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Py Niner O2ct¢ ‘The ee has a thick trunk with thee main branches The tank ‘apes upwad, an, in an jereglae manner which i meant to render the nature ofthe wee, Ue tufts ae formed on thin branches shown, in thin relief lines. The leaves are also shown separately at the end ofthe branches where they frm 2 rounded contr (Our seal hae the features characteristic of Middle Asyrian seals ofthe thirteenth. century B.C. We find these crit both in the bul, fd inthe tre, Seals of the time of TukuteNinmorta I, Salmanaaae Land Adsdirai, fund in Assur iself are the most portant evi= ence for the chronological determination ofthis group™. An imp- featon ofa aesl on a tablet found im Assur shows 4 hero grasping a winged bil by the hora; the Hvely jumping pose of the bull with jgat one foreleg touching the ground is almost a duplicate of the ren- Gesing of our bull™. A fingment of vase fom KarcTukul- NNinurta proves only the forepart and Whe tll ofthe design of a bull which alo parle our rendering very closely™, One could adduce more parallels (Chronologically che mos usefll parallels forthe tree come fom ‘Assur and Tell Feherges, Theve are alo clove reemblances among ‘naeeum pieces ‘On the basis of the proposed parallels, the sal from the vicinity fof Malaya undosbiedly belonge wo the thie century ia the time of the Middle Asian Kingdom. FA Mowe 24 5) 9m 4 hein a dm tithe Gnren Ver Ant wifes Bueens tote seta Gp We fae, ie Kan mx Ae (93 wet. Gr Ife Os Dide Weems, Cyinde Saf Ween A tenes 0), iy HJ. ano OF 7 anim Ta Fash, SSS fo ik ah me Ra eet ZA gE ahem. 8 2 ‘Baan Cats Gaeta x Ciclo ee An eed aoe Nae Su enon 8) tH rn pO ‘Sct ors pe of he ana Coa hb erento tron 8, EAT Ny oe Mag, VIC sc; [sp iGo, os Poy Mpa Ain Cyr Seo pn gin Lis Ger Yak wnt Lael Te Ae GANDARLI (PLTANE) DA BULUNAN BOYALL LABITEER, RM. 000K (Govea : Do. Be. CEVDET BAYEURTLUOGLU Profesir Ehren Aburgel 960 ynhmda Gandarl, esi Pitane'de apm oldu Kanda cian ve rlen maa okulda saidenan pvr {oprak bora lailed neretmem ila ndztane gaffda bulonda, Bu Iki! inceleme fats veediginden ve ftograflars, cals se notlania gonderdiginen oti Lenilerine gok_milteehirin, De]. W. Hayes lserndehi 58 ve g umarah olnlars kentol ve fashin mee lutinda bulundu, "Bu doce ihc rman kabverengi annus olup ssi yelerde tain tanms astarla kapr, Reatlar stilenmemi. 1. Ganda E HI=G. 1.195 % 62 % gr cn. gt. 2. Ganda EcTIT-D, #189. % 4 32 em. Ful 2 Ieiade (605 Korint IT deveie at bie pysis, Fier tasinda band bir pchoroy, bir Dogu- Yonan ds lkytho's ve bir fayansarybal- Tow eliagor (heat abl eataeindlir) Lev. TX. ‘+ Gana E, TTB, 4.105 % 38 x 44 em Fig. § Gam EB gx ot om, aruba gok Gnclet Piane'de bulunm ieee Goenb nto 7 iy Tsanbal 1492. 112 X 955 [95 % 265/29. HP, SP, FP, datgalis iyeler iiye drt key halal ssl ‘Gandari“dan gelen bu lair geil ve sisleme bakmndan ist ghternler Hepsi agus yukan aikdortgendir ve ig Keeerde Gdlnidars olmsyan dar sua ylae sahiptier. Yan paralrinda algal tat meveuttay, diger slr gel ve ere balamsndan ba- sit, 2 No, la tarhlee inkdan veren maeme iva ened * Over yn unin el ee dee ag we apa ot 290) gpa eine ns et at ott pan Shear pra LP ae pel 2 at hye ha, FP ay om ‘ar ne Sei rt ten hie ero ie cy 2. COOK ‘Kovint py’ 6, ann Ugtned geyredindendic?, Sub-Fikellra een ‘nlea's'da daha ken lamas, Benger, muayes eilebilecek, Ihr Klssomen'den yelmitr, Banlannn ds oradan gelmi oldklan sOylenir® Bynlardan mevert lanai hepst goes sandudalarsin, 6. Leyden 1. 