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Open every sunday 12.00 -17.00

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Colofon 5 Foreword by the mayor

Chapeau Magazine 8 André Rieu ‘immortalised’
10 History of Vrijthof concerts
Editor in chief
Jo Cortenraedt
16 Limburg Roots
Maarten van Laarhoven
Ludo Diels 20 Biography André Rieu
Nadine Kolbusz
22 The paintings of Marc Rieu
Stephanie van Heuven
26 The history of Maastricht
VVV Maastricht
VVV Zuid-Limburg 30 The liberation of Maastricht

Photography 38 Highlights around Maastricht

André Rieu Productions
André Rieu, My Music, My Life.
VVV Maastricht 44 Favourite spots André Rieu
Luc Hommes
Patrick Leenders
Alf Mertens 48 Restaurants in Maastricht

Image editing 54 Museums

Joris Vroemen

Design 58 Trendy shops in Maastricht


Translation 66 City of international studies

Ingeborg Rulkens
Emma Ruigrok 72 City plan Maastricht
Moderna Paal-Beringen 74 Practical information


olourful, worldly and dynamic! Every year, Maastricht’s
international personality is always extra visible during André
Rieu’s world-renowned Vrijthof concerts. The Maastricht-born
violinist and orchestra leader welcomes visitors from all over the
globe in a warm bath of hospitality and makes them feel at home in
our lovely city on the Meuse. 

Maastricht and André Rieu have ion saw the light in 1992 thanks
been inextricably linked for to the Maastricht Treaty. In 2017,
over 10 years and as far as I am we will have a major celebration
concerned, it can stay that way for its 25-year anniversary.
- because when André Rieu per-
forms, the city is all about this Maastricht lives and breathes
special series of concerts. Let this Rieu, and that is something I
André Rieu City Guide help you am very proud of. I am honoured
navigate through our fantastic to be able to experience André
city. It is a city of centuries-old Rieu’s concerts as Maastricht’s
history, but has always main- new mayor. This month, I will
tained an eye towards the future: definitely be enjoying the music
a city with trendy aspects while and ambiance on our country’s
also upholding the grandeur of most beautiful square. I wish
our past at every corner and on you a lovely evening at Vrijthof
every square. The best, most in- and a fantastic visit to our city.
teresting shops, restaurants and Maastricht welcomes the world! 
sights are listed in this guide.
Enjoy more than just André’s Annemarie
music: also be refreshed by this Penn - te Strake 
international university city Mayor of
with its charming centre and Maastricht
grand atmosphere. Maastricht is
located in the heart of Europe; it
was here that the European Un-


n May of this year, André Rieu was honoured twice in one day:
quite the joyous occasion for Rieu. First, the first scientific book
written about Rieu’s success was presented at Museum aan het
Vrijthof, followed by the unveiling of the plaque at Rieu’s childhood
home in Maastricht Municipal Park.

Artist Désiree Tonnaer made on the deeper reasons behind

a city map from stone with a his success. According to the
bronze ‘stamp’ featuring Rieu’s writers, it is mainly because of
signature on top. “The stamp is a his ability to appeal to his audi-
reference to the mark he’s left on ences’ sensitive side. He brings
the city,” the artist said. Mayor the music back to its original es-
Onno Hoes was pleased to be sence. The researchers have par-
able to present the plaque, which ticularly noticed his open com-
was made in honour of the musi- munication with the audience in
cian’s 65th birthday. the concert halls and out on the
The unveiling of the plaque was squares. “Where many contem-
accompanied by the drum and porary classical music ensembles
bugle corps of the Sainte Cécile struggle to reach a wide enough
Orchestra from Eijsden. audience, André Rieu manages
André Rieu was especially hon- to win over the hearts of the
oured by the plaque at the white masses with his heart-felt way
house along the Jeker River, in of playing and performing,” one
the municipal park. “The city of the researchers said.
council didn’t have to do that, André Rieu commented on the
but I am certainly impressed. It is book with an amusing remark:
definitely a sign of recognition. “They usually write books on
And it’s supposed to be around people who have been dead for a
for centuries.” while; in my case, I still get to
The book on the Maastricht mu- experience it.”
sician’s success, published by
Maastricht University, focuses


ndré Rieu had been thinking about giving concerts at the
Vrijthof in the centre of his hometown Maastricht for a
while, but it took quite some time to organise the events the
way he had pictured them. He needed the assistance of the munici-
pality and the entrepreneurs at the Vrijthof, who had to give ‘their
square’ to their most famous inhabitant for a couple of nights. In
2005, everything was arranged to start a remarkable tradition.
It started with three concerts, from outside the Netherlands
now in 2015 there are seven and Belgium. They come from
concerts at the Vrijthof. Every everywhere”, says Pierre Rieu,
year more and more people from CEO of André Rieu Travel. We
abroad come to Maastricht for have people from Brazil, Argen-
these special concerts. Now tina, Australia, New Zealand,
about half of the visitors come the United States and from
many countries in Europe. Espe- sicians walk down the square
cially from the United Kingdom and pass the sidewalk cafés and
we may say welcome to many create a great atmosphere. Rieu
fans. Most of them have seen my invites this orchestra band for
father in a concert in their own a reason: only the best is good
land, but they think that the enough. Sainte Cécile won the
Vrijthof-concerts are the most World Music Contest in Kerkrade
special of all.” in the world division for the
second time in 2013 and was
André Rieu doesn’t just bring crowned champion of the Neth-
his ‘normal’ program in Maas- erlands many times.
tricht, he also invites artists
from all over the world to join André Rieu likes the Vrijthof-
him on stage, from Trini Lopez to concerts very much. It is my
Jermaine Jackson. hometown, that gives an extra
And every year there is a kind of warm feeling. And because the
‘warming up’ with the Orchestra square is not too big and people
band Sainte Cécile. are sitting on the terraces, you
Sainte Cécile from Eijsden plays get a wonderful atmosphere."
at the Vrijthof just before André
Rieu and his orchestra get on
stage. More than a hundred mu-

