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Swimming is a good all-round activity because it keeps your heart rate up but take some of the impact

stress off your body, builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness, helps maintain a
healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs.

Additionally, swimming is the only exercise that has an effect on the entire body.

Let us read and ponder.



Did you know that the famous Titanic was the first cruise ship to have a swimming pool aboard
for guests? DO YOU AGREE? According to social media based from the facts , Titanic is only 2nd cruise
ship to have a swimming pool. The first was aboard ADRIATIC—the sister ship of Titanic.

The facts on swimming pool history led to some additional searching and came across a timeline
of pool history which was put together by the folks at SWIMMING POOL.COM.

Swimming Pool Evolution – A Timeline:

• 2500 BC: Egyptian hieroglyphics depicting swimming.

• 36 BC: Japanese historic records describe swimming competitions.

• 78 AD: Romans introduced swimming as a social event to Britain.

• 1400s: The Catholic Church objects to naked bathing on moral grounds.

• 1800s: Acrobatic diving is developed in Germany and Sweden.

• 1830s: Swimming clubs are established in England.

• 1844: The Breaststroke loses popularity after Britain is introduced to the Native

• American “Crawl.”

• 1862: The First documented indoor swimming pool is built in England.

• 1885: The first diving competition is held in Germany. Briton Matthew Webb is the


• documented person to swim the English Channel.

• 1900: The Paris Olympics feature an obstacle swimming event in the Seine River.

• 1907: The White star line installs a swimming pool on its ocean liner, The Adriatic.

• 1908: The international governing body of swimming, FINA (Federation

Internationale de Nataion de Amateur), is founded.

• 1912: Women’s swimming events are added to Olympic Games in Stockholm.

• 1924: Johnny Weissmuller sets 67 world swimming records before becoming a

• Hollywood movie star.

• 1943: Two-piece swimsuits are introduced after wartime shortages prompt a 10%

• reduction in the amount of fabric used to create swimsuits.

• 1972: Mark Spitz wins seven gold medals in the Summer Olympics.

• 2008: American Michael Phelps becomes the world’s most decorated Olympic

• swimming with a career total of 14 gold medals.

• Today: The National Swimming Pool Foundation estimates there are more than 10

• million swimming pools across the USA, including more than 360,000

public pools that are open year round.

Swimming emerged as a competitive recreational activity in the 1830s in England. In 1828, the first
indoor swimming pool, St George's Baths was opened to the public.[6] By 1837, the National Swimming
Society was holding regular swimming competitions in six artificial swimming pools, built around
London. The recreational activity grew in popularity and by 1880, when the first national governing
body, the Amateur Swimming Association was formed, there were already over 300 regional clubs in
operation across the country.[7]


Social Benefits of Swimming

While the physical and health benefits of swimming are often talked about, many people overlook the
numerous social benefits and opportunities that swimming can bring to participants. If you’re looking to
increase opportunities for socialization and improve vital social skills, swimming is a great way to do so.
Let’s take a look at a few of the ways swimming pools can improve your social life.

Increased Social Opportunities.

For youngsters and adults alike, swimming is a great way to meet new friends and connect with those
with similar interests. Swimming pools serve as a hub for all sorts of activities, social gatherings, and
community activities, including:

• Swimming lessons

• Pool exercise classes

• Competitive swim teams

• Pool parties & backyard barbecues

• Community pools

• Water parks

All these activities and locations provide a way to meet new people in a fun, no-pressure situation.
These activities also provide for natural conversation starters, which can help you break the ice and
avoid awkward silences that can happen when meeting new people.

Fosters Valuable Teamwork and Leadership Skills…..

If you’re a part of a competitive swim team, or even just having fun playing family-friendly pool games in
your backyard, you’re automatically learning how to work as a team to accomplish a shared goal.
Understanding how to work alongside people who are different than you is an incredibly valuable social
skill that is necessary for success at work, school, and at home.

Especially for kids and young adults, swimming is a great way to get all the social benefits, leadership,
teamwork, and life skills that come from being a part of an athletic team — without many of the physical
risks that come with other competitive, full-contact sports.

Boosts Confidence

Swimming has been linked to helping boost confidence in numerous ways.

• Look good, feel good. The physical benefits of swimming help people feel better about their
bodies, which in turn makes them more comfortable in their own skin and confident in themselves.

• Reaching goals. Setting and reaching their physical and personal goals, such as mastering a
difficult stroke/dive, losing weight, or leading your swim team to victory, often serves as a confidence
booster for swimmers.

