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Bio Revision Sheet

Grade 8
2nd Term

Name: ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Class: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Q1: Write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left:
____1. Darwin’s famous book on evolution is called------------------
a. Adventures on the Beagle b. On the Origin of Species

c. Evolution by Natural Selection d. The Theory of Evolution

____2. Onboard The Beagle, Darwin served as the ship’s-----------

a. doctor b. captain c. naturalist d. navigator

____3. Darwin observed that the environment on different Galápagos

Islands was correlated with the shell shape of----------
a. snails b. fossils c. tortoises d.none of the above

____4. What types of specimens did Darwin collect on his voyage?

a. plants b. animals c. rocks d. all of the above
____5. In Galápagos finches, Darwin noted that beak size and shape
seemed to reflect----------------
a. types of available food b. species of dominant predators

c. kinds of nesting materials d. sources of fresh water

____6. A species is a group of similar living things that can-----------

a. compete against other species.

b. adapt to new conditions in the environment.

c. mate with each other and produce offspring.

____ 7. On his ocean voyage, Charles Darwin observed that living

a. in South America were exactly like the ones in England.

b. on the Galápagos Islands had some differences from those on mainland South

c. in England were like the fossils found in South America.

____ 8. An adaptation is any trait that helps a living thing--------------
a. survive and reproduce. b. overproduce variations. c. become larger.

____ 9. Limited food, water, and shelter result in-----------------

a. a change in the environment. b. competition. c. overproduction.

____ 10. Which is an evidence that living things have changed over
a. fossils b. competition c. Geologic Time Scale

____ 11. Which is used by scientists to find out how different species
are related?
a. the locations of islands in an ocean b. the food an organism eats

c. the order of amino acids in a protein

____ 12. New species can form when----------------------

a. a small group is isolated from the rest of its species.

b. the species becomes extinct. c. a species overproduces.

____13.The front limbs of whales, bats, and cats--------------

a. look very different b. are used for different purposes

c. have the same basic bone structure d. all of the above

____14. Changes in a species over long periods of time are called-------

a. half-life. b. evolution.

c. homologous structures. d. developmental stages.

____15. A trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce is called

a. variation. b. adaptation. c. species. d. selection.

_____16. Similar structures that related species have inherited from a
common ancestor are called---------------
a. adaptations. b. punctuated equilibria.

c. ancestral structures. d. homologous structures.

_____17. The process by which individuals that are better adapted to

their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than other
members of the same species is called---------------------
a. natural selection. b. evolution. c. competition. d. overproduction.

_____18. Scientists show the relationships among species using a

diagram called a------------
a. branching tree b. protein c. natural selecction d. competition

Q2: If the statement is true, write true. If it is false, write false:

_____1.Any difference between individuals of the same species is called a
_____2.Only traits that are learned can be acted upon by natural selection.
_____ 3.Related species have similar body structures because they
inherited the same genes from a common offspring.
_____4. Most species produce far more offspring than those who survive.
_____ 5. Species that are related have different patterns of early
_____ 6. The more alike DNA sequences are, the more closely related the
species are.
_____7. All living things that became extinct left fossils behind.
Darwin's idea about how evolution occurs is called natural
_____9. Most members of a species show differences, or variations.
_____10. A diagram that shows how organisms might be related is called
_____11. When a group of individuals can no longer mate and produce
offspring with members of the original species, the group has become a
separate species.
_____12. The Galápagos plants and animals changed over time so that
they could live better in the island environment.

Q3: Fill in the line to complete each statement:

1. The preserved remains of an organism that lived long ago is a-----------
2. A group of similar living things that can mate and produce offspring is a---
3. A well-tested idea is a(an)-------------------- .
4. The gradual change in a species over time is called------------------
5. Evolution happens because of a------------------------------------.
6. Scientists show the relationships among species using a diagram called
7. If no members of a species are still alive, then the species is---------------
8. Darwin investigated the beaks of birds called ------------------------on the
Galápagos Islands.
9. -------------------------selection refers to the process in which people breed
plants and animals to have useful traits.
10.Darwin used the word ---------------------------- to refer to the ability of an
individual to reproduce and pass traits to the next generation.

Q4: Complete each diagram, answer the following questions:


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