According to André Rieu, part André Rieu was influenced
of his success is due to the fact not only by religion, but also by
that he was born and raised in Limburg’s broad music and folk
Limburg. “We have a very rich culture, which has longstanding
culture here, which can really traditions. “Almost every town
shape you, especially at a young and city neighbourhood has
age. For example, I remember its own brass band or concert
often going to church with my orchestra. People are raised with
parents as a child. Holy Mass music from an early age, so it’s
like that can be very impressive kind of in our genes. It also has
in Catholic traditions, especially a lively aspect to it; it’s optimis-
during Easter and Christmas. It’s tic. I think that definitely has
not just about religion: there’s a something to do with why my
lot of music, singing, the church concerts are always such a party.
is nicely decorated and such. In It’s a party for us too.”
the Catholic church in particular,
celebrations like that also tend André Rieu himself is an ambas-
to be a bit theatrical, which I sador of the World Music Fes-
always loved.” tival (WMC) in Kerkrade, where

top music ensembles from all Because of that, we feel at
over the world come together home anywhere in the world,
every four years. “It is important and easily make contact with
for young people to learn how to the audience.”
play an instrument, so as to be
able to play music themselves Many members of the Johan
and not just learn how to use Strauss Orchestra are from
a computer.” the area, but that includes
Limburg as well as Belgium
It is precisely Limburg’s interna- and Germany. “It’s easy for
tional location which has made everyone, since our studio in
it possible for André Rieu to lead Maastricht is closeby. They
an entire international orchestra. haven’t had to move and can
“The Province of Limburg, with keep living in their own country.
Maastricht as its capital, is lo- That international aspect is in
cated right between Belgium and our blood. That’s why we don’t
Germany. France is not far off feel like we live on the edge of
either. When I take a walk around the Netherlands; instead, we
my house, I can go 1 kilometre feel like we live in the centre of
and end up in Belgium. Shoppers Europe. No matter where in the
at the market in Maastricht are world I’m on stage, it is always
spoken to in French, English or with great pride that I tell the
German, if they want. That’s how audience I’m from Maastricht,
it’s always been. The Maastricht Limburg. And yes, that’s in
dialect has many French and ‘Holland’, even if it is all the
German influences as well. way near the border.”

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ndré Rieu is the most successful violinist of our time and also
a conductor, composer and charming entertainer. He has sold
more than 35 million CDs and DVDs and his live concerts
attract an audience of about 1 million people each year. He’s been
among Billboards Top 10 selling artists for the last ten years.

André Rieu was born in Maas- France, Scandinavia, the Baltics,

tricht into a musical family. His Romania, Poland, the USA, Bra-
father was the chief conductor of zil, Mexico, Chile, China, Singa-
the Limburg Symphony Orches- pore, Japan, South Africa and
tra. André started to play the vio- Australia, where he played his
lin at the age of five. In 1978 he biggest concerts ever in front of
founded his first own ensemble: an audience of 43.000 in Mel-
“Het Maastrichts Salon Orkest“. bourne as part of the World
In 1987 the Johann Strauss Or- Stadium Tour with the beautiful
chestra which consists of about setting of a rebuild Schönbrunn
fifty musicians. Many of whom Castle.
are still with him today. André has been married for more
Their breakthrough came in 1994 than fourty years to his child-
with the CD “From Holland with hood sweetheart Marjorie. The
Love” and Shostakovitch’s Sec- couple has two sons, Marc, who
ond Waltz which went straight is a painter and Pierre, who is
to the top of Holland’s Single Vice President of André Rieu
Charts. André and his Johann Productions.
Strauss Orchestra have been
touring the world since the mid-
nineties, performing all over the
world, e.g. in Germany, England,


his year, Marc Rieu, eldest son of André and Marjorie Rieu,
will again be exhibiting several of his paintings during the
Vrijthof concerts, in the Theater aan het Vrijthof.

The 36-year old painter has been

fascinated by art since childhood.
As a toddler, he would get the cat-
alogues out of his parents’ book-
cases to admire all the lovely im-
ages. In 1990 - the year of Vincent
van Gogh - he made the definitive
decision to do something with art.
He studied Art History and Ar-
chaeology in Nijmegen, a degree
he completed with a thesis on Ro-
mantic period in 2006. In addition,
he took painting classes here and
there, as his interest in the prac-
tice of painting continued as well.
Now, he has been a full-time
painter for years, with a focus on
imaginative landscapes. He calls
himself a suggestive illusionist;
he paints suggestive (dreamy,
romantic) works in which he en-
chants reality using his brush as
a magic wand - hence his self-
coined artistic movement “sug-
gestive illusionism”. His work is
often on display in galleries in the
Netherlands and abroad.

He is also an ambassador for Avercamp (1585-1634) was the
the foundation "Kunst van het Netherlands’ first ‘handicapped'
Kijken” [The Art of Looking].  artist; he was a deaf-mute but
This foundation aims to provide that did not stop him from cre-
more of a stage to mentally and ating exquisite Dutch winter
physically challenged artists. His tableaus, which ‘strike the rest
motto:  “Pay no mind to common of the world dumb’ today. Let us
sense, look with your heart and enjoy all the beauty being made
enjoy what you see!" Hendrick in the same way.”

The most beautiful stories of Limburg

Every day on L1 TV
and musketeer

erhaps he did not get the most visible location in Maastricht, but
it is a nice one with quite a bit of foliage. In solid bronze he stands
at the city wall in the park, forever ready to draw his sword. The
musketeer d’Artagnan perished here in 1673, in service of the French Sun
King Louis XIV, who conquered the city. He grew into a kind of ambassador
of Maastricht’s history.

