
Which of the following statement(s) is are TRUE in the (a) Learning from Failures
context of the given passage ?i. Most executives believe (b)Failures discourage an executive
that failure is bad and learning from it is pretty straight (c)Success is nothing but working hard
forward. ii. The wisdom of learning from failure is (d)The Blame game
disputable. iii. Deliberate deviance, first on the list of the (e)None of these
exhibit, A Spectrum of Reasons for Failure obviously
warrants blame. Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(a)Only i answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(b)Both i and iii phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
(c)Both ii and iii them while answering some of the questions.
(d)Both i and ii The past quarter of a century has seen several bursts of
(e)All three i, ii and iii selling by the world’s governments, mostly but not
Q418. always in benign market conditions. Those in the OECD,
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the a rich country club, divested plenty of stuff in the 20
context of the given passage ? years before the global financial crisis. The first
(l) Organistions need new and better ways to go beyond privatization wave, which built up from the mid1980s
lessons that are superficial or self serving. and peaked in 2000, was largely European. The drive to
(a)Leaders can begin by understanding how the blame cut state intervention under Margaret Thatcher in
game gets in the way. . Britain soon spread to the continent. The movement
(b)The writer of this article has studies managers in the gathered pace after 1991, when eastern Europe put
vast majority of enterprises over the past 30 years. thousands of rusting state owned enterprises (SOEs) on
(c)Failure and fault are truly inseparable in most the block. A second wave came in the mid2000s, as
households, organisations and cultures. European economies sought to cash in on buoyant
(d)None of these markets. But activity in OECD countries slowed sharply
(e)All a,b,c as the financial crisis began. in fact, it reversed. Bailouts
Q419. of failing banks and companies have contributed to a
As opined by the writer of this article, although an dramatic increase in government purchases of corporate
infinite number of things can go wrong in organisations, equity during the past five years. A more lasting feature
mistakes fall into three broad categories. What are these is the expansion of the state capitalism practised by
categories ? China and other emerging economic powers.
(a)Forgettable, preventable and intelligent Governments have actually bought more equity than
(b)Superficial, preventable and complex they have sold in most years since 2007, though sales far
(c)Precaution related, complexity related and intelligent exceeded purchases in 2013.Today privatisation is once
(d)Preventive, complexity related and intelligent again alive and well, says William Meggin son of the
(e)None of these Michael Price College of Business at the University of
Q420. Oklahoma. According to a global tally he recently
Why have so few organisations shifted to a culture of completed, 2012 was the third best year ever, and
psychological safety in which the rewards of learning preliminary evidence suggests that 2013 may have been
from failure can be fully realised ? better. However, the geography of selloffs has changed,
(a)Because every child does not learn at some point that with emerging markets now to the fore. China, for
admitting failure means taking the blame. instance, has been selling minority stakes in banking,
energy, engineering and broadcasting Brazil is selling
airports to help finance a $20 billion investment


programme. Eleven of the 20 largest iPOs between 2005 website will shortly be set up to help potential buyers
and 2013 were sales of minority stakes by SOEs, mostly see which bits of the government’s £337 bill km worth of
in developing countries. By contrast, state owned assets holdings ($527 billion at today s rate, accounting for
are now the forgotten side of the balance sheet in many 40% of developable sites round Britain) might be
advanced economies, says Dag Detter, managing partner surplus. The government, said the chief treasury
of Whetstone Solutions, an adviser to governments On secretary, Danny Alexander, should not act as some kind
asset restructuring. They shouldn’t be. Governments of of compulsive hoarder. Japan has different reasons to
OECD countries still oversee vast piles of assets, from revive selloffs, such as to finance reconstruction after its
banks and utilities to buildings, land and the riches devastating earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Eyes are
beneath (see table). Selling some of these holdings could once again turning to Japan Post, a giant postal to
work wonders reduce debt, finance infrastructure, boost financial services conglomerate whose of postponed
economic efficiency. But governments often barely grasp partial sale could at last happen in 2015 and raise (Yen)
the value locked up in them. The picture is clearest for 4 trillion ($40 billion) or more. Australia wants to sell
companies or company like entities held by central financial, postal and aviation assets to offset the fall in
governments. According to data compiled by the OECD revenues caused by the commodities slowdown in
and published on its website, its 34 member countries almost all the countries of Europe, privatisation is likely
had 2,111 fully or majority owned SOEs, with 5.9m to surprise on the upside as long as markets continue to
employees, at the end of 2012. Their combined value mend, reckons Mr Meggin son. Mr Christiansen expects
(allowing for some but riot all pension fund liabilities) is to see three main areas of activity in coming years. First
estimated at $2.2 trillion, roughly the same size as the will be the resumption of partial selloffs in industries
global hedge fund industry. Most are in network such as telecoms, transport and utilities. Many residual
industries such as telecoms, electricity and transport. in stakes in partly privatized firms could be sold down
addition, many countries have large minority stakes in further. France, for instance, still has hefty stakes in GDF
listed firms. Those in which they hold a stake of between SUEZ, Renault, Thales and Orange. The government of
10% and 50% have a combined market value of $890 Francois Hollande may be ideologically opposed to
billion and employ 2.9m people. The data are far from privatisation, but it is hoping to reduce industrial stakes
perfect. The quality of reporting varies widely, as do to raise funds for livelier sectors, such as broadband and
definitions of what counts as a state owned company health. The second area of growth should be in eastern
most include only central government holdings. if all Europe, where hundreds of large firms, including
assets held at sub national level, such as local water manufacturers, remain in state hands. Poland will sell
companies, were included, the total value could be more down its stakes in listed firms to make up for an
than $4 trillion, reckons Hans Christiansen, an OECD expected reduction in EU structural funds. And the third
economist. Moreover, his team has had to extrapolate area is the reprivatisation of financial institutions
because some OECD members, including America and rescued during the crisis. This process is under way the
Japan, provide patchy data. America is apparently so largest privatisation in 2012 was the $18 billion offering
queasy about discussions of public ownership of of Americas residual stake in Ai fr, an insurance
commercial assets that the Treasury takes no part in the company.
OECDs working group On the issue, even though it has Q422.
vast holdings, from Amtrak and the 520,000 employee Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the
Postal Service to power generators and airports. The context of the given passage ?
clubs efforts to calculate the value that SOEs add to, or (a)The first privatisation way which built up from the
subtract from, economies were abandoned after several mid 1980s was largely European.
countries, including America, refused to cooperate. (b)Governments have actually bought more equity than
Privatisation has begun picking up again recently in the they have sold in most years since 2007, though sales far
OECD for a variety of reasons. Britain’s Conservative led purchase in 2013.
coalition is focused on (some would say obsessed with) (c) To Jay privatisation , are again alive and well Deter.
reducing the public debt to GDP ratio. Having recently (d)Brazil is selling airports to help finance a $ 20 billion
sold the Royal Mail through a public offering, it is hoping investment programme.
to offload other assets, including its stake in UREN CO, a (e)None of these
uranium enriched, and its student loan portfolio. From Q423.
January 8th, under a new Treasury scheme, members of Which of the following statement(s) is are TRUE in
the public and businesses will be allowed to buy regard to the data compiled by the OECD ?
government land and buildings on the open market. A


The 34 member countries of OECD had 2111 fully or growth should be in eastern Europe iii. The other area is
majority owned state owned enterprises the reprivatisation of financial institutions rescued
(SOEs) ii. in these SOEs there were 9 million employees during the crisis.
at the end of 2iii.The combined value of these SOEs is (a)Both i and ii
estimated at $ 2 trillion, roughly the same size as the (b)Both ii and iii
global hedge fund industry. (c)Only i
(a)Only ii (d)Only iii
(b)Both ii and iii (e)All three i, ii and iii
(c)Both i and ii
(d)Both i and iii Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(e)All three i, ii and iii answer the questions given below it. Certain words
Q424. phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
Privatisation has begun picking up again recently in the them while answering some of the questions.
OECD for a variety of reasons. Which of the following No leader is perfect. The best ones don’t try to be. They
statements does not support the above mentioned view ? concentrate on honing their strengths and find others
(a)Britain’s conservative led coalition is focused on who can make up for their limitations. We expect lot of
reducing the public debt to GDP ratio. our leaders will be Top executives, the thinking goes,
(b)Britain is to offload other assets such as its stake in should have the intellectual capacity to make sense of
URE NCO, uranium enriched and its student loan unfathomably complex issues, the imaginative powers to
portfolio. paint a vision of the future that generates everyone’s
(c)A website will shortly be set to help potential buyers. enthusiasm, the operational knowhow to translate
(d)Under a new Treasury scheme, members of the public strategy into concrete plans, and the interpersonal skills
and businesses will be allowed to buy government land to foster commitment to undertakings that could cost
and buildings on the open market. peoples jobs should they fall. Unfortunately, no single
(e)None of these. person can possibly live up, to those standards. its time
Q425. to end the myth of the complete leader the flawless
Which of the following statement(s) is are TRUEin the person Nat the top whose got it all figured out. in fact the
context of the given article ? sooner leaders stop trying to be all things to all people,
(a)Japan has to revive selloffs such as to finance the better off their organisations wifi be. in today’s
reconstruction after tsunami in 2011. world, the executives job is no longer to command and
(b)China has been selling minority stakes in banking, control but to cultivate and coordinate the actions of
energy, engineering and broadcasting. others at all levels of the organisation. Only when leaders
(c)A second wave of privatisation came in the mid 2000s come to see themselves as incompletes having both
in OECD, as European economies sought to cash on strengths and weaknesses will , they be able to make up
buoyant markets. for their missing skills by relying on others. Corporations
(d)Australia is to sell financial postal and aviation assets have been becoming less hierarchical and more
to off set the fall in, revenues caused by the commodities collaborative for decades, of course, as globalisation and
slow down the growing importance of knowledge work have
(e)All are correct. required that responsibility and initiative be distributed
Q426. more widely. Moreover, it is now possible for large
What should be the most appropriate title of the passage groups of people to coordinate their actions, not just by
? bringing lots of information to a few centralized places
(a)Dawn of Reprivatisation in OECD but also by bringing lots of information to lots of places
(b)Gloomy Face of World Economy through ever-growing networks within and beyond the
(c)Growing Economy of China firm. The sheer complexity and ambiguity of problems is
(d)Global Economic slowdown humbling. More and more decisions are made in the
(e)None of these context of global markets and rapidly r sometimes
Q427. radically changing financial, social, political,
in almost all the countries of Europe, privatisation is to technological and environmental forces. Stakeholders
surprise. As expected by Mr. Christiansen, Which of the such as activities, regulators, and employees all have
following is are to be the main areas of activity ?i. claims on organisation. No one person could possibly
Resumption of partial selloffs in industries such as stay on top of everything. But the myth of the complete
telecoms, transport and utilities. ii. The other area of leader (and the attendant fear of appearing


incompetent) makes many executives try to do just that, (b)Leaders should have operational knowhow to
exhausting themselves and damaging their organisations translate strategy into concrete plans.
in the process .The incomplete leader, by contrast, (c)Leaders should have the imaginative powers to paint
knows when to let go when to let those who know the a vision of the future.
local market do the advertising plan or when to let the (d)Leaders should have interpersonal skills to foster
engineering team run with its idea of what the customer commitment.
needs. The incomplete leader also knows that leadership (e)All are true
exists throughout the organizational hierarchy whenever Q429.
expertise, vision new ideas, and commitment are found Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the
eve worked with hundreds of people who have struggled context of the given passage ?
under the weight of the myth of the complete leader. (a)No leader is perfect.
Over the past six years, our work at the MiT leadership (b)Corporations have been becoming more hierarchical
Centre has included studying leadership in many and less collaborative for decades.
organisations and teaching the topic to senior (c)in today’s world, the executives job is no longer to
executives, middle managers, and MBA students in our command and control.
practice based programs, we have analyzed numerous (d)The researchers worked at the MIT leadership centre
accounts of organizational change and watched leaders over the past six years.
struggle to meld top down strategic initiatives with (e)None of these
vibrant ideas from the rest of the organizational this Q430.
work has led us to develop a model distributed What should be the most appropriate title of the given
leadership. This frame work which synthesizes our own passage as you opine ?
research with the ideas from other leadership scholars, (a)How to define a good leader
views leadership as a set of four capabilities sense (b)An incomplete leader
making (understanding the context in which a company (c)Challenges before a leader
and its people operate),Relating (building relationships (d)Role of a chief executive
within and across organisations), visioning (creating a (e)None of these
compelling picture of future),and inventing (developing Q431.
new ways to achieve the vision).While somewhat Some opinions have been made about an incomplete
simplified, these capabilities span the intellectual and leader that serves the organisations affirmatively. Which
interpersonal, the rational and intuitive, and the of the following statement(s) is are TRUE in this regard ?
conceptual and creative capacities required in today’s i. An incomplete leader knows when to let go when to let
business environment. Rarely, if ever, will someone be those who know the local market do the advertising
equally skilled in all four domains. Thus, incomplete plan.
leaders differ from incompetent leaders in that they ii. An incomplete leader knows when to let the
understand what they’re good at and what they’re not engineering team run with its idea of what the customer
and have good judgment about how they can work with needs.
others to build on their strengths and offset their iii. An incomplete leader also knows that leadership
limitations. Sometimes, leaders need to further develop exists throughout the organisational hierarchy.
the capabilities they are weakest in. The exhibits (a)Only i
throughout this article provide some suggestions for (b)Both i and ii
when and how to do that. Other times, however, its more (c)Both ii and iii
important for leaders to find and work with others to (d) Both iii and i
compensate for their weaknesses. Teams and (e) All i. ii and iii
organisations not just individuals can use this Q432.
framework to diagnose their strengths and weaknesses The researchers with the idea from other leadership
and find ways to balance their skill sets. scholars view leadership as a set of four capabilities.
Q428. Which of the following alternatives mentions them
As mentioned in the passage a lot of qualities are correctly?
expected from our leaders. Which of the following (a)sense making, relating visioning and inventing
statement(s) is are TRUE in this context ? (b)sense making disciplining visioning and inventing
(a)Leaders should have the intellectual capacity to make (c)sense making, unrelenting visioning and inventing
sense of complex issues. (d)decision making unrelenting visioning and inventing
(e)None of these


businesses, they may encourage age banks to crowd into
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and those lines of business. if enough banks pile into these
answer the questions given below it. Certain words markets, downturns in them can affect not just a few
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate banks but the whole system. On the other hand
them while answering some of the questions. prescriptive supervision can stifle financial innovation
In general, before the financial crisis of 2008, the and squeeze all appetite for risk out of the honking
financial sector the world over had been steadily system. in Japan, a banking crisis that started more than
liberalising. Limits on foreign ownership of banks and on two decades ago still lingers on, in part because the
the kinds of transactions they were able to engage in countries bankers have become gun-shy and lend to buy
were being lifted. Rich countries were deregulating government bonds rather than lend money or make
faster than others. Banks were given greater leeway on foreign investments. Regulators are doing and they can
how much capital they should hold and how much risk to strike a balance and mitigate these risks.
they should take on. But banks the world over, did not Q433.
maintain adequate capital cushions and balance sheets Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in
showed inflated profits. in 1999, America also repealed meaning to the word LAST given in bold as used in the
the Glass Staegall Act a 1930s Depression era law passage.
separating investment and commercial banking without (a)final
bothering about the threat to the economy. Restrictions (b)continue
are a sign of backwardness But the resulting crisis of (c) first
2008 put an end to this belief, Banking supervisors in (d)recent
many developing countries said that tight regulations (e)subsequent
saved them from getting into trouble. Under the old rules Q434.
supervisors were simply referees trying to ensure that Which of the following is the central idea of the passage?
the game was played fairly. Now regulators have gone (a) Regulators are lazy and shirk their duty of protecting
from saying tell me that all your payment systems work financial systems.
to saying show me how your payment systems work. (b)Banks should go back to traditional banking and
Regulators are now tentatively stepping over a long abandon riskier options.
standing divide between enforcing basic rules and (c)Banks in developed countries have destroyed
playing a part in business decisions. This shift is developing economies.
particularly marked in Britain which once championed (d)Today the task of financial regulation is tricky.
Tight touch regulation. This precise behaviour is being (e)Financial systems have been damaged, beyond repair.
criticised as surrender to banks or as a self-servicing Q435.
device for attracting financial activity to Britain. in truth Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in
it was neither. it was the simple belief that markets are meaning to the word CROWD given in bold, as used in
better than governments at allocating services. in the passage.
America, too, regulators were reluctant to suppress (a)multitude
innovation because they felt that the self-interest of (b) flock
lending institutions will be enough to ensure they did (c)party
not all leap from the same tall building in rich countries, (d) crew
enthusiasm for prescriptive supervision depends on the (e)riot
degree of harm suffered during the banking crisis or to Q436.
the threat from the failing banks to bring down their Which of the following is are the possible impact(s) of
governments with them. But it is not easy to stop banks prescriptive supervision?
from making bad decisions, in the past, regulators left it (A)Governments are likely to collapse as people are
to the market to judge the health of the banks. But clever, opposed to such measures.
well paid analysts failed to see the crisis coming. Now (B)Many executives are likely to exploit the system.
central bankers are expected to do a better job. One (C)These measures could unintentionally prolong a
problem is that the rules and the laws are written with crisis,.
the benefit of hindsight. The good ideas that may have (a)Only C
prevented the last crisis however can make regulators (b)Only B and C
dangerously overconfident about being able to predict (c)Only A and B
and prevent the next one. Also, if regulators underwrite (d) All A, B and C
certain strategies that seem safe such as lending to small (e)Only B


Q437. (e)To indicate the soundness of Americas financial
What is the authors view of central banks present efforts system prior to depression.
at regulation? Q442.
(a)These are unnecessary and harmful to banks. Which of the following difficulties is faced by regulators
(b)These are faulty as they encourage risky financial at present?
innovations. (a)Banks lack the expertise to comply with norms
(c)To succeed these should be coordinated and uniform (b)Tremendous competition between local and foreign
across countries. banks.
(d) The measures they prescribe have no loopholes. (c)Striking a balance between protecting and stifling the
(e) They have done their best to effectively regulate. economy.
Q438. (d)Unwillingness of government to bail out failing banks.
Which of the following can be said about fight touch (e)Lack of adequate manpower.
regulation adopted by Britain? Q443.
(a) it gave Britain’s financial institutions Very little Which of the following approaches was adopted by the
autonomy financial sector of rich world economies prior to the
(a)it forced banks to invest in government bonds. crisis?
(b) it resulted in banks holding too much capital. (a)Banks strictly adhere to outdated laws.
(c) it encouraged financial activity in the country. (b)Banks maintained very large capital cushions
(d)it stifled banks appetite for risk. (c)They were innovative and took a lot of risks.
(e)None of these (d)They withdrew investment from traditional banking.
Q439. (e)Not clearly mentioned in the passage.
Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in Q444.
meaning to the word Limits given in bold as used in the Which of the following difficulties is faced by regulators
passage. at present?
(a) caps (a)Banks lack the expertise to comply with norms
(b) rims (b)Tremendous competition between local and foreign
(c)frames banks.
(d) frontiers (c)Striking a balance between protecting and stifling the
(e) skirts economy.
Q440. (d)Unwillingness of government to bail out failing banks.
Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the (e)Lack of adequate manpower.
(a) The financial crisis of 2008did not impact developing Q445.
countries. Which of the following is are the consequence (s) of the
(b) Markets can easily regulate themselves. crisis of 2008?
(c) Developing economics should not allow foreign (A) Banks have become overconfident in their abilities to
investment, at present, regulate themselves.
(d) After the crisis, Americas central bank has imposed (B)Regulators have increased vigilance of financial
unnecessary regulations. systems.
(e) None of the given statements is true in the context of (C)Economies are careful about foreign investment.
the passage. (a)Only A
Q441. (b)Only B and C
Why has the author cited the reference of repealing the (c)Only A and B
Gass Steagall Act? (d)All A, B and C
(a)To indicate that regulations were relaxed without (e)Only A and C
appreciating the impact on the economy. Q446.
(b)To criticise the backward restrictions that rich Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in
countries imposed on developing countries. meaning to the word Limits given in bold as used in the
(c)To show that the economy had not progressed much passage.
since the Depression. (a) caps
(d)To illustrate that only America could foresee the (b) rims
financial crisis. (c)frames
(d) frontiers


(e) skirts raise costs for farms and factories but would be better
than . spending millions on shipping water around the
Q447. country. Development plans such as building cities of a
What does the author want to convey through the phrase million people in the Gobi desert should be rewritten.
Under the old rules, supervisors were simply referees China should also fine polluters stiffly. Chinas engineers
trying to ensure that the game was played fairly? have performed amazing feats in the past but the current
(a)Regulators did not make mistakes while regulating water problem in the North should also involve
financial markets, economists and environmental regulators in the solution
(b)Regulators were passive and did not intervene in the Q448.
working of financial organisations in the past. Which of the following is the central idea of the story ?
(c)Regulators were concerned about the health of (a)China needs to devote its resources to expanding
financial organizations. infrastructure.
(d)Regulators used to cross the lone and interfere in (b)Northern China is experiencing a water crisis and
financial markets in the past. suggested remedies need to be rethought.
(e)Regulators devised many strict rules without taking (c)Chinas efforts to solve its water crisis are
into account the needs of financial systems. praiseworthy and are an example to the world.
(d)The Chinese government is obvious to sharing water
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and resources with its neighbours.
answer the given questions. (e)Chinas politicians were will equipped to handle the
The international definition of water stress is 1,000 countries water problems which are beyond remedy.
cubic metres of usable water per person per year. The Q449.
average northern Chinese has less than a fifth of that According to the passage, which of the following is are
amount. China has 20 percent of the population but only the consequences of the Chinas efforts to remedy its
7 percent of its fresh water. China has built as many water problems ?
large dams as the rest of the world put together. But (A)Many aquatic organisms have been sacrificed.
while the South of China is a lush, lake filled region, the (B)Water has become unaffordable in China.
north which has half the population and most of the (C)The Government has put on hold its ambitious plans
farmland is more like a desert and the shortage is for urban housing.
worsening. in the 1950s country had 50,000 rivers with (a)Only (B)
richest areas of 100 square kilometers or more. Today, (b)Only (C)
China has only 23,000 as a result of overexploitation by (c)Only (A)
farms or factories. China was hoping for a shale gas (d)All (A), (B) and (C)
revolution but does not have enough water for it since (e)Only (A) and (C)
most of the gas reserves are in the driest parts of the Q450.
country. The World Bank puts the cost of Chinas water Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the
problems mostly damage to health at 2.3 percent of the passage?
years GDP. China clearly needs to do something to (a)China is over exploiting its water resources which is
remedy the situation in the North and has initiated one detrimental.
of the biggest engineering projects the world has never (b)China is willing to implement novel solutions to the
seen a diversion to move water along 2,000 miles of water crisis despite uprisings.
water canals. Aside from the massive cost, the two rivers (c) China has an abundance of fresh water resources for
involved have very different ecosystems and taking its population but these are mismanaged.
water from one to another could do irreparable (d)The finances generated from shale gas reserve &have
environmental harm. The parts of the project completed been used to remedy Chinas water problems
have already killed many organisms. Such projects could (e)None of the given statements is true in the context of
also hurt Chinas neighbors and all these projects would the passage.
increase the amount of water in China by only a few Q451.
percentage points. The Government would do better to Which of the following is an appropriate title for the
focus on demand, reducing consumption of water in passage?
order to make better use of limited supplies. Water is too (a)China Divided River Disputes
cheap in most cities and such mispricing results in (b)Mighty Rivers A Conflict Among Neighbors
extravagance. industry recycles too little water, (c)Rivers in China A Sustainable Marvel
agriculture wastes too much. Higher water prices would (d)Free Water A Necessity


(e)Northern China A Future Drying Up syndrome as have observed it on many occasions, gogs
Q452. like this success creates some degree of marked
According to the author, what approach should China dominance, which in turn produces much growth. After a
adopt to handle its water crisis ? while keeping the ever larger organisation under control
(a)Approach neighbouring countries to rework water becomes the primary challenge. So attention turns
sharing agreements. inward, and managerial competencies are nurtured.
(b)Penalise industries for polluting excessively and With a Strong emphasis on management but hot
provide water to farmers at discounted rates. leadership, bureaucracy and an inward focus take over.
(c)implement a multipronged approach keeping in mind But with continued success, the result mostly of market
economic and environmental conditions. dominance the problem often goes unhealthy arrogance
(d)Adopt the recommendations of the World Bank to begins to evolve. All of these characteristics than make
resolve the issue. any transformation effort much more difficult. Arrogant
(e)Other than those given as options. managers can overvalue their current performance and
competitive listen poorly, and learn slowly. inwardly
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and focused employees can have difficulty seeing the very
answer the questions given below it. Certain words forces that present threats and opportunities.
are given bold to help you to locate them while Bureaucratic cultures can smother those who want to
answering some of the questions. respond to shifting conditions. And the lack of leadership
Management is a set of processes that can keep a leaves no force inside these organisations to breakout
complicated system of people and technology running the morass.
smoothly. The most important aspects of management Q453.
include planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, Why, according to the author, a distinction between
controlling and problem solving. Leadership is a set of management and leadership is crucial?
processes that creates organisations in the first place or (a) Leaders are reactive whereas managers are
adapts them to significantly changing circumstances. proactive
Leadership defines what the future should look like, (b) Organisations are facing problems of not getting
aligns people with that vision, and inspires them to make good managers
it happen despite the obstacles. This distinction is (c)Organisations are pursuing the strategy of status quo.
absolutely crucial for our purposes here. Successful (d)in today’s context organisations need leaders much
transformation is 70 to 90 percent leadership and only more than managers in transforming them.
10 to 30 percent management. Yet for historical reasons, (e)None of these
many organisations today, don’t have much leadership. Q454.
And almost everyone thinks about the problem here as Why did companies and universities develop
one of managing change. For most of this century, as we programmes to prepare managers in such a large
created thousands and thousands of large organisations number?
for the first time in human history, We didn’t have (a)Companies and Universities wanted to generate funds
enough good managers to keep all those bureaucracies through these programmes
functioning. So many companies and universities (b)A large number of organisations were created and
developed management programs and hundreds and they needed managers in good number.
thousands of people were encouraged to learn (c) Organisations did not want spend their scarce
management on the job. And they did. But, people were resources in training managers.
taught little about leadership. To some degree, (d)Organisations wanted to create communication
management was emphasised because its easier to teach network though trained managers.
than leadership. But even more so, management was the (e)None of these
main item on the Twentieth Century agenda because Q455.
that’s what was needed for every entrepreneur or Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the
business builder who was a leader, we needed hundreds context of the passage?
of managers to turn their ever-growing enterprises. (a)Bureaucratic culture smother those who want to
Unfortunately for us today, this emphasis on respond to changing conditions.
management has often been institutionalized in (b)Leadership produces change and has the potential to
corporate cultures that discourage employees from establish
learning how to lead. ironically, past success is usually direction.
the key ingredient in producing this outcome. The (c)Pressure on managers comes mostly from within.


