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Page:  64

Snow, Hagan and Smith/receive review [document]/email 06/02/16 Bolz exchange.

conference with Mr. Smith. $350.00 0.60 $210.00 Participate in telephone conference with

06/16 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.40 $90.00 Receive and review email/exchange

16 Bolz Mr. Smith/review [document]. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 06/20/

file/contact Gary Smith - update file. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 06/23/

call to Garry Smith - update file. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 06/24/

to contact Garry Smith. $350.00 0.60 $210.00 07/06/16 Bolz Telephone

call from Garry Smith - update file. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 07/06/

conference with Garry Smith/ review Rules/review [documents] - initiate preparation of 07/

FAB (Garry Smith). $350.00 0.30 $105.00 07/20/16 Bolz Confer

20/16 Bolz Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 07/20/16 Mesa Review

Page:  65

confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.50 $175.00 Receive and review [documents]

conference with Garry Smith - revise and expand Foreclosure Complaint to add Count NOT
conference with Garry Smith/revise 07/26/16 Bolz Complaint. $350.00 0.40 $

26/16 Mesa Smith; review legal authorities. $225.00 0.80 $180.00 Finalize draft

27/16 Bolz Smith and Hagan. $350.00 1.40 $490.00 07/27/16

letter to Mr. Smith; review and comment on draft/proposed foreclosure complaint; review legal

email from Mr. Smith - 07/28/16 Bolz confer with co-counsel. $

call from Mr. Smith/confer with co- 07/28/16 Bolz counsel. $350.00

email from Mr. Smith; review legal authorities; review procedures in place in the AW

28/16 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50

Page:  66

confer with Garry Smith - set up 08/02/16 Bolz conference call. $

conference with Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.50 $112.50 Conduct conference call with co-

03/16 Bolz Smith. $350.00 0.90 $315.00 Participate in telephone conference with

03/16 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.70 $157.50 Receive, review and revise current

conferences with Messrs. Smith and 08/10/16 Bolz Hagan. $350.00 0.30 $

Page:  67

Bolz Hagan and Smith (with Sheyla Mesa). $350.00 1.00 $350.00 Review

Snow, Hagan and Smith; review and revise draft/proposed Verified Foreclosure Complaint, Notice of

Snow, Hagan and Smith. $225.00 3.40 $765.00 Receive and review series of

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Receive, review and analyze [

15/16 Bolz Smith/forward [document] to FAB. $350.00 1.80 $630.00

conference with Garry Smith/co- 08/16/16 Bolz counsel. $350.00 0.40 $

emails with Mr. Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 08/16/16 Bolz Telephone

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.50 $175.00 08/16/16 Bolz Receive

conference with Mr. Smith; review and comment on draft Verified Petition for Appointment of

Page:  68

FAB (Garry Smith) prepare pleadings for signatures/notarization and 08/17/16 Bolz

COPY to Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan - forward Summonses and initial pleadings to

Bolz contact Garry Smith and Brian Hagan. $350.00 0.50 $175.00 08/22/

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 08/23/16 Bolz Telephone

Bolz (Garry Smith). $350.00 0.30 $105.00 08/24/16 Bolz Confer

26/16 Bolz Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Review Notice of Appearance filed

06/16 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 Review Answer and Affirmative Defenses
Page:  69

email from Mr. Smith; email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 09/16/

Smith; email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 09/16/16 Mesa Telephone

Messrs. Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.50 $112.50 09/20/16 Mesa Review

16 Mesa and Smith. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 Confer with co-counsel/receive

16 Bolz Garry Smith. $350.00 1.60 $560.00 09/30/06 Mesa Meet

conference with Garry Smith - update 10/04/16 Bolz file. $350.00 0.30

Mesa to Mr. Smith. $225.00 5.00 $1,125.00 10/05/16 Bolz Confer

Page:  70

letter to Mr. Smith. $225.00 2.40 $540.00 Finalize and transmit letter to

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conference with Garry Smith (FAB). $350.00 0.30 $105.00 10/11/16

FAB (Garry Smith). $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Determine;review Affidavit of Laurence

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conference with Mr. Smith; telephone conference with Mr. Snow; review Order Denying Defendants'

conference with Garry Smith/confer 10/17/16 Bolz with co-counsel. $350.00

18/16 Bolz Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 10/18/16 Mesa Review

conference with Garry Smith - update 10/19/16 Bolz - exchange emails with

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Review and comment on proposed

Bolz with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.50 $175.00 Continue to outline testimony/cross-

Page:  73

call to Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Review and comment on proposed

confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Prepare for and attend witness

Messrs. Snow and Smith; participate in 10/27/16 Mesa telephone conference with Mr.

conference with Mr. Smith. $225.00 1.20 $270.00 Prepare for evidentiary hearing -

confer with Messrs. Smith and 10/28/16 Bolz Eggland. $350.00 3.00 $

Page:  74

Mesa with Mr. Smith; draft email to Mr. Trent re: same. $225.00 0.90

with Mr. Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 11/08/16 Bolz Receive

conference with Mr. Smith; review Mr. and Mrs. Schneiders' Motion for Extension of Time
16 Bolz Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Review Mr. and Mrs. Schneider's

15/16 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Receive, review, analyze Answer, Affirmative

Confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.50 $175.00 Review and analyze Mr. and

conference with Mr. Smith. $225.00 1.30 $292.50 Review documents/prepare Event Chronology

Page:  75

call from Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 11/18/16 Bolz Telephone

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 11/22/16 Mesa Review

conference with Garry Smith - update 11/23/16 Bolz file. $350.00 0.60

23/16 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.50 $112.50 Participate in telephone conference with

FAB (Messrs. Smith, 11/27/16 Bolz Snow and Hagan). $350.00 2.30

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Continue to review legal authorities;

Snow, Hagan and Smith. $225.00 0.60 $135.00 Confer with co-counsel/finalize

29/16 Bolz Smith). $350.00 0.10 $35.00

Page:  76

conference with Garry Smith/attempt 11/30/16 Bolz to contact Attorney Snow. $

06/16 Mesa Smith and Attorney Berton. $225.00 0.60 $135.00 12/06/

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call from Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 12/09/16 Bolz Telephone

