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Southeast University

Mid-Term Assignment
Semester: Summer-2020
Course Title: Principles of Management
Course Code: MGT111
Section: 3
Submitted to,
MRS. Shamima Akter
Submitted by,
MD. Sadiqur Rahman Toky
ID: 2020010000112
Answer to the Question 1

Organizational Goal: Organizational goals are strategically set objectives that outline expected results
and guide employees’ efforts.

Suppose I have opened a new International Restaurant, my goal is to provide hygienic and delicious food
to my customers worldwide, with quality and give the best service to the customers. Therefore, I have to
follow strategic, tactical and operational goals to fulfill.

Strategic Goal: Strategic goals are goals set by and for top management of the organization. These goals
are made by focusing on broad general issues.

Suppose I am the Founder of my Restaurant and a part of top-level management I always council with
my Directors and Branch Managers to manage in accordance to fulfill my plan. For Example, I ask them
to deal with good companies for ingredients to buy supplies for foods of my restaurant and have
different menus in different countries to match with their taste of culture etc.

Tactical Goal: Tactical goals are set for middle managers. These goals focus on how to operationalize
actions necessary to achieve the strategic goals. Middle managers of various departments are usually
responsible for their attainment. The middle managers set tactical goals, but often top-managers set
tactical goals for the middle managers.

The Directors and Branch Managers council with the middle managers of my organization to manage the
process and they connect and deal with other companies for supplies and have different sets of recipes
in different countries to match with their culture and taste. For example, no service of pork in Muslim
countries, no beef in Hindu majority countries, Desi type of menus in the South East Asian countries, etc.
Also, need to cook nicely so that the customers will love the brand.

Operational Goals: Operational goals are set by and for lower-level managers. Operational goals are
usually made to tackle shorter-term issues associated with the tactical goals and lower-managers are
responsible for their attainment.

The lower Managers execute ideas from the middle manager, tackle issues, informs the management,
and provides good chef, waiters and other necessary employees to run the restaurant with its service.

Organizational Plan: Planning in management allows a manager to develop and implement strategic
action steps aimed at reaching an organizational goal. There are three major types of planning, which
include strategic planning, operational planning, and tactical planning.

Strategic Plan: To focus on the organizational goal, The top level managers will deal with the suppliers
with an agreement and a budget and find a suitable place for the restaurant in a good society where
people visits a lot. The branch managers will order to the middle level managers to receive the supplies
and check for its fairness.

Tactical Plan: The middle level managers will look after the restaurant’s cleanliness and hygiene. They
will also manage the supplies daily and payments. They will operate with the lower managers, solve
issues, inform the top-level managers for big issues, and maintain hard work for necessary things to
reach the goals.
Operational Plan: The lower level managers will look after the chefs for better cooking according to the
menu and make sure that no complaints against the food and its hygiene and the employees’ behavior.
They must follow the middle level managements order and should look after inside the restaurant to
keep the real service perfect to fulfill the organizational goal according to its plan.
Answer to the Question 2

The task environment of Beximco Pharmaceutical are Competitors, customers, suppliers, regulators, and
strategic partners.

Diagram of The Task Environment of Beximco Pharmaceutical:


Laboratories CUSTOMERS

REGULATORS Cipla Individual Consumers

GDRs Aurobindo Adult and under aged

Sun Pharma
DGDA Institutional customers

Securities and Patients



Chemical manufacturers
Drug Suppliers.
FTI Consulting
International suppliers
SPARK Advisory Partners
Way to Adapt these Task Environments:

External environment of an organization, which affects its ability to reach business goals. Any business
or consumer with direct involvement with an organization may be part of the task environment.
Examples of task environment sectors include competitors, customers, suppliers and labor supply.

Competitors: The competitors of Beximco are also producers of pharma products and they have a strong
competition in the business industry but Beximco is still performing better than their competitors.
Beximco need to keep this hard work to remain the champion among the competitors.

Customers: It is sure to know that the customers are mostly patients whether they are adults and babies
or pregnant women as a Medicine seller and keep on producing and advertising with quality will
increase the customers.

Suppliers: The suppliers should supply hygienic and clean supplies to keep the product and its package
safe as serious.

Strategic Partners: Locally and internationally rich with strategic partners and should keep the strategic
partnership for success and needs for strategic partners internationally to grow more.

Regulators: The national and International regulators should be kept and get more honor for the
betterment of the company.
Answer to the Question 3:

Several Important Skills that help Managers Succeed:

The Important skills in which managers can succeed are,

Technical Skills: Technical skill is an ability to apply specialized knowledge in managing job. It tends to be
more important for lower-level managers. This is because lower-level managers typically manage
employees who use tools and techniques to produce the organization's products and services.   Examples
are accounting, coding, computer skills, data analytics, data mining, design, engineering, marketing,
photography, plumbing, programming, project management, SEO, training, and quality control.