1gpfts Klzomenen elise 56 28 x 17 co. HP, meander SP, dalgah hat PE meander, det ue, fo Fig 6. 2 Briel A, 045. larmendon gi syne 68x 98 20 em, Sisemes 6 no, dl i at Met meander paraan yee 8. Ianba Tew 960 Kssomenden gli cues) Sats % 17 om, Sisemes 6 aodakh ide. BCH roto, Le. 102 4. nb ov. 196 Klsaomeaden ge syle 6 x 27 © i74 em. Silene no Gal gid. BC gee, Us ey 101 Louvie GA. tox. Klssnenen eli Soe 21 x 163 cn. HP, SP, dag hat Re, dae mek gad fet hai ou reall bopanimyure BCH ne, Lee set 11, Bonn 2342. Klanendn geld syenie, Cock iki nin ke ya (je geil gem Rape i dogs hat, Tir ena Doyues icy haat aruda dng aa 4a, Briel A. otf. Kissomenden gedit signe. 61.3 x 26 x 15 cam Fock ollcierkdekorssyonu, teens Soil ba focuk kiesnn hig ghonalan got Suleme bambi 4 Taar 4.0, ya” ok yond ~ nll eles Kemet soa ermeste 6-7 no lular amamen bench om: ent see sek als 1 noe 1 ve molars ge yap le bras Kine clita: olap lms seme mmkn olamaa Setar ay ire nie? pen Dk! ays enced pont "ever his Krad ou herr andr 13, Lapa T. agrpKlstomenden gil soyenie: Degas date ssn Renae aan vince tee infant aan prs hp ha ea ee fist Dr. JH. Rensrniine gre ne een pe sp ‘GANDARLE (PITANE) DA BULUNAN ROVALE LAHITLER ty "4 Bonn agag 4, Klazomenden geuigi seni, Dalgah hata sislenmig lense pores, somenden ged sivlenen diger bayak Ieiterin bitin dar bay we aya wea paryaarscrinde ast isa kenaeparylara alga haar gel, kat ig kaelerinde hata ward ve Buna ‘eds olarak ij eer gin seme slat ayes ve bunlar, 4g Kenadan ssleanige, hs Leyden I. t8gb(t. Klasomonden goligt syleie, 174 x 0.6105 X35 em. HP, wlitpalmet Komplea ik taraftan (elaetiya tckrarlnan) meander pargalany gsmal haglar dik veye diagonal {eke bolonimigkateler ve ylditardan mrckkep ik ira le sut- Janmigur; bir git bolme arasinda dikey ack bi Sng band vari. UG, Z meander ve bench. SP, dalgals hat LG, UC gibi, FP, tel eira meander ve diagonal olarak Bolunmos kareler. 7 meanders ve renck; koje ciinlarinds aikey hag ve drt beuck. deta 1942, 58 Fig 94 (Ge kin). ordi bayage ve birt de bayak hirgocugs ait diger bey Lait sym ssleme tarama aahiptie- yan boghklan amslayan_paneller kat motiler daha iheimamla ienmigi, 16. Methymna'éan, Lesbos. 185 x 64/52 x 33 cm. LHL, digas tla arainda spical gengeller, erin dal (ney). ‘SP, (UC dahi), eit dalgls bat. LG, agonal olarak bolinmi iki kare. PP, mazgal meander; dalgat hat; yumurta ve ok wou, PAE 15/6, 1gha Fig. 4. bse] A. o49. Klsomen veya yakimndan obdugu syn, Pargalsm tahini boyutlan ga % 69 em. yin gen 8 em en fale defi (45 no, aman 9 cat ve non t1 om. lk ge: iii le muayese elie). HP, lot gigi ve romureular (21 no ahi gi). UC, meander. SP, meander ve roantler. LC, UC gibi. FP, LHP gh. Kenaslarsnlenmemigir. (Blin i higlesinde gant ‘slup olmacige belli degidir; mevest paralardan edinigim inibas ‘hup oleae belli etic; meveut pasalardan edinigi inhan ire onlar gin yer yoLtur, Talat meander bandh meveut olduguna Aelalee eer). Borelt ress tarafndan. papules 18. Leyden I. sg0o/i. (1. Klssomenden. gedit soyleie, 103 % 44(48 em. HP, lta cetbler ve palieler (ly batlara heya boys bik cin). UC, best meaner SP, meander, ZC, OC bl, #, HP gibi, Kenalar sted, deo A 1942, 59 Fig. 98 49. Minih 7539. Klszomenden geldii syleie. 