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2020 Annual Report

Code Enforcement Unit

Code Enforcement Unit


This report describes the activities of the Code Enforcement Unit (CEU) during the 2020
calendar year. When the CEU was transferred to the Planning and Building Department in
August 2017 there came several changes. First, the Board directed the CEU to actively pursue
illegal cannabis cultivation and junk vehicles, instead of being solely complaint driven. To better
enforce county regulations, the Board adopted Ordinance 2576 and later, Ordinance 2646,
which simplified and expedited the process of resolving violations. The Ordinance established
procedures for notices, abatements, appeal hearings, assessments and liens.

The CEU is separated

into two teams. The
Environmental Impact
Reduction (HEIR)
team uses satellite
imagery to efficiently
survey areas of illegal
cannabis cultivation.
The Traditional team
investigates citizen
complaints of public
nuisance and code
violations and actively
addresses junk
vehicles for
abatement when
found on private
property. The HEIR
team has one Investigator, three Code Compliance Officers. The Traditional team has two
Investigators and two Code Compliance Officers. Both teams are supported by an
Administrative Analyst, Legal Office Assistant and Manager. County CEU Investigators and
Officers are in the process of becoming California Association of Code Enforcement Officers
(CACEO) certified and have completed two of the three 40-hour modules.

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The process for code enforcement is established in Ordinance 2576. Figure 1.0 depicts the
case workflow for code enforcement projects.

Figure 1.0

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A Notice to Abate Nuisance (“NTA”) gives a property owner 10 days to voluntarily abate the
public nuisance or request an appeal hearing before an independent hearing officer. Failure to
do either within the 10-day period will give the CEU jurisdiction to conduct an abatement of the
public nuisance.

The Notice of Violation and Proposed Administrative Civil

Penalty (“Notice of Violation” or “NOV”) gives the
responsible party 10 days to voluntarily correct the code
violation or request an appeal hearing before an
independent hearing officer. If the code violation is not
corrected or otherwise remedied within the 10-day
period, a daily penalty of one dollar ($1.00) to ten
thousand dollars ($10,000), as determined by the CEU in
accordance with the rate schedule set forth in the
Ordinance 2576 (specifically, Humboldt County Code
(HCC) section 352-6), will commence after the 10-day
period. The daily penalty continues for a period up to
ninety (90) days, unless the code violation is corrected,
dismissed or suspended by the hearing officer.

Ordinance 2646
The Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance 2646 in July 2020. Ordinance 2646 made minor
amendments to Ordinance 2576 including:

• Immediate imposition of administrative civil penalties for repeat or ongoing cannabis

violations under certain circumstances to be consistent with Government Code Section
53069.4 (see HCC section 352-5). The CEU did not implement this measure in 2020.
• Recordation of the Notice to Abate Nuisance and Notice of Violation on subject property
to prevent violations from being unknowingly passed onto the new property owners (see
HCC section 352-4).

As previously stated, when served with a Notice to Abate Nuisance and/or Notice of Violation
an owner can request an appeal hearing. When served with both notices, the appeal hearings
can be combined. The County has a professional services agreement with California Hearing
Officers, LLP to fulfil the duties of the Office of County Hearing Officer. California Hearing
Officers, LLP assigns an impartial hearing officer without County input from a panel of their
hearing officers to oversee the appeal hearings. The preparation for an appeal hearing is a

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significant time commitment. There is staff time spent on communication and negotiations with
the responsible party in an attempt to have them bring the property into compliance prior to
appeal hearing and staff time spent on serving notice for and attending the appeal hearing.
The exhibit packet alone, which is provided to the property owner and hearing officer prior to
the appeal hearing, takes 15+ hours to prepare and can be between 200 – 300 pages. It
thoroughly lays out the evidence and the County’s position. At the appeal hearing, the hearing
officer hears testimony from staff and the property owner and reviews the County’s exhibit
packet and any documentary evidence provided by the property owner. In 2020, there were 2
appeal hearings. This number is substantially lower than the previous year due to impacts from
COVID-19. The table below summarizes the 2 appeal hearings in 2020.

Hearing Case No. APN Owners Penalty Requested Penalty Ordered by Status
Date by County Hearing Officer
1/10/2020 18CEU-110 216-393-009 Medrano Ixel V & $450,000 $360,000 reduced due Appealed to
Liliana to inability to pay Superior Court
1/10/2020 18CEU-104 216-393-014 Alatorre Roberto & $450,000 $360,000 reduced due Appealed to
Medrano Ixel to inability to pay Superior Court

The Traditional team responds to complaints of public nuisances and code violations and
receives hundreds of complaints every year. Each complaint is logged, vetted and prioritized
based on the severity of the impact on the health, safety and/or general welfare of the public.
The violations with the highest priority are investigated first. Most cases are related to public
nuisance and code violations having to do with improper storage of solid waste, junk vehicles,
grading and construction without permits.

When a complaint is received for a

potential public nuisance and code
violation a traditional case can take
several paths forward. Code
Enforcement staff will initially
conduct research and reach out to
property owners and educate them
on the actions necessary to abate
the public nuisance and correct the
code violation. Some property
owners are cooperative and willingly
come into compliance and others
are not. Unwilling property owners
can make the process painstakingly
slow and arduous. Without consent of the property owner CEU staff is forced to obtain
inspection warrants for each and every site visit. This process alone takes the better part of a
week to submit to the courts, receive authorization and post notice at the property.

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Once a complaint is verified,

CEU staff will attempt to enter
into a compliance agreement
with the property owner. A
compliance agreement outlines
the public nuisance and code
violations that exist and the
corrective actions to abate the
nuisance(s) with timelines. It
provides clear expectations
about what corrective actions are
required and by when they must
be completed. Many property
owners are successful in
completing abatement within the
specified timeframes, but just as
many fail, and the compliance agreement is breached. At this point several months may have
gone by with little improvement to the property, not because CEU staff is not actively working
the case but due to the property owner failing to perform their obligations pursuant to the
compliance agreement.

When property owners are

unable or unwilling to
address the public nuisance
and code violations on their
property the County can step
in and perform an
abatement. Again,
depending on the property
owner’s cooperation, this
step can take a considerable
amount of time. It involves
preparing and submitting
another inspection warrant
so staff can certify current
property conditions, planning
scope of work and retaining
a licensed contractor,
executing contracts and coordinating schedules and then preparing and filing an abatement
warrant to allow the County (and its contractors) to the enter the property for the purposes of
abatement. Even when traditional cases go smoothly, they can take several months, and often
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years, to gain full compliance. And the casework does not end once the property is cleared of
the public nuisances and code violations. There are several steps necessary to properly
assess the property for any County abatement costs or administrative civil penalties and
record the lien against the property if the County is to recover abatement costs.

The Traditional team currently has nearly 700 cases that are open with approximately 450 still
unassigned to staff. A full-time workload consists of approximately 40 cases. The two most
seasoned staff members each have over 75 cases assigned to them while the two staff
members hired in November and December 2020 have about 35 cases each. There is clearly
more work than the current
staff can address and there Pre-Abatement Photos
continues to be more cases
opened each month than

County Abatement
The CEU encounters
situations where the property
owner is unwilling or
incapable of dealing with the
public nuisance located on
their property. In these cases,
as a last resort and after
repeated attempts to get the
property owner to perform the
abatement, the County will
step in after properly serving
notice and obtaining
jurisdiction to perform a County abatement. The County obtains jurisdiction to abate a
nuisance once the 10-day Notice to
Abate Nuisance is served and the
property owner neither abates the
nuisance nor requests an appeal
hearing. See HCC section 351-13.

In 2020, there was one County

abatement involving a junkyard in
Dinsmore (APN 208-341-024). The
case began in 2018 and involved:

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• 6.25 acre property
found to be an illegal
junk yard
• Public health and safety
issue due to proximity
to the Van Duzen River
• The presence of over
200 junk vehicles
• Many vehicle parts and
scrap metal
• Hundreds of tires
• Over 200 appliances
including refrigerators,
washers and dryers
• Many containers/drums
of oil and other hazardous waste.

While the property owner attempted to work toward cleaning up the property, the accumulation
of 30 years of debris proved to be too difficult. The County issued a request for proposals in
February and received a qualifying bid from Hedspeth, Inc. to clean up this site.

Abatement activities began in October, and although the August Complex fire impacted the
scheduled abatement operations, the clean-up was concluded in December 2020. Removed
from the site were:

• Approximately 400 junk vehicles, many of them initially hidden in the berry brambles and
undiscovered until abatement began.
• 19 drums of hazardous waste
• 4.5 high side truckloads
of tires
• 7 high side truckloads of
scrap metal
• 25 flatbed truckloads of
scrap metal
• 17 truckloads of debris
(solid waste)

During the abatement

several buried drums of
unknown substance were
discovered. The contractor

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called for ground penetrating
radar to determine the extent
of the buried drums. The
resulting report indicated the
drums appeared to be an
isolated incident and
abatement of the site
continued after securing the
area around the buried
drums according to the
Department of Environmental
Health and Certified Unified
Program Agency (CUPA)
recommendations. A second
phase of the cleanup is still
required to remediate
contaminated soils, address
the buried drums and remove
additional junk vehicles and
debris located in the Post Abatement Photos
embankment of the Van Duzen
River and along the riverbed.

After the abatement is

completed, the department will
follow the steps required by
Humboldt County Code
sections 351-16 et seq in order
to recover all abatement costs
incurred including a recording of
a lien on the subject property if
necessary. Because this was a
County abatement, the
assessment, once approved by
the Board of Supervisors, may
also be collected in the same
manner as property taxes.

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The County abatement of
the Dinsmore junkyard is an
example of how long the
process can take for
addressing public nuisances
and code violations. In this
case, even with a
cooperative owner, the
process still took 3 years to
get to the end of the first
phase. There is still the
second phase and the cost
recovery process to
complete before this case
can be closed.


