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Jan / Feb 2021

Software Engineering

100 Marks
3 Hours

FIRST: Prof PL Mkhize (UNISA)
SECOND: Prof H Lotriet (UNISA)
EXTERNAL: Mr. S Mhlongo (University of Johannesburg)

This paper consists of 3 pages.


Complete all questions

Write neatly
The mark for each question is indicated in braket next to the question
Make sure your final document is in a form of pdf and is not a read only file
Agree to Honesty Declaration
Jan/Feb 2021

QUESTION 1 [25 Marks]

Self-organised development teams have been proven to be the foundation of agile

software development recently. Therefore it is important to understand the characteristics
of the self-organised software development team. Explain practical application of the five
characteristics of self-organised software development teams.

QUESTION 2 [25 Marks]

Software development involves collaboration of different contributors with different

skillsets, but all important to the success of software development through a collaborative
tool. Explain how would you apply the five components of Global Software Engineering’s
collaborative tool.

QUESTION 3 [15 Marks]

Differences between traditional and agile approaches relate to types of benefits each
approach has for a software development team. Using a table, outline comparative
difference in line with already outlined development aspects below.
User requirements
Rework cost
Development direction
Customer involvement
Extra quality required for
Suitable Project Scale

QUESTION 4 [20 Marks]

Several organisations that develop software prefer to use open source tools/frameworks
for software testing. Your manager has learnt that other organisations have been
successful in their use of these open source software testing tools/frameworks. You have

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Jan/Feb 2021

therefore been asked to assist your organisation by critically evaluating the open source
software testing tools/frameworks shown in sections “a.” and “b.” of this question. In your
evaluation, use the following as headings for each tool/framework; Tool Description,
Environment Supported, Tool Advantages, Tool Disadvantages, Tool of Choice (with

a. Selenium [10 Marks]

b. TestLink [10 Marks]

QUESTION 5 [15 Marks]

Software quality and testing models have evolved over time to improve on the
shortcomings of previous ones. We have seen the introduction of such models as the
Capability Maturity Model and Test Maturity Model, which did not explain the
improvements that should be implemented. Then the Agile Quality Assurance Model
(AQAM) was proposed. Provide an analysis in which you compare the difference between
the AQAM model and other quality and testing models.

UNISA 2021

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