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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp.

469--475, 1994
Copyright O 1994 Elsevier Science Ltd
Perganmn Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0735-1933/94 $6.00 + .00




M. Spiga and G.L. Morini

Istituto di Fisica Tecnlca, Facolt~ di Ingegueria, Unlversit~ di Bologna
Viaie Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, Italy

(Communicated by J.P. Hartnett and W.J. Minkowycz)

The present analysis is concerned with the velocity distribution in steady state,
hydrodynamically fully developed, laminar flow for Newtonian fluids in rectangular
ducts, The solutions describing velocity profiles and friction factors are derived by
using the finite Fourier transform. The solution giving the two-dimensional velocity
distribution is formally symmetric with respect to the rectangular Cartesian
coordinates x and y, and provides more accurate numerical results, with shorter
computational times, in comparison to the well known velocity distributions usually
quoted!in literature.

Although many papers were devoted in the past to laminar flow through rectangular ducts
and several monographs exist, a renewed interest can be noticed in the recent literature [1-2]
(mainly because of the wide application in compact heat exchangers) to provide an improved
accuracy for those.predictions that are susceptible to numerical errors.
The prediction, of the hydrodynamics of rectangular duct viscous flows requires a two-
dimensional analysis. The hydrodynamically fully developed velocity profile for ducts with
rectangular cross~ section was determined by series solution [3-4], using an analogy with the
Lagrange's stress function of the theory of elasticity [5], where the two independent Cartesian
coordinates x andy appear in trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, respectively.
Later, approximate solutions were proposed as a series with less computational complexity [6]
and as binomial products [7-8], where again the two coordinates appear in non symmetric form,
being related to different numerical exponents.

470 M. Spiga and G.L. Morini Vol. 21, No. 4

The velocity profile given by the exact series solutions is in excellent agreement with the
experimental results of numerous authors [9+11], but the convergence of the series solution is
slow and requires an appreciable computational effort.
Aim of this communication is the presentation of a new analytical solution for the velocity
profile, characterized by a symmetric form with respect to the two Cartesian coordinates, and by
a fast numerical convergence.


Consider a steady hydrodynamically developed laminar flow in a duct of rectangular cross

section. The origin of the Cartesian coordinate system is at the bottom left comer of the duct, as
shown in Fig. 1, with the flow direction along the ~ axis.


O a

FIG. 1
Rectangular Duct and Coordinate System.

The following assumptions are introduced: the fluid is Newtonian with constant physical
properties, natural convection is negligible and the pressure gradient along the ~ axis is constant.
Under these conditions, the momentum Navier Stokes equation in dimensionless form becomes:
a2v e2v
0x 2 + - ~ - + 1 = 0 (1)

The dimensionless coordinates are x-~/a (0<x<l) and y=q/a (0<y<J3, being 13 the aspect
ratio b/a). The dimensionless velocity is V(x,y) = v(x,y)/P, where:

"!a2( - / ~ P + P g ~ / (2)

To obtain a well-posed partial differential problem, the usual nonslip boundary conditions are
prescribed (i.e., the velocity goes to zero on the four sides of the rec~tangie):
V = O at x = 0 and x = l Vy, and V = O at y = 0 and y=13 Vy. (3)


The Fourier sine transform constitutes a powerful tool to solve second order differential
equations in finite domains, when the unknown function vanishes on the boundaries [12].
Considering a Fourier sine transform respect to x, the dimensionless velocity and its second
derivatives become:
"q(n,y) = IiV (x,y) sin(n~x) dx and c~2V
~x2 = nx[V(0,y)- (-1)nv(1,y)] - n2x2V(n,y) (4)