(d)Leadership centers ban carrying out important (d)Leaders allow too much complacency in
functions such as planning and problem solving. organisations.
(e)Managers believe that they are the best and that their (e)None of these
idiosyncratic traditions are superior. Q461.
Q456. in the passage, management is equated with
Which of the following is not the characteristic of (a)Organisation
bureaucratic culture? (b)Leadership
(a)Managers listen poorly and learn slowly. (c)Organizational vision
(b)Managerial competencies are nurtured. (d)Bureaucracy
(c)Employees clearly see the forces that present threats (e)Managerial training
and opportunities. Q462.
(d)Prevalence of unhealthy arrogance. Why does the attention of large organizations turn
(e)Managers tend to stifle initiative and innovation. inward?
Q457. (a)Their managers become arrogant.
Which of the following is Similar in meaning of the word (b)They have to keep themselves under control.
SMOTHER as used in the passage? (c)Their success creates market dominance.
(a)suppress (d)They want to project their predictability.
(b) encourage (e)None of these
(c)instigate Q463.
(d) criticise Which of the following is Similar in meaning of the word
(e) attack NURTURED as used in the passage?
Q458. (a)created
How has the author defined management ? (b) developed
(a)it is the process of adapting organisations to changing (c) thwarted
circumstances. (d) surfaced
(b)it is the system of aligning people with the (e) halted
direction it has taken. Q464.
(c)it refers to creating a vision to help direct the change What, according to the author, is leadership?
effort. (a)Process which keeps system of people and technology
(d)Creating better performance through customers running smoothly.
orientation. (b)Planning the future and budgeting resources of the
(e)None of these organisation.
Q459. (c)inspiring people to realise the vision.
Management education was emphasised in the (d)Carring out the crucial functions of management.
management programmers because (e)None of these
(a)establishing Q465.
direction was the main focus of organizations. Which of the following characteristics help organisations
(b)motivating employees was thought to be done by in their transformation efforts?
managers. (a)Emphasis on leadership but not management
(c)strategies for producing change was the main focus of (b)A strong and dogmatic culture
organisations. (c)Bureaucratic and inward looking approach
(d)organisations wanted to create powerful guiding (d)Failing to acknowledge the value of customers and
coalition. shareholders
(e)management was the main item of agenda in (e)None of these
organisations. Q466.
Q460. Why were people taught little about leadership in
What is the historical reason for many organisations not management programmes?
having leadership? (a)Teachers were busy in under standing the
(a)A view that leaders are boom, they are not made. phenomenon of leadership
(b)Leaders lack managerial skills and organisations need (b)Enough study material was not available to facilitate
managers. teaching of leadership
(c)Leaders are weak in carrying out traditional functions (c)Focus of these programmes was on developing
of management. managers


(d)Leadership was considered only a political feels peace of mind which is an important essence of
phenomenon happiness it is only by cultivating spirit of renunciation,
(e)None of these self-sacrifice, contentment and sincere work that one can
Q467. really be happy. The stings of misfortune spare none but
Which of the following statements is are definitely TRUE they will not cow such a person.
in the context of the passage? Q468.
(A)Bureaucracy fosters strong and arrogant culture What does a contented man do?
(B)Leadership competencies are nurtured in large size (a)He pursues and assimilates the basic virtues of life
organisations. (b)He faces boldly the adversities of life
(C)Successful transformation in organisations is 70 to 90 (c) He encounters the strings of misfortunes
percent leadership. (d)He gives up bad habits effortlessly
(a)Only (A) and (B) (e)None of these
(b)Only (A) and (C) Q469.
(c)Only (B) and (C) Which of the following is the correct chain of things, as
(d)Only (B) mentioned in the passage, leading to happiness?
(e)Only (C) (a)Contentment, high thinking, simple living, inner
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and (b)Simple living, high thinking, inner wealth,
answer the questions given below it. Certain words contentment
expressions are given in bold in the passage to help (c)High thinking, simple living, inner wealth,
you locate them while answering some of the contentment
questions. (d)inner wealth, simple living, contentment, high
We all seek happiness but few, very few, indeed, get it. thinking
We are unhappy partly because we desire much more (e)Simple living, high thinking, contentment, inner
than what we can hope to attain. Our countless desires wealth
are hard to be satisfied. And that is what makes us so sad Q470.
in life. The secret of happiness lies in the simplification of According to the passage, the essence of happiness lies in
life. Simple living encourages high thinking. it leads to (a)worldly desires
contentment. Contentment gives us inner wealth, the (b)matching ones abilities with the work undertaken
wealth of the blind and of the soul. Contented man (c)avoiding all unfortunate events
devotes himself to virtues like truth, beauty, love, (d)adopting a simple life style
goodness, kindness and charity. By pursuing and (e)following the dictates of nature
inculcating these virtues, a man can feel true happiness. i Q471.
do not mean that for simplification of life, a man should We are unhappy partly because
become an ascetic. The happiness of a sadhu is of a (a)We have no inner strength
negative kind. I want positive kind of happiness. For this (b)We have lost moral and spiritual values
i must live in. the midst of life and faithfully carry out my (c)We have countless unfulfilled desires
responsibilities to my home and my country. But all this (d)Our lives have become extremely complicated
should be done in the spirit of selfless service. A man (e)We carry several stresses and strains
who wants to lead a happy life, should also make others Q472.
happy in making others happy he will taste real and Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the
lasting happiness. There is a kind of joy in serving others context Of the passage?
with virtuous motives, ill sacrificing what one has for the (a)One feels peace of mind in doing ones duty sincerely.
good of others. An act of goodness is of itself an act of (b)Renunciation is the result of perfect happiness.
happiness. The secret of perfect happiness lies in (c)Multiplicity of desires make us unhappy.
renunciation. Wealth may give us joy for a while and (d)Making others happy makes one happy.
fame may provide us with fleeting excitement. But they (e)An act of goodness is an act of happiness.
cannot give us permanent happiness. Kings have Q473.
everything to make them happy and yet they feel, A man who wants to live a permanent happy life should
unhappy it is because they do not practise renunciation. (a)make others happy
There is a sense of joy in doing ones work honestly and (b)master the art of renunciation
efficiently. A research worker feels joy in research and a (c)pursue wealth and fame
journalist in writing. in doing ones duty sincerely, one (d)inculcate the virtues of life


(e)keep a tight control on his desires technology is becoming the key to success in a growing
Q474. number of industries. in the digital economy, the power
Which of the following is Similar in meaning as the word of innovation and ideas gained the upper hand over
cow as used in the passage? direct access to capital. The indian economy is in a
(a)spare unique in terms of its economic evaluation. While
(b) conquer manufacturing and service industries in india cannot
(c) discard freely access capital, the new breed of IT based
(d) provoke industries have access to venture capital and private
(e) mould equity. The countries potential in this emerging sector
Q475. has opened the doors to capital inflows that are still not
Which of the following statements via TRUE in the available to traditional industries. There are two key
context of the passage? trends which will boost the democratization of capital,
(a)Human beings seldom seek happiness either directly as funding sources or indirectly. More
(b)Doing ones work sincerely hardly makes one happy effective capital market routes—especially for
(c)Peace of mind is tangent to happiness information based and software companies. This is
(d)Simple life is like a life of an ascetic already happening rapidly. A market that was supposed
(e)A happy man is also not spared by the misfortunes to be stagnating with no public offering from the
Q476. manufacturing sector in the first quarter of the fiscal
What according to the passage, is a positive kind of year, may see as many see as many as 2025 new
happiness? software issues this year. Numerous internet and
(a)Keeping ones motives and feelings under control. ecommerce companies are tapping funds through the
(b)Love for life and a country capital market. For the financial intermediaries as well
(c)Leading a simple life of an ascetic as for the investing public, dot com or info initial
(d)Carrying out all worldly activities in the spirit of offerings are fast becoming attractive investment
selfless service alternatives to traditional manufacturing or financial
(e)None of these sector offers. With more effective capital markets, for
high potential IT stocks, critical mass which in the
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and industrial economy was primary in ensuring a
answer the questions given below it. Certain words company’s ability to raise capital, will cease to matter.
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate This underlines the manner in which a burgeoning
them while answering some of the questions. digital economy has led to a redeployment of capital
Over the last three centuries, the world economy has from a concentrated segment to the smaller knowledge
evolved from a predominantly agriculture based system entrepreneur. A greater number of venture capitalists
to a digital economic system. The earlier economies were actively seeking to fund budding knowledge
mainly agrarian. in this era, capital did play a role, as did entrepreneurs. Along with the rise in Net entrepreneurs
technological innovations such as the plough, the one has seen the emergence of a new breed of venture
steamboat or the train. But land and labour were more capitalists who recognise the potential that resides in
critical. With the industrial revolution, the global these ideas. The emergence and strengthening of the
economy was primarily driven by the ability to produce virtual economy necessitates sources of funds at the
goods for the mass market. This led to the industrial ideation stage where business plans may still be at the
economy where capital and labour were the most infancy stage and potential not clearly identified. This
important drivers. in the service economy, the wealth need is being fulfilled by the incubator funds or the angel
created by services exceeded the wealth created through investors who handhold internet startups and other
manufacturing. Here, the ability of the service provider InfoTech ventures till the stage at which they can attract
to establish a sound business gave him access to bigger investors. instead of looking at high risk but big
additional capital. This evolved into a global economy ventures, this genre of venture capitalists are looking at
where goods and services were traded across investments in companies which have the potential of
international borders, with little restriction. in this excellent valuations in the future on the strength of their
period, capital started flowing across borders on all large ideas.
scale for the first time. The last five years have seen the Q477.
advent of the digital economy where technology is Which of the following has been , rated as most crucial in
becoming the driving force. With information being the agro based economy ?
driver of value and wealth creation, information (A)Capital, steamboat and trains.


(B)Technological innovations like plough, etc. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the
(C)Labour and land context of the passage ?
(a)Only A and B (a)The real estate and labour force was the strength of
(b)Only C agrarian economy.
(c)Only B (b)Service economy surpassed the industrial economy.
(d)Only A (c)The information technology is the key to success in
(e)None of these the present context.
Q478. (d)The venture capitalists are only financing those
How did service economy evolve into a global economy ? sectors which lay emphasis on production of goods on
(a)The wealth gained through services exceeded the mass scale.
gain through manufacture (e)information based and software companies are
(b)The services started flowing across borders effective in boosting capital market.
(c)The labour started producing, goods for mass market Q484.
(d)The trade for services and goods crossed the What is meant by angel investors?
international borders (a)The investors who fund the project till such time it
(e)None of these starts attracting large investment.
Q479. (b)Those people who are committed, to develop virtual
Which of the following best describes the phrase critical economy.
masses used in the passage ? (c)The investors who invest on behalf of someone else.
(a)Paradigm shift fund base to knowledge base. (d)Those who invest in only companies who have an
(b)The net worth of small knowledge entrepreneur. excellent evaluation.
(c)The ability of an organisation to raise funds. (e)None of these
(d)The sum total capital of industrial economy. Q485.
(e)None of these Which of the following is a power behind digital
Q480. economy ?
The public of which type of companies are preferred by (a)The capital generated through innovation and ideas.
the investors at present ? (b)The venture capital generated through sale of land,
(a)Service sector companies. (c)The force of labour and capital in manufacturing
(b)Agro based companies. industries.
(c)information based companies. (d)The ability of service provider to set up a sound
(d)Companies dealing with financial sector business.
(e)None of these (e)None of these
Q481. Q486.
What impact on economy has been envisaged owing to Where was the shift in emphasis in industrial economy ?
rise in net enterprise ? (a)The labour force became redundant.
(a)The venture capitalists have started financing the (b)The technological innovations were overrated.
projects even at the planning stage. (c)The capital got an edge over land.
(b)The economic planning will no more be realistic now. (d)Class markets turned to mass markets.
(c)The funding of unplanned projects have increased. (e)None of these
(d)Virtual economy has necessitated the source of funds
from abroad. Direction : Read the following passage and answer
(e)None of these the questions given below it. Certain words phrases
Q482. are given in bold to help you locate them while
Which trend boost capital growth in the modem era ? answering some of the questions.
(a)Conversion of land and labour to private equity In a disarmingly frank talk at the indian Merchants
(b)Converting manufacturing industries into service Chamber in Mumbai the Japanese Ambassador in india
sector. dwelt at length with issues that exercise the mind of
(c)Generating resources through international trade. Japanese investors when they consider investment
(d)Promoting information based and software proposals in india. Raising the question What
companies. comparative advantages does india offer as an
(e)None of these investment market ?, he said though labour in india is
Q483. inexpensive, wage levels are offset by productivity level
to a large extent. Acknowledging that vastness of the


indian market is a great inducement for investment in (d)criticise Governments liberalisation policy
manufacturing industry he wondered if it was justifiable (e)raise the expectations of foreign investors
to provide that overseas remittance of profit in foreign Q490.
exchange to fully covered by exchange be fully covered Which of the following suggestions were expected by the
by exchange earnings as had been done. Significantly, on Japanese Ambassador ?
the eve of the Prime Ministers visit to Japan, the (A)Speedy formulation of the exist policy
Government delinked profits repatriation from exports, (B)imposing restrictions of disinvestment by foreign
meeting this demand. The Ambassador said foreign partners in joint ventures in India.
investors needed to be assured of the continuity and (C)Continuity and consistency of the liberalisation policy
consistency of the liberalization policy and the fact that (a)All the three
new measures had been put into force by means of (b)(A) & (B) only
administrative notifications without amending (c)(B) & (C) only
Government laws acted as a damper. The Ambassador (d)(A) & (C) only
pleaded for speedy formulation of the exit policy and (e)None of these
pointed to the highly restrictive control by the Q491.
Government on disinvestment by foreign partners in According to the Japanese Ambassador, India offers a
Joint ventures in india. While it is all too easy to dismiss comparative advantage of foreign investors in terms of
critical comment on conditions in india contemptuously, —
there can be little doubt that if foreign investment is to (a)inexpensive labour
be wooed assiduously, we will have to meet exacting (b) abysmally low wage levels
international standard and cater at least partially to (c)higher productivity
what we may consider the idiosyncrasies of our foreign (d)skilled workforce
collaborators. The Japanese too have passed through a (e)None of these
stage in the fifties when their products were divided as Q492.
substandard and shoddy. That they have come out of the For seeking more and more foreign investment, the
ordeal of fire to emerge as an economic super power author suggests that we should
speaks as much of their doggedness to pursue goals (a)satisfy fully the whims of our foreign collaborators
against all odds as of their ability to improvise and adapt (b)dismiss all critical comments on indian conditions
to internationally acceptable standards. There is no (c)link profit repatriations to exports
gainsaying that the past record of Japanese investment is (d)raise the quality of product of match international
a poor benchmark for future expectations. standards
Q487. (e)None of these
The author has appreciated the Japanese for their Q493.
(a)quality of products manufactured in the fifties From the passage it can be inferred that the author is —
(b)passing through an ordeal (a)a political commentator
(c)perseverance for raising quality of products (b)a secretary of the Japanese Ambassador
(d)future expectations (c)A Japanese investor
(e)None of these (d)an indian investor
Q488. (e)None of these
According to the Japanese Ambassador, which of the Q494.
following motivates the foreign investors to invest in The author attributes Japans emergence as an economic
Indian manufacturing industry? super power to —
(a)Very large scope of indian market (A)Their ability to overcome any ordeal.
(b)Overseas remittance of profit in foreign exchange (B)their tenacity and perseverance despite unfavorable
(c)Assurance of continuity of the liberalization policy circumstances.
(d)High productivity levels (C)their ability to improvise and adapt to globally
(e)None of these acceptable quality levels
Q489. (a)(A) & (B) only
The purpose of the author in writing this passage seems (b)(B) & (C) only
to be to (c)(A) & (C) only
(a)discourage foreign investment in india (d)All of three
(b)critically examine indian investment environment (e)None of these,
(c)paint a rosy picture of indias trade and commerce Q495.


Which of the following statement (s) is are TRUE about citizens site, which also provides information on
the critical comments on investment conditions in India government jobs, tenders, etc. The most ambitious is the
? British government, which has targeted to convert 100
(A)These comments are difficult to be countered percent of its transactions with its citizens to the
(B)These comments are received from various internet by 2005.Cynics in india will say, Oh, e
international quarters. government will never work in india. We are so poor and
(C)These comments are based more on bases than on we don’t have computers. But they are wrong There are
facts. many experiments afoot in . india as well Citizens in
(a)Only (C) Andhra Pradesh can download government forms and
(b) Only (B) submit applications on the i Net without having to bribe
(c) Only (A) clerks. in many districts, land records are j online and
(d) (A) & (B) only this has created i transparency. Similarly, in Dhar district
(e)(A) & (C) only to Madhya Pradesh, villagers have begun to file
applications for land transfers and follow their progress
Direction : Read the following passage to answer the on the Net. in seventy village in the Kolhapur and Sangli
given questions. districts in Maharashtra, internet booths have come up
We tend to be harsh on our bureaucracy, but nowhere do where farmers can daily check the market rates of
citizens enjoy dealing with their government. They do it agricultural commodities in Marathi, along with data on
because they have to. But that doesn’t mean that the agricultural schemes, information on crop technology,
experience has to be dismal. Now there is a new wind when to spray and plant their crops and bus and railway
blowing through government departments around the timetables. They also find vocational guidance on jobs,
world, which could take some of this pain away. in the applications for ration cards, kerosene gas burners and
next five years it may well transform not only the way land record extracts with details of land ownership. Sam
public services are delivered but also the fundamental Pitrodas World Tel, Reliance industries and the Tamil
relationship between government and citizens. Not Nadu government are jointly laying 3,000 km of optic
surprisingly, it is the internet that is behind it . After fiber cables to create a Tamil Network which will offer
ecommerce and business, the next revolution may be ration cards, school college and hospital admission
governance. Examples abound. The municipality of forms, land records, and pension records. if successful,
Phoenix, Arizona, allows its citizens to renew their car World Tel will expand the network to Gujarat, Karnataka
registrations, pay traffic fines, replace lost identify cards and West Bengal. in Kerala, all the villages are getting
etc. online without having to stand in endless queues in a linked online to the district headquarters, allowing
grubby municipal office. The municipality is happy citizens to compare the development priorities of their
because it saves $5 a transitioned costs only $1.60 to village with other villagers in the state. Many are still
process an online transaction versus $6.60 to do it across skeptical of the real impact because so few Indians have
the counter. in Chile, people routinely submit their computers. The answer lies in interactive cable. T.V. and
income tax returns over the internet, which has in internet kiosks. Although india has only five million
increased transparency, drastically reduced the time computers and thirty-eight million telephones, it has
taken and the number of errors and litigation with the thirty-four million homes with cable TV and these are
tax department. Both tax payers and the revenue growing eight percent a year. By 2005 most cable homes
department are happier. The furthest ahead, not will have access to the internet from many of the
surprisingly, is the small, rich and entrepreneurial civil 700,000 local STDPCO booths. internet usage may be low
service of Singapore, which allows citizens to do more today, but it is bound to grow rapidly in the future, and
functions online than any other. As in many private governance in india may not be a dream.
companies, the purchasing and buying of Singapore’s Q496.
government departments is now on the Web, and cost According to the passage, which country has the most
benefits come through more competitive bidding, easy ambitious plan for e-governance ?
access to global suppliers and time saved by online (a) USA
processing of orders. They can post their catalogues on (b) Chile
their site, bid for contracts submit in voices and check (c) Singapore
their payment status over the Net. The most useful idea (d) india
for indian municipalities is Gov Works a private sector (e) UK
run site that collects local taxes, fines, and utility bills for Q497.
3,600 municipalities across the United States. it is a


Govt. Works is working in which of the following (b) Outsourcing the work of infrastructure creation for
countries ? internet
(a) india (c)increasing the penetration of computers in rural areas
(b) UK (d)integrating ecommerce, e-business and e-governance
(c) Chile (e)introducing e-governance programmes in schools and
(d) Singapore colleges
(e) None of these Q504.
Q498. According to the passage, what is the annual growth fate
How can India overcome low penetration of computers of computer in India ?
for e-governance? (a)8%
(a)By manufacturing more computers (b)5%
(b)Through cable TV and internet Kioshs (c)0.5%
(c)By opening more STD PCO booths (d)Not mentioned
(d)By making the internet free (e)None of these
(e)By putting more services on internet
Q499. Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
Which of the following has not been one of the effects Of answer the questions given below it. Certain words
submitting income tax return over internet in Chile ? are printed in bold to help you to locate them while
(a)Reduction of legal cases answering some of the questions.
(b)Reduction in errors There is absolutely no point in complaining that over the
(c)increase in transparency years, there has been pressure for increased productivity
(d)increase in number of returns and higher earnings for workers in industry. There are
(e)Reduction in time taken several ways for increasing employees earnings.
Q500. Employee earnings can be increased by raising the
Choose the word that is same in meaning as the word selling price of the firms products and services, reducing
abound as used in the passage. profits or costs of raw materials, or augmenting labour
(a) around productivity. However, increasing employee earning by
(b) proliferate means other than increased labour productivity
(c) flourish jeopardizes the firms competitive strength in the market,
(d) plentiful Higher prices usually mean fewer customers, reduced
(e) few profit means less capital investment, and low-cost
Q501. materials mean poor product quality. But, increasing
Choose the word that is same in meaning as the word labour productivity by enhancing skills and motivation
post as used in the passage. creates an almost unlimited resource. The development
(a) deliver of economic resources, human as well as, nonhuman, is
(b) send the product of human effort, and the quality of human
(c) put up effort in large part depends on human motivation.
(d) drop out Enthusing employees with workaholic spirit through
(e) later traditional authority and financial incentives has become
Q502. increasingly difficult as employees become economically
According to the passage which country is at present the secure and their dependency on any one particular
most advanced in e-governance ? organisation decreases. According to expectancy
(a) Singapore theorists, the motivation to work increases when an
(b) Chile employee feels his performance is an instrument for
(c) india obtaining desired rewards. Nevertheless, in many
(d) USA organisations today employees are entitled to
(e) UK organisational rewards just by being employed. Unions,
Q503. governmental regulations, and the nature of the job itself
in which in some cases prevent management from relating
direction is the new wind blowing? financial rewards to performance. People may be
(a)More and more interaction of citizens with attracted to join and remain in organisations to receive
government through internet organisational rewards, but being motivated to join an
organisation is not the same as being motivated to exert


effort in an organisation. The challenge to management (c)Motivating employees with traditional authority
is to find and administer alternative form of incentives (d) Increasing employee earnings regardless of their
which will induce employees to improve work productivity.
performance. Such alternative forms of reinforcement (e) None of these
will require increased understanding of motivational Q510.
theories and programmes. Which of the statements is are NOT TRUE In the context
Q505. of the passage?
Which of the following statements is TRUE in the context (A)Human effort is the cause of the development of
of the passage ? economic, resources.
(a)Development of economic resources is primarily the (B)Management is free to relate financial rewards to
product of market conditions performance.
(b)Earnings can be increased by lowering the selling (C)Employees can be easily motivated with traditional
price of products authority today.
(c) Employees can be best motivated by providing (a)Both (A) and (B)
financial incentives (b)Only (C)
(d)All employees should be entitled to organisational (c)Both (A) and (C)
rewards, just by being employed (d)Both (B) and (C)
(e)None of these (e)None of these
Q506. Q511.
Organisations can derive maximum advantages by Which of the following factors determine the quality of
(a)providing financial incentives to employees human efforts ?
regardless of performance (a)Desire and willingness of an individual to excel in
(b)enhancing labour productivity by increasing skills whatever he Undertakes
and motivation (b)Economic resources available with the organisation
(c)encouraging employees to expend greater physical (c)The individuals innovativeness
energy (d)Authoritarian leadership and job security
(d)inducing employees to improve work performance (e)None of these
and control their demands Q512.
(e)strictly adhering to governmental regulations In the context of the passage, a companies competitive
Q507. strength in the market is affected mainly because of
According to the passage, all of the following contribute (A)a slump in the international market
to an increase in employee earnings (B)poor interdepartmental coordination
(a) increasing the selling price of the companies (G) decreased labour productivity
products (a) Only (A)
(b)reducing profits in favour of employees (b) Only (B)
(c)providing Incentives and fringe benefits to employees (c)Only (C)
(d)enhancing labour productivity (d)Both (B) and (C)
(e)increased capital investment (e)None of these
Employees feel motivated to work when they Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(a)experience good working conditions in the answer the questions given below it Certain words
organisation are given in bold in the passage to help you locate
(b)decide to produce goods and services as a result of them while answering some of the questions.
team working Swami Vivekananda had said, So long as the millions live
(c) think of performance as a tool for obtaining rewards in hunger and ignorance, I hold, everyone traitor, who,
(d)relate rewards to material prosperity having been educated at their expense, pays not the least
(e)are members of the union heed to them. This issue has become relevant in the light
Q509. of the recent fall from grace of the American capitalist
Which of the following factors, according to the passage, image. The Enron, and Xerox exposures have
adversely affects the organisations competitive strength? revealed the Ugly side of Western style capitalism under
(a)Making rewards contingent on performance which, in the quest for short-term gains, wrong doings
(b)Ant productivity and ant management activities of are overlooked. As a result people have lost trust in
labour unions corporate performance and those involved in It. Further,


many of those involved in these scandals were highly (c)All those educated people who look after the masses
educated. In India top, we have had share of such scams (d)All Social Workers who are duty bound
in the stock market and the actors involved in them were (e)None of these
educated men. Earning of profits is, no doubt, I the main Q517.
aim of any business. But, if they are earned with What are the ultimate expectations from education to be
principles they enrich people’s lives. As the Jagat guru imparted to the youngsters ?
Sahkaracharya says, All for each and each for all should (A)To evolve an affluent society
be the motto of enlightened men.JRD Tata used to say (B)To make people inculcate high values
While profit motive, no doubt, provides the main spark (C)To help the youth acquire, higher skills
for any economic activity any , enterprise which is not (a)(A) and (B) only
motivated by consideration of urgent service to the (b)(B) and (C) only
community becomes obsolete soon and cannot fulfill its (c)(A) and (C) only
real role In modem society. When we talk of investing in (d)All the three, (A) (B) and (C)
education, a question arises as to what kind of education (e)None of these
needs to be given to the youngsters. Our aim is to evolve Q518.
not only an affluent society, but an egalitarian, just, Which of the following can be the most appropriate title
humane and Compassionate society. For that we need for the above passage ?
people who possess not only high skills but high values (a)Capitalism of the Western countries
as well. So the need of the hour is not only skill based (b)Profit earning as a business motto
education but also value inspired and value based (c)Establishing communal harmony
education. We can find answer for the present sickness (d)Education for earning wealth
in contemporary civilization in the Indian philosophy. (e)Need for high skill and value oriented education
Q513. Q519.
According to the author, a TRUE businessman should What, according to the author, is a way to improve the
(a)earn profit regardless of any consideration evils In the society ?
(b)run business profitably and ethically (a)Teachings of Indian Philosophy
(c)conduct business with principles despite making (b)High value based and skill based education
losses (c)Skill oriented training
(d)should have least concern for enrichment of peoples (d)Contemporary education as in the western countries
lives (e)None of these
(e)None of these Q520.
Q514. All for each, each for all means
The author has pointed out that the people involved in (a)All of us should be having business as motto
scandals and scams were (b)Each of us should be concerned for highest profit
(a)Social Workers (c)All businessmen should run business for each of them
(b)Political Leaders (d)Everyone in the country should look for the benefits
(c)Educated people of all the others
(d)Corporate Governors (e)None of these
(e)None of these Q521.
Q515. Which of the following is the view of JRD Tata as
The author has given the example of Enron, Xerox, etc. to described by the author ?
emphasize the point that (a)Consideration of urgent service to community should
(a)the western style of capitalism is advantageous be sidelined
(b)overcoming short-term gains Is not desirable (b)The main purpose for any economic activity should
(c)we should build up trust in corporate performance be only profitability
(d)we should get involved into long-term gains (c)Profit should be earned with due consideration to
(e)None of these social service
Q516. (d)Motivation to earn profit has become an outdated
As per Swami Vivekananda, which of the following will concept
be the most appropriate definition of traitor? (e)None of these
(a)Educated people ignoring the starving and illiterate
masses Direction : Read the following passages carefully and
(b)Millions who live in hunger and ignorance answer the questions given below it. Certain words


phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate What does the phrase shot in the arm as used in the
them while answering some of the questions. passage mean?
Despite the economic crunch worldwide that saw (a)Shock
pulverization of the largest banking and finance giants, (b) Fear
Indian banking houses have managed to show positive (c)Encouragement
growth this quarter. Some of India’s leading national (d)Anxiety
banks have posted a net profit rise of more than 40% (e)None of these
over the last quarter amid global turmoil. This would Q524.
come as a big shot in the arm for the investors and How, according to the author, is the current recession
consumers of these banks even though apprehension is beneficial?
mounting on other banking and broking firms (a)Worldwide, companies have realized that India is a
worldwide. One of the main reasons behind the success strong power to reckon with
of these banks this quarter, would be their direct backing (b)India is surging ahead of the other companies
by the Government of India. People take solace in their throughout the world
investments in public sector watching the bailout (c)After the recession is over international companies
packages being cashed out by governments all over the will turn to India for investment
world to save big business houses. Other private banks (d)Recession is bringing down the prices of essential
in India have also reported a substantial net profit over commodities
the last quarter Given the international and domestic (e)None of these
scenario one cannot put this down as a mundane Q525.
achievement. While others are on a cost cutting spree What, according to the author, will be a big boon In the
and firing employees, Indian Companies are actually days to come ?
working on boosting staffing in banking and broking (a)The economy coming back on the fast track
sectors. This can be seen as a big boon in the days to (b)The slowing down of the economy
come when the current recession eases and the economy (c)Increased hiring in Indian financial sector in times of
gradually comes back on to the fast track. The finance economic slowdown
minister has assured Indian public about the sound (d)The cost cutting carried out by all the companies
health of all Indian banks. This could also be evident (e)None of these
from the fact that there have been no mergers and Q526.
takeovers in Indian Banking sector in a contrast to world Which of the following statements is definitely time in
scenario where finance houses are looking for mergers the context of the passage ?
to cut costs on operations. We definitely are not looking (A)India has not been affected, by the economic
to thrive rather we Eire looking for growth. It is just that slowdown
the pace of growth is a little slow now as compared to a (B)Indian Banks are showing growth in this quarter
year or two before. These are hard times to test the hard. despite the recession
The weak in business and career will be weeded out and (C) While banking industry in the West was severely
it is sometimes very beneficial for business on the long affected by recession in the past, it is now gradually
run. recovering and showing a positive growth.
Q522. (a)Only (A)
What, according to the author, is, the reason for the (b)Only (B)
success of Indian national banks in this quarter? (c)Only (C)
(a)Indian national banks do not have any commitments (d)Only (A) and (B)
in troubled foreign markets, (e) Only (B) and (C)
(b)These banks can never face financial crisis because of Q527.
their sheer size Which of the following strengthens the finance ministers
(c)These banks Eire ready to give loans at a very low statement about the sound health of Indian Banks with
rate of interest . respect to the passage?
(d)The public is ready to invest in these banks because (A)There have been no acquisitions and mergers of
of the knowledge that these banks get strong support Indian Banks
from the Government (B)The Indian Banks are recording a positive growth
(e)None of these (C)Layoffs have been observed, worldwide.
Q523. (a)Only (A) and (B)
(b)Only (A) and (C)


(c)Only (A) (a)Genetically modified crops have been universally
(d) Only (B) recognized as a solution to poverty and environmental
(e)All (A). (B) and (C) degradation1
(b)The only way to Improve the deficit in food
Direction : Read the following passages carefully and requirement and food production in the world is by
answer the questions given below it. Certain words adapting genetically modified crops
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate (c)Genetically modified crops produce more yield as
them while answering some of the questions. compared to yield from the traditional methods
Modem biotechnology, especially the creation of (d)Taking advantage of absence of regulatory standards,
genetically modified crops, is often presented as magic scientists have been dumping new products in the
solution or universal panacea for the problems of markets without appropriate approval
poverty, inadequate nutrition and even environmental (e)None is true
degradation across the world. Conversely, there are Q529.
people who present the picture of tech generated The author of the given passage seems to be definitely
monsters and major human health hazards being created (a)suggesting the use of traditional methods of
by Science. Many of the technological changes currently agriculture as against biotechnology by developing
in the process of being utilised in agriculture can, have countries owing to their poor regulatory standards
unforeseen consequences, and their safety and future (b)in favour of utilizing biotechnology as a tool for
viability are far from secure. The reality, as always, is far alleviation of poverty from the world
more complex than either of these two extremes. Even (c)urging the policy makers to improve infrastructure
today the total food production in the world is adequate facilities so that farmers can maximize the benefits of
to feed the hungry of the world the problem is rather one genetically modified crops
of unequal distribution, which deprives a large part of (d)Unconvinced of the long term effects and rationale for
the population of even their minimal nutritional immediate requirement of genetically modified products
requirements. Similarly farmers, especially in developing (e)None of these
countries, face many problems such as lack of Q530.
infrastructure, poor or unstable market access, volatile Why, according to the author, is genetic modification of
input and output prices etc, that biotechnology does not crops not an answer to the problem of hunger in the
address, much less solve. It is true that transgenic plants world ?
can offer a range of benefits which are above and beyond (A)People being highly doubtful of the long term effects
those which emerged from more traditional innovations of genetically modified crops, do not buy the products
in cultivation. It is suggested that such new technology grown by such methods.
offers more effective pest resistance of seeds and crops (B)The problem of hunger In the world is not due to
through genetic control mechanisms, which also reduces inadequate production of food but due to unequal
the need for pesticide use and leads to improved yield. A distribution of it.
basic question, of course, is whether the new GM (C)Many developing countries have banned genetically
technology Is safe, and whether this is absolutely crucial modified products as developed countries have been
since the effects only be known much later. The jury is using these countries as dumping grounds for new
Still very much out on this matter, and the controversy genetically modified products.
does riot appear to be resolved quickly. The trouble is (a)Only (A)
that most governments in developing countries have (b) Only (B)
relatively low food and beverage regulatory standards, (c)Both (B) and (C)
and public systems for monitoring and surveillance of (d)Both (A) and (C)
such Items are poor or nonexistent. This leaves them (e)None of these
open for entry and even dumping of a raise of
agricultural products of the new technology, Which may Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
into pass regulatory standards in the more developed answer the questions given below it. Certain words
countries. phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
Q528. them while answering some of the questions.
Which of the following is TRUE In context of the passage Governments have traditionally equated economic
? progress with steel mills and cement factories. While
urban centers thrive and city dwellers get rich, hundreds
of millions of farmers remain mired In poverty.