The Meuse’s geographical location Throughout the course of history,
has resulted in Maastricht being more and more towers were built
the stage for defense and con- in the city. The most striking tower
quests for centuries. Maastricht is is that of the Bonnefanten Mu-
a fortified city with walls and a fort. seum, designed by Italian architect
Those conquests started as early Aldo Rossi, built in 1995.
as 50 B.C. when the Romans drove Throughout the course of history,
out the Celts and built a bridge over Maastricht was often fought over.
the river. For the record, that is not The Spanish settled in the city, fol-
the old Servaasbrug that connects lowed by the French. The forts, the
the two parts of the city - that remains of the ranks and the city
one is from the thirteenth century. walls are a symbol of Maastricht’s
This bridge was named after Saint military strategic function. One
Servatius, the bishop who came can look out over the city from
to Maastricht in the fourth century Mount Saint Peter, count the years
A.D. His basilica and accompanying by means of the towers and go to
treasure chamber have attracted the city centre to find all kinds of
pilgrims and visitors for many treasures and remains of the rich
centuries. history of the city.
You can read the history from the Around 1800, all residents of
towers while looking out over the Maastricht became French citizens,
city from Mount Saint Peter. The which will have pleased d’Artagnan
oldest, Romanesque churches are - though he will probably have
those of the Saint Servatius basilica turned in his grave, wherever that
(allegedly built on the grave of Saint may be, when the city was taken
Servatius and four Merovingian by the Dutch in 1814.
churches) of which construction During this summer 2015 a
started around the year 1000, movie will be launched with
just like the basilica of Onze- the title ‘Code M, the sword of
Lieve-Vrouw-Tenhemelopening, d’Artagnan’, a modern interpreta-
popularly referred to as Slevrouwe, tion of his history.
to which people come from near
and far to light a candle. The red-
painted tower of the Sint Janskerk,
the Gothic church of the Protestant
community – with frescos from the
fifteenth century – is a bit more re-
cent, built in the thirteenth century.

Culinary capital

Fashion & Design

Culture in
the mix

City of festivals
and events
Ancient hidden

Welcome to

Sleeping among
the stars

he life of André Rieu and his family was strongly influenced by the
Second World War. Remarkable, especially seeing the fact that the
Maastricht violinist was born years after the liberation.

For history buffs, it’s easy to how the little city on the Meuse
remember: in Maastricht, the River was liberated in September
Second World War lasted exactly 1944 - as the first Dutch city -
four years, four months and four by the 30th Infantry Division,
days. There are still residents of also called the ‘Old Hickory
Maastricht who can remember Division’, like it was yesterday.

A square in Maastricht was 1944. Within mere hours, the
named after this important Americans freed the now so
American military unit, where bustling city district of the
the liberation of Maastricht is Germans, who calmly left the
commemorated annually at a city on foot or by bicycle without
special liberation tree. putting much of a fight.

The Maastricht district Wyck It must have been quite an odd

(across the Meuse River) was phenomenon: the eastern banks
first in line on 13 September of the Meuse celebrated


One of my favourite shops
in Maastricht is Maison
Blanche Dael.
This 137 year old family
run business provides deli-
cious coffee, tea, and local
excitedly, while it
was pitch-dark in the still
occupied western part of the knowledge
city (with Onze Lieve Vrou- of the Second World
weplein, the Vrijthof and the War, especially thanks to the
Markt): a bizarre situation which stories he was told by his par-
wouldn’t last long. The next day, ents. Stories of brave American
on 14 September 1944, the Old soldiers who went through
Hickory Division had control over countless hardships during the
all of Maastricht, a theme that advance over the European
was commemorated in detail mainland. Many of them had lost
in the summer of 2014 with comrades leading up to the lib-
an extensive programme for eration of Maastricht, or would
the 70-year anniversary of the lose them in the tough months
liberation of Maastricht. still to come.

Though André Rieu was born The family of André’s wife

more than five years after the Marjorie also spoke of the foreign
liberation of Maastricht (on 1 soldiers, who had risked their
October 1949, to be exact) he lives to rescue the Netherlands
grew up – like many children from German tyranny, with enor-
of his generation – with much mous gratitude and respect.

parents met in Maastricht.
Her Jewish father fled from soldiers -
Berlin to the Netherlands in the which included the
’30s for fear of the upcoming elderly as well as young soldiers
Nazism. The only thing he owned - got more than just a special
was a briefcase with records seat; they were put in the lime-
from that time. During the war, light by André himself.
he went into hiding and stayed
with Marjorie’s mother, who André’s son and production
was part of the resistance. manager Pierre maintains the
memory of the war and the
In 2013, one of André’s concerts liberation in his own way: he
at the Vrijthof was given on collects vehicles of the Allied
Dutch Veterans’ Day. To show forces and hopes to be able to
how much he appreciates put them in a museum someday.
young people fighting for peace Parts of his collection are often
and freedom, he invited 3,500 included in exhibitions.
veterans and their partners and
guides to come to his concert on
the famous square on Saturday
29 June of the same year. The

MECC (Maastricht Exhibition and Congress Centre)
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Valkenburg as small cozy town

Valkenburg is a small but lovely

town with a great history. It’s
only 10 minutes by car from
Maastricht. You find historical
walls and towers. And it has
some nice locations. For exam-
ple Thermae 2000. Ever since In 1998, on the summit of the
1987, when high above on mountain Cauberg, immedi-
the Cauberg, the source of the ately beside the ultramodern
‘40,000-year-young’ medical Holland Casino*, as a sup-
mineral water has been dis- plement to the spa complex
covered, Valkenburg has been Thermae 2OOO*, a health
allowed to use the add-on resort park was established
‘healing spa’ before its name. that boasts vast gardens.