Resorting to the boundary conditions, multiplying each term by sin(nrcx) and integrating
over [0,1 ], the momentum equation becomes:
-n21¢2V4 c32V - 1-(-l)n (5)
c~ 2 n~
Considering a Fourier sine transform respect to y, multiplying each term of the equation (5)
by sin(m~/13) and integrating over [0,[3], the twofold transformed momentum equation reads as:
= m2,n2 =
-n2 ~2 V ( n , m ) - T V ( n , m ) + --~--[V(n,
mx r" 0)-(-1) m"V(n,[3)]' = n~-~-[1-(-1)n ] [1-(-1) m]

whose solution, remembering the boundary conditions for the x-transformed velocity, is:
.~ [33 [1-(-1)n][1-(-1) m]
V(n,m) - (6)
nmx 4 m 2 + [32 n 2
The inversion formula provides the velocity distribution:
V(x,y) = 16132 ~"~ ~'~ sin(nx~) sin(mxb)
x4 nm ([32 n 2 + m 2) (7)
nodd modd
It is evident that the velocity profile is symmetric with respect to the coordinates ~ and 11,
i.e., if ~a and rl/b are exchanged, the equation (7) remains unchanged. Of course the sinusoidal
functions in ~ and 11 guarantee the symmetry of the distribution with respect to the center of the
rectangular cross section. A very fast convergence is assured by the third power ofn and m in the
denominator of the equation (7). The uniform convergence is easily demonstrable by the Cauchy
criterion. Hence the average velocity over the whole domain can be easily obtained by integration
and reads as:

64 P E 1 768 Wslab 1
W = - - ~ - nodd modd n 2 m 2 ( n 2 +-~-]
m2 - ~6 n odd modd n2m2([32n2+m2) (8)

where Wslab is the average velocity in a slab with thickness b, and same pressure gradient and

duct inclination (Wslab = [32 P/12). It is easily verified that, as expected, lim W = Wslab.
472 M. Spiga and G.L. Morini Vol. 21, No. 4

It must be pointed out that the usual velocity profile quoted in literature is given by a series
solution, where "q appears in a hyperbolic cosine function and ~, appears in a trigonometric cosine
function, where the reciprocity of the coordinates is not evident at all.


The peculiarities of the analytical solution, shown in the equation (7), are the perfect
symmetry (between ~/a and q/b), the uniform convergence of the series and the short
computational time. The numerical results presented in this section were obtained very rapidly
with a common 386 or 486 personal computer.
Table 1 shows the rigorous symmetry of the solution for V(~,q); the aspect ratio has been
put equal to unity and some values of ~/a and rl/b have been chosen. The classical solution of the
theory of elasticity [3+5] provides satisfactory results, but only three significant figures remain
unchanged when ~Ja and rl/b are changed, and the required computational time to reach
convergenge is higher. The approximate solutions by Savino [6] and Purday [7] put in evidence
an even greater lack of symmetry and accuracy.

Velocit~ V(~,vl) in the Rectangular Duct at S ~ f i c Lo~fi9m, foJ
13=1 13=1 [3-4-5] [6] [7] present paper
Ua=0.5 q/b = 0.75 0.05742985 0.05736592 0.05532648 0.05750080
~ a = 0.75 rl/b= 0.5 0.05740838 0.05740392 0.05878895 0.05750080
~a = 0.6 q/b = 0.75 0.05557022 0.05552668 0.05396095 0.05566930
~/a = 0.75 rl/b = 0.6 0.05558934 0.05555864 0.05643739 0.05566930
~Ja = 0.85 q/b = 0.75 0.03243877 0.03236313 0.03096753 0.03252332
~ a = 0.75 rl/b = 0.85 0.03241640 0.03232557 0.02998236 0.03252332
Ua = 0.9 q/b = 0.75 0.02359903 0.02354681 0.02221032 0.02371376
~ a = 0.75 Wqa = 0.9 0.02363724 0.02348536 0.02116402 0.02371376

The availability of the analytical solution and its fast convergence make the present
technique quite effective and unexpensive in terms of computer time.
The agreement between the two series solutions, equation (7) and [13], is satisfactory, but a
difference on the third figure appears for small value of the aspect ratio; the computational time is
shorter for the equation (7).
The velocity ratio profile V(x,y)Nmax is shown in Figs. 2 and 3, for different aspect ratios
(13 = 0.2 and 13= 1). In the square duct the fluid velocity experiences a s l o w and gradual increase
from the walls to the center, in the rectangular duct there is a strong increase near the walls and
an extended central core with high velocity.

