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"Embroidery" By Ray Bradbury

Plot-Line Analysis

The author gives small clues identifying the women have a tragedy beginning. To show symbolism
the author expressed the unspoken tragedy. Minutes before the destruction around them began
their hard work began to destroy also. The author uses symbolism through this segment of a short
story with small details. He never directly explains the women’s worries or emotions. The conflict
driving the story would be the unspoken emotions. All three women are awaiting a mass
destruction in which is still unknown to us.

Narrative Devices

Character Development
In this segment of the short story “Embroidery” by Ray Bradbury, three women sit on a porch in
anticipation creating an embroidery piece. They are all thinking of an unspoken event which is
occurring at 5:00, there is no direct hinting of what is going on with that but it can’t be good. They
all remain silent and attempt to change the subject and talk about shelling peas for dinner. The
narrator isn’t being very direct with explaining the women’s emotion, but you can tell there is a lot
of anxiety and denial.

Symbolism is the whole idea behind the embroidery their working on. An example would be the
beautiful bright flowers and the look on the man’s face slowly being destroyed. One of them
accidently ruined they piece, which made them attempt to fix it, but it was definitely too late. The
whole idea of symbolism for the 5:00 time and the agony behind it is unclear, but then again we
only get a segment of this short story.

Although the tragedy is unclear the reader gets a good enough idea how important this event is. It
seems to be a huge life event, because the whole story is clued into the women trying to distract
themselves from whatever five O’clock is bringing. The women are obviously in denial, a clear
sense of dread is hinted into the narration.

“Perhaps we’re foolish.” One of the women said this in nearing the arrival of 5:00. She was
attempting to ignore reality, although were unclear of the event, we know it was a huge
catastrophe. We all know as the readers that the event is quite destructive. The narrator hints
toward something that will be personally affecting all three women.

“At these words, hushed, they all busied themselves.” This is another display of the women
distracting themselves from the harsh reality of the situation. The women, like most in rough
situations, are in a way closing out from the situation. They are denying the event will occur and
focusing on something that seems to make them happy.
“The three women’s mouths twitched over their work.” This quote is showing how these women
are focused in on their work In attempt to drown out the reality of their situation. They attempt to
forget about reality and work on embroidering. They eventually got into a state of denial, and
hoping nothing would occur.

 Response to Embroidery simply by Ray Bradbury

The short story 'Embroidery', written by Beam Bradbury is one, which willcould be classed as a
scientific research fiction history with some politics aspects to it. 'Embroidery' ends in apocalyptic
terms, exactly where an atom bomb is dropped. Drafted in the 1960's meant that the cold warfare
was even now going on and being hit by an atomic bomb was highly possible. My spouse and I
think that due to this a general target audience reading this account in the period it was written
would have discovered this tale frightening with that time the storyline may destination even been
slightly debatable.

From a feminists standpoint this text message would be looked upon with a great deal of interest.
Firstly, the brief story was written by Beam Bradbury, a male, so a feminist reader may find it
interesting how girls are described in the history compared to the males. The text primarily deals
with several elderly women, who appear to be acting away their usual daily traditions, 'shelling
peas' and preparing dinner activities, which are normally associated with the unoriginal housewife.
yet, in this instance, these women appear to be independent, a characteristic which might be
admired by a feminist reader.

Throughout the story it can be concluded that these women happen to be widows, even so the
women's personal situation is simply not delved in. They are remaining nameless, unspecific
without any personal background or information of themselves, the story merely shows a
condition which I believe was completed allow the target audience to associate themselves with
the characters in the story for example a feminist reader with one of the impartial elderly

Another aspect, which may i actually... ... person standing on the road had a problem with his deal
with. “Here the author rather than meaning you gender could be generally accusing mankind. This
moral motif is only some that obvious or accessible and so probably disliked by a reader in a moral
important position. An additional moral topic which is touched upon gently throughout the
account is the question of technology rapid improvement and whether it is an overall benefit to
mankind or perhaps if it is leading us to the doom.

General, I think that the feminist target audience would be able to appreciate this text more as a
result of implied magnitude of the feminine and male or female issues raised. For a moral reader
this text would be quite disheartening because the crucial position of your moral visitor is
describes all good materials as moral and outstanding and this text hardly seems uplifting.

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