Market Trends: Factors Affecting The Purchase Intentions of Perfumes and Deodorants

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Deodorant is one of the sought-after products in personal hygiene and fragrant category as it can keep

the underarm fresh and prevent the body from producing an unpleasant smell even in warm weather.
The consumption rate of deodorants has increased due to global warming as large number of people
experiencing the release of odor and sweat from their bodies.

Market Trends

One of the factors that contributes in the driving the product demand is the rising awareness among the
global population towards a healthy and fresh lifestyle. There are mainly two forms of deodorant one is
stick deo which is in solid form and other one is non-sticky in nature and can hold odor for longer period.
Furthermore, the organic type is expected to attract more customers towards the product in the coming
years owing to its skin-friendliness, proven excellence in the elimination of odor, aluminum-fee nature
and others. Additionally, organic deodorant doesn’t cause stain on clothes which are also essential
factor in boosting the product demand.

Market Drivers:

1. Growth of global economy along with an escalated number of dual-income families has resulted
in the changes in lifestyle and improvement in the standard of living. These factors are therefor
expected to support market growth. Furthermore, the increasing promotional campaigns of
cosmetic and fragrance products through different media also plays a significant role in
providing awareness of the benefits of products.
2. A large number of manufacturers are focusing on coming up with better and innovative
products which can meet the requirement of most of the individuals and thereby expand their
consumer base. The innovations of aluminum free products and the use of natural ingredients
will boost the demand as it helps to avoid the absorption of toxic chemicals into the body.
Furthermore, the introduction of deo-wipe that comes in the form of wiping papers which are
lightweight, simple, and easy to use is also contributing to the deodorant market revenue.

Factors affecting the purchase intentions of Perfumes and Deodorants

The price Effect on Consumers

Generally, consumers are highly affected by the price of product. Rise in prices decreases the demand
but this not the case with every product as many consumers believe that luxury product must be high
priced if they are original and high-quality products. Previous studies show that during purchase price
could be most important facto for an average customer, however if consumers are loyal to certain brand
then they are willing to pay high prices for the preferred brand. Another study shows that loyal
customer would even if price of the product has increased, because the perceived risk is very high, and
they prefer to pay higher price to avoid the risk of any change.

Brand Name

According to Rudolph’s article (2015) titled “To What Extent Does Branding Affect Consumers’
Purchasing Decisions? [Infographics]”, around 59% of consumers prefer to buy new products from
brands they already know. While 21% of consumers said that they purchased a new product because it
was from a brand they like. In term of brands, she stated that brands that make a higher emotional
intensity receive three times as much word-of-mouth as less emotionally connected brands do.

Brands help motivate customer loyalty. When a product’s brand is built, it also creates an identity that
differentiates that product from other products. A brand could be in different forms, like a logo, a name
or a business model. Brand is the major asset of company to gain the market share and plays important
creating loyal customers.

Packaging Effect on Consumers

Love at first sight is not only about people, bit this also could happen between consumers and products.
Mostly consumers are also attracted by the well-designed packaging while bad one would repel them
especially if they are new users without any preconceived preferences and they make purchasing
decisions based on the overall appearance before looking at the ingredients or the price tag.

Consumers feel emotional bonding to brand with the help of smart packaging and all the decisions that
consumers make due to packaging of a product is subconscious. Due to this of influence of packaging on
the consumer decisions making journey many studies argued that packaging has more impact of female
consumers than male consumers.

Fragrance Effect on Consumers

Fragrance is the integral and recognizable ingredient in the perfumes, deodorants and colognes. Every
personal care product is fragrant. As for perfumes and deodorants, fragrance is the brand promise,
which is delivered through generations and cannot be changed. Fragrance is main motivator to drive the
purchase of personal care products. However, it is sometimes compromised due to budget constraints.
Consumers categorize perfume and deodorants according to the way it fits with their own personal life,
some categorizations include ‘like’ versus ‘dislikes’, ‘summer’ and ‘winter’, ‘informal daytime’ and
‘evening’ perfumer.

Availability of Perfume Effect on Consumers

Product availability also affect the consumer purchasing intentions. Unavailability of product can affect
both negatively and positively. In case of positive perceptions, consumer seem to be highly involved with
the product during the purchase. However, consumer purchase intentions are also affected through
perceive feasibility through negative perceptions of unavailability of products. According to many
studies marketers make sure and put high efforts and financial resources to always keeping products
available in markets. It is considered as fundamental feature to drive sales. It is also argued in previous
studies that consumers might switch to the alternative products in case of unavailability of that product
so that affect negatively to the firm causing loss of consumers and share of profit.

Prior Experience Effect on Consumers

Previous experience plays crucial in creating the product specific awareness that would lead to future
purchase plans. Consumers with prior experience engage less in the searching of product however,
consumers who are unfamiliar to the product will spend more time to search for the products.
Consumers who had a positive prior experience with the product will limit their research, and they will
be more willing to repurchase or reuse the product. Prior experience decreases the level of consumer
involvement in the purchase

Recommendations of surroundings (i.e. family members, friends, co-workers etc.…) and Internet,
consumer ratings and blogs

Peer recommendations from friends and family plays major role for the consumer in buying certain
products. Many consumers seek recommendations and depend a lot on word-of-mouth, especially from
people they highly trust, like friends or family members, in this case consumers save time and energy,
they decrease their searching for information time, and the decrease the possibility of being dissatisfied
with the quality or the durability of the product. In a study conducted in the U.S to study the influence of
the surroundings recommendation vs the internet reviews, blogs and social media recommendations, it
was found that the recommendations from friends and family members and other trusted persons have
higher influence on consumers than the online or internet recommendations. However, both
information resources are important to the consumers and affect their purchasing decisions especially
for luxury products.[ CITATION Ina \l 1033 ][ CITATION Amiur \l 1033 ]

Abusrour, A. S. (Amira Srour Abusrour). Factors Affecting Consumers’ Choice of Perfume Products: The
Case of Famagusta – North Cyprus.

surroundings, I. a. (n.d.). Beauty and Personal Care/ Deodorant Market. Retrieved from Fortune Business

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