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2D gait analysis of a young woman using Kinovea

Ángela E. Eraso, Dayana A. López, Nicolle Noreña, Eduar S. Reina,,,
Biomechanics, Automation Department
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Cali, Colombia

Abstract - This paper presents the kinematic analysis of gait in The above mentioned, has generated interest in studying the
the sagittal plane of a 20-year-old woman without motor kinematics of this movement, allowing the development of a
limitations, i.e., within the parameters considered healthy. considerable number of measuring instruments with which the
Initially, the theoretical framework in which the necessary data to observation and data collection of these can be performed,
understand the kinematic analysis of gait, description of the
highlighting that the instrumented gait analysis is considered
phases of gait, and parameters to be taken into account when
performing the study will be addressed; a graphic review of the the standard tool for the identification of anomalies in it [5].
behavior of the joint angles is also performed, this as an The interpretation and validity of the results obtained vary
illustration and comparison tool. A review of the implemented according to the instrument used, and the imaging reference
methodology is made, mentioning how to place the markers space; in addition, new gait assessment and analysis tools have
according to the anatomical references and how the data capture had to be developed due to the impossibility of attending
process was carried out. Subsequently, a review of the results and specialized laboratories because of the COVID-19 pandemic
their analysis is made, in which the data obtained by 2 evaluators [8, 9].
are presented; these data were analyzed using the Salford tool.
Finally, the discussion is carried out in which the comparison with
However, in order to perform a gait analysis it is also important
the literature data and the error generating factors are addressed.
to take into account the positioning of the reflective markers, in
Key words - Gait cycle, anatomical planes, osteokinematics. as much as this and the number of markers change depending
on the nature of the movement [10]. In the case of sagittal gait,
I. INTRODUCTION marker positioning is performed in the lower body area, i.e., at
the ankle and hip joints, which are modeled as hinges and
identified with a marker; furthermore, in Figure 1, it is shown
The study of biomechanics is considered very useful to evaluate
how markers are used to designate the distal end of the thigh,
and promote alternatives to certain motor activities, since the
and the proximal end of the leg, because rotation and translation
identification and knowledge of the mechanical variables
are possible at the knee [10].
involved in sports techniques are essential to determine the
tools to measure these variables [2]. Thus, different
measurement techniques make it possible to quantify the
technical quality of the movements of athletes, with which
models or movement patterns have been developed that can be
used in the comparison with other athletes [1].

On the other hand, human movement and gait have been topics
of interest since ancient times [3], [4]; and this has allowed
defining gait as the basic locomotion activity developed by
humans in their daily life [5], or also as a sequence of
coordinated and alternating movements that allows Fig. 1. Markers used in the ankle, hip and knee for gait measurement and
analysis. [10]
displacement [6]. This process is characterized by the
succession of double support and unipodal support, i.e., during When the markers are positioned, the video of the gait is
walking the support is always on the ground, in constrast with generally taken and analyzed, allowing data to be obtained that
other activities that present aerial phases [7], so it can be facilitate the determination of a basic diagnosis depending on
considered as a permanent forward imbalance. the extension and flexion movement that has occurred in the
hip, knee, and ankle throughout the phases of gait. In the
In gait, even with distortion because of physical disability, it is following figure (2.A) and (2.B), the conventional phases of the
necessary to maintain the reaction forces of the floor on the gait model that are analyzed are illustrated.
supporting limb, and that there is a periodic movement of each
leg from one support position to another, in the direction of
movement [5]. On the other hand, gait disturbances can be
determined when there is not an adequate interaction between
the central nervous system, the skeletal system, and the
muscular system [6].


Fig. 2. Phases of human gait [8].

It is common to use the gait analysis model presented by B.

Toro, et al., in their article called "The Development and
Validity of the Salford Gait Tool: An Observation-Based
Clinical Gait Assessment Tool", in view of it allows a
classification in categories of the resulting angles for the hip,
knee and ankle joints in the interpretation of gait, taking into
account a reference value of 90° for the hip and ankle, and 180°
for the knee, in a normal gait. Table 1 and 2 show, respectively,
the classification of the angle categories and the suggested
diagnosis according to the sum of the categories for each joint.
A simple 2D analysis on the sagittal plane could be
TABLE 1. JOINT ANGLE CLASSIFICATION CATEGORIES IN GAIT successfully used to quantify gait and address specific clinical
ANALYSIS [8]. questions [11 ,12]. A single-camera approach is sufficient for
2D gait description, and allows for a simplified experimental
setup that reduces the space required for equipment, the number
of cameras and associated costs. Video recording in
combination with observational gait assessment scales [13] is
commonly used for visual and qualitative gait analysis.

