Lesson 2

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What does it mean to analyse an algorithm?

• This can mean predicting the resources that the algorithm requires
• Theoretical study of a computer program performance and resource
• These resources can be
• Memory
• Running time
• etc
Input size

• Input size is the number of items in the

• The input size depends on the problem
• The input can be numbers , an array, a
graph etc.

• This is the amount of memory the

algorithm will occupy while its running
Running time

• Running time is the number of primitive steps executed. It is

often affected by the size of inputs
• For a given size of n, time T is expressed to run the algorithm
as a function of n
• T(n)
• The rate at which cost of the algorithm grows as the size of
input grows is called growth rate
Growth rate Examples
• // Return position of largest value in "A"
static int largest(int[] A)
• {
int currlarge = 0; // Holds largest element position
• for (int i=1; i<A.length; i++)
if (A[currlarge] < A[i])
• currlarge = i;
return currlarge; // Return largest position
• }

• The growth rate is T(n)=cn

Growth rate Examples

• sum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)


• The growth rate is T(n)=cn²

Growth rate Examples

• A growth rate of cn (c being a positive

constant) is said to be linear
• n² growth rates are said to be quadratic
• 2ⁿ growth rates are said to be exponential
Growth rate
Choosing an efficient algorithm

• How do you compare 2 algorithms that solve the same

problem? Which one will be more efficient?

• Implement both algorithms in programs and run them

on a suitable range of inputs
• Run them on the same computer, given equal time and
effort during the coding, same compiler etc
Choosing an efficient algorithm

• Drawbacks
• 1. A lot of effort putting the algorithm in code, yet in the
end only 1 will be choosen
• 2. There is a chance 1 of the algorithms was written better
than the other
• 3. The choice of test cases might favor one algorithm,
• 4. You might find out that none of the implemented
algorithms suite your budget
Choosing an efficient algorithm

• Growth rate
This is the rate at which cost of the algorithm
grows as the size of input grows
Ways of analysing an algorithm

• Best, worst and average cases

• Empirical analysis
• Asymptotic analysis
Best, average and worst cases

• Let us consider the linear search algorithm

• The best case would be finding the number at position (0)
• Average case will be finding the number in the middle of
the array n/2
• And worst case (Maximum run time over all inputs of size
n) would be finding the number at the end of the array
Best, average and worst cases

• Normally best cases are not considered when analyzing

algorithms, they rarely happen
• The good thing about worst case is that u know for
certain that the algorithm will perform that well/badly
• Average cases come in handy if you know the contents of
your input and how the input is distributed
Asymptotic analysis

• This type of algorithm measures the efficiency of an algorithm or

program as the input increases
• It is an estimating technique
• In asymptotic analysis, we ignore all other constants and only focus on
the growth rate
• Defined as the study of an algorithm as the input gets big or reaches
its limit
• This analysis is usually used to compare 2 or more algorithms
Asymptotic analysis

• Terms used in asymptotic analysis

• Upper bound
• Lower bounds
• Big O notation
• Big omega notation(Ω notation)
• Big Theta notation (Θ Notation)
Upper bound

• Indicates the highest growth rate that an algorithm

can have
• We measure upper bound for best, average and
worst cases
• We use the Big O notation to describe the upper
bound of an algorithm
Upper bound-Example

• Assuming the algorithm has an input size of n

• And the average case growth rate is n²
• We can say the algorithm has an upper bound to its
growth rate in the average case of f(n)
• Using Big O notation - T(n)= O(f(n)) in average
Upper bound

• Big O notation describes the upper bound

• It states a claim about the highest amount of
resources used (Mostly time) by an algorithm for
some class of input size n
Lower bound

• Lower bound measures the least amount of resources

(usually time) used by an algorithm
• The lower bound is also calculated in the worst, average
and best cases
• Like Big O notation, a similar notation is used to denote
the lower bound of an algorithm
• The lower bound is denoted by the big omega Ω
Lower bound- Example

• Assuming the lower bound of an algorithm is

f(n), the lower bound expression can be written
as T(n)=Ω(f(n))
• For linear search, the Omega notation for
average and worst case is T(n)= Ω(f(n))
Big Theta notation Θ

• When the upper and lower bounds are the same within a
constant factor, the big theta notation is used to denote
• For example if the upper bound is T(n)= O(f(n)) and the
lower bound is T(n)=Ω(f(n))
• This means Ω(f(n))= O(f(n))
• Therefore T(n)= Θ(f(n))
Theta notation Θ

• When you have enough information about an

algorithm, use the Θ notation because you are
sure that the upper and lower bounds match
• If insufficient information is provided the upper
or lower bound notations may be used
Calculating the run time of an algorithm

• Ex 1
• Int Num = 2
• Ex 2
• sum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
Calculating the run time of an algorithm

• Ex 3
sum = 0;
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
for (i=1; i<=j; i++)
for (k=0; k<n; k++)
A[k] = k;
Calculating the run time of an algorithm

• Ex 4
sum1 = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
sum2 = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
for (j=1; j<=i; j++)

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