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01. Which of the following does not constitute a misconduct

under CDA Rules of the Company?
a. Sleeping whilst on duty.
b. Irregular attendance
c. Smoking within the premises of the establishment.
d. Remaining absent for a day without sanction of leave
from the competent authority.
02. In case of Officers on marketing side where petrol expenses
are deducted for leave period, the deduction of petrol will be :
a. @ 3 liters per day.
b. @ 2 liters per day.
c. @ pro-rata to his monthly monthly/quarterly eligibility.
d. No deduction.
03. A security guard employed in Regional Office through
contractor is caught red handed while stealing a computer.
You being, the competent authority, will take which of the
following action :
a. Lodge F.I.R. with the Police authorities against the
security guard.
b. Take action against him under CDA Rules.
c. Imposed penalty of dismissal on him without holding
departmental enquiry.
d. Refer the matter to vigilance for necessary action.
04. Issuing a pink slip in HR means :
a. Quantum jump in annual salary
b. Elevation to higher cadre
c. Showing the door with all dues cleared
d. Transfer to a different city within the same Company
05. As per CVC guidelines enquiry should be completed and
report of EO submitted to the Disciplinary Authority by EO :
a. within 90 days of receipt of order of appointment of
b. within 120 days of receipt of order of appointment of
c. within 180 days of receipt of order of appointment of
d. within 240 days of receipt of order of appointment of
06. As per amended CVC guidelines the disciplinary cases in
respect of following officers are to be referred to CVC for 1 st
& 2nd stage advice :
a. Scale-III and above.
b. Scale-IV and above.
c. Scale-V and above.
d. Scale-VI and above.
07. Which of the following does not constitute a vigilance angle:
a. Submission of false/forge certificates.
b. False mediclaim.
c. Drunken and unruly behaviour.
d. False LTS.
08. The ‘Regional Complaints Committee’ for redressal of sexual
harassment cases for our women employees consists of :
a. All lady officers of the Company.
b. One lady officer of our company, one lady member from
local NGO and one male officer from the Personnel
Department of the Company.
c. One lady officer from local NGO, one Lady Officer each
posted in Personnel and Legal Department at RO.
d. One lady officer each from Personnel and Legal Deptt.
Of RO and one local lady Sub-Judge.
09. An employee was put under suspension w.e.f. 01-01-2007 on
discovery of a fraud committed by him. As per rules he was
paid subsistence allowance @ 50% of last drawn emoluments.
He did not cooperate during the investigation and refused to
record his statement before the I.O. He refused to receive the
charge sheet. He did not attend the enquiry proceedings and
did not acknowledge notice from EO for participating the
enquiry. EO published notice in the newspapers on 01-07-
2007 giving him last opportunity to attend the enquiry. He
joins enquiry on 02-07-2007 and submits a representation for
increase in his subsistence allowance to 75% since more than
6 months have elapsed since his suspension. You are the
competent authority and which of the following action will
you take :
a. Allow increase in subsistence allowance to 75%.
b. Decrease subsistence allowance to 25%.
c. Continue to pay 50% of subsistence allowance.
d. Revoke his suspension from the date of joining the
enquiry proceedings.
10. Communication in an organization is a purposeful business
activity enabling both organization and individual to achieve
the objective.
a. True
b. False
c. Not an HR principle
d. Applicable for manufacturing concerns
11. In case of transport of household goods by road following
transfer of officers, reimbursement of transport expenses will
be :
a. Based on notional rail freight for eligible load.
b. Based on the fixed mileage allowance per k.m. per ton
for eligible load.
c. Actual expenses.
d. Officers are not eligible for this benefit.
12. Which of the followings are not an HR function :
a. HR planning and Recruitment
b. Training and Development
c. Growth of business attaining business targets
d. Job design and Job enrichment