207 x 78/80 fem, HP, yanlatda sfnialer olan volst ve palmet korplesi. UG, Ineandet. SP, palmetie (minavebe ile boy burakmal). LC, UC fib, HP, AP git, chanca meander. Ate A 1942, 7-8 Fig 1 2 20, Avia 13940, Klaromenden gelaifi siylenit. 104 % 73/72 em, HP, alan ve panter aranda kargib it Kec sol mibayet me Sandrlesnrlsmgr (4 sihayet Aaynpar), UC, meander, SP, Sri ‘Se palimeter veya V ler; dip Iismin tolunda bir meander bandh. 116, UC gb. FP, loos cor, palmet bags, volt ve palmet kompleksi, flan; nibayesler meanders uranmager. J; mesnder. BCH 1933, ‘39 Figg, BSA XXBIV, Lev, gph (ayskparsanadal aslann deta). “Hannover ressima balan. Belibade Iie guruplanmin abplny esleme ulin yan pargae Jann nihayetine birer pane] cklemekle tamamJan, bu 17 n0.¥a Denzeyen ve ayms rasama baglaman bir parada govt. fat, Mush 7540 (gna kayip). Klazomenden gli sylenir. 19g % g8/60 em. 77, lous cietert ve tomureukla. UC, meandre, EP, lotus ciel (5 yaprakh tip) ve i tomareak. SP, meander ve Giagonal olarak bolannis Karele P, lotus ced ve iki tomureuk 6, UO i. FP, dine lots cigekler ve tomurcuklar. anes macae er. Jal 1905, 189. Fig. FHS rogo, 81 Fig. 1 (yukan km). Acta A gga, a1 Fig 11. Borel resarmnin, Borada pane jt bakimindan Borelli estminn dah mateki- anil ecernde (onan ve 2 no} ®ve Hannover resamarnblerde® foldugu gibi wfakor, bunladan ikincsi tapes geklinedir we hepa ‘ba ve syak hirminds mtad ug figure ve kenarlarda Orga Dandina sahiptic, Diger ii Mit paneleinin daha kik olmasndan éer fayam diac. “ett ptt a ree eter et = eee rer ea aM Ser ieee fee a ae ee earn eens eee Sass (GANDARLE (PETANE) DA BULUNAN BOVALL LABITLER 183 22, Bonn 1218 (L016). 77 x 9953 20 cm, Atarax. HP, (Ce dtl), olan punter arta gee UP, il gigek ara Tota goncas. SP, site kanes meander. FP (LC dail), ik eet Lotus font ve goncas aranndn geile. J dikey dlgah hate. 0, yomorta SE weus G. van Horn, de Vile aoe Cults Pram, 95 6, Fig. 35. Borel resarana balan 2g. Brill A.g4g 4-6. Klazomenden gelifi sienie, Pagar. LP, dagonal olarak kono borat palmet suas. SP, mesin da, 4, faba §yeklinde eke. TEP. fohamen ditdrigen Lbitlesin eth yonden tapes hs tad iiterden daa exkenolduguna na ec ir yk tare fayan malalesinde ntieye buBlamg'. Pitane'deki yeni bulontalae fp ntiery ted etched Da geil ve kg anlar clmaynn it (rpheden, bust bir dekoraifsitemden ve vepertovardan; geniy bas fou parva, oye ska, Rage gale, paella tein sahae Taridali fiir, Hensvlardakt org bandlast ve ig ve di Kenarlar Ga sslemes ile gey alanca arm daha finals_gelenrfinemantkt bir pois oldugu gbrulmeltede. Siphesiz bu geliim hereaman mun- tazamn defile 1g nods figitier mevewt fata paneller yk, 21 70~ Tis peneller var a fighle yok; 20 no luis allman acerice Ui lik gduere ve banda da figiler wards parller your, kat {lanaatimen)gelenelel ealgan Hannover resamna bad; heree- fadar rapes jellinde olan ve atl bakimondan Borel ressamm {akip edior goriniyors da, acemice olan ve hige cigs ot ‘angler clmayan 27 nou da Hannover esama daha gol bag 1G no. a, nepali? olan glaime iinad edieilise anormaldie. Pitane laidesain normal geligme iynda ve gest Lalas oldufu in eile, fakat bustin der Whilere, bei de bir aru bir an A tte, 18 1 ines haat yap lis ©. Ciesla hn att tnt seit [PAE tet 99-1) ey bt oa pa a {ya wa nga (ane Gea et oh); Sie ae Seine tough ve tamu peri