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2020-2021 2nd Cycle Department

5TH YEAR / Option: Electric Machines

Teacher in charge: Mrs. Y. HOUTI Exam Date: 29/03/2021

1st Term English Final Examination Key Answer (Corrigé EF1)

- Andrew Wilson is applying for the job of an electrical engineer. To respond to an advertisement,
he submitted a cover letter joined with his curriculum vitae; however, his letter is incomplete.

1- Find out five (5) missing things to help Andrew complete his letter. Number one is done for you.

(2pts x 5 = 10pts)
 Andrews’ contact information 1

 Date 2
 Formal greeting / salutations 3
 Introducing paragraph that includes: why the applicant is writing, which position he’s applying for and
how he heard about the position 4
 Business-like closing5
 Signature 6

2- After a week, the company called Andrew for an interview. Briefly, give him four (4) tips to have a
successful job interview.
(2.5pts x 4 = 10pts)
- In this question, the use of either the IMPERATIVE sentence or the YOU + modal verb (have to /
must / need / should) is required.
- Answers speaking about punctuality and the way to dress for the interview are not accepted.
- Only answers that speak about language and communication are considered.

These are some examples

 Try to convince the interviewer that your profile suits the job requirements when asked to speak about
 You have to talk about your education, work experience or company internships, skills, interests and
hobbies related to the requirements of the offered job.
 Use the STAR Interview Response Method to provide concrete examples or proof that you possess the
experience and skills for the job at hand.
 Get training on the use of non-verbal communication (i.e., body language, tone of voice, eye-contact,
etc.). / Get prepared by doing many rehearsals.
2020-2021 2nd Cycle Department
5TH YEAR / Option: Electric Machines

Teacher in charge: Mrs. Y. HOUTI Exam Date: 29/03/2021

1st Mid-Term English Examination Key Answer (Corrigé IE1)

- Are these statements True or False. Correct the false statement. (4pts x 5 = 20pts)

If the FALSE sentences are not appropriately corrected, a mark of 0 is given.

1- The STAR technique is usually used for problem solving. …False……………

 The IDEA technique is usually used for problem solving.
1- The STAR technique is usually used for problem solving. …False……………
 The STAR technique is usually used as a job interview response method.

2- A good presentation is mainly based on good content and correct form. …………True………
*correct form means the presentation structure besides the way content is delivered to the audience
(verbally and non-verbally).

3- The 10-20-30 rule belongs to the IELTs speaking test interview strategy. ………False…………
 The 10-20-30 rule belongs to the structure of a good presentation.

4- The covering letter and the application letter are different in content and aim. ……… False …….
 The covering letter or cover letter is also known as the application letter.

5- In Algeria, an Engineering Diploma is also known as a Bachelor’s Degree. ……… False ……

 An Engineering Diploma is also known as a Master’s Degree which requires a completion of five years
of studies before graduation, but a Bachelor’s Degree also known as a First Degree is obtained after
only three years.

*Here, the spelling of Master’s Degree is required, otherwise 0 is given.

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