WBS and Dictionary

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Wilmont’s Pharmacy Drone Project

Revision: 1
Date: 31/03/2021

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Dictionary

WBS Activity WBS Dictionary

1 Developing drone delivery for
Overall Project
Wilmont’s Pharmacy
1.1 Initiating
Prepare the Statement of Work, Project Cost Estimate,
1.1.1 Develop Scope and Plan
Schedule and other Baseline Documents.
Communication with Project Stakeholders including status
1.1.2 Engage Stakeholders
reports, discussions on scope and discussions on approvals.
1.1.3 Prepare contract and
Development of contract and payment plan
payment plan
1.2 Planning
Engineering and other activities to customize the structure
1.2.1 Drones customization including specifying the equipment and materials.
Preparation of related documents for approval.
IT to customize the drone´s systems and softwares/apps
interfaces including specifying the software changes
1.2.2 Systems customization
requested and resources needed. Preparation of related
documents for approval.
Flight operations to prepare a flight plan at the 4 targeted
1.2.3. Flight Operations planning regions in San Francisco, specifying resources needed.
Preparation of related documents for approval.
Preparation of a detailed cost estimate for the procurement
1.2.4 Cost Estimate
and customization of drones
Activities related to gaining approval of the budget internally
and the customization plan by the customer (Wilmont).
1.2.5 Approvals
Approval of contract and payment plan by both DroneTech
and Wilmont´s legal departments
1.3 Executing
1.3.1 Purchasing Purchasing of specified materials and equipment.
Execution of customization of 4 prototypes with specified
requirements (temperature‐controlled product bagging
1.3.2 Drones customization
system along with a bubble‐type cushioning system) and
painted in the Wilmont’s corporate colors and logo. The
drones should be ready for testing and approval.

Execution of customization of systems and interfaces

1.3.3 Systems customization according to specified requirements. Systems and interfaces
should be ready for testing and approval.

Customized drones and systems must be approved by

1.3.5 Approvals Wilmonts before pilot operations at the 4 pharmacies in San
1.4 Testing
1.4.1 Drones Drones testing execution and its approval by client.
1.4.2 Systems Systems testing execution and approval by client.
Flight Operations testing should be performed before the
1.4.3 Flight Operations pilot at the 4 pharmacies after drones and system´s
Training of pharmacies performed by Wilmont´s Change
1.4.4 Training of client
Management Team with the help of DroneTech
1.5 Pilot Operation
Flight operations and drone delivery at 4 pilot pharmacies in
1.5.1 Pilot deliveries
San Francisco. Follow up by all team.
1.5.2 Approvals Approvals of operations team and the client
1.6 Close out
Closing the project with the client´s approval, discuss further
1.6.1 Closing the project
expansion and creation of a committee of expanded project.
Finalize pending payments and audit the client´s payment
1.6.2 Finalize payments

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