Chateau St.Gerlach setting for a romantic dinner
and a restful night on the
Perfect chilling is available former farm of the estate.
in the environment of the Famous guests as president
Château St. Gerlach, from Bush jr, Bruce Springsteen and
where you can set out to a lately The Rolling Stones chose
walk in the wonderful nature Chateau St. Gerlach as their
reserve of Ingendael. Naturally, favourite hotel.
the Château St. Gerlach also
offers you an atmospheric

arboek Maa
Stichting Ja n t th e exhibition
tre C éra m ique prese
and Cen

ob er 11
u ly 7 —Oct
J 2015

Exhibition a
bout recogn
discovery a ition,
nd experien
60 years M ce of
e Céra
mique —
Hill country hill country (Heuvelland Zuid) is
marked by nostalgic small vil-
The hill country (Heuvelland) lages and towns amongst lush
comprises a northern and a green grazing pastures and
southern part. In the northern gloriously colorful high stem
hill country (Heuvelland Noord), orchards. And very special ist
you will find the foothills of the he American Cemetery in Mar-
Ardennes, which lend the re- graten, where thousands of
gion its slightly hilly character. American soldiers are burried
The landscape of the southern at the end of World War II.

More than just a short break
Marl caves and grottos
South Limburg is largely dominated by
marlstone caves. Especially around the
Valkenburg area, you can find the 250 km-
long underground passages that have made
it famous. The caves are also used to recon-
struct a bygone age - a copy of a coal mine
and a reconstruction of the Roman cata-
combs, for instance. But there are also
many other activities to be enjoyed, such as
underground Christmas markets, survival
and cycling tours and mountain bike rides
A short break in South Limburg - you are all being held here, offering visitors the
have to be an early riser for this because unique South Limburg experience.
there is so much to do and experience.
Decision-making may be difficult at times.
Exciting marl caves in Valkenburg and the
labyrinth on the Vaalserberg, magical theme
parks, zoos like the GaiaZOO in Kerkrade,
where the animals can even partly run free,
flowering gardens and spacious parks, stun-
ning culture and monuments, water sports
on the River Meuse and skiing in Europe’s
largest indoor ski arena and, and, and …
Museums, galleries and studios
History and culture are there in South
Limburg in abundance. For centuries, the
Euregio –Pleasure, European diversity style
area had been a bone of contention of em-
This southernmost part of Limburg is
perors, kings and bishops, evidence of which
surrounded on all sides by foreign
can be found today in the numerous mus-
countries - Belgium and Germany.
eums and galleries. Visit South Limburg and
The cities of Aachen, Liege and Hasselt
discover art, history and culture, to expe-
are just a stone’s throw away from each
rience up close and personal and to partici-
other and we would like to invite you
pate in. For details, please also see our
to take a trip there. Further information
on this is available on our website
Land of castles and fortresses
Of the hundreds of castles and palaces that
have shaped its landscape in earlier times,
South Limburg still boasts a lot of them that
have been very carefully restored. Thus, it is
possible for the ‘common people ’to visit those‘
noble fortresses’. Just come and explore the
beautiful castles and palaces that adorn the

Contact Tourist Information:

VVV Zuid-Limburg
T. 0031-436098500
De advocaten van Clerx van Roy
feliciteren Chapeau! Magazine
met hun 100ste editie


T 046 436 3388 |



Kijk voor meer informatie en om in te schrijven

voor de autoride, bikeride of wandelride
Favourite spot Restaurant
Vrijthof, because you can really Buitengoed Slavante (10 min by
breathe the flair of this beau- car) with view of the Maas. Try
tiful city here. People can re- pannekoeken or black pudding
lax in front of the beautiful (Blutwurst) with apples. Also
Patrician houses and the view of the stylish Restaurant Chateau
the Servatius Basilica is so beau- Neercanne for ‘haute cuisine’. Or
tiful. Maastricht has about 40 if you like it a little more relaxed
churches. But my favourite is the you should try our regional spe-
Basiliek Onze-Lieve-Vrouw at the cialty ‘Zoervleis’ with Pommes
Onze Lieve Vrouweplein. in one of the many lovely restau-
rants in the city centre.
‘De Oude Vogelstruys’. It's the Hotel
oldest Café in Maastricht. I love High Class; Kruisherenhotel. It
to have some apple cake there, a used to be a church and is now
Limburg specialty. a beautiful hotel. Hotel Derlon

is very good located at the day within two hours (laughs).
Onze Lieve Vrouweplein (www. But you will find so many beau- tiful little creative shops in the
They have great wines there you city center. Just take your time
can taste at the terrace. to stroll around and you will find
gifts for your friends and family,
Shopping antiques, clothes and souvenirs.
Actually, I almost never go shop- You will find lots of exclusive
ping. I just don’t have the time to shops in and around the Stok-
do it. I will go once a year and buy straat and also in the Wyck-area
everything I need on one single at the other side of the river.


You’re looking for a great ter-

race on the lovely Onze Lieve
Vrouweplein, the most charm-
ing square of Maastricht?
Come to Derlon Hotel, where
you find fantastic open wines
and great food.

From there it is 5 minutes walk

to the Vrijthof, to the concert of
André Rieu.

Discover our comfortable

rooms with a great view in the
old Roman part of the city.

Enjoy your stay in Maastricht.

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Les Tables, eat where the locals meet:
Maastricht’s cosy restaurant club.
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venue for every taste. The restaurants in the culinary heart of Maastricht
each present their own type of cuisine and ambiance. From culinary
enjoyment on castle grounds or in a historic church to typical Maastricht
cuisine, and from dishes from across the border to pubs and haute cuisine.
They all combine culinary craftsmanship with a passion for cooking and
hospitality. No matter how diverse Les Tables restaurants are, they
all have one thing in common: these are the restaurants residents of
Maastricht eat at. The local residents know they can expect hospitality,
local products and delicious food.
Restaurants in city centre
Café Sjiek
Toine Hermsen Maastricht’s first and still the
Atmospheric restaurant of most original bistro which is
famous restaurateur Toine always busy. People don’t only
Hermsen, an icon in Dutch gas- go there to enjoy the simple but
tronomy. qualitatively good food and nice
St- Bernardusstraat 2 wine for attractive prices, but also
0031-43-3258400 to meet up. Sint Pieterstraat 13
Tout à Fait
A modern star restaurant with a
surprising, contemporary kitchen. Kruisherenrestaurant
Restaurateur Bart Ausems Spectacular décor in a former
opened a bistro in the neighbour- Gothic church. Good cuisine,
ing building with a very price- professional service, international
friendly menu. price level.
St- Bernardusstraat 16 Kruisherengang 19
0031-43-3500405 0031-433292020

