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Assignment 2: Scenario-Based Learning

Due Date: Friday 17 April 2021, 11:55pm Fiji Time

Value: 15%
Word Limit: 1,500 - 2,000 words
Writing Format Requirement: Times New Roman or Arial with size 12 font and spacing of 1.5

Scenario-Based Learning (SBL) is widely used in schools. SBL is based on the principle of
situated learning (Lave & Wenger, 1991) and advocates the idea that learning becomes more
meaningful in the context in which it is going to be used. In this assignment you will make a plan
on how to teach a concept using SBL.

1. Select only one (1) concept from the following:

 One-to-one Correspondence
 Cardinal and ordinal numbers
 Multiplication of decimals with the power of 10

(All these concepts are from Units 4-6)

2. Develop 3 learning objectives for your selected concept.

3. Design a scenario you think can help you teach your concept. A good way to do this is to work
backwards from your learning objectives to create a situation that will get the students to meet
this learning objective.
4. Then make a plan on how you will teach your topic using your life scenario. Your plan should

An introduction
Learning objectives
Key questions
Tasks & Activities

5. Then submit your SBL plan as assignment 2.

Marking Criteria for Assignment 2

Aspects of Assignment Mark

Clearly outlined, with clear background linked to the subject of /1
Learning objectives
o 3 learning objectives clearly outlined /3
o Objectives linked to chosen concept /1

o Realistic /2
o Learner centric /2
o Interactive /2
o Involved applied learning strategies /2

Key Questions
o Make students excited about learning the concept /2
o Thought provoking /1
o Linked to scenario /1

Tasks and activities

o Clearly outlined /2
o Linked to key questions /1
o Interactive /1
o Linked to scenario /1
o Linked to learning objectives /1
Reflection & Conclusion
o Reflect on learning rather than reproduction of ideas /2
o Good clear conclusion /2

APA Writing & Quality

o Clear and correct in-text referencing
o List of reference correctly arranged at end of assignment
o Follow assignment requirements & Quality
Total Marks /30

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