The HEIR team is directed by the Board of Supervisors to actively enforce the Commercial
Cannabis Land Use Ordinance (CCLUO) to reduce environmental impacts associated with
illegal cannabis cultivation. Examples of environmental harm include:

• Improper storage of hazardous

• Solid waste
• Grading and construction
without permits
• Unapproved sewage disposal
• Development within a
Streamside Management Area

The HEIR team also conducts intra-

agency investigations with the
Sheriff’s Marijuana Eradication
Team (MET) and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) during search warrants
and other law enforcement activity related to illegal cannabis activity.

When aerial evidence suggests a commercial cannabis operation is in violation of the CCLUO,
the HEIR team will serve a Notice to Abate Nuisance and Notice of Violation on the property
which comes with penalties up to $10,000 per violation per day (per HCC section 352-3(h)).
Violation of the CCLUO is often accompanied by violations of the grading ordinance and the

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building code. The property owner has 10 days to abate the public nuisance and/or correct the
code violation in order to avoid the imposition of administrative civil penalties.

For property owners who need

additional time to abate the public
nuisance and/or correct the code
violations, the CEU offers
compliance agreements in exchange
for more time. There are usually
one-day of administrative civil
penalties associated with the
compliance agreement offer.

In 2020 the HEIR team:

• Served NTA & NOV on 103

new violations of the CCLUO
• 65 of the 103 were in
collaboration with law enforcement agencies.
• 21 of the cases have requested to enter or have already entered into no-penalty
compliance agreements. These no-penalty agreements are offered to property owners
who have abated the public nuisance and/or corrected the code violations to their
greatest ability but require additional time for reasons beyond their control.
• For new 2020 cases,
there were zero
compliance agreements
involving penalties.
• 23 of the 2020 cases,
are either completely
abated or nearing
• For cases originating
before 2020, CEU
entered into 28
compliance agreements
with 11 of them
including penalties
totaling $245,000.

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Toward the end on 2020, the HEIR
team assisted with an effort to review
all cannabis applications for
compliance. The goal was to identify
applicants who were cultivating without
an interim permit (IP) or exceeding the
square footage of their IP. It was also
to notify applicants of 2019 taxes
owed, state license status and whether
their application was complete or
incomplete. Each site was reviewed
and resulted in the applicant getting
one of three letters:

• The first letter went to

approximately 200 applicants who
were observed to be in compliance,
meaning they cultivated within the
allowed square footage of their IP (and
also had a state license), 2019 taxes were paid and their application with the County
was complete. These applicants had their IP extended through 2021.
• The second letter went to
approximately 260
applicants found to be in
compliance with their IP but
missing taxes or state
license or had an
incomplete application.
• A third letter was sent to
approximately 160
applicants who were
observed cultivating without
an IP or in an area greater
than allowed under their IP.
Those applicants were
offered the option to pay a
penalty to continue in the
application process
provided the cannabis was
fully removed or withdraw
their application.

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In total, approximately 524 letters

were sent out resulting in 18
applicants withdrawing their
application, $738,749.73 collected in
penalties and 22 outcomes still

All administrative civil penalties,

assessments and liens, including
penalties paid to enter into
compliance agreements and
penalties paid for unauthorized
cultivation, go into the County
General Fund.

Assessments & Liens

When a case has accrued
administrative civil penalties and the
County has obtained jurisdiction to
collect those penalties, the property
owner is served a Notice of
Administrative Civil Penalty
Assessment. The property owner
may request an Administrative Civil
Penalty Assessment Appeal Hearing within ten (10) days before the Board of Supervisors. If no
appeal hearing is requested, then the item goes before the Board of Supervisors for summary
approval pursuant to HCC section 352-20. The final assessment approved by the Board of
Supervisors may become a lien against the property after serving and recording a Notice of
Administrative Civil Penalty Lien. In 2020, the Board of Supervisors approved assessments for
13 properties in the amount of $10,969,750.38.

The likelihood of the County collecting on the full assessments is low because it requires the
County to undertake a civil foreclosure on the lien and force the sale of the property. Even
then, the property’s value and any other encumbrances ahead of the County lien would
certainly diminish the recovery of the assessment value.

The table on the following page details the assessments approved in 2020.

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2020 Assessments Approved

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The activities of the CEU have
not been immune to the impacts
of the COVID-19 global
pandemic and the subsequent
shelter-in-place order. The
pandemic hampered the CEU’s
ability to conduct inspections, post notices and caused CEU to “stop the clock” on 10-day
notice timelines and administrative civil penalty accrual. The traditional team noticed a
tremendous increase in the number of incoming complaints during the shelter-in-place, which
staff attributed to people being stuck in their homes and noticing disturbing activities in their
neighborhoods. The CEU continued to respond to health and safety issues throughout the
shelter-in-place and worked closely with the Joint Information Center (JIC) to address
complaints and even provided staff to the JIC to assist in responding to complaints. This meant
there were fewer CEU staff to address the increase in complaints during the same time period.

In 2020, the HEIR team had planned

to address properties that received
the courtesy warning letters that were
mailed out in November 2019. These
letters informed property owners that
unpermitted commercial cannabis
cultivation appeared on their parcel
and warned against future
enforcement action if activity
continued. The team was also
planning to address complaints of
nighttime sky light violations and
other unauthorized cannabis
cultivation for the 2020 season.
Instead, the HEIR team used the time
of restricted activity as an opportunity to fully transition case data to the new Accela database
that the CEU switched to in November 2019. Even with the challenges presented by the
shelter-in-place and wildfires, the HEIR team initiated 103 new cases in 2020. CEU assisted
law enforcement with 65 warrants resulting in Notices to Abate Nuisance and Notices of

In October 2020, the CEU sent letters to all cases affected by the shelter-in-place order to
notify them of the ‘restarting’ of the clock for 10-day notices and accrual of administrative civil

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Several CEU cases taken to appeal hearings before 2020 were appealed to the Superior
Court, and to the Court of Appeals, and the Superior Court and Court of Appeals issued their
rulings and decisions in 2020. On the Traditional side:

• The case on APN 515-172-010 worked its way through several appeals, however, on
April 21, 2020, the Superior Court issued its ruling and imposed a $45,000
administrative civil penalty. This case dates back to 2012 and involves extensive
violations of unpermitted structures, solid waste, junk vehicles and unpermitted water
supply and sanitation systems among others. In a separate Superior Court ruling, the
property owner appealed this ruling to the Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals, in an
unpublished decision, dismissed the appeal which allows the County to move forward
on abatement of the property.
• The case on APN 015-191-061 was ultimately dismissed after several filings and
motions were considered. This case involves
the unpermitted use of a building that was
converted into and is used as a single-family
residence. This paves the way for the County
to move forward on the abatement of this

In 2020, five of the cannabis related cases were still making their way through various Court
challenges. In each of these cases, the hearing officer found the county had demonstrated,
through a preponderance of evidence, that the violations existed on the property. The Hearing
Officer also ruled and ordered imposition of administrative civil penalties on the property owner
for not abating the violations after they were properly noticed of their existence on the
properties. No court ruling on these five cases was received in 20201. These cases are:
Orig. Appeal Parcel # Violations Hearing Officer Court Ordered
Hearing Date Ordered Penalties Penalties1

12/13/2019 211-101-013 Construction and Cannabis $270,000 $270,000

12/6/2019 216-391-026 Grading, Construction, Cannabis $450,000 Still pending

1/10/2020 216-393-009 Grading, Construction, $360,000 $141,000

Development in SMA, Cannabis

1/10/2020 216-393-014 Construction and Cannabis $360,000 $360,000

12/13/2019 221-091-038 Construction and Cannabis $450,000 $300,000

The Court issued rulings in 4 of these cases in early 2021.

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The tables below depict relevant data from 2020 for the HEIR and traditional teams.

2020 Cases Per Supervisor District

District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5
HEIR 9 52 2 0 40
Traditional 47 43 23 12 78

HEIR Data 2020 Cases

New 2020 NTA/NOV Cases 103
Law Enforcement Warrants 65
Closed 2020 Cases 19
No-Penalty Compliance Agreements 14
Compliance Agreements w/Penalty 0
Appeals Requested 3

Traditional Data 2020 Cases

New 2020 Cases 203
Closed 2020 Cases 59
County Abatements 1
Unassigned Cases 106

Status Letters to Cannabis Applications

Type of Letter # Resolved – Resolved – Withdrawn Unresolved
No Penalty w/ Penalty Application
IP Extended thru 2021 204
Action Required* 261
Unauthorized Cultivation 86 29 21 17 19
without IP ($404,355)
Unauthorized Cultivation 73 44 25 1 3
Expansion of IP ($334,394)
Warrants on Applications 55
*Unless deficiencies were addressed, the IP expired 3/1/2021 due to incomplete application, taxes owed or
State License issue.

HEIR Data Pre-2020 Cases

Appeal Hearings 2
Assessments Noticed 26
Assessments Board Approved 13 $10,969,750
No-Penalty Compliance Agreements 17
Compliance Agreements w/Penalty 11 $245,000
Warrants on Pre-2020 cases 29

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The Code Enforcement data sources are included below:

1. 2020 Traditional Cases

2. New 2020 HEIR Cases
3. Pre-2020 HEIR Cases with 2020 Actions Taken
4. 2020 Warrant Inspections on Applications

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2020 Traditional Cases
CE20-0840 510-341-042-000 5 12/1/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Construction without permits. 2 Public Complaint 331-28
CE20-0697 101-141-009-000 1 8/27/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Construction Without Permits Other 331-28 612-5
CE20-0597 514-121-011-000 5 7/27/2020 Active Investigation Tree Cutting in Riparian Zone in Coastal 1 CDFW
CE20-0638 215-300-005-000 2 8/11/2020 Active Investigation Complaints 1 Environmental Health 331-28; 314-55.4.3
354-1 521-10
CE20-0775 200-042-003-000 1 10/20/2020 Open Cluster- Referral DEH Lacks a Valid Opertional Permit
CE20-0706 510-261-023-000 5 9/11/2020 Case Closed - Abated by Owner Rv parked on vacant lot being used for habitation Public Complaint 313-
CE20-0822 110-201-026-000 2 11/9/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Unpermitted structure, RV as residence, Hazardous materials & more2 Code Enforcement Unit 314-81.1 611-3 UHC 1001.14
CE20-0782 402-321-026-000 3 10/20/2020 Case Closed - Abated by Owner Cluster- Referral DEH :ack a Valid Operational Permit Environmental Health
CE20-0854 515-022-035-000 5 12/15/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Unpermitted Tree Removal Public Complaint 314-62.2
CE20-0502 512-221-020-000 5 4/28/2020 Open Junk/inoperable vehicles, solid waste, there may be occupied trailers and an indoor grow on site. 311-10.1 354-1 521-4
CE20-0888 520-085-008-000 5 12/30/2020 Open Solid waste and junk vehicles
CE20-0493 514-093-001-000 5 4/13/2020 Open Referral - people living in a "shop" which may not be permitted for habitation, sewage leaking (sewage being handled by DEH)
CE20-0583 214-041-006-000 2 7/20/2020 Active Investigation Solid Waste, Junk Vehicles, RV's for Habitation 1 Public Complaint 314-81.1 521-4
CE20-0454 508-301-025-000 5 2/13/2020 Open ***Anonymous*** Complaint - RVs on Property 314-81.1
CE20-0704 514-015-002-000 5 9/8/2020 Open Complaint- Approx 700 sq ft storage structure being used for habitation without proper
2 Public
CE20-0511 508-381-017-000 5 5/11/2020 Open Animal Keeping - rooster 3 Public Complaint 314-43.3
CE20-0866 520-084-015-000 5 12/16/2020 Open Solid waste 521-4
CE20-0890 520-085-007-000 5 12/30/2020 Open Solid waste and junk vehicles
CE20-0619 204-181-057-000 2 8/3/2020 Case Closed Unpermitted garage conversion. Code Enforcement Unit
CE20-0472 522-391-010-000 5 3/5/2020 Active Investigation Complaint - Unpermitted RV, Animal Keeping 2 Public Complaint
CE20-0509 077-021-004-000 2 5/11/2020 Open 7+ foot fence without proper permits or setbacks 3 Public Complaint 331-28
CE20-0720 308-201-018-000 1 9/21/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Squatters moving in on federal land. Attempting to take ownership. 3 351-3(d)
CE20-0445 300-191-005-000 1 2/4/2020 Open Complaint - Unpermitted Business 2 Public Complaint 811-26
CE20-0480 402-061-006-000 3 3/11/2020 Case Closed Complaint - Unpermitted demolish and solid waste Code Enforcement Unit 331-28
CE20-0798 507-261-002-000 3 10/29/2020 Case Closed Complaint Public Complaint 314-81.1 612-5
CE20-0562 522-351-002-000 5 6/30/2020 Open Unpermitted Electrical Pole and Light Public Complaint 331-28
CE20-0817 019-112-003-000 1 11/9/2020 In Violation Complaint- Inoperable vehicle on the curbside Public Complaint 354-1
CE20-0457 509-321-031-000 5 2/13/2020 In Violation Traditional - Grading for BMX track Public Complaint
CE20-0871 519-301-015-000 5 12/16/2020 Open Junk vehicles and solid waste 354-1 521-4
12CEU-117 515-172-010-000 5 9/25/2020 Open Historic Case: Solid waste, junk vehicles, rv's used for habitation, construction of structure
CE20-0815 510-193-035-000 5 11/9/2020 Open Complaint-Unstable flag pole 3 Public Complaint 351-3(c)
CE20-0819 018-213-006-000 1 11/9/2020 Case Closed Complaint- RV as residence & inoperable RVs in front of the property 3 Public Complaint 314-81.1 354-1
CE20-0839 111-112-043-000 2 12/1/2020 Case Closed Complaint- RV as a residence, Improper disposal of solid waste, Junk Vehicles 3 Public Complaint 314-81.1 354-1 521-10
CE20-0572 301-061-012-000 1 7/10/2020 Case Closed Improperly stored household trash is drawing rats to the property
CE20-0464 019-051-017-000 1 2/27/2020 Active Investigation Complaint - Burned down home Code Enforcement Unit 351-3(c)
CE20-0658 309-093-008-000 1 8/20/2020 In Violation A junk pile is getting bigger creating an overflow of solid waste Public Complaint 521-4
CE20-0517 016-222-020-000 4 5/20/2020 NTA Served Trucks parked on street for years - Junk Vehicles - Solid waste 2 Board of Supervisors 354-1 371-2 434-5 521-4
CE20-0592 014-172-004-000 4 7/23/2020 Case Closed 6' Fence has been erected next to the driveway in violation of visibility guidelines and
fence isUnit
over 6' high.
CE20-0780 507-231-047-000 3 10/20/2020 Case Closed - Abated by Owner Referral DEH : Ack a Valid Operational Permit Environmental Health 616-3
CE20-0446 014-192-008-000 4 2/4/2020 Case Closed - Abated by Owner Complaint - Soild Waste Public Complaint 521-4
CE20-0700 111-191-038-000 2 9/3/2020 Open Complaint- Inhabitable Structure and Squatters are coming in and out of Property1 Public Complaint 351-3(d) 354-1 521-10
CE20-0441 300-092-020-000 1 1/30/2020 Open Complaint - Unpermitted structures 314-69.05 331-14 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0618 509-270-013-000 5 8/3/2020 In Violation Unpermitted two story playhouse built too close to back fence. 2 Public Complaint 331-28
CE20-0640 400-041-055-000 3 8/12/2020 Active Investigation Solid Waste, RV used for Habitation, Hazardous Mobile Home 2 Other
CE20-0824 511-423-023-000 5 11/10/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Crowing Rooster Public Complaint 314-43.3
CE20-0800 305-240-019-000 1 11/2/2020 Open Complaint- Unpermitted Fence 3 Public Complaint 331-28
CE20-0695 500-211-006-000 3 8/26/2020 Case Closed Complaint Code Enforcement Unit 331-28
CE20-0698 405-204-013-000 3 8/28/2020 Active Investigation Unpermitted fence over 6 feet tall 3 Code Enforcement Unit
CE20-0557 511-031-018-000 5 6/26/2020 Open Solid Waste, Junk Vehicles, Abandoned property being used as a dumping ground Public Complaint 354-1 521-10 521-4 H&S Code
CE20-0884 032-063-001-000 2 12/28/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Homeless encampment, building without permits 331-28 UHC 1001.11 and H&S 17920.3
CE20-0738 509-233-027-000 5 9/22/2020 Case Closed - Abated by Owner Complaint- Crowing Rooster 3 Public Complaint 314-43.3
CE20-0692 204-331-029-000 2 8/26/2020 Consent Inspection Scheduled Travel trailer habitation and claim of unpermitted domestic wells Public Complaint 354-1 521-4
CE20-0458 212-301-007-000 2 2/13/2020 In Violation Complaint - Solid waste and non-op vehicles Public Complaint 354-1 371-2 521-10 521-4
CE20-0442 510-101-014-000 5 1/30/2020 Open Complaint - Unpermitted Business 3 Public Complaint
CE20-0637 215-202-024-000 2 8/11/2020 Active Investigation Complaint 1 Environmental Health 331-28; 314-55.4.3
354-1 521-10
CE20-0786 510-381-015-000 5 10/21/2020 Recommend Notice(s) Complaint- Junk Vehicles, Building/Property Use or Operation in Violation of Zoning 2 Sheriff
Code 311-10.1 331-28 354-1
CE20-0470 505-151-005-000 3 3/4/2020 Open Complaint - Unpermitted RVs 314-81.1
CE20-0510 510-371-014-000 5 5/11/2020 Open Animal keeping - rooster 3 Public Complaint
CE20-0599 207-301-004-000 2 7/29/2020 Case Closed Tree removal without proper permits. Public Complaint
CE20-0479 509-212-015-000 5 3/11/2020 Open Complaint - Unpermitted residence 331-28 351-3(d)
CE20-0778 515-192-048-000 5 10/20/2020 NTA Served Cluster- Referral DEH :ack a Valid Operational Permit Environmental Health
CE20-0561 518-062-028-000 5 6/30/2020 Open Travel trailer being used as a residence
CE20-0453 510-171-038-000 5 2/13/2020 Open ***Anonymous*** Complaint - Solid waste 521-4
CE20-0621 300-232-035-000 1 8/3/2020 Open Several unpermitted Accessory Dwelling Units on site and a Travel Trailer being used as a residence.
CE20-0870 519-301-012-000 5 12/16/2020 Open Junk/Inoperable vehicles and solid waste 354-1
CE20-0688 301-082-065-000 1 8/25/2020 Case Closed Solid Waste and Rat Infestation Public Complaint
CE20-0648 301-082-055-000 1 8/19/2020 Active Investigation Complaint Public Complaint 331-28
CE20-0512 509-321-045-000 5 5/11/2020 Open Animal Keeping, poultry business 3 Public Complaint 314-43.3 811-26
CE20-0820 204-331-001-000 2 11/9/2020 Active Investigation Complaint- RV occupied as a residence & sewage creating a nuisance. Public Complaint 314-81.1 612-5
CE20-0474 109-191-031-000 2 3/10/2020 Open Complaint - Solid waste and encampment 351-3(c) 351-3(d) 521-4
CE20-0801 111-211-047-000 2 11/2/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Illegal dumping 3 Public Complaint 521-10
CE20-0435 206-221-025-000 2 1/22/2020 Active Investigation Complaint of solid waste (pestruscible garbage) and junk vehicles 2 Public Complaint
CE20-0649 017-041-002-000 3 8/19/2020 Active Investigation Complaint 1 Public Complaint 314-81.1 331-28 354-1 371-2 521-4
CE20-0620 204-181-057-000 2 8/3/2020 Case Closed Unpermitted garage conversion.
CE20-0753 511-411-028-000 5 9/28/2020 Case Closed Complaint 3 Public Complaint 331-28
CE20-0859 520-084-008-000 5 12/15/2020 Recommend Notice(s) Junk Vehicles and Solid Waste Public Complaint 354-1 521-4
CE20-0465 401-263-019-000 4 3/2/2020 Active Investigation Complaint - Unpermitted building Code Enforcement Unit 331-28
CE20-0784 207-301-003-000 2 10/20/2020 Case Closed - Abated by Owner Cluster- Referral DEH :ack a Valid Operational Permit Environmental Health
CE20-0461 511-131-058-000 5 2/18/2020 Open Complaint - Solid waste, junk vehicles and unsafe structures 314-81.1 331-28 354-1 521-4
CE20-0591 223-091-012-000 2 7/23/2020 Open Junk cars all over the property including school buses and a fire truck. Public Complaint 354-1
CE20-0781 404-022-038-000 3 10/20/2020 Case Closed - Abated by Owner Cluster- Referral DEH :ack a Valid Operational Permit Environmental Health
CE20-0426 511-342-008-000 5 1/9/2020 In Violation Complaint - Unpermitted building 2 Public Complaint
CE20-0598 400-021-011-000 3 7/28/2020 Active Investigation Solid waste is being dumped up at the old Manila Market. Code Enforcement Unit 521-10 521-4
CE20-0818 509-076-006-000 5 11/9/2020 Case Closed Complaints- Cannabis activity and animal keeping 2 Public Complaint 314-43.3 314-55.4
CE20-0490 214-081-012-000 2 3/18/2020 Open Complaint - Solid waste 2 Public Complaint
CE20-0883 303-121-011-000 1 12/28/2020 Open Complaint-Unpermitted Structures, RV, inoperable vehicle, improper storage and1removable
Public Complaint
of solid waste. 314-69.05 314-81.1 354-1 521-10
CE20-0475 109-302-010-000 2 3/10/2020 Open Complaint - Burned down residence 2 Public Complaint 351-3(d) 521-4
CE20-0779 512-141-025-000 5 10/20/2020 NTA Served Cluster- Referral DEH :ack a Valid Operational Permit Environmental Health
CE20-0469 311-031-008-000 1 3/4/2020 Open Complaint - Unpermitted Business 811-26 H&S Code
CE20-0887 520-084-017-000 5 12/30/2020 Open Solid waste & Junk/Inoperable vehicles
