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Teacher Candidate: Shantell Boyer Date: 3/05/21

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. McDonald Coop. Initials N/A

Group Size: 15 Allotted Time 1 hr Grade Level First

Subject or Topic: Science (Plants) Section 304


3.1.1.B1. Grow plants from seed and describe how they grow and change. Compare to
adult plants.

4.4.1.C Describe the life cycles of different plants and animals in a terrestrial habitat.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

Students will be able to show their understanding of the life cycle of a plant by
completing the life cycle diagram and planting their own seed.

II. Instructional Materials

 Life cycle Strip
o Seed
o Sprout
o Seedling
o Plant
o Green strip of paper
 Video- life cycle of a plant
 Book- “The tiny Seed” By Eric Carle
 Coloring seed sheet

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
 General understanding of a plant
 General understanding and prior knowledge of seeds
 Understanding of the meaning of a life cycle (compare to self)
B. Key Vocabulary
 Seed- carry the food that helps
 Sprout- a new part that is growing on a plant
 Seedling- a young plant that is grown from a seed
 Plant- living things that cover the top layer of earth
 Life cycle- a series of changes that happens to all living things
C. Big Idea
 Students achieve an understanding of the life cycle of a plant through
multiple activities including building and growing own plant.
D. Content
 Students will be taught the life cycle along with each part of it and
what each part of the life cycle means and does for the plant.
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
 Hello my funky florists! Today will be the day that you have all been
waiting for…. we will be planting our plants today! But first we must
learn all we can about the life cycle of a plant so that we know what to
expect from our plant as it grows.
 Does anyone know what I mean when I say life cycle of a plant?
o Yes, it means the series of changes that a plant goes through as
if grows- just like you and I (from baby to adult)
 To learn more about the life cycle of a plant we will be reading a short
story called “The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle.”
o During the story we will stop to have discussions, answer
questions, and see if you have any questions throughout the
 *read aloud of the story, allowing for discussion and meaningful
questions throughout the book*

B. Development
 Now that we have read about the tiny seed and know the cycle that the
plant goes through- you will be creating your own seed life cycles, so that
you can see the transitions that the plant will go through.
 You will be getting a green strip of paper, and you will be getting a cut
out- paper, please listen closely for the directions to these.
o The green slip will be used to place the cycle of your seeds- you
will start with the first part of the seed’s life- which will be the
seed itself and then go from there.
o Then you will need to get a flower sticker from me to know that
you can move on and paste your life cycle to the green paper. It is
important that you listen to these instructions or your life cycle
may be all wrong.
o Next you will be writing the part of the life cycle that each of your
pictures are in, the options are in the board in order from seed all
the way to plant.
o Once you have completed those two steps then you may go on to
color your life cycle- and please remember to put your name on it!
 Great job making your life cycles my floral friends- let’s talk about each
part of the cycle and what is happening in them.
o *Goes through each part of the plant life cycle- allowing students
to express the piece that is next and what is happening in the
 Now first grade we will be identifying seeds in fruits or flowers, which is
where we get seeds for plants to continue to grow.
C. Closure
 This paper shows fruits and flowers, what I would like you to do is to
identify the seeds in the fruits and flowers. In order to identify the seed
in each fruit and flower, I need you to color the seeds either black or
o Once you identify the seeds in each picture, then you may take
your time to color the fruit or flower that the seed is a part of.
o While you are working to identify all of the seeds in the
pictures, I will also be showing a short clip about the life cycle
of a plant. You may listen as you work to learn more about the
life cycle of a plant.
 To wrap up the plant unit you will be taking an assessment for all of
the information that we have gone through about plants. You will all
do wonderful because you have learned so much about plants and are
the best funky florists!

D. Accommodations/Differentiation
 Student “S”
o One on one para throughout lesson
o Plant coloring sheet for during the reading portion of the lesson
o Pre-cut parts of the life cycle- matching color dots in order to
place in the correct order- tracible names of the parts
o Tracible name for seed identifying worksheet

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
 Thumbs up/ down
 Show me your flower in order to move on
 Check ins/ observation of the room
 Stickers and confirmation to move on during lesson
2. Summative
 Life cycle strip
 Seed identification sheet

V. Resources (in APA format)


 Carle, Eric. The Tiny Seed. Little Simon, 2018.



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