Bolz Berton/Garry Smith/Brian Hagan. $350.00 0.60 $210.00 12/12/16

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Revise and expand Motion to

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email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 12/15/16 Mesa Review

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 12/16/16 Bolz Exchange

to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Draft Notice of

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Emails Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 12/28/16

call to Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 12/29/16 Bolz Review

Page:  80

17 Bolz Garry Smith. $350.00 0.70 $245.00 01/03/17 Bolz Review

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Receive and review emails (

FAB (Garry Smith). $350.00 0.30 $105.00 01/06/17 Mesa Confer

Page:  81

17 Mesa Snow, Smith and Hagan. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 01/12/17

email from Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 Review and approve finalized 01/

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Draft Notice of Service of

and review Garry Smith's email/review 01/13/17 Bolz file. $350.00 0.30

confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Review, revise and file Request

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 01/13/17 Mesa Confer

FAB (Garry Smith)/prepare for residence 01/16/17 Bolz inspection/update file.

Page:  82

conferences with Garry Smith/Fred 01/18/17 Bolz Snow - initiate efforts on

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Participate in telephone conference with

18/17 Mesa Smith; review email from Mr. Snow. $225.00 0.40 $90.00

FAB (Garry Smith 01/19/17 Bolz and Fred Snow). $350.00 1.70

documents]; review Mr. Smith's email. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 01/23/17 Mesa

Page:  83

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Confer with Tom Wells/receive

conference with Garry Smith - 01/26/17 Bolz prepare status email to FAB.

17 Mesa Snow, Smith and Hagan. $225.00 0.30 $67.50

Page:  84

08/17 Bolz Smith/review file/confer with Mr. Smith. $350.00 0.70 $

confer with Mr. Smith. $350.00 0.70 $245.00 Revise and expand Renewed Motion

and respond to Smith's email. $350.00 0.10 $35.00 02/09/17 Mesa

email to Mr. Smith; review and comment on the Bank's Renewed Verified Petition for

FAB (Garry Smith) 02/10/17 Bolz and Attorney Mesa. $350.00 0.40

10/17 Bolz Smith. $350.00 0.60 $210.00 Participate in telephone conference with

10/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.40 $90.00 Review draft Renewed Verified Petition

(Messrs. Snow, Smith and 02/13/17 Bolz Hagan). $350.00 0.30 $

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00

Page:  85

document] to Garry Smith/confer with COPY CERTIFIED A NOT 02/14/17 Bolz

17 Bolz Mr. Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Receive FAB's verification/countersign and
email from Mr. Smith; confer with co- 02/14/17 Mesa counsel. $225.00

14/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 02/14/17 Mesa Review

Messrs. Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Participate in telephone conference with

14/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 02/15/17 Bolz Review

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Prepare requested response (for

17/17 Bolz Smith/confer with co-counsel. $350.00 1.10 $385.00 02/

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.10 $35.00

Page:  86

conference with Garry Smith/confer with co-counsel/contact opposing counsel re: 02/23/

23/17 Mesa Smith. $350.00 0.10 $22.50 Draft Notice of Filing Affidavit

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 02/27/17 Bolz Receive

conference with Garry Smith/finalize 03/01/17 Bolz and file Motion to Compel.

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01/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Finalize First American's Motion to

Mesa email Mr. Smith; review email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.70 $157.50

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.70 $157.50 Confer with opposing counsel re:

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Receive and review email/documents

Bolz (Garry Smith). $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Review the Schneiders' Third Motion

07/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.40 $90.00 Review Attorney Trent's request for

call from Garry Smith (conference 03/08/17 Bolz call with Attorney Mesa).

email from Mr. Smith; review email from 03/08/17 Mesa Mr. Smith. $

17 Mesa Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Continue to review legal authorities;

08/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.60 $135.00

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conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 03/10/17 Mesa Review

Bolz (Garry Smith). $350.00 1.50 $525.00 03/13/17 Bolz Review

13/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.40 $90.00 Draft Background Section, FDUTPA Does

conference with Garry Smith- prepare 03/14/17 Bolz email/Motion to Compel. $

Page:  89

FAB (Garry Smith - Carlos 03/15/17 Bolz Molestina). $350.00 1.10

15/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Participate in telephone conference with
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Email Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan. $225.00 0.40 $90.00 Finalize and send

20/17 Mesa Smith and Snow. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 03/21/17

FAB (Garry Smith) - 03/21/17 Bolz confer with FAB. $350.00

21/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Participate in telephone conference with

21/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 03/21/17 Mesa Review

emails from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review [document]/contact FAS/

confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00

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Fred Snow/Garry Smith)/prepare for hearing on Motion for Re- 03/22/17

22/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Participate in telephone conference with

22/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 Review Motion to Withdraw and

22/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 03/23/17 Bolz Prepare

confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 Attend hearing on the Bank's

Affidavit of Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.50 $112.50 03/23/17 Mesa Email

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Review email from Mr. Trent

of Filing Mr. Smith Affidavit and 03/23/17 Mesa electronically file same. $

conference with Garry Smith 03/24/17 Bolz (FAB)/prepare email to FAB.

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24/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 03/24/17 Mesa Draft

email to Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan,. $225.00 0.60 $135.00 Review file/

conference with Garry Smith and Dan 03/27/17 Bolz Eggland. $350.00 0.50

Email Messrs. Snow, Smith, Hagan and 03/27/17 Mesa Eggland. $225.00 0.20

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 Travel to West Palm Beach/

conference with Garry Smith/telephone calls from Attorney Snow - John 03/28/17

Page:  93

confer with Garry Smith - [email] FAB. $350.00 1.00 $350.00 04/

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 04/04/17 Bolz Confer

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review Defendants' Response to Plaintiff's

FAB (Garry Smith) $350.00 0.60 $210.00 04/05/17 Bolz Prepare

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00

Page:  94
Esq. - Garry Smith). $350.00 0.50 $175.00 Review Defendant's Notice of Voluntary

05/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 04/05/17 Mesa Review

05/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 04/06/17 Bolz Telephone

conference with Garry Smith/Attorney 04/06/17 Bolz James Berton. $350.00 0.40

06/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Prepare for hearing/confer with

confer with Garry Smith/obtain information/finalize proposed 04/07/17 Bolz orders/[email]

conferences with Garry Smith and 04/07/17 Bolz Attorney Fred Snow. $350.00

confer with Garry Smith - return to Miami. $350.00 4.30 $1,505.00

Page:  95

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 04/07/17 Mesa Determine.