CE20-0467 401-263-021-000 4 3/2/2020 Active Investigation Complaint - Unpermitted building Code Enforcement Unit
CE20-0449 206-301-022-000 2 2/4/2020 In Violation Complaint - Non-op Vehicles and Solid Waste Public Complaint 354-1 521-4
CE20-0425 300-171-010-000 1 1/6/2020 In Compliance Agreement Complaint - Non-op Vehicles, solid waste, old structures and rats 1 Public Complaint 331-28 354-1 521-4
CE20-0844 522-391-050-000 5 12/2/2020 Active Investigation Complaint- Using a RV as a second Residence 2 Public Complaint 314-81.1
CE20-0455 306-012-009-000 1 2/13/2020 Case Closed Complaint - Solid Waste and Junk Vehicles Public Complaint
CE20-0540 510-051-004-000 5 6/11/2020 Open unpermitted/unlicensed auto-body shop in a residential neighborhood Code Enforcement Unit 811-26
CE20-0739 204-152-034-000 2 9/22/2020 Open Complaint- Unpermitted Business and Violation of Zoning 3 Public Complaint 311-10.1 811-26
CE20-0571 301-061-012-000 1 7/10/2020 Open Household trash improperly stored that is drawing rats to the property
CE20-0799 015-121-003-000 4 11/2/2020 In Violation Complaint- Overflow of garbage old/broken bicycles, appliances, and recycles. Public Complaint 521-10
CE20-0478 200-251-042-000 1 3/11/2020 Active Investigation Complaint - Unpermitted fence Public Complaint
CE20-0750 303-091-091-000 1 9/23/2020 Case Closed - Abated by Owner Crowing Rooster Public Complaint
CE20-0845 110-241-048-000 2 12/2/2020 Open Complaint- Unpermitted grading 3 331-14
CE20-0488 212-192-044-000 2 3/17/2020 Open Complaint - RV and solid waste 1 Environmental Health
CE20-0443 501-261-009-000 3 2/3/2020 Active Investigation Complaint - Improper use of land and unpermitted use of land 1 Code Enforcement Unit
CE20-0434 306-211-004-000 1 1/22/2020 Open Complaint - Encampment and solid waste 1 Public Complaint
CE20-0460 214-061-005-000 2 2/18/2020 Open Complaint - Unpermitted construction 331-28
CE20-0694 522-181-013-000 5 8/26/2020 Case Closed illegal cannabis operation, camping without adequate sanitary facilities, and solid waste/trash
Public Complaint
CE20-0802 200-421-004-000 1 11/2/2020 In Violation Complaint- Junk and improper disposal of solid waste Public Complaint 521-4
CE20-0751 304-111-010-000 1 9/23/2020 Open Complaint- Shed construction without required setbacks 3 331-28
CE20-0862 515-022-030-000 5 12/16/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Referral from building tree removal in costal zone Building/Planning 314-62.2
CE20-0693 017-192-008-000 3 8/26/2020 Active Investigation Complaint Public Complaint 314-69.05 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0878 109-251-023-000 2 12/23/2020 Open Complaint- Work without permits Public Complaint 314-81.1 331-28
CE20-0656 507-231-009-000 3 8/20/2020 Compliance Agreement Requested Solid waste, junk vehicle, futon on curbside, and rat infestation Public Complaint 354-1 521-4
CE20-0600 207-261-014-000 2 7/29/2020 Open Unpermitted grading, tree removal and stream diversion occurring. Public Complaint 314-62.2 331-14 331-28
CE20-0659 309-092-003-000 1 8/21/2020 Case Closed A junk vehicle on the front yard. Public Complaint
CE20-0803 312-071-052-000 5 11/2/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Unpermitted structures 2 331-28
CE20-0880 522-272-009-000 5 12/23/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Zoning Violation Other 371-2 811-26 H&S Code
CE20-0816 509-212-001-000 5 11/9/2020 In Violation Complaint- Unpermitted trailer travel and using RV as residence Public Complaint 314-81.1 811-26
CE20-0767 306-016-002-000 1 10/7/2020 In Violation Complaint- Unpermitted construction, unsafe structure, solid waste, junk vehicles1 Public Complaint 312-3 331-28 354-1 521-4 UHC 1001 and H&S
1001.11 and
CE20-0882 306-014-001-000 1 12/28/2020 Open Complaint- Burnt trailer/mobilehome in the property and junk in the property. 521-4
CE20-0459 015-243-002-000 4 2/13/2020 In Violation Complaint - Solid Waste and junk vehicle 1 Public Complaint 521-4
CE20-0564 518-062-015-000 5 6/30/2020 Open Two unpermitted houses being built.
CE20-0507 077-072-007-000 2 5/11/2020 Case Closed Complaint- 7+ foot fence on the property, no permits and doesn't appear to meet setbacks
CE20-0650 303-191-034-000 1 8/19/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Crowing Rooster Public Complaint 314-43.3
CE20-0574 303-064-019-000 1 7/14/2020 In Violation Sewage nuisance, junk cars & solid waste Public Complaint 354-1 521-4
CE20-0545 510-192-007-000 5 6/17/2020 Case Closed Travel trailer is being lived in and blocking access to public easement. Public Complaint 314-81.1
CE20-0519 508-201-027-000 5 5/22/2020 Case Closed 8' high fence & an indoor grow Public Complaint
CE20-0821 306-013-007-000 1 11/9/2020 Active Investigation Complaint- Solid waste, unpermitted RV, illegal activities Public Complaint 314-81.1 521-4
CE20-0544 401-031-070-000 4 6/17/2020 Open Complaint- Mold, Unsafe structure Public Complaint 351-3(c)
CE20-0662 019-092-022-000 1 8/21/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Crowing Rooster Code Enforcement Unit 314-43.3
CE20-0433 077-185-012-000 2 1/16/2020 Case Closed Complaint - Unpermitted Business Other 311-10.1 811-26
CE20-0811 509-321-031-000 5 11/9/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Business in Residential Zoning 2 Public Complaint 811-26
CE20-0869 520-084-010-000 5 12/16/2020 In Violation Solid waste Public Complaint
CE20-0756 508-211-037-000 5 9/28/2020 Open Complaint- Illegal encampment, trash in the property, human waste, cattle with no2 food,
weeds 314-81.1 521-4 H&S Code
CE20-0438 508-242-011-000 5 1/28/2020 In Violation Complaint - Hazardous building and solid waste 1 Public Complaint 354-1 521-4
CE20-0501 522-391-021-000 5 4/28/2020 Active Investigation Use of mobile home or trailer as place of habitation 2 Public Complaint
CE20-0849 520-086-008-000 5 12/7/2020 Active Investigation Complaint- Solid waste and junk vehicles 1 Public Complaint
CE20-0601 081-101-010-000 2 7/29/2020 Open People living in travel trailers and motorhomes on site. Public Complaint 314-81.1
CE20-0466 401-263-020-000 4 3/2/2020 Active Investigation Complaint - Unpermitted building Code Enforcement Unit
CE20-0881 018-241-011-000 1 12/23/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Conducting a business without a license Other
CE20-0891 501-071-011-000 3 12/30/2020 Active Investigation Complaint-SWO/ work without permits 2 Code Enforcement Unit 331-14 331-28
CE20-0448 520-031-015-000 5 2/4/2020 Open Complaint - Exterior lighting without permits 331-28
CE20-0439 511-201-040-000 5 1/28/2020 Open Complaint - Solid Waste, non-op vehicles and rodents 1 Public Complaint 351-3(c) 354-1 521-4
CE20-0514 507-231-047-000 3 5/11/2020 Open Unauthorized encroachment, Fence Height, visibiltiy obstruction Public Works 331-28 411-1
CE20-0808 016-021-004-000 4 11/3/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Transfer to DEH (needs to be closed) 3 Code Enforcement Unit
CE20-0879 309-112-009-000 1 12/23/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Improper disposal of solid waste Public Complaint 521-4
CE20-0602 017-015-034-000 3 7/30/2020 Active Investigation Junk/Inoperable vehicles 3 Public Complaint
CE20-0496 304-091-001-000 1 4/15/2020 Active Investigation Unpermitted Business on Residential Property 2 Public Complaint 311-10.1 314-45.1 811-26
CE20-0875 500-051-006-000 3 12/23/2020 Active Investigation Complaint- Work Without Permits Code Enforcement Unit 314-81.1 331-11.5 331-14 331-28
CE20-0864 520-084-013-000 5 12/16/2020 Open Junk/Inoperable vehicles and solid waste
CE20-0777 515-291-035-000 5 10/20/2020 NTA Served Cluster- Referral DEH Lack a Valid Operational Permit Environmental Health
CE20-0573 508-272-014-000 5 7/13/2020 Open Solid waste and at least two junk cars.
CE20-0838 508-242-009-000 5 11/24/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Trash all over the front of the property is an eyesore and drawing rats. Public Complaint
CE20-0483 214-081-023-000 2 3/13/2020 Case Closed Complaint - RVs and camping
CE20-0872 209-342-034-000 1 12/17/2020 Open On view, solid waste and inoperable vehicles 354-1 521-4
CE20-0813 202-231-030-000 2 11/9/2020 Open Complaint- Grading without permits Public Complaint 314-61.1 331-14
CE20-0865 520-084-014-000 5 12/16/2020 Open Junk/Inoperable vehicles and solid waste 354-1 521-4
CE20-0660 511-441-031-000 5 8/21/2020 Case Closed Public Complaint 314-43.3 314-81.1
CE20-0863 520-084-003-000 5 12/16/2020 Open Solid waste and junk/inoperable vehicles 354-1 521-4
CE20-0436 510-451-050-000 5 1/23/2020 Open Complaint - Unpermitted Business 811-26
CE20-0853 300-083-031-000 1 12/10/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Operating a business without permits Public Complaint 811-26
CE20-0541 512-221-019-000 5 6/12/2020 Open Occupied Travel Trailers
CE20-0858 520-085-021-000 5 12/15/2020 Open Solid Waste and Junk/Inoperable vehicles 354-1 521-4
CE20-0484 214-081-019-000 2 3/13/2020 In Violation Complaint - RVs 2 Public Complaint 311-10.1 331-28 354-1 521-4
CE20-0590 223-091-012-000 2 7/23/2020 Case Closed Junk cars all over the property including school buses and a fire truck. Code Enforcement Unit
CE20-0776 516-011-046-000 5 10/20/2020 Case Closed - Abated by Owner Cluster- Referral DEH :ack a Valid Operational Permit Environmental Health
CE20-0635 018-171-018-000 1 6/24/2020 Active Investigation Animal enclosure setback violation 3 Public Complaint
CE20-0641 506-082-021-000 3 3/20/2020 Active Investigation Solid Waste, Junk Vehicles 2 Public Complaint
CE20-0456 306-141-006-000 1 2/13/2020 In Compliance Agreement Complaint - Solid waste Public Complaint 521-4
CE20-0867 520-071-044-000 5 12/16/2020 Open Solid waste 331-28 521-4
CE20-0847 211-141-001-000 2 12/4/2020 Open Complaint- Improper disposal of solid waste 2 521-10
CE20-0508 077-051-011-000 2 5/11/2020 Open 7+ foot fence without permits or proper setbacks 3 Public Complaint 331-28
CE20-0873 520-071-036-000 5 12/17/2020 Open Solid waste and junk vehicles
CE20-0506 033-271-009-000 2 5/7/2020 Open Solid waste being dumped on Complainant's property creating a fire hazard.
CE20-0885 402-101-029-000 3 12/28/2020 Case Closed Complaint- No permit for tree cutting
CE20-0757 315-082-004-000 5 9/28/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Referral from DEH for an existence of an unpermitted water well. 3 331-11.5
CE20-0427 033-041-030-000 2 1/14/2020 Case Closed - Abated by Owner Complaint - RVs on Property 2 Public Complaint
CE20-0623 200-242-003-000 1 8/5/2020 Active Investigation Conversion of two outbuildings to residences without permits 2 Public Complaint
CE20-0489 077-202-020-000 2 3/18/2020 Active Investigation Construction of structure in violation of building, plumbing, and/or electrical codes
2 Sheriff 331-28
CE20-0857 314-121-011-000 3 12/15/2020 In Violation Complaint- Construction without permits, improper disposal of solid waste, cutting Code
trees without
Unit 311-10.3 314-62.2 331-14 331-28
CE20-0563 518-062-015-000 5 6/30/2020 Open Two unpermitted houses being built.
CE20-0696 520-021-001-000 5 8/26/2020 Open Complaint- Substandard Housing 331-28 521-4
CE20-0868 520-084-011-000 5 12/16/2020 Open Solid waste and junk vehicles
CE20-0852 018-141-003-000 1 12/8/2020 Active Investigation Complaint- Unpermitted construction Code Enforcement Unit 331-28