13. On retirement/Voluntary Retirement the transfer benefit

provision for shifting to home town / place of choice is
applicable for :
a. all classes of employees.
b. Class-I & II Officers.
c. Class-I Officers
d. None of the above.
14. Where both husband and wife are employed in any of the four
PSU insurance companies, the LTS benefit will be claimed by
a. Both the employees as per their eligibility.
b. Either of the two as per their options.
c. the employee drawing higher basic pay.
d. Only by the husband.
15. Employees seeking voluntary retirement under Pension
Schemes after completion of 20 years of service or under
Rationalization Scheme after attaining 55 years of age are
eligible for:
a. All benefits other than leave encashment.
b. All benefits as applicable for retirement on attaining the
age of superannuation.
c. All benefits as applicable in case of resignation.
d. All benefits other than shifting to home town / place of
16. Earned Leave in excess of which of the following number of
days cannot be granted at a stretch even if sufficient leave
balance is there (except retirement cases):
a. 90 days.
b. 120 days.
c. 180 days.
d. 240 days.
17. LTS can be availed when a person is on the following
sanctioned leave:
b. EL/CL
d. Any kind of leave.
18. An employee in RC cadre who is getting graduation
allowance, will be entitled on promotion to Assistant cadre :
a. Salary fixation benefit on the graduation allowance in
RC cadre.
b. Will continue to get graduation allowance.
c. Will stop getting graduation allowance instead will be
given 2 advance graduation increments.
d. Will stop getting graduation allowance without any other
19. Employees who have got computer increment are eligible for
payment of Fixed Personal Allowance one year after reaching
ceiling of the scale as per the rate of the allowance applicable
to :
a. Their scale/grade of pay at the time of grant of FPA.
b. Their scale/grade of pay applicable for pre-promoted
c. Their scale/grade of pay applicable as on date of grant
of computer increment.
d. FPA provision does not exist.
20. In case of Officers eligible to travel by air, distance travelled
by air during LTS journey will be computed as :
a. Actual distance travel as per Air route.
b. The road distance between the two places by shortest
c. The rail distance between two places by shortest route.
d. Any of the above which is more beneficial to the
21. A Scale-IV Officer travels from Delhi to Jaipur (distance 250 ) by air and pays Rs.5,000/- for the ticket. Then he
travels by taxi from Jaipur to Ahmedabad and back to Jaipur
(distance 750 each way) and pays Rs.30,000/- as fare.
He travels from Jaipur to Delhi again by air and pays
Rs.5,000/- as fare. Reimbursement as per LTS rules will be:
a. Rs.10,000/- only.
b. Rs.10,000 + A.C. II fair by rail for 1750 each way.
c. Rs.10,000/- + A.C. II fair by Rajdhani for 1750 each
d. Rs.40,000/-.
22. An Officer on marketing side provided car under 9A(iv)
Scheme opting for transfer to administration side is required
to :
a. Deposit with the Company written down value (WDV) of
the vehicle in lump-sum within 3 months from the date
of exit from marketing side.
b. Has option to deposit written down value as (a) above or
get the amount converted to loan as per conveyance
scheme for Officers on administration side.
c. Written down value will be treated as loan @ 5%
interest and will be recovered in balance of 96 EMI.
d. Sell the car and deposit the amount with the Company to
clear his accounts.
23. As per Para 13.1 and 13.2 of the amended Promotion Policy
for Supervisory, Clerical & Subordinate Staff Scheme, the
distribution of vacancies for promotion to Scale-I Officer from
Class-III is :
a. 50% for departmental channel & 50% for competitive
b. 2/3rd for departmental channel and 1/3rd for competitive
c. 3/4th for departmental channel and 1/4th for competitive
d. 40% for departmental channel and 60% for competitive
24. As per CDA Rules, abandonment of post occurs :