07/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review Notice of Voluntary Dismissal

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review and update file -

confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 1.80 $630.00 04/10/17 Bolz Outline

10/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 04/10/17 Mesa Review

call to Garry Smith/prepare email to 04/11/17 Bolz Attorney Fred Snow.

Mesa Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 04/12/17 Bolz Arrange

call with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.80 $280.00 04/12/17 Mesa Confer

12/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.70 $157.50 04/12/17 Mesa Review

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review file/review case law/

Bolz Snow and Smith). $350.00 1.20 $420.00 Outline "talking points" for

Page:  96

Mesa Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.60 $135.00 04/13/17 Mesa Confer

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 Review [documents] and continue

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confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.90 $315.00 04/24/17 Bolz Confer

Mesa Email Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 04/25/

conference with Garry Smith/Sheyla 04/26/17 Bolz Mesa. $350.00 0.30 $

Page:  98

26/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 Telephone conference with Ms. Capote

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Draft the Affidavit of Mr.

Affidavit of Mr. Smith in support of the 04/26/17 Mesa Bank's Motion

27/17 Bolz Smith. $350.00 0.50 $175.00 04/27/17 Mesa Continue

to draft Mr. Smith's Affidavit. $225.00 1.80 $405.00 Review email from Ms.

27/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Confer with co-counsel/review

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 04/28/17 Mesa Determine.

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review Mr. Trent's proposed Order

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 Prepare email (with Bates-

Page:  99

to Messrs. Snow, Smith and 05/02/17 Mesa Hagan. $225.00 0.50 $

to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan. $225.00 0.40 $90.00 Revise Report Letter

to Messrs. Snow, Smith 05/02/17 Mesa and Hagan. $225.00 1.80 $

to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan; email Report letter to Messrs. Snow, 05/02/

02/17 Mesa Smith and Hagan. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 Review, revise and

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Confer with co-counsel/review

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 05/09/17 Mesa Review

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 05/10/17 Bolz Prepare

Page:  100

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Telephone call from Garry Smith/

call from Garry Smith/phone call to 05/15/17 Bolz Laurence Schneider re:

call with Garry Smith/Sheyla Mesa. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 Receive and review

15/17 Bolz Smith/receive call from FAB (Garry Smith). $350.00 1.80

FAB (Garry Smith). $350.00 1.80 $630.00 Participate in telephone conference with

15/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Participate in telephone conference with

15/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 Review email from Mr. Schneider

15/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Receive and review Notice of

call from Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 Review Order Setting Residential Foreclosure

Email Messrs. Snow, Smith, Hagan and Berton. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Participate in

16/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.40 $90.00 Review and comment on draft

conference with Garry Smith/Fred 05/17/17 Bolz Snow, Esq. $350.00 1.10

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 05/17/17 Mesa Review

Mesa Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.40 $90.00

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Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 05/18/17 Mesa Identify.
call with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.60 $210.00 05/19/17 Bolz Confer

19/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.60 $135.00 05/19/17 Mesa Revise

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 05/19/17 Mesa Confer

and with Garry Smith - forward [document] to 05/22/17 Bolz FAB

FAB (Garry Smith). $350.00 0.90 $315.00 Revise the Bank's Motion for

Mesa Revise Mr. Smith's Affidavit of Indebtedness. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 05/22/

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22/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 05/22/17 Mesa Email

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 05/22/17 Mesa Confer

conference with Garry Smith/confer 05/23/17 Bolz with co-counsel. $350.00

FAB (Garry Smith). $350.00 0.60 $210.00 Finalize and file Motions/obtain

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 05/23/17 Mesa Review

23/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.50 $112.50 05/23/17 Mesa Revise

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review and comment on draft

Mesa Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 05/23/17 Mesa Revise

Affidavit of Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 05/23/17 Mesa Review

Mesa Email Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 05/23/

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 05/23/17 Mesa Review

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Participate in telephone conference with

23/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 05/23/17 Mesa Confer

Confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Exchange telephone messages/emails with

17 Bolz Garry Smith/Fred Snow. $350.00 0.50 $175.00 05/24/17

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Receive and review a series

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Bolz (Garry Smith). $350.00 0.70 $245.00 05/24/17 Mesa Revise

24/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 Review Ms. Schneider's Motion to

24/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.60 $135.00 05/24/17 Mesa Review

Mesa Email Messrs. Smith and Snow. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Participate in telephone

24/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Review and comment on draft

Mesa Email Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 05/25/

email to Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 05/25/17 Bolz Review

Attorney Snow/Garry Smith. $350.00 0.80 $280.00 05/25/17 Bolz Review

Mesa Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.40 $90.00 Revise Mr. Smith's Affidavit and

90.00 Revise Mr. Smith's Affidavit and draft 05/25/17 Mesa Certification language. $

exhibits to Mr. Smith's 05/25/17 Mesa Affidavit. $225.00 0.50 $112.50

conference with Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Draft Certifications for the Exhibits

17 Mesa Mr. Smith's Affidavit. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 05/25/17 Mesa

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Redact account number from each

attached to Mr. Smith's Affidavit. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 05/25/17 Mesa

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00

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Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Redact account number from each

25/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Finalize the Motion for Summary

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Receive and review emails from

26/17 Bolz Smith/prepare responsive email. $350.00 1.10 $385.00 Prepare correspondence

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 Review email from Mr. Schneider

26/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review email from Mr. Schneider

Email Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Confer with FAB

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confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 05/31/17 Bolz Obtain

Fred Snow/Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Review email from Mr. Schneider

31/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 06/01/17 Bolz Telephone

call to Garry Smith. $350.00 0.60 $210.00 06/02/17 Mesa Review

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Bolz (Garry Smith/Fred Snow) - determine response. $350.00 1.60 $560.00