Rozemarijn Danyel
Not far from Onze Lieve Vrouwe- A new restaurant of chef Danyel
plein, cosy restaurant with a nice van den Bongard. Authentic
light cuisine and lovely wine. kitchen with regional products in
Havenstraat 19 a classic décor.
0031-43-4506505 Boschstraat 70 0031-433503333


’t Plenkske
A well-known Mediterranean
restaurant with good food and Restaurants in Wyck's quarter
wine. A hospitable and roomy
establishment. Mediterraneo
Plankstraat 6 ‘The best Italian food in town’.
0031-43-3218456 Restaurateur Pino is over 75, but he can still be found in the kitchen
every day. His truffle dishes are
Au Coin des Bons Enfants famous. Very popular and with a
Well-known place in a cosy very welcoming staff in the city.
student neighbourhood. Solid Rechtstraat 73
French cuisine, small and intimate 0031-43-3255037
Ezelmarkt 4
0031-43-3212359 Trattoria Senza Nome Flamboyant restaurateur Huub
Biro has turned his restaurant
Mes Amis into an accessible Italian trat-
Located in a street full of other toria which still has excellent
restaurants and cafes, this busi- dishes and wines, but is more
ness sets itself apart with a great price-friendly without the
wine selection. tablecloth.
Tongerestraat 5 Hoogbrugstraat 66
0031-43-3257866 0031-43-3264152

Maastricht Culinair
welcomes visitors André Rieu
Vrijthof-concerts 2015
Maastricht Culinair, pure enjoyment
22 restaurants, local producers and suppliers in a splendid town
22 personalities with taste and enthusiasm

Restaurants De Mangerie Mediterraneo

Château Neercanne Ruiterij 1 Maastricht Rechtstraat 73 Maastricht
Cannerweg 800 Maastricht +31 (0)43 350 91 91 +31 (0)43 325 50 37
+31 (0)43 325 13 59
Manjefiek La Chine
Au Coin des Rijksweg 80 Maastricht Markt 33 Maastricht
Bons Enfants +31 (0)43 361 01 45 +31 (0)43 321 61 23
Ezelmarkt 4 Maastricht
+31(0)43 321 23 59 Les Marolles Kobe
Rechtstraat 88a Maastricht Ruiterij 1 Maastricht
Landgoed Altembrouck +31 (0)43 325 04 47 +31 (0)43 321 19 61
Altenbroek 4
s-Gravenvoeren (B) Pakhoes Wines
+32(0)42 680 336 Waterpoort 4-6 Maastricht Vineyard Apostelhoeve
+31 (0)43 325 70 00 Susserweg 201 Maastricht
l’Atelier +31 (0)43 343 22 64
Markt 9 Gulpen De Pastory
+31(0)43 450 44 90 Dorpsstraat 45 Thiessen
Cadier en Keer Wijnkoopers
La Bohème +31 (0)43 407 18 23 Grote Gracht 18
Observantenweg 3 Maastricht
Maastricht ‘t Plenkske +31 (0)43 325 13 55
+31 (0)43 325 08 08 Plankstraat 6 Maastricht
+31 (0)43 321 84 56 Coffee/Tea
Le Courage Maison Blanche Dael
Rechtstraat 81 Maastricht Rantrée Wolfstraat 28 Maastricht
+31 (0)43 321 17 27 Kesselskade 59 Maastricht +31 (0)43 321 34 75
+31(0)43 321 51 40
Harry’s Bakery
Wycker Brugstr. 2 Vanille Bisschopsmolen
Maastricht Diepstraat 1 Eijsden Stenenbrug 3 Maastricht
+31 (0)43 325 44 33 +31(0)43 409 35 54 +31(0)43 327 06 13

Maastricht, Centre of Gastronomy. Check

The most gastronomical res-
taurant in the city. Restaurateur
Hans van Wolde is a true magi-
cian with flavours and he has had
two Michelin stars for years now.
Small dishes with pure flavours.
Great quality in a modern décor.
Plein 1992

’t Pakhoes
Cosy restaurant next to the
Crown Plaza hotel. Family busi-
ness with a chef who loves classic
cuisine. They also have a classic
French wine list. Very kind service.
Waterpoort 4-6

Bouchon d’en Face

Bistro following the style of
the French Lyon, with classic
dishes such as Canard à l‘Orange.
Agreeable prices, and an intimate,
casual atmosphere.
Wyckerbrugstraat 54
0031-433116438 Restaurant Flo
Part of the Parisian group of ori-
‘O’ ginal bistros with classic French
Good restaurant for fish. Informal, dishes. Large establishment,
with an open kitchen. suited for large parties as well.
Rechtstraat 76 Stationstraat 28
0031-43-3259747 0031-433282525

Harry’s Sofa
A proper, stylish city bistro Situated on the edge of a marina.
at Hotel Beaumont, which A modern restaurant with contem-
is becoming increasingly porary dishes in a quiet ambiance.
popular for lunch and dinner, Hoge Weerd 6
with a mixed bunch of people. 0031-43-3671337
Contemporary dishes and good
wine for reasonable prices and
a dedicated staff. Manjefiek
Wycker Brugstraat 2 On the border between city and
0031-433254433 country. A chic restaurant with a contemporary cooking style and
friendly prices.
De Mangerie Rijksweg 80
Cosmopolitan cuisine in the Ho- 0031-43-3610145
tel Crowne Plaza, in an elegant,
modern setting. Wonderful view
overlooking the river. Château Neercanne
Ruiterij 1 Gorgeous romantic castle that
0031-433509191 has had a Michelin Star restau- rant for more than 30 years.
Chef Hans Snijders never strays
Wen-Chow from perfect taste. Beautiful
A real, original Chinese restau- classic environment with lots of
rant with an authentic cuisine in grandeur and a spectacular wine
front of the railway station. cellar. Good service.
Spoorweglaan 5 Cannerweg 800
0031-43-3214540 0031-43-3251359