However, fears of food shortage, a rethinking of one billion. In India on the other hand, with only 40% of
antipoverty priorities and the crushing recession in 2008 its farmland irrigated, entire economic boom currently
are causing a dramatic shift in world economic policy in underway is held hostage by the unpredictable monsoon.
favour of greater support for agriculture. The last time With much of India’s farming areas suffering from
when the world’s farmers felt such love was in the drought this year, the government will have a tough time
1970s. At that time, as food prices spiked, there was real meeting its economic growth targets. In a report,
concern that the world was facing a crisis in which the Goldman Sachs predicted that if this year too receives
planet was simply unable to produce enough grain and weak rains, it could cause agriculture to contract by 2%
meat for an expanding population. Government across this fiscal year, making the government’s 7% GDP
the developing world and international aid organisations growth target look a bit rich. Another green revolution is
plowed investment into agriculture in the early 1970s, the need of the hour and to make it a reality, the global
while technological breakthroughs, like high yield strains community still has much backbreaking farm work to do.
of Important food crops, boosted production. The result Q531.
was the Green Revolution and food production exploded. What is the authors main objective in writing the
But the Green Revolution became a victim of Its own passage ?
success. Food prices plunged by some 60% by the late (a)Criticizing developed Countries for not bolstering
1980s from their peak in the mid-1970s. Policy makers economic growth in poor nations
and aid workers turned their attention to the poor’s (b)Analyzing the disadvantages of the Green Revolution
other pressing needs, such as health care and education (c)Persuading experts that a strong economy depends
Farming got starved of resources and investment. By on industrialization and not agriculture
2004, aid directed at agriculture sank to 3.5% and (d) Making a case for the international society to
Agriculture lost its glitter. Also, as consumers in high engineer a second Green Revolution
growth giants such as China and India became wealthier, (e) Rationalizing the faulty agriculture policies of
they began eating more meat, so grain once used for emerging countries
human consumption got diverted to beef up livestock. By Q532.
early 2008 , panicked buying by importing countries and Which of the following is an adverse Impact of the Green
restrictions slapped on grain exports by some big Revolution?
producers helped drive prices upto heights not seen for (a)Unchecked crop yields resulted in large tracts of land
three decades. Making matters worse, land and becoming barren
resources got reallocated to produce cash crops such as (b)Withdrawal of fiscal impetus from agriculture to
bio-fuels and the result was the voluminous reserves of other sectors
grain evaporated. Protests broke out across the (c) Farmers began soliciting government subsidies for
emerging world and fierce food riots toppled their produce
governments. This spurred global leaders into action. (d)Farmers rioted as food prices fell so low that they
This made them aware that food security is one of the could not make ends meet
fundamental issues in the world that has to be dealt with (e)None of these
in order to maintain administrative and political Q533.
stability. This also spurred the U.S. which traditionally What is the author trying to convey through the phrase
provisioned food aid from American grain surpluses to making the government’s 7% GDP growth target look a
help needy nations, to move towards investing in farm bit rich ?
sectors around the globe to boost productivity. This (a)Indian is unlikely to achieve the targeted growth rate
move helped countries become more productive for ,
themselves and be in a better position to feed their own (b)Allocation of funds to agriculture has raised Indias
people. Africa, which missed out on the first Green chances of having a high GDP
Revolution due to poor policy and limited resources, also (c)Agricultural growth has artificially inflated Indias
witnessed a change. Swayed by the success of East Asia, GDP and such growth is not real
the primary poverty fighting method favoured by many (d)India is likely to have one of the highest GDP growth
policymakers in Africa was to get farmers off their farms rates
and into modem jobs in factories and urban centres. But (e)A large portion of Indias GDP is contributed by
that strategy proved to be highly insufficient. Income agriculture
levels in the countryside badly trailed those in cities Q534.
while the FAO estimated that the number of poor going Which of the following factors were responsible for the
hungry in 2009 reached an all-time high at more than neglect of the farming sector after die green revolution ?


(A) Steel and cement sectors generated more revenue for What encouraged African policy makers to focus on
the government as compared to agriculture. urban jobs ?
(B)Large scale protests against favouring agriculture at (a)Misapprehension that it would alleviate poverty as it
the cost of other Important sectors such as education did in other countries
and healthcare. (b)Rural development outstripped urban development
(C)Attention Of policy makers and aid organisations was in many parts of Africa
diverted from agriculture to other sectors. (c)Breaking opt of protests in the country and the fear
(a)None that the government would topple
(b)Only (C) (d)Blind imitation of western models of development
(c)Only (B) and (C) (e)None of these
(d)Only (A) and (B) Q539.
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) Which of the following had contributed to exorbitant
Q535. food prices in 2008 ?
What prompted leaders throughout the world to take (A)Hoarding of food stocks by local wholesalers, which
action to boost the agriculture sector in 2008 ? inadvertently created a food shortage.
(a)Coercive tactics by the U.S. which restricted food aid (B)Export of food grains was reduced by large
to poor nations producers.
(b)The realization of the link between food security and (C)Diverting resources from cultivation of food grains to
political stability that of more profitable crops.
(c)Awareness that performance in agriculture is (a)None
necessary in order to achieve the targeted GDP (b)Only (C)
(d)Reports that high growth countries like China and (c)Only (B)
India were boosting their agriculture sectors to capture (d)All (A), (B) and (C)
the international markets (e)Only (B) and (C)
(e)Their desire to influence developing nations to slow Q540.
down their industrial development. Which of the following is TRUE about the state of
Q536. agriculture in India at present ?
What motivated the U.S. to focus on investing in (A)Of all the sectors, agriculture needs the highest
agriculture across the globe ? allocation of funds.
(a)To make developing, countries become more reliant (B)Contribution of agriculture to India’s GDP this year
on U.S., aid would depend greatly upon the monsoon rains.
(b)To ensure grain surpluses so that the U.S. had no (C) As India is one of the high growth countries, it has
need to import food surplus food reserves to export to other nations.
(c)To make those countries more self-sufficient to whom (a)Only (A) and (C)
it previously, provided food (b)Only (C)
(d)To establish itself in the market before the high (c)Only (B)
growth giants such as India and China could establish (d)Only (B) and (C)
themselves (e)None of these
(e)None of these
Q537. Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
What impact did the economic recession of 2008 have on answer the questions given below it. Certain words
agriculture ? phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate
(a)Governments equated economic stability with them while answering some of the questions.
industrial development and shifted away from Jagir Singh has sold red onions at a market in south Delhi
agriculture every day for the past half century. Perched on an
(b)Lack of implementation of several innovative upturned crate, wrapped tight against the chill air, he
agriculture programmes owing to shortage of funds offers pyaz, a staple for much Indian cooking, for 60
(c) It prompted increased investment and interest in rupees a kilo, the most he can remember. Business is
agriculture brisk but most customers pick up only a small handful of
(d)The GDP as targeted by India was never achieved onions. That is just as well wholesale supplies are tight,
because of losses in agriculture he says, and the quality is poor. As India’s economy
(e)None of these grows by some 9% a year, food prices are soaring. In late
Q538. December the commerce ministry judged that food


inflation had reached 18.3%, with pricey vegetables (C)Poor infrastructure for storage and transportation.
mostly to blame. Officials have made some attempts to (a)Only (B)
temper the rise in the past month scrapping import taxes (b)Only (A) and (C)
for onions, banning their export and ordering low-priced (c)Only (A) and (B)
sales at government run shops. But there is no quick fix. (d)Only (B) and (C)
Heavy rain in the west of India brought a rotten harvest. (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
Vegetables from farther a field including a politically Q544.
sensitive delivery from a neighboring country are costly Which of the following is are TRUE in the context of the
to move on India’s crowded, potholed roads. Few passage ?
refrigerated lorries and poor logistics mean that much of (A)The interest rates are being raised in Indian
each harvest is wasted. Newspapers allege hoarders are (B)India is witnessing a steady economic growth.
cashing In. The biggest problems are structural. Food (C)It has been proven that the food inflation is mainly
producers, hampered by land restrictions, archaic retail because of hoarding.
networks and bad Infrastructure, fall to meet extra (a)All (A), (B) and (C)
demand from consumers. It was estimated In October (b)Only (A) and (B)
that a 39% rise In income per person In the previous five (c)Only (C)
years might have created an extra 220 million regular (d)Only (B) and (C)
consumers of milk, eggs, meat and fish. Supplies have not (e)None is true
kept up with this potential demand. The broader Q545.
inflation rate may be a less eye watering problem than Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate
the onions suggest. The central bank has lifted interest title for the passage ?
rates steadily in the past year and is expected to do so (a)Food Inflation In India
again later this month. Headline invasion fell to 7.5% in (b)Of Onions And Vendors
November, down by just over a percentage point from (c)Food Deficit Worldwide
October, though It is still above the central banks (d)Food Imports In India
forecast of 5.5% for March. (e)Benefits To Indian Consumers
Q541. Q546.
What is responsible for the increased demand amongst What can be said about the sale of onions at present as
consumers for certain food stuff ? given in the passage ?
(a)There has been an increase in the wholesale supplies (a)Vegetable vendors are unwilling to sell onions.
of this food stuff. (b)People are not buying as much as they used to.
(b)The vegetables in the market are very highly priced. (c)The sale of onions has picked up and Is
(c)There has been an increase in the incomes of people unprecedented.
(d)There is a lack of availability of vegetables in the (d)People are buying more onions than they used to.
market. (e)None of these
(e)There has been a surge in population. Q547.
Q542. The usage of the phrase cashing in the passage can
Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the context of the possibly mean
passage ? (a) Profiting
(a)The overall inflation is not as bad as the food inflation (b)Running Away
in India (c)Paying Money
(b)Help from other countries to counter food inflation (d)Bailing Out
has proved to be quite encouraging. (e)Buffering
(c)Government is banning the export of certain types of
vegetables in order to check the food inflation. Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(d)Highly priced vegetables are mostly responsible for answer the questions given below it.Certain words
the increased food inflation. phrases have been printed in bold to help you locale
(e)All the above statements are true. them while answering some of the questions.
Q543. India is rushing headlong towards economic success and
Which of the following is are the reasons for increase in modernisation, counting on high-tech industries such as
food vegetable prices ? information technology and biotechnology to propel the
(A)Bad weather. nation to prosperity. India’s recent announcement that
(B)Land restrictions. it would no longer produce unlicensed inexpensive


generic pharmaceuticals bowed to the realities of the recognized, strength is a step toward recognizing
World Trade Organisation while at the same time differentiated academic system and fostering excellence.
challenging the domestic drug industry to compete with These universities, combined, enroll well under 1
the multinational firms. Unfortunately its weak higher percent of the student population.
education sector constitutes the Achilles heel of this Q548.
strategy. Its. systematic disinvestment in higher Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the
education in recent years has yielded neither world-class passage ?
research nor very many highly trained Scholars, (a)The top five universities in India educate more than
scientists or managers to sustain high-tech development. 10 percent of the Indian student population.
India’s main competitors especially China but also (b)Indias higher education sector is the largest in the
Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea are investing in world.
large and differentiated higher education systems. They (c)In the past, countries could progress economically
are providing access to large numbers of students at the through low manufacturing cost as well as low wages of
bottom of the academic system while at the same time laborers
building some research based universities that are able (d)India has recently invested heavy sums in the higher
to compete with the world’s best institutions. The recent education sector leading to world class research.
London Times Higher Education Supplement ranking of (e)All are true
the world’s top 200 universities included three in China, Q549.
three in Hong Kong, three in South Korea, one in Taiwan, What does the phrase Achilles Heel mean as used in the
and one in India. These countries are positioning passage ?
themselves for leadership in the knowledgebase (a) Weakness
economies of the coming era. There was a time when (b) Quickness
countries could achieve economic success with cheap (c) Low Quality
labour and low-tech manufacturing. Low wages still help, (d) Nimbleness
but contemporary large-scale development quires a (e) Advantage
sophisticated and at least partly knowledgebase Q550.
economy. India has chosen that path, but will find a Which of the following is are India’s strengths in terms of
major stumbling block in its university system. India has higher education ?
significant advantages in the 21st century knowledge (A)Its system of higher education allows variations.
face. It has a large higher education sector the third (B)Medium of instruction for most higher learning is
largest in the world in student numbers, after China and English.
the United States. It uses English as a primary language (C)It has the paraphernalia, albeit small in number, to
of higher education and research. It has a long academic build a high quality higher educational sector.
tradition. Academic freedom is respected. There are a (a)Only (B)
small number of high quality institutions, departments, (b)Only (A) and (B)
and centres that can form the basis of quality sector in (c)Only (C)
higher education. The fact that the States, rather than the (d)Only (B) and (C)
Central Government, exercise major responsibility for (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
higher education creates a rather cumbersome structure, Q551.
but the system allows for a variety of policies and Which of the following are Asian countries, other than
approaches. Yet the weaknesses far outweigh the India, doing to head towards a knowledge based
strengths. India Educates approximately 10 percent of economy ?
Its young people in higher education compared with (A)Building competitive research based universities.
more than half in the major industrialized countries and (B)Investing in diverse higher education systems,
15 percent in China. Almost all of the world’s academic (C)Providing access to higher education to a select few
systems resemble a pyramid, with a small high quality students.
tier at the top and massive sector at the bottom. India (a)Only (A)
has a tiny top tier. None of its universities occupies a (b)Only (A) and (B)
solid position at the top. A few of the best universities (c)Only (B) and (C)
have some excellent departments and centres, and there (d)Only (B)
are a small number of outstanding undergraduate (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
colleges. The University Grants Commissions recent Q552.
major support of five universities to build on their


Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate (Financial Inclusion (FI) is an emerging priority for
title for the passage ? banks that have nowhere else to go to achieve business
(a) The Future Of Indian Universities growth. The viability of FI business is under question,
(b) Methods Of Overcoming The Educational Deficit in because while banks and their delivery partners
India continue to make investments, they haven’t seen
(c) India And The Hunt For A Knowledge Based commensurate returns. In markets like India, most
Economy programs are focused on customer on boarding, an
(d) Indian Economy Versus Chinese Economy expensive process which people often find difficult to
(e) Indian Economy And Its Features afford, involving issuance of smart cards to the
Q553. customers. However, large scale customer acquisition
What did India agree to do at the behest of the World hasn’t translated Into large scale business, with many
Trade Organisation ? accounts lying dormant and therefore yielding no return
(a)It would stop manufacturing all types of on the banks investment. For the same reason, Business
pharmaceuticals Correspondent Agents who constitute the primary
(b)It would ask its domestic pharmaceutical companies channel for financial inclusion are unable to pursue their
to compete with the international ones. activity as a fulltime job. One major reason for this state
(c)It would buy only licensed drugs from USA. of events is that the customer on boarding process is
(d)It would not manufacture cheap common medicines often delayed after the submission of documents
without a license. (required to validate the details of the concerned
(e)None of these applicant) by the applicant and might take as long as two
Q554. weeks. By this time the initial enthusiasm of applicants
Which of the following is are India’s weaknesses when it fades away. Moreover, the delivery partners don’t have
comes to higher education ? the knowledge and skill to propose anything other than
(A)Indian universities do not have the requisite teaching the most basic financial products to the customer and
faculty to cater to the needs of the higher education hence do not serve their banks goal of expanding the
sector. offering in unbanked markets. Contrary to popular
(B) Only five Indian universities occupy the top position perception, the inclusion segment is not a singular
very strongly, in the academic pyramid, when it comes to impoverished, undifferentiated mass and It is important
higher education. to navigate its diversity to identify the right target
(C)India has the least percentage of young population customers for various programs. Rural markets do have
taking to higher education as compared to the rest of the their share of rich people who do not use banking
comparable countries. services simply because they are inconvenient to access
(a)Only (A) and (B) or have low perceived value. At the same time, urban
(b)Only(B) markets, despite a high branch density, have multitude
(c)Only(C) of low wage earners outside the financial net. Moreover,
(d)Only (A) and (C) the branch timings of banks rarely coincide with the off
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) work hours of the labour class. Creating affordability is
Q555. crucial in tapping the unbanked market. No doubt
Which of the following, according to the passage, is are pricing is a tool, but banks also need to be innovative in
needed for economic success of a country? right sizing their proposition to convince customers that
(A)Cheap labour they can derive big value even from small amounts. One
(B)Educated employees way of doing this Is to show the target audience that a
(C)Research institutions to cater to development bank account is actually a lifestyle enabler, a convenient
(a)Only (A) and (B) and safe means to send money to family or make a
(b)Only(B) variety of purchases. Once banks succeed in hooking
(c)Only(C) customers with this value proposition they must sustain
(d)Only (B) and (C) their interest by introducing a simple and intuitive user
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) application, ubiquitous access over mobile and other
touch points, and adopting a banking mechanism which
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and is not only secure but also reassuring to the customer.
answer the questions given below it. Certain words Technology is the most Important element of financial
have been printed in bold to help you locate them inclusion strategy and an enabler of all others. The
while answering some of the questions. choice of technology Is therefore a crucial decision,


which could make or mar the agenda. Of the various Q559.
selection criteria, cost is perhaps the most important. In the passage, the author has specified which of the
This certainly does not mean buying the cheapest following characteristics of the customer on boarding
package, but rather choosing that solution which by process ?
scaling transactions to huge volumes reduces per unit (a) It involves collection of documents from the
operating cost. An optimal mix of these strategies would applicants in order to validate their details
no doubt offer an innovative means of expansion in the (b) It involves issuance of smart cards to the customers
banked market. (c)It suffers from latency as it takes a long time after
Q556. submission of documents by the customer
Which of the following facts is TRUE as per the passage ? (d)It is an expensive process which people find difficult
(a)People from rural areas have high perceived value of to afford
banking services (e)All of the given characteristics have been specified
(b)Cost is not a valid criterion for technological package Q560.
selection for financial inclusion initiatives What did the author try to highlight in the passage ?
(c)The inclusion segment is a singular impoverished, (A) The ailing condition of financial inclusion business at
undifferentiated mass present
(d)The branch timings of banks generally do not (B)Strategies that may help bank to expand in the
coincide with the off work hours of the labour class in unbanked market
urban markets (C)Role of government in modifying the existing
(e)All the given statements are true financial Inclusion policies
Q557. (a)Both (A) &(B)
According to the passage, for which of the following (b)All (A), (B) & (C)
reasons do the delivery partners fail to serve their banks (c)Only (C)
goal to expand in the unbanked markets ? (d)Only (A)
(A)They do not have adequate client base to sell their (e)Only (B)
financial products Q561.
(B)They do not have adequate knowledge and skills to According to the passage, which of the following ways
explain anything beyond basic financial products to the may help banks to sustain the interest of their customers
customers after hooking them?
(C) They do not have the skills to operate advanced (A)Adoption of a banking mechanism which is not only
technological aids that are a prerequisite to tap the secure but reassuring to the customers
unbanked market (B)Increasing the number of delivery partners in rural
(a)Only (B) market
(b)Only (C) (C)introduction of a simple and intuitive user application
(c)All (A), (B) & (C) (a)Only (A)
(d)Only (A) (b) Only (C)
(e)Both (B) &(C) (c)Only (B)
Q558. (d)All (A), (B) & (C)
According to the passage, for which of the following (e)Both (A) & (C)
reasons is the viability of financial inclusion under
question ? Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(a)The banks always prefer the cheapest package (to cut answer the questions given below it. Certain words
cost) while making a choice of technology to be used have been printed in bold to help you locate them
(b)The Business Correspondent Agents are highly while answering some of the questions.
demotivated to pursue their activity as a fulltime job The evolution of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend
(c)The investments made by banks and its delivery has been as profound as it has been rapid. It represents
partners are not yielding equal amount of returns the more visible sign that the boundaries between
(d)The banks do not have adequate number of delivery personal life and work life are blurring. The 9am 5 pm
partners required to tap the, unbanked market model of working solely from office has become archaic
(e)The banks do not have adequate manpower to and increasingly people are working extended hours
explore the diversity of the unbanked market and from a range of locations. At the very heart of this
thereby identity the right target customers for various evolution is the ability to access enterprise networks
programs from anywhere and anytime. The concept of cloud


computing serves effectively to extend the office out of (B) As this group represents the first generation who
office. The much heralded benefit of BYOD Is greater entered the workforce with a better understanding of
productivity. However, recent research has suggested sophisticated gadgets
that this is the greatest myth of BYOD and the reality is (C)As this group represents the first generation to enter
that BYOD in practice poses new challenges that may the workplace expecting that they can use their own
outweigh the benefits, A worldwide survey devices for work purpose
commissioned by Fortinet chose to look at attitudes (a)All (A), (B) & (C)
towards BYOD and security from the users point of view (b)Only (C)
instead of the IT managers. Specifically the survey was (c)Both (A) & (C)
conducted In 15 territories on a group of graduate (d)Only (A)
employees in their early twenties because they (e) Only (B)
represent the first generation to enter the workplace Q563.
with an expectation of own device use. Moreover, they Which of the following is not . TRUE about BYOD ?
also represent tomorrows influencers and decision (a)BYOD enables employees to access enterprise
makers. The survey findings reveal that for financial network from anywhere and anytime
organizations, the decision to embrace BYOD is (b)Due to evolution of BYOD trend the 9 am 5 pm model
extremely dangerous, larger organizations will have of working solely from office has become outdated
mature IT strategies and policies in place. But what (c)Recent research has confirmed that BYOD boosts
about smaller financial businesses ? They might not have organizational productivity
such1 well developed strategies to protect confidential (d)The concept of cloud computing facilitates the BYOD
data Crucially, within younger employee group, 55% of trend
the people share an expectation that they should be (e)All the given facts are true
allowed to, use their own devices in the workplace or for Q564.
work purposes. With this expectation comes the very According to the passage, why would the decision to
real risk that employees may consider contravening embrace BYOD prove dangerous to smaller financial
company policy banning the use of own devices. The businesses ?
threats posed by the is level of subversion cannot be (a)Their employees have poor knowledge about their
overstated. The survey casts doubt on the idea of BYOD devices which in turn pose a threat to the confidential
leading to greater productivity by revealing the real data of the organisation
reason people want to use their own devices. Only 26% (b)Their employees are more vulnerable to
of people in this age group cite efficiency as the reason misplacement of devices
they want to use their own devices, while 63% admit (c)They may lack mature IT strategies and policies
that the main reason is so they have access to their required to protect confidential data
favorite applications. But with personal applications so (d)They cannot afford to deal with damage liability
close to hand, the risks to the business must surely issues of employee owned devices
include distraction and time wasting. To support this (e)Their employees have a tendency to change jobs
assumption 46% of people polled acknowledged time frequently
wasting as the greatest threat to the organization, While Q565.
42% citing greater exposure to theft or loss of According to the passage, the expectation of younger
confidential data. Clearly, from a user perspective there employees that they should be allowed to use their own
is great deal of contradiction surrounding BYOD and devices in the workplace, entails which of the following
there exists an undercurrent of selfishness where users risks ?
expect to use their own devices, but mostly for personal (A)Younger employees may deliberately transfer
interest. They recognize the risks to the organization but confidential data of their companies to rivals if they are
are adamant that those risks are worth taking. not allowed to use their own devices for work purpose
Q562. (B)Younger employees may strongly feel like leaving the
According to the passage, for which of the following company if it prevents usage of own device and join
reasons did Fortinet conduct the survey on a group of some other company that does not have such stringent
graduate policies
(employees in their early twenties ? (C)Younger employees may. consider flouting company
(A)As this group represents the future decision makers policy prohibiting usage of their own devices in the
workplace or for work purposes
(l) Only


(C) economy. Indian education sectors market size in
(a) Only (B)(3J Both (A) & (C) Financial Year, 201213 estimated to be USD 71.2 billion
(b)Only (A) Is expected to increase to USD 109.8 billion by Financial
(c)All (A),(B) & (C) Year 20152016 due to the expected strong demand for
(d) quality education. The market grew at a CAGR of 16.5%
(e) during Financial Year 2015 2016, Financial Year
Q566. 20052012.Education has been made an important and
According to the findings of the . survey conducted by integral part of the national development efforts. The
Fortinet, why do majority of employees prefer using tremendous increase in the number of students and of
their own devices for work purpose ? educational institutions has given rise to the term
(a)As they often find that the devices provided by the education explosion. No doubt, this has resulted in
company lack quality serious problems such as inadequacy of financial
(b)As they have access to their favorite applications resources and infrastructure and dilution of personal
while working attention to the education and character formation of the
(c)As majority of them believe that output doubles when students. Also there is the unwanted side effect of
they use their own devices for work purpose enormous increase in the number of educated
(d)As handling data from their own devices reinforces unemployed. However, we cannot overlook the
their sense of responsibility advantages of education explosion in India. Mere
(e)As it helps them create a brand of their own increase in the percentage of literate people does not
Q567. indicate a qualitative change in the educational
What is are the authors main objective(s) in writing the standards of the people and a substantial improvement
passage ? in manpower resources of India. Unemployment
(A)To break the myth that BYOD promotes employee problem in India cannot be blamed on the availability of
efficiency, and organizational productivity large masses of educated people in India Uncertainty and
(B)To suggest ways to control subversion across levels vacillation have marked the government’s policy
of corporate chain of command regarding the medium of education in India. While the
(C)To throw light upon the fact that employees even government policy in this respect has not changed, a
after knowing the risks involved, prefer to use their own significant increase in the number of schools—primary
devices for work purpose mostly for personal benefits and secondary—Imparting education through the
(a)Both (A) & (C) English medium is a significant development thousands
(b)All (A), (B) & (C) of nursery schools that have mushroomed since the last
(c)Only (C) decade purport to impart education to infants through
(d) Only (A) English. This is an unwanted development which has
(e)Only (B) been deprecated by educationalists and political leaders.
Regarding the medium of instruction in colleges and
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and universities, many State Governments , have already
answer the questions given below it. Certain words decided, in principle, to switch over to the regional
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate language. I However the implementation in this respect
them while answering some of the questions. has remained very slow Today virtually every university
The Indian education sector is one of the largest sunrise In India is offering correspondence courses for different
sectors contributing to the country’s economic and social degrees and diplomas. In fact correspondence education
growth. The Indian education system, considered as one has opened new vistas for the educational system which
of the largest in the world, is divided into two major could not successfully meet the challenging problem of
segments of core and non-core businesses. While, providing infrastructure for multitudes of new entrants
schools and higher education form the core group, the into the portals of higher education. The pub 11c
noncore business consists of preschools, vocational demand for higher education was initially met through
training and coaching classes. The education sector in evening colleges correspondence education has come to
India is evolving, led by the emergence of new niche the rescue of the worried education administrators.
sectors like vocational training, finishing schools, child Q568.
skill enhancement and learning. India has emerged as a Which of the following facts is NOT TRUE regarding the
strong potential market for investments in training and Indian education sector as per the passage?
education sector, due to its favorable demographics (a)It is still in the process of development
(young population) and being a services driven (b) It is one of tire contributors , to Indias growth