In this sense, a methodology to quantitatively assess joint

kinematics from video images can provide added value to
academia and patient analysis without additional resources
involved; this makes it necessary for high-speed video-assisted
two-dimensional visual analysis to acquire protocols that
minimize its error and improve its quality.

This section shows the protocol executed during the exercise

under study, therefore, it contemplates the general guidelines
executed from the preparation for data collection to the analysis
of the corresponding results. In this order of ideas, the
Finally, and taking into account the previous concepts, the methodology is divided into 4 principal categories:
objective of this paper is to perform a gait analysis in the
sagittal plane using the analysis software Kinovea ©, from the A. Characterization of the study model
capture and 2D interpretation of a video taken from a test
B. Recording space configuration and instrumentation.
person with known physical characteristics; all this, with the
intention of performing the classification according to B. Toro, C. Image capture procedure.
et. al., of the data obtained, and provide an approximate D. Calibration of the Kinovea frame.
diagnosis about the individual's gait as an application of the E. Obtaining and classifying results
concepts of planar kinematics and the use of technological tools
for biomechanical analysis. A. Characterization of the study model

It is important to consider that the model to be chosen

depends on the object and the variables under study, regardless
of the choice, the objective should be to minimize the error as • Weight: 67.4 kg
much as possible. For this practice case, rectilinear gait was • Foot length:
studied in the low sagittal plane, based on the 2D motion • Left foot: 24.5cm
capture model through videography; this system detects by • Right foot: 25cm
colorimetry the pixel or group of pixels with a color different • Background: Cartilage wear in both knees as a result
from the rest [14]. of previous sports practices: skating and track cycling.
Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention and
coordinate the type of marker, its size and location, since it B. Recording space configuration and instrumentation.
represents the greatest source of variability from one
measurement to another. The location of the markers must be The instrumentation within the recording space plays a
precise, since the fidelity of the results of the analysis depends fundamental role in obtaining reliable data, since the
on this, and if the markers are not placed in the correct locations characteristics of illumination, distance, recording background,
the software may give erroneous information about the patient's stability (among others) can significantly change the
condition [15]. performance of the system that computationally processes the
capture, especially in the first stages such as marker detection
Four circular markers made of 1 cm diameter laminated and calibration within the data processing. [17]
reflective paper were used in the recordings to optimize the
contrast difference and thus optimize marker tracking. These Some elements considered are:
were placed on the anatomical prominences of interest shown
in Figure 1 to obtain graphs of the spatial location, and • Capture space:
movement of these in each phase or subphase of gait. Regarding the dimensions of the capture space, it depends
mainly on the type of movement to be surveyed and the
A multisegmental model [16] for the right lower extremity, characteristics of the cameras used. In this case, a distance of
which is composed of three segments (femur, tibia and foot) 12 meters from the center of the camera was maintained,
connected by hinges (knee and ankle joint), was used for seeking to reduce the parallax error and considering that the
marker placement. The position of the following anatomical recording background contrasts with the color of the markers.
landmarks was manually identified as illustrated in figure 2.
• Lighting:
Although precise placement of the markers on the skin is Lighting should preferably be uniform, so as not to generate
necessary in biomechanical analysis research studies [17]., in shadows that modify the tones of the capturing space. In order
the conditions for this practice it was necessary to place the for the data collection to be carried out with optimal lighting, it
markers on top of the subject's clothing. In this case, the use of was done in an enclosed space with good natural lighting. In
tight-fitting clothing was determined to prevent the marker addition, following the recommendations [17] for enclosed
from moving as little as possible over the chosen anatomical spaces, a light ring with a white spotlight was implemented,
bone reference. thus reducing the risk of generating specular images on the
objects. The arrangement of the focus depends on the shape of
the capture space, in the application surrounded the camera,
taking care that false positives are generated in the detection of