a. If he absents himself from duty without leave or

overstays his leave for a continuous period of 120 days
without intimation in writing.
b. If he absents himself from duty without leave or
overstays his leave for a continuous period of 90 days .
c. If he absents himself from duty without leave or
overstays his leave for a continuous period of 180 days
without intimation in writing.
d. If he absents himself from duty without leave or
overstays his leave for a continuous period of 240 days
without intimation in writing.
25. As per the amended Promotion Policy for Supervisory,
Clerical & Subordinate Staff Scheme, the number of marks
allotted for interview for promotion to Scale-I Officer from
Class-III is :
a. 10
b. 15
c. 20
d. 25
26. The main functions of management are :
a. Planning & organizing
b. Staffing and leading
c. Budgeting and controlling
d. All the above
27. Delay in deposit of premium by a Development Officer in the
Office as per IPC is a case of :
a. Temporary misappropriation.
b. Misappropriation.
c. Adjustment.
d. Violation of 64-VB.
28. The general positive principles involved in taking care of
disciplinary problems are : Make disciplinary actions
a. Corrective, progressive and impartial
b. punitive and subjective with no opportunity to explain
c. both (a) & (b)
d. None of the above
29. The organizations under the purview of CVC are :
a. All Government Departments
b. Government and Govt. owned Public Sector
c. Central Government and Government owned PSUs.
d. All of the above
30. PSU Insurers Employees’ Provident Fund is deposited with :
a. Government of India
b. LIC
c. P.F. Trustees of the Company
d. P.F. Commissioner
31 Select the correct statement on Training:-
a. Training sometimes interrupts smooth functioning of
b. Training must be done in-house.
c. Training is a continuous process of Development of
human resources.
d. Training is beneficial for selected employees.
32. As per the amended Promotion Policy for Supervisory,
Clerical & Subordinate Staff Scheme, the number of attempts
allowed for promotion to Scale-I Officer from Class-III under
Competitive channel is:-
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. five
33. 24 hours hospitalization clause as per MBIS for employees is
not waived in respect of which of the following :
a. dog bite
b. dental surgery
c. pyrexia of unknown origin.
d. lithotripsy
34. Mileage allowance for transportation of goods by road from
Delhi to Chennai (approx. distance 2400 K.Ms.) on transfer
for Officer is :
a. Rs.1.10 per ton per k.m.
b. Rs.1.40 per ton per k.m.
c. Rs.1.50 per ton per k.m.
d. Rs.2.10 per ton per k.m.
35. In case of pension optee who is imposed major penalty of
removal/dismissal from service, pension is payable :
a. @ 50% of entitled/earned pension.
b. @ 25% of entitled/earned pension.
c. @ 75% of entitled/earned pension.
d. No pension is payable.
36. Normal period of posting (NPP) as per TMP for Officers is :
a. 3 years.
b. 5 years
c. 7 years
d. 4 years
37. If an Officer is allowed to retain Company’s accommodation
in the previous place of posting on transfer, he cannot be
provided company’s accommodation at his new place of
posting till such time. In such a situation :
a. The Officer would not be eligible for 30 days DHA
benefit on transfer.
b. The Officer will be eligible for 30 days DHA benefit.
c. The Officer will be eligible for 30 days DHA benefit
only after vacating the accommodation at the previous
place of posting.
d. Both (b) and (c) above.
38. For which of the following Confidential Report is not required
a. Promotion
b. Stagnation Increment
c. Permission for visiting abroad
d. None of the above
39. According to Abrham Maslow’s Theory hierarchy of human
needs, which of the following are human needs :
a. Physiological and Safety needs
b. Love and esteem needs
c. Self actualization needs
d. All the above
40. Which of the following does not fall under special provisions
of CDA Rules in relation to dismissal of an employee without
holding a domestic enquiry:
a. When the employee is convicted in a criminal charge.
b. In the interest of the security of the Company it is not
expedient to hold enquiry.
c. When an employee has abandoned his post.
d. Termination of the employee during probation period.
41. Who amongst the following is best suited to counsel an
employee in need of counseling :
a. Immediate supervisor.
b. Incharge of the Department/Boss.
c. HR Manager.
d. CEO of the Company.
42. In HR attrition means :
a. Remaining in the Company
b. Leaving the Company for better avenues
c. Lay-off and Retrenchment
d. Promotion to higher cadre
43. Decision making is defined as :
a. Making the best choice among alternative course of
b. As a basic human need.
c. Main HR function.
d. Essential element of leadership
44. Officers in Scale-I, II and III cadre are eligible for maximum
number of stagnation increments :
a. 1, 3 and 2 respectively
b. 2, 4 and 2 respectively
c. 2, 3 and 2 respectively
d. 1, 3 and 2 respectively
45. Benefit of mid-academic year allowance on transfer is allowed
to :
a. All classes of employees
b. Only Class-I Officers
c. Class-I and II Officers
d. Class-I Officers and Class-III/IV employees
46. Amount of conveyance allowance to Development Officers
(Administration) stands revised to :
a. Rs.150 per month
b. Rs.250 per month
c. Rs.300 per month
d. They are not eligible for conveyance allowance
47. Stagnation Increment to Development Officers
(Administration) can be sanctioned :
