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Technical English

Development of clases
*Preguntas indirectas/Direct questions:

1-Direct questions  are the “normal” questions that we

can ask friends, family members, and people who we
know well. 
Questions that you ask friends, family and those you
know well on a normal basis are considered  direct
1-Do you know how to save/install a program?
2-Where is the computer?
3-What time does the accounting manager leave?
4-What time is it?
5-What is your electronic teacher name?
6-What is electricity?
7-Do you study accounting?
8-What do the electricians do?
 Indirect questions are a little more formal and polite.
Las  indirect questions (preguntas indirectas) son
aquellas estructuras que utilizamos en inglés para
preguntar algo de manera más educada y menos directa.
El orden de las palabras es como si fuese una frase norm

Indirect question we use different ways like these

Can you tell me
Could tell me
Do you know
Do you know what time the bus leaves ‘?.
Can you tell me what time it is?

Could you tell me what your name is?

Example of a direct question:

“How do we get to your compuer lab-?”/ ¿Cómo

llegamos a tu laboratorio de informatica?
Phrases for Indirect Questions
 Could you tell me…/ • Podría decirme…
“Could you tell me where your computerbook is?”

 Do you know…/ • Tú sabes…

Do you know how to repair the computer.
 I was wondering…/ • Me preguntaba…
 Do you have any idea…/ • Tienes alguna idea
 I’d like to know…/ • Me gustaría saber…
 Would it be possible…/ • Seria posible…
 Is there any chance…/ • Hay alguna oportunidad…
Direct:  Where is Bob montero?
Indirect: Could you tell me where Bob monteros is?
In indirect questions with is/are, the verb (is)
comes  after  the subject.
Direct:  What time does the peter’s storecomputer open?
Indirect: Do you know what time the peterr’s
storecomputer opens?
With indirect questions, we aren’t going to use auxiliary
verbs like  do/does/did. You can also see that the direct
question uses the verb open, whereas, the indirect
question uses the verb opens.
II - change indirect questions to direct questions:
I was wondering where technician of refrigeration is(indirec question)
1-Where is technician of refrigeration? (direct question )
2-I was wondering if technical english exam is O.K.
3-I´m not sure if he is electricity technician.
4-Can you tell me if you know accounting manager.
5-Do you know where I can find a photocopier.
6-Do you know where accountant lives
7-Can you tell me where you have been.

8-Could you tell us what you studied at IPHA?

9-I want to know where auditor Works
10-Do you know what their names are?
11-Can you tell me how long you have used the computer lab.?
12-I can not remember if Esther likes cost accounting.
13- I wonder if you are industrial mechanic worker.

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