(c)There has been a recent trend towards the adoption (d)The implementation of regional languages as medium
of regional languages as the medium of instruction of Instruction has been quite fast
(d) Mushrooming of schools I’m parting English (e) The prospects for future growth of Indias education
education has been appreciated sector looks bleak
(e)The number of educated unemployed as Increased Q573.
Q569. Which of the following statements cannot be said to be
As per the passage, Indias education sector has been able the highlights of the passage?
to attract Investments because of A .The demographic A Indias education sector is marked by increase in the
factor. B. The Indian economy being services driven. number of educated people paralleled by simultaneous
(C). Indian democratic governance being an attractive grow in employment.
issue. B. There are both positive and negative aspects of the
(a)Only (A) education explosion in India.
(b)Only (B) C. The Government policy towards education has been
(c)Only (C) that of clarity marked by sincere efforts.
(d) Both (A) and (B) (a)Only (A)
(e) Both (B) and (C) (b)Only (B)
Q570. (c)Only (C)
Which of the following explains the term education (d)All three
explosion as per the passage? (e)None of these
A. Huge investment in the education sector.
B. Proactive Government policy towards the education Direction : Read the following, passage carefully and
sector. answer the questions given below It. Certain words
C. Spurt in the number of students and educational phrases have been printed In bold to help you locate
institutions. them while answering some of the questions.
(a)Both (A) and (B) Four years ago, some of us watched with a mixture of
(b)Only (C) incredulity and horror as elite discussion of economic
(c) Both (B) and (C) policy went completely off the rails. Over the course of
(d)Only (B) just a few months, influential people all over the Western
(e)All of the above statements are correct world convinced themselves and each other that budget
Q571. deficits were an existential threat, trumping any and all.
Which of the following can be Inferred as per the concern about mass unemployment. The result was a
passage? turn to fiscal austerity that deepened and prolonged the
A. Increase in literacy levels signifies a qualitative economic crisis, inflicting immense suffering. And now
increase in educational attainment of people. its happening again. Suddenly, it seems as if all the
B. Literacy levels are closely related to Improvement In serious people are telling each other that despite high
manpower resources. unemployment there’s hardly any slack in labour
C. The existence of educated people does not necessarily markets — as evidenced by a supposed surge in wages
contribute to the problem of unemployment — and that the Federal Reserve needs to start raising
(a)Only (A) interest rates very soon to head off the danger of
(b) Only (B) inflation. To be fair, those making the case for monetary
(c)Only (C) tightening are more thoughtful and less overtly political
(d)Both (A) and (B), than the archons of austerity who drove the last wrong
(e) All three turn in policy. But the advice they’re giving could be just
Q572. as destructive, O.K., where is this coming from? The
As per the passage, which of the following statements is starting point for this turn in elite opinion is the
are correct? assertion that wages, after stagnating for years, have
(a)Increase in English medium schools Is a welcome sign started to rise rapidly. And its true that one popular
for the Indian education sector measure of wages has Indeed picked up, with an
(b)Increase in English medium schools in India is an especially large bump last month. But that bump is
insignificant though wanted development probably a snow related statistical Illusion. As
(c)Correspondence education has proved to be a economists at Goldman Sachs have pointed out, average
panacea In tends of educating people without proper wages normally jump in bad weather — not because
infrastructure anyone’s wages actually rise, but because the workers


Idled by snow and storms tend to be less well paid than much to abort the recovery, and, if that were to happen,
those who aren’t affected. Beyond that, we have multiple we would almost certainly be Japanified, stuck in a trap
measures of wages, and only one of them is showing a that might last decades. Is wage growth actually taking
notable uptick. Its far from clear that the alleged wage off? That’s far from clear. But if it is, we should see rising
acceleration is even happening. And what’s wrong with wages as a development to cheer and promote, not a
rising wages, anyway? In the past, wage increases of threat to be squashed with tight money.
around 4 percent a year — more than twice the current Q574.
rate — have been consistent with low inflation. And As mentioned in the passage, at what point the
they’re very good case for raising the Feds inflation influential people of the western world got convinced
target, which would mean seeking faster wage growth, four years ago ?
say 5 percent or 6 percent per year. Why? Because even (a)Budget deficits are an existing threat, trumping any
the International Monetary Fund now warns. against the and all concern about mass unemployment
dangers of afflation too low an Inflation rate puts the (b)Budget deficits are non existing threat and there will
economy at risk of Japanification, of getting caught in a be mass employment soon.
trap of economic stagnation and intractable debt. Over (c)Budget deficits decline rapidly and give sign of
all, then, while its possible to argue that were running flourishing economy.
out of labour slack, Its also possible to argue the (d)There is good sign of employment, despite long
opposite, and either Way the prudent thing would surely standing budget deficits.
be to wait Walt until there’s solid evidence of rising (e)None of these
wages, then wait some more until wage growth is at least Q575.
back to precise levels and preferably higher. for some Why the serious people seemingly are of the opinion that
reason there’s a growing drumbeat of demands that we despite high unemployment there is hardly any slack in
not wait, that we get ready to raise interest rates right labour markets ?
away or at least very soon. What’s that about? Part of the (a)They have evidenced a supposed surge in wages
answer, is that for some people its always 1979. That is, (b)Federal Reserve needs to start raising interest rates
they’re eternally vigilant against the danger of a runaway (c)A decline in wages has been expected
wage price spiral, and somehow they haven’t noticed (d)Demand for labourers has Increased
that nothing like that has happened for decades. Maybe (e)None of these
its a generational thing. Maybe its because a 19703 style Q576.
crisis fits their ideological preconceptions, but the According to an economist at Goldman Sachs, average
phantom menace of stagflation still has an outsized wages normally jump in bad weather because
influence on economic debate. Then there’s (a)workers are paid handsomely in bad weather
sadomonetariun the sense, all too common In banking (b)the Workers idled by snow mid storms tend to be less
circles, that inflicting pain is ipso facto good. There are well paid than those who are not affected
some people and institutions — for example, the Basel (c)Workers In bad weather are humanly treated and
based Bank for International Settlements — that always paid well at home
want to see interest rates go up. Their rationale is ever- (d)Workers idled by storm tend to be more well paid
changing — its Commodity prices no, its financial than those who aren’t affected
stability no, its wages — but the recommended policy is (e)None of these
always the same. Finally, although the current monetary Q577.
debate Isn’t as openly political as the previous fiscal What does the writer mean by using the term risk of
debate, its hard to escape the suspicion that class Japanification ?
interests are playing a role. A fair number of (a)Getting caught in economic inflation
commentators seem oddly upset by the notion of (b)Getting encouraging growth like Japan
workers getting raises, especially while returns to (c)Getting caught in a trap of economic stagnation and
bondholders remain low. Its almost as If they Identify intractable debt
with the investor class, and feel uncomfortable with (d)Getting growth rate of 5 percent or 6 percent per
anything that brings us close to full employment, and annum like Japan.
thereby gives workers more bargaining power. (e)None of these
Whatever the underlying motives tightening the Q578.
monetary screws anytime soon would be a very, very What, according to the passage, sad monetarism
bad Idea. We are slowly, painfully, emerging from the interprets ?
worst slump since the Great Depression. It wouldn’t take (a)Inflicting pain is not good.


(b)Inflicting gain is painful. institutions. The recent London Times Higher Education
(c)Inflicting higher taxes is good for economic health. Supplement ranking of the world’s top 200 universities
(d)Inflicting pain is ipso facto good. included three in China, three in Hong Kong, three in
(e) None of these South Korea, one In Taiwan, and one in India (an Indian
Q579. Institute of Technology at number 41— the specific
How does the writer see the rising wages ? campus was not specified). These countries are
(a)He sees it as a threat to economy positioning themselves for leadership in the
(b)He sees it as a development to cheer and promote, knowledgebase economies of the coming era. There was
not a threat to be squashed a time when countries could achieve economic success
(c)He sees it as an obstacle to development with cheap labour and low-tech manufacturing. Low
(d)He is of the view that unemployment will grow wages still help, but contemporary large-scale
intensely development requires a sophisticated and at least partly
(e)None of these knowledgebase economy. India has chosen that path, but
Q580. will find a major stumbling block in Its university
Bank for International settlements is located in system. India has significant advantages in the 21st
(a)Basel century knowledge f race. It has a large higher education
(b) Tokyo sector — the third largest In the world In student
(c) London numbers, after China and the United States. It uses
(d) New York English as a primary language of higher education and
(e)Berne research. It has a long academic tradition. Academic
Q581. freedom is respected. There are a small number of high
What is the central idea of the passage ? quality institutions, departments, and centres that can
(a)Rising wages is a bad omen for development form the basis of quality sector in higher education. The
(b)Rising wages is a good omen for development fact that the States, rather than the Central Government,
(c) Lowering wages is good for a developing economy exercise major responsibility for higher education
(d)Stagnation Is an existing feature of world economy creates a rather cumbersome structure, but the system
(e)None of these allows for a variety of policies and approaches. Yet the
weaknesses far outweigh the strengths. India educates
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and approximately 10 percent of its young people in higher
answer the questions given below It. Certain words education compared with more than half in the major
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate industrialized countries and 15 percent in China. Almost
them while answering some of the questions. all of the world’s academic systems resemble a pyramid,
India is rushing headlong toward economic success and with a small high quality tier at the top and a massive
modernisation, counting on high-tech industries such as sector at the bottom. India has a tiny top tier. None of its
Information technology and biotechnology to propel the universities occupies a solid position at the top. A few of
nation to prosperity. India’s recent announcement that it the best universities have some excellent departments
would no longer produce unlicensed inexpensive generic and centres, and there is a small number of outstanding
pharmaceuticals bowed to the realities of the World undergraduate colleges. The University Grants
Trade Organisation while at the same time challenging Commissions recent major support of five universities to
the domestic drug industry to compete with the build on their recognized strength Is a step toward
multinational firms. Unfortunately, its weak higher recognising a differentiated academic system — and
education sector constitutes the Achilles Heel of this fostering excellence, At present, the world-class
strategy. Its systematic disinvestment in higher institutions are mainly limited to the Indian Institutes of
education in recent years has yielded neither world-class Technology (IIts), the Indian Institutes of Management
research nor very many highly trained scholars, (IIMs) and perhaps a few others such as the All India
scientists, or managers to sustain high-tech Institute of Medical Sciences and the Tata Institute of
development. India’s main competitors — especially Fundamental Research These institutions. combined,
China but also Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea — enroll well under 1 percent of the student population.
are investing in large and differentiated higher education India’s colleges and universities, with just a few
systems. They are providing access to large number of exceptions, have become large, underfunded,
students at the bottom of the academic system while at ungovernable Institutions. At many of them, politics has
the same time building some research based universities intruded into campus life, influencing academic
that are able to compete with the world’s best appointments and decisions across levels.


Underinvestment in libraries, information technology, I. India has the third largest higher education sector in
laboratories, and classrooms makes it very difficult to the world in student numbers.
provide top-quality instruction or engage in cutting edge II.India is moving rapidly toward economic success and
research. The rise in the number of part time teachers modernisation through high tech industries such as
and the freeze on new fulltime appointments in many information technology and biotechnology to make the
places have affected morale in the academic profession. nation to prosperity.
The lack of accountability means that teaching and III. Indias systematic disinvestment In higher education
research performance is seldom measured. The system in recent years has yielded world class research and
provides few incentives to perform. Bureaucratic inertia many world class trained scholars, scientists to sustain
hampers change. Student unrest and occasional faculty high-tech development.
agitation disrupt operations. Nevertheless, with a (a)Only I
semblance of normality, faculty administrators are able (b)Only II
to provide ( teaching, coordinate examinations, and (c)Both I and II
award degrees. Even the small top tier of higher (d)Both I and III
education faces serious problems. Many 1IT graduates, (e)All I II and III
well trained in technology, have chosen not to contribute Q583.
their skills to the burgeoning technology sector in India. Which of the following statements in regard to the
Perhaps half leave the country immediately upon information given In the passage is NOT TRUE?
graduation to pursue advanced study abroad — and (a)The London Times Higher Education Supplement
most do no turn. A stunning 86 percent of students in ranking of the worlds top 200 universities has included
science and technology fields from India who obtain three universities of South Korea.
degrees in the United States do not return home (b)India has recently announced not to produce
immediately following their study. Another significant unlicensed inexpensive generic pharmaceuticals that will
group, of about 30 percent, decides to earn MBAs in be a challenge for the domestic drug industry to compete
India because local salaries are higher — and are lost to with the multinational firms.
science and technology. A corps of dedicated and able (c)Contemporary large-scale development requires a
teachers work at the IIts and IIMs, but the lure of jobs sophisticated and at least partly knowledge based
abroad and in the private sector make it increasingly economy.
difficult to lure the best and brightest to the academic (d)China has the fourth largest higher education sector
profession. Few in India are thinking creatively about in the world.
higher education. There is no field of higher education (e)None of these
research. Those in government as well as academic Q584.
leaders seem content to do the same old thing. Academic According to the view expressed by the writer in the
institutions and systems have become large and passage, what is a step toward recognizing a
complex. They need good data, careful analysis, and differentiated academic system and fostering excellence
creative ideas. In China, more than two dozen higher ?
education research centers, and several government (l) The University Grant Commissions recent major
agencies are involved in higher education policy. India support to five universities to build their strength.
has survived with an increasingly mediocre higher (a)New Education policy of the new government.
education system for decades. Now as India strives to (b)Scholarships granted by the Central government for
compete in a globalised economy in areas that require research.
highly trained professionals, the quality of higher (c)Government policy to open new world class
education becomes increasingly Important. India cannot institutions
build internationally recognized research oriented (d)None of these
universities overnight, but the country has the key (e)All abc
elements in place to begin and sustain the process. India Q585.
will need to create a dozen or more universities that can In writers opinion which of the following reasons is are
compete internationally to fully participate in the new responsible for poor higher education in India ?
world economy. Without these universities, India is I. India’s colleges and universities, with some exceptions,
destined to remain a scientific backwater. have become large under funded, ungovernable
Q582. institutions.
Which of, the following statement(s) is are correct in the
context of the given passage ?


II. Politics has intruded into many campuses that region’s economic prosperity is reaching its poorest
influences academic appointments and decisions across people. In urban areas of China, for example, the Gin
levels. coefficient (a measurement used to calculate inequality)
III. Under investment in libraries, laboratories, IT and has risen more than 35%since 1990. Nearly half a billion
classrooms hinder cutting edge research. Asians still lack access to safe drinking water and infant
(a)Only I mortality in many nations is more than 10 times higher
(b)Both I and II than the levels seen in developed economies. While
(c)Both II and III Factory Asia may be true for manufacturing and
(d)All I II and III information technology services, vast number of its
(e)None of these people are illiterate and unemployed. Its financial sector
Q586. is underdeveloped, with many people having no access
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE as per to simple banking, let alone other financial services.
the given information in the passage ? Asia’s future prosperity, and the eradication of extreme
(a) About fifty percent of IIT graduates leave India to poverty, will require much more than simply high
pursue advanced study abroad. growth. Growth must be accompanied by a narrowing of
(b)About 86 percent of students in science and inequality. It is essential to balance the region’s
technology fields from India who obtain degrees in US do economic expansion with more inclusive policies. Cut off
not return home following their study, by poor roads, telecommunications, or government
(c)In China more than two dozen higher education policies that don’t allow them to easily borrow or save,
research centres and several government agencies are Asia’s poor and vulnerable are watching the .chasm
involved in higher education policy. between rich and poor grow ever wider. That gap in
(d)The rise in the number of part-time teachers and the prosperity can aggravate simmering social, economic
freeze on new fulltime appointments in many places and political tensions. Asian governments can help stem
have boosted morale in academic profession in India. widening inequality by creating better conditions for the
(e)None of these private sector to take the lead on economic expansion,
Q587. continuing to promote economic diversification, and by
What in your opinion should be an appropriate title of spending on social services, education and ( healthcare,
the given passage ? and regional road, sea and air networks that will open
(a)Poor state of Higher Education in India more opportunities to more people. There are areas
(b)Politics in Indias Education system where western governments can help too. By investing
(c)Modernisation of Indian Education System in infrastructure alongside public lenders, they can help
(d)Higher Education Supplement Ranking attract much larger sums from the private sector. Asia
(e)None of these can also capitalise on financial lessons from the west,
particularly when it comes to setting banking
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and regulations, strengthening regional links, and promoting
answer the questions given below it. Certain, words bonds to better utilise Asian savings. When describing
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate where Asia stands today, its useful to remember that
them while answering some of the questions. what we are witnessing is not the emergence of Asia, but
Asia’s rapid rise Is the most successful story of economic rather the re-emergence of Asia. In 1820, Asia accounted
development in recent history. Income per capita for about 60% of total global output, with China and
reached nearly $5,000 in purchasing power parity terms India together accounting for nearly half of global GDP.
in 2010. Investment rates averaged 35% of GDP over the This was followed by nearly two centuries of economic
decade. The number of people living below the decline once the western industrial revolution took hold
$1.25aday poverty line fell by 430 million between 2005 a trend that, since the information age, has been solidly
and 2010.With such achievements at a time when much reversed. By implementing structural reforms and
of the rest of the world struggles with austerity opening their economies, China and others have rapidly
measures and economic recovery, Asian leaders might emerged as engines of the global economy. The recent
be tempted to switch to autopilot. But closer Asian Development Bank study suggests that we could
examination of the region’s economic and social see Asia producing over half of global GDP by
prospects soon reveals many paradoxes. The world’s midcentury, and 3 billion Asians would be considered
fastest growing region remains home to nearly half the part of the rich world, with capita income levels equal to
world’s extreme poor. While Asia has made tremendous that of Europe today. Carefully calibrated government
inroads in the fight against poverty, not enough of the support can help steer Asia’s economic potential,


reducing political risks while opening new markets to (b)Nearly half a billion Asians still lack access to safe
help move the west beyond the current crisis. In the long drinking water.
run, an Asian economy built on sustainable growth can (c)The infant mortality rate in many Asian nations is
support greater levels of trade, and generate growth in more than 10 times higher than the levels seen in
tourism. Conversely, a weaker Asia presents a host of developed economies.
threats to the west’s future growth and prosperity. (d)Investment rates in Asia averaged 35 percent of
Embracing globalisation and regional cooperation has Gross Domestic Product over the decade
helped bring developing Asia success. By further (e)Embracing globalisation and regional cooperation has
strengthening this process by focusing on greater access helped bring developing Asia success.
and inclusion within economies, and pursuing Q591.
sustainable development and improved governance, an In the authors opinion what are the areas where western
Asian century is both plausible and within reach. But government can help Asia boost economic development
policies that worked when Asia was low-income and ?I. By investing in infrastructure alongside public
capital scarce are less likely to work today and unlikely lenders, western governments can help attract much
to work in the future. Asia’s leaders must devise bold larger sums from the private sector. II.Asia can capitalise
and innovative national policies while pursuing regional on financial lessons from the west, Particularly when it
and global cooperation. Long-term prosperity will cornea to setting banking regulations, strengthening
depend on the intensity of resource use, including water regional links and promoting bonds to better utilise
and food, and success in managing the regions carbon Asian savings.
footprint. Asia’s challenges remain formidable, and its III. Factory Asia can make vast number of its people
future prosperity must be earned. The right policy literate and employed.
choices today could indeed make this the Asian century, (a)Only II
but this is far from preordained. (b) Only III
Q588. (c)Both I and III
Which of the following statement(s) is are correct in the (d)Both II and III
context of the passage ? (e)Both I and II
I. Asia’s per capita income reached approximately $ 5000 Q592.
in purchasing power parity terms in What suggestions has the author of this passage made
II.The number of people living below the $ 25 a day that can help Asian governments stem widening
poverty line in Asia fell by 430 million between 2005 and inequality in the region? I. By creating better conditions
2 for the private sector to take the lead oh economic
III.In 1820, Asia accounted for about 60% of total global expansion. II. By continuing to promote economic
output. diversification.
(a)Only 1 III. By spending on social services, education and
(b)Only II healthcare and regional road, sea and air networks that
(c)Both I and II will open more opportunities to more people.
(d)Both II and III (a) Only I
(e)All I, II and III (b) Both II and III
Q589. (c)Both I and II
What in your opinion should be the appropriate title of (d)Both I and III
the given passage ? (e)All I, II and III
(a)Asia’s Economic Rise and Paradoxes Q593.
(b)Asia’s Rise and Europe’s Re emergence Which of the following statements is not correct as per
(c)Economic Backwardness of Asia the given information in the passage?
(d)Developed and Developing Regions of the world (a)According to the Asian Development Bank study, Asia
(e)None of these can produce over half of global GDP by midcentury.
Q590. (b)in 1820, China and India together accounted for
Which of the following Is NOT TRUE as per the given nearly half of global GDP.
information in the passage ? (c)The author opines the necessity to balance the Asian
(a)In urban areas of China, the Gini coefficient that is a regions economic expansion with more inclusive
measurement used to calculate inequality has risen more policies.
than 45% since 1990.


(d)The widening gap between rich and poor people can efficiently. In fact, it is said that in the next two decades a
aggravate simmering social, economic and political growth window for India will open which may not come
tensions. . again because the working population to total
(e)The world’s fastest growing Asian region remains population ratio increases up to midJ203ds only. It is
home to more than sixty five percent of the worlds important for India to maximise its economic growth.
extreme poor. For doing so it will be important for India to absorb the
growing labour force If the services sector is to play an
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and important role. India is in a strong position to do this
answer the questions given below it. Certain Words since it has a history of using English for communication,
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate which in turn supports global trade and finance. Only the
them while answering some of the questions. services sector can have a major Impact on poverty.
On attending a conference which focused on the role of Improvements in agriculture are not having an effect on
the services sector in Indian economy, I was amazed. poverty. Today, to address the issue of poverty in India
This conference gave a very interesting perspective on there is a need to change the bad sectors to good sectors
the role of the service sector in the growth of the Indian and in turn to move people from unemployment to
economy in relation to growth rates in agriculture and employment. This is happening with growth in human
industry. The current situation in India is that the skills intensive sectors such as hotels, restaurants and IT,
growth rate of services has overtaken both agriculture but there are geographical, labour unions and human
and industry and Is now more than fifty percent of GDP. skills restrictions on labour movement. The key question
The services sector has the highest growth rate and is here I suppose, is that can services lead the economy?
the least volatile sector. Growth is particularly marked in For example, can services, such as IT, be taken to rural
public services, IT and financial services. In some areas areas? Experts in the conference have suggested that it
the growth rate of the services sector is forty to fifty seems that the services could lead the economy however
percent due to increased use of mobile technologies. there are a certain prerequisites for the same. In other
India therefore has a services oriented economy. It words, there needs to be greater equality between the
hasn’t followed traditional growth models as in China. different States and a better gender balance, There is
However, in the process of doing so it has skipped the also the need for additional fiscal capacity, tax reforms to
manufacturing stage and has jumped straight from the fund education, reduction in government debt and the
agricultural stage to services which is also the main revenue account must be kept in balance. Progress is
reason for the expansion of the services sector. Growth good but still initial conditions for growth have not yet
In the services sector will support growth In the been achieved.
agricultural and industrial sectors. However the only Q594.
setback for Indian economy is the lack of growth in the What does the author mean by the statement, a growth
manufacturing sector, which causes dependence on window for India will open ?
other countries which is not so desirable in terms of job (a)In the coming years the Indian economy will grow as
creation and increased prosperity. Population is also a the service sector of the country would be booming due
major concern of the Indian economy .As the population to the focus of the government on that sector.
of India grows so also does the number of dependents in (b)Only up to the next two decades would Indian people
the population in both the lower and higher age groups be interested in finding Jobs in the country beyond
.In such a scenario of increasing population .especially in which they search for jobs abroad thus hampering the
an economy which Is still recovering from crisis .growth growth of Indian Economy.
becomes difficult. For such an economy to groiyithas to (c)In the next two decades Indian Economy will have an
invest. Currently the public, sector invests more than it opportunity to grow as the working population of India
saves. The household sector saves In surplus, but this is will be high as compared to the dependent population
not Increasing so it cannot continue to support private (d)The growth of Indian Economy is like a small window
and public sectors. There is a massive need to spend on and in order to substantiate the growth it is important to
agriculture and Infrastructure development of the increase the size of the window by improving trade
country. Apart from that health and education should relations with other countries.
also be the priority of the government particularly the (e)There would be only a small period of time in which
education of women, in order to reduce the birth rate. the economy of India has to grow and If it fails to do so it
However, all said and done we cannot deny the fact that will never be able to recover from the economic
growing population of India can also benefit the Indian downfall.
economy if considered as a residing asset and used


Q595. (e)There would be only a small period of time in which
According to the passage, which of the following is are the economy of India has to grow and If it fails to do so it
TRUE about the impact of increasing population oh will never be able to recover from the economic
Indian economy ? I. If India attempts to absorb all the downfall.
labour force, it will impact the growth service sector Q598.
negatively and in turn hamper the economic growth of According to the passage, which of the following is are
the country. II. As the population of the country TRUE about the impact of increasing population oh
increases, the number of dependents in the country also Indian economy ? I. If India attempts to absorb all the
increases which in turn increases the pressure on the labour force, it will impact the growth service sector
economy. negatively and in turn hamper the economic growth of
III. An increasing population can never lead the economy the country. II. As the population of the country
of the country towards prosperity in fact it can only put increases, the number of dependents in the country also
strain on the economy of a country. increases which in turn increases the pressure on the
(a)Only I economy.
(b) Only II III. An increasing population can never lead the economy
(c)Only III of the country towards prosperity in fact it can only put
(d)Both I and II strain on the economy of a country.
(e)All I, II and III (a)Only I
Q596. (b) Only II
According to the passage, which of the following can be (c)Only III
said about two agriculture and industry sectors in India? (d)Both I and II
I. Looking at the growth of the services sector in India it (e)All I, II and III
can be safely said that the services sector will soon be in
a position to support both agriculture and industry Q599.
sector. II. The agriculture and the industrial sector of the What does the author mean by the statement to change
country have reached their threshold and there could be the bad sectors to good sectors ?
no use of further investment in these sectors. (a)The author opines to develop the neglected sectors so
III. Currently the agriculture and industry sectors that employment Is created.
contribute lesser as compared to services sector to the (b)The author has used a simple phrasal expression.
GDP of the country. (c)The author emphasizes to make people work better.
(a)Only I (d)The author Is of the opinion that a developing sectors
(b)Only II should be transformed into a developed sector.
(c)Both I and III (e) None of these
(d)Both II and III Q600.
(e)All I, II and III What does the author mean by the statement, a growth
Q597. window for India will open ?
What does the author mean by the statement, a growth (a)In the coming years the Indian economy will grow as
window for India will open ? the service sector of the country would be booming due
(a)In the coming years the Indian economy will grow as to the focus of the government on that sector.
the service sector of the country would be booming due (b)Only up to the next two decades would Indian people
to the focus of the government on that sector. be interested in finding Jobs in the country beyond
(b)Only up to the next two decades would Indian people which they search for jobs abroad thus hampering the
be interested in finding Jobs in the country beyond growth of Indian Economy.
which they search for jobs abroad thus hampering the (c)In the next two decades Indian Economy will have an
growth of Indian Economy. opportunity to grow as the working population of India
(c)In the next two decades Indian Economy will have an will be high as compared to the dependent population
opportunity to grow as the working population of India (d)The growth of Indian Economy is like a small window
will be high as compared to the dependent population and in order to substantiate the growth it is important to
(d)The growth of Indian Economy is like a small window increase the size of the window by improving trade
and in order to substantiate the growth it is important to relations with other countries.
increase the size of the window by improving trade (e)There would be only a small period of time in which
relations with other countries. the economy of India has to grow and If it fails to do so it


will never be able to recover from the economic Despite all the hype and media attention, ho one
downfall. currently knows the best way forward., We must
incentivize educationalists, technologists, and classroom
Q601. teachers professors to experiment and innovate. each
Which of the following statement(s) is are TRUE in the partnerships should freely explore alternatives as we
context of the passage ? I. Services sector grew in some seek to define the blended face to face, and online
areas about forty to fifty percent due to increasing classrooms of the future. Spine approaches will fall, bit
mobile phones II. During course of its growth, services that is part of the change process. There will be riot one
sector has skipped the manufacturing stage. size future fits all experience success will vary by
III. The services sector has the highest growth rate but is discipline and educational objectives. Unless everyone
the most volatile sector. involved in this process is inspired to take risks, we will
(a) Only l not enjoy the full potential these new approaches
(b)Only II represent. Also, we should not forget the extent to which
(c)Both I and III those who most benefit from the current system will
(d)Both I and II attempt to hijack this change process for their own
(e)All I,II,III purposes. With these issues in mind, consider the
Q602. following vision of the change process to the classroom
According to the author, which of the following can be of tomorrow a vision that leverages technology to create
said about the growth of services sector in India? a more personalized learning experience. With the onset
(a)The growth of services sector in India is facilitated by of this vision the professor student relationship will
the improvement in technology. change. What is not likely to survive is the large class in
(b)The expansion of service sector in India was seen which everyone progresses at, the same pace. That
mainly because of the growth in the agricultural sector. paradigm will be replaced by a more customized and
(c)India is essentially an agrarian economy and is not yet collaborative learning process. The reality of a
ready to shift focus from agriculture sector to services technology enabled personalized learning environment
sector. is still evolving. What seems clear is that at its heart is a
(d)It will take the service sector at least around two more collaborative and partially student mapped and
decades before it can overtake the agriculture and paced process. The function of the professor, aided by
industry sector. educationalists, will also change. Student professor
(e)Indian economy cannot run only on the basis of collaboration will now determine both what content can
services sector i.e., without further development in the be assigned to drill practice methods and how the
agriculture and the industrial sector. student demonstrates mastery of that content. In such
cases timing issues will most likely be left entirely in the
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and students hands, while technology specialists recommend
answer the questions given below it. Certain words the best hardware and software solutions. Critical
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate thinking application ideas will involve more specialized,
them while answeringsome of the questions. face-to-face, and, interactive online approaches geared to
We should never confuse education with training or the the real-time needs and progress the student is making.
Tools that educators use. Education is no more a Thus, the professor with the students help will vigilantly
computer or an online class than It is a chalkboard those mix and blend the learning ingredients to produce a new
are simply tools. Additionally, precious few new and learning environment. How this process plays out in
relevant findings have been added to our insights into reality will be the result of educational
the learning process much of what many proclaim , to be entrepreneurship, but it will surely entail both successes
insightful turns out to be faddish and misguided. What and some failures. The administration and accreditation
we need for learning to occur are well prepared and of education will also have to change. As more education
motivated teachers, students who are willing and able to occurs outside the bricks and mortar framework and Is
learn, and a social system that values educational more centered on the student professor Interaction, the
attainment. Many .might take exception to these role of all nonteaching staff will need to be reassessed.
assertions, raising a host of ancillary social, economic, As students and faculty increase their use of technology
nutritional, and sociological issues. However, decades of to personalise their formal and informal1 learning,
data from failed public experiments aimed at mitigating educational technologists must be on hand to facilitate
these problems argue to the contrary. What are we to the effective use of that technology. Also, the current
do? Create a wave of educational entrepreneur ship? hierarchical and standard outcomes formulas for


administration and accreditation of our colleges and (c)It is one of the gravest problems faced in education.
universities are no longer tenable. Realistically, they are (d)It undermines the value of the credential obtained
an impediment to the change needed. Finally, we must through education.
address one of the most serious challenges facing online (e)All the given options are true.
education cheating. Simply put, cheating is rampant, and Q607.
we are turning a blind eye to the problem. Presumably What does the author mean when he uses the words will
tuition revenues and the convenience of online classes be for naught ?
are the primary reasons for inaction. Cheating threatens (a)Author means, the efforts will be successful.
the integrity of the educational process, however, and (b)Author means, the efforts will get nothing.
the value-added of the degree. Solutions must be found (c)Author feels it is only $ dream
and implemented or , changes will be for naught. (d)Author encourages to reach the zenith.
Q603. (e)None of these
Which of the following can be the most suitable title for Q608.
the passage?
(a)Educating through technology what the future can be. (a)
(b)Evolution of Technology The way forward for tech, (b)
(c)Limitations of technology. (c)
(d)Teachers An obsolete future. (d)
(e)The hype around technology Elided education. (e)
Q604. Q609.
According to the author, which of the following changes Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in
will occur with the onset of the desired level of meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage
technology aided education. I. The pace of learning for ?
each student will be different. II. The role of the teacher (a) Involve
will change and become one of being the provider of (b) Dissolve
tailored learning content ,to the student. (c)Disappear
III., The decision of how much time a student needs to (d) Trap
learn will be left to the students disposal. (e) Ensue
(a) Only I Q610.
(b) Only II Which of the following can be the most suitable title for
(c) Only III the passage?
(d) Both I and II (a)Educating through technology what the future can be.
(e) Both I and III (b)Evolution of Technology The way forward for tech,
Q605. (c)Limitations of technology.
According to the author, which of the following should (d)Teachers An obsolete future.
be done to effectively integrate technology with (e)The hype around technology Elided education.
education ? Q611.
I. We should be alert, about people who may not allow Which of the following is TRUE according to the author
certain ,changes for their own benefits. ?I. The way the colleges are granted certification will
II. Innovation amongst stakeholders of education and have to be changed to accommodate the changes in
technology should be encouraged. imparting education through technology. II. With the
III. Risk taking should be kept to a bare minimum to onset of the desired level of technology enabled
mitigating adverse effects. education, learning will become a joint effort of students
(a)Only I as well as teachers.
(b)Only III III. With the onset of technology enabled education, the
(c) Only III school college premises or building will lose its
(d) All three I, II and III. importance slightly.
(e) Both l and II (a)Both I and II
Q606. (b)Both I and III
According to the author, which in NOT TRUE about (c)Both II and III
cheating ? (d)Only II
(a) It Is quite prevalent at present. (e)All three I, II and III
(b)Not much is being done to curtail it at present.


