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Visual Culture Database Form ARTE 344/544 Spring 2021

Provider: Eva Lord

Big Idea/Subject:
Major Theme:
Home life
Medium/ Presentation:
Oil painting
Visual Components:
Color, space, texture,
balance, emphasis
Fine Arts
Pop art
Pop culture

Authorship: David Hockney

Title: My Parents
Original Location: Tate
Description/Interpretation My Parents by David Hockney is a clean cut and brightly
: colored painting. With a solid background it is easy to pick
out what Hockney is trying to emphasize, his parents. The
figure on the left, the mother, sits upright and attentive
and the figure on the right, the father, sits slouched and
absorbed in his reading. Each object in the room has a
very defined color with the exception of some reflected
colors in highlights, such as their shoes and the father’s
jacket. Diving further into this piece explains the behavior
of his family with his mother looking directly at him and
his father fully ignoring him. This is an example of what
many households were like at this point in time. The
attentive stay at home mother and the working father that
takes his free time for himself. The sharp lines and clean
features of the composition are a nod to the lifestyle that
was most likely encouraged in Hockney’s life. Books
perfectly arranged, fresh flowers, mother and father
dressed nicely but only half the attention is there.
Use in Teaching (Lesson Lesson: Students could expand upon this piece of art by
Idea)/3-5 Guiding creating a composition of a room in their home. This
Questions: would not be a still life, it would be what they can recall
from memory. Creating this from memory will allow for
the students to pick out pieces of their home that are
significant and add pieces in that may not actually be
there to help emphasize the atmosphere. This lesson will
encourage students to share their home lives with each
other and help uncover aspects of their home they did not
realize were important. Seeing a depiction of each other’s
homes could help the students feel more connected to one
another when they see how their home lives make them
Guiding Questions:
1. What is the significance of the artists color palette?
2. What is the main subject(s) of this painting?
3. Why do you think the artist included the objects
between the two figures in the composition?
Image Source:

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