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Bullying is a serious problem in homes, schools and communities. Often dismissed as an

adolescent “rite of passage,” research clearly indicates bullying is learned behavior and detrimental

to the academic, physical, social and emotional development of all involved – bullies, targets and the

bystanders who witness it. Bullying is not only a problem of youth but is one that spans all ages.

Despite volumes of research, countless “anti-bullying” programs and increased scrutiny by the media,

bullying continues to pervade our culture and our schools. It is a complex social issue requiring

determination, leadership and courage to address. Although it is a difficult challenge, it cannot be

ignored. A wave of recent bullying incidents with tragic outcomes has shed a renewed light on this

issue. The advent of technology allowing for impulsive, anonymous and rapid communication, has

expanded the opportunities for bullying to a degree that necessitates more innovative and immediate

responses than ever before.

Bullying does not always have to be childish play, it can be extremely violent. People may be bruised, injured,

or even killed. Kids under bad influence may turn very violent. Parents, relatives, friends, T.V., music and

pictures may all influence people, especially when they are depressed or are in a lowered state of mind.

Violence on T.V. is a very big influence, particularly the wrestling and fighting shows. Also, T.V. shows are

quite readily available for anyone to watch. Kids may try “moves” on people at school because they believe it’s

cool. As well, cooperation from childrens’ parents is important, some parents actually encourage their children

to fight to look cool or don’t teach them properly. Kids must take their own initiative, as well, they must find

out what’s wrong and what’s right for themselves sometimes. Many kids don’t take bullying seriously.

However, when a real incident occurs, they are unprepared, shocked, regretful, or dead. Bullying must stop, for

it is destroying the lives and futures of many innocents, perhaps not killing them, but ruining them. People may

end up physically distorted, paralysed, or dead because of Bullying.

Bullying is not only physical, but it can also disrupt a person’s emotional life through mobbing and
cyberbullying which is its worst form. In fact, cyberbullying is a terrible weapon that can destroy

someone’s reputation and life for good in no time. That is why cyberbullying  may have serious

implications, even legal ones, for those who practice it.

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