Direction : Read the following passage carefully and of the wealth, you intercept someone share of the daily
answer the questions given below it. Certain words bread and also sacrifice those who have the maximum
phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate power to , make you happy— family, emotions and love.
them while answering some of the questions. Prolonged abstinence in feeling emotions finally
Capitalism is a great slave, but a pathetic master. This destroys bliss and you don’t even realize when you have
truth unfortunately gets lost in our chase for the elusive become a dry-eyed cripple. .. and then you land up in
dream especially in the West, the land that has been semen workshops to find out the real meaning of life or
marketed as the land of dreams —the great Western whatever these workshops are capable of explaining.
dream. Its the dream of being independent masters of The truth is that such workshops are also driven by
our lives, of making big bucks and of being happy—even merchants who cash in on the dejected state of the
if that happiness is being bought by money which all of people, a state created by their own fictional dreams. But
them chase out there. No doubt, the West, on its part, has by then it is really too late. By then you have made
been fairly successful in creating material comforts a profits out of arms, and engineered wars to keep that
plenty. It has Improved the living standard of its average Industry alive, You have sold guns across the counters at
citizen. However it has been achieved as a result of more super markets End made profits. You’ve lobbied that
than 200 years of unbridled growth and exploitation. guns should be made accessible to the common man, all
And that is what has made the rest of the world for the sake of profit. This makes you realise one day that
mindlessly chase Westernism, not necessarily happiness they are your own children who are in the line of fire
or an ideal form of society. All because the shop window against the school goes who opens fire at his
looks very impressive and it has been marketed very schoolmates. This is the society that finally creates an
well. But a deep look inside the shop tells the different emotionless monster, who gets satisfaction in killing
tale A different world lies behind, a world that Is not adults and children alike for no cause, no reason and for
quite visible to the starry eyes of millions — for whom none, for himself. It is the utter destruction of
the western way of life seems to be the ultimate dream. spiritualism and the total focus on endless self-
Thus we have Indians’ dreaming to become or to get gratification. Where so many single parent families and
married to an NRI and Indian middle class fathers divorce exist, it is impossible to bring up children or
dreaming of their sons reaching the bay Eirea and influence the killers, any better.
landing the tech Jobs, unmindful of the second class life Q612.
they end up leading In the west. What goes unseen and Who does the author hold responsible for the shooting
almost un .rd is that the west also happens to be the land spread in schools and colleges ?
that is right amongst the top in terms of the number of (A)Lack of love and emotion in the society in general.
divorces per thousand, the number of single parents per (B) Increased focus on self-gratification even when it
thousand, the number of old people in old homes, the comes at the cost of innocent lives
number of suicides, homicides, and of Course, the (C) Deteriorating social structure leading, to break up of
number of college school shootouts. And why not After families resulting in lack of moral development in
all, such societies are constantly driven towards higher children.
profits and materialism, expectedly, this materialism (a)Only A
comes at a, cost that the world is paying today. This is (b)Only C
the reason why we have millions dying of curable (c) Only B and C
diseases in Africa and other underdeveloped countries, (d)All of these
while the rich grow richer. Their growth will be reduced (e)None of these
if they were to start thinking of the poor. So what do they Q613.
do to justify their greed for more ? They most shrewdly Why does the author refer to the law of survival of the
propagate market a ridiculously primitive law of the fittest as ridiculous ?
jungle for our 21st century civilian, the law of the (a)This law is primitive and holds good for developed
survival of the fittest The interesting thing about nations
material things is that they only give an Illusion of (b)This primitive law is often used to justify the
happiness however such happiness is always accumulation of wealth by selected few
momentary in nature. Ergo, at this juncture, you feel you (c)People from developing countries used it to
are the happiest person in the world, after buying your rationalize their immigration to the Western countries.
new car or flat screen TV, and just a few days later, these (d)It is true that drily the most suitable person will
are the very possessions that cease to make you happy. succeed In life.
While you chase the bigger car and spend that extra bit (e)None of these


Q614. have to move away for a while from the topic of western
As per the given information in the passage, what has recession to the Japanese recession For years the
made the rest of the world mindlessly chase westernism Japanese style of management has been admired.
? However over the last decade or so, one key question has
(a)It is happiness that lies there. sprung up if Japanese management style is as wonderful
(b)It Is an ideal form of society that attracts the rest of as described then why has Japan been in a recession for
the world. more than a decade ? The answer to this question is very
(c)The shop window in the west looks very impressive simple. Culture plays a very important part in shaping up
and it has been marketed very well. economies. What succeeds in one culture fails In another.
(d)Good academic opportunities create fascination Japanese are basically non materialistic. And however
(e)None of these rich they become unlike others, they cannot just keep
Q615. throwing and buying endlessly. And once they have
As mentioned by the author, which of the following everything they need there is a saturation point. It was
statements is NOT TRUE regarding the west ? only when companies like Toyota realised that they
(a) The west has been fairly successful in creating cannot keep selling cars endlessly to their home market
material comforts. that they went really aggressive in the western markets
(b)The west has improved the living standard of its and the rest is history Japanese companies grew bigger
average citizen. by catering to the world markets when their home
(c)The standard of living has improved due to unbridled markets shrunk. And the markets have to shrink filially
growth and exploitation. after attaining a level of influence And that’s great of the
(d)The hard labour of citizens and humanity to the world because earth needs sustainable development. It
needy have paid them dividend. does not need monstrous consumers who keep
(e)None of these. consuming at the cost of the environment and the earth.
Q616. There should be limits to growth so that consumers are
As opined by the author, which truth unfortunately gets not converted into material dustbins for the profit of a
lost In our chase for the great western dream ? handful of corporations. Owing to the materialistic
(a)Happiness lies in material ism. culture elsewhere, it was possible to keep selling newer
(b)An idle man dies unrecognised. products to the consumers despite having existing ones
(c)One cannot grow without dream which served equally well. They were lured through
(d)Capitalism is a great slave but a pathetic master. advertising and marketing techniques of dustbinisation
(e)None of these. of the customer and then finally once they became ready
Q617. customers, they were given loans and credits to help
What the author considers the reason why we have them buy more and more. When all the creditworthy
millions dying of curable diseases in Africa and other people were given loans to a logical limit, they ceased to
underdeveloped countries ? be, a part of the market. Even this world is
(a)materialism understandable if it could work as an eye opener, instead
(b)backwardness of taking the right steps Toyota did, they preferred to
(c)unsuitable way of living take a shortcut. Now banks went to the non-
(d)increasing population creditworthy people and gave them loans. The people
(e) lack of education on sanitation expectedly defaulted and the entire system collapsed.
Q618. Now like Toyota western companies will learn to find
What in your opinion should be the most appropriate new markets. They will now lean towards India because
title of the given passage ? of its common man The billion plus population in the
(a)Materialism a true dream next 25 years will become, a consuming middle class.
(b) Materialism an illusion of 1happiness. Finally, the world’s attention will shift to the developing
(c)Growth is prelude to happiness. world. Finally, there will be a real surge in income of
(d)Family and emotions hinder growth these people and in the next fifty odd years, one can
(e) Development and happiness go together. really hope to see an equal world in terms of material
plenty, with poverty being almost nonexistent And this
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and will happen not by selling more cars to Americans and
answer the questions given below it. Europeans. It will happen by creating markets in India,
Indeed the western recession is really the beginning of China , Latin America and Africa, by giving their people
good news for Indian But to understand that we will purchasing power and by making products for them. The


recession has made us realise that is not because of According to the author, what is the main cause of
worse management techniques, but because of limits to Japanese recession ?
growth. And they will realise that it is great for planet (a)Only a handful of corporations earned profits and not
earth. After all, how many cars and houses must the rich the people in general
own before calling it enough ? Its time for them to look at (b)Non creditworthy people defaulted which led to a
others as well. Many years back, to increase his own collapse of the entire system
profits, Henry Ford had started paying his workers more, (c)Consumers were sold newer products which were
so that they could buy his cars. In similar fashion, now similar in quality to the existing ones
the developed world will pay the developing world (d)Japanese do not purchase endlessly and thus when
people so that they can buy their cars and washing products had been sold to every customer, the markets
machines. The recession will kick start the process of slowed down
making the entire world more prosperous, and lay the (e)None of these
foundation of limits to growth in the west and the Q623.
foundation of real globalization in the world—of the How does the author foresee the future globalization as
globalization of prosperity. And one of its first an analogy to Henry Fords example ?
beneficiaries will be India. (A)Car companies would start selling cars in developing
Q619. countries as well
What does the author mean by the Right Step in the (B)By paying the developing world would increase its
passage ? own profit, in turn bringing affluence to developing
(a)Giving loans to creditworthy people only world as well
(b)Considering market growth along with environment (C)To earn profit, the companies in developing countries
protection would move to foreign land
(c)Restricting people to buy only such products which (a)Only A
are needed by them (b)Only B
(d)To start looking at newer avenues and markets (c)Only C
(e)None of these (d)Only A and C
Q620. (e)None of these
Although admired since years, why did the skepticism Q624.
over the Japanese management style start since the last According to the passage, which , of the following was
decade? NOT an effect of providing loans, and credits to the
(a)Japanese companies have been moving out of their customers ?
home markets since the last decade (A)The non-creditworthy people defaulted
(b)Japanese banks have provided loans indiscriminately (B)People bought new products which were not needed
to the creditworthy as well as non creditworthy people (C)Poverty became non-existent
(c)Because Japanese markets have been going through a (a)Only A
period of continuous recession since the last decade (b)Only B
(d)The unlimited growth of the Japanese markets has (c)Only A and B
come at the cost of the western market. (d)Only B and C
(e)None of these (e)Only C
Q621. Q625.
Why does the author foresee the markets being created What does the author mean by dustbinisation of the
in the developing countries instead of America and customer ?
Europe ? (a) Convincing the customer to buy products he does not
(a) All developing countries have materialistic culture need
(b)Developing countries are willing to make an effort to (b)Denying the non creditworthy people of any loans
achieve globalization (c)Denying store loans to people who have already taken
(c)American and European markets have had a large loans to .a logical limit
number of credit defaulters. (d)Moving from old customers at the home market to
(d)Recession has not hit the markets of developing foreign markets
countries yet (e) None of these
(e)None of these
Q622. Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
answer the given questions.


Certain words are given in Bold to help you to locate our greatest advantage — such as how to use it to
them while some answering some of the questions. influence others — we can all greatly benefit.
In our day and age, technology is omnipresent and an Q626.
integral part of our lives. However, although the main According to the passage, which of the following is NOT
purpose of technology is to make our life easier, the TRUE about the characteristics of the Info-sity ?
reactions and opinion son technology are very diverse. (a)The pace of our lives has increased significantly due
This year, various sessions at the Women’s Forum to technology
covered the influence of new technologies on our daily (b).With the help of technology, people try to do multiple
life. It is worthwhile analyzing two contrasting things at the same time leading to stress
perspectives in depth, to understand how broad this (c)Technology makes our life sedentary and leads to
debate is. On the one hand, technology an digital media health problems
can be a great help reach out to other people and sprayer (d)Due to technology each individual is bombarded with
message to a very large platform . The session How to be excess information
a digital this past Thursday was lying exactly this (e)All the given options are true according to the
question, introduced various platforms agencies on how passage
to use the digit to your advantage. Social moves all Q627.
distances geogrecial hierarchical. You can run, at any Which of the following can be said about the invention
time, and commercial time us a communication has beer of the car?
Today everyone has transmit how ledge, ability of e (A)More than being a boon, this invention has become
creator of is has In obesity. During the session It was inconvenience to us.
argued that due to the acceleration of our lives led by the (B)It has invoked in us the desire to travel to places that
acceleration of technology, we have changed the way we we would not have otherwise gone to.
consume and generate information. People are trying to (C)It has enabled us to have more time for ourselves.
live 10 lives at once and a lot of stress and anxiety occurs (a)Only A and C
from that. The two speakers even argue that we are (b)Only B and C
suffering from digital bulimia, meaning that we take in a (c)Only A and B
lot of information at once, without really processing it (d)All the three (A) (B) and (C)
for ourselves, and in turn create a lot of new information. (e)Only B
This, it is obvious that technological advancement has Q628.
failed at Its .mission of making everybody’s life easier, as Which of the following can be the most suitable title for
many people are reacting negatively to it. It is really an the passage ?
irony, on the one hand the technology we are (a)The paradox of Technological influence.
surrounding ourselves with is designed to give us more (b)The Different Types of Technology Available
time for ourselves — which is something we all want. (c) Technology Propagation The Road to Nowhere
However, today, while technology is as developed as (d)Technology and Gainful in sight
ever before, we are living in a time with the biggest (e)Technological Progress Across the Continents
scarcity of time. For Example the invention of the car Q629.
allowed us to save time, when compared to walking. According to the author, which of the following can be
However, it also made us want to go further by giving us said about, reaching out to people through the medium
this option, so overall we spend more time getting to of technology ?
places. The same is true for other technologies — we (A)Today’s digital age has made it essential for an
want to travel to more countries, learn more, fall in love individual to send a message that is genuine in nature.
more often. The search for content and experience has , (B)The ability to impact many people through a message
become the meaning of life Germany. So whether is solely dependent on the number of times the same
technology is aiding our life and making it easier, or message goes out, regardless of its authenticity.
creating new challenges and stress for us, really depends (C)Technology has made it easier to reach out to masses
on how we react and interact with the new technologies. of people at the same time.
If — when technology solves one of our problems—we (a)Only C
keep immediately coming up with new, larger problems, (b)All A, B and C
no technology will ever be able to satisfy our constantly (c)Only A and G
new needs. However, if we allow technology to make our (d)Only A and B
life easier, and focus more on the quality, rather than the (e)Only B
quantity of life, and also learn how to use technology to Q630.


Which of the following, is TRUE according to the passage South Asia must clean up Its act, skeptics might question
? the timing. of the haze report. The Johannesburg meet on
(A)It is in our own interest that we keep a check on the Rio+10 is just two weeks away and the stage is ,set for
amount of digital information that we generate. the usual battle between the developing world and the
(B)The promise on which technology was designed was West, particularly the U.S. President Mr. Bush has
that it should make our lives simpler. adamantly refused to sign any protocol, which would
(C)It is best that we learn to survive without any mean a change in American consumption level. U.N.
technological intervention in our lives. environment report will likely to find a place in the U.S.
(a)Only A and B arsenal as it plants an accusing finger towards controls
(b)All the three A, B and C like India and China. Yet the U.S. can hardly deny its own
(c)Only B and C dubious role In the matter of erasing trading quotas.
(d)Only A Richer countries can simply buy up excess credits from
(e) Only B poorer countries and continue to pollute. Rather than try
Q631. to get the better of developing countries, who un
According to the passage, which of the following is the doubted have taken up environmental shortcuts in their
authors opinion statement about technology? bid to catch up with the West, the U.S. should take a look
(a)Beware Technology can only bring doom if allowed to at the environmental profligacy. which is going on
proliferate. within. From opening up virgin territories for oil
(b)Take responsibility for how you let technology exploration to relaxing the standards for drinking water,
impact your life Mr Bushs policies are not exactly beneficial, not even to
(c)Go ahead and invest in the latest technology, it is Americas interests. We realize that we are all in this
worth it. together and that pollution anywhere should be a global
(d)What the future of technology holds for us is concern otherwise only be more tunnels at the end of the
unknown, wait and watch tunnel.
(e)Other than those given as options. Q632.
Both official and corporate Indians allergic to
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and (a)failure of monsoon
answer the questions given below it. Certain words (b)poverty and Inequality
expressions are given in bold in the passage to help (c)slowdown In industrial production
you locate them while answering some of the (d)mention of clean technology
questions. (e)crop failure
Radically changing monsoon patterns. Reduction in the Q633.
winter rice harvest and a quantum increase in Which, according to the passage, is a life and death
respiratory diseases all part of the environmental question to many Indians ?
doomsday scenario which is reportedly playing out in (a)Increase In respiratory diseases
South Asia. According to a United Nations Environment (b)Use of clean technology
Programme report, a deadly three deep blanket of (c)Thick blanket of pollution over the region
pollution comprising a fearsome cocktail of ash, acids, (d)Failure in crops
aerosols and other particles has enveloped this region. (e)Dwindling agricultural yield
For India, already struggling to cope with a drought, the Q634.
Implications of this are devastating and further crop If the rate of premature deaths increases it will
failure will amount to a life and death question for many (a)exert added burden on our, crumbling economy.
Indians. The increase in premature deaths will have (b)have adverse social and economic consequences.
adverse social and economic consequences and a rise in (c)make positive effect on our efforts to control
morbidities will place an unbearable burden on our population.
crumbling health system. And there Is no one to blame (d)have less job aspirants In the society.
but ourselves. Both official and corporate India has (e)have healthy effect on our economy.
always been allergic to any mention, of clean technology. Q635.
Most mechanical two wheelers roll off the assembly line Choose the word which is SIMILAR in meaning of the
without proper pollution control system. Little effort is word profligacy as used in the passage
made for R &D on simple technologies, which could (a)wastefulness
make a vital difference to people’s lives and the (b)conservation
environment. However, while there Is no denying that, (c)upliftment


(d)criticalness (d)Nobody should travel through tunnel to avoid health
(e)denouncement hazards.
Q636. (e)We all must strive hard to Increase agricultural
According to the passage, India cannot tolerate any production.
further Q642.
(a)crop failure Which of the following finds place in the United Nations
(b)deterioration of health care system Environment Programme Report?
(c)increase in respiratory diseases (a)Changing monsoon patterns
(d)proliferation of nuclear devices (b)Substantial increase in respiratory diseases
(e)social and economic consequences (c)A serious cover of pollution over the region
Q637. (d)Reduction in winter rice has vest
According to the passage, two wherever industry is not (e)None of these
adequately concerned about Q643.
(a)passenger safety on the roads Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the
(b)life cover insurance of the vehicle owners context of the passage ?
(c) pollution control system in the vehicles (a)U.N. environment report blames countries like India
(d)rising cost of the two wheelers and China
(e)rising cost of the petrol in the country (b)Developing countries have taken environment
Q638. shortcuts In their bid to catch up with the west.
What could be the reason behind timing of the haze (c)U.S. Is also to be blamed for environmental
report just before the Johannesburg meet, as indicated in degradation and pollution
the passage ? (d)Indians cannot afford to have any further crop failure
(a)United Nations is working handing love with U.S. (e) U.S. has tightened safety standards for drinking
(b)Organises of the forthcoming meet to teach a lesson water
the U.S Q644.
(c)Drawing attentions of the world towards devastating According to the passage, Johannesburg meet is going to
effects of environment degradation. witness
(d)U.S, wants to use it as a handle against the developing (a)calm and dispassionate thinking on the issue of
countries in the forthcoming meet . pollution control.
(e)The meet is a part of political agenda of the U.N. (b)a blaming game between developed and developing
Q639. countries.
Choose the word which is SIMILAR in meaning of the (c)refusal of U.N. to Work as arbitrator
Word allergic as used in the passage. (d)U.S. agreeing to look at the issue of lowering its
(a)liking consumption
(b) passionate (e)countries agreeing for higher monetary allocation to
(c)possessive R & D.
(d) crumbling
(e)repugnant Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
Q640. answer the questions given below. Certain words In
Which of the following is the indication of environmental the passage have been printed In bold to help you
degradation in South Asia ? locate them when answering some of the questions.
(a)Social and economic inequality Can the last fifteen years be called the most successful
(b)Crumbling health care system decade and a half in Indian history and will the next
(c)Inadequate pollution control system fifteen be equally successful ? Consider a culture where
(d)Overemphasis on technology independent thinking is not encouraged. Or take the
(e)Radically changing monsoon pattern example of traditional family run business with vast
Q641. resistance to change or a whole nation who believes that
What must we realise, according to the passage ? breakthrough ideas can be generated abroad but never
(a)No country should show superiority over other at home. Partly responsible is socialization from early
Countries. years we are taught not to question our elders but at
(b)U.N. is putting in hard efforts, in the workplaces this creates a hurdle for new thinking. Being
direction of pollution control. unable to change radically gives rise to a culture where
(c)All countries must join hands in fighting pollution. even the smallest change is heralded as a break through.


Indian corporate leaders have done well standing up to (d)Empowering employees to voice their opinions
global giants as their companies have grown in size and causes disharmony in the company
market share. To be successful in international markets (e)Innovation management is the key to growth for
they need to be distinct distinct products, processes, Indian companies
technologies, business models and organisations. The Q647.
bottom line will be Innovation. Creativity workshops are Which of the following is a cause for gravity?
organized to channel people to think differently. There (A)Mind-set
are fantastic ideas being generated all the time but no (B)Socialization
Industry .breakthrough. Simply because of gravity (C)Limited focus
regressive force exerted by a mindset. Thinking has (a)Only (A)
therefore to happen at three, levels idea, frame and (b) Only (B)
paradigm. From a narrow focus on either product or (c)Only (C)
process innovation organizations need to look at (d) All of these
innovating the whole ecosystem of the organization. (e)Both (A) and (B)
Many a time waiting for a hundred percent solution Q648.
before going to the market the organization forgets that Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the context of the
it could end up waiting forever. Moreover sometimes pas sage ?
organizations are too focused on today to see tomorrow. (a)A change in mindset can help promote innovation
Since management mandates are short-term, sowing the (b)The author believes India has tremendous potential
seed for a revenue stream today and leaving Its benefits (c)India suffers because of the belief the breakthrough
to be reaped by a successor doesn’t appeal to today’s ideas can only be generated abroad
business leader. This is a serious hurdle to into Ovation. (d)Innovation automatically happens if a company
Establishing a function called innovation management or subscribes to the latest management strategies
training employees through creativity workshops will (e)All are true
have few benefits unless each frontline employee is Q649.
empowered to Share his innovative ideas with the An appropriate title for the passage would be
management. What happens to this system when the (a)Industry Problems
person driving the change leaves the organization ? The (b)Creativity Boon or Curse
approach to innovation hence needs to be system driven (c)What Ails Innovation
rather than people driven. In thirty years India can be (d)India Next Superpower ?
the largest world economy save China and the US. (e)None of these
However as companies grow there exists a resemblance Q650.
in their products, services, promotions, processes and Which of the following discourages innovation in India ?
pricing and so on. There remains only one escape from (a)Adopting an 80 percent solution to a problem
this trap. (b)Trying to focus both on product and process
Q645. innovation
The main idea of the passage is (c)Focusing on the future benefits of an idea rather than
(a)India has tremendous potential present ones,
(b)Indian companies need to expand to international (d)Making innovation system driven
markets (e)None of these.
(c)the more things change the more they remain the Q651.
same. According to the author how can Indian companies
(d)creative thinking is the key to Indias success compete and, excel internationally ?
(e)None of these (A)Adequate preparation
Q646. (B)Cornering greater market share
Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the (C)Implementing gradual change
passage ? (a)Only (A)
(a)Following tried and tested methods will enable a (b) Only (B)
company to continue being successful globally (c) Only (C)
(b)A crisis is the optimal time for a company to make (d) All of these
changes (e)None of these
(c)Generating new opportunities for the future should Q652.
be the focus of innovation How does socialization hinder innovation ?


