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Teacher Candidate: Shantell Boyer Date: 3/09/21

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. McDonald Coop. Initials N/A

Group Size: 15 Allotted Time 1hr Grade Level First

Subject or Topic: Science (Plants) Section 304


3.1.1.A2. Investigate the dependence of living things on the sun’s energy, water,
food/nutrients, air, living space, and shelter

3.1.1.A5. Identify and describe plant parts and their function

3.1.1.B1. Grow plants from seed and describe how they grow and change. Compare to
adult plants.

4.1.1.A Identify and describe the basic needs of living things in a terrestrial habitat.

4.4.1.C Describe the life cycles of different plants and animals in a terrestrial habitat.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

Students will be able to show their understanding of the plant unit by receiving a 95% or
higher on their unit examination.

Students will be able to show their understanding of plants by planting their own seed
and ensuring that it is properly taken care of.

II. Instructional Materials

 Plant Unit Exam
o Pencil
o Crayons
 Planting Bean
o Lima bean
o “My Seed House” worksheet
o Soil
o Baggie
o Water
o Pencil
o Scissors
o Crayons

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
 Adequate knowledge of the parts of a plant
 Adequate knowledge of what a plant needs in order to grow
 Adequate knowledge of plant life cycle
 Adequate knowledge of a plant seed (specifically bean seed)
B. Key Vocabulary
 Parts of a Plant
o Roots
o Stem
o Leaf
o Flower
 5 Plant needs
o Sun
o Water
o Soil
o Air
o Space
 Life cycle of a plant
o Seed
o Sprout
o Seedling
o Plant
C. Big Idea
 Students will show all of their knowledge of a plant- the parts, the life
cycle, the needs of a plant, seed identification.
D. Content
 Previous skills from plant lessons throughout unit- parts of a plant, the
life cycle, the needs of a plant, and seed identification will be the
content included on the unit exam.
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
 Alright my funky florists today is the day! We are going to go through
some questions so that I know YOU are ready to plant and grow a
bean seed- raise your hand if you are ready to plant!
 Great! I am so excited, but first let’s take a walk out to our hallway
bulletin board in order to review all that we have learned about plants!
 *Allows students to go through each section and part of the plant unit,
discussing what was learned and what each one means to the plant*

B. Development
 That was a great review my floral scientists- I believe that you are all
ready to answer your questions in order to be able to plant your seed, do
not worry we are going to go through each part together.
o Remember that we are quite during this time and that we only
work and look at our own paper.
 First page shows a plant with lines and numbers, each of these lines point
to a part of the plant, and I would like you to tell me the part of the plant
that it is. Please take your time and I am here for help and spelling.
 Once you have labelled the name of the plant, I would like you to take out
your crayons and listen to the colors that I want you to use for the parts.
o The flower of the plant needs to be colored blue.
o The stem of the plant needs to be colored a dark green.
o The leaves of the plant need to be colored light green (make sure
that I can see a difference in shading from the stem to the leaves)
o The roots of the plant need to be colored brown
 Now we are on the second page and I would like you to write the name of
each of these parts of the life cycle of a plant- if it helps you may also
number the pictures first and then write the names- the options for the
cycle of the plant are written here on the board in order.
o If you finish and others are still working you may go back and add
more color to your plant parts picture.
 On the third page you will be circling what things a plant needs in order to
grow, I am going to point to each picture and tell you what it is before you
o First picture (points to it on smartboard)- is soil
o Second picture (points)- is the sun
o Third picture (points)- is food
o Fourth picture (points)- is rain/water
o Fifth picture (points)- is air
o And the last picture (points)- is a house
 On the last page I would like you to color all of the seeds in the picture
black, with your black crayon.
o If you finish early you may color the fruit until we are ready to
move on and plant, but you may not use black for anything but the
seeds on the picture.

C. Closure
 Great job! Now we will be planting our beans!
 First you will get this cutout that you can color and create a little home for
your bean, while you are working on that, you will be called one at a time
to come plant your seed into the baggie.
o You will be putting the soil, the seed, and water in your baggie
while myself and the teacher assist you!
o Please wait your turn and be careful around the room because there
will be baggies with water, seeds, and soil setting on desks.
o If you finish your seeds home early, you may read one of the many
books we have read, and may not have read, about plants and all
we need to know about them.
 Wow! You are all officially funky florists- I am so unbelievably proud of
you all! I will be hanging the seeds on the window in order to give them
sunlight to grow and we will watch to see if they grow over the next few

D. Accommodations/Differentiation
 Student “S”
o One on one with para throughout exam and planting
o Test accommodated to student’s IEP needs
o Extra assistance when planting seed

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
 Thumbs up/ down
 Learning position= ready to move on
 Hand on head for more time
2. Summative
 Plant Unit Exam
 Completion of planting seed

V. Resources

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