CE20-0452 509-291-012-000 5 2/5/2020 Case Closed Complaint - Unpermitted tree removal Public Complaint
CE20-0568 211-363-001-000 2 7/1/2020 Open Public Works Referral: Fence Encroachment on County ROW 411-1
CE20-0644 019-101-002-000 1 8/14/2020 Active Investigation Crowing rooster Code Enforcement Unit 314-43.3
CE20-0783 311-121-003-000 1 10/20/2020 Case Closed - Abated by Owner Cluster- Referral DEH :ack a Valid Operational Permit Environmental Health
CE20-0487 014-196-014-000 4 3/17/2020 Open Complaint - Animal Keeping 2 Public Complaint
CE20-0809 018-172-011-000 1 11/5/2020 Case Closed Complaint- Unpermitted building 2 Code Enforcement Unit 331-28
CE20-0440 511-231-002-000 5 1/29/2020 Open Complaint - Hazardous property conditions 331-28 351-3(c) 354-1
CE20-0447 520-031-015-000 5 2/4/2020 Case Closed Complaint - Unpermitted building Code Enforcement Unit 331-28
CE20-0687 505-162-002-000 3 8/25/2020 Open Complaint Public Complaint 314-69.05 331-28
CE20-0462 303-063-028-000 1 2/20/2020 Open Complaint - Solid waste 1 Board of Supervisors 354-1 521-4
CE20-0431 019-121-006-000 1 1/15/2020 Active Investigation Complaint - Unpermitted structures Code Enforcement Unit 331-28
CE20-0796 201-251-009-000 1 10/28/2020 Open Complaint- Constructions without permits, animal keeping, junk/inoperable vehicles
2 Public Complaint 314-43.3 331-28 354-1
CE20-0843 208-231-012-000 2 12/2/2020 Open Complaint- Building referral- Built without Permits 3 Building/Planning 331-28
CE20-0634 510-301-026-000 5 8/10/2020 Active Investigation 5th wheel trailer being used as a residence. Public Complaint 314-81.1 612-5
CE20-0513 516-231-031-000 3 5/11/2020 Open Unpermitted Secondary Dwelling Unit, converted "rec room" to second unit 2 Public Complaint 314-69.05 331-28
CE20-0851 019-092-007-000 1 12/8/2020 Active Investigation Complaint- Unpermitted Construction Code Enforcement Unit 331-28
CE20-0889 520-085-009-000 5 12/30/2020 Open Solid waste and junk vehicles
CE20-0766 111-021-021-000 2 10/6/2020 Open Complaint- Trailer with a pile of trash and an unpermitted shack 2 Public Complaint 331-28 521-10
CE20-0550 015-252-009-000 4 6/23/2020 Case Closed - Abated by Owner Solid Waste, Junk Vehicles, Electrical Cord/Water hose running from Residence to
1 Public
RV on Complaint
New 2020 HEIR Cases
SUPD DATE Total Daily NOV VIO_Code VIO_Code VIO_Code VIO_Code
RECORD_ID APNs _DIST OPENED Initiated By Type of Case RECORD_STATUS NTA Served NOV Served Penalty Initial Contact VIO_Code_1 VIO_Code_2 VIO_Code_3 VIO_Code_4 VIO_Code_5 _6 _7 _8 _9
CE20-0836 212-201-013-000 2 2020-11-24 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Appeal Requested 2020-11-23 2020-11-23 $ 10,000.00 2020-11-30 314-55.4.3
CE20-0667 529-171-040-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Owner to Abate Violations 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 42,000.00 2020-10-01 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0504 032-063-003-000 2 2020-05-04 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-05-05 2020-05-05 $ 21,000.00 2020-05-10 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0611 109-101-012-000 2 2020-07-31 CDFW Cannabis Search Warrant Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-08-14 2020-08-14 $ 43,000.00 2020-08-24 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
CE20-0482 077-211-002-000 2 2020-03-12 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-05-18 2020-05-18 $ 20,000.00 2020-07-21 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0736 523-014-001-000 5 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Abatement In Review 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 26,000.00 2020-09-29 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
CE20-0528 217-034-004-000 2 2020-06-05 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-11-23 2020-11-23 $ 11,500.00 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4 611-3
CE20-0463 214-061-008-000 2 2020-02-20 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-02-20 2020-02-20 $ 38,500.00 311-10.1 314-55.4 314-61.1 314-81.1 331-28 354-1 521-4
CE20-0718 524-114-011-000 5 2020-09-17 Building/Planning HEIR Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 10,000.00 2020-10-09 314-55.4.3
CE20-0632 524-114-007-000 5 2020-08-07 Building/Planning HEIR Violation(s) Abated By Owner 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 10,000.00 2020-10-01 314-55.4.3
CE20-0723 208-241-030-000 2 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-25 2020-09-25 $ 16,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0610 109-101-011-000 2 2020-07-31 CDFW Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-08-14 2020-08-14 $ 43,000.00 2020-08-20 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-10
CE20-0624 206-151-029-000 2 2020-08-07 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Abatement In Review 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 12,000.00 2020-08-18 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0628 210-191-057-000 2 2020-08-07 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Abatement In Review 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 20,000.00 2020-08-14 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0609 109-101-010-000 2 2020-07-31 CDFW Cannabis Search Warrant Appeal Requested 2020-08-14 2020-08-14 $ 43,000.00 2020-08-18 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
CE20-0627 210-143-007-000 2 2020-08-07 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Appeal Requested 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 24,000.00 2020-08-18 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0713 316-175-012-000 5 2020-09-17 Building/Planning HEIR Case Closed 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 10,000.00 2020-10-01 314-55.4.3
CE20-0705 222-251-009-000 2 2020-09-10 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Appeal Requested 2020-11-23 2020-11-23 $ 43,000.00 2020-12-03 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4 611-3
CE20-0760 531-095-011-000 5 2020-09-30 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 20,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0724 210-141-007-000 2 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-25 2020-09-25 $ 18,000.00 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0615 109-141-041-000 2 2020-08-03 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-08-14 2020-08-14 $ 21,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0533 216-382-065-000 2 2020-06-08 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Abatement In Review 2020-06-30 2020-06-30 $ 31,000.00 2020-07-02 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0806 508-301-009-000 5 2020-11-03 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-11-20 2020-11-20 $ 21,000.00 2020-11-24 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1
CE20-0735 522-281-019-000 5 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 10,000.00 2020-09-25 314-55.4.3
CE20-0730 316-175-019-000 5 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Owner to Abate Violations 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 16,000.00 2020-10-01 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0725 316-032-002-000 5 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 30,000.00 2020-10-05 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0614 109-111-046-000 2 2020-07-31 CDFW Cannabis Search Warrant Compliance Agreement Sent 2020-08-14 2020-08-14 $ 33,000.00 2020-08-20 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
CE20-0663 316-085-022-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Compliance Agreement Sent 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 31,000.00 2020-10-02 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0612 109-101-013-000 2 2020-07-31 CDFW Cannabis Search Warrant Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-08-14 2020-08-14 $ 43,000.00 2020-08-20 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
CE20-0671 529-351-005-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 22,000.00 2020-10-08 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0631 217-411-006-000 2 2020-08-07 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 20,000.00 2020-08-17 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0605 204-331-008-000 2 2020-07-31 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 12,500.00 2020-08-13 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0674 529-351-009-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 10,000.00 314-55.4.3
CE20-0606 204-091-013-000 2 2020-07-31 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 12,500.00 2020-08-13 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0471 315-082-004-000 5 2020-03-05 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-03-10 2020-03-10 $ 43,000.00 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3 H&S Code
CE20-0613 109-101-016-000 2 2020-07-31 CDFW Cannabis Search Warrant Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-08-14 2020-08-14 $ 43,000.00 2020-08-18 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
CE20-0588 306-161-001-000 1 2020-07-23 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-07-24 2020-07-24 $ 30,000.00 2020-07-27 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0520 107-251-005-000 1 2020-05-22 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant In Compliance Agreement 2020-06-23 2020-06-23 $ 27,000.00 2020-06-29 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
CE20-0837 223-072-004-000 2 2020-11-24 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-11-23 2020-11-23 $ 10,000.00 2020-12-02 314-55.4.3
CE20-0711 208-111-021-000 2 2020-09-17 Building/Planning HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-10-21 2020-10-21 $ 44,000.00 2020-10-29 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-11.5 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-10 611-3 H&S Code
CE20-0553 210-231-012-000 2 2020-06-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-25 2020-09-25 $ 41,000.00 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0678 529-361-022-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Owner to Abate Violations 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 32,000.00 2020-10-01 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
CE20-0731 316-184-002-000 5 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Case Closed - CA Complete 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ - 2020-09-23
CE20-0675 529-351-010-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 10,000.00 314-55.4.3
CE20-0535 530-141-002-000 5 2020-06-08 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Owner to Abate Violations 2020-06-26 2020-06-26 $ 33,000.00 2020-07-02 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
CE20-0733 317-063-001-000 2 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 33,000.00 2020-09-24 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4 611-3
CE20-0500 101-141-009-000 1 2020-04-28 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-04-28 2020-04-28 $ 32,000.00 2020-04-29 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0608 109-081-017-000 2 2020-07-31 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-08-14 2020-08-14 $ 31,000.00 2020-08-18 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-10