(A)It facilitates independent thinking. major proportion of the oil and other natural resources
(B)It heads us not to challenge established practices. that China needs to feed its growing economy are
(C)Creates a strong belief in family values. imported., Beijing has to aggressively woo the countries
(a)Only (A) rich in energy resources, which also represent emerging
(b)Only (B) markets for Chinese products. To ensure a stable
(c)Only (C) security environment within the region and thus
(d)Both (A) and (C) facilitate economic growth China played an active role in
(e)None of these facilitating negotiations with North, Korea.
Q653. Destabilization of a potential flashpoint like the Korean
How does a company ensure innovation continues when peninsula1 would lead to a flood of refugees crossing the
a person responsible for change quits ? border, interrupting careful, plans of economic
(a)Organizing frequent creativity workshops for rejuvenation of Chinas North East. Chinas growing
employees influence has caused a shift in the geopolitical status quo
(b)Ensuring innovation is embedded into the system and its influence Is beginning to replace that of the
(c)Adopting new management strategies United states and European powers in Africa. Chinas
(d)Making incremental not radical changes new diplomacy though has had its share of critics who
(e)Motivating employees and rewarding individual have expressed their unease at Chinas military
contributions. modernization programme and its willingness to deal
with regimes widely condemned as corrupt and
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and oppressive. Despite this when the Africa was in need of
answer the questions given below it. Certain words aid and infrastructure or the US needed help in
are given in bold to help you to locate them while negotiating with Korea they turned to China. By taking a
answering some of the questions. lead in a variety of international and regional forums,
Though the last twenty-five years have seen China dazzle initiating bilateral and military exchange and dispensing
the world with its excellent economic performance it has aid and technical assistance in parts of the world where
shied away from playing the kind of active role in traditional powers are Cautious to tread China has
international affairs that would seem commensurate signaled that its days of sitting on the sidelines, content
with its economic weight. This is because traditionally to let others shape world affairs are emphatically over.
Chinas politics have been defined by the need for Q654.
economic development above all else. In the past Chinas Why has China traditionally been a passive spectator in
authorities have tended to downplay the countries global affairs ?
international clout, choosing to stress instead its (a)To safeguard its oil resources
developing country status and limited military (b)To maintain security in its vicinity
capabilities. Such modest rhetoric was Intended to allay (c)To conceal Its economic predicament
their fears that Chinas rise was causing across its (d)To focus on domestic economic growth
immediate neighborhood. That Beijing is finally (e)Economic dominance of the US
acknowledging its status as a major player in the Q655.
international system is evidenced by the fact that the Which of the following best describes Chinas current
President has formally developed a theory of international status ?
international relations the concept of harmonious world. (a)Cause of insecurity among developing nations
The concept, encompassing broad notions of (b)Largest economy in the world
multilateralism, prosperity for all through common (c)Largest donor of aid to developing countries
development and tolerance for diversity has left world (d)Pioneer of implementing a harmonious world
opinion perplexed. These are commendable objectives philosopy
but the theory is short on specifics regarding the means (e)None of these
to achieve them. Chinas recent willingness to be a more Q656.
active player internationally, stems from complex What has been the fallout of Chinas Increased
factors. The country’s economic strength having participation in world affairs ?
acquired the largest foreign exchange reserves in the (a)International scrutiny of its economic policies
world is undeniable and reports far it to be the largest (b)Growth of corruption among its politicians
economy in the next quarter of a century. For sustained (c)Its influence and prestige have grown substantially
double digit economic growth China thus has no choice (d)Its growth rate has stabilized
but to become more active internationally. Moreover as a (e)None of these


Q657. (B)Curtailing its military modernization programme to
On which of the following factors is Chinas economic reassure neighboring countries
growth de pendent ? (C)Negotiating bilateral treaties only with countries with
(A)Increased supply of oil and other natural resources good human rights records
to developed countries. (a)Only (A)
(B)Success of harmonious world policy. (b)Both (A) and (B)
(C)Political stability in Africa. (c)Both (B) and (C)
(a)Only (C) (d)Only (B)
(b)Only (A) (e)None of these
(c)Both (A) and (B) Q662.
(d)All (A), (B) and (C) Which of the following is an outcome of Beijing’s role in
(e) None of these Africa ?
Q658. (a)Americas influence in the region has reduced
Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the (b)Instability in the region
passage ? (c)The amount of aid from Europe and other countries
(a)Chinas current political standing internationally is has doubled
disproportionate to its financial strength (d)The balance of power in Africa has shifted in favour
(b)China is a reluctant participant in military dialogues of Europe over the US
(c)The harmonious World theory is the only utilitarian (e)None of these
remedy to the current challenges facing the world Q663.
(d)The US has recognized and acknowledged Chinas Which of the following is are responsible for Chinas
growing international reputation active international participation ?
(e) China has stopped dealing with corrupt countries (A)Rapid economic growth as a result of selling its
because of international pressure surplus foreign exchange reserves
Q659. (B)The need to explore and expand to new markets
The main purpose behind Beijing’s intervention in North (C)The need to modernize its armed forces
Korea is to (a)Only (A)
(a)ensure that the US acknowledges Chinas growing (b)Both (A) and (B)
military influence (c)Only(B)
(b)prevent any hindrances to Its domestic economic (d)Both (B) and (C)
development programmes (e)None of these
(c)protect its financial investment in neighboring
countries Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(d)provide humanitarian assistance to one of Its answer the questions given below it. Certain words
strongest allies Korea phrases are printed in bold to help you to locate
(e)None of these them while answering some of the questions.
Q660. The outside world has pat answers concerning
Which of the following CANNOT be said about Chinas extremely impoverished countries, especially those In
international relations theory ? Africa. Everything comes back, again and again, to
(a)The theory Is ambiguous in , nature corruption and misrule. Western officials argue that
(b)The theory reflects, Chinas realization that it occupies Africa simply needs to behave itself better, to allow
a vital place in global affairs market forces to operate without Interference by corrupt
(c)It promotes the concept of common development for rulers. Yet the critics of African governance have it
all nations wrong. Politics simply can’t explain Africans prolonged
(d)It is a theory which explains Chinas sustained growth economic crisis. The claim that Africa’s corruption is the
rate basic source of the problem does not withstand serious
(e)It emphasizes achieving prosperity through universal scrutiny. , During the past decade I witnessed how
development relatively well governed countries in Africa, such as
Q661. Ghana, Malawi, Mali and Senegal, failed to prosper,
Which of the following is NOT a step taken by China to whereas societies in Asia perceived to have extensive
cement its role as a world leader ? corruption, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia and . Pakistan,
(A Providing aid to countries when other nations are enjoyed rapid economic growth. What is the
unwilling to do so explanation? Every situation of extreme poverty around


the world contains some of its own unique causes, which The passage seems to emphasize that the outside world
need to be diagnosed as a doctor would a patient. For has
example, Africa is burdened with malaria like no other (a)correct understanding about the reasonable aid
part of the world, simply because it is unlucky in provided by the USA to the poor countries
providing the perfect conditions for that disease high (b)definite information about what is happening in
temperatures, plenty of breeding sites and particular under developed countries
species of malaria transmitting mosquitoes , that prefer (c)stopped extending any financial aid to
to bite humans rather than cattle. .H Another myth Is underdeveloped countries
that the developed world already gives plenty of aid to (d)misconceptions about the aid given to the poor
the world’s poor. Former U.S, Secretary of the Treasury, nations by developed countries
Paul O’Neil expressed a common frustration when he (e)None of these
remarked about aid for Africa trillions of dollars on these Q665.
problems and we have damn near nothing to show for it. According to the Westerners the solution to eradicate
O Neil was no foe of foreign aid. Indeed, he wanted to fix poverty of African nations lies in
the system so that more U.S. aid could be justified. But he (a)corruption
was wrong to believe that vast flows of aid to Africa had (b)improving their own national behaviour
been squandered President Bush said in a press (c)misrule
conference in April 2004that as the greatest power on (d)prolonged economic crisis
the face of the earth, we have an obligation to help the (e)None of these
spread of freedom. We have an obligation to feed the Q666.
hungry. Yet how does the U.S. fulfill its obligation? U.S. The author has given the exam, pie of Bangladesh,
aid to farmers in poor countries to help them grow more Indonesia and Pakistan in support of his argument that
food runs at around $200 million per year, far less than (a)corruption is the major culprit in the way of
$1 per person per year for the hundreds of millions of prosperity
people living in subsistence farm households. From the (b)misgovernance hampers the prosperity of nations
world as a whole, the amount of aid per African per year (c)despite rampant corruption, nations may prosper
is really very small, just $30 per sub Saharan African in (d)developed nations arrogantly neglect
2002. Of that modest amount, almost $5 was actually for underdeveloped countries
consultants from the donor countries, more than $3 was (e)None of these
for emergency aid, about $4 went for servicing Africa’s Q667.
debts and $ 5 was for debt relief operations. The rest, The author has mentioned Ghana as a country with
about $12, went to Africa. Since the money down the (a)reasonably good governance
drain argument is heard most frequently in the U.S., its (b)corrupt leadership
worth looking at the same calculations for U.S. aid alone. (c)plenty of natural resources
In 2002, the U.S. gave $3 per sub Saharan African. Taking (d)rapid economic growth
out the parts for U.S. consultants and technical (e)None of these
cooperation, food and other emergency aid, Q668.
administrative costs and debt relief, the aid per African The cases of malaria In Africa are mainly due to
came to grand total of 6 cents. The U.S. has promised (A)high temperature
repeatedly over the decades, as a signatory to global (B)climatic conditions conducive for breeding.
agreements like the Monterrey Consensus of 2002, to (C)malaria carriers liking for human blood in preference
give a much larger proportion of its annual output, to that of cattle.
specifically up to 0.7% of GNP, to official development (a)None of these
assistance. The U.S. failure to follow through has no (b)Only B and C
political fallout domestically, of course, because not one (c)Only A and C
in a million U.S, citizens even knows of statements like (d)Only A and B
the Monterrey Consensus. But no one should (e)All the three
underestimate the salience that it has around the world.
Spin as American might about their nations generosity, Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
the poor countries are fully aware of what the U.S. is not answer the questions based on it. Some words have
doing. been printed in bold to help you locate them while
Q664. answering some of the questions.
Gross Domestic Savings (GDS) play a vital role In the


economic growth of a country since it facilitates to invest surplus funds in physical assets such as Gold,
provide requisite financial resources to undertake Silver and lands. Nevertheless, considerable share of
various developmental and welfare programs. A high savings also flowing to financial assets, which includes,
level of savings helps the economy to progress on a Currency, Bank Deposits, Claims on Government,
continuous growth path as investment is mainly Contractual Savings, Equities The composition of
financed out of savings. GDS is one of the important household financial savings shows that the bank
economic indicators to measure financial regulation and deposits (44%) continue to remain the major
soundness of the country. Absence of required savings contributor along with the rise in the Contractual
rate may lead to external dependence, which may Savings, Claims on Government and Currency. Though
jeopardize the interests of the Nation. Savings habit is an there was gradual decline in currency holdings by the
inbuilt culture of the Indian system and It has been households i.e. 13.79% in 1970s to 9.30% in 2007, still
growing consistently over the years. The GDS percentage the present currency holding level with households
to GDP has shown considerable Improvement from 10% appears to be on high side compared to other countries.
in 1950 to 33.70% in 2010, which is one of the highest The primary reasons for higher currency holdings could
globally. It is interesting to note that while the share of be absence of banking facilities in majority villages (5.70
corporate sector Increased from 10% to 24% during lakh villages) as well as hoarding of unaccounted money
1950 to 2010, the share of public sector has come down in the form of cash to circumvent tax laws. Though, cash
to 6% from 18% during the said period. The buoyancy of is treated as financial asset, in reality, a major portion of
corporate sector in post reform era could be one of the currency is blocked and become unproductive. Bank
reasons for increased share of corporate in GDS. While deposits seemed to be the preferred choice mainly on
there is increasing trend in saving rate, marginal decline account of its Inbuilt features such as Safety, Security
is observed under household sector i.e. 72% to and Liquidity. Traditionally, the Household sector has
70%.Notwithstanding the fact that the share of been playing a leading role in the landscape of bank
household savings to GDS is showing decline, still this deposits followed by the Government sector. However,
segment is the significant contributor to GDS with 70% the last two decades has witnessed significant shift in
share. Indian households are among the most frugal in ownership of Bank deposits. While there was
the world. However, commensurate capital formation improvement in Corporate and Government sectors
has not been taking place as a lion’s share of household share by 8.30%, and 7.20% respectively during the
savings are being parked in physical assets compared to period 1999 to 2009, household sector lost a share of
financial assets. The pattern of disposition of saving is an 13.30% in the post reform period. In the post-
important factor in determining how the saved amount independence era, Indian financial system was
is utilized for productive purposes. The proportion of characterized by poor infrastructure and low level of
household saving in financial assets determines the financial deepening. Savings in physical assets
channelization of saving for investment in other sectors constituted the largest portion of the savings compared
of the economy. However, the volume of investment of to the financial assets in the initial years of the planning
saving in physical assets determines the productivity periods. While rural households were keen on acquiring
and generation of income in that sector itself Post farm assets, the portfolio of urban households
Independence era has witnessed a significant shift in constituted consumer durables, gold, Jewellery and
development of household savings especially the share house property. Despite the fact that the household
of financial assets increased fro in 26.39% in 1950 to savings have been gradually moving from physical assets
54.05% in 1990 may be on account of increased bank to financial assets over the years, still 49.79% of
branch network across the country coupled with household savings are Wrapped in unproductive
improved awareness of investors on various financial physical assets, which is a cause of concern as the share
banking products. However, contrast to common of physical assets to total savings are very high in the
expectations, the share of financial assets in total recent years compared to emerging economies. This
household savings has come down from 54.05% to trend needs to be arrested as scarce funds are being
50.21% especially in post reform period i.e. 1990 to diverted into unproductive segments Of course,
2010 despite providing easy access and availability of investment in Real, estate sector, can be treated as
banking facilities compared to earlier years. The productive provided construction activity is commenced
increased share of physical assets over financial assets within reasonable time, but it is regrettably note that
(around 4%) during the last two decades is a cause of many investors just buy and hold it for speculation
concern requires focused attention to arrest the trend. leading to unproductive investments, India has probably
Traditionally, the Indians are risk averse and prefer, to the largest fascination with gold than any other country


in the world with a share of 9.50% of the world’s total Which of the following are the primary reasons, cited in
gold holdings. The World Gold Council believes that they the passage, for higher currency holdings?
are over 18000 tonnes of gold holding in the country. (a)It is due to large banking network that stashes
More impressive is the fact that current demand from money.
India alone consumes 25% of the world’s annual gold (b)It is due to absence of banking facilities in majority of
output. Large amount of capital is blocked in gold which villages and tendency to circumvent tax laws for
resides in bank lockers and remain unproductive. Indian unaccounted money.
economy would grow faster if the capital markets could (c)People do riot believe in banks and fear that
attract more of the nation’s savings and channel them government may take their money.
into more productive areas, specially infrastructure. If (d)There is lack of awareness among people about
the Indian market can develop and evolve into a more savings in banks
mature financial system, which persuades the middle (e)None of these
class to put more of its money into equities, the potential Q673.
Is mindboggling. Despite the fact that the household savings have been
Q669. gradually removing from physical assets to financial
Which of the following statement(s) is are correct in the assets over the years. What percentage of household
context of the given passage ? savings is wrapped in unproductive physical assets?
I. The GDS percentage to GDP has shown considerable (a)45%
improvement from 10% in 1950 to 37% in 2010, which (b) 46.79%
is one of the highest globally. (c) 58%
II. The saving rate however shows an increasing trend, (d) 49.79%
marginal decline Is observed under household sector. (e) None of these
III. The share of financial assets in total household Q674.
savings have come down from Which of the following should be a suitable title of the
Q670. passage?
Post-independence era has witnessed a significant shift (a)Importance of Gross Domestic Savings
in deployment of household savings especially the share (b)Growth of Indian economy
of financial assets Increased to 505% in 1 Which of the (c)Fascination for Gold
following is are supposed to be the prime cause of this (d)Physical assets versus financial assets
shift? (e)None of these
(a)It is due to bank branch network across the country.
(b)Government has made arrangements to aware the Direction : Below are given two passages. Read each
people. of them carefully and answer the questions given
(c)It is due to increase in bank branch network and under It.
awareness among investors on various banking When we talk about public opinion someone may
products. legitimately ask the question Does the public care for law
(d)Indian economy is growing at 8% and people are and order? The answer is Yes. The vast majority of the
saving more than earlier people in India, as elsewhere, are law a biding and they
(e)None of these want that they should be able to carry on their daily
Q671. work in a peaceful atmosphere, It is this craving for
India has probably the largest fascination with gold than peace, which enabled strong kings to finish feudal
any other country in the world. Which of the following Is regimes in many countries in Europe in the 14th and
incorrect in regard to this fascination as mentioned in 15th countries. It is this very feeling, which enabled
the passage? many dictators in the 20th century to earn public
(a)India shares 9.50% of the total gold holdings applause in the beginning by ending lawlessness, bet us
(b)According to the World Gold Council estimates, there go back in history. There was a time in the history of the
are over 18000 tonnes of gold holding in India. world when there was no state and no government. Man
(c)The current demand from India alone consumes 25% lived in the state of nature. The famous British political
of the worlds annual gold output. philosopher Hobbes has given a description of this state.
(d)A small amount of capital is blocked in gold in banks Both life and property were unsafe and man lived in a
but is however productive. state of perpetual terror. This forced human beings to
(e)None of these evolve ordered societies to make laws for themselves
Q672. and to follow these laws. As society developed rules of


conduct got codified as laws, e.g., laws were made (c)keep community interest before self interest.
against murder and theft so that everyone could live and (d)having self interest at the cost of community interest.
enjoy his property. Individual selfishness against (e)
community interests became a crime. Arresting Q678.
criminals was obeying the mandate of the people. As Which of the following is NOT an indication of a civilized
laws grew in number and complexity, professional police society?
forces emerged. Even now citizen constables have not (a)Laws against murder and theft
been entirely displaced and a Bobby in U.K. has very few (b)Following of the laws by the people
powers not enjoyed by a citizen. The greatest benefit of (c)Living in a state of terror
civilised life was law and order. The rule of law was (d) Arresting criminals.
recognized by Socrates, Plato and Aristotle as the most (e)
prominent feature of democracy. Aristotle said that Q679.
every child in school must be taught obedience to law, Which of the following philosophers belonged to LbK?
else the State will cease to exist. The state of public (a)Hobbes
opinion In a country has a vital bearing on law and order. (b) Socrates
This may be a vague and nebulous concept, but one can (c) Aristotle
notice the big difference as, for example, between U K. (d) Plato
and India. It will not be possible anyone in U.K. to collect (e)
a crowd of a hundred on several of those issues on which
one can collect a crowd of several thousands in India. Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
Here, in India, a systematic attempt was made by several answer the questions given below it. Certain words
sections to denigrate this very concept and to advance phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them
the thesis that illegal activities may be quite democratic while answering some of the questions.
and praiseworthy. If this Is accepted, the very basis of The major ground for rejecting the fusion of political and
civilized existence is knocked out, because civilization, as communal aspirations seems to be the physical dangers
it has developed, would not have been possible without to which this exposes the citizens of a country. Unlike
the concept of the rule of law. Its universal acceptance political appeals to class factors, political appeals to
now is due to several hundreds of years of struggle. Once communal questions are much more concrete, precise
it is destroyed, we will revert to the state bf nature, in and emotion charged, since they involve intimate and
which life, as described by Hobbes, was nasty, brutish personal sentiments. The language issue, for instance,
and short. can never be an abstract issue to any city in a country
Q675. relative, say, to the issue of social welfare, poverty
Majority of people follow the law and order basically eradication, or expansion of educational opportunities.
because Politicians in their quest for power Can escalate such
(a)it took hundreds of years to enforce laws emotions to a frenzy of ill feeling among the
(b) otherwise we would revert back to nature communities. Moreover, members of communal groups
(c)they want to live safely and peacefully and their neighborhoods are easily identifiable and can
(d)it is democratic and praiseworthy become easy targets of attack. The norms of civilized
(e) governments cannot allow the rioting, looting and killing
Q676. which is a normal consequence of communalism which
It is this very feeling, which enabled Which feeling is seeks power. Hence in one way or Other a lid is sought to
referred to here? be put on communal politics. However, it would be well
(a)abiding by law for political leaders, public administrators and
(b)ending lawlessness researchers to recognise community based political
(c)winning applause aspirations for what they are rather than to merely
(d)living in peace condemn them with value loaded judgment. Clearly it is
(e) sufficient for civilized governments to reject communal
Q677. politics on grounds of the danger to which it exposes the
Individual selfishness against community interests communities which constitute the nation. Efficient policy
became a crime. This sentence means that it is a crime to decision can be formulated only on the basis of a clear
(a)compare self interest with community recognition of issues.
(b)give more importance to self interest than Q680.
community interest . Fusion of political and communal aspirations implies


(a)confusing political and communal ambitions. while answering some of the questions.
(b)trying to gain political power through exploiting According to some economists swadesh does not mean
communal sentiments. Insulating India’s economy from the world economy. The
(c)allowing political and communal ambitions to coexist. basic idea of sujodesi is to have a calibrated process of
(d)subordinating political ambitions to communal ones. opening of the economy so that all segments are enabled
(e) to compete with the best in the world after going
Q681. through Intense internal competition leading to mergers,
Which one of the following is an illustration of the class acquisitions and eliminations. This is how Japan had
factor? developed its industry and the entire economy.
(a)Communal tensions However, under the present world situation and the dire
(b)Ant reservation movement necessity of mitigating conditions of poverty In the
(c)Labour unrest country, the Government has to decide as to how much
(d)Objections to a common Personal Law for Indians. of free trade is to be allowed in the different segments of
(e) economy in order to achieve the rate of growth planned
Q682. for the economy during the period of Ninth Plan. All over
Why do politicians feel interested, in exploiting religion the world people have been found to be divided on the
for serving their political ends? crucial question of protection and free trade. A recent
(a)Because they are biased against other religions. study has found that the protectionists in the world
(b)Because politicians can serve their interest better outnumber free traders and are showing further
under the garb of constitutional guarantee for religious increase in their number. The study has been made for
freedom. The Economist by the Augus Reid Group, a Canadian
(c)Because politicians find it easier to gain the sympathy pollster. It is based upon an opinion poll carried out
of their coreligionists. among 12741 adults spread over 22 important countries
(d)Because religious sentiments are deeply footed and of the world. The leading question asked in the poll was
are highly emotionally charged even at the personal as to which of the following two approaches do you think
level. would be the best way to improve the economic and
(e) employment situation in this country (1)Protecting our
Q683. local industries by restricting imports, or (ii) Removing
Why do politicians raise communal feelings to frenzy? import restrictions to increase our international trade?
(a)Because they want to exploit communal feelings for Replies received to this question showed that (a)
gaining more power Protectionists worldwide outnumber free traders 47%
(b)Because religious groups are easily identifiable. to 42% (b) Proportion of people supporting free trade
(c)Because Indian politics Is by and large based on the had declined from 43% in 1997 to 42% in 1998.The
division of the population on communal lines. trend for a fall in the number of free traders and a rise in
(d)Because they have no respect for the norms of a the number of protectionists has been called as amazing
civilized government. in the study because it has shown a negative result for
(e) the stupendous global efforts of the WTO, the World
Q684. Bank the IMF and the most powerful G7 countries for the
What solution does the author offer for tackling propagation and promotion of free trade and
communal politics? globalization in the world. It is interesting to note that
(a)To condemn it as antinational and anti people America, Australia, UK, Canada and Italy, who are strong
(b)To identify political aspirations behind communal champions of free trade in the world have large majority
politics and tackle them for what they areJ3)To concede of their own people still supporting protection The study
religious demands to diffuse the situation says A clear majority of Americans (56% to 37%) are
(c) To expose politicians before the public as to how they protectionists even today. And over the past one year,
exploit religious sentiments for personal the number of free traders in America had declined by
aggrandizement 4%. Such decline was much higher in Italy (21%),
(d) Canada (13%) and UK (12%).
(e) Q685.
The credit of Japans industrial and economic
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and development goes to the strategy of
answer the questions given below it. Certain words (a)isolating its own economy from the world economy
phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them


(b)effectively facing internal and external economic The study undertaken by Augus Reid Group was with a
competition. view to find out
(c)merging its Industries with those of foreign players. (a)the implications of restricting imports.
(d)elimination of loss making industries and acquisition (b)the result of increase in international trade.
of profit making ones. (c)viewpoint of people in free trade vs. protectionism.
(e)None of these (d)how people know different countries differ on
Q686. economic issues.
Which of the following is misinterpretation of Swadesh, (e)various measures to improve economic situation.
according to some economists? Q692.
(a)Intense Internal competition leading to mergers etc. What, according to the author, is amazing as per the
(b)Its equivalence to Japans developmental strategies. report of the study?
(c)Intense competition with the best in the world. (a)The trend for increase in the number of free traders
(d)Our own strategies disregarding global economy (b)Decrease in the number of protectionists
(e)None of these (c)The inconclusive findings of the survey
Q687. (d)Increase and decrease in the numbers Of
The finding of the Augus Reid Group is in favor of protectionists and free traders respectively
(A)Protectionists (e)None of these
(B)Advocates of free trade Q693.
(a)(A) Only The author suggests the Government to
(b) (B) Only (a)give a preferential treatment to local industries.
(c)(A) Only in 8 countries (b)allow free trade without any restrictions.
(d)(A) Only in 4 countries (c)judiciously decide the extents of protection and free
(e)None of these trade.
Q688. (d)mitigate conditions of poverty in the country.
Which one of the following sentences is TRUE in the (e)None of these
context of the passage?
(a)Majority is in favour of protectionism. Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(b)Not many are in favour of protectionism. answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(c)Only G7 countries are in favour of free trade. phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them
(d)World Trade Organisation and International while answering some of the questions.
Monetary Fund, etc are in favour of protectionism. It can be said that one of the most painful circumstances
(e)None of these of recent advances in science is that each one makes us
Q689. know less than we thought we did. Whether the soul
It can be inferred from the last paragraph of the passage survives death was a matter as to which opinions might
that differ, but that there is a soul was thought to be
(a)there is a swing of public opinion in favour of free indubitable. As for the body, the plain man of course
trade. considered its existence self-evident, and so did the man
(b)advocates of free trade are gradually outnumbering of science, but the philosopher was apt to analyse it
protectionists. away after one fashion or another, reducing it usually to
(c)American free traders are on decline very much than ideas in the mind of the man who had the body and
any other countries anybody else who happened to notice him. The
(d)most of the people in the countries who are philosopher, however, was not taken seriously, and
champions of free trade are in favour of free trade. science remained comfortably materialistic, even in the
(e)None of these hands of quite orthodox scientists. These fine old
Q690. simplicities are lost today. Physicists assure us that there
What according to the passage, is the effect of promotion is no such thing as matter, and psychologists assure us
of free trade in G7 countries? that there is no such thing as mind. This is an
(a)Contrary to whatever Is desirable Unprecedented occurrence. To begin with the latter,
(b)Same as was anticipated some of them attempt to reduce everything that seem to
(c)Encouraging, though not perfectly as desired be mental activity to an activity of the body. There are,
(d)Not mentioned in the passage however, various difficulties in the way of reducing
(e)None of these mental activity to physical activity. What we can say, on
Q691. the basis of physics itself, is that what we have hitherto


called our body is really an elaborate scientific that either a piece of mind or a piece of matter is
construction not corresponding to any physical reality. immortal. The sun is supposed to be losing matter at the
The modern would be materialist thus finds himself in a rate of millions of tons a minute. The most essential
curious position, for, while he may with a. certain degree characteristic of mind is memory, and there is no reason
of success reduce the activities of the mind to those of whatever to suppose that the memory associated with a
the body, he cannot explain away the fact that the body given person survives that persons death. Indeed there is
itself is merely a convenient concept invented by the every reason to think the opposite, for memory is clearly
mind. We find ourselves thus going round and round in a connected with a certain kind of brain structure, and
circle mind is an emanation of body, and body is an since this structure decays at death, there is every
invention of mind. Evidently this cannot be quite right, reason to suppose that memory also must cease.
and we have to look for something that is neither mind Although metaphysical materialism cannot be
nor body, out of which both can spring. The plain man considered true, yet emotionally the world is pretty
thinks that material objects must certainly exist, since much the same as it would be if the materialists were in
they are evident to the senses, Whatever else may be the right. I think the opponents of materialism have
doubted, it is certain that anything you can bump into always been actuated by two main desires, the first to
must be real. This is all very well but the physicist comes prove that the mind is important and the second to
along and shows that you never bump into anything prove that the ultimate power in the universe, is mental
even when you run your hand along a stone wall, you do rather than physical. In both, these respects, I think the
not really touch it. When you think you touch a thing, materialists were in the right.
there are certain electrons and protons, forming part of Q694.
your body, which are attracted and repelled by certain In the sentence To begin with the latter, some of them
electrons and protons in the thing you think you are latter refers to
touching, but there is no actual Contact. The electrons (a)physicists
and protons in your body, becoming agitated by (b) matter
nearness to the other electrons and protons are (c)psychologists
disturbed and transmit a disturbance along your nerves (d) mind
to the brain, the effect in the brain is what is necessary to (e)None of these
your sensation of contact, and by suitable experiments, Q695.
this sensation can be made quite deceptive. The But the Philosopher was apt to reduce it usually to Here
electrons and protons themselves, however, are only it refers to
crude first approximations a way of collecting into a (a)his analysis of man
bundle either trains of waves or the statistical (b)the human body
probabilities of various different kinds of events. Thus (c)the mind of man
matter has become altogether too ghostly to be used as (d)idea in the mind.
an adequate stick with which to beat the mind Matter in (e)None of these
motion, which used to seem so unquestionable, turns out Q696.
to be a concept quite inadequate for the needs of physics. Plain mail thinks that material objects exist because
Nevertheless, modem science gives no indication (a)they constitute Ills metaphysic
whatever of the existence of the soul or mind as an entity (b)they are real in his thought process
indeed the reasons for disbelieving in it are very much of (c)certain electrons and protons form them
the same kind as the reasons for disbelieving in matter. (d)he can perceive them
Mind and matter were something like the lion and the (e)None of these
unicorn fighting for the crown the end of the battle is not Q697.
the victory of one or the other, but the discovery that Psychologists mentioned in the passage
both are only heraldic inventions. The world consists of (a)believe that mental activities get manifested in
events, hot of things that endure for a long time and have abnormal physical activities
changing properties. Events can be collected into groups (b)try to equate mental activity to physical activity
by their causal relations. If the causal relations are of one (c)do not accept the distinction between body and soul
sort, the resulting group of events may be called a (d)support the physicists perception of a body.
physical object, and if the causal relations are of another (e)None of these
sort, the resulting group may be called a mind. Thus, Q698.
both mind and matter are merely convenient ways of Which of the following does the modern science support
organizing events. There can be no reason for supposing according to the passage?