ve hapeanai slemit. ‘tt ate Sa Saya vei veya ap a” de FLEE tte ocpidnn taunt Wo Winer cha) dee taps tline ve en dba baat, Dhee SA ES ie dat enter ye bm (ea gs) Ca Afar ene takoondan da Mina deeds galt my BM COOK, zat Klazomenden gelelerle olan ile oldakea yalan olup Pit ede bulantalar bu gehrin Klazomen’den date lt bir merkce ‘ldaguun sistermex. Pitane'de ele gegen parglanmn orada yapp ‘yapimadigim syemck ign halihanrdali bilgimis noksandr,aliyet ‘oval lider merkesi ve gevre guruplarin teil igin de vasit ‘seni. Picane'deki son buluntuya ladas, igo Acschines sestamnin MO. 470-603 tarhlenen bir Aik leyds'a bulaman Rodor kl? Hopkinson resamuna at dy delillre tarilenen gak ges bir abit meveuttu, Sind elimizde 6. asa ages ceyeginetailenen gol frken bir lit bulunmaktadi. Hernekadar ick bir topla bulusta ‘ets karar vermemiz iin yeti dele de yeni dslilleresen igi idler igi Hert srdogom kroaoljye uymaktacs, Muni 9550, (guards 19 nod) MO. 525 den bras evvsle ve Borel resent (uradaki 17 we ar nodular) tabriben MLO. 525-510! dandir Piiane'de buhinanac hag butua buy Inher (vey byck ‘eryetinn) i hie lantlars asda fnksivon olan vee yarayan, bir detayir ve bu gikims, keoarlars agagtan olan snduialann Kiglerinin kuvetlendiiimes gin yapds. Ply topraktn olan Jann bunlardan milher oldugy enellikle diguailmektedin'" Ba aten bast bir marangoaluk esericlinalahe ve bldg alr bu ‘ekilde yap talviyler Doga Yunan aleminde sit mk rasan. Aenigetilniy yet bulunmayan hoya: piynis toprak sandualards focikmer¥, Pane ihiver, gtmalari erken boy ihitlern Gel: Hig elmadigm: giserisler. Fakat ayn amanda buslar vavtasyla atin cpl azalimak igin kllasan bir sisleme oldugu ie nin emai sell. Bir samanlar bualana tamamen sie sei aadedikikeri 1939 de Anssa‘da balonan bast bic pgm toprak bitten de anlage. Bu [din her hyde eye agen iL gt, fei ey vari lake yp baron ir ma ‘ekarmak soca 4.6% Ml. VIM, Fg at. JH 98,296 8a 4) ve a8 ‘Gd nah dace Vil 1 Ma in ba Flames, sg, ‘Gaba rh tern tater plead (eck ara ‘irr bier bahamas da beta mas atin bey gee Wp aye i Ket hte Sia et Da walima mute OW: Lamina vpn rasan oye PAINTED SARCOPHAGI FROM. PITANE RM. COOK Profxoe Hksem Akurgal hat very generovsly inited me to publish the painted tereacoua sarcophagi found in Me excavation 't Gandarh, the ancient Pitane, im 960 and now in the local choo. Temsnostqatfil whim fo the opporunity 10 seady Ute rarcophaci tnd forthe photos, drawings and nots which he his provided. De T-W. Hayes as very kindly checked snd corrected my’ notes on nt. 58, and 9 ‘These four sarcophagi ar ofa coarse redsh brown clay with 4 thick coat of yellowish slip on the decorated fice. The edges are ‘ot decorated. 4. Ganda E IIE-©. 9.195 % 62 39 om Figs 2 2. Gandarh B, IIL-D. 1. 18) % 54 32 em. Fig. 2, Tn it ‘were Late Corinthian 1 pix, a banded smphoriskor of Fikeliss shape, an Fast Greek plain leythos anda fence aryballos (ll now in Istanbul). Plate IXI, 9. Gandarh B HE-B, 4. 193 X58 x 44 em. Big. 5 4 Gandar BL IV =F. 12195 > 56/54 * 4h cm. Fa. 4 To thi group may be added another sarcophagus fond mech clir at Pitae, 5; Istanbul 1420. 