• Finding your niche. In general, participating in activities you enjoy, investing in a hobby, and
feeling like you belong to a social circle helps you become more well-rounded and confident.

Confidence and high self-worth is a key component in almost all areas of life, from relationship-building
to succeeding in the workplace. Swimming can be a great way for people of all ages to build confidence
by reaching personal goals, connecting with others, and feeling a sense of purpose.
If you or your child are struggling to make friends or find an enjoyable social activity, maybe it’s time to
give swimming a try.

Of course, swimming is much more fun & social when you have great pool toys and floats to use when
enjoying the water. We’ve got you covered there…

15 benefits of swimming. Swimming offers a variety of benefits to mental and physical health.

1. A whole-body workout

Swimming engages almost every major muscle group, requiring a person to use their arms, legs, torso,
and stomach.

Swimming also:

• increases the heart rate without putting stress on the body

• improves strength

• tones muscles

• enhances fitness

• helps to manage weight

2. Building cardiovascular strength

Cardiovascular exercise, often referred to as cardio, involves the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. A
thorough workout routine, such as one that features swimming, will include this type of exercise.
Research suggests that swimmers have half the mortality rate of inactive people. A study from 2016
indicates that swimming can help to lower blood pressure and control blood sugar levels.

3. Suitable for all ages and fitness levels

Some types of exercise may be challenging for people who are new or feel very unfit.

However, swimming allows a person to go at their own pace, and it can be inviting for newcomers.A
person can learn to swim at a very young age, and most swimming pools have a designated area for
beginners and people who prefer to swim slowly.
4. A great skill to have

The benefits of learning to swim safely and confidently can extend beyond mental and physical fitness.
In some cases, it may even be lifesaving.

5. Good for people with injuries

Having an injury or conditions, such as arthritis, can make it difficult to do high-impact exercise.

Because water gently supports the muscles, swimming is preferred by many who are unable to take part
in high-impact, high-resistance exercises.

6. Good for people with disabilities

A physical disability, such as paraplegia, can limit workout options.

Because water provides resistance and support, many people find that swimming is an ideal option.

Because swimming can boost confidence and improve social skills, it may benefit people with mental

7. Helping with asthma

In addition to building cardiovascular strength, swimming can increase lung capacity and improve
control over breathing.

While the humid air of indoor pools may also help to improve asthma symptoms, some studies indicate
that disinfectant chemicals used in pools can make symptoms worse.

They may also increase the likelihood of a swimmer developing the condition.

8. Improving symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS)

Water keeps limbs buoyant, so people with MS may benefit from the support and gentle resistance that
water provides.One study noted a significant reduction in pain when people with MS took part in a 20-
week swimming program.Participants also reported improvements in MS-related fatigue and

9. Safe during pregnancy

Swimming is a recommended form of exercise for pregnant people.

Added weight can cause joint and muscle pain during pregnancy.

Swimming is especially popular with pregnant people because the water can support this weight.

This helps to feel more comfortable while staying fit.

It is always a good idea to consult a doctor when undertaking a new form of activity during pregnancy.

10. Burning calories

Swimming is an excellent way to burn calories. The amount burned depends on a person’s weight and
how vigorously they swim.

Use this calories calculator to determine how many calories are burned while working out.

11. Variety and fun

People tend to get bored with repetitive exercise, but there are many ways to keep swimming

There are several strokes to master and flotation aids to try. Also, classes in water aerobics and polo, as
well as racing and diving, can help to add variety.

12. Helping to improve sleep

A trial involving older adults with insomnia reported improved sleep in those who exercised regularly.

A 2010 review determined that around half of the older adult population reports difficulty sleeping. If
accessible, swimming may benefit those who seek better sleep.

13. Boosting moods

Exercise releases endorphins, which improve the mood. Swimming may also boost confidence and social
skills, which can impact a person’s self-esteem.

A 2014 pilot study involving people with dementia showed that those who swam regularly in a 12-week
period showed an improvement in mood.

14. Managing stress

Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. It can also redirect the mind away from troubling

Though more research is needed, even 20 minutes of physical activity a week may help a person to feel
more relaxed.

15. Accessible and affordable

Many towns and cities offer public pools with discounted rates. Some offer free access at certain times
or free swimming lessons.

Swimming in a lake or ocean may be an attractive option. Always take safety precautions, such as
ensuring supervision, when swimming in open waters.

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