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Assignment #3: Workplace Communication (5%)

COMM2710 - Business Writing Strategies - Durham College – Winter 2021


You are an office worker at a large paper products company that has just installed an upgraded
computer system. Many employees are having difficulty with the new software. The
manufacturer’s representatives will be on-site all next week to provide training. Because you are
studying computer technology, you have been asked to serve as liaison.

You must inform your co-workers about the training, which will be delivered in Conference
Room 3 from Monday through Thursday in eight half-day sessions. (9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.,
and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.), organized alphabetically by workers’ last names, as follows: A-B, C-E, F-
I, J-M, N-P, Q-SL, SM-T, and U-Z. Workers unable to attend must sign up for one of the two
makeup sessions that will be held on Friday. You must ensure that everyone understands all
these requirements.

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the TWO activities.

1. Plan your message using PAIBOC. Fill in the chart below. The first row is done for you.

What does it
Letter Explain it for the case study.
stand for?

P Purpose The purpose of my message to staff is to…

Co-workers in the workplace

A Audience

 Training of new software

 Conference room 3 – Mon – Fri
 Eight half-day sessions (9-12 & 1-4)
I Information
 Organized by last name
 Makeup sessions on Fri

Help with new program & reps are here to help

B Benefits

No time & paid training?

O Objections

People are having issues using the new system

C Context

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2. Write a memo to be posted on all bulletin boards using your plan, making sure that
everyone understands all the requirements.

Date: January 24, 2021

To: All Employees

From: Teah Clark, Office Administrator

Subject: Upgraded Computer System Training

The purpose of my message to staff is to inform you that there will be training next week in
regard to the new computer system that has been installed on our computers. The
manufacturer’s representatives will be on-site next week to provide training to all employees.

The training will be held in Conference Room 3, from Monday through Friday. Each day will
be split into two training sessions, with 10 separate sessions for the week. The sessions will
be organized alphabetically by last name as follows:

A-B Monday – 9am – 12pm
C-E Monday – 1pm – 4pm
F-I Tuesday – 9am – 12pm
J-M Tuesday – 1pm – 4pm
N-P Wednesday – 9am – 12pm
Q-SL Wednesday – 1pm – 4pm
SM-T Thursday – 9am – 12pm
U-Z Thursday – 1pm – 4pm

If you cannot attend the training session that you are required to attend, you can attend a
makeup session on Friday, either from 9am – 12pm or 1pm – 4pm. Please email me, at, with the time you are wanting to get. It will be on a first come,
first served basis.

This training will be considered a paid training experience, so I implore you to take
advantage of this opportunity.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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