Bonnefanten Museum Museum aan het Vrijthof
Since its opening, the Bon- As a tribute to André Rieu, Muse-
nefanten Museum has been a um aan het Vrijthof is organising
wonderful addition to Maas- the exhibition “Liefde voor Detail”
tricht’s skyline. The building was [Love for Detail]. Have a look at
designed by Italian architect Aldo the personal and musical life of
Rossi, who regarded the mu- the King of the Waltz. Famous
seum as a ‘viewing factory’. The items from Rieu’s concerts are to
museum’s collection comprises be exhibited at the museum. The
old, modern and contemporary theme “Love for Detail” reflects
art and has a varying exhibition Rieu’s enthusiasm and perfec-
programme. Visitors can view the tionism. Experience how Rieu
newest collections of Old Masters selects his music and how the
with a new focus on Early Italian famous costumes are designed.
and Dutch painting. The museum The exhibit also includes personal
also has a mediaeval sculpture documents and never before
collection, comprising many sta- seen video footage!
tues from the 14th to the 16th Exhibition open to visitors from
century. 21 June - 27 September 2015.
For more information, please visit For more information, please visit

Museo di Maastricht
20 years!

Now on show:

Aldo Rossi
La finestra
del poeta
Drawings and
prints by architect
Aldo Rossi

Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht /

Marres, House for Contemporary
Culture was founded in Maas-
tricht in 1998. With exhibitions,
lectures, research, performances
and publications, Marres explores
the visual arts in the widest pos-
sible sense. Visitors are invited to
wander through the monumental
rooms of the intimate house, ex-
perience the beautiful city garden,

visit Marres Books or enjoy coffee

or a meal at Marres Kitchen.
For more information, please visit
Legendary & new

aastricht may not be a metropolis as far as size goes, but when
it comes to shopping, it is in no way inferior to other big cities.
The André Rieu Guide has selected some new trendy and legen-
dary shops offering fashion and lifestyle in the most charming neighbour-
hoods of the city.


Small, charming shop with
bohemian meets rock ‘n’ roll col-
lections by Marc by Marc Jacobs
and See by Chloé. The adjacent
building houses an elaborate col-
lection by Patrizia Pepe.
Stokstraat 59

Shop with rather timeless clas-
sic clothes by Belgian designer
Natan. Queen Máxima slowly
became the most important
style icon of the Netherlands
because of this brand.
Plankstraat 10

Shoes & Shirts Kiki Niesten
Shoes & Shirts is a must for gen- Many stylish women know all
tlemen with style and a soft spot about Kiki Niesten. They just have
for traditionally made shoes and to go to this uncrowned Dutch
shirts. They sell Tod’s, Crockett & fashion queen’s shop. With mag-
Jones and Church’s, to name a few nificent collections of high fashion
brands. The shop on the other side brands such as Prada, Lanvin,
of the road has a wide range of Céline and Azzedina Alaïa, Kiki is
very exclusive accessories. always able to surprise fashion
Havenstraat 23/50 lovers and art enthusiasts.
043-3255518 Stokstraat 28-32 043-3216432
Cool city outfits and luxury sports Jekerkwartier
wear with a Parisian vibe for men
and women. First line menswear Bisschopsmolen
by Lanvin, Saint Laurent, Tom Go back in time in the oldest
Ford, Prada, and more. Women working watermill of the Ne-
can go here to find gorgeous therlands. There is also an arti-
outfits by Victoria Beckham, Saint san bakery that has mastered
Laurent, Tom Ford and Nina Ricci. baking bread and ‘vlaai’, sweet
Bredestraat 7a-9 pies from Limburg.
043-3250853 Stenenbrug 3 043-3270613
Spectacular mirror shop with equal- Toro Interior Design
ly spectacular shoes. They sell high Classic English interior design
killer heels in fun colours and a lot for your entire house, but they
of bling. Brands include Alaia, Jimmy also sell antiques and small
Choo, Casadei, Versace and Dolce accessories by exclusive brands
& Gabbana. They also sell beautiful such as Ralph Lauren, Mulberry,
sneakers and fantastic bags that Nobilis, Zoffany, Rubelli, Du-
perfectly match your shoes. resta and Monkwell.
Stokstraat 25 Sint Pieterstraat 34
043-8700040 043-3251557

Don’t go
home without
Beautiful fashion from
Hugo Boss, Diesel,
Moncler, Mulberry and
many more.

for the
Your trip to Maastricht isn’t
complete without a stop at
Designer Outlet Roermond.
With over 200 leading brands on
offer at 30-70% less, we’re the
region’s must-visit destination for
label lovers and style hunters.
After shopping the world’s most
sought-after brands, why not
enjoy a spot of sightseeing?
We’re just a few minutes’ walk
from Roermond’s picturesque
town centre.