112 X 3545/95 % 20.s/an. HP, SP, PP, wavy. line the corners re decarated wilh (wo to four vertical nes “These sreophag rom Pitan are united by ehape aud decoration. All ace more or lar reetangular anc have a narrow decorated face ‘without projections at the inner comers, Al have waty Hines along {he sdepieces andthe other decoration i simple in form and dispo= sion. No. 2 contained datable material: the Corinthian pas is * Meaaenens ain cde of ent ofc, wih face mth ead and fn i iter an deh of hn 1 mean ape, OC upper ame tn Poe ra Sse oe ae a sy, rt ‘nated eter 20 et ot Was hat dort . 196 RM COOK fhe tid quar ofthe 6h cet. and the Sub-Fklurs ampho~ Fitor shoudl not te case (PL) Gly comparable sacophgl come or are sid to have come fhm Cavornenae™ The tint rare ac alana fin fr hire 6. Leyden I. igto[t-. Suid to be om Claomenae, 56 x 28 x 17 en HP, meade, SP, wavy lise. FP, meander, dt 194, fig 3 7. Bruel A. 93, Sid to be fom Clatomense. 6D 51 X20 cm Decoration no 6, except that some meander members are “pteabyes 1690. Said to be from Clagomenae. 57 x 26.5 x 17 em Deaton 880.6 BCH soy. 12 9. taal Tov. 1691. Seid to be fm Clazomense, 6 x 27 «175 em: Decoration ata. 6. BCH wg, pl. tt. to, Louwre CA, tox. Sol to be ftom Clazomense, 625 x 27 165 ct. HP, SP, FP, wavy ie, the comers ae pointed dak xenp for s marrow digotal band of das BCH tgtey pv. "1. Dont 2324. Sid tobe fom Cltaomens: Conte of ace fehl’ srombngu (vidoe gem). Tn emer to diagonal tne, long one ile diagonal crom beowecn verde line, 12. Braves. ogg. Said tbe fom Clasomenae. 6.3 26 x gem. Ne deeraton dice. “Ths hikes aap ave no comer projections. La deo- ration no 6-9 ae ery elotet to. even =for now 6700 the and of du sopping te sides o oft clte ona, a and 10.11 resembles on 1 and 3 in the treatment of the corer ¥ ay be eully coe, though its ot pone to tll whether they bad comer poecton, The gear decorated nae the edges fe sarcophag lied ead. "3. Lelpaig T. 517. Salt be ffom Cazomenae, Fragment of siden, decorated with wavy tne 1 Prane R. J Hopper wat Ai tt enfin te ae The scape! in Lydon wee staan heh On eanep, Dutch Cont Actin. fy 4 ven he might be expected tare Bd se ron ery wee ne and ed an moe informa his roves se equenty pen 14. Bonn 2324 6. Said to be from Clazomenne, Fragment of idepicce, decorated with wavy Fine ‘Ofother large sarcophagl sid to be fom Clazomenae one shows simple ornaments on the narrow headpiece and fotpiee and wavy Ines onthe sdepices; but thas projection at the inner comers and cennsequently seperate Fields of decoration forthe corner sts, and its inner edge is decorated. 15. Leyden I. 1896). 1- Said tobe from Clnzomenae. 174 » Gosfors x 35 xt. HP, ‘volute and palmette comple, flanked by two rows (mostly repesting)of meander menber,swasias squares Aivided receanglarly oF diagonally, and ware; between one poi of ‘compartments a vertical open cable. UC, Zmwnnder and det. SP, ‘wavy line, £C, as UC. FP, single row of meander and squstes divided iagonaly. 1, Zemeander and dot; om corer projections, vertical rs and four dots. deta A 1042, 98 fig 94 (upper part Fe other sacophagi, far for adults and one for 2 large chil Ihave the same arrangement of decoration -that ie without panels terminating the fide fiel-but the motives are more elaborate, 16. >From Methymnns, Lesbos. 