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.40 $90.00 06/09/17 Mesa Review

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review Defendant's Notice of Removal

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 06/09/17 Mesa Confer

17 Mesa Garry Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 06/09/17 Mesa Review

Attorney Snow/Garry Smith. $350.00 0.50 $175.00 Telephone calls to Laurence and

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email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review email from Mr. Schneider

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Electronically file the Bank's Motion

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 06/22/17 Bolz Prepare
Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review Defendants' Response to the

22/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Receive U.S. District Court's

FAB (Garry Smith). $350.00 0.20 $70.00

Page:  109

conference with Garry Smith/forward 07/03/17 Bolz [documents] to FAB. $

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 07/03/17 Mesa Review

Bolz and Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 07/05/17 Bolz Telephone

FAB (Garry Smith). $350.00 1.20 $420.00 07/05/17 Mesa Confer

05/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.50 $112.50 07/06/17 Bolz Confer

call to Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 07/07/17 Bolz Prepare

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 07/10/17 Mesa Review

Page:  110

Bolz and Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 07/13/17 Mesa Review

Page:  111

Bolz Snow/Garry Smith. $350.00 0.60 $210.00 07/18/17 Bolz Review

(2) Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 Finalize and file Response in

18/17 Bolz Smith/Carlos Molestina. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Receive, review and

emails with Garry Smith (FAB). $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Prepare follow-up

Page:  112

Bolz to Garry Smith's email - confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $

confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 07/24/17 Bolz Review

conference with Garry Smith/receive email from Laurence Schneider - confer with cocounsel -

conference-in Garry Smith. $350.00 0.50 $175.00 Exchange emails with Mr. Schneider/

28/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 07/28/17 Mesa Confer

Mesa Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Receive and review instructions from

31/17 Bolz Smith/update file. $350.00 0.40 $140.00

Page:  113

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.60 $210.00 07/31/17 Mesa Register.

email from Mr. Smith; review and 07/31/17 Mesa analyze [document]. $

07/17 Bolz Smith. $350.00 1.50 $525.00 08/07/17 Mesa Confer

Page:  114
08/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.50 $112.50 Review Order on Defendant's Motion

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review Rules/case law/case

16/17 Bolz Smith). $350.00 1.60 $560.00 08/16/17 Bolz Initiate

16/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 08/16/17 Mesa Revise

Page:  115

Bolz Snow/Garry Smith/update file. $350.00 0.50 $175.00 08/17/17

conference with Garry Smith (FAB). $350.00 0.30 $105.00 Revise draft Response

18/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 08/19/17 Bolz Revise

Page:  116

conference with Garry Smith/emails 08/22/17 Bolz to FAB. $350.00 0.80

22/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 08/22/17 Mesa Determine.

Page:  117

23/17 Mesa Smith (FAB). $225.00 0.20 $45.00 08/23/17

Page:  118

conference with Garry Smith/finalize 08/28/17 Bolz and sign letter to Circuit

FAB (Garry Smith). $350.00 0.20 $70.00 08/29/17 Bolz Telephone

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Prepare for Friday's evidentiary hearing/

FAB (Garry Smith and Fred 08/30/17 Bolz Snow). $350.00 0.40

Page:  119

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 09/05/17 Keller Consult

Bolz Snow/Garry Smith). $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Receive, review the Schneiders' Emergency

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.10 $35.00 Telephone conference with the Palm

06/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 09/06/17 Mesa Email

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50

Page:  120

conference with Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Telephone conference with the Palm

conference with Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Telephone conference with Garry Smith

conference with Garry Smith - update 09/14/17 Bolz file. $350.00 0.30

conference with Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Receive, review Mr. Schneider's "

conference with Garry Smith/Carlos 09/18/17 Bolz Molestina. $350.00 0.50 $

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Receive further advices from Circuit

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 09/21/17 Mesa Confer

Page:  121

22/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review Order on Defendants' Emergency

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.10 $35.00 09/27/17 Bolz Obtain

Page:  122

17 Bolz and Smith. $350.00 1.00 $350.00 09/28/17 Mesa Confer

email to Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Participate in telephone conferences with

17 Mesa Messrs. Smith and Snow. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 09/28/17

Messrs. Snow and Smith. $350.00 1.10 $385.00 Confer with co-counsel/contact

Mesa Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 Participate in telephone conference with

29/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Telephone conference with Ms. Capote

Page:  123

29/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 09/29/17 Mesa Email

Messrs. Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 09/29/17 Mesa Confer

02/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.40 $90.00 Calendar deadline to publish notice

Messrs. Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Calendar deadline for Mr. Schneider

02/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 10/03/17 Bolz Determine/

Page:  124

Messrs. Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Receive and review email from

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 10/11/17 Keller Direct

Page:  125

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review email from Mr. Schneider

conference with Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 10/23/17 Mesa Review

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review [document]; calendar deadline

conference with Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider

Page:  126

02/17 Keller Smith; review legal authorities. $350.00 1.30 $455.00 Review Defendants',

Messrs. Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 11/02/17 Mesa Review

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 11/02/17 Mesa Email

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Participate in telephone conference with
02/17 Mesa Smith and Snow. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Review file and

Page:  127

06/17 Bolz Smith/Attorney Fred Snow. $350.00 1.80 $630.00 11/06/

Page:  128

17 Mesa Messrs. Smith and Snow. $225.00 0.00 $0.00 Review Defendants' Memorandum

07/17 Bolz Smith/Fred Snow). $350.00 2.20 $770.00 Receive, review and

Mesa Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.60 $135.00 11/07/17 Mesa Review

07/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 11/07/17 Mesa Review

Messrs. Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Prepare for hearing/travel to

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50

Page:  129

confer with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.40 $140.00 Telephone conference with the Clerk's

16/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Telephone conference with the Palm

conference with Garry Smith/Attorney 11/20/17 Bolz Gesten. $350.00 0.50 $

Page:  130

20/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Review email from Mr. Smith;

email from Mr. Smith; review and 11/20/17 Mesa analyze [document]. $

Page:  131

email from Gary Smith; 06/15/17 Bolz review allegations of ComplainUExhibits. $350.00