Old city centre Courage
Beautiful lingerie and swimwear
Kymyka by brands such as Alberta Ferreti,
Bag and shoe heaven with Eres La Perla and Dior. The sales-
famous red-bottomed high heels women here are experts.
by Louboutin as its key item. Sporenstraat 10
Awesome sneakers by designers 043-3264485
including Jimmy Choo and Dolce
& Gabbana.
Minckelersstraat 7 Mignonne
043-3261770 Here you can only buy exclusive perfumes from nice brands
such as Xerjoff, BOIS1920 and
Festen Profumum Roma. The exclu-
Charming shop with tasteful sive, hand-made bottles are
gift items, such as notebooks, just as exquisite as the scents
cookbooks, toys and home acces- themselves.
sories. They also serve coffee and Wolfstraat 5
freshly baked cake. 043-3216087
Minckelersstraat 1a
043-8795311 Per Sempre
Charming shop with sensual
Kinsjasja knitwear, dresses and tops by
Gorgeous shoe shop with Paris- Twin-Set and SET, ideal jeans
ian chic attitude. Stylish shoes, by Citizens of Humanity and
some with an edgy twist. The rock chick biker jackets by
owner also runs Muchachas and Mission Blue.
Traders Pop, with clothes for Kersenmarkt 5-7
men and women by brands such 043-3219969
as Sonia Rykiel, Vanessa Bruno,
APC, Roberto Collina and James
Perse. Bijenkorf
Kinsjasja Shoes: Luxurious department store with
Amorsplein 15 fashion, leather goods, cosmetics,
Muchachas/Traders Pop: home accessories, gift items etc.
Heggenstraat 16 Achter het Vleeshuis 26

the trendiest
part of Maastricht

Over the past years, the Wyck particular clientele and real ‘high-
district has developed a lot and end’ top locations as well, which
is currently seen as the trendiest attract international customers,
district within the city of Maas- such as shops selling jewellery,
tricht. Located on the east bank watches, and exclusive glasses.
of the Meuse River, Wyck has
managed to maintain its unique Countless lovely restaurants and
personality yet has also kept up specialist shops complete the
with the times. mix, causing Wyck to be seen
more and more as the Parisian
As such, an interesting mix district of Maastricht. The district
has come into being of many lives, bustles, and is home to
family-run shops in the tradition- constant motion.
al atmosphere, such as butchers,
tea rooms, antique shops and Cross the oldest Roman
fashion boutiques. St. Servaasbrug and discover
A lot of new, trendy shops have it yourself.
come to Wyck as well. There
are many very hip shops for a

Wyck Hermès
Every city needs a branch of the
Leon Martens French fashion house Hermès,
Located in the charming Wyck with its greed-inducing silk
district, Leon Martens is known shawls and Birkin, Constance
as a leading jewellery in the and Kelly it bags. The beautiful
Benelux (and has been since building with lots of natural light
1947). Popular among visitors is worth a visit in itself. The lamps
because of his brilliant collection, and furniture refer to the flagship
craftsmanship, sense of style and store on Rue de Fauberg-Saint-
hospitality. Brands include: Rolex, Honoré in Paris.
Cartier, Chopard, Pomellato, Pa- Stationsstraat 43
tek Philippe, Breguet and Jaeger 043-3258888
le Coultre Scarabeo.
Stationsstraat 39-41
043-3256363 Mestrini Occhiali Walk in and you will not wonder
whether you need new glas-
La Neuvième Paris ses, but which ones you need. In
In one of the nicest streets of the beautiful Baroque building
Maastricht you will find La Neuvi- of Mestrini, you will find very
ème Paris, an original shop that is exclusive as well as hand-made
ahead of the masses with brands eyewear by Chanel, Cartier, Tod’s,
that you do not see often, such Tom Ford, Hoffman, Oakley etc.
as Acne Studios, A.F. Vandevorst, Stationsstraat 58
Avelon, Côte et Ciel and Virginie 043-7112216

Mayfair STIJL
British oriented men’s fashion Fashion freaks from Maastricht
shop with classic but also inno- love STIJL. Here, you will find a
vative brands such as Paul Smith, fashionable mix of Dutch and
Barbour and Hancock. Mayfair Scandinavian high end brands
also alters clothes right away in such as Dante 6, Malene Birger
their own workshop, if so desired. and Hope.
Stationsstraat 39-41 Wycker Brugstraat 48
043-3216610 085-7441117


t isn’t for a while, but preparations for the 17th edition of the World
Music Festival (WMC) in 2017 are in full swing. André Rieu has been a
patron of the world-renowned wind music festival since 2013. It is a
festival in which Limburg’s borderless reputation as a wind music province
receives as much attention as the international uniting dimension of music,
marching and show parades.

In Kerkrade, the universal worked for years to introduce
power of expression of music is young people to music. André
celebrated with a notable main Rieu believes in music. André Rieu
role for young talent. With pro- believes in youth.
grammes like WMC Young Gener- WMC Kerkrade identifies with
ation, the organisation is building a universal celebration of and
bridges between the established participation in music. Every
order and talented upcoming four years, people from all four
musicians. WMC Kerkrade brings corners of the earth come to
together culture and hospitality Kerkrade to make music and have
and provides young people the fun with kindred spirits.
opportunity to develop within a
professional environment. For The relationship between André
the WMC, the development of Rieu and the WMC goes way
wind music in Limburg and the back. The WMC Kerkrade wishes
Euregion is as much a key factor everyone lots of musical enjoy-
as the developmental process of ment at André Rieu’s spectacular
global wind music. The WMC is concerts at Vrijthof in Maastricht!
leading in that area, and is seen In 2017, you are cordially invited
as the top musical experience for to come to Kerkrade for the 17th
both amateurs and profession- World Music Festival, from 2 July
als alike. - 30 July on various stages, in the
Parkstad Limburg Stadium and in
WMC Kerkrade and André Rieu Kerkrade’s completely renovated
share a common belief in the city centre. But before then, vari-
connective power of music. ous concerts will be held leading
Music literally crosses borders up to 2017. So keep an eye on
and speaks the language of the WMC Kerkrade!
heart. André Rieu has proven that
music breaks down borders, from For more information, please visit:
Australia to Romania. Where
there is music, people will come
together. It can provide a valuable
connection between people who
understand each other, regard-
less of each other’s descent,
political views or religious beliefs.
Furthermore, André Rieu has

city of international

The international nature of Maastricht is displayed in the range of courses

offered by its study programmes. From Maastricht University to the United
World College, the spectrum is very broad and very cross-border oriented.
That is typical for a city which was always internationally oriented, and it is
with good reason that the most international art fair in the world is held here.

Maastricht University a very wide range of courses.