(a)Mind and matter are necessary to organize events Q705.
(b)The metaphysical division of events. What could be the reason behind timing of the haze
(c)The discovery of the equally important mind and report just before the Johannesburg meet, as indicated in
matter the passage ?
(d) Mind or soul does not exist as an entity. (a) United Nations is working handing love with U.S.
(e)None of these (b)Organizes of the forth coming meet to teach a lesson
Q699. to the U.S.
Both official and corporate India is allergic to (c)Drawing attentions of the world towards devastating
(a)failure of monsoon effects of environment degradation.
(b)poverty and inequality (d)U.S. wants to use it as a handle against the developing
(c)slowdown in industrial production countries in the forthcoming meet
(d)mention of clean technology (e)The meet is a part of political agenda of the U.N
(e)crop failure Q706.
Q700. Choose the word which is SIMILAR in meaning of the
Which, according to the passage, is a life and death word allergic as used in the passage.
question to many Indians ? (a)liking
(a)Increase in respiratory diseases (b) passionate
(b)Use of clean technology (c)possessive
(c)Thick blanket of pollution over the region (d) crumbling
(d)Failure in crops (e)repugnant
(e)Dwindling agricultural yield Q707.
Q701. Which of the following is the indication of environmental
If the rate of premature deaths increases it will degradation in South Asia ?
(a)exert added burden on our crumbling economy. (a)Social and economic inequality
(b)have adverse social and economic consequences. (b)Crumbling health care system
(c)make positive effect on our efforts to control (c)Inadequate pollution control system
population. (d)Overemphasis on technology
(d)have less job aspirants in the society. (e)Radically changing monsoon pattern
(e)have healthy effect on our economy. Q708.
Q702. What must we realise, according to the passage ?
Choose the word which is SIMILAR in meaning of the (a)No country should show superiority over other
word profligacy as used in the passage. countries.
(a)wastefulness (b)U.N. is putting in hard efforts in the
(b)conservation direction of pollution control.
(c)upliftment (c)All countries must join hands in fighting pollution.
(d) criticalness (d) Nobody should travel through tunnel to avoid health
(e) denouncement hazards.
Q703. (e)We all must strive hard to increase agricultural
According to the passage, India , cannot tolerate any production.
further Q709.
(a)crop failure Which of the following finds place in the United Nations
(b)deterioration of health care system Environment Programme Report?
(c) increase in respiratory diseases (a)Changing monsoon patterns
(d)proliferation of nuclear devices (b)Substantial increase in respiratory diseases
(e)social and economic consequences (c)A serious cover of pollution over the region
Q704. (d)Redaction in winter rice harvest
According to the passage, two wheeler industry is hot (e)None of these
adequately concerned about Q710.
(a)passenger safety on the roads Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the
(b)life cover insurance of the vehicle owners context of the passage ?
(c)pollution control system in the vehicles (a)U.N. environment report blames countries like India
(d)rising cost of the two wheelers and China
(e)rising cost of the petrol in the country


(b)Developing countries have taken environment this summer, most of these children, already
shortcuts in their bid to catch up with the west. malnourished, hadn’t had a glass of milk in nine months.
(c)U.S. is also to be blamed for environmental Many of these children have also cut down on. hours
degradation and pollution spent in school to work alongside their parents. Families
(d)Indians cannot afford to have any further crop failure have liquidated their most valuable assets primarily
(e)U.S. has tightened safety standards for drinking water copper from electrical wires and have stopped sending
Q711. remittances back to their rural villages. Many have also
According to the passage, Johannesburg meet Is going to sold their emergency stores of grain. Their misery is not
Witness— as familiar as that of the laid off workers of big name but
(a)calm and, dispassionate thinking on the issue of imploding, service sector corporations, but it is often
pollution control more tragic. Few countries have adopted emergency
(b)a blaming game between developed and developing measures to help trash pickers. Brazil, for one, is
countries providing recyclers, or cat adores, with cheaper food,
(c)refusal of UN. to work as arbitrator both through arrangements with local farmers and by
(d)U.S. agreeing to look at the issue of lowering its offering food subsidies. Other countries, with the
consumption support of non-governmental organizations and donor
(e)countries agreeing for higher monetary allocation to agencies are following Brazils example, Unfortunately,
R & D. most trash pickers operate outside official notice and
end up falling through the cracks of programmers like
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and these. In the long run, though, these invisible workers
answer the questions given below it. Certain words will remain especially vulnerable to economic
phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them slowdowns unless they are Integrated into the formal
while answering some of the questions. business sector, where they can have insurance and
Among those suffering from the global recession are reliable wages. This is not hard to accomplish. Informal
millions of workers who are not even included In the junk shops should have to apply for licenses, and
official statistics urban recyclers the trash pickers, governments should create or expand doorstep waste
sorters, traders and re processors who extricate paper, collection programmes to employ trash pickers. Instead
cardboard and plastics from garbage headstand prepare of sorting through haphazard trash heaps and landfills,
them for reuse. Their work is both unrecorded and the pickers would have access to the cleaner scrap that
largely unrecognized, even though in some parts of the comes from households. The need of the hour, however,
world they handle as much as 20 percent of all waste. is a more immediate solution. An efficient but temporary
The world’s 15 million informal recyclers clean up, solution would be for governments where they have to
prevent some trash from ending in landfills, and thus pay a small subsidy to waste dealers so they could
reduce climate change by saving energy on waste purchase scrap from trash pickers at about 20 percent
disposal techniques like incineration In the developed above the current price. This increase, if well-advertised
countries they are the preferred ones since they recycle and broadly utilised, would bring recyclers a higher
waste much more cheaply and efficiently than price and eventually bring them back from the brink.
government or private corporations can. In the Trash pickers make our cities healthier and more live
developing world, on the other hand, they provide the able. We all stand to gain by making sure that the work
only recycling services except for a few big cities. But as of recycling remains sustainable for years to come.
recession hits the markets worldwide, the price of scrap Q712.
metal, paper and plastic has also fallen. Recyclers Which of the following Is NOT TRUE in the context of
throughout the world are experiencing a sharp drop in the passage ?
income. Trash pickers and scrap dealers saw a decline of (a)Purchase of trash at a higher price by the government
as much as 80 percent in the price of scrap from October is only a temporary solution to the larger problem
2007 to October 2009. In some countries scrap dealers (b)The welfare programmes started by the government
have shuttered so quickly that researchers at the Solid for the recyclers largely fail to help them
Waste Management Association didn’t have a chance to (c)In the last couple of years the price of scrap has come
record their losses. In Delhi, some 80 percent of families down to 20% of its original price
in the informal recycling business surveyed by an (d)Few countries have started to take steps against the
organization said they had cut back on luxury foods, plight of the recyclers
which they defined as fruit, milk and meat. About 41 (e)All are true
percent had stopped buying milk for their children. By Q713.


According to the passage, which of the following Q717.
measures have been taken to help the distressed Which of the following Is TRUE regarding waste
recyclers? recycling in the developing countries?
(A)Helping them with the aid of NGOs. (a)The government and private organizations services
(B)Taking steps to make the scrap pickers have access to are much costlier than the informal recyclers
cleaner scrap (b)Barring a few cities, government waste recycling
(C)Providing food subsidies to the recyclers mechanism is completely lacking in these countries
(a)Only A (c)There has not been any effort in the developing
(b) Only A and C countries to help the struggling recyclers
(c)Only C (d)Global recession has hit the recyclers of the
(d) Only B and C developing countries much more than those of the
(e)None of these developed countries .
Q714. (e)None of these
How, according to the author, have the recyclers Q718.
contributed towards saving the environment? Which step does the author suggest in order to
(A)By preventing the trash being dumped into the lands immediately bring the waste recyclers back from the
(B)By using renewable sources of energy to recycle the adversity ?
scrap (a) Enabling the scrap, dealers to , purchase scrap at a
(C)By helping to avoid the energy consuming waste price higher than that of the market
disposal techniques (b)By advertising recycling as a profitable business
(a)Only A amongst the informal recyclers
(b)Only B (c)Banning the waste collection by informal trash
(c)Only A and B pickers
(d) Only A and C (d)Supporting the families of there cyders until the
(e)None of these recession, tides over
Q715. (e)None of these
Which of the following has not been an effect of the Q719.
losses observed in the informal waste recycling? Which of the following is intended in the given passage ?
(a)To help their families, the children of the recyclers (a)To highlight the domination of the big-name service
have started working thus compromising on their industry corporations in the scrap dealing business
education (b)To highlight various factors responsible for the
(b)Many scrap dealers have discontinued their prevailing malnutrition in children of the informal
businesses recyclers
(c)The government in many countries has derecognized (c)To suggest the steps which can help the anguished
scrap dealers in view of their unprofitable business recyclers
(d)Governments In many countries had to take (d) to explain the measures much can be taken in order
emergency steps to help the recyclers deal with the crisis make recycling more energy efficient
(e)None of these (e)None of these
Q716. Q720.
What does the author mean by misery Is not as familiar Why, according to the author, are the urban recyclers
as that of the laid off workers of big-name but imploding, facing a sharp decline in their business ?
service sector corporations as given In the passage ? (a)Recession has adversely affected the prices of scrap
(a)The effect of recession on the famous organizations is thus making it an unprofitable business
clearly noticed whereas the plight of Informal recyclers (b)Many governmental and private organizations have
Is neglected entered the business providing a comparatively better
(b)Big name corporations are often hesitant to help the service
relatively smaller setups such as the that of the informal (c)Their work has been gradually derecognized by the
recyclers government
(c)The big name private recyclers have been getting the (d)Recycling and waste disposing techniques are cost
government help whereas the smaller ones are not inefficient
(d)The misery of the informal recyclers has been kept a (e)None of these
secret by the government Q721.
(e)None of these


What measures does the author suggest to help the (e)None of these
informal re cyclers in the times to cortile ? Q723.
(a)To encourage them to work in union with the private an inevitable sequel to urbanization here means
organizations (a)a final development of the overcrowding in cities
(b)To provide them subsidies in food and education (b)an unavoidable result of the development of cities
throughout their business career (c)a necessary conclusion of the overcrowding in cities
(c)To record their losses precisely with the research (d)a logical by-product of town planning
conducted by Solid Waste Management Association and (e)None of these
then take appropriate steps Q724.
(d)To involve them in the organized sector so as to The writer suggests that city life is exhausting because it
enable them to have a stable income frequently forces people to
(e)None of these (a)behave badly towards other people
(b)ward off would be trespass era
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and (c)keep aggressive urges in check
answer the questions given below it. Certain words (d)compete more strongly for a living
phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them (e)None of these
while answering some of the questions. Q725.
In territorial animals It may be said that aggression that According to the passage, the chief reason for regarding
originally served the function of ensuring that the animal a man as an animal is that he
could compete with its neighbour in the struggle for food (a)cannot control his aggressive behavior
has now come to serve the function of putting a distance (b)behaves in a savage fashion towards others
between itself and Its neighbour. There can be no doubt (c)has failed to develop as a civilized being
that man is also a territorial animal. Even in (d)shares certain forms of animal behavior
circumstances so far removed from the primitive as (e)None of these
contemporary Western civilization, the countryside is Q726.
demarcated by fences and hedges, many of which carry The main purpose of the passage is to
notices stating that trespassing will be prosecuted and (a)show modern man differs from the primitive man
the entry of our houses by unauthorised persons is (b)explain some of the behavior of city dwellers
resented as much as the loss of any property with which (c)show that town life is inferior to city life
they may abscond. On a national scale, the Invasion of (d)shares certain forms of animal behavior
the homeland by an enemy evokes a more passionately (e)None of these
aggressive response than does a battle with the same of
on territory which belongs to neither. Like other animals Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
man also reacts badly to overcrowding. Those of us who answer the questions given below it. Certain words
live in towns have learnt to accommodate ourselves to phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them
some degree to the kind of congestion which seems to be while answering some of the questions.
an inevitable sequel of urbanization but the closer we Health insurance policies were first Introduced in 1986
are packed the more easily resentful of each other do we at a time when the Indian insurance industry was
tend to become. It is probably on this account that many nationalized. The policies on offer were complicated to
people find life In cities Irritating and exhausting since read and offered limited cover. There were no third
they are compelled to control aggressive impulses which party administrators operating in India, and there was
arise solely as a result of overcrowding. It Is also no direct settlement of claims between health Insurer
probable that it is because of the wider spacing between and hospital There were therefore issues concerning
individuals which is usual Hint the countryside that rural claims servicing, which involved an Insured following
folks are less tense, more neighborly and often better cumbersome procedures to get claims authenticated and
mannered than their counterparts. paid. The business was not profitable for the
Q722. nationalized Insurers, and not popular with the public at
According to the passage, the most obvious large ,The original Mediclaim Policy, however, developed
distinguishing mark of a territorial animal Is and in many cases has provided the base model for the
(a)striving for food health care insurance policies that were introduced
(b)dislike of war immediately after liberalisation of the general insurance
(c)interest in fighting sector at the turn of the millennium. Health Insurance,
(d)resentment against intruders however, saw no specialist players until relatively


recently. This is because there was a general expectation policies to them, and the Inclusion of disadvantageous
that the insurance industry regulator, the IRDA, would terms when policies were offered such as hefty increases
set a smaller capitalisation requirement for health in premium rates, added exclusions and conditions, etc.
insurers and or amend the rules for foreign equity In May 2007, the IRDA set up a committee on Health
ownership in.,. Indian Insurers in recognition of the fact Insurance for Senior Citizens to make recommendations.
that health insurance loss ratios were not good, and The Committee reported in November 2007 and made
therefore finding an Indian partner to invest 76% in a the following main recommendations Senior Citizens
health insurer would be a difficult task. The IRDA did, should have some assurance that their policies will be
not, however, relax either the capitalisation renewed the Industry should adopt standard terms and
requirements or foreign investments caps. Initially, conditions, such as for the definition of preexisting
therefore, the health insurance market did not grow as diseases. The Committee also said that policy wordings
quickly as may have been expected. Growth in should be simpler for the lay person to follow, suggesting
policyholder numbers, more effective third party that uniform terminology be used by all Insurers to
administration and an effective network of hospitals is lessen confusion in the public mind.
expected to see the numbers improve, Other changes Q727.
have been at affected to encourage growth in this sector. Which of the following is are the reasons because of
Life insurers have been allowed to sell health insurance. which the health insurance industry has witnessed
Initially, life insurers were only allowed to sell certain growth ?
types of health covers as a supplement to a life policy. (A)The format of the policy has been improvised since its
However, the IRDA has allowed life insurers to sell pure Inception.
health insurance products subject to product specific (B)Organizations provide health Insurance cover to their
approve also. The standard med claim policy has employees as part of the remuneration process.
undergone several revisions and modifications. In recent (C)The process of settlement of claims has become less
years, private health insurers have been offering fresh troublesome as compared to the time when it was first
products with increased covers and sums insured. introduced.
Private hospital rates are still low compared to the rates (a)Only (B)12) Only (A) and (C)
charged in more developed countries, but high when (b)Only (C)
compared to average Indian earnings. It is no longer (c)Only (B) and (C)
uncommon for Indian employees to now expect that (d)All (A), (B) and (C)
health care will be part of an employment package. With (e)None of these
the opening up of the market to private competition, the Q728.
claims process has become much less cumbersome. What step has the Central Government taken In terms of
Support for a health insurance market has also come insurance for the poor ?
from some less obvious sources. Indian states have (a)The poor will have access to , free health care
started relying on insurance policies to meet some of insurance, the payment of premium for which, will be
their legal obligations to provide health care to, their shouldered by the central and state government In the
citizens. The central government has also proposed the ratio of 3 : 1 respectively.
Introduction of free health care insurance for the poor (b)The poor people belonging to a particular region will
This plants meant to cover every poor family for INR get group health care insurance cover of INR 30,000 per
30,000 per annum. The central government will pay 75% annum.
of the premium, leaving the remaining 25% to be (c)The poor will be insured for a sum of INR 45,000 per
covered by state governments. The IRDA has also annum
encouraged Micro insurance as a means of extending the (d)The government has devised special health care
availability of health insurance to areas of the market insurance policies for the poor wherein no pretrial needs
that, geographically and economically, may not have to be paid(either by the individual or the government.
been at the forefront of Insurers business plains. At the (e)None of these
same time as the market grows, the IRDA Is stepping in Q729.
to create a more consumer friendly playing field, Which of the following, is are the reasons that health
particularly as regards the treatment of senior citizens insurance policies were not popular in the beginning ?
the operation of the preexisting diseases exclusion, and (A)The process for settlement of claims was lengthy and
the reluctance of insurers to renew policies where the tiresome.
claims experience has been bad. Senior citizens had been (B)The clauses In the policy were very difficult to
complaining about the reluctance of Insurers to Issue understand.


(C)There were no direct claim settlements with the (C)Policies of senior citizens may not be renewed.
hospitals. (a)Only (A) and (C)
(a)Only (B) (b)Only (A) and (B)
(b)Only (A) and (C) (c)Only (A)
(c)Only (C) (d)Only (B) and (C)
(d)Only (B) and (G) (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) Q734.
Q730. Which of the following Is NOT TRUE in the context of the
Which of the following, is are TRUE in the context of the passage ?
passage ? (a)The general public now has a greater choice in
(A)Private hospital fees can be easily afforded by the selected ox health Insurance products since Its
general public now as their earnings are significantly Inception,
higher. (b)The number of private players in the Insurance
(B)More people are now haying insurance policies as Industry has gone up since 1986
compared to almost two decades ago.CC) Insurance (c)The IRDAs plan of micro insurance is for people who
agencies initially allowed to independently sell life can easily afford insurance cover
insurance policies only can also sell health insurance (d)The business of Insurance was initially not very
policies independently now. profitable.
(a)Only (B) (e)All are true
(b)Only (A) and (C)
(c)Only (C) Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(d)Only (B) and (C) answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them
Q731. while answering some of the questions.
Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate The last one In this long procession of silent men and
title for the passage ? women was a little wizened old man. Even he carried a
(a)The Indian Health Insurance Industry The Gradual load of two baskets, slung on a role on his shoulder, the
Change same load of a folded quilt, a cauldron. But there was
(b)IRDA and Its Functioning only one cauldron. In the other basket it seemed there
(c)Health Insurance Vs Life Insurance was a quilt, extremely ragged and patched but clean still.
(d)Challenges Faced by the IRDA Although the load was light, it was too much for the old
(e)The Downfall of the Health Insurance Industry in man. It was evident that in usual times he would be
India beyond the age of work and was perhaps unaccustomed
Q732. to such labour in recent years. His breath whistled as he
What was the plight of senior citizens with respect to staggered along and he strained his eyes to watch those
buying insurance cover prior to IRDA intervention ? who were ahead, of him lest he be left behind, and his old
(A)Insurance agencies were unwilling to sell policies to wrinkled face was set In as sort of gasping agony.
them. Suddenly he could go no more. He set his burden down
(B)Clauses disadvantageous to senior citizens were with great gentleness and sank upon the ground, his
included in the policies. head sunk between his knees, his eyes closed, panting
(C)They had to pay higher premiums. desperately. Starved as he was, a little blood rose In dark
(a)Only (A) and (C) patches on his cheeks. A vendor selling hot noodles set
(b)Only (A) and (B) his stand near, and shouted his trade cry, and the light
(c)Only (A) from the stand fell on the old man’s drooping figure. A
(d)Only (B) and (C) man passing stopped and muttered, looked at him.
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) answer can give no more this day if am to feed my own
Q733. even nothing but noodles— but here is this old man. He
Which of the following are the recommendations of the brought out of his ragged girdle a bit of silver coin, and of
Committee on Health Insurance for Senior Citizens ? a moment’s hesitation and muttering, she added to it a
(A)Standardize wordings in the policy so as to avoid any copper penny. There, old father, he said with a sort of
misinterpretation. bitter heartiness, let me see you eat noodles. The old
(B)Simplify language of the policy so that the common man lifted his head slowly. He said Sir, I did not beg of
man can understand. you. Sir, we have good land and we have never been


starving like this before, haying such good .end. But this The old man strained his eyes because
year the river rose and men starve even on good land at (a)He was afraid of being left behind
such times. Sir, we now, have to seed left. We have eaten (b)It was getting dark
our seed. Take it, said the man, and he dropped the (c)His eye sight was very poor
money into the old man’s apron and went on his way, (d)it was too hot
sighing, The vendor prepared his bowl of noodles and (e) None of these
called out. How many will you eat, old mail? The old man Q740.
said, One small bowl is enough. Then the old man rose The men and women in the procession were silent
with great effort and took the bowl between his shaking because
hand and he went to the other basket. He pulled aside (a)They carried much loads
the quilt until one could see the shrunken face of a small (b)They were busy walking
boy lying with his eyes fast closed. The old man lifted his (c)They were tired
head so that his mouth could touch the edge of the little (d)They were frightened
bowl, he began to swallow feebly until the hot mixture (e) None of these
was finished. The old, map kept murmuring to him There Q741.
my heart there, my child.. Your grandson? Said the The old man hesitated to take , the silver coin because
vendor. Yes, the son of my only son. Both my son and his (a)He did not understand why the man was giving him a
wife were drowned as they worked oil our land when coin
our (likes broke you have the silver bit cried the vendor, (b)He was surprised
astonished to see that the old man ordered on more. The (c)It was below his dignity to take alms
old man shook his head. That is for seed The best I can (d)He had enough money
do for this grandson of mine to buy a little seed for the (e) None of these
land.....Yea, even, I die and others must plant it, the land Q742.
must be put to seed. Meaning of panting
Q735. (a)Dizziness
Meaning of Cauldron. (b)Slow breathing
(a) Narrow necked earthen pot (c)Rapid breathing
(b)Large kettle for boiling or heating liquid (d)Lay down straight
(c)Metallic pot for carrying water (e) None of these
(d)Metallic box to can clothes Q743.
(e) None of these Find the mismatch.
Q736. (a)unaccustomed not used to
The background of the episode is (b)agony hungry
(a)Prance (c)desperately without bothering about anything
(b) New York (d)drooping bent
(c) China (e) None of these
(d) England
(e) None of these Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
Q737. answer the questions given below it. Certain words
Meaning of stagger phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them
(a)To reel from side to side while answering some of the questions.
(b)To walk unsteadily Throughout the extensive areas of the tropics the tall
(c)To bend the body and stately primeval forest has given, way to eroded
(d)None of the above land, scrub, and the jumble of secondary growth. Just as
(e) None of these the virgin forests of Europe and North America were laid
Q738. low by man’s improvidence, so those of the tropics are
The passer-by was now vanishing only their destruction may be
(a)Very rich encompassed in decades instead of centuries. A few
(b)Not quite rich authorities hold that, except for government reserves,
(c)Very poor the earths great rain forest may vanish Within a
(d)Unkind generation. The economic loss will be incalculable, for
(e) None of these the primary rain forests are rich sources of timber
Q739. (mahogany, teak) and such byproducts as resins, gums,


cellulose, camphor and rattans. No one, Indeed, can answer the questions given below it. Certain words
compute their resources, for the thousands of species phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them
that compose the forest cover, there are only a few while answering some of the questions.
whose physical and chemical properties have been Giving loans to impoverished women to make ceramics
studied with a view to commercial use. Most important or to farmers to buy milk cows were not seen as great
of all, the primeval rain forest is a reservoir of business. Microfinance was an industry championed by
specimens, a dynamic center of evolution whence the antipoverty activists. Today it is on the verge of a
rest of the world’s plant life, has been continuously revolution, with billions of dollars from big banks,
enriched with new forms, These extensive reserves must private equity shops and pension funds pouring in,
be defended from the acquisitive hand of man , whose driving growth of 30% to 40% this year alone. In 1998, a
ruthless axe would expose them to the ravages of sun nonprofit microfinance organization in Peru, converted
and rain. into bank (called Mibanco). This demonstrated that the
Q744. poof are good risks who repay loans on time and getting
According to the passage, the primary reason for them together, not only chips away at poverty but also
conservation of the great rain forests is that they are turns a profit. The success of Mibanco has piqued the
(a)the chief source of income of governments. interest of commercial banks, which had previously
(b)areas of botanical evolution. shunned the countries poor. Now big banks are going
(c) major sources of materials for chemical industries. after Mibancos clients with low rate loans and realising it
(d) not ready for mans ruthless axe. takes special know how to work with the unbanked are
(e) None of these hiring away Mibancos staff. But with the emergence of
Q745. players who are only out for profit, micro finance
The word primeval in paragraph two means schemes could end up milking the poor. This could
(a)first in importance happen in countries where lenders don’t have to disclose
(b)commercial interest rates. When a Mexican micro financier went
(c)gorgeous public, revealing its loans had rates of about 86%
(d)untouched annually, the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor
(e) None of these (CGAP) criticised it for putting shareholders ahead of
Q746. clients. The pressure of turn a profit also forces
The ideas of the author would probably be the most microfinance’s to change their business models in ways
strongly supported by that depart from the Industries core mission to help poor
(a)lumber company representatives people lead better lives. Such shifts have caused the
(b)conservationists and botanists average loan size to triple. Moreover smaller loans being
(c)chemical manufacturers costlier to service, a lower percentage of loans go to
(d)government representatives women because they tend to take out smaller sums.
(e) None of these According to CGAP, with the Hood of new large entities
Q747. there is the frisk that a large percentage of cross border
According to the passage, the result of chopping down funds go to Latin America and eastern Europe, the
the tropical rain forest is world’s most developed microfinance markets. The
(a)an increase in government , reserves. poorest of the world’s poor, who are predominantly in
(b)a surge in plant evolution. Asia and Africa get left out,11 says the CEO of the
(c)damage to the soil. nonprofit Grameen Foundation, which helps develop
(d)a decrease of commercial exploitation. microfinance institutions. Segmenting the industry,
(e) None of these might be worthwhile if it allows more of the poor to get
Q748. access to credit. Multinational corporations could take
Only their destruction may be encompassed in decades the top microfinance institutions to the next level, and
instead of centuries means that the destruction of forests the remainder could be the responsibility of
(a)will take only a few decades. development groups and regional banks. Yet making
(b)will happen in this century. loans to poor people is hardly a poverty cure. Property
(c)will be surely by the next century. rights and the rule of law matter too. One cannot over
(d)will take place In a decade. idealize what microfinance alone can do. Most nonprofits
(e) None of these started with lending simply because local laws
prohibited non belts from offering deposit accounts.
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and With an increase in competition and marketing efforts,


poverty alleviation experts are concerned that people (e)Shareholders interest will be ignored
will be talked into loans they wouldn’t otherwise want. Q753.
For example, organisations like Mibanco are providing What Is the authors opinion about the competition for
consumer loans. There is nothing wrong with buying TVs customers among micro financiers?
and microwaves on credit, but certain markets, like (a)It benefits the poor by providing them with loans
Mexico, have been flooded with loans that have nothing would have otherwise not had access to.
to do with providing capital to aspiring entrepreneurs — (b)It Is futile since the poor have to pay high rates of
just increasing household debt. interest on property loans.
Q749. (c)It is not beneficial since firms waste their profits on
What does the transformation of Perus non-profit marketing rather than helping the poor.
organisation into bank illustrate? (d)It is a disadvantage since micro financiers use any
(1)To compete with commercial banks, microfinance means possible to recover loans.
institutions should convert into banks and offer a wide (e)None of these
variety of services.
(2)Microfinance institutions turn higher profits as banks Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
since Interest rates on loans are at their discretion. answer the questions given below it. Certain words
(3)The poor prefer to go to large banks rather than NGOs phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them
to obtain loans. while answering some of the questions.
(a)None There are various sectors in India that are to be assessed
(b)Both (A) and (B) for their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
(c)All (A), (B) and (G) threats. The total population Is over 1 billion Which will
(d)Only A increase to 1.46 billion by 2035 to cross China. The huge
(e) None of these population will result In higher unemployment and
Q750. deterioration of quality. Literacy, in India is yet another
Why did most microfinance institutions initially provide factor to be discussed. According to 1991 census, 64.8%
only credit services? of the population was illiterate. The major downtrend of
(a)They were unable to compete with the interest rates education is due to child labour which has spread all
offered on deposits by commercial banks. over India and this should be totally eradicated by way
(b)They have to operate purely on a non-profit basis . of surveillance and a good educational system
(c)Government restrictions prevented them from implemented properly by the Government. Pollution is
offering additional services. one more threat to the environment and for the
(d)To ensure the poor have access to modern necessities countries prospects. This has been experienced more in
like microwaves. urban areas mainly in metropolitan cities. The water
(e)None of these pollution by the sewage seepage into the ground water
Q751. and improper maintenance will lead to various diseases
What was the impact Of the non-disclosure of their which in turn will affect the next generation. In most of
interest rates by lending institutions ? the cities there is no proper sew age disposal. The
(a)The government issued sanctions against such firms. Government has to take effective steps to control
(b)Shareholders interests were not protected population which, in turn, will minimize the pollution.
(c)More microfinance Institutions were motivated to go Poverty questions the entire strength of India’s political
public. view and . minimizes the energetic way of approach. The
(d)The poor were exploited shortfall of rains, enormous floods, unexpected famine,
(e)None of these drought, earthquake and the recent tsunami hit the
Q752. country in a negative way. The proactive approach
What is CGAPs fear with respect to new entities through effective research and analytical study helps us
providing micro finance? to determine the effects in advance. Proper allocation of
(a)NGO will be unable to survive in an environment of funds is a prerequisite. In developed countries like. U.S.,
cut throat competition Japan precautionary methods are adopted to overcome
(b)The poor will hesitate to take advantage of credit this, but it has to be improved a lot in our systems.
facilities because of the formalities involved. Increased population is one of the major reasons for
(c)The poor in the developed world will be overlooked poverty and the , Government is unable to allocate funds
(d)The Interests of the most deserving among the poor for basic needs to the society India , has nearly 400
will be neglected. million people living I below the poverty line and 90%


of, active population is in informal economy. The Q754.
children are forced to work , due to their poverty and Which of the following, according to the author, is are a
differential caste system. They work in match industry result(s) of increased population in India ?
for daily, wages, as , servants, mechanics, stone breakers, (A)Pollution,
agricultural workers, etc. To prevent child labour, (B) Poverty
existing laws which favors the Anti-Child Labour Act (C)Unemployment
should be implement by the Government vigorously. (a)Only (A)
More population results in cheap I cost by virtue of the (b)Only (A) and (B)
demand supply concept Most of the foreign countries try (c)Only (B)
to utilize this factor by outsourcing their business in (d)Only (A) and (C)
India with a very low capital, According to U.S., India , is (e)All (A), (B) and (C)
a Knowledge pool with cheap la hour. The major Q755.
advantage is our communication and technical skill Why, according to the author, has the Indian
which Is adaptable to any environment. The cutting edge Government allotted more funds to strengthen the
skill in FT of our profession of helps the outsourcing military forces ?
companies to commensurate with the needs of the (a)To improve security in order to counter Increasing
consumers in a short span. The major competitors for terrorism
India are China and Philippines and by the way of an (b)As the security in India over the past ten years was
effective communication and expert technical ability, grossly inadequate
Indians are ahead of the race. The major Metropolitan (c)As the U.S. too has strengthened its military forces
states are targeting the outsourcing field vigorously by after the 911 attack
giving various amenities to the outsourcing companies (d) As the industry is developed enough and is not in
like tax concession, allotting land etc., to start their need of any more funds
businesses in its cities without any hurdles. Thereby (e)None of these
most of the MNCs prefer India as their destinations and Q756.
capitalize the resources to maximize their assets. What is the authors main objective in writing this
Infrastructure is another key factor for an outsourcing passage
company to start a business in a particular city. It (a)? fl) To exhort the Government togamer support from
Includes road, rail, ports, power and water. The its neighboring countries
increased input in infrastructure in India is very limited (b)To suggest to the Government to follow Chinas
where Chinas record is excellent. India in earlier days example blindly thereby bringing about rapid
gave more importance to the development of industry development
and less importance to other departments. But the (c)To highlight the plight of the poor
scenario has quite changed nowadays by allocating a (d)To discuss the problems of child labour and suggest
special budget of funds for security. This is because of suitable remedies
the frightening increase in terrorism all around the (e)To bring forth the problems associated with the
world especially emerging after the 911 terror attack in Indias development and to suggest measures to counter
U.S. In the last ten years, budget towards the them
development of military forces is higher when compared Q757.
to others. It shows that the threat from our neighboring Why, according to the author, is India one of the
countries is escalating. India has to concentrate more on favourite destinations for investment by outsourcing
this security factor to wipe out the problem in the way of companies ?
cross border terrorism. Making India, a developed (A)Shorter response time for clients
country in 2020 is not an easy task. India has to Keep (B)Better technical skills
check a variety of factors In order to progress rapidly. To (C)Availability of cheap labour
quote China as an example is that they demolished an old (a)Only (C)
building to construct a very big port to meet future (b)All (A), (B) and (C)
demands, but India is still waiting for things to happen. (c)Only (B) and (C)
The profits gained by India through various sectors are (d)Only (A) and (B)
to be spent for the development and welfare of the (e)Only (A)
country. India’s vision for a brighter path will come true Q758.
not only by mere words or speech, but extra effort Which of the following is are TRUE in the context of the
needed at all levels to overcome the pitfalls. passage?