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Participate in conference call with

FAB (Garry Smith) and co-counsel (Attorney Sheyla 06/15/17 Bolz

email from Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review and analyze Complaint filed

15/17 Mesa Smith. $225.00 0.50 $112.50 06/16/17 Bolz Review

Bolz Esq./Garry Smith. $350.00 0.50 $175.00 06/20/17 Mesa Review

17 Mesa Messrs. Smith and Snow. $225.00 0.80 $180.00 Review and analyze

- contract Garry Smith. $350.00 0.60 $210.00 06/21/17 Bolz Receive

FAB (Garry Smith). $350.00 0.30 $105.00 06/21/17 Bolz Confer

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 Exhibit "L"

Page:  132

Fred Snow/Garry Smith. $350.00 0.50 $175.00 07/05/17 Bolz Prepare

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Review email from Mr. Tantillo
Messrs. Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.50 $112.50 Review Order of Transfer, Order

conference with Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.20 $45.00 Receive and review Trial Order/

Page:  133

conference with Garry Smith/finalize and forward revised Discovery NOT A CERTIFIED COPY 07/

Page:  134

call to Garry Smith - forward 08/07/17 Bolz [document] to FAB.

Messrs. Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 08/15/17 Bolz Confer

Page:  136

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.30 $105.00 09/05/17 Mesa Continue

Page:  137

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 Review Order Granting Motion for

conferences with Garry Smith/Fred 09/21/17 Bolz Snow. $350.00 0.40 $

Page:  139

FAB (Garry Smith/Attorney Fred Snow). $350.00 0.60 $210.00 09/27/

call from Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Review and revise First American's

Messrs. Snow and Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50

Page:  140

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 12/06/17 Mesa Telephone

conference with Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 $22.50 12/08/17 Mesa Review

Page:  141

22/17 Bolz Smith). $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Review and update file -

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Telephone call from FAB's General

Page:  142

conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00 Review Order Granting Defendant's Motion

Mesa Email Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.30 $67.50 Total: 194.30 $52,992.50

Page:  143

· an and Smith/receive and review email exchange. 6/3/2016 HHB .

emails with Mr. Smith/review Exhibit "M" . Hours. Amount 1.30 455.00 0.80'

Page:  145
with Gar .Smith/review- Rules/review ·- initiate preparation of Foreclosure ComplainJ.

Page:  146

to FAB (GarrySmith) re: HHB HHS ·obtain .; revise Complaint. HHB -

information from Garry Smith re:- SM Review legal authorities re: ·,. PAR PAR

confer with Garry Smith re: HHB HHB Prepare/draft letter to FAS - ·

Page:  147

With Messrs. Snow. Smith and Ha an HHB Execute and send to FAB. HHB

letter to Mr. Smith re: -;re view and .·comment on draft/

Page:  148

~m Mr. Smith re: ----/confer with co.:.counsel., HHB Contjn'ue analysis of-

Page:  150

confer with Garry Smith - set up conference call- HHB Review draft/proposed pleadings/

conference with Mr. Smith re: ' ' 8/3/2016 HHB Conduct conference call

counsel arid Mr. Smith-- SM Participate in telephone conference with Mr, :smith re:

with Mr, :smith re: 8/4/2016 · HHB · Receive, review and

Page:  151

conferences with Messrs.-Smith and ~agan. HHS Conferwith co-counsel re: -/review-

Snow, Hagan and Smith (with . . . Sheyla Mesa). HHB RReevcieeiwve·

Page:  152

Snow, Hagan and Smith re: ;.review and revise the draft/proposed Verified Foreclosure

Snow, Hagan and Smith re: · - Receive and review series of emails/review

email from Mr. Smith PReceimve, revielw land! an!al~te -s Title/confer

conference witli Garry Smith/co-counsel re: Exchange emails with Mr, Smith re: Page

emails with Mr, Smith re: Page .Hours Amount 0.40 140.00· 3.40. 765.00

Page:  153

(Garry _Smith) - prepare pleadings forsig'natures/riotarizatiori arid filing,. Prepare email to

email to Messrs. Smith, .Snow a_rid Hagan -fo_P«ard

to contac~ Garry Smith and Brian· Hagan. HHS -e conference with Garry

conference with Garry Smith re: 8/23/2016 HHB Telephone conference with Fred Snow,

Page:  154
Messrs. Hagan and Smith re:- For professioharservices r$n~ered EXPENSES: Filing Fee LexisNexis

Page:  156

email from Mr, Smith 9/8/2016 SM 9/12/2016' SM 9/15/

email from Mr. Smith re: Telephone conference with Mr. Snow re: Telephone conference with

Messrs~ ·snow andSmith re: . . Review and revise Notice of Hearing: Review

Messrs. Snow arid. Smith re;- 0.20: 0.10. 0.20: 0.10 0:?9, 0.50 0:10,

Page:  157

confer with Garry Smith. SM Meet.with Mr: Bolz re: For p~ofessional services

Page:  158

fererice wlth Garry. Smith re: - update file; HHB . Tele hone call from

Page:  159

letter to Mr. Smith re: Finalize and transmit letter to Palm Beach County Circuit

Page:  160

conference with Garry Smith (FAB) re: HHB Confer.With co-counsel re: SM

Page:  161

conferences with Mr. Smith- re:1111; telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:-; review Order

Page:  162

conference.with Garry Smith/confer wit_h ·co-counsel COPY re: HHB SM

wit_h. Garry Smith re: - - update - exchange emails with FAB re:

Page:  164

cmfer with Messrs. Smith and Eggland. · HHS Travel. to West Palm.Beach (

Page:  165

conference with Garry.Smith re: HHB Receive and review case law re: ·SM

conference with Mr. Smith re: !!l!P.I' review Mr. an rs. Schneiders

Page:  166

daysJSFAB7confer with Garry Smith re: Review. fy1r. and Mrs. S_chneid_er's Motion for

conference with Mr. Smith re: - 11/17/2016' HHB Receive, revfew, analyzelllllllllllll Answer,

Page:  168
~h Garry Smith re: -----update.file. HHB Telephone conference with Fred S_

FAB (Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan) .. 11/28/2016 HHB HHB Revise

conference With Garry.Smith re: SM .SM SM Review and comment on draft

Snow, Hagan and Smith re: Page 4. .Hours Amount o.80: 280.00 1.00.

