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Barotropic Pressure Gradient

The barotropic pressure gradient is generated by a sloping sea-surface and the pressure
gradient is depth independent. For a fluid that is homogenous (i.e. the fluid’s density is
constant everywhere) pressure gradients will only be barotropic. Pressure gradients can
also be purely barotropic if the lines of constant pressure (isobars) are parallel to lines of
constant density (see figure 3.11 a in Ocean Circulation). An example of a sloping sea
level driving a barotropic pressure gradient is depicted in figure 7. The pressure gradient
between P(1,1) and P(2,1) occurs because there is more water above P(1,1) than P(2,1).
At P(1,2) the pressure is equal to the pressure at P(1,1) plus the weigh of the fluid
between P(1,1) and P(1,2). Likewise at P(2,2) the pressure is equal to the pressure at
P(2,1) plus the weight of the fluid between P(2,1) and P(2,2). Since the weight of the
fluid between P(1,1) and P(1,2) is the same as the weight of the fluid between P(2,1) and
P(2,2) the difference between pressure at this location is only due to the pressure
difference at P(1,1) and P(2,1)—thus the pressure gradient is the same. As we move
further down the the water column the same applies—pressure increments moving
downward are the same at P(1,z) and P(2,z) and therefore the pressure gradient remains

Sea Surface

P(1,1) P(2,1)

P(1,2) P(2,2)

P(1,3) P(2,3)

z P(1,4) P(2,4)
Figure 7 Barotropic pressure gradient.

Consider the case where the sea surface at P(1,1) were 1 cm higher than at P(2,1) apart
the pressure at P(1,1) would be equal to P(2,1) + gPa. If these
two stations were separated by 10 km the pressure gradient would be 100/1000=0.1 N/m3.
The same pressure gradient would be felt between P(1,2) and P(2,2) between P(1,3)and
P(2,3) and between P(1,4) and P(2,4). Neglecting other forces this pressure gradient
would accelerate the fluid to the right at rate

u 1 P
  m/s2
t  x

which by integrating with time we can find an exact solution

u(t)=u(t0)+10-4 t

Of course in the ocean other forces would come to play the fluid velocity would not
follow this simple balance. One important point, however, is that the fluid accelerates at
all depths at the same rate. Subsequently a barotropic pressure gradient will not generate
vertical shear in the flow—but rather a depth averaged flow. In contrast, as we will see, a
a baroclinic pressure gradient drives vertical shear and by decomposing the pressure
gradient into a barotropic component and a baroclinic component we can come up with a
baroclinic pressure gradient that drives vertical shears—but no depth averaged flow.

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