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outhouse Square 510 King Sect Suite 940 ‘Axara, Vigna 2318 708 568.2041 703.5663072 GLOBAL LIBERTY ALLIANCE ‘Jason. Poblete President jpoblete@slobaliberyaliance org March 9, 2021 Rep. Bobby L. Rush 2188 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515-1301 SUBJECT: Ms. Alina Lopez, American Citizen Unlawfully Imprisoned in Cuba for Nearly Four Years; Request for Support References: 1. Cong. Democratic Letter dated Mar. 2, 2021 to President Biden 2. 22US.C. § 1732, et. seq. 3. Levinson Hostage Recovery & Hostage-Taking Accountability Act Dear Congressman Rush, Tam writing on behalf of Ms. Alina Lopez, an American unlawfully imprisoned in Cuba for close to four years. In a letter dated March 2, 2021, you and 79 other Members of Congress urged President Biden to change course on US-Cuba policy; however, neither Alina’s case, nor that of any other American unlawfully imprisoned in Cuba was mentioned. On behalf of Alina, we request your support, and that of the Congress, in helping reunite Alina with her family. Ms. Lopez, a South Florida schoolteacher, was lured to Cuba. On her way back to the United States she was unlawfully detained and imprisoned. She was harshly interrogated, denied access to counsel, and convicted by a Cuban secret military court for alleged acts of espionage on behalf of the U.S. Sentenced to 13 years in prison, the Cuban government has denied every request made by Alina, her family, and undersigned counsel for consular services from U.S. officials posted at the U.S. Embassy in Havana. Moved several times from prisons to work camps, Alina is suffering from severe health ailments. Cuba has repeatedly denied Ms. Lopez due process of law, a lawyer of her choice, access to health services or adequate food, and is subjecting her to cruel and degrading treatment. Alina's primary source of support is her recently widowed 93-year-old mother, also named Alina, who lives in Miami Beach, Florida, as well other family members in the United States. ‘Apart of The Global Rule o Lew & Libety Lega Defense Fund gobalbenyatiance org (GLOBAL LIBERTY ALUANCE Alina’s elderly mom has even traveled to Cuba several times to take her daughter food and medications that are being denied. Throughout this harrowing ordeal, which is well reported in the media, Alina has maintained her innocence. Last month, and at great risk to her safety, Alina issued a statement from Cuba to President Biden and other US. policymakers pleading for assistance and to bring her home. Mr. Elizardo Sanchez, a prominent Cuban dissident, former political prisoner, and President of the Cuban Commission on Human Rights recently told the media that the Cuban government did not have “convincing evidence,” that Alina’s case was “plagued with irregularities,” and that her sentence was “doubly arbitrary.”" During our representation of Ms. Lopez, we have learned from US. sources that there are reportedly 19 more Americans in Cuban prisons. If so, they too have been left out of the dialogue that has been ongoing with Cuba for many years, including during the prior administration. In 2019, President Trump’s administration negotiated the repatriation of 120 Cubans in USS. federal custody. The record-setting repatriation is supposedly part of a long-term effort that included more repatriations. According to a Miami Herald story, it was the “largest” Cuba repatriation missions in recent history? If Ms. Lopez and other Americans were not part of these talks, she should be included in any future discussions that take place. Despite incredible odds, Ms. Lopez has shown remarkable resilience in the face of systematic targeting by Cuban officials, and she and her family deserve more from U.S. policymakers who engage on all sides of Cuba policy. While support for our Cuban neighbors is important, American policymakers must advocate for Americans first. Alina’s case must be put to the top of U.S. priorities in Cuba. She should be in the United States getting much-needed " Daniel Castropé, “Caso de maestra de Miami encarcetada en Cuba continia sin ser atendido,” Diario Las Américas (Diario Las Américas, February 19, 2021), htps:// ‘maestra-miami-encarcelada-cuba-continua-ser-atendido-n4216935. 2 Monique O. Madan, “Immigration officials deport 120 Cubans to Havana —and that's just the i,” Miami Herald (Miami Herald, September 5, 2019), iti i ‘ssions®%20in%20recent®420history.detext=McGrorty%20represents%20a%20Cuban’420national,detaine 6%420a1%420the%20southern%20border. Page 2 GuonaL IRTY ALLIANCE medical care and taking care of her mother, and not locked up in a Cuban work camp. On behalf of Alina and her family, we respectfully request that the ‘Congress urge the Biden Administration discuss Ms. Lopez’s matter with Cuban officials and work on her immediate and unconditional return. I have enclosed a summary of her case and supporting documentation. Thank you for your consideration of this request. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us. Thank you, Sincerely, For Global Liberty Alliance Enclosures cc: U.S. Department of State, Office of the Special Envoy for Hostages Affairs ‘The James W. Foley Legacy Foundation Page 3 ALINA LOPEZ-MIYARES U.S. Citizen From Florida Accused of Espionage, Tried by a Secret Cuban Military Tribunal On October 2, 2017, Ms. Alina Lopez-Miyares, a U.S. citizen and schoolteacher, was convicted by a Cuban secret military court for alleged acts of espionage. She was sentenced to 13 years in prison. Ms. Lopez-Miyares maintains her innocence. Ms. Lopez-Miyares is serving her sentence at the notorious Manto Negro women’s prison near Havana. Manto Negro holds persons convicted of violent crimes as well as political prisoners such as members of the civil society group Ladies in White. In 2004, Manto Negro was one of several prisons in Cuba that were visited by United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) officials. The rare visit to Manto Negro and other prisons by international observers occurred the year after an island-wide crackdown on Cuban civil society leaders. According to a 2016 Human Rights Watch report, Cuba still “denies access to its prisons by independent human rights groups, which believe that additional political prisoners, whose cases they cannot document, remain locked up.” Her 93-year-old mother has traveled from Miami to Cuba various times, a great sacrifice to this family of modest means. Ms. Lopez-Miyares’s family is incredibly concerned about how their daughter has been treated by Cuban authorities. Cuban officials have not been forthcoming to the family about the status of Ms. Lopez-Miyares's difficult situation. Ms. Lopez-Miyares is suffering from severe ailments, and is not receiving appropriate care. The Global Liberty Alliance is concerned for her health and wellbeing. As aUSS. citizen, Ms. Lopez-Miyares is entitled to consular visits by diplomatic staff posted at the U.S. Embassy in Havana. Despite repeated requests, including from Global Liberty Alliance lawyers, the Cuban government has refused American diplomats access to Ms. Lopez-Miyares. Page 1 of 2 Global Liberty Alliance attorneys have requested to meet with Cuban diplomatic personnel at the Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C. and have raised this case with U.S. authorities. Various non-governmental organizations estimate that there are thousands of persons unlawfully detained in Cuba in over 200 prison and work camps. These people are held for political or otherwise fabricated charges such as espionage. A totalitarian police state, according to the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance indicators, Cuba has one of the world’s weakest rule of law and legal systems. Freedom House's 2017 report on human rights in Cuba outlines how the one-party Communist state has “total control over the courts and the judiciary.” or more information on Ms, Lopen's casa please visit our webnlte at: https: / / alina-lopez-miyares-us-citizen-tried-by- cuban-tribunal-html. Page 2 of. oumneuto Square 510 King Steet Sule 10 sean, Vigna 2316 Pronsea 3041 ro3sea3572 GLOBAL LIBERTY ALLIANCE October 10, 2020 Honorable Donna Shalala U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1320 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congresswoman Shalala, 1am writing again on behalf of your constituent, Ms. Alina Lopez, a US. citizen unlawfully imprisoned in Cuba since October 2017. I first contacted your District Office on or about January 28, 2019. Ms. Lopez's mother has made various attempts to meet with you and your staff. In February 2019, I sent a letter to your team for your consideration to secure additional information to help us in our efforts to secure the release of Ms. Lopez. ‘On October 2, 2020, you and 17 other members of the U.S. House of Representatives introduced House Resolution 1172. The Resolution calls for the release of Portal Contreras, a Cuba-based resistance activist who was unlawfully imprisoned in socialist Cuba in June 2016, approximately three months after President Barack Obama visited the island. Mr. Contreras was unjustly sentenced to four years in prison, as have countless other dissident and resistance leaders who have languished in prisons throughout the island. There has not been a similar legislative effort concerning Ms. Lopez, a fellow American from your Congressional District, or the 20 other American citizens reportedly held in Cuban prisons. ‘The Portal Contreras resolution would have been an excellent opportunity to highlight not only his tragic situation but that of other dissident and resistance leaders and Americans unlawfully imprisoned or held hostage in Communist Cuba. The Global Liberty Alliance has advised Congressional members and staff on the resolutions for other cases, including several matters involving American citizens and U.S. legal permanent residents held hostage in Iran's notorious Evin Prison and in other nations. We have highlighted the plight of American citizens unlawfully imprisoned in places such as Iran, Cuba, or Venezuela, which greatly contributes towards securing positive outcomes. ‘Apart Tha Gttl Rua of Law & Ube Lagal Defensa Fund dobaltryatiane fg Guomat Lineery ALLIANCE ‘The defense of human rights in repressive nations should transcend partisan politics. I am writing to you again to secure your assistance on behalf of your constituent, Ms. Alina Lopez, and schedule a meeting as soon as possible with you or your staff to discuss Ms. Lopez's situation. Securing the release of Americans unlawfully imprisoned or held hostage in foreign lands is an American issue, not a Republican or Democratic issue, and must remain a priority for all USS. elected officials. ‘Thank you for your consideration of this request and I look forward to working together, with the entire Florida delegation, to assist Ms. Lopez, a Florida resident and constituent of your Congressional District. Sincerely, ial Pago 2012

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