Page:  169

FAB (Garry Smith) re: - HHB Review additional . co-counsel COPY .

conference with Garry Smith/attempt to contact Attorney Snow. . . · HHB Confenvith

Page:  171

conferences with Mr. Smith and Attorne Berton re: 4.10 0.70 245.00 0.30 105.00 :

Page:  173

from G~rry Smith_ re: Tele hone conference with Fred Snow re: ··

Page:  174

Jiin Berton/Garry Smith/Brian Hagan. - · HHB Review case-law and statutes.

V{ith Garry Smith. HHS Revise and expar:id Motion to.Dismiss Counterclaim; SM

Page:  177

Email Messrs.- Snow, Smith and Ha an 12/28/2016 HHB -Confer.with

call to Garry Smith 12/29/2016 MHB Review file/contact Attorney Fred Snow

Page:  180

FAB (Garry Smith) re: .confer with co-counsel re: . . .

Page:  181

to Messrs; Snow, Smith and Hagan re: - . . . . . Receive

from ~arry Smith re: Review and approve finalized di~c_overy/e~change

email from Mr. Smith re: Draft Notice of Ser.:-ice of l_nterr~gatori~

and review Garry Smith's email re: reyiew file. /confer with Garry Smith·

confer with Garry Smith·re:- HHB Review; revise and file. e. u.est.

Page:  182

FAB (Garry Smith)/1;>repare or res1 ence inspection/update file. · 1/

Page:  183

conference with Mr. Smith re:/review email from Mr. Snow NOT A CERTIFIED
Page:  184

revi_eW Mr. Smith's email re: - SM SM Participate in telephone conference with

conference with Garry Smith re: HHS .•••• tt_hTom Wells/receive calrtrom Joh_n

Page:  185

conference with Garry Smith status email to FAS. - prepare Page 7· .

Page:  186

to Messrs. Snow; Smith and Hagan re: · · · · · · ·

Page:  188

email from Gar Smith re: - HHB Revise a_nd expa_nd Re_n_

and respond to Smith's email.. ·SM SM Hours. Amount 0.10 22,50 0.70 '

Page:  189

confer with_ Garry.Smith re: SM. '• 'SM Revi~w c:iraft R~

Page:  190

th Mr, :smith re:- _ perty Owners Association recording a .Claim of

Page:  191

toFAB/conferwith Mr. Smith/confer with co,;,counseL ,. 2/20/2017 HHB Rec~

ce With Garry Smith re: - HHB Telephone conference With Carlos Molestina 2/22/

Page:  192

conference with Garry Smith/conferwith co-counsel/COPY contact opposing.counsel re: status of

email Mr .. Smith re:- . PAR Draft Notice of CERTIFIED Filing Affidavit of

Page:  194

conference with Garry.Smith/finalize and file Motion to CompeL HHB . SM Review

Page:  196

email from Mr. Smith re: review email from Mr. Smith re: SM Continue to

email from Mr. Smith re: SM Continue to review legal authodties re: ; review

rence with Garry Smith re: .Hours 0.30' ,0.60: 0;20: 1.00 0.60 .

Page:  197

FAB (Garry Smith) re; HHB Review cause of action pro_b_l_en1_.

Page:  198
conference with Mr. Smith re:- Draft Background Section; FDUTPA Does Not Apply to Banks_

Page:  199

(Ga_rry Smith :.·caries fy1Ql~stina). . SM Revise the Bank's

Page:  201

draft'eniail to Messrs; Smith and Snow re: NOT A CERTIFIED COPY 3/21/2017

onferen~ewith Mr. Smith re:- SM Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

conference with Mr. Smith re: SM Review emails from ML Smith re · 3.

emails from ML Smith re · 3. /22/2017 HHS - ' .

Fred Snow/Garry Smith)/prepare for hearing on Motion for Re-liispectiori. · ·

ference with Mr. Smith re: - conference with Mr. Smith re: Page 8 .

conference with Mr. Smith re: Page 8 .Hours Amount 0.10: 22.50 105.00 :

Page:  202

•·· Smith re:- COPY ' - CERTIFIED A NOT 3/23/2017

with G~rry Smith. . . . . SM A~end h~aring.on

Affidavit of Mr. Smith re: - SM 'SM Reviey., email from Mr. Tr~

of Filing Mr.-Smith's Affidavit and electronically file same .. SM Review Mr. .

Page:  203

conference with Mr.:Smith re~ A NOT SM Draft emaii to Messrs. Smith, Snow

emaii to Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan re: - . 3/27/2017 ·

Page:  204

witli G~rry Smith re: HHB Travel to West Palm Beach/prepare Dan,Eggland

Page:  208

FAB (Garry Smith)■ HHB · Prepare for Friday's hearing, HHB Prepare and

Esq:- .Garry Smith), SM Review Defendant's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal; ·SM .

conference with Mr. Smith re:- :Page .Hours ·

Page:  209

coriferencewith Mr. :smith re: 4/7/2017 HHS Smith/9btain informatiorllll /finalize

7/2017 HHS Smith/9btain informatiorllll /finalize propo~ed Oraers. HHB Receive and

conferences with Gar Smith and Atlorne Fred.Snow re: HHB Travel to West Palm

Page:  210
conference with Garry.Smith re: Review Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of Counts 1, 2

email from Mr. Smith re: ~eview and updat_e file - p~epare

Page:  211

Messrs. Snow and Smith re: 4/12/2017 HHS HHS HHS Pr~pare for

Page:  215

Email Messrs:·Smith,-Snowand Haga SM Review legal authorities re: 4/26i2017 HH~

Page:  216

SM Email Mr. Smith SM Draft the Affidavit of Mr. Smith in support of.