CE20-0835 210-022-025-000 2 2020-11-20 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Owner to Abate Violations 2020-11-23 2020-11-23 $ 42,000.00 2020-11-23 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
CE20-0761 534-193-007-000 5 2020-09-30 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Abatement In Review 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 16,000.00 2020-10-07 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0538 208-071-031-000 2 2020-06-10 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-07-23 2020-07-23 $ 32,000.00 2020-07-06 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-28; 314-55.4.3 611-3
CE20-0721 208-221-022-000 2 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-25 2020-09-25 $ 10,000.00 2020-09-30 331-14; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0629 217-322-001-000 2 2020-08-07 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Abatement In Review 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 10,000.00 2020-08-12 314-55.4.3
CE20-0585 210-191-035-000 2 2020-07-22 CDFW Cannabis Search Warrant Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-07-23 2020-07-23 $ 22,000.00 2020-07-30 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
CE20-0785 316-212-004-000 5 2020-10-20 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-11-19 2020-11-19 $ 12,300.00 2020-11-02 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0630 217-391-007-000 2 2020-08-07 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 12,000.00 314-61.1 331-14
CE20-0566 107-251-001-000 1 2020-06-30 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant In Compliance Agreement 2020-08-26 2020-08-26 $ 31,000.00 2020-08-28 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
CE20-0532 216-382-064-000 2 2020-06-08 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Abatement In Review 2020-06-30 2020-06-30 $ 31,000.00 2020-07-02 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0672 529-351-006-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 21,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0543 201-311-019-000 1 2020-06-16 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-06-18 2020-06-18 $ 23,000.00 2020-06-30 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
CE20-0874 508-041-009-000 5 2020-12-21 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Owner to Abate Violations 2021-03-11 2021-03-11 $ 21,000.00 2021-03-11 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0727 316-112-024-000 5 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Abatement In Review 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 16,000.00 2020-09-28 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0536 107-291-022-000 1 2020-06-10 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant In Compliance Agreement 2020-06-22 2020-06-22 $ 22,000.00 2020-07-29 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
CE20-0673 529-351-007-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 21,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0789 223-074-006-000 2 2020-10-23 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Case Closed - Rescinded 2020-11-23 2020-11-23 $ 31,000.00 2020-11-25 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 611-3
CE20-0684 531-074-005-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Owner to Abate Violations 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 31,000.00 2020-11-10 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0683 531-074-003-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 44,000.00 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4 611-3
CE20-0579 107-291-015-000 1 2020-07-15 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Compliance Agreement Requested 2020-12-04 2020-12-04 $ 42,000.00 2020-12-18 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
CE20-0759 530-151-001-000 5 2020-09-30 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 30,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0594 210-117-014-000 2 2020-07-27 CDFW Cannabis Search Warrant In Compliance Agreement 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 10,600.00 2020-12-31 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
CE20-0726 316-112-002-000 5 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Abatement In Review 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 12,000.00 2020-09-28 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0556 522-044-007-000 5 2020-06-25 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 40,000.00 2020-07-07 314-55.4.3 314-61.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0758 529-032-044-000 5 2020-09-30 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 20,000.00 2020-10-05 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0668 529-181-036-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Legal Noticing Issue 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 42,000.00 2020-10-01 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
CE20-0699 210-117-012-000 2 2020-08-28 CDFW Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 42,000.00 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 611-3
CE20-0524 208-071-032-000 2 2020-06-02 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Owner to Abate Violations 2020-06-24 2020-06-24 $ 20,000.00 2020-06-25 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0503 402-221-064-000 3 2020-04-29 Public Complaint HEIR Owner to Abate Violations 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 18,000.00 2020-08-14 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0848 216-256-008-000 2 2020-12-04 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-12-16 2020-12-16 $ 20,000.00 2020-12-16 314-55.4 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0530 216-382-008-000 2 2020-06-08 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-06-30 2020-06-30 $ 41,000.00 2020-07-06 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0539 107-291-020-000 1 2020-06-10 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Abatement In Review 2020-10-13 2020-10-13 $ 21,000.00 2020-06-25 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0729 316-174-013-000 5 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-10-05 2020-10-05 $ 10,000.00 2020-10-01 314-55.4.3
CE20-0497 522-181-033-000 5 2020-04-17 Board of Supervisors HEIR Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-04-17 2020-04-17 $ 12,000.00 2020-04-23 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0737 524-075-028-000;524-075-030-000
5 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Abatement In Review 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 20,000.00 2020-10-01 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0846 216-281-002-000 2 2020-12-04 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-12-16 2020-12-16 $ 33,000.00 2020-12-23 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-11.5 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1
CE20-0546 210-153-004-000 2 2020-06-18 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Compliance Agreement Sent 2020-06-24 2020-06-24 $ 22,000.00 2020-08-14 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
CE20-0734 317-062-003-000;317-063-008-000
2 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Legal Noticing Issue 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 23,000.00 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
CE20-0807 402-061-026-000 3 2020-11-03 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2020-11-19 2020-11-19 $ 13,000.00 2021-01-26 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0552 211-302-016-000 2 2020-06-24 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Owner to Abate Violations 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 31,000.00 2020-08-09 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0626 210-131-016-000 2 2020-08-07 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Abatement In Review 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 12,000.00 2020-08-12 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0529 217-035-008-000 2 2020-06-05 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant In Compliance Agreement 2020-11-23 2020-11-23 $ 21,500.00 2020-12-01 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
CE20-0587 032-121-018-000 2 2020-07-23 Public Complaint HEIR Owner to Abate Violations 2020-07-24 2020-07-24 $ 6,000.00 2020-07-24 314-55.4.3
CE20-0717 522-174-015-000 5 2020-09-17 Building/Planning HEIR Case Closed 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 10,000.00 2020-10-09 314-55.4.3
CE20-0669 529-181-038-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Legal Noticing Issue 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 31,000.00 2020-10-01 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0595 208-071-002-000 2 2020-07-27 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant NTA and NOV Served 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 22,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
CE20-0451 019-041-008-000 1 2020-02-05 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Violation(s) Abated By Owner 2020-02-05 2020-02-05 $ 15,000.00 2020-02-06 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0477 206-101-019-000 2 2020-03-10 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Appeal Requested 2020-03-18 2020-03-18 $ 12,000.00 2020-03-20 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0732 316-184-004-000 5 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Case Closed - CA Complete 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 30,000.00 2020-09-23 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0625 208-112-007-000 2 2020-08-07 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 16,000.00 2020-08-12 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0728 316-136-008-000 5 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 44,000.00 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-11.5 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4 611-3
CE20-0679 529-361-023-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant Violation(s) Abated By Owner 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 13,000.00 2020-10-01 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 354-1 521-4
CE20-0722 208-241-024-000;208-241-028-000
2 2020-09-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Appeal Requested 2020-09-25 2020-09-25 $ 12,000.00 2020-11-30 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE20-0664 316-292-021-000 5 2020-08-25 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant In Compliance Agreement 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 41,000.00 2020-09-28 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE20-0531 216-244-004-000 2 2020-06-08 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant In Compliance Agreement 2020-06-30 2020-06-30 $ 33,000.00 2020-07-02 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
Pre-2020 HEIR Cases with 2020 Actions Taken