• Camera:
For the choice of the type of cameras it is important to take
into account the requirements of the sequences to be surveyed.
Some basic and general variables to be considered are: number
of frames and camera resolution. The number of frames per
second of the video sequences conditions the temporal
resolution of the data processed from these sequences, as well
Fig. 3. Anatomical location of markers. as limiting the speed of movement to be performed by the
A. Trochanter major B. Lateral femoral epicondyle
C. Base of the peroneal malleolus subject if an acceptable capture is sought. [18]
D. Head of the 5th metatarsal
For motion capture, the camera of the iPhone 7 Plus mobile
Likewise, it is pertinent to characterize the subject under study, device was implemented, which has the following technical
which, in this case, was a healthy woman informed about the specifications for video recording:
purpose of the practice who gave her full consent to the use of
the image and the processing of the data. Their body • 4K video recording at 30 fps
characteristics of interest are listed below: • 1080p HD video recording at 30 fps or 60 fps
• 720p HD video recording at 30 fps
• Age: 21 years old • Optical image stabilization for video
• Height: 162 cm
• 2x optical zoom; digital zoom up to 6x Reference source: Guchin, A., Pereira, G., Ottado, G., & Ramos, M. (2015).
Análisis de video en Biomecánica.
(iPhone 7 Plus only)
• Quad-LED True Tone flash
For this reason, in case of using cameras with lower capture
• Slo mo video support for 1080p at 120 fps
and 720p at 240 fps frequency (lower than 120 FPS) and automatic settings, it is
• Time lapse video with stabilization recommended to maximize the face illumination so that the
• Cinematic video stabilization (1080p and recording software minimizes the camera shutter time, and
720p) therefore a sharp image is obtained.
• Continuous autofocus video
• Take 8MP still photos while recording 4K If any of these aspects can be modulated, it is recommended to
video minimize the shutter time to at least 1/250 s and maximize the
• Playback zoom gain to increase the light (albeit artificially) obtaining an image
• Video geotagging with good characteristics. (luis)
• Video formats recorded: HEVC and H.264
C. Image capture procedure
The shot taken has a size of 5.9 MD and its dimensions are
1,784 x 916 pixels. The video resolution is 1080p HD at 30 fps. Several gait trials were captured from the subject, asking
Based on the survey of the different databases [18] it can be him to walk naturally without modifying his speed or gait style.
stated that 30 frames per second is a normal value to work in The starting line was set so that the foot in the foreground
the case of walking, being able to obtain in this case could enter the field of view first and touch the ground when
information of the position of the markers only every 1/30 fully visible. Prior to each experimental session, a static
seconds. It should be borne in mind that if movements of higher reference image was captured, with the subject in an upright
speeds than walking are performed, maintaining the previous position, centered in the camera's field of view. The person was
number of frames, the difficulty increases when temporally then instructed to walk along a line drawn on the ground, placed
linking the data obtained, and the performance of marker at a known distance from the image plane, identical to the
tracking may decrease [19]. distance between the camera and the subject during the
acquisition of the static reference image.
Regarding shutter times, these should be quite short so as not
to produce harmful displacement effects when recognizing the To minimize perspective error and the appearance of
markers. A commonly used rule of thumb for guidance is that shadows, the camera was positioned perpendicular to the plane
the minimum shooting time that ensures that an image will not of motion to be executed. Taking into account lens distortion
be blurred is the inverse of the focal length. There are also and perspective, the joint in the center of the capture had the
references that indicate the recommended shutter times least distortion and perspective error. Likewise, considering
according to the activity to be surveyed. [20] that the analysis is performed on the lower body, the camera
was placed at knee level, assuming a symmetrical error towards
• 1/4000 s: used for taking sharp pictures of fast- the hip and ankle and focusing maximum precision on the knee.
If we use a lens with a suitable focal length and move far
moving subjects, such as athletes or vehicles,
enough away, the perspective error will be minimal even at the
under good lighting conditions.
periphery of the video. In order to measure angles that do not
• 1/2000 s and 1/1000 s: useful for sharp pictures
depend exclusively on the subject, it is recommended that the
of moderately fast-moving subjects, under
camera be oriented in space. For this purpose, a stable tripod
normal lighting conditions. was used to avoid instability in manual recording.
• 1/500 s and 1/250 s: for taking sharp pictures of
moving people in everyday situations. [21] Similarly, from the mobile device screen, an inclinometer or
The following are the conventional values for the ratio of level was adjusted to calibrate the camera inclination in the
spatial resolution to camera distance. (They may vary recording plane, auditing that the study subject occupied the
depending on the instruments) entire image field; for this purpose, the x2 magnification zoom
was used.
SPATIAL RESOLUTION IN CENTIMETERS AS A FUNCTION OF The device was located 12 m from the central axis of the
THE DISTANCE TO THE CENTER OF THE CAMERA subject and at a height of -- cms from the ground, thanks to a
tripod. In this way, the lower extremities were completely
visible. click here.