185 % G)52 x 35 em. HI, spiral hooks, myrtle (with betes) besween wavy lies. SP (neu fing UC), double wary line. LC, two aquares divided diagonally. HP, battlement meander: wavy line eg and dat. PAE 1995/6, 15-2 fig 2 = 17. Brel A. 949, Said to be fom Clazomense or near, Frage ments buggerting dimension af 192 Ggem. the Tac sot more than Bem. wide (es compared with 9 em. for no. 15 and 11 cm. for no 21). HP, lotsflowers and bode aon mo. 21}. UC, meander. SP, Ieander and rosettes. LC, as UC. FP, as HP. Edges undecorsted, {leis not clear whether his sarcophagus had projections atthe inner corner} my impresion from the surviving fragments wat that there ‘was not room far them, but the band of meander implies thee exis tence.) BY the Borel painter. 18, Leyden I. 1g00/t. 1. Sid to be from Clazomense, 103 x “4443 cm. HE, lotus Flowers and palmete (inner lines im applied ‘White prin). U0, simple meander. SP, meander, LG, at UG. FP, a8 LHP, Pages sndecorsed, dia 194, 59 fg. 35 1g: Munich 7539 Sid tobe ftom Clazomenae, 207 X 788 em. HE, voluts and palmere complex, anked by sphinnes, UG, meander ‘SP, palmetes(stemately reverse). LC, a8 UC. FP, a2 HP. J, double hook meander. deta 4 04a, 7-8 lige = 20, Alhens 1390. Seid to be fm Clszomense, 204 % 79/72 cm. HP, wen confonting gosts between lion and paers let ead Dotdeted by meander (the wight end it missing), UC, meander, SP, sable and paimettes or chevsons; on te let at the bottom a baud ‘meander. ZC, a8 UC. FP, ovr flower, palette ers, walt and palette: complex, lion; ends bordered’ hy meander. fy meundes, ‘BCE 1019, 92 fig, BSA XXXIV, pl. 49 b (detail of Hon on foot. piece). Dependent on the Hanover ‘painter. ‘The addition of @ panel at cach end of the sidepisee, which ‘completes the stndard Fystem of decoration for the main’ grove ‘of sarcophagi, appeats oa a specimen elowe to no. 17 and bythe same palace, 21. Munich 7540 (oow missing). Sad tobe frm Clazomense 103 % 386 cm 4 HP, lous flowers and bude, UC, meander, U lotus fewer (of fve-petlled type) and wn buds. SP. meander and squares divided diagonally. ZP, lotas flower and wo bude, LC, 25 ‘UG. FP, upright lose flowers tnd bu. J, hook meander. Jef 1905, 189 fig. HIS oo, 84 Cig. 1 Capper pat) AetaA 194, 34 fig By the Borel painter. Here the panel is small in ste at iti on some more elaborate ‘works ofthe Borel painter (hs os, and s)* and ofthe Hanover intr; the secon! of thes is trapeasdal in shape and all have the ‘canonical tree figures om headpiece aad footpece and cables on the S€opice. Two other saveophiagi may be noted for the smallness of their panes, me ti ee np _paratarminraie mate se tae ones sepa ete etait ta eae Reg el a ptm wpe Perl tee a rer enrared re PAINTED SARCOPHAGI FROM PITANE My 2. Bonn sax8 (LO. 16), 77 « 395/98 x 20 em. Unsipped LP (eluding UC], dete betwen lion aad. panther, IP Toss bu between twe flowers. SP, double hoot meander. FP (eluding LC), eer beoween seo sets of late flower and buf verieal wavy ins (O,cxg and dart G. van Hoorn, dt is ager Calls Pursram, 05-6, fig. 3. Dependent om the Borel painter, 125. Brule A. of6¢-, Said tobe from Clazomense, Fragments. UP, decayed patel tt diagonally. SP nb cough S-shaped babe. ‘K. F Johansen in an admirable paper has reasoned persuasively that in general the rectangular sarcophagi are slistially acai ‘han the tapeasial’. The new fds fom Pitane confi his come lusion. There appears indeed to be a logical sequence fom a face with arrow shape and nocomner projections and froma simple decorative system and repertory tothe more elaborate canon ofthe late 6th een- tary with ie