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The main complaint: pain when swallowing Subjective


-          Can not sleep because the mouth feels dry and hot and painful when swallowing

-          Complained of nausea, no appetite, felt like vomiting, and stomach felt tight

Objective data:

-          The patient looks tired, the oral mucosa is dry, the skin tug is moderate, looks painful
when swallowing

-          The throat looks reddish

-          BW before sickness 70 kg, currently 60 kg

-          Hb 11 gr / dl

-          Albumin 3.5 mg / 100 ml

B. Diagnose

Acute pain bd biological injury agents w / changes in appetite, reports of painful behavior /
activity changes in


unpleasant sensory and emotional experiences arising from actual or potential tissue damage or
described in terms of such damage (International Association for the Study of Pain) , a sudden or
slow onset of mild to severe intensity with a predictable or predictable ending lasting less than 3
C. Intervention 


·         pain control Pain management: acute

·         pain level
After taking action for 24 hours, -          Perform a thorough pain assessment
acute pain was resolved with the
following criteria: -          ask the patient about the level of pain that remains
-          can recognize when pain comfortable and functions that attempt to keep the pain at a
occurs level lower than the pain indicated
-          can use pain precautions
-          can do pain reduction -          make sure that the patient is receiving appropriate
without analgesics analgesic treatment before pain becomes severe
-          be able to recognize what
the pain symptom is associated
with Relaxation therapy
-          reported pain (increased to
3) -          provide a detailed description of the relaxation
-          facial pain expression intervention chosen
(upgraded to 3)
-          unable to rest (upgraded to -          get behaviors that indicate relaxation
-          loss of appetite (increased to -          ask the client to relax
-          nausea (upgraded to 4) -          demonstrate and practice relaxation techniques to
-          food intolerance (increased clients
to 3)
-          use relaxation as an adjunct strategy with
    appropriate use of pain medications or other therapies

D. Implementation

Management: Acute

-          Perform a thorough pain assessment

-          Ask the patient about the level of pain that remains comfortable and functions that attempt
to keep the pain at a lower level than indicated pain

-          Ensure that the patient receives appropriate analgesic treatment before pain becomes

Relaxation Therapy

-          Provide a detailed description of the relaxation intervention chosen

-          Get behaviors that indicate relaxation

-          Ask clients to relax

-          Demonstrate and practice relaxation techniques to clients.

Use relaxation as an adjunct strategy with appropriate use of pain medications or other therapies

E. Evaluation nursing


-          The patient complains of pain when swallowing


-          The patient appears weak

-          The patient appears to be in pain when swallowing

-          The throat looks reddish


Acute pain is partially resolved


Advanced Intervention:

-          Pain Management: Acute

Relaxation Therapy

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