a. Provided their cost ratio is within the stipulated limit.
b. Provided their performance and conduct is satisfactory.
c. Both (a) & (b) above.
d. Stagnation Increment is not applicable for them.
48. Normally upon death of an Officer due to accident whilst in
service, the family would be eligible for following terminal
benefits :
a. PF, pension and commutation (if pension optee).
b. Gratuity, leave encashment, GSLI, GTIS (if pension
optee), GIS, GPA, ex-gratia in lieu of compassionate
appointment, Relief from welfare society.
c. All the (b) above except leave encashment.
d. All the (b) above except ex-gratia.
49. Incidental expenses to Class-I Officers are payable as per T.E.
rules :
a. @ 100% of DHA applicable for Class-C city for each
completed journey.
b. @ 50% of DHA applicable for Class-C city for each
completed journey.
c. @ 100% of DHA applicable for the city to which
journey is undertaken.
d. @ 50% of DHA applicable for the city to which journey
is undertaken.
50. Direct Recruit Officers on completion of the initial induction
training on posting are eligible for :
a. All the transfer benefits
b. None of the transfer benefits
c. None of the transfer benefits except fare for travel and
leased accommodation at the place of posting.
d. Transfer Grant plus benefits under (c ) above.
51. Normally permission to Officers for shifting their
family/household goods and retention of Company’s
accommodation is allowed for a period upto :
a. 6 months of transfer
b. 6 months of transfer or beginning of the next academic
year whichever is earlier.
c. 6 months of transfer or beginning of the next academic
year whichever is later.
d. 6 months of transfer or ending of the next academic year
whichever is later.
52. If an employee requests for waiving of the notice period upon
seeking voluntary retirement, the same can be waived by :
a. Head Office only
b. GM(P) at Head Office
c. The Appointing Authority who is authorized to accept
VRS request
d. Chief Regional Manager or Chief Manager at HO
53. Which of the following is not a step to organizing :
a. Establishment of the objectives of the enterprise.
b. Effective communication.
c. Identification of the activities necessary to achieve the
d. Creating and delegating authority.
54. The maximum upper age limit prescribed for recruitment of
physically challenged employee is :
a. 28 years
b. 30 years
c. 35 years
d. 40 years
55. Qualification Allowance payable to Class-I Officers are as
follows :
a. Only for acquiring CA/MBA qualifications
b. For Fellowship and CA/MBA qualifications
c. For Actuarial qualifications
d. Not eligible for any qualification allowance.
56. An Officer on transfer had to retain Company’s flat for
children’s education. He is eligible to get Company’s flat at
his new place of posting only when :
a. actually reports at the new place of posting.
b. After claiming 30 days DHA at his new place of posting.
c. Immediately on vacating the flat at the previous place of
d. After bringing the children to the new place of posting.
57. A new recruit on training is eligible for grant of leave as
follows :
a. All types of leave
b. one day EL on every 11 days of service.
c. 12 days of CL only
d. pro-rata i.e. one CL for every 30 days and one EL for
every 11 days of service.
58. Following rule applies as regards reimbursement of 75% of
tution fee for pursuing Management course:
a. full time/part time regular course from a recognized
University/ institution applicable only for Class–I
b. full time/part time/correspondence course from a
recognized University/ institution applicable only for
class –I officers.
c. full time/part time regular course from a recognized
University/ institution applicable only for class –I and
Class –II officers.
d. full time/part time regular course from a recognized
University/ institution applicable only for class –I ,class-
II and class-III .
59. An employee posted in Delhi proceeds on LTS journey from
Delhi to Shimla. He returns from Shimla to Delhi and
proceeds to Jaipur. He returns from Jaipur to Delhi. During
the LTS journey he incurs travel expenses amounting to
Rs.2000/- on local sight seeing. He will be eligible for LTS
expenses :
a. for the entire journey from Delhi to Shimla to Jaipur via
(Delhi) and back to Delhi except travel expenses
incurred on local sight seeing
b. for the entire journey from Delhi to Shimla to Jaipur via
(Delhi) and back to Delhi including expenses on local
c. For the journey from Delhi to Shimla and back to Delhi
excluding the expenses on local sightseeing.
d. For the journey from Delhi to Shimla and back to Delhi
including the expenses on local sightseeing at Shimla.

60. Which of the following is not an essential element of

delegation ?
a. Determining the jobs to be delegated
b. Job enrichment and Job designing.
c. Actual delegation i.e. assigning duties to the
subordinates and giving them authority.
d. Responsibility and accountability of the subordinates to
whom the job is delegated.
61. Union plays a vital role in HR maintaining harmonious
relations between employees and the Management. Which of
the following is not true in this regard :
a. Union works as a link between employees and the
b. Discussing and putting up the demand of the employees
before the management.
c. Arm twisting the management to get maximum benefit
for employees.
d. Providing a platform to the employees to voice their
grievances and demands.

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