broad headpiece, ener projections, comer strips, atele,figure in the main field, eable on the edepiecer, and deco {ation of anes and outer edges. Natrally the development ix not ately segular, On no. 19 we have Figures but no panel, oa no. 28 panels but ao figures; no 20, an unusually chy wor, also has {gares snd no panel, bt ir (think) dependent om the fey ean. alcal Hanover pater; and uo, aa, clumsy too bat more engeing, ‘omit corner sripn and lower pants, thoogt i is trapeanidal and je sem to fallow the Borel painter. No. 16, ifthe published Slctch, cane trusted, is abnormal, It could be angucd thatthe sa ‘ophagt from Pitaue are an aberrant or backward group, but the Felainsip with ether sarcophagi, sine probably fom Claomense ‘tet, i intimate and finds from Pitane do not suggest that elty was 1G, Ohhonamor hme a short at vil note on he sacophagh he excavated Cassone (PE tou, 83-7) OF hs eso psn ny er eed hwy Une dace ats trad and gle tet (oft 23am ‘es ie hg mer aio we aay ad fhean that thee were no inser profane were teapezklal od more ‘Spbtchat infos Arpreal teeperen comme of bach eras ‘Shite lly arte raps Onan wae sly an ha mame {oe any) wer ery ele a anpem wl dart nen Pe ne 2M c00K, ‘more provacal than Clazomenae. Whether or not. the pices found [tune were made therein our present ignorance ts atleast prema ture to construct central and peripheral groups of palated sacophagh ‘Tl the recent discovery at Pane there was external evidence {ar dating only one sizcopiagus, very late work by the Hopkinon painter fom Rhodes’, which contained an Auic Iekythos by the ‘Reschines painter of «70. 60 B.C. We now have a very early sarcope Dagus dated tothe third quarter of the 6th cent. Though s single ‘context i far fom delve, the new evidence agrees conveniently ‘wih the chronology tat I suggested for the early Figured sarcophagi~ Manich 7539 (na. 19 above) a He belore $25 B.C. and the Borel painter (here nou, 17 and 21) about 525 10 B. C. “The projections at the inner commer ofall fr almost all) the surviving Lage sarcoplagi except thove from Plane have usally been fonsdered functional in origin, derived from scinforement of {he comer of coffins made of wooden boards. This would any- how bepoor carpenty, and so far as [know such enforerente not occur in the unpainted terracotta cofiar without a broadened face which are frequent in the East Grck nea. The Pitan ercop- Imag suggest that the projections were not a feature of the earlct painted sacophagt ether, byt = decorative elaboration to relieve the sarkses of the fice. That at some Sime thy were comidered wholly decorative is indicated by plain teracota. sarcophagus found in 1933 at Anis, which had a broadened face with two pro- Jections stepped acrss each corner; * it would he hard to mabe struc: tural seme of thi Maxum ef Clasial Arhecogy, Combis, 4,24 wi fg. 7. 8 st 2-60 (ar. ‘sya Both Nea vi 5 See ge Pf, de A 94,6 "Though a ume of porary Ene saopigi hae rowed sl ‘armen ie gave cola) aie tc es, i ny be ne sano ee Teta sect Wi end mine lope cf Cv CGANDARLE (PITANE) DA SULUNGAY BOVALI LARITLER sot Gandars (Pane) 860 -e, gumury iE! otgee 1110 SGancarts (Pitane) 960 E cukure OM.t otek 170 Pee w vat xxv WN. Oasis W. Beaty xxv aby én 6e@ xa 09 an xu ada Bs Kita Env eon a eye ra

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