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Lesson Plan Template

Theme/ Name of Lesson: Comparing Ainu to the Indigenous peoples of

Grade Level: 8 Faculty of

Duration of the Lesson: 1hour

Name of Instructor: Emma Engel

Materials Consulted:
 Learn Alberta grade 8 Program of studies

Resources for Instruction:

 Our Worldviews Textbook and Black Line Master

Connection to the Program of Studies:

GLO 8.1: Through an examination of Japan, students will demonstrate an understanding and
appreciation of the ways in which beliefs, values and knowledge shape worldviews and
contribute to a society's isolation or adaptation.

SLO 8.1.6: 8.1.6 - analyze the effects that rapid adaptation had on traditionally isolated Japan
during the Meiji period

Lesson Objective (SMART): Students will…

 Recognize the similarities between the Ainu people and the Indigenous peoples of Canada
in terms of the similar struggles the endured.

Essential Question for the Lesson:

 Compare and contrast the struggles both the Ainu and Indigenous peoples face, how are
they similar? How are they different?

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Fall 2017 - Instructor: A. Stout
Teacher will… Students will… Time
 Yesterday we did a debate  Listen to instructions given by 2-3
 Can someone tell me what we debated the teacher mins
about (the two sides of the civil unrest in  Ask questions if they have any
Japan  Hands
 I also had you guys predict the outcome
of the civil unrest how many people
guessed right?
 How did you guys like the debate?
 Today we are going to talk about the
 Show todays agenda
 Does anyone have any guess who the
Ainu are?
 They are considered to be descendants of
Japan’s first Indigenous people
 The Ainu have faced a lot of racism
towards them from the beginning of time
until now
 Does this sound familiar to anyone?
 I have a video to show you guys about
the Ainu and while we watch it I want.
You to take some notes on some of the
injustices the Ainu face still today
 Also keep in mind the Indigenous
peoples on Canada and if there are
similarities between them

Formative Assessment (What will you look for to know students are engaged and learning?
How will you know if your outcome is being met?)
 I will know students are learning and my outcomes are met based on the verbal responses I
get form the class as well as how well they are paying attention.

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Fall 2017 - Instructor: A. Stout
Body (you may have a range of activities)
Teacher will… Students will… Time
Activity 1: Video Activity 1: 22
 Play the video  Watch video and take notes mins
  Listen to what is being
v=iA7BILX-q4I discussed in the video
Activity 2: discussion/jam board Activity 2: 10
 Lets talk about the Ainu  Raise hands mins
 What is something you learned about them?  Participate in class
 Was life easy for them? discussion
 What are some struggles they faced  Come up with ideas
 What was lifelike for them in the past?  Listen to teacher and
 Has it improved for them? students
 Were they acknowledged by the Japanese
 How has education made an impact on the

 What about Indigenous peoples in Canada?

Are there similarities between the Ainu and
Indigenous peoples?
 Lets talk about the Ainu
 What is something you learned about them?
 Was life easy for them?
 What are some struggles they faced
 What was lifelike for them in the past?
 Has it improved for them?
 What is the Canadian government doing for
Indigenous peoples?
 What about education

 Do you guys see the similarities between these

two groups
 Do both groups seem to be treated the same?

Activity 3: Write it out! Activity 3: Write it out 25

 Now that we have talked about this, I want  Answer the question
you guys to answer this question  Ask questions if they have
 Compare and contrast the struggles both the any
Ainu and Indigenous peoples face, how are  Make connections to
they similar? How are they different? Canada

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Fall 2017 - Instructor: A. Stout
 This should around 1 page
 Walk around and make sure students are
staying on task and making connections

Formative Assessment (What will you look for to know students are engaged and learning?
How will you know if your outcome is being met?)
 The participation in class and making connections to modern day and Canada will show that
my outcome is met and that they are learning.

Teacher will… Students will… Time
 Give a 5-minute warning to wrap  Students will listen to instruction 2
up their writing given by the teacher mins
 Go over everything we discussed in  Hand in written response

Formative Assessment/ Summative Assessment (What will you look for to know students are
engaged and learning? How will you know if your outcome is being met?)
 I will be looking for connections being made between the two groups as well as the
participation in class.

Reflection (How do I know that my learning objectives were met? What did the lesson do well? In
what ways would you improve the lesson in the future? How did you engage your learners?):
 I know my objective was met because students understood who the Ainu are and the
injustices they face, as well as made connections to Canadian Indigenous Peoples.
 I the lesson was good at creating a conversation where people could give their
 In the future I would find a better video that is more focused on the historical
perspective as well as give myself longer for the closure.
 I engaged my learners by making the lesson adaptable for multiple learning styles to
maintain everyone’s attention.

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Fall 2017 - Instructor: A. Stout

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