Affidavit of Mr. Smith in support of.the Bank's Motion for SM a.. authorities

Page:  217

to draft Mr. Smith's Affidavit. . . . Revie'N email from Ms.· Capote

t_h Mr~ Smith_ re: - Conferwit_h co-counsei/revie~ -/pre·

review Email Mr. Smith -Determine Draft Notice of Filing the April 7, 2017

Page:  219

conference with Garry Smith re: HHB Prepare.e~tes-stamped documertts) to Lau_rerice

M~ssrs._ Snow, Smith arid Hagan re:: Confer.with co.,.counsel re: to

to Messrs. Snow, Smith an . Hours. Amount 3.70 1;295.00 0.30" 105.00 0.60'

Page:  220

to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan re:- . Finalize Report Letter to Messrs. Snow;

to Messrs. Snow; Smith and Hagan re:- -; eniail Report Letter fo Messrs. Snow,

Messrs. Snow, _Smith and Hagan; Review; revise arid finalize· eniail to Laurence

Page:  221

call from Garry Smith re: /phone call to Laurence.Schneider re: property.inspection.

call with Garry Smith/Sheyla-Mesa re: HHS Receive and review Schneider email with

· .... -Smith· SM hone conference with Mr. Smith re:- SM ·

conference with Mr. Smith re:- SM ·Partici ate in tele hone conference with

conference with Mr. Smith re:-. SM Review email from Mr. Schneider re: status of

Page:  222

·th Mr. Smith re: NOT A CERTIFIED COPY 5/16/2017 HHB HHB
from.• _Garry Smith re: . - . - .. - SM SM .

SM Email Messrs. Smith, Snow, Hagan and Befto_n_ r~: t- SM . .

cewith Mr. :smith re: SM ·Review and comment on draft email to

17/2017 HHB Smith/Fred Snow, Es . -~ HHB Outiine deposition testimony for

Page:  224

call with Garry Smith re: Confer with co-counsel re . -sheet re:

and with Garry Smith - forward -fo FAB (Garry Smith}: .. -

FAB (Garry Smith}: .. - . Revise the Bank's Motion for Sunimary·

Page:  225

SM. Revise Mr: Smith's Affidavit of Indebtedness. . ' SM. Review legal au~orities

23/2017 HHB Smith-- /confer wit co-counse re: HHB .Conference call

FAB {Garry Smith) HHB Finalize and file pre7trial Moticins/obtain information on hearing

Page:  226

I from Mr. Smith re: SM, COPY ;SM SM Confer.with co-counsel

conference with Mr._.Smith_ re: SM Revise draft Motion CERTIFIED for Specially-SetTri_al

email from Mr. Smith re: SM, SM. - Reviewand comment on draft email to

Affidavit of Mr. Smith . . . . SM ~~vi_eyi A file

SM Email Messrs;Smith,-Snow and Haga SM, Email Mr. Smith re: SM Review

SM, Email Mr. Smith re: SM Review email from Mr~ Smith re: SM .

email from Mr~ Smith re: SM .a.elephone conference with Mr. Smith re-

conference with Mr. Smith re- SM Confer .with. co-counsel re: . -

Page:  227

Confer.With Garry.Smith re: HHB Exchange telephone messages/emails With Laurence Schneider re:

Pa~.with Garry Smith/Fred Snow. HHB c_cmfere_nc¢ wlth Garry S_mi_

FAB (Garry Smith). - - SM Revise Plaintiffs Exhibit List - ' SM

SM Email Messrs: Smith and Snow - .Page 9 .Hours Amount 0.30.

Page:  228

email to Garry Smith. HHB Review HHB HHB -Review HHB -obtain- -

SM Revise Mr. Smith's Affidavit and draft Certification language. SM. Gath_er and orga.

Page:  229

conference with Mr. Smith re: Draft Certifications for. the Exhibits attached to Mr. Smith's
attached to Mr. Smith's Affidavit. Review email from Mr: Smith -- .SM. Redact

email from Mr: Smith -- .SM. Redact account number from each exhibit attached. Mr. Smith's . - . . - Affidavit. SM - Review emall

SM Email Mr. Smith ·5i26/2017· HHS Receive ai,_d reviev-( em_

Page:  230

conference with Garry Smith. SM. SM. COPY SM SM SM CERTIFIED A NOT Review

Page:  231

Receive advices with GarrySmith. HHB Obtain advice - - advise Fred ,Snow/ Garry

,Snow/ Garry Smith. COPY CERTIFIED A NOT confer· Review email from Mr.

Page:  234

FAS (Garry Smith/Fred Snow).: determine response SM. COPY · SM Revi_ew

email from Mr. Smith re: SM Review Defendant;s Notice of Removal and state

legal Email Mr; Smith - . - ..... CERTIFIED authorities re: . SM Confer.

Page:  235

Attorney Snow/Garry Smith re: HHB Telephone calls to.Laurence and Stephanie Schneider-leave

Page:  236

from Mr .. Smith re: Review email from_ Mr. Sc~_ne_id~r re:

-with Garry Smith re: Receive and review S_chneider's mailed Response to Order

Page:  237

SM Email Mr. Smith - SM Review Defen~ants' ·Respqnse to the Order

with Mr .. Smith.COPY r~:- CERTIFIED A NOT 6/23/2017 HHB Receive

Page:  241

~ conference with GarrySmith/forward to FAB. HHB - 7/5/2017 HHB HHB

1.20. (Garry Smith} SM Confer with cc,..:counsel re: ·0.20 SM ·

rence with Mr. Smith re:.· 0.50 7/6/2017 HHB Confer with co-

Page:  243

conferences with Attome Smith re: Page .Hours Amount 0.30. 105.00 0.50. 175.00 o.