First of all, there is Maastricht Furthermore, ‘project-oriented
University, a relatively young education’ was implemented
university preparing to celebrate here from the beginning, mean-
its 40-year anniversary. In quite a ing that studying at MU has a
short time, Maastricht Univer- strong focus on practice. The fact
sity has grown into one of the that almost all education at MU
Netherlands’ main universities is given in English shows how
and has also ranked among top international this university really
universities internationally; the is. It has had a major influence on
figures speak for themselves. the city of Maastricht. The pres-
MU has over 16,000 students, ence of so many young students
of which nearly half are from from so many countries has
abroad, and from no less than given it a unique and contempo-
108 different countries. With 17 rary dynamic.
Bachelor programmes and 50
Master programmes, MU offers

Maastricht School of MSM offers its programmes
Management (MSM) in Maastricht and across the
Founded in 1952, Maastricht world through collaboration
School of Management (MSM) with various partner institutions
is one of the oldest and most in countries including Alba-
international business schools nia, Azerbaijan, China, Egypt,
in the Netherlands. Attracting Germany, Ghana, Kazakhstan,
students from across the world, Peru, Romania, Suriname, Viet-
from emerging and develop- nam and Yemen. Around 1,000
ing economies in particular, students graduate from MSM’s
it offers research-driven and programmes every year, and
internationally accredited MSM alumni occupy top posi-
programmes in management, tions in business, government
including the MaastrichtMBA, and academia.
a joint initiative of Maastricht
School of Management and MSM has an extensive port-
Maastricht University School folio of international capacity
of Business and Econom- development projects, both for
ics (SBE). Other programmes the public and private sector
include the Master of Science and collaborates extensively
in Management and Engineer- with international development
ing (with RWTH Aachen), and agencies and donor organisa-
the Master of Management in tions. MSM offers institutional
Higher Education, as well as capacity strengthening through
many shorter professional and educational and advisory inter-
executive courses. Its research- ventions in a variety of fields.
based Doctorate in Business
Administration (DBA) pro-
gramme is ranked number two
in the world. United World College
UWC Maastricht wants to be-
In addition, MSM offers come a model for UWCs and
tailor-made programmes in a international schools in delivering
broad range of expertise areas a robust academic and co-curric-
specifically designed to help ular programme where learning
organisations successfully deal outside the classroom is as val-
with today’s global market ued and celebrated as that which
challenges. takes place within the classroom.

UWC Maastricht is one of the grammes of UWC. Maastricht
youngest in the UWC group is proud to have a United World
of schools and colleges and College to express the interna-
unique within the movement as tional ambitions of the city and
the only school operating within to bring together young people
a national public school funding from all over the world.
context, educating students
from pre-school age through
the International Baccalaure-
ate programme. UW Maastricht EIPA – European Institute of
recruits residential students Public Administration
of demonstrated promise and The European Institute of Public
potential through the UWC Administration (EIPA), located
National Committee network
to join our international day
student community for their
final two years of high school.
All teachers contribute to the
co-curricular and pastoral care
programmes through a core
commitment to our mission,
vision, and values, in which
we place the supportive and
trusting relationship formed
with and between students, at
the heart of our enterprise. As
a community, UWC believes
in the growth mindset: that
intelligence, personality and
character can be developed
and a person’s true potential
is unknown (and unknowable)
and that teachers and students
have much to learn from and
with each other. The new UWC
was opened by King Willem-
Alexander who himself has
experience with the study-pro-

at the Onze Lieve Vrouweplein viding services that allow public
in Maastricht, has been offer- administration staff responsible
ing courses and seminars to for EU affairs to further improve
European civil servants for over their skills,” explains Marga
30 years. It is where people who Pröhl, Director-General of EIPA.
deal with European affairs can On the one hand, the Institute
learn in a multi-cultural environ- focuses on training civil serv-
ment benefiting from a unique ants on European affairs and
combination of practical know- public administration; on the
how and scientific excellence. other, it carries out practical
“We aim to contribute to collabo- research to guarantee that the
ration and integration between training courses offered are
the EU Member States by pro- relevant and up to date.

EIPA offers a wide range of

courses and seminars open
to anyone who is interested.
Furthermore, EIPA offers cus-
tom-designed courses. “Good
examples are the courses we
offer in preparation of the EU
Presidency, or a tailor-made
seminar we organised for a
Dutch regional authority on
European Structural Funds;
a combination of intensive
coaching and e-Learning”,
Marga Pröhl explains. EIPA
mainly focuses on the central
governments of the EU Member
States and on European institu-
tions, particularly the European
Commission, although it also
counts regional and decen-
tralised authorities among its


Follow us on:
The work continues mostly underground, with
the fitting out and the installation of equipment.
Work in 2015 and 2016 will involve the design,
installation, and testing of the equipment and the
training of the personnel.


8 8
2. Historical city-center
3. Stokstraat quarter
4. Wyck quarter
5. Ceramique quarter
6. Central Railway-station
7. Randwyck Railway-station
8. Jeker quarter


Shop opening hours

Monday 13.00 - 18.00
Tuesday - Friday 10.00 - 18.00
Saturday 10.00 - 18.00
Sunday 12.00 - 17.00

Airports Taxiservice Maastricht
Maastricht is close to numerous +31 (0)43 362 1111
international airports:
Maastricht-Aachen (10 km, just
20 minutes from the city centre),
Düsseldorf International (100 km), Taxi Krans
Cologne-Bonn (100 km), +31 (0)43 361 4575
Brussels-Zaventem (100 km),
Weeze-Niederrhein Airport (110
km), Brussels-Charleroi (120 km)
and Antwerp (120 km). All are an Emergencies
hour or less by car. In an emergency, dial 112 for
the police, the fire department
Train or an ambulance. To contact
Stations: Maastricht-Centraal the police about non-urgent
(for the city) and Maastricht- matters, call 0900 8844.
Information on Dutch train Tourism
schedules: VVV Maastricht, Kleine Staat 1
Information on international Maastricht.


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