D. Calibration of the Kinovea frame.

For the analysis of the gait trials captured with the subject,
the Kinovea software was used, which allowed the frame-by- the hip, so that equation will be necessary to
frame observation of the video in which the best conditions of perform the kinematic analysis (1).
the recording space are evidenced. •
𝐻𝑖𝑝 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 = 90 − (𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑) (1)
In this process, it was necessary to open the selected video
in the analysis software, rectifying that once opened, it could • The range of the knee joint is obtained from the
be viewed without any problem at different speeds and frame angle formed between segments A-B, and B-C of
by frame. Once this was done, an analysis method was applied the marker distribution. For this work, 180° will be
that allowed, based on the analysis tool of B. Toro, et al. (Ref), considered as the angle that evidences the neutral
to obtain an approximate diagnosis of the gait of the subject position of the knee, and therefore, the analysis will
be performed taking into account (2).
under study. This method performs the measurement of the
angles of the joints and segments in a cephalocaudal way, that 𝐾𝑛𝑒𝑒 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 = 180 − (𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑) (2)
is, it starts by measuring the angle between a horizontal line
drawn on the subject's hip in the sagittal plane and the markers • The angle formed between segments B-C and C-D
A and B (Fig. 3), then the angle formed by the knee between is the one that provides information about the range
the segment of the femur and the fibula is measured, and finally of the ankle joint, which for this work will be
the angle of the ankle generated by the segment of the tibia and considered 90° as the neutral position of the ankle,
fibula with respect to the foot is measured. so it is necessary to make use of to perform the
analysis of this joint. (3)
The method explained above was applied for each of the ranges 𝐴𝑛𝑘𝑙𝑒 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 = 90 − (𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑) (3)
of motion determined in the analysis tool of B. Toro, et al; in
addition, the analysis of each frame of the video was performed III. RESULTS
for each of the three observers. For this purpose, three
computers with the Kinovea program installed were used, The main results obtained during each of the three accepted
including a desktop computer with a screen resolution and size measurements are summarized below; the first analysis was
of 1440x900 pixels and 48.37 cm (19.04 inches), respectively, discarded due to errors in the virtual location of the markers,
and two laptop computers with a screen resolution and size of and will therefore be presented in the discussion section.
1366x768 pixels and 46.19 cm (18.18 inches), respectively.
A. Gait analysis and rough diagnosis
On the other hand, the selected frames were calibrated for
perspective using the << perspective grid >> command, setting Under the purpose of obtaining results with the highest
the corners of this at the top corners of the video, so as to allow possible reliability, the gait analysis for the study subject was
the crossing perpendicular to the subject's hip of a horizontal performed by three different observers, in order to evaluate the
line as a reference for the hip angles. reliability regarding the range of the hip, knee and ankle joints.
Finally, in order to improve the accuracy of the placement
of all the vertices of the angles, program marker placement was TABLE 4.
performed on the markers taken on video, and a 300% zoom; ANGLES OF THE ANALYSES PERFORMED IN KINOVEA.
in addition, the angles of each range of motion were identified
with a different color.

It is worth mentioning that each team member performed the

above process and their own analysis independently on
different computers, at different times and places, and were
blinded to each other's results. Each observer carried out two
trials or attempts on non-consecutive days, and when the results
obtained were found to be very similar, one was finally selected
to develop the tables and the corresponding analysis.

