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stops National

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TUC Demonstration Against the Cuts • Saturday 26th March
Assemble 11am at Victoria Embankment, London
These unions sponsor the NSSN:

National Shop Stewards Network
his millionaires’ Fighting against the cuts We also support the call
government has is the biggest and most for co-ordinated industrial
taken a massive axe pressing challenge facing action against austerity
to our jobs, pay, conditions working class people in cuts, and are doing all we
and local services. Central Britain today. can in our respective unions
government funding to local to make sure that this
That is why the National Shop
councils is being slashed happens.
Stewards Network (NSSN)
by 27% over four years.
launched its Anti-Cuts If you would like to help us in
Already more than 150,000
Campaign. Supporters of this pressing task, you can
job losses have been
the NSSN are active in local join the NSSN, or your trade
announced across 260
anti-cuts groups across the union branch can affiliate to
councils. Whole services are
country and we aim to help the NSSN. To do this, simply
being destroyed.
bring trade unionists and fill out the form below.
Many of the severest cuts community campaigners
This is the fight of our lives,
are in traditional Labour together to fight to save all
but together and without
areas which already have jobs and services.
wavering from the clear
very high unemployment –
Our NSSN campaign has demand of ‘Stop All Cuts’ we
1,500 jobs to go in Leeds,
been launched on a clear can win!
1,500 in Liverpool, 2,000
‘Oppose ALL cuts’ platform
in Manchester, 1,000 in TUC Demonstration
and therefore calls on
Camden, and many more. Against the Cuts
Labour councils to refuse
We face the biggest to implement the cuts. We Saturday 26th March
onslaught on our public will organise protests and Assemble 11am at Victoria
services since the 1920s support industrial action
Embankment, London
as the representatives of against them if they vote
the bosses in the form of to pass the attacks onto
the Tory-Liberal coalition workers’ jobs and services, NSSN National Conference
government try and make as well as campaigning Saturday 9th July, South
us pay for a crisis caused by against the vicious attacks Camden Community
their class. of the ConDems. School

Get involved I’d like to join the National Shop Stewards Network and enclose a cheque
for £5 c My TU branch would like to affiliate to the National Shop Stewards Network
and I enclose a cheque for £25 c please make cheques payable to ‘NSSN’
.......................................................................................................Post Code............................
Trade Union Branch...................................................................................................................
Send to: PO Box 54498 London E10 9DE, email or ring 07816 134 690 •

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