(A)India leads the way in the amount invested in the explosion. Software is eating the world. Digital startups
development of infrastructure’s are bubbling up in an astonishing variety of services and
(B)Political system in India is not influenced by poverty products, penetrating every nook and cranny of the
(C)Indian population would increase by approximately economy, reshaping entire industries and even changing
50 percent in the next twenty five years. the very notion of the firm giving rise to a global
(a)Only (A) and (B) movement. Most big cities now have a sizeable startup
(b)Only (B) colony (ecosystem) and between them are home to
(c) Only (C) hundreds of startup schools (accelerators). All these
(d)Only (B) and (C) ecosystems are highly interconnected which explains
(e)All (A), (B) and (C) why internet entrepreneurs are a global crowd. The
Q759. tendency to think Here we go again yet another dotcom
Which of the following is are the facilities available to bubble that is bound to pop Indeed many new offerings
MNCs investing in India ? are simply iterations on existing ones, The danger is that
(A)Easy availability of land once again too much money is being pumped into
(B)Better infrastructure than China. startups. When things popped last time, it took ten years
(C)Tax Concessions to reset the psychology. And even without another
(a)Only (C) Internet bust, more than 90 percent of startups will
(b)All (A). (B) and (C) crash and bum, But this time is also different. Today’s
(c)Only (A) and (B) entrepreneurial boom is based on more solid
(d)Only (A) and (C) foundations than the 1990s internet bubble, which
(e)None of these makes it more likely to continue for the foreseeable
Q760. future. Today the basic building blocks for digital
Which of the following, according to the author, is a services and products technologies of startup production
result of poverty in India ? have become so evolved, cheap and ubiquitous that they
(a) Lack of a robust security system can be easily combined and recombined. Some of these
(b) Child labour and the resulting dearth of educated building blocks are snippets of code that can be copied
youth free from the internet, along with easy to learn
(c)Floods, famines and other calamities programming frameworks, others are services for
(d)Rapid increase in population finding developers sharing code and testing usability. Yet
(e)None of these others are application programming Interfaces digital
Q761. plugs that are multiplying rapidly. They allow one
How, according to the author, can the effects of floods, sentence to use another for instance voice calls, maps
famines, drought, etc. be minimized ? and payments. The most important are platforms
(a)By limiting pollution thereby reducing the chances of services that host startups offerings and market them,
such events taking place and then there is the internet, the mother of all
(b)By educating the children about the ill effects of such platforms, which is now fast, universal and wireless.
calamities who in turn will help during the time of need Startups are all thought of as experiments on top of such
(c)By following the U.S. system of providing relief to its platforms, testing automated in business and other
citizens walks of life. Some will work out, many will not. Through
(d)By allotting proper funds for research which can this combinational innovation startups are doing what
predict the outcome of such calamities and thus design humans have always done apply known techniques to
relief measures new problems. Technology has fuelled the
(e)None of these entrepreneurial explosion in other ways too. Thanks to
the web, information , about how to establish and run
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and startup has become more accessible and more uniform.
answer the questions given below it. Certain words Global standards are emerging for all things startup,
phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them from programming tools to term sheets for investments,
while answering some of the questions. dress code and vocabulary, making it easy for
Until 540 million years ago it is believed, sponges and entrepreneurs and developers to move around the
other simple creatures had the planet largely to world. Economic and social shifts have provided added
themselves, but within a few million years, the animal momentum for startups. The prolonged economic daisies
kingdom became much more varied similar to what is that began in2008 has caused many millennial people
now happening in the digital realm an entrepreneuri al born since the early 1980 to abandon hope of finding a


conventional sense for them to strike out on their own (d)It is a process of identifying needs and using existing
According to a survey of people aged between 18 and 30 means to innovatively dress these.
in 27 countries, more than two thirds see opportunities (e)It helps nurture startups by identifying appropriate
in becoming an entrepreneur, signaling a cultural shift. accelerators for entrepreneurs.
Startups run on hype, things are always awesome and Q765.
people overexcited but failure can be devastating. Being What do the statistics regarding youth reveal?
an entrepreneur often mean having no private life, (a)Unemployment is rampant and youth are increasingly
getting little sleep which may be one reason why fewer disillusioned with governments.
women are interested. More ominously, startups may (b)There is a change in mindset towards more
destroy more jobs than they create at least in the shorter unconventional of employment opportunities.
term. Yet the world of startups today offers a preview of (c)They are keen to attain the huge benefits of startups
how large swathes of the economy was organized but reluctant to work towards them.
tomorrow. This pattern is already emerging in such (d)They do not put stock in conventional formal
sectors as banking telecommunications, electricity which education but are drawn to setting up startups.
governments are increasingly supporting. (e) Other than those given as options
Q762. Q766.
Which of the following is authors main objective in What does the author want to convey through the phrase
writing the passage? software is eating the world ?
(A)To outline the difficulties in launching start-ups and (a)Just as evolution wiped out lower species, technology
dissuade entrepreneurship will wipe out human beings if not deployed judiciously.
(B)To enumerate the environmental factors which (b)The focus on technology is too much and will create
should be fostered to help entrepreneurship flourish tremendous job losses.
(C)To access the explosive growth of start-ups and their (c)Software is changing existing dynamics from
significance for the future. industries to the way we interact.
(a)Only (B) and (C) (d)Industries and people have become so dependent on
(b)Only (C) digital power that they are vulnerable to crimes.
(c)Only (A) and (B) (e)Software poses a threat as huge amount of personal
(d)Aft (A), (B) and (C) data and information may be misused.
(e)Only (A) Q767.
Q763. Which of the following can be inferred in the context of
According to the passage, which of the following is an the passage?
outcome of current environment regarding start-ups? (a) Digital technology has created endless possibilities
(a) Conventions regarding operation of startups are for new products and businesses.
being devised. (b) The knowhow to set up startups is easily available.
(b)Startups are growing, too slowly thereby putting the (c)The spread of startups is being positively viewed by
economy at risk. governments.
(c)Startups are increasingly falling as they lack (d)Accelerators try to equip entrepreneurs with the
government funding. capabilities to be successful.
(d)Fierce competition among startups has resulted in a (e)All the given statements can be inferred in the context
drop of prices and quality of digital services. of the passage.
(e)It has resulted In the collapse of political regimes in Q768.
many countries. Choose the word which is most nearly the same in the
Q764. meaning EVOLVED given in bold as used in the passage.
Which of the following can be said about combinational (a) Nurtured
innovation? (b) inclined
(a)People with entrepreneuri al spirit and (c) advanced
complementary skills come together to create innovative (d) increased
products. (e)produced
(b)It is an easy process, requiring little investment and Q769.
success is guaranteed. What is the authors view of the future of start-ups?
(c)It is a system of management techniques to provide (a)He is wary of startups as these are experimental and
feedback to startups and help these run efficiently not enduring organisations.


(b)He is reconciled to startups being the way of the need to be a conventional Innovator. Miguel Davila and
future and to the changes that will occur. his colleagues built a huge business by importing the
(c)He feels that startups are too dependent on feedback American multiplex cinema into Mexico. Their only
and hence doomed to fail. innovation, says Mr Davila, was putting lime juice and
(d)He is of the opinion that startups are detrimental to chili sauce on the popcorn instead of butter. Equally,
customers personal wellbeing. there is a world of difference between the typical small
(e)Infringement of others intellectual property rights business owner, (who dreams of opening another shop)
will be a huge issue jeopardizing the future of startups. and the true entrepreneur (who dreams of changing an
Q770. entire industry). Jim McCann, the creator of
Which of the following is a reason for the reluctance to, is an entrepreneur rather than just a
take up entrepreneurship? florist because, when he opened his first shop in 1976,
(a)Vulnerability during economic downturn. he looked at the business with McDonalds eyes, as he put
(b)New Difficulty in acquiring mentors. it, and labored for years to build the world’s biggest
(c)Vast financial investments in infrastructure. flower delivery business. These misconceptions matter
(d)Risks involved and scarifies to be made. because they produce lousy policies, The world is
(e)Lack of diverse workforce. littered with high-tech enclaves that fall to flourish.
Q771. Malaysia’s valley has been nicknamed Valley of the Bio
Miguel Davila and his colleagues built a huge business by Ghosts. The world is also full of small business
importing the American multiplex cinema into Mexico. departments that fail to produce many jobs. Tire
Their only Innovation was Kauffman Foundation, which researches such matters,
(a)putting effort with new Ideas and goals has shown that the bulk of new jobs come from a tiny
(b)putting lime juice and chilli sauce on the popcorn sliver of high growth companies. Daniel Isenberg has
instead of butter. spent 30 years immersed in the world of
(c)To imitate the path of successful entrepreneurs. entrepreneurship as a (sometimes failed) entrepreneur
(d)to be a conventional innovator and venture capitalist as well as an academic (he
(e)None of these previously taught at Harvard Business School and is now
at nearby Babson College). He has also travelled the
Direction : Read the following passage carefully and world accumulating examples—he is just as interested in
answer the questions given below it. Certain words Iceland’s generic drug industry as in Silicon Valleys
phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them giants. In a new book, Worthless, Impossible, and Stupid,
while answering some of the questions. he presents a new definition of entrepreneurship. In
Entrepreneurship is the modern day philosophers stone essence, entrepreneurs are contrarian value creators.
a mysterious something that supposedly holds the secret They see economic value where others see heaps of
to boosting growth and creating jobs. The G20 countries nothing. And they see business opportunities where
hold an annual youth entrepreneurship summit. More others see only dead ends., , There are plenty of striking
than 130 countries celebrate Global Entrepreneurship examples of this Mo Ibrahim, the founder of Celtel, saw
Week. Business schools offer hugely popular courses on the possibility of bringing mobile phones to sub-Saharan
how to become an entrepreneur. Business gurus produce Africa when telecoms giants saw only penniless peasants
often contradictory guides to entrepreneurship David and logistical nightmares. On a trip to Tobago Sean
Gum pert wrote both How to Really Create a Successful Dimin and his father Michael observed that fishermen
Business Plan and Burn Your Business Plan .But what were leaving tonnes of fish to rot, so they created a
exactly is entrepreneurshi p apart from a longer way of company, Sea to Table, to get the surplus fish to New
saying enterprise? And how should governments York restaurants. As a student at Harvard Business
encourage it? The policymakers are as confused as the School, Will Dean noticed that social media were
gurus. They assume that it must mean new technology so irrigating a fashion for extreme sports. So he established
they try to create new Silicon Valleys. Or that It is about a company, Tough Mudder, that charges people to
small businesses so they focus on fostering startups. subject themselves to pain and humiliation. Mr Isenberg
Both assumptions are misleading. Silicon Valley has emphasizes that successful contrarians also need the
certainly been the capital of technology based self-confidence to defy conventional wisdom Mr Deans
entrepreneurship In recent decades. But you do not need professors told him that he was crazy) and the
to be a geek to be an entrepreneur. George Mitchell, the determination to overcome obstacles (It took the Dimlns
Texas oilman who pioneered frocking, did as much to two years to get the fishermen to change their habits).
change the world as anybody in the Valley. Nor do you Indeed, some of the best entrepreneurs are


distinguished more by their ability to achieve the (b)Entrepreneurs are those who make efforts to earn.
impossible than by the originality of their thinking. TCS (c)Entrepreneurship Is the modem day philosophers
is essentially a Pakistani version of FedEx. But to get it stone.
going, Khalid Awan had to overcome insuperable (d)Entrepreneurship Is a mix of optimism and
problems such as striking deals with the gangs that pessimism.
control the haulage Industry and sweet talking the (e)None of these
politicians who can shut a new company at the drop of a Q774.
hat. Mr. Isenberg has two important bits of advice for As per the contents in the passage, what are important
policymakers who genuinely want to foster bits of s advice by Mr. Isenberg for policymakers who
entrepreneurship. First, they should remove barters to genuinely want to foster entrepreneurship ?
entry, and growth, for all sorts of business, rather than (A)Policymakers should remove barriers to entry and
seeking to build particular types of clusters. Second they growth, for all sorts of business.
should recognise the importance of the profit motive. (B)Policymakers should recognise, the importance of the
There has been much fancy talk of social profit motive.
entrepreneurship—harnessing enterprise to do good (C)Policymakers should focus on social
deeds—but in truth the main motivator for entrepreneurship.
entrepreneurs is the chance of making big money. This is (a) Only A
what drives people to take huge risks and endure years (b)Only C
of hardship. Art this is what encourages investors to take (c)Both A and B
a punt on business ideas that, at first sight, look half- (d)Both B and C
crazy. Politicians and bureaucrats do not Just confuse (e)All A, B and C
entrepreneurship with things they like—technology, Q775.
small business—they also fall to recognise that it entails What in your opinion should be the most appropriate
things that set their teeth on edge. Entrepreneurs thrive title of this passage?
on inequality the fabulous wealth they generate in (a)Entrepreneurship is the modem day philosophers
America makes the country more unequal. They also stone.
thrive on disruption, which creates losers as well as (b)Entrepreneurship is nothing but innovation.
winners. Joseph Schumpeter once argued that economic (c)Entrepreneurship and global approach
progress takes place in cracks and leaps rather than (d)How to become a successful entrepreneur
infinitesimal small steps because it is driven by rule (e)None of these
breaking entrepreneurs. It might be nice to think that we Q776.
could have growth and job creation without a good deal Who among the following is the writer of the book
of Schumpeterian cracking. But, alas, I some thoughts Worthless, Impossible and Stupid ?
really are worthless, impossible and stupid. (a) David Gumpert
Q772. (b)Daniel Isenberg
Which of the following statement(s) is are TRUE in the (c)Joseph Schumpeter
context of the given passage ? (d)Tough Mudder
(A)The policymakers assume that entrepreneurs hip (e)Sean Dolman
must mean new technology and hence they try to create
new Silicon Valleys. Direction : Read the following passage carefully and
(B)David Gumpert has written low to Really Create a answer the questions given below it. Certain words
Successful i Business Plan. phrases are given in bold to help you to locate them
(C)The policymakers assume that j entrepreneurship is while answering some of the questions.
about small business. For more than three years, Anna Feng didn’t tell her
(a)Only A husband that they had sunk nearly half of their savings
(b)Both A and B into the Shanghai stock market. While he thought all
(c)Both B and C their money was safely sitting in bank, the value of the
(d)Both C and A stocks plunged by almost 76%. But over the past couple
(e)All A, B and C of months, the Shanghai market has shown signs of life,
Q773. and Feng, a 56year old retiree, has recoupled half her
What according to Daniel Isen berg is the new definition losses. She’s quality hopeful that maybe shell make it all
of entrepreneurship ? back. Everyone seems to be so optimistic about the
(a)Entrepreneurs arc contrarian value creators. markets now, she says. Around the world, stocks have


been on a tear. In Asia, for example, The Tokyo TOPIX (b)The trend of substantial increase in the value of
stock index hit a 14 year hot last week as a bull run in stocks.
once dormant Japan gathered momentum Mumbai main (c)Safety provided by banks to their deposits.
equity index hit an all-time high in trading early Friday (d)Optimism of the stock market players.
amid India’s continuing economic boom and Hong Kong (e)The Interest rates are going up.
shares reached a five-year high while indices in Q778.
Singapore, Jakarta and Sydney set new records. And What Is the impact of increasing long-term interest rates
though stocks in Asia, in particular are on fire, they are ?
not alone. From Germany to Venezuela to South Africa, (A)Demand in housing market is gradually diminishing
equity markets in both mature and emerging markets (B)Retardation in economic growth.
have moved up sharply this year and show little sign of (C)Restrictions imposed by central bank.
slowing. The underpinning for stocks strong (a)A only
performance, global bulls say, is straightforward. (b)B only
Economic growth continues to be strong in places where (c)C only
it has been buoyant for several years (the US, China and (d)A and C only
India) and is finally picking up in places where it had (e)All A, Band C
been notably absent Japan and parts of old Europe. Q779.
Moreover, earnings and corporate balance sheets around Which of the following is TRUE about the comparison
the world are as healthy as they have been in years. In between market indices of Mumbai and Hong Kong on
Japan, corporate profits have climbed for four straight one hand and Singapore, Jakarta and Sydney on the other
years and consumer spending is rising briskly on the ?
back of declining unemployment. Economists say that (a)The Indices in the former case are increasing while
Japan is now in a golden cycle. So, for now, is much of the those in the latter are decreasing.
world. It comes down to very simple macroeconomics, (b)There is no remarkable trend visible between the two
says Subir gokam. an economist at CRISIL, India’s largest sets of indices.
credit rating firm, The global economy is growing (c)Indices in both the groups have been stable over a
without much inflationary pressure, Is anything wrong period of last five years.
with this picture? One very, big thing, warn the skeptics. (d)The market in both the groups of countries have
Interest rates are rising nearly everywhere, and if there shown upward trend
is one simple adage that many investment advisers live (e)None of the given options Is true.
by, its this When rates are high, stocks will die. Indeed, Q780.
one of the most impressive or scariest aspects of the Which of the following statements is are False in the
current global bull run is that it has come in the teeth of context of the passage ?
central bank tightening, most importantly by the US (A)Economic growth in US, China, India, Japan and Old
Federal reserve, which could slow growth in the world’s European countries started to show a downward trend
key economic locomotive. The Fed has increased a key (B)Higher interest rates help boost stock value,
short term interest rate the so called Fed funds rate (C)Sceptics believe that economic growth is a boom from
15times dating back to June 2004, and is widely all the angles.
expected to raise it once or twice over the next few (a)All A, B and C
months. A brief recession and the September 11 terrorist (b)A and B only
attacks in 2001 spurred a prolonged period of very low (c)B and C only
interest rates. That boosted US consumption in (d)A and C only
particular the rate sensitive housing market and kept the (e)None of the given options is true
global economy humming. Not long term rates are now Q781.
beginning to tick upward last week the US 30 year According to the context of the passage, the spurt in
treasury bond reached 5.04%, its highest level since late stock markets appears to be
2004, and the housing market is , cooling off potentially (a)a healthy sign of growing world peace
triggering an economic slowdown as homeowners cut (b)an indication of eradication of global poverty
their spending. (c)a proof of a negligible number of people below
Q777. poverty line
According to the passage, what makes people hopeful (d)a transition from under development to enrichment.
about the markets ? (e)None of the given options is true
(a)The descent in the value of stocks. Q782.


How are the interest rates associated with the stocks ?
(a)In direct proportion
(b)In inverse proportion
(c)No relation
(d)Dependent upon the investors
(e)None of the given options is true
Which of the following is most nearly the same in
meaning to the word skeptic given in bold as used in the
(e) analyst
In what way did the terrorist attacks in the US influence
the markets?
(a)It led to a brief recession.
(b)It increased long term need for housing.
(c)It helped increased the growth rates on housing.
(d)It prolonged the low interest rate regime
(e)None of the given options is true
How do the stock values in Asian countries compare
with that in the other countries of the globe ?
(a)It cannot be inferred on the basis of the content of the
(b)There is a general decline in the market indices all
over the globe.
(c)Markets show a general rise in the indices all over the
(d)Markets only in Asian countries have shown upward
(e)None of the given options


ANSWERS : 289 b 290 c 291 a 292 e 293 b 294 d
295 a 296 c 297 b 298 a 299 d 300 e
1e 2e 3b 4c 5a 6e 301 c 302 a 303 b 304 c 305 c 306 b
7d 8c 9c 10 d 11 b 12 e 307 c 308 c 309 e 310 e 311 d 312 b
13 a 14 b 15 a 16 b 17 d 18 d 313 a 314 b 315 c 316 d 317 c 318 b
19 a 20 b 21 d 22 e 23 d 24 c 319 b 320 e 321 a 322 d 323 e 324 e
25 e 26 d 27 b 28 d 29 e 30 d 325 b 326 c 327 b 328 d 329 a 330 d
31 b 32 a 33 c 34 c 35 d 36 b 331 a 332 c 333 e 334 a 335 b 336 d
37 e 38 c 39 c 40 b 41 a 42 b 337 e 338 d 339 d 340 e 341 c 342 b
43 d 44 d 45 d 46 d 47 b 48 e 343 b 344 e 345 d 346 b 347 b 348 c
49 e 50 e 51 b 52 c 53 d 54 d 349 c 350 b 351 e 352 e 353 d 354 b
55 a 56 d 57 b 58 d 59 d 60 e 355 b 356 c 357 c 358 b 359 e 360 e
61 a 62 c 63 d 64 c 65 c 66 c 361 e 362 c 363 a 364 b 365 b 366 c
67 b 68 a 69 a 70 d 71 a 72 d 367 b 368 d 369 c 370 c 371 a 372 e
73 b 74 d 75 c 76 a 77 e 78 d 373 b 374 b 375 d 376 d 377 d 378 c
79 e 80 b 81 b 82 e 83 b 84 a 379 a 380 b 381 e 382 d 383 c 384 e
85 d 86 a 87 c 88 e 89 b 90 b 385 d 386 b 387 e 388 c 389 c 390 b
91 c 92 a 93 e 94 e 95 b 96 a 391 c 392 a 393 b 394 c 395 d 396 a
97 e 98 a 99 c 100 b 101 c 102 d 397 e 398 d 399 c 400 c 401 d 402 d
103 b 104 d 105 c 106 e 107 d 108 b 403 d 404 b 405 e 406 c 407 a 408 c
109 e 110 c 111 a 112 b 113 d 114 b 409 d 410 a 411 d 412 a 413 b 414 d
115 e 116 c 117 d 118 d 119 c 120 a 415 e 416 c 417 b 418 c 419 d 420 b
121 b 122 a 123 e 124 e 125 c 126 d 421 a 422 c 423 e 424 e 425 e 426 a
127 b 128 b 129 d 130 a 131 d 132 c 427 e 428 e 429 b 430 a 431 e 432 a
133 d 134 b 135 a 136 b 137 d 138 e 433 d 434 d 435 b 436 a 437 a 438 d
139 a 140 a 141 b 142 c 143 d 144 a 439 a 440 a 441 a 442 c 443 c 444 a
145 d 146 a 147 c 148 c 149 a 150 c 445 b 446 c 447 b 448 b 449 c 450 a
151 b 152 d 153 d 154 c 155 a 156 d 451 e 452 c 453 d 454 b 455 d 456 c
157 e 158 e 159 a 160 c 161 d 162 e 457 a 458 d 459 e 460 e 461 d 462 b
163 e 164 c 165 a 166 e 167 e 168 d 463 b 464 c 465 e 466 c 467 b 468 a
169 c 170 c 171 d 172 b 173 e 174 a 469 e 470 d 471 c 472 b 473 b 474 e
175 e 176 b 177 c 178 d 179 b 180 d 475 b 476 a 477 b 478 d 479 c 480 c
181 d 182 d 183 b 184 b 185 c 186 b 481 a 482 d 483 d 484 a 485 a 486 c
187 d 188 c 189 c 190 b 191 d 192 e 487 c 488 a 489 b 490 a 491 e 492 d
193 e 194 a 195 d 196 c 197 c 198 e 493 a 494 d 495 b 496 c 497 e 498 e
199 c 200 d 201 b 202 d 203 e 204 c 499 d 500 d 501 b 502 a 503 a 504 d
205 a 206 b 207 c 208 b 209 d 210 d 505 e 506 b 507 e 508 c 509 d 510 a
211 d 212 b 213 b 214 e 215 a 216 c 511 a 512 c 513 b 514 c 515 d 516 a
217 d 218 e 219 c 220 a 221 c 222 d 517 d 518 e 519 a 520 d 521 c 522 d
223 b 224 e 225 b 226 e 227 b 228 c 523 c 524 a 525 e 526 b 527 e 528 c
229 a 230 e 231 e 232 b 233 b 234 d 529 d 530 b 531 d 532 b 533 c 534 b
235 a 236 e 237 b 238 e 239 d 240 c 535 b 536 c 537 c 538 a 539 e 540 c
241 d 242 a 243 c 244 a 245 b 246 e 541 c 542 b 543 e 544 b 545 a 546 b
247 d 248 d 249 e 250 a 251 c 252 b 547 a 548 c 549 a 550 d 551 b 552 c
253 b 254 b 255 c 256 e 257 e 258 d 553 d 554 c 555 d 556 d 557 a 558 c
259 b 260 c 261 d 262 a 263 e 264 d 559 e 560 b 561 e 562 c 563 c 564 c
265 b 266 b 267 a 268 e 269 b 270 c 565 c 566 b 567 a 568 d 569 d 570 b
271 e 272 c 273 a 274 c 275 d 276 e 571 c 572 c 573 c 574 a 575 a 576 b
277 a 278 d 279 c 280 b 281 e 282 a 577 c 578 d 579 b 580 a 581 b 582 c
283 c 284 d 285 d 286 e 287 b 288 d 583 d 584 a 585 d 586 d 587 a 588 e
589 a 590 a 591 e 592 e 593 e 594 a
595 d 596 c 597 c 598 b 599 a 600 e
601 d 602 e 603 c 604 e 605 e 606 e
607 b 608 d 609 a 610 a 611 e 612 d
613 b 614 c 615 d 616 d 617 a 618 b
619 d 620 c 621 e 622 d 623 b 624 c
625 a 626 e 627 c 628 a 629 c 630 a
631 b 632 d 633 d 634 b 635 a 636 a
637 c 638 d 639 b 640 e 641 c 642 c
643 e 644 b 645 d 646 c 647 a 648 d
649 b 650 b 651 d 652 b 653 b 654 d
655 e 656 c 657 e 658 c 659 b 660 a
661 c 662 a 663 d 664 d 665 b 666 c
667 a 668 e 669 d 670 c 671 d 672 b
673 d 674 a 675 c 676 d 677 d 678 c
679 a 680 b 681 c 682 d 683 a 684 b
685 b 686 e 687 e 688 a 689 d 690 d
691 c 692 d 693 c 694 d 695 b 696 d
697 b 698 d 699 d 700 d 701 b 702 a
703 a 704 c 705 d 706 b 707 e 708 c
709 c 710 e 711 b 712 a 713 b 714 d
715 c 716 a 717 b 718 a 719 c 720 a
721 d 722 d 723 c 724 c 725 a 726 b
727 e 728 a 729 e 730 d 731 a 732 e
733 b 734 c 735 b 736 c 737 b 738 c
739 a 740 c 741 a 742 c 743 b 744 c
745 c 746 b 747 c 748 a 749 d 750 b
751 d 752 d 753 e 754 e 755 a 756 e
757 b 758 c 759 d 760 b 761 d 762 b
763 d 764 a 765 b 766 a 767 e 768 c
769 b 770 a 771 b 772 e 773 a 774 c
775 a 776 b 777 d 778 e 779 d 780 e
781 e 782 c 783 a 784 a 785 c


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