0.2 0.4
C 0.2 13
113 o y
y (: v.,,
1 x 1
FIG. 2 FIG. 3
Velocity Profile in a Rectangular Duct with 13=0.2 Velocity Profile in the Square Duct.

The knowledge of the velocity profile allows to determine the shear stresses and all
parameters concerning the fluid flow (average and maximum velocity, momentum flux and
kinetic energy correction factors, friction factor). The surface integrals involved in the
determination of such parameters are easily solved, being related to first, second and third powers
of sinusoidal functions. Term by term derivation and integration are permitted by the uniform
convergence of the series in the equation (7). The momentum flux correction factor Kd is defined
as the ratio between the momentum of the actual flow and the momentum of a slug flow, with the
same average velocity. Analogously for the kinetic energy correction factor Ke.
The maximum-to-average velocity, the momentum flux and kinetic energy correction factors
are plotted in Fig. 4, versus [3, and compared with the results obtained by Lundgren et al.
(denoted by small circles) available in literature [ 13].
The friction factor-Reynolds number product, deduced by the equation (7) as a function of
the aspect ratio, is plotted in Fig. 5 and compared whir the classical results quoted in literature
[14-15]; the agreement is quite satisfactory, but we observe that in the range 0<[3<0.5 the
classical results are slightly lower than the results of this work.
2.2 96i
f Re eq. (7)
2 vmdw 86
N o [1S]

1.4 Kd 66

1.2 ~- ; , , , , 56
0 0.2 0.4 [3 0.8 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 [3 0.6 0.8 1
FIG. 4 FIG.5
Velocity Ratio, Momentum Flux, Kinetic Energy Friction factor-Reynolds number product,
Correction Factors versus the Aspect Ratio. versus the Aspect Ratio.
474 M. Spiga and G.L. Morini Vol. 21, No. 4

At last a polynomial approximate representation, based on the velocity profile given by

equation (7), is presented for the maximum-to-average velocity ratio, the momentum flux, the
kinetic energy correction factors and the friction factor-Reynolds number product:

Vmaxw= 3(1 +0.54668813+ 1.552013132 -4.059427133 + 3.214927134 -0.857313135)

KO = 6 (1 + 1.029821113 +0.114993132 -0.691909133 +0.581376134 -0.153967135)

K e = -54
~ (1+0.69363513+0.554608132 _ 1.887459133 +1.272092134 _0.236888135 )

fRe = 96 (1 - 1.20243813 +0.881188132 +0.888193133 - 1.698125134 +0. 723659135)

Agreement between the polynomials (9) and the exact series solution (7) is within 0.06 % all
over the rectangular cross section; the f-Re product presents the worst approximation, the results
are indicated in Fig.5. The results concerning the velocity ratio and the correction factors given
by the equation (9) are coincident, in Fig. 4, with the results obtained by the exact solution (7).
On the basis of the velocity profile given by equation (7), future work will be focussed on
the prediction of the temperature profiles and the Nusselt numbers in the rectangular duct (see
the analogy between the equation (8) and the equation (348) in [13]), with constant temperature
and/or heat flux on the four different boundaries.

This research was financially supported by the Italian C.N.R. and MU.R.S.T.

a,b longer and shorter sides, respectively, of the rectangle (m),
D hydraulic diameter of the duct 2ab/a+b (m),
f friction factor,
G-component of the gravitational acceleration (m/s2),
Kd momentum flux correction factor,
Ke kinetic energy correction factor,
m,n discrete transform variables in the sine Fourier transform,
P velocity defined in equation (2), (m/s),
P pressure (Pa),
Re Reynolds number pWD/tt,
V(.) dimensionless velocity v/P,
~P(.) Fourier sine transform of the dimensionless velocity V with respect to x,
two-fold Fourier transform of the velocity V,

v(.) velocity (m/s),

W average velocity (m/s),
x,y dimensionless rectangular Cartesian coordinates.
Greek letters Subscripts
13 aspect ratio b/a, max maximum value,
B viscosity (Pa s), slab slab geometry.
p density (kg/m3),
~,rl,~ rectangular Cartesian coordinates (m).


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Received February 22, 1994

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