Human Skill: Human skill is an ability to communicate, work with and motivate people both individually
and in groups. It is equally important at all levels of management, because all managers must deal
directly with people. Leadership is an Example of human skill.

Conceptual Skill: Conceptual skill is an ability to analyze a situation and taking action to overcome the
problematic situation. It is most important at top levels of management. Managers at top levels must
use conceptual skills to see the organization as a whole, to understand the relationships among various
subunits, and to visualize how the organization fits into its broader environment. Budgeting is an
example of conceptual skill.
Time Management: The manager’s ability to prioritize work, to work efficiently, and to delegate

Communication Skill: A manager’s abilities both to effectively convey ideas and information to others
and to effectively receive ideas and information from others.

Importance of Skills Vary by Level:

Top Level Managers: It consists of board of directors, chief executive or managing director. The top
management is the ultimate source of authority and it manages goals and policies for an enterprise. It
devotes more time on planning and coordinating functions. There is a small number of executives.
Conceptual skill is most important for this level. The top-level managers need conceptual skills to
manage goals and policies for the enterprise.

Middle Level Managers: It includes branch managers and departmental managers. They are responsible
to the top management for the functioning of their department. They devote more time to
organizational and directional functions. In small organization, there is only one layer of middle level of
management but in big enterprises, there may be senior and junior middle level management. It
includes largest no. of executives. Time Management is important for them execute their
announcements and Human Skills is needed for communication.

Lower Level Managers: Lower level is also known as supervisory / operative level of management. It
consists of supervisors, section officers, superintendent etc. They are concerned with direction and
controlling function of management. Their number is more than top-level management but less than
mid-level management. Technical skill is mandatory for this level along with Human Skill.
Importance of Skills Vary by Area:

The Marketing Manager need Human Skill for communication with customers. They also need technical
skill for their area.

The Financial Manager need technical skills and conceptual skill to work on financial calculations or

The Operations Manager need time management skill, technical skill and human skill to operate the
management process or responsibilities to do in time, manage employees and communication.

The Human Recourse Manager needs human skill, conceptual skill and technical skills for communicate
with employees, work according to his field and technically.

The Administrative Managers need time management and technical skills to do their administrative
works in time.

The Specialized Management need technical skill to work according to their responsibilities and time
management to do in time and communication skill to communicate with the other managers.
Answer to the Question 4

According to my opinion among the 14 principles of Henry Fayol, The Scientific Management is valid in
the organizations in the present. Because Scientific Management is a concept. It is a way of doing things
in a better and faster way even with the existing resources provided to the employees intended to do
so. It involves with the principles- Science not rule of thumb, Harmony not discord, Cooperation not
individualism, Maximum outputs in place of restricted output, Development of each man to his greatest

F. W. ( Frederic Winslow) Taylor ( 1856-1915) is known as the father of Scientific Management.

He was born in Philadelphia, USA. He was a very challenging man. He would not allow

anything to go without any challenge. He joined “Midvale Steel Co” as a worker and within 6

years he became the Chief Engineer of the organization. His achievement indicates what type of

man he was.

F .W. Taylor, while at Midvale Steel Co. could identify a problem with workers. He called that

problem “Soldiering by Worker”. Soldiering means working at less than full capacity by the

workers willingly. Management used to blame workers for soldiering. The reasons behind

soldiering are as follows:

1. The workers were afraid of losing their job. They thought if they work in their full

capacity at least some of them will have to lose their job.

2. Faulty wage system developed by management is also another problem. Wages were paid

on the basis of hours worked not on the basis of output. So workers were interested for

attendance not for output.

3. Taylor observed that the method of work handled down from generation to generation

was inefficient.

Because of the above reasons Taylor concluded that it is management who is actually responsible

for soldiering. He said that management can be blamed for this problem rather than workers.

Therefore, he developed a concept of “Scientific Management”.

Scientific Management is a concept. It is a way of doing things in a better and faster way even

with the existing resources provided to the employees intended to do so. It involves with the
following principles-

1. Science not rule of thumb

2. Harmony not discord

3. Cooperation not individualism

4. Maximum outputs in place of restricted output

5. Development of each man to his greatest efficiency

The issues related to Scientific Management are as follows:

1. Scientific Management is to know exactly what you want man to do and then seeing that

they do it in best and cheapest way.

2. Scientific Management is aimed at careful investigation of every operating problem in the

industrial world. Every possible solutions of doing a task were analyzed and after that the

best methods were combined. Taylor named it as “One best way” idea.

3. Scientific Management involves a mental revolution. It is the major theme of Scientific

Management. It means a complete mental revolution on the part of workers as well as

management. Without this revolution scientific management does not exist.

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