Page:  245

with Garry _Smith/Carlos Molestina. · HHS Receive, review CERTIFIED and respond to
.Gar~·Smith (FAS). 7/20/2017 HHS Prepare follow-up email

Page:  246

conference witti Garry Smith/receive email from Laurence. Schneider - cp_n_fer -...

confererice-in Garry Smith/Molestina HHB Exchange emails with Mr. Schneider/keep FAB advised

Page:  247

conference with Mr. Smith re: ~ Confer with co.,.counsel re: ~ Review and

Page:  248

Receive and review Smith/update_.file, HHB SM Register instructions from. Garry· ·

email from Mr. Smith re: analyze For professionai services rende_red EXPENSES: Clerk of

Page:  251

~ith Garry Smith. -JWK COPY 'SM _C~nferwith (?o-

Page:  252

conference with Mr. Smith re: . SM Review Order on Defendant;s Motion for

Page:  254

conference with Mr. Smith re:- . SM. Revise Chronology of Events re:- SM 8/

Page:  255

and review case Smith (FAB) re: Revise draft Response in Opposition to Emergency

Page:  256

conference With Garry Smith to FAS. emails HHS Receive and review email from Laurence

elephone_conferencewith Mr, Smith re:- :Page .Hours Amount 0.20: -45.00 --

Page:  258

with Mr. :smith (FAB) ~e- SM CERTIFIED A NOT : 8/

Page:  259

conference with Garry Smith/finalize and sigri letter. to . 8/28/2017 HHB

Page:  260

FAB (Garry Smith) re: HHB ,JWK .. - .. . . .

M·r. Smith 8/30/2017 HHB Prepare for Friday's evide.ntiary hearing/

FAB (Garry Smith and Fred Snow): : Page 11 .Hours Amount -

Page:  264

Fred Snow/Garry Smith) re: HHB Receive, review-: the Schneiders', Emergency Motion to Cancel

conference with Garry Smith. SM. COPY SM CERTIFIED A NOT 9/8/2017 SM

-- Email Mr. Smith Telephone conference witli the Palm Beach Circuit Court re: the

conference with Mr. Smith re: . Telephone conference with the Palm Beach Circuit .

conference with Garry Smith re: - update file: SM Telepho_n_~ 99rifere_nce WJtli

Page:  265

conferences with Gar Smith/Carlos Molestina re:- . . Receive tele fromA

with G_arry Smith re: ·Receive further advices.from Circuit.Court re: hearing

Page:  267

conference with Mr. Smith re: Review Order on Defendants' Emergency Motion for Stay of

Page:  269

Hearing ■ Messrs. Smith and Snow. SM. .Confer with co-counsel re: SM

email from Mr. Smith re: SM . .;..aund information 9/29/2017 MHS

Messrs. Snow and Smith. · · · · .Hours -0.10. 1:10:

Page:  270

Messrs. Snow_ an~ Smith re: Participate in telep_hone conference Wi_th Mr. Snow

with Mr. :smith re: -Telephone_ conference with Ms. Capote re: a court

Page:  272

.. Snow and Smith . Hours. Amount · 4.40 1,540.00 0.30" 105.00 0.60: 210.00

Page:  276

re; Email Mr. Smith re: RMer.v Jieuwrg eemnsaeiln f:r om.. . M..

Page:  279

conference with Mr. Smith re ·Review email from Mr .. Smith re:·

from Mr .. Smith re:· - .. Review~ calendar deadline to send Defendants

conference with Mr. Smith re: Email Mr: and Mrs. Schneider . . Review file

Page:  282

Messrs; Snow and Smith re: SM Review Defendants'; Laurence S. Schneider and Stephanie L

Page:  285
with fl.'.lessrs. Smith anq Snow re:---- SM Review Defendants'. Memorandum of Law in

FAB (Garry Smith/Fred Snow}. HHB -ReFceiAve, rBevie.w a.n.d

Page:  288

confer with Garry Smith. SM Telephone conference with the Clerk's Office re:.the payment

Page:  289

conference with Garry Smith/AtJomey Ges_ten re:· Review email from Mr. Gesten

conferences with Mr. Smith re: - :Page 8 Hours: Amount 0.70· ·

Page:  292

conference with Garry Smith. 'HHB Particip.a te in conference call wlth FAB-

FAB- (Garry Smith) and c-o-c-ounsel (Att9m~y Sheyla Mesa}.

email from Mr. Smith re: 'SM . Reviewa11d analyze Complai11t filed by Mr.

conference.with.Mr.•Smith re: Exhibit "N" - -- ... - Hours Amount

Page:  294

letter to Messrs. Smith and COPY Snow re: CERTIFIED A NOT 6/21/2017

analyze contact Garry Smith. HHB - Receive call from FAB (Garry Smith) HHB

FAB (Garry Smith) HHB Confer with co-counsel re: HHB Initiate drafting of

Page:  295

ce with Garry Smith re: HHB caselaw- JWK SM Confer with co-counsel re:

call with Attome Smith re: HHB Prepare and file Notice of Appearance. HHB Participate

Page:  296

Messrs. Snow and Smith re: Review Order of Transfer, Order Referring Case and Setting

conference with Mr. Smith Receive and review Trial Order/confer with co-counsel. Receive

Page:  297

conference with Garry Smith/finalize and.forward revised Discovery Plan to opposing counsel. COPY

Page:  299

call to Garry Smith - forward to FAB. Confer with co-counsel re: -

Messrs. Snow and Smith -Confer with co-counsel re: Receive, review and forward

Page:  305

iiiiiiiiference with Garry Smith re: Continue to review legal authorities re: -Draft Argument
Page:  306

conferences with Garry Smith/Fred Snow. Review and analyze Plaintiffs Response to First American's

Page:  308

FAB (Garry Smith/Attorney Fred Snow). HHB Telephone call from Garry Smith SM

call from Garry Smith SM Review and revise First American's Reply Memorandum in Support

Page:  312

.. Attn: Garry Smith Invoice Number:1389f NOT A CERTIFIED COPY · Client/Matter

SM Email Mr. Smith - .SM Tele hone conference witli'Mr. Smith re: 12/

hone conference witli'Mr. Smith re: 12/6/2017 SM .Review Plaintiffs Motion for

Page:  314

-th Garry Smith re: . . NOT A CERTIFIED COPY '12/29/

Page:  315

60007 Attn: Garry Smith Invoice Number:13916 NOT A CERTIFIED COPY Client/Matter Name:

Page:  316

conference with Garry Smith re: SM Review Order Granting Defendant's Motion for Abstention. Page

Page:  317

-- Email Mr. Smith COPY For professional services rendered EXPENSES: Pacer Search - u:

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