E. Obtaining and classifying results

The gait analysis is performed considering that:

• From the horizontal line that crosses the hip in the

sagittal plane and the marker located on the greater
trochanter of the subject's right leg, the angle that
provides information on the articular range of the
hip is formed. Furthermore, in this work, 90° will
Table 4 shows the data on the angles obtained in the kinematic
be considered as the neutral or normal position of
analysis performed by each of the observers; in addition, the
mean of the angles obtained in each joint for each range of that since there were no negative values lower than -5, during
motion that was evaluated is shown. The average of the data all the phases of gait it remained in flexion, showing a great
obtained allows to perform a gait analysis with the difference between the reference value and the one obtained
characteristic values between the extremes of the data during the toe-off and mid-swing phases. Finally, the ankle was
distribution for each range of motion in the joints. found to be in different categories of planar flexion throughout
the gait.
The result of the analysis performed by the first observer was
called "first analysis", and in this we obtained the frames With the above, the sum of the categories in the hip allowed
shown in the graphic model that you can find by clicking here. for this analysis to give an approximate diagnosis of mild
(click here.) extension, related to hip stiffness; also, it was determined that,
TABLE 5. for the knee, the approximate diagnosis consisted of mild
hyperextension, related in turn to knee stiffness. For the foot,
the ankle joint range evidenced mild toe walking.

Finally, the analysis performed by the third and last

observer was called "Third analysis", whose graphical model
can be found by clicking here. click here.

In addition, data related to the joint ranges and the

movement category a in which they are located were compiled
in Table #.

With the data in table 5, it can be identified that, in all the
phases of gait, except for the starr double support phase, the hip
was in flexion, since, for this exception, the hip was in
extension. Likewise, the values obtained for the knee indicate
that it was between different ranges of flexion during the entire
gait; and the values for the ankle show that, during all phases
of gait, it was in plantar flexion or plantiflexion.

From the analysis of the values obtained and the assignment

of the categories, it was determined as an approximate
diagnosis that the hip has a range of motion within normal From the data in the table above, it was determined that as
values, the knee has a mild hyperextension indicating some in the previous analyses, the hip during the start double
knee stiffness, and finally, the subject has a moderate toe supporot phase had an extension movement, while in the others
walking. it maintained the flexion movement. On the other hand, the data
collected for the knee indicated that its movements during all
Now, the result of the analysis performed by the second phases of gait were flexion; and the ankle then maintained the
observer was called "second analysis", and the graphic model planar flexion found in the previous analyses.
was also developed for this analysis. (click here).
In view of the foregoing, it was determined that the
RESULTS OF THE SECOND SUBJECT ANALYSIS. approximate diagnosis for this analysis consists of movement
within normal ranges for the hip, mild hyperextension of the
knee, again related to stiffness in this joint, and mild toe
walking according to the movement categories obtained in the

Three different gait analyses of the same test subject were

presented, however, it was necessary to determine a diagnosis
in which the data obtained in each of the measurements
performed with the Kinovea software were considered, which
is why, from the determination of the mean of the data for each
gait phase in each joint, a final gait study could be performed,
and is shown in table 8.
From the data of this analysis, presented in table 6, it was
found that during the start double support pase, the hip was in In this study, it was determined that the average of all the
extension, while for each of the other phases, the hip was in data for the hip showed and confirmed that only during the
different categories of flexion. For the knee it was evidenced beginning of the double support this joint was in extension;
likewise, the knee remained in flexion during the entire gait,
and the ankle in planar flexion. According to the above, and Continuing with the result of the error analysis, the relative
taking into account the sum of the category scores, the error shown in table 10, and found for each measurement of the
approximate gait diagnosis of the study subject indicates that three analyses confirmed that the results of the angles for the
there is normal motion at the hip joint, mild hyperextension at hip joint present errors of lower magnitude than the angles for
the knee joint, and finally, mild toe walking. the knee and ankle joints.

TABLE 8. It is possible to conclude from the error analysis that, the

highest percentage of error, and the greatest inaccuracy of the
measurements was presented in the toe-off and mid-swing
phases for the ankle joint in each of the three analyses

B. Statistical analysis of the data

In addition to the results of the analyses, and the diagnoses,

the absolute and relative errors were found for each
measurement. The absolute error is shown in table 9, and the
relative error in table 10.

