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COVID-19 Effects and Prevention

The COVID-19 or coronavirus is one of the biggest problems facing our world today.
This new virus means it is uncertain how it will be treated and how it affects us humans.
The new virus is a coronavirus belonging to the family of viruses including colds, Sars and Mers.
A coronavirus that often causes respiratory illness, means that it can be transmitted quickly to
others so extreme care is needed. It can be transmitted by air or drops such as sneezing and
coughing. Wearing a mask or putting alcohol on the hands is not enough to kill germs.
Who is the most contagious person in this disease? Adults are at the forefront of this
disease because of their weak immunity. Therefore, we must strengthen our immunity so that we
are not exposed to various diseases and also always wash your hands and avoid touching face
especially your eyes, nose, and mouth. This serious disease continues to spread and many people
die every day and their bodies are left in the road with no signs of life.
There are many negative effects that COVID-19 can have on not only health but also
emotional well-being. In more than three months after the COVID-19 that began in China, many
of its countries, including the victims' lives, have lost their lives, and to date no effective
coronavirus drug has been found. The number of COVID-19 victims in the country is increasing
rapidly and many early actions have been implemented to prevent and prevent its spread.
Because of COVID-19 there was a lockdown that was first made in China and now in Italy while
in the Philippines it was called community quarantine. Although the quarantine community seeks
to ensure the safety of Filipinos, it has the greatest disadvantage for the people. Millions of
workers in the National Capital Region (NCR) are the first to do so under the auspices of the
authorities. Secondly, services in government offices will certainly slow down due to a lack of
manpower that will last a month.
Here are some simple steps to protect yourself and others against COVID-19
1. Perform a thorough hand-washing with hand sanitizer with alcohol or wash with soap and
2. We often hold our hand unknowingly. Be careful about it, and avoid touching your eyes, nose
and mouth.
3. Make sure you, and the surrounding people, and follow proper respiratory hygiene. This
means covering the mouth and nose with the inside of the elbow or tissue when coughing or
sneezing. Immediately dump the used tissue into the lid and wash your hands.
4. Avoid obesity, especially if you are 60 or older with diseases such as high blood pressure,
diabetes, heart and lung disease or cancer. Keep at least 1-meter distance from you and anyone
with a fever or cough.
5. Stay at home if you are feeling sick, even with cough.
6. If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, consult early if possible, call the hospital or
health center first to tell you where you are going.
7. Find out the latest information on COVID-19 from trusted artists. Make sure the information
is from reliable speakers the Department of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO), or
your local health worker. Everyone should be aware of the symptoms most times COVID-19
starts with fever and a dry cough.

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