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Name: Rose Pearl A.

Sulinay Subject Code: N14 – NCM 103C LEC

Section: BSN 1B Clinical Instructor: Brenda G. Caballero

A nursing diagnosis provides the basis for selection of nursing interventions to achieve
outcomes for which the nurse has accountability. To use the concept of nursing diagnosis
effectively in generating and completing a nursing care plan, the nurse must be familiar with
the definition of terms used and the components of nursing diagnoses.

Course Outcome: Apply critical thinking in the construction of the nursing process for the care
of the clients in health promotion, health wellness and illness.
Learning Outcome: Utilize critical thinking skills in the formulation of the nursing process


Domain 1. Health Promotion
1. The awareness of well-being or normality of function and the strategies used to maintain
control of and enhance that wellbeing or normality of function
Domain 2. Nutrition
2. The activities of taking in, assimilating, and using nutrients for the purpose of tissue
maintenance, tissue repair, and the production of energy
Domain 3. Elimination and Exchange
3. Secretion and excretion of waste products from the body
Domain 4. Activity/Rest
4. The production, conservation, expenditure, or balance of energy Resources
Domain 5. Perception/Cognition
5. The human information-processing system, including attention, orientation, sensation,
perception, cognition, and communication
Domain 6. Self-Perception
6. Awareness about the self
Domain 7. Role relationship
7. The positive and negative connections or associations between persons or groups of
persons and the means by which those connections are demonstrated
Domain 8. Sexuality
8. Sexual identity, sexual function, and reproduction
Domain 9. Coping/stress tolerance
9. Contending with life events/life processes
Domain 10. Life principles
10. Principles underlying conduct, thought, and behavior about acts, customs, or
institutions as being true or having intrinsic worth
Domain 11. Safety/Protection
11. Freedom from danger, physical injury, or immune-system damage, preservation from
loss, and protection of safety and security
Domain 12. Comfort
12. Sense of mental, physical, or social well-being or ease
Domain 13. Growth/Development
13. Age-appropriate increase in physical dimension, organ systems, and/or attainment of
developmental milestones
Activity 1. Determining Problems and Risks
1. Choose a domain which can be supported by 3 or more significant cues from your
answers in lesson 4, Activity 1 and 2.
2. Indicate the significant cues that support the domain.
3. Identify the specific Problem. Choose from the list of NANDA-APPROVED NURSING
DIAGNOSIS under the identified domain. You may need to refer to the Nursing pocket
guide. An example is provided for you.

Domain Significant cues Problem:

nursing diagnosis)
EXAMPLE:  Pamela verbalized, “since the divorce, 6 Imbalanced Nutrition:
Nutrition months ago, she has lost 24 lbs. because she Less than body
was depressed and she lost interest in food.” requirements
 56 kg (125lb); underweight with BMI=18.0
 Dry, scaly skin



Activity 2. Formulating Nursing Diagnosis

Instruction: Based on the Problem identified in Activity 1, do the following:
1. Formulate a nursing diagnostic statement using the PES (Problem-Etiology-Symptoms)
format. Do not forget to connect the statement with the following phrases: related to, as
evidenced by, & secondary to (as needed). Specify as necessary.
2. Write the definition of the identified nursing diagnosis (Problem). Refer to the Nurse’s
Pocket Guide.

Problem/diagnosis and Etiology Symptoms/defining

definition characteristics
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Related to insufficient As evidenced by
than body requirements interest in food verbalization of loss of
appetite due to colds.

Definition: Intake of
nutrients insufficient to meet
metabolic needs






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