With table 9 it was determined that the absolute error of

most of the data takes magnitudes that can be considered
relatively low, i.e., that there is inaccuracy in some of the
measurements, but it does not make them unacceptable. In spite
of the above, the ankle measurements showed absolute errors
with greater magnitude, therefore, these measurements with
respect to those of the knee and hip are more inaccurate. TABLE 11.
The standard deviation was determined for the data of each gait phases the resulting angles for the range of this joint
gait phase resulting from the 3 analyses, finding different indicated that this joint was always in flexion. Mild
values that give information about the dispersion of the data. hyperextension of the knee in this case was determined by the
From Table 11 it can be highlighted that the measurements of sum of the categories, and may mean that the study subject
initial contact, mid stance, toe off, and mid swing are those belongs to the group of people who can perform negative
whose standard deviation is higher, therefore, the dispersion flexion (hyperextension) up to -5° without representing a major
between the angles of the gait phases analyzed for the ankle gait abnormality [23]. Full knee extension optimizes stability
joint is much higher compared to the dispersion between angles and the way in which body weight support is performed [23].
for the other joints with respect to their respective mean.
According to the results, the ankle joint in all the analyses
IV. DISCUSSION performed presented a common diagnosis of mild toe walking,
this type of diagnosis may mean that idiopathically, the subject
In agreement with the author [15], the work team performs this toe walking for reasons related to an increased
discovered that during the experimentation process a major plantar flexion of the ankle during stance and swing phases, or
source of error was the incorrect location of the marker (C), a hyperextension of the knee marked especially in the stance
since in the analysis result for this case (click here to observe phase, or a sudden plantar flexion in mid-swing [24].
the developed models), the results obtained showed the
presence of the pathology: foot drop, which does not exist in However, due to the conditions of the subject, this diagnosis
the study subject. However, this event allowed the observers to may be more related to the large absolute error found for the
recognize the virtue and importance of the calibration or ankle measurements, generated in turn by the inaccuracy of the
modification of the virtual markers in the processing software angles taken at this joint because in the gait video, the markers
(Kinovea). of the base of the peroneal malleolus and the head of the fifth
metatarsal were scattered and the part of the foot was lost
Likewise, it is considered as a possible affectation to the because the movement of the foot was must have been faster
results that during the capture of the movement the person does than the capture speed of the instrument used.
not perform the natural braking, which can affect the balance
of walking. Another option for improvement identified for V. CONCLUSIONS
future studies is to contemplate a reference measurement in the It is evident that kinematic gait analysis is a clinical tool that
recording space, since it would allow complementing the supports the diagnosis of different motor disorders.
analysis with the distance traveled, among other adjacent Additionally, it is a relatively simple method to perform and
variables. does not require invasive or imaging methods that may increase
its costs (in general cases).
It should be noted that other causes of error that could be
appreciated during data capture and analysis are: the It is also found that it is of utmost importance to have the proper
predisposition of the subject of study with respect to the knowledge to fix the markers, as this can generate errors in the
exercise of walking; it is essential to record at least 3 times to measurement and consequently a bad analysis.
avoid capturing the most natural form possible.
When processing the information, it is found that the joint
Similarly, the movement of the soft tissue in the person rotation angles must be organized taking into account the
should also be considered as a possible alteration, since it can anatomical planes and the type of movement present in the
destabilize the established markers, or move them. joint, which is done with the aim of being able to categorize
with the Salford's method tool.
Regarding the results obtained, it is important to consider that,
in the gait analysis for the hip joint, three results were obtained Finally, it has been found that there are different methods to
in which it was homogeneously evidenced that during the perform the measurement and analysis, as well as the
double stance initiation phase this joint is in extension; this consideration of some stages of the march; therefore, the
result is due to the fact that during the start double support challenge that engineering can assume could be the
phase both feet are again in contact with the ground, and during development of standard technologies and methodologies,
this period the joint is in extension (of the reference limb) as which additionally have reference data.
the body weight is distributed beyond the supporting foot. It is
normal to find at the end of this process approximately 10 VI. REFERENCES
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