SUPD_ DATE Total Daily Agreement Penalty Notice of Admin Board Board Penalty VIO_Code_ VIO_Code_
RECORD_ID APNs DIST OPENED Initiated By Type of Case RECORD_STATUS LE Warrant NTA Served NOV Served NOV Penalty Initial Contact Signed Settlement Hearing Date Penalty Assessment Assessment Date Assessed VIO_Code_1 VIO_Code_2 VIO_Code_3 VIO_Code_4 VIO_Code_5 6 VIO_Code_7 8
17CEU-330 107-051-009-000 1 2017-10-16 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2017-10-18 2017-10-18 $ 10,000.00 2017-12-14 2019-04-12 2019-10-21 2020-08-18 $ 150,000.00 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
18CEU-111 216-391-026-000 2 2018-05-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Transferred to Legal 2020-06-04 2018-05-22 2018-05-22 $ 10,000.00 2018-05-30 2019-12-06 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
18CEU-104 216-393-014-000 2 2018-05-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Transferred to Legal 2019-08-08 2018-05-22 2018-05-22 $ 10,000.00 2018-05-30 2020-01-10 314-55.4 331-28 HEIR
18CEU-110 216-393-009-000 2 2018-05-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Transferred to Legal 2018-05-22 2018-05-22 $ 10,000.00 2018-05-30 2020-01-10 314-55.4 314-61.1 HEIR 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
CE20-0787 317-132-016-000 2 2019-06-17 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant
NTA and NOV Served 2020-09-25 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4
18CEU-364 216-392-019-000 2 2018-08-23 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant
Initial Contact Made (HEIR) 2020-08-21 2018-12-13 2018-12-13 $ 10,000.00 2018-12-21 314-55.4 314-61.1 HEIR 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR 521-4 611-3
18CEU-70 529-171-033-000 5 2018-04-16 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Legal Noticing Issue 2020-08-20 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 10,000.00 2018-04-19 2018-08-10 $ 20,000.00 2020-09-30 314-55.4 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-10
18CEU-69 529-171-034-000 5 2018-04-16 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Active - Historic 2020-08-20 2020-09-30 2020-09-30 $ 10,000.00 2018-04-19 2018-08-10 $ 20,000.00 2020-09-30 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
18CEU-663 216-074-014-000 2 2018-10-31 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Closed - Historic 2020-08-18 2018-11-02 2018-11-02 $ 10,000.00 2018-11-07
18CEU-62 316-082-006-000 5 2018-03-27 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Lien Recorded 2020-08-17 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 10,000.00 2018-07-30 2018-09-24 2018-11-13 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4 314-81.1 331-11.5 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR 521-4
18CEU-221 316-081-008-000 5 2018-07-12 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-08-17 2021-03-15 2021-03-15 $ 10,000.00 2020-09-28 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
18CEU-163 208-241-019-000 2 2018-06-18 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Closed - Historic 2020-08-14 2018-06-20 2018-06-20 $ 10,000.00 2018-06-22 2018-07-27 $ 20,000.00
18CEU-360 317-105-003-000 2 2018-08-15 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant
Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2020-08-12 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 10,000.00 2020-09-28 314-55.4 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28 HEIR 521-4 611-3
CE19-0147 317-064-009-000 2 2019-07-26 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Legal Noticing Issue 2020-08-12 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 $ 30,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
17CEU-116 317-063-005-000 2 2017-07-11 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant
Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2020-08-11 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 10,000.00 2017-09-08 2020-06-24 2020-11-17 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
18CEU-634 315-184-001-000 5 2018-08-14 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant
Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2020-08-10 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 10,000.00 2018-10-12 2020-06-24 2020-11-17 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
CE19-0144 317-054-005-000 2 2019-07-26 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2020-08-10 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 $ 30,000.00 2019-08-13 2020-07-07 $ - 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE19-0145 317-054-006-000 2 2019-07-26 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2020-08-10 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 40,000.00 2020-09-28 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 611-3; 314-55.4.3
CE19-0146 317-055-008-000 2 2019-07-26 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-08-10 2020-09-23 2020-09-23 $ 41,000.00 2020-09-28 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
18CEU-306 317-053-007-000 2 2018-07-26 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Appeal Requested 2020-08-10 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 $ 10,000.00 2018-08-13 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 354-1 521-4 611-3
18CEU-181 204-331-034-000 2 2018-07-03 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2020-07-30 2020-09-25 2020-09-25 $ 10,000.00 2020-10-16 2020-09-25 314-55.4 331-11.5 331-28 HEIR 521-4
19CEU-60 210-117-012-000 2 2019-03-26 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Case Closed 2020-07-23 2019-03-28 2019-03-28 $ 20,000.00 2019-04-10 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
18CEU-327 210-142-002-000 2 2018-08-09 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Initiate Penalty Assessment 2020-07-20 2020-09-25 2020-09-25 $ 10,000.00 2018-09-05 2018-09-05 $ 30,000.00 2020-09-28 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 521-4
18CEU-335 208-054-003-000 2 2018-08-09 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2020-07-20 2020-09-25 2020-09-25 $ 10,000.00 2018-08-23 2020-02-11 $ 20,000.00 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE19-0090 216-391-027-000 2 2019-06-25 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2020-06-04 2019-06-28 2019-06-28 $ 24,000.00 2019-10-29 2020-11-23 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
17CEU-46 210-153-004-000 2 2017-04-28 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant
Case Closed 2020-05-14 2017-08-24 2017-08-24 $ 10,000.00 2018-01-13 2018-03-05 $ 25,000.00 314-55.4 331-28 HEIR 521-4 611-3
17CEU-364 107-291-020-000 1 2017-10-17 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Active - Historic 2020-05-12 2017-10-18 2017-10-18 $ 10,000.00 2017-10-19 2017-12-15 $ 30,000.00 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
18CEU-708 211-375-012-000 2 2018-12-06 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2020-05-11 2018-12-07 2018-12-07 $ 10,000.00 2018-12-27 2019-10-21 2020-03-17 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR 354-1 521-10
CE19-0226 211-376-027-000 2 2019-09-19 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2020-05-11 2019-09-18 2019-09-18 $ 30,000.00 2019-09-26 2020-11-23 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
CE19-0225 211-375-011-000 2 2019-09-19 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2020-05-11 2019-09-18 2019-09-18 $ 30,000.00 2019-09-26 2020-11-23 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
18CEU-14 208-281-003-000 2 2018-06-18 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2020-04-29 2020-08-07 2020-08-07 $ 10,000.00 2018-06-22 2020-12-15 $ - 314-55.4 331-11.5 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28 HEIR 354-1
18CEU-336 208-241-025-000 2 2018-08-09 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Initiate Penalty Assessment 2020-04-29 2019-08-23 2019-08-23 $ 10,000.00 2020-09-28 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
CE19-0361 522-035-005-000 5 2019-10-17 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-09-06 2019-10-21 2019-10-21 $ 20,000.00 2020-02-05 $ - 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3
CE19-0054 530-151-001-000 5 2019-06-14 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Case Closed 2019-09-05 2019-06-14 2019-06-14 $ 30,000.00 2019-07-12 2019-10-21 2020-03-17 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
18CEU-309 317-064-007-000 2 2018-07-26 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-09-04 2018-07-27 2018-07-27 $ 10,000.00 2018-12-18 2020-06-30 $ 30,000.00 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
CE19-0358 212-071-001-000 2 2019-10-17 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-09-03 2020-02-21 2020-02-21 $ 32,000.00 2019-10-29 2020-02-21 $ - 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4
18CEU-150 216-201-002-000 2 2018-06-06 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Legal Noticing Issue 2019-08-07 2019-11-07 2019-11-07 $ 10,000.00 2018-06-17 2020-03-17 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3 H&S Code
17CEU-274 522-034-003-000 5 2017-09-19 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-07-31 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 $ 10,000.00 2017-09-28 2020-02-05 $ 30,000.00 2019-10-21 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
17CEU-272 317-051-004-000 2 2018-07-26 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2019-07-11 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 $ 10,000.00 2018-08-20 2020-06-24
18CEU-710 212-022-013-000 2 2018-12-06 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2018-12-20 2018-12-07 2018-12-07 $ 10,000.00 2018-12-27 2020-03-17 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
18CEU-425 108-141-032-000 2 2018-09-12 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2018-09-26 2018-09-13 2018-09-13 $ 10,000.00 2018-09-27 2020-03-17 314-55.4 314-61.1 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
18CEU-559 220-052-006-000 2 2018-09-12 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant
Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2018-09-12 2018-10-03 2018-10-03 $ 10,000.00 2018-10-11 2020-03-17 2020-11-17 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4 314-61.1 HEIR 314-81.1 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR 354-1 521-4 611-3
18CEU-460 215-213-017-000 2 2018-09-12 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2018-09-11 2018-09-13 2018-09-13 $ 10,000.00 2018-09-27 2020-09-18 $ 20,000.00 2020-03-17 314-55.4 331-28 HEIR
18CEU-119 216-393-016-000 2 2018-05-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Active - Historic 2018-07-23 2018-05-22 2018-05-22 $ 10,000.00 2018-06-01 2020-01-21 $ - 331-14 HEIR
17CEU-462 208-112-023-000 2 2017-12-07 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant
Legal Noticing Issue 2017-12-11 2017-12-13 2017-12-13 $ 10,000.00 2018-01-18 2020-01-01 $ - 314-55.4 314-61.1 HEIR 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR 521-4
17CEU-244 107-015-005-000 1 2017-08-23 Sheriff Cannabis Search Warrant
Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2017-08-22 2017-10-09 2017-10-09 $ 10,000.00 2017-10-20 2020-03-17 2020-11-17 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4 314-81.1 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR 521-4 611-3
18CEU-419 107-015-003-000 1 2018-08-29 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2018-08-31 2018-08-31 $ 10,000.00 2018-11-15 2020-03-17 2020-11-17 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
17CEU-74 314-193-010-000 3 2017-05-25 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2017-11-14 2017-11-14 $ 10,000.00 2017-11-15 2020-04-30 2020-11-17 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
19CEU-62 210-117-028-000 2 2019-03-26 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2019-03-29 2019-03-29 $ 30,000.00 2019-04-18 2020-04-30 2020-11-17 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
18CEU-75 531-102-007-000 5 2018-04-16 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2018-04-18 2018-04-18 $ 10,000.00 2018-06-04 2020-05-01 2020-11-17 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
17CEU-279 316-075-009-000 5 2017-09-20 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2021-03-15 2021-03-15 $ 10,000.00 2017-09-28 2017-11-15 $ 30,000.00 2019-10-21 2020-03-17 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3 521-4 611-3
17CEU-281 316-075-001-000 5 2017-09-20 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR NTA and NOV Served 2021-03-15 2021-03-15 $ 10,000.00 2017-09-28 2017-11-15 $ 30,000.00 2019-10-21 2020-03-17 $ 900,000.00 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 314-81.1 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
354-1 521-4 611-3
18CEU-366 033-130-008-000 2 2018-08-22 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Active - Historic 2018-08-24 2018-08-24 $ 10,000.00 2018-09-04 2020-02-27 $ 30,000.00 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
CE19-0335 522-044-033-000 5 2019-10-08 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-10-04 2019-10-04 $ 30,000.00 2019-10-03 2020-02-05 $ 30,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
18CEU-160 208-221-012-000 2 2018-06-18 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Active - Historic 2018-06-20 2018-06-20 $ 10,000.00 2018-08-06 2020-01-29 $ 30,000.00 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
CE19-0122 512-131-077-000 5 2019-07-11 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Case Closed - Abated by Owner 2019-07-11 2019-07-11 $ - 2019-07-19 2020-01-03 $ 20,000.00
17CEU-391 212-320-001-000 2 2017-10-30 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Active - Historic 2017-11-01 2017-11-01 $ 10,000.00 2017-11-01 2020-01-02 $ 15,000.00 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
CE19-0319 210-141-015-000 2 2019-10-08 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-10-04 2019-10-04 $ 30,000.00 2019-10-15 2020-05-19 $ 10,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
19CEU-117 208-112-029-000 2 2019-05-15 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-05-17 2019-05-17 $ 22,000.00 2020-05-14 $ 10,000.00 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE19-0258 220-282-010-000 2 2019-09-19 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Case Closed - CA Complete 2019-09-18 2019-09-18 $ 18,000.00 2019-09-27 2020-12-15 $ - 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE19-0338 524-022-019-000 5 2019-10-08 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-10-04 2019-10-04 $ 16,000.00 2019-10-15 2020-06-30 $ - 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3
CE19-0336 522-044-034-000 5 2019-10-08 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-10-04 2019-10-04 $ 24,000.00 2019-10-15 2020-06-12 $ - 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE19-0253 217-401-006-000 2 2019-09-19 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-09-18 2019-09-18 $ 20,000.00 2019-09-24 2020-06-03 $ - 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3
18CEU-339 210-141-017-000 2 2018-08-09 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2018-08-10 2018-08-10 $ 10,000.00 2018-08-20 2020-05-27 $ - 314-55.4 331-14 HEIR 331-28 HEIR
19CEU-77 216-461-001-000 2 2019-04-18 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-04-19 2019-04-19 $ 24,000.00 2019-04-19 2020-02-18 $ -
CE19-0310 208-113-002-000 2 2019-10-07 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Case Closed - CA Complete 2019-10-04 2019-10-04 $ 24,000.00 2019-10-11 2020-02-13 $ - 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE19-0331 316-320-001-000 5 2019-10-08 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-10-04 2019-10-04 $ 30,000.00 2019-10-15 2020-02-05 $ - 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
18CEU-103 216-393-020-000 2 2018-05-21 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Active - Historic 2019-03-14 2019-03-14 $ 10,000.00 2018-06-01 2020-01-22 $ -
CE19-0260 221-061-008-000 2 2019-09-19 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Case Closed - CA Complete 2019-09-18 2019-09-18 $ 18,000.00 2019-09-26 2020-01-02 $ - 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
CE19-0333 522-033-012-000 5 2019-10-08 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR In Compliance Agreement 2019-10-04 2019-10-04 $ 24,000.00 2019-10-11 2020-02-05 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
19CEU-29 316-191-009-000 5 2019-03-13 Code Enforcement Unit HEIR Admin. Penalty Assement Served 2019-03-15 2019-03-15 $ 40,000.00 2020-04-02 2020-05-01 314-55.4.3 314-61.1; 314-55.4.3 331-14; 314-55.4.3 331-28; 314-55.4.3
2020 Warrant Inspections on Applications
APN CCLUO PLN APP SUPD_DIST Inspection Date Inspection Type Permit Status Next Action
212-281-025-000 PLN-12734-ZCC 2 2020-05-11 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
107-251-004-000 PLN-2019-15544 1 2020-05-13 LE Warrant County Permit no enforcement action
107-251-006-000 PLN-11783-ZCC 1 2020-05-13 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
211-261-017-000 PLN-2019-16090 2 2020-05-20 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
316-172-022-000 PLN-13375-CUP 5 2020-05-26 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
208-271-010-000 PLN-11181-CUP 2 2020-05-27 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
208-281-032-000 PLN-13343-CUP 2 2020-05-27 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
217-035-008-000 PLN-11794-ZCC 2 2020-05-29 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
217-034-004-000 PLN-11798-CUP 2 2020-05-29 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
217-440-004-000 PLN-11601-SP 2 2020-06-17 LE Warrant County Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
217-032-013-000 PLN-11850-CUP 2 2020-06-17 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
208-221-014-000 PLN-10656-CUP 2 2020-06-24 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
208-221-013-000 PLN-10863-SP 2 2020-06-24 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
210-231-012-000 PLN-12479-SP 2 2020-06-24 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
107-300-011-000 PLN-2018-15202 1 2020-06-25 LE Warrant County Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
308-261-058-000 PLN-12620-SP 1 2020-07-08 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
209-171-003-000 PLN-11215-ZCC; PLN-12909-ZCC 1 2020-07-14 LE Warrant County Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
107-291-015-000 PLN-11714-SP 1 2020-07-14 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
209-271-009-000 PLN-11818-CUP 1 2020-07-14 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
220-261-007-000 PLN-13070-ZCC 2 2020-07-15 LE Warrant County Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
220-261-006-000 PLN-13075-ZCC 2 2020-07-15 LE Warrant County Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
220-272-025-000 PLN-2018-15272 2 2020-07-15 LE Warrant County Permit no enforcement action
207-086-004-000 PLN-12959-SP; PLN-2020-16813 2 2020-07-23 LE Warrant County Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
210-117-014-000 PLN-12919-CUP 2 2020-07-23 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
095-201-005-000 PLN-11494-SP 2 2020-07-30 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
317-052-003-000 PLN-11288-CUP 2 2020-08-10 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP no enforcement action
317-200-001-000 PLN-11726-CUP 2 2020-08-12 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
522-023-001-000 PLN-11607-CUP 5 2020-08-18 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
316-076-013-000 PLN-11956-CUP 5 2020-08-18 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
522-115-002-000 PLN-2018-15295 5 2020-08-18 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
530-141-003-000 PLN-11078-SP; PLN-13252-CUP 5 2020-08-19 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
534-193-010-000 PLN-12065-SP 5 2020-08-19 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
529-282-013-000 PLN-11378-SP 5 2020-08-20 LE Warrant County Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
529-361-010-000 PLN-12067-CUP 5 2020-08-20 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
529-361-029-000 PLN-12067-CUP 5 2020-08-20 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
529-361-030-000 PLN-12067-CUP 5 2020-08-20 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
529-351-026-000 PLN-11815-CUP 5 2020-08-20 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
529-132-006-000 PLN-12945-SP 5 2020-08-20 LE Warrant No Permit-No IP APP-Violation Letter Sent
210-131-017-000 PLN-11942-SP 2 2020-10-07 CDFA Insp Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
210-131-018-000 PLN-12321-CUP 2 2020-10-07 CDFA Insp Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
210-131-015-000 PLN-12323-CUP 2 2020-10-07 CDFA Insp Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
223-074-004-000 PLN-10781-CUP 2 2020-10-21 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
223-074-009-000 PLN-10784-CUP 2 2020-10-21 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
210-074-001-000 PLN-11034-CUP 2 2020-10-27 LE Warrant County Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
210-044-002-000 PLN-12749-CUP 2 2020-10-27 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
210-071-006-000 PLN-13103-ZCC 2 2020-10-27 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
210-142-006-000 PLN-13286-CUP 2 2020-10-30 CDFA Insp Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
210-142-007-000 PLN-13293-CUP 2 2020-10-30 CDFA Insp Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
210-011-014-000 PLN-11661-CUP 2 2020-10-30 CDFA Insp No Permit-No IP PLN-Cannabis Services Action
208-111-021-000 PLN-12764-CUP 2 2020-11-04 CDFA Insp Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
208-111-020-000 PLN-12761-ZCC 2 2020-11-04 CDFA Insp County Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
210-106-011-000 PLN-12761-ZCC; PLN-12771-SP 2 2020-11-04 CDFA Insp County Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
317-033-006-000 PLN-12768-SP 2 2020-11-04 CDFA Insp Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
210-144-017-000 PLN-11797-SP 2 2020-11-11 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action
210-144-011-000 PLN-11969-CUP 2 2020-11-11 LE Warrant Interim Permit PLN-Cannabis Services Action

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