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Pt. 321 33 CFR Ch.

II (7–1–08 Edition)

(r) Mitigation.1 (1) Mitigation is an ments. For Section 404 applications,

important aspect of the review and bal- mitigation shall be required to ensure
ancing process on many Department of that the project complies with the
the Army permit applications. Consid- 404(b)(1) Guidelines. Some mitigation
eration of mitigation will occur measures are enumerated at 40 CFR
throughout the permit application re- 230.70 through 40 CFR 230.77 (Subpart H
view process and includes avoiding, of the 404(b)(1) Guidelines).
minimizing, rectifying, reducing, or (iii) Mitigation measures in addition
compensating for resource losses. to those under paragraphs (r)(1) (i) and
Losses will be avoided to the extent (ii) of this section may be required as a
practicable. Compensation may occur result of the public interest review
on-site or at an off-site location. Miti- process. (See 33 CFR 325.4(a).) Mitiga-
gation requirements generally fall into
tion should be developed and incor-
three categories.
porated within the public interest re-
(i) Project modifications to minimize
view process to the extent that the
adverse project impacts should be dis-
mitigation is found by the district en-
cussed with the applicant at pre-appli-
cation meetings and during application gineer to be reasonable and justified.
processing. As a result of these discus- Only those measures required to ensure
sions and as the district engineer’s that the project is not contrary to the
evaluation proceeds, the district engi- public interest may be required under
neer may require minor project modi- this subparagraph.
fications. Minor project modifications (2) All compensatory mitigation will
are those that are considered feasible be for significant resource losses which
(cost, constructability, etc.) to the ap- are specifically identifiable, reasonably
plicant and that, if adopted, will result likely to occur, and of importance to
in a project that generally meets the the human or aquatic environment.
applicant’s purpose and need. Such Also, all mitigation will be directly re-
modifications can include reductions in lated to the impacts of the proposal,
scope and size; changes in construction appropriate to the scope and degree of
methods, materials or timing; and op- those impacts, and reasonably enforce-
eration and maintenance practices or able. District engineers will require all
other similar modifications that re- forms of mitigation, including compen-
flect a sensitivity to environmental satory mitigation, only as provided in
quality within the context of the work paragraphs (r)(1) (i) through (iii) of this
proposed. For example, erosion control section. Additional mitigation may be
features could be required on a fill added at the applicants’ request.
project to reduce sedimentation im-
pacts or a pier could be reoriented to
minimize navigational problems even PART 321—PERMITS FOR DAMS
though those projects may satisfy all AND DIKES IN NAVIGABLE WA-
legal requirements (paragraph (r)(1)(ii) TERS OF THE UNITED STATES
of this section) and the public interest
review test (paragraph (r)(1)(iii) of this Sec.
section) without such modifications. 321.1 General.
(ii) Further mitigation measures may 321.2 Definitions.
be required to satisfy legal require- 321.3 Special policies and procedures.
AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 401.
1 Thisis a general statement of mitigation
SOURCE: 51 FR 41227, Nov. 13, 1986, unless
policy which applies to all Corps of Engi-
otherwise noted.
neers regulatory authorities covered by
these regulations (33 CFR parts 320–330). It is
not a substitute for the mitigation require- § 321.1 General.
ments necessary to ensure that a permit ac- This regulation prescribes, in addi-
tion under section 404 of the Clean Water Act tion to the general policies of 33 CFR
complies with the section 404(b)(1) Guide-
lines. There is currently an interagency
part 320 and procedures of 33 CFR part
Working Group formed to develop guidance 325, those special policies, practices,
on implementing mitigation requirements of and procedures to be followed by the
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with CFR

the Guidelines. Corps of Engineers in connection with


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Corps of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, DoD § 322.1

the review of applications for Depart- (b) District engineers are authorized
ment of the Army (DA) permits to au- to decide whether DA authorization for
thorize the construction of a dike or a dam or dike in an intrastate navi-
dam in a navigable water of the United gable water of the United States will
States pursuant to section 9 of the Riv- be issued (see 33 CFR 325.8).
ers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. (c) Processing a DA application under
401). See 33 CFR 320.2(a). Dams and section 9 will not be completed until
dikes in navigable waters of the United the approval of the United States Con-
States also require DA permits under gress has been obtained if the navi-
section 404 of the Clean Water Act, as gable water of the United States is an
amended (33 U.S.C. 1344). Applicants for interstate waterbody, or until the ap-
DA permits under this part should also proval of the appropriate state legisla-
refer to 33 CFR part 323 to satisfy the ture has been obtained if the navigable
requirements of section 404. water of the United States is an intra-
state waterbody (i.e., the navigable
§ 321.2 Definitions. portion of the navigable water of the
United States is solely within the
For the purpose of this regulation, boundaries of one state). The district
the following terms are defined: engineer, upon receipt of such an appli-
(a) The term navigable waters of the cation, will notify the applicant that
United States means those waters of the the consent of Congress or the state
United States that are subject to the legislature must be obtained before a
ebb and flow of the tide shoreward to permit can be issued.
the mean high water mark and/or are
presently used, or have been used in PART 322—PERMITS FOR STRUC-
the past, or may be susceptible to use TURES OR WORK IN OR AFFECT-
to transport interstate or foreign com-
merce. See 33 CFR part 329 for a more
complete definition of this term. UNITED STATES
(b) The term dike or dam means, for
the purposes of section 9, any impound- 322.1 General.
ment structure that completely spans 322.2 Definitions.
a navigable water of the United States 322.3 Activities requiring permits.
and that may obstruct interstate wa- 322.4 Activities not requiring permits.
terborne commerce. The term does not 322.5 Special policies.
include a weir. Weirs are regulated pur- AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 403.
suant to section 10 of the Rivers and SOURCE: 51 FR 41228, Nov. 13, 1986, unless
Harbors Act of 1899. (See 33 CFR part otherwise noted.
§ 322.1 General.
§ 321.3 Special policies and proce-
dures. This regulation prescribes, in addi-
tion to the general policies of 33 CFR
The following additional special poli- part 320 and procedures of 33 CFR part
cies and procedures shall be applicable 325, those special policies, practices,
to the evaluation of permit applica- and procedures to be followed by the
tions under this regulation: Corps of Engineers in connection with
(a) The Assistant Secretary of the the review of applications for Depart-
Army (Civil Works) will decide whether ment of the Army (DA) permits to au-
DA authorization for a dam or dike in thorize certain structures or work in or
an interstate navigable water of the affecting navigable waters of the
United States will be issued, since this United States pursuant to section 10 of
authority has not been delegated to the the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33
Chief of Engineers. The conditions to U.S.C. 403) (hereinafter referred to as
be imposed in any instrument of au- section 10). See 33 CFR 320.2(b). Certain
thorization will be recommended by structures or work in or affecting navi-
the district engineer when forwarding gable waters of the United States are
the report to the Assistant Secretary also regulated under other authorities
of the Army (Civil Works), through the of the DA. These include discharges of
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with CFR

